Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Feb 1909, p. 1

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5 . $1 per annum, 1n advanca. l “11: Essentials, Unity; £71 Non-Essentials, Libcrfy; in allthings, Charity.” to... xxxr . y! . .0) ‘ We grim} IS PUBLISHED EVERY EHURSDAY IVCORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRiNTING it PUELlSHik-S HOUS£ RICHMOND HILL,OI§T. l‘. H. MoMAI-lt’)N,. Emron r2 PROPEZETUIE. ..,.. BUSINESS CARDS. ad‘i‘irtzl. JJN. WILKINSUN. MU. l‘idr‘i‘$€~?.)fl T-l lliz. (f.\“,~'il)‘.l RIHIIUOND HILL Graduall- Victor in Univm sitv ,‘ti ‘EN'JE‘I‘ (I illi-gn Physicians and Sili'» gunmx‘, Ontario C i-ruf. Polyolinm, New 3 rirk i}:‘.3'l.§"§ of the Lungs :t Slot-triulty, pll‘tlt‘lllzll'ly consumption. mum i glottal. 3R. FULTON RiSDUN, 5') (Ezitiiait, your, Ya 1gp :tn.l Blow: Sts.. Toronto. i‘i'ill he i... Richmond Hill on \Vu'l nosday of each week. 1-9339. next door north of Stand- m'd Bank. 0.1130 {Inn'sâ€"3.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. mm Whitman: â€"».. _M_, JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, ’I’hox-uhill. Bills by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 1. SI Limits.“ Lunch-ear tor the county of Yo l; Piensice. Guts S'Ill ) l anaiquumnt General sales sum: um ‘)_|'D aptly tttandedzo at reasonabl: truss IteaiJrslice Uuion‘rille “is: 6 ml ling. Newton Brook. agent for the 'l‘ SAN Jun, ‘1‘!) a J K Menu-an Weston 5 lagoon A: tlcEwen. {ii ’4 w? i L~1k3fi moor» forthe County of York. 3 L 3- i. o n la I'm in :‘Jortostunticeand a. me.- n - ltJl'J .' .5» =’-rt.rouu,ge solicited H. G. SL080“, Dracula t lemon-eel rn‘: nhccounty of Yuri re. cinzmlly mlth min patronage and iriendly :a‘l‘lmca 1.1M: Ltcmivlsd on the sLortos‘t notice §n I at. ots'nvzhamtus P 0 address King J. EARL?) NEWTON Pianist Pupil of W. H. Shem-cod Privutu nud Claws Tuition in Plfillr- Playing and Theory and 3153 NORA NCMAKCN Pin-slate Privati- Piqno Lossons Fupils pimp-W'd for Examinatian ut 1hr Univvmity of Toronto nnd the Toronto Coilsm-yulory (If Music. MISS ETILLIE TRENCH max-3ND 33L; ,.. I ember of £11m “ ‘ 'h-i pupils for Primary. .lusri-Ii'. Hau- t‘Xillnllt‘lllzlll :Lt To!” l‘lU :‘r mtm‘yuud (‘t‘1lҤ:l’()fMH<-ll‘ -.=. 1 course in “Myers” l-{‘ ‘11“?- in P-Iv‘ihird. pnzli ".1? -r v ‘\ -""l I” my .znrr- ‘ r.."}\' i l ii lax-en” f ! RICHMOND HILL. (lN'l‘., ’i‘l‘IUliSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1.909 “M...â€" flint. ‘\ ‘ i i ' LILL‘i $6 itGAN Burrlktrrs and §oll¢-nm-s. Money to lnmrou laud *iuflcht»uel umztgageuit lowosl Mites Aul'lllnnmt'ar Iivllul‘r'i lv“- the; old pct: (mic.- our: duo: \xre-L it that column u tlw "‘lutut‘iu i'zit‘l. hwurmlmt “Flu-v '1 2mm tloznqs mm): M tl': u-r .nlwe 'I‘ Iii.;=:1}2h‘‘(.\mÂ¥ (; hi Liana-i: \‘lv"'-l‘fi 5t A t: l‘ I. "VY‘JRIVJE Pll'.:.9 Emu 1'9“ I‘J “minor 1‘ . fi "‘ 1 «'1!- 4-(! _ j- «nu hutnrlm. -... «I. 1.31” :.::.L’. Barristerafialiaitws.1%;th 1c. llomi- Liz»- litiliin: ("n-U l :‘L‘ \“il‘iol‘ln Sis” 'I‘Hznlfln. .i. M. LUNG Barrister, Solicitor. lite, 'Ilichmwud Hill (lriivr'. smith-vast Hr lit-t“ m" Lorna: Bldg” (-i‘t-ry 'I‘lillrstlny .il'tvrum-n. Tin-unto Uliicl’. iii} 'i'vrrlntn slt‘t‘ii. Manny To LOAN 5'." l,ou'I::«“r HATES. WILLIAM COOK Buznxsrxn, Soucm‘on, No’i‘un'. ETC. Toronto Office, 33 Richmond St. \Vost, \Vesley Buildings. Iichmond Hill ()fl‘lcv. "Liberal" (Wyn-Ru mm D1. H. iS'. ANDERSON) 05109, HWY Sitllll‘dfi)‘ “Helium”- M-tple. Thursday after noon. Mutiny to loan at. Fiiu I’cr (.‘ru: (Sf/6“». Danton. Dunn 84 Boultbee erristcra, Solictors, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 2t) KING ST FL. TORONTO, Canada. FRANK Dxm'rox. K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. Munocx 1308;3sz Phone Main 311. JAS. NEVVTO l lSSUERMARRlAGE LICENSES, ELGIN niILLS H. A. NICHULLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commission”. Oonvr-yanccr. etc. Insurance, and Real Estute Issuer of Marriage. Licenses. Richmonc. Hill J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLlC ccnimssxouxn, COXVEYAXCER. LTC. AGENCY ROYAL Al‘iD BRITISH AMERlUA Abbi. LOB. REAL Es'rATE. ETC. THORNHILL Lt S . ‘1‘ ET. F3 193”. l“ PUBLIC,l Ni l’i‘A RY oouxisaxounm ran HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE.&c. -er of marriage Licenses. 1 XIII‘HMOND H ILL POST OFFICE 1 dlCHMOND HILL 81 THORNHILL; largo stool: of I’uuerul Furnishing l kt‘pt at both plucrs l C Sweet to Eat i 4 Casa'" Bowel um “guru. Rhinos Tributes: at drumivfi. i liiuans Tabules cure hinmisuess ' Rlunus Tahultsa cure dizziness. l t J -" I; Effie-€531,333, ' its sis-'31??? l l ’l Ail-"intrlv‘ i‘CBHC MEETING. In :ficrttlatwe “ill: tit-minus: an- IlUlelt'lllt‘lll. a public tum-tint; \\‘:l~‘i lu-lrl in tho (‘ouut-il (diatom-r Monday .sltmnr'on. uln-n tln‘ tllll‘N‘ll-(In of thr- _ lit-lltrcfln .mrl St(rumillc;l:«~lophono(lo, Cumpuny' “(finding tr, the indvmmn ,‘rxtr-nrlmg than how to iii-lnuoml llill "f H“. (“mum Rnilwuv and Municipn‘ 2 uitli a tirw or making; tronnw-tiuu will] llw lilil‘.~ ol' llw proposed “'oml» lutitlgr' and \': "ll-‘lil (.‘o. wuw iaki-n up and div it“s-m. A \ cry lllU'l rusting nun-ling w.» hold. :md not \‘sithstanding IllP drilled romls a laigr ntunlIt-l‘ “aw pun-wot, including ll)“ tollou'ing:~~_~\. 1). Bruce. pll‘nllll‘lll of tho Bollioxdu and Stoulhillo Tull-- plmnv “in: \V. l). “rise, sot-rotary: irvu- l‘ugrslry, I7. Elliott, \V. Ilnll. \\’. linmlnlr. J. S. McNuir, It. “'nlk- ingtln, A. l‘lupkins‘, l). Kora-twill. l‘adgrl. G. Robinson. Vi“. Scott. T. McMahon, \V. I‘lyrr, J. Tyndall, G. F. H Banker. .l. IC. Francis. 0. Brndiv. \V. (‘litur-nhagu, J. Runihlu, L. laugh. H. (it-c. \V. (losgrovc, J.( H. Sanderson. .l, A. Mormon, Tullpvl‘. ('1‘. McDonald and otlu-ia. Mr. \R'al or Scott. Wits :lppnitilml rhuiruiau of the- meeting. and alter oxâ€" ; Vt“ U. «.n the farnwrs prusvut the- utility ot a phone. culled upon Mr. A. 1). Bruce to address the: rumbling. plaiurd that thry had been frequently :lxkt'd by rosidrnls of Ri‘Jll'llllllld Hill l . liill. They would be pleased to do so, but us it Would involve an outlay of ubout $2.0m), the present Culllpillly would expect stock to he suscrilivd in this section of country to thi- :tlmvv u- mmmt. Mr. Bruce ("Xplulnutl that. thrir present line hud paid good interest on the money ex tended. 'l‘hr m-t pro- fits had been 14 percent. and they had paid the stockholders a. dividend of 6 prr ornt. 'I‘hou- are at present, 200 phones on the line with headquarters at Stoufifllle. Then there is connec- tion with Mt. Albert. the township of Scott, Scat-limo, and East. Toronto, making altogethcr about 1.009 phones, all to be uwd {rt-e nfwr paying the yearly rental of $12. A 10 crux, fee is charged after 9.30 p.ixi., and u 5 cent fee on Sundays. Shott epevches were al<o madv by Mr. Heise. Mr. 'I‘re-uch. Mr. McNitir, Mr. Elliott, Mr. McMahon, Mr, Francis [Single copies, 3 cts. l l l H ‘ u résult tho Bonul orders that. double- H“lll7“‘- PM [3"G““~ '1- H- h'm‘d’! "' I truck cat-s he substituted for the cars Sumlfll' rd sui‘"ciu-nt, but, these must by put in l l ‘Il'IIIHIlg thu olgcct, and improving up- wmmpms M“ B' “C” 9’“ whitfh will always by unsatisfactory to - tiw public." undtlu-lainiumiulhvimuwrliatvricun~ \'(,ngv Sufi“, ‘nuin‘uinm‘l by NM“) to extend their lme- to Richmond [rrnwmm is WWW”), mumm‘med “pom Mr. I’ugsh-y and others, and all were! inipresstd with the tm-t that from u. llllblllt’SS standpoint this plare Wars in need of better telephone connvction. A show of hands indicated that all presmit were interested in the propo- sitimi. Mr. Hall, who was present. in behalf 4 of the Bell Telephone (10., thought; that if the proposition was Carried out there would gutting Clllllli‘ulinll with their though he in lllt‘ndrd the- Railway Board could not t‘oicv the connection if said connection would lie on injury to the Bell Tt'lvpllullt‘ system. If thv line were cxtvndrd to Richmond Hill. he no trr-uble- in or if an iudi-pr-udrntliue were built, he? would assist in any way he could, so its to prevent complications in the fu- ture. Before adjoin-hing a committee mm- sisting (vi thvtollowmg wurenppoiute-d ‘ to oprn stork hooksâ€"JV. Eyer, \V. H. Pugslcy. G. I’adgrt. J. Burkvr, i). Kcrswill, T. H. Trench, J. Ellivli, 'I‘ I“. Iilclilalimi to not as secretary, .._..._.. SHAKE IN A BOTTLE. ADVICE OF A NOTED AUTIIOE NY. “.50 GIVES A SIMPLE FRESCRIFIIQN. Now is the time \i‘livn tho doctor gets liusy. und tlw [intent un-dirim‘: uianuiacturvrs l‘t‘np thu hnryvst, mile“ and keep the lt-l‘t dry. This 3;; ill: m-y troublc- \vvathvr is here, :tml :tiso tells what to do in (‘RL‘I‘ of an attack. Get from any good Knigmmhi no IillllL‘t‘S Compound Syi up Sarsaparilla, Mix by Slinklllg in .1 bottle and mil-iv a. toaspoont’ul after meals and :41 hmliiniw. Just try this >lmplt' lll-Int“~lll.’ldl‘ mix- ture at UN tin! sign of Hlimnuatism. or if your lli't'L :it'lius or you {\‘t'l that the kidneys aw not acting Thisis said to he at spli-udid kidney le'gulatnr, and lilHIUbK cut-din ii-nii-dy for all forms of Rheumatism. which is caused by urir- acid in the, blood. which the kidni-ys tail to iillt-l'uul. Any one Tum easily [iii-pin: Uzi; at home and at small cost, Druggisk. in this toxin and vicinity, whenshown tlu- pi't'\-'l'iplll)ll. stated that they own i illu-r supply (lit-5‘: in- gre‘dieuts or. it our rmulrra phi“. they will. l‘l‘lllphlllltl :hu mixture for them. " Ai-cuM-<-râ€"â€"- We qlll'ir' hrrr- iii-9t grit-tlsz~~(‘oiri,; 31:. tin: [a «'. r. tin; tomatoes. be.‘ 1m: (' ’ t ' f . ,.- .- ‘. '~ 5‘ 'lled raisins. ; . loin; rinws‘t adiice of an old rulinth authority“ -who says that ltln-Ilmatism and lell' just, right. i litw.‘ rrat (‘ill‘(‘ in takun to dress warmly; prvscriplion ; pharumry mw-lialf ounce Fluid IIx-z tract Dandvlion. our ounrrv Compouui‘.‘ l l l . round Gowgautl L. No 32 Ontaiicltailway Board Issues Strong +++‘:-+++++++++++++++a~i~e++++ Judgment. 3'. M + 1 Thu Town of North Toronto has i: F b s‘mni‘r-ll a swveping victory over the .K. Toronto and York Radial Railway T0 CLEAR Meus‘ Fine Clothing at Big Re- ductions, all made in the Latest Styles. m... Suits infancy'rwaecls reg. S‘itsmFancmeteflreg. 13 Suitsin?an:yWo.;le$re . 12 ‘4 ‘- lloznd hande down lSatm-dny nftor-' noon. By the. judgnwnt the BoardI ordnre that the Engineer’s rrcom- uwudatimm as to drninq acres“. the trarks, and umcudntnizing switches. turnth and traclw shall he curried out. liy tlw r‘ompuuy within four months of Llw issue (If the nI-dt‘l. VViIh ri-frrvnce to the Gll'i‘l Grove runs. the Board finds that "they urc dangerous to the public from Want of rvumvul and repair, proper brakes. do, and by reason of the had and Higngoondition of the fenders.” A24 1 ++++uqr++++++++++++ ++++fir++fi++++++++fi+ O V I? A T S Fine Heavy Coats, Velvet Colin and Strap on Gulf. In Fancy Stripes and Checks. Regular Prices 12.0i):1nd 15.00 to Clear at 10.50 ARMS/WAGE Guilitier +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ,- l now in own, Four nrw curs :vre- deem- (‘oumiission "with all reasonable de- sputuh.” Tllt’.‘Bll:U'(l recommvnda the- double- trur-kiug of llu- lim- in the centre of thr- six-Pvt through North Toronto. 1t ‘ upon tlw sidrntrrtcking which at. prvsvnt (VI‘CIU'S as “causingP do-lnv and irregularity in tho SE‘I‘VIM‘. The condition of the portion of WI"?! %-{*+‘?4‘++‘P-§Q'+++€"§' -l~ +~§++++ 4»? It is “hollow in the centre. instead of lwtug crowns-d; in wet, weather mudâ€" dy. and in dry full of ruts." "The company." concludes the. judgment, “me prr-purrd to douhle-truck. The town not. only should permit, them to do so, but should ('rnWll up the street und maradainizr- it from side to sidv. There is no reason why the people of Nmth Toronto should not have not onlv a good street railway service. but. it (Intent SU‘PBI. for lbvir vehicular traffic. \Vo strongly recommend the town nuthoritivs and the company to gt-t togellfi-l'. niLii a flow of improv- ing the unsatisfactory conditions that. now exist and ill\' wit- to continue as long as thi- Mn.) are operated on a single track.“ ' GOA L: For sale at the C. N. 0. Station, or delivzred in the village and vicinity»â€" STEAM CQAL For threshing engines. NUT, STOVE, FURNACE Best Scranton coal. Also file. Bran and Victor Feed for .__._ .â€" _4.. rp‘ .__.___ GREAT BUTJE‘JI‘HN «)I‘I’ORTUNI- TIES 1‘ {.‘UWGANDA. There in“ ‘“ “Norm (our and five LhUUI‘I’Hld pro ; ‘. u-x in th! district '4» «lvlnouduut upon that point for aurplhw; it mth therefore Immune u. grout. distributing centre. Thu first uteri . _ tlw ground t0 start. in business :v.:~’ and in make money. Through t mgr-r Sr‘l'YlCt‘ by the Cunadian :‘vl- “ Ont:'.rio Railway and lllt‘ Gov. cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American corn (old). _rug::porllinlhpzlll)! » .2 ' ‘ llus‘ linen . .lml. and the first kinds Of gram boaght twin, with . . “it”: and dining c.11- . - _- sort-ice, lot: L r nit! Union Station and hlgheSt P05511318 PUCC‘S 5 [n.ln.. Fin“. . l, 1909. and daily (oxaepttiuu.. , ’J‘hosi) in; '- ' . Hliould got their mm in on zlit- «uml .it once. Th9 sleigh roml :3, ll] St‘llvfllilfl, on account of its levr-l lw ;;.E.: ' z'm- nutural way to 1h:- tll$Ll {'36 . iv for freight. Prospt-ctor», .. i...) have con-red the ground . 'znious in saying, that it is UL to go. TIH' people in LL, .3 lllt‘mlv --nt of in l‘l't‘il fU-‘I'. paid at the Elevator. l , L" -n ml: ' the now v." I . uUlHlllbl’l of thv'u' ‘ '9; lih“ . i".1n~‘ ortutimi ‘1'. . . .2 ; ‘ ... . ‘ I“ 3‘ “ “ ~' ‘ P i . “won their . prunlvm. I; ; li‘tt‘l "tutti - '. . I; " ln- ohtained by "i, , “4 "' i. .. “ -1. J.” v 3 - ' r"- ~ -‘ _ 9,. v‘_': :-....--..\r], I u‘ Writing . ; ,>.-‘.%r:mn. (Lumdian s‘ “‘ * ‘ ' ’ '“Cr‘ anon“ 1".“ -: I‘m . ’l‘ r n i). fix 1. , “.3”. i I , A ,n I) t é'l7>-k, , stair. Lox-nu \\'« l v -l<. Dennis \Vhite. \i‘afiliurm '1 ‘VVr-dnvurlav on filing: in the- coming Mms‘inll. and instinrtluz' Ulr- ,lo \zh'r ll‘v-ir\' support. Report or J umgs‘uafi School inciion upon’ I Jar-Army. 111;; 21-; and 13 m Ell-ilfۤ ,. ‘ “as”, \Vinnie Simpson, «lifiimpnon. iLiziil'd“. Kittie Chap- mmmmmmm . L, - . than anyomer of its I;in m the lll.'~l.r3<iiv‘ mun, .‘il'. II.“*Z'-ll‘i'\\«u'i}i \vVPldl'll’k. ‘ In. ILâ€"l‘h U 1- ‘..II[lSI'lI. Elva \Vol- drirk. Duilhv Muir. Gmirgv Lung- Otdo " ill; Jr. ILWâ€"Etliol banks. I’L. ll.â€"\\’v<lny ’l‘hnmpsm), Ina. \Vr'l- iii-ii-k. lllil iii-hauls. Edgar Simpson. Sr. Pt. l.’~-llllllllllt' \VliiLH. A l .l r. i‘:. I â€"I\l:iggir~ Ilmuuau. Aux-elm l Rvauinu, Norman Chapman. i A. » «n,» A- » 1 Make your mom-y u'iu lung volume; by trading at Atkinson 61 Swirzu-‘s. -â€"â€"â€"â€"Qo>â€"â€"â€"â€" N ews Notes. , _,._. ‘. .‘Nz‘lfii‘ y;ng¢ramw.Wmmtmmmm mm Firv in thu .l. N. McKenda-y depart» " t g ,.._.' " muninl .x'rn- ~v Yulng Stru'l, Tux-imâ€" tow . I ' Stu-ct. shortly uf» t- . r ' ' evening. caused -' h- -r $60,000. It is ' ‘ Ac StilI‘LL'd from ‘\.}.Ev' all; Illt' .1‘»- v" York l‘mnz’ , ' .uicil p393 ti :1 1050- ‘ . ‘r lt'llnn aim-sin Eng thu proposed law re- ' fl ' ‘ j' ‘; torn) unatsuics which the Atto: Erik - r- \.-. l' .7. . . ':'... .. â€" , A. (.It’lnlli‘fi (lcpaitnunt liax lililhllitd PZNNXI’RoY_.. . .V .‘1 _r . \an llt‘ hhlllghl lmxm-e the LPgl~lllVlllr‘_ \ M ‘ ‘_ .t' (lonnty: l.(-;{l>luli\ «I (.‘onziniltru ,.. .,, Htiir». llrui,‘ tll‘\':|§(tl' :zt. Stump ‘ ll. \i 1"i'rH-vk-t'i a-Hui-«x-+~i~++++++++++Ha+++++++

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