Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jan 1909, p. 5

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<7) 7 ‘. ,- -_ _. .. _._.__- t vW’; .- . ~â€" Tticrumxr) I‘T’IEL, 02m. JAN. :28, [900 t 1.00 Achy... Valentine post, cards at. 'l‘nn LIB~ nan. Officw 511'. Shipniau, organizer for York! County. was in the village .’I‘hursday in the interest of the A. 0. L. \\'. lioll Call at the Epivoith Ia-nglic ‘- .nv'\'t Monday evening. The topic wilt the taken by Mr. T. F. McMahon. {A trim-ting of tire 1'1. Y. H. 1‘. of 1008. 1‘00. is called for next Tuesday even- ing. 2nd of Fol). at 8 o’clock, at Mrs. .\. Savage's. Only three cases came. up hefan- Judge Morgan at Division (loin-t heie last Saturday. and thc sitting lasted less than an hour. The Most. Rev. Arthur Sweatnian. Ilaw'd Archbishop of 'I‘o:oiito, died last Sunday in his 75th year. Interiirent. ,in St. Jaines‘ cemetery yesterday. The result of the Christmas exams. of the Ontario IA‘|\V School was given in Monday‘s dailies. Mr. G. Starr lit-Matron was successfui in thc second year. The Fancy. IIrt-ss Carnival ii'hich \ntsto have been held in the Thorn- ? lrill Rink last evening has been post- poned tillnext \Vediresday evening. For particulars see hills. The skips appointed for the Slater (‘up contest are requested to meet. in Mr. McDonald‘s shrp this evening at 8.30 to arrange a. Schedule of" games. All the skips should try and attend. .Iohn James. foraneily of British t‘olumhia, arid brother of \‘l'illiam James of Newton Brook, died in To- ronto last Saturdav, it‘. his 77th year. Interment at \Villowdale on Tuesday. 20th inst. The. Headford Methmlist church will hold their anniversary Thank- ot'r’ering services on Sunday next Jan. :ilst. Sl’lVlt‘PS will he held at 10.30 am. and 7 p. in. Special music will be given by the choir. In answerto iirquii-er Tire Tot-Milo “'orid is now $15.00 a year. THE IJB- ‘ FIKAL has not, a t-Inhhiiig rate with that. paper. The clnhlniig rate of THE LIBERAL and Daily Giotto, or Tim LIBERAL and Daily Mail & Empire. is $1.51). The annual meeting of the managers of the Presbyterian church will Irelield next \Vednesday. On the following day. Thursday. Rev. E. (I. (‘ni-iie, the newly appointed pasor, wiil he in- dticted. The. Executive of the Markham Township Sahhath School Association met in Utiitrtnille on Thursday last. atid after due consideration. decided to catich the Annual 1009 Convention entirely. The same officers to remain ii. ottice for another year. A body of men are at. work stringing wu-es along Yonge St. as far north as the. Power House at Bond Lake. This is an extension of the power lino from Niagara Falls. No doubt Richmond Hill and other places along Yonge St. .will soon he iii a pHSllitIll to use the Niagara power for lighting purposes, as Well as for running machinery. The manager of the Richmond Hill Creaiiierv and his assistant had a narrow est-ape from being seriously hurt one day last Week. \\'hile draw- ing straw the load upset and truth oc- cupants of their lofty position were precipitated to the ground with great force. Fortunately both were practi~ callv nirhurt, with the exception of a few bruises. PUBLIC MEETING. Farmers and all interested should attend the meeting to he held in the t‘olineil ()hanrhei- next Monday at 2 o‘clt ck, to discuss the question of new telephone Ctarituunieation, as per ad- yertisement iir another column. Matty farmers now-a-days find it to their :t(1\':t111:|g(’ to have a teleplrl-ne in their houso, and there are at present over 200 phones on the Bethesda atrd Stoutfâ€" ville line. wit 1r headquarters at Stout?â€" ville. The price of a phone “"11 be $12 I 1,000 phones extending from Scott to Lake Ontario, and east into “'hithy. The present stockholders are well sat- isfied. paid on the money invested. sentatives of the Company present on Monday to give full par-q ticulars. as satisfactory dividends are i INTERRED IN RICHMOND IIILI..! Many old friends attended the. burial UR Mr. Marl: \Vilson iii the village ‘ cemetery here last Saturday. ceased had lived here the greater part of his life. the family for many years " manufacturing the well-known “'ii. son fanning mill. Mark was fielder.“ lain of the young: Canadian Lacrosse team in its palinivst days. anl ear-i ied his team to many a victory. He lived for a number of years in the North. \\'est and died iii the (‘itv ot' “'inni- pig, hut expressed a. wish to he ‘Iltil‘ll‘ll at‘his old home among old friends. ‘ 't‘hereniains were brought from the. \Vesi by his brother Maitlaud. 1.1 . the Township. 1 a year. giving connection with about i . . l 0 [)c. PERSON A145. Miss Kinnt-o spent from Saturday till Monday with her friend Miss Sni- der of Newtoiihrook. Mrs. Geo. Itedd’ttt, has rcttu lll‘fl after- a. two \vr-eks’ visit with friends at Las- kay and King Creek. Mr. and Mrs. I). .\1. Derry and Miss Gertrqu Derry of Toronto spent a. few days with Mr. and Mrs. G. \Viley. Mr. and Mrs. \V. F. A. Glut-inc of Toronto who spent a week at Oak Ridges and Bethesda, rt-inaiiu-d over Sunday with Mrs. J. Ilelinkay, Mrs. Ulnhine‘s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Mulotilry of (Irillia took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Teefy on Tuesday. They left Toronto 'I‘ires- daynight for California win-re they will remain till the. middle of April. POSTPON ED M ATGJI. The hockey Tlmrnhill. between Richmond Hill and 'l‘horrihill, postponed on account of the mild weather. will take place next Monday evening. the first of Febru- ary. Game called at. 8 o‘clock. Ad~ iirission 10 cents. EN TRAN (I E EXAMINATIONS. The High SOIIOHI entrance examin- ations for 1909 will eoniinenCe on \Ved- nesday, June 23. at 8.45 in the morning. according to the decision reached by the Education Department on Satur- day. Prospective. candidates must irotity the public School inspectors his foic May I, while the inspector will he charged to notify the department as to tire number desiring to he examined not later than May 3. The following selections for mem~ orization are announced zâ€"Ontario Fourth Reatlers~l3oadicea. Lament of the Irish Emigrant. For a' That aiid a‘ That. Lead, Kindly Light. Lochin- var, The Influence of Beauty, the sonnet Night, and Eltgv \Vritteir in a Country Churchyard. Canadian (lath- olic Fourth Headersâ€"Lend. Kindly Light, Flow Gently. Sweet Afton, Step hyStep. Song of the River, As I Came Down Front Lebanon, Inscription for a Spring, The Bt‘lls of Shandoii, and the Elegy “'i-ittcn in a Country Churchyard. ' VAUGHAN C )UNGII. \VON. Acase of considerable iiiipoi-tanco. involving a point iii law. came before the Dominion Board of Railway Uoni- missioners yesterday. In May last Vaughan Council passed a resolution authorizing their Rome and Clerk to Sign Plans and Profiles of the di\er- sioii of a road at Nashville. 0th eon. Vaughan. near Kleinbirig station. pro\ide,d that said plans and profiles are first approved by the solicitor for The diversion of the road had been asked by the Civil En- gineer for the U. P. 11. Tire plans aiid profiles had not been presented to Mr. \V. H. Grant, Vaughan’s soliciter, but the (7. I). It. Closed the road. At the Noreiiihermeeting Vaughan Council rescinded the former resolution, and instructed the. C. P. R. Co. to have, the, fences removed, and the roadway put. into proper ct-rirt‘lition for public travel. As the Company did not move in the matter the fence was taken down by order of Reeve Devrns. The C. P. R. then took the case before the Railway Board. The case was dis- missed after a short- argnment iry the solicitors on either side. Judge Ma- hee charged Stroiiglv against the C. I’. R. for their endeavors to close a pub- lic highway iii an illegal manner. A. J. HUME TAILOR I? iohnlon (1 11 ill Repre- ' will he , For Sale 15‘) t'ords pine roots cut into tum] \vtaal, _\ good chance for those need. in: engine wood. \\‘ill he sold or. tin- gi-onmi. lot, 33. second (’I‘II. .‘-i:l‘.l{l‘r:ttil. II.\'1.lIt-(‘ttl‘(1 or otherwise to suit purâ€" chasers. Apply on the premises or to '\\'.\I. 11013133803'. 111:“: .‘Vliil> I‘. 0. 20-1 __ -3 . _ " " q , A. Month of Bargains "\Ve cannot make a good omelet! without breaking :\ It-w eggs," Saidi Napoleon after one of his tauious battles, and we cannot keep our stock clean and up-to-datc without breaking prices occasionally. The values we are offering now is reallyextx aordinary because red iictii ms are uiade on staple i lines of year-round usefulness as Well ' as on seasonahle goods. No more at l i l i . the pi lees when these are, sold. . l i i t ‘:t\:~- BOOTS , 1 Men‘s heavy split. hunts, re . $1.25an1 match in the Rink. 1 g ( $1.50 for$1.01) Men‘s heavy kip boots, reg. $2.50 for $3.00 Men‘s Dongnla boots, reg. $2.75 for $1.95 Misses‘ heavy glove grain boots, reg. $1.25 rind $1.50 for 75¢. Uhild'spehhle lrntton boots, reg. $1.25 a nd $1.00 for 50c. Misses' felt. boots and slippers reg. $1.50 for 95c. DRY GOODS. Men’s heavy woolen top shirts reg. 75c for 500 Men‘s fine fleet-ed underwear reg. 650 for 45c Men‘s white dress shirts - reg. $1.00 ftrl' 51h: Men‘s Cardigan jackets for 750 reg. $1.50 Heavy Lumber-men’s socks reg. 750 for 500 GROOE RTE S. 1} Guns tomatoes - - - for 250 3 Cans corn or peas - - for 25¢ ('3 Lbs. best- ricc - - - for 25C 5 Lbs. tapioca - - ~ - for 25c 7 Bars star laundry soap - 25c 33 Bars big 12%. bar soap - for 25c 2'2. Lbs. best St. Lawrence gran. sugar for $1.00 21 Lbs. best. St. Lawrence yellow sugar for $1.00 3 Bottles imported for 25c English pickles 3 Plugs large size. McDonald tobacco fort-250 tittitiii’t â€"':02â€"â€" ante-aria C A S S E L L 8’ Canadian .1? u b â€" ‘lishing Company The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. It is not necessary to send to foreign countries for maga- zines. Read the following:â€" (‘assel's Magazine. per aiintini . $1.30 The Story Teller . . . 1.70 i The Quiver . . . A 1.50 .‘vlusical Home Journal 150 The (iil'l<‘ Itealiii . 1.50 1.50 I.ittlel"olks . . 1.50 l tt‘hums : Subscriptions taken at THE 1LIBERAL Office, or may be sent to H. .rttced . ‘ v' .. . Land _ tific pa r. $ on. year \‘I'PQKIY. . tics and Inttxrestinc ln- t-vrruutinn. Simeon. a rap, »t t' ‘cieullflc Amer- ican son! free. Ari-tress Mt'. . . 70.. St‘iLNTinc MICAN Office. ‘31 Broadway. new York. “g Fu- WtJt‘ ________a~a~_‘_._a_ :CASSELLS a; COM PANY' l 42 Adelaide St. \V. ‘ I Toronto 1 \‘-+++++++++~2~++~P++++++++++++'+++H++MH+H+++++++++H». advantage of the bargains inc article, 4 lbs for 25c. for 25¢. for $ 1.00. Tea Talk and coloringâ€"a Tea that 50c. and 750. lb. drinking Coffee; altogether superb. Jan. 23th, 1909. ini-++++++++++++via++++++++Hui M+++++++++++¢++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++~iup+++++++++++++a¢+++++++++q ’1-1' . M” g. . _. .... .. . .,.....,.-v.a-p .- ~~ Money in your pocket If you read this advertisement of ours and take mention here means substantial savings. furnish reliable eatables at reasonable prices. testimony of our customers proves that the servrcc is correct and the sort particular buyers prefer. want only satisfied customers. wrong, tell us; we’ll make it right. Here are some quotations for good stuff:â€" Canned Corn, Peas, Tomatoesâ€"we will sell one can or one dozen cans for BC. can or Ioc. or 12%0. Pearl Tapioca, not a made-up stuff, but the genu- Polished Rangoon Rice, extra special, 5 lbs. Griffin & Skelley’s California Seeded Raisins, finest fancy goods, full 16-02. package we. Prunes, size 60 to 70, fine clean stock, per lb. 8c. Very fine natural Figs, choice, per lb. 5c. Nonpariel Jelly, in all flavors, 4 pack. for 25c. Extra Granulated Sugar, - You can buy Tea here that is out of the ordinary -â€"a Tea that IS all Tea, because free from adulter‘ation gardens 0t japan, India and Ceylonâ€"1t Our blends of pure Coffees at ‘250 , 30c., 40c. and 45¢. per lb, ground fresh. A mild, rich, smooth- rare ffavor, pleasing aroma, and Atkinson Switzcr +++++§W§M+++MH++++4 +'i‘+-§'+’I'+-1~+++++++’§ ++++$+++++ f offered. Buying what we We aim to The \Ve If anything goes this week 23 lbs. comes from the finest tea g5c.. 300, ++++++++++++.H++.,.+++++.H+4. +++~i~++++H~i~+++++++++++++++ ++++++++++H+H+++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++~t~+++++~t J'- . , _... ._~.v...,.«.,... ... ..., .m.mwmm imitiii Hill Hardware State 1 tie PAINTS It‘TIRNAC/‘ES, l TINSMITHING. l l uniâ€"rum New Striping ititi. #. 0.__ The undersigned are prepared to tuna) atria. AT 'I‘IIE ; DOMINION HOUSE . STABLES "Every Day of the \Veek. _{lh a romeo; Batman ti. 31-1 Ed airtime! STWES. RANGES. HEAiEES, AND OILS, ,i‘itigis attire tint TICKETS for the Canadian “'est . procured at iTIlE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA. Order's taken atâ€" Tllli LIBERAL () Fl” I (,‘I-I. IiIt‘IIMHNI) III!.I.. g. F F a arm 01' Name. 'l‘lr- west lialt'ot lot 23. ("11. '2. .‘Iitlh- 'l!7|lli. containing 10') “"1! -. All in o thiin state of cultivation. (in. it i. ‘. erected a. large brick li- 11'" :‘lHl ('t.Il~ Emoditus barns, all in g til ~tate t: lit-p llI'. The farm is well I'_l11"'l. (v'otwi ititl'li'tl'tl and watt-r. F-iil wheat ant" 'i'all plowing. For further partit-niai < pi ice and terms, :ip;vi_v on th-- iti‘r‘liliit'4 NIL'IIULAS LYNETT. 1)\\‘I\"". l I'it 1.11!‘ t.ti rc' ..

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