5 . $1 per annum, 1n advanca. l “11: Essentials, Unity; £71 Non-Essentials, Libcrfy; in allthings, Charity.†to... xxxr . y! . .0) ‘ We grim} IS PUBLISHED EVERY EHURSDAY IVCORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRiNTING it PUELlSHik-S HOUS£ RICHMOND HILL,OI§T. l‘. H. MoMAI-lt’)N,. Emron r2 PROPEZETUIE. ..,.. BUSINESS CARDS. ad‘i‘irtzl. JJN. WILKINSUN. MU. l‘idr‘i‘$€~?.)fl T-l lliz. (f.\“,~'il)‘.l RIHIIUOND HILL Graduall- Victor in Univm sitv ,‘ti ‘EN'JE‘I‘ (I illi-gn Physicians and Sili'» gunmx‘, Ontario C i-ruf. Polyolinm, New 3 rirk i}:‘.3'l.§"§ of the Lungs :t Slot-triulty, pll‘tlt‘lllzll'ly consumption. mum i glottal. 3R. FULTON RiSDUN, 5') (Ezitiiait, your, Ya 1gp :tn.l Blow: Sts.. Toronto. i‘i'ill he i... Richmond Hill on \Vu'l nosday of each week. 1-9339. next door north of Stand- m'd Bank. 0.1130 {Inn'sâ€"3.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. mm Whitman: â€"».. _M_, JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, ’I’hox-uhill. Bills by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 1. SI Limits.“ Lunch-ear tor the county of Yo l; Piensice. Guts S'Ill ) l anaiquumnt General sales sum: um ‘)_|'D aptly tttandedzo at reasonabl: truss IteaiJrslice Uuion‘rille “is: 6 ml ling. Newton Brook. agent for the 'l‘ SAN Jun, ‘1‘!) a J K Menu-an Weston 5 lagoon A: tlcEwen. {ii ’4 w? i L~1k3fi moor» forthe County of York. 3 L 3- i. o n la I'm in :‘Jortostunticeand a. me.- n - ltJl'J .' .5» =’-rt.rouu,ge solicited H. G. SL080“, Dracula t lemon-eel rn‘: nhccounty of Yuri re. cinzmlly mlth min patronage and iriendly :a‘l‘lmca 1.1M: Ltcmivlsd on the sLortos‘t notice §n I at. ots'nvzhamtus P 0 address King J. EARL?) NEWTON Pianist Pupil of W. H. Shem-cod Privutu nud Claws Tuition in Plfillr- Playing and Theory and 3153 NORA NCMAKCN Pin-slate Privati- Piqno Lossons Fupils pimp-W'd for Examinatian ut 1hr Univvmity of Toronto nnd the Toronto Coilsm-yulory (If Music. MISS ETILLIE TRENCH max-3ND 33L; ,.. I ember of £11m “ ‘ 'h-i pupils for Primary. .lusri-Ii'. Hau- t‘Xillnllt‘lllzlll :Lt To!†l‘lU :‘r mtm‘yuud (‘t‘1lҤ:l’()fMH<-ll‘ -.=. 1 course in “Myers†l-{‘ ‘11“?- in P-Iv‘ihird. pnzli ".1? -r v ‘\ -""l I†my .znrr- ‘ r.."}\' i l ii lax-en†f ! RICHMOND HILL. (lN'l‘., ’i‘l‘IUliSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1.909 “M...â€" flint. ‘\ ‘ i i ' LILL‘i $6 itGAN Burrlktrrs and §oll¢-nm-s. Money to lnmrou laud *iuflcht»uel umztgageuit lowosl Mites Aul'lllnnmt'ar Iivllul‘r'i lv“- the; old pct: (mic.- our: duo: \xre-L it that column u tlw "‘lutut‘iu i'zit‘l. hwurmlmt “Flu-v '1 2mm tloznqs mm): M tl': u-r .nlwe 'I‘ Iii.;=:1}2h‘iI.li‘(.\mÂ¥ (; hi Liana-i: \‘lv"'-lâ€˜ï¬ 5t A t: l‘ I. "VY‘JRIVJE Pll'.:.9 Emu 1'9“ I‘J “minor 1‘ . fi "‘ 1 «'1!- 4-(!~f.ï¬ _ j- «nu hutnrlm. -... «I. 1.31†:.::.L’. Barristeraï¬aliaitws.1%;th 1c. llomi- Liz»- litiliin: ("n-U l :‘L‘ \“il‘iol‘ln Sis†'I‘Hznlfln. .i. M. LUNG Barrister, Solicitor. lite, 'Ilichmwud Hill (lriivr'. smith-vast Hr lit-t“ m" Lorna: Bldg†(-i‘t-ry 'I‘lillrstlny .il'tvrum-n. Tin-unto Uliicl’. iii} 'i'vrrlntn slt‘t‘ii. Manny To LOAN 5'." l,ou'I::«“r HATES. WILLIAM COOK Buznxsrxn, Soucm‘on, No’i‘un'. ETC. Toronto Ofï¬ce, 33 Richmond St. \Vost, \Vesley Buildings. Iichmond Hill ()fl‘lcv. "Liberal" (Wyn-Ru mm D1. H. iS'. ANDERSON) 05109, HWY Sitllll‘dï¬)‘ “Heliumâ€- M-tple. Thursday after noon. Mutiny to loan at. Fiiu I’cr (.‘ru: (Sf/6“». Danton. Dunn 84 Boultbee erristcra, Solictors, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 2t) KING ST FL. TORONTO, Canada. FRANK Dxm'rox. K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. Munocx 1308;3sz Phone Main 311. JAS. NEVVTO l lSSUERMARRlAGE LICENSES, ELGIN niILLS H. A. NICHULLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissionâ€. Oonvr-yanccr. etc. Insurance, and Real Estute Issuer of Marriage. Licenses. Richmonc. Hill J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLlC ccnimssxouxn, COXVEYAXCER. LTC. AGENCY ROYAL Al‘iD BRITISH AMERlUA Abbi. LOB. REAL Es'rATE. ETC. THORNHILL Lt S . ‘1‘ ET. F3 193â€. l“ PUBLIC,l Ni l’i‘A RY oouxisaxounm ran HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE.&c. -er of marriage Licenses. 1 XIII‘HMOND H ILL POST OFFICE 1 dlCHMOND HILL 81 THORNHILL; largo stool: of I’uuerul Furnishing l kt‘pt at both plucrs l C Sweet to Eat i 4 Casa'" Bowel um “guru. Rhinos Tributes: at drumivï¬. i liiuans Tabules cure hinmisuess ' Rlunus Tahultsa cure dizziness. l t J -" I; Effie-€531,333, ' its sis-'31??? l l ’l Ail-"intrlv‘ i‘CBHC MEETING. In :ï¬crttlatwe “ill: tit-minus: an- IlUlelt'lllt‘lll. a public tum-tint; \\‘:l~‘i lu-lrl in tho (‘ouut-il (diatom-r Monday .sltmnr'on. uln-n tln‘ tllll‘N‘ll-(In of thr- _ lit-lltrcfln .mrl St(rumillc;l:«~lophono(lo, Cumpuny' “(ï¬nding tr, the indvmmn ,‘rxtr-nrlmg than how to iii-lnuoml llill "f H“. (“mum Rnilwuv and Municipn‘ 2 uitli a tirw or making; tronnw-tiuu will] llw lilil‘.~ ol' llw proposed “'oml» lutitlgr' and \': "ll-‘lil (.‘o. wuw iaki-n up and div it“s-m. A \ cry lllU'l rusting nun-ling w.» hold. :md not \‘sithstanding IllP drilled romls a laigr ntunlIt-l‘ “aw pun-wot, including ll)“ tollou'ing:~~_~\. 1). Bruce. pll‘nllll‘lll of tho Bollioxdu and Stoulhillo Tull-- plmnv “in: \V. l). “rise, sot-rotary: irvu- l‘ugrslry, I7. Elliott, \V. Ilnll. \\’. linmlnlr. J. S. McNuir, It. “'nlk- ingtln, A. l‘lupkins‘, l). Kora-twill. l‘adgrl. G. Robinson. Vi“. Scott. T. McMahon, \V. I‘lyrr, J. Tyndall, G. F. H Banker. .l. IC. Francis. 0. Brndiv. \V. (‘litur-nhagu, J. Runihlu, L. laugh. H. (it-c. \V. (losgrovc, J.( H. Sanderson. .l, A. Mormon, Tullpvl‘. ('1‘. McDonald and otlu-ia. Mr. \R'al or Scott. Wits :lppnitilml rhuiruiau of the- meeting. and alter oxâ€" ; Vt“ U. «.n the farnwrs prusvut the- utility ot a phone. culled upon Mr. A. 1). Bruce to address the: rumbling. plaiurd that thry had been frequently :lxkt'd by rosidrnls of Ri‘Jll'llllllld Hill l . liill. They would be pleased to do so, but us it Would involve an outlay of ubout $2.0m), the present Culllpillly would expect stock to he suscrilivd in this section of country to thi- :tlmvv u- mmmt. Mr. Bruce ("Xplulnutl that. thrir present line hud paid good interest on the money ex tended. 'l‘hr m-t pro- ï¬ts had been 14 percent. and they had paid the stockholders a. dividend of 6 prr ornt. 'I‘hou- are at present, 200 phones on the line with headquarters at Stouï¬ï¬‚lle. Then there is connec- tion with Mt. Albert. the township of Scott, Scat-limo, and East. Toronto, making altogethcr about 1.009 phones, all to be uwd {rt-e nfwr paying the yearly rental of $12. A 10 crux, fee is charged after 9.30 p.ixi., and u 5 cent fee on Sundays. Shott epevches were al<o madv by Mr. Heise. Mr. 'I‘re-uch. Mr. McNitir, Mr. Elliott, Mr. McMahon, Mr, Francis [Single copies, 3 cts. l l l H ‘ u résult tho Bonul orders that. double- H“lll7“‘- PM [3"G““~ '1- H- h'm‘d’! "' I truck cat-s he substituted for the cars Sumlfll' rd sui‘"ciu-nt, but, these must by put in l l ‘Il'IIIHIlg thu olgcct, and improving up- wmmpms M“ B' “C†9’“ whitfh will always by unsatisfactory to - tiw public." undtlu-lainiumiulhvimuwrliatvricun~ \'(,ngv Suï¬â€œ, ‘nuin‘uinm‘l by NM“) to extend their lme- to Richmond [rrnwmm is WWWâ€), mumm‘med “pom Mr. I’ugsh-y and others, and all were! inipresstd with the tm-t that from u. llllblllt’SS standpoint this plare Wars in need of better telephone connvction. A show of hands indicated that all presmit were interested in the propo- sitimi. Mr. Hall, who was present. in behalf 4 of the Bell Telephone (10., thought; that if the proposition was Carried out there would gutting Clllllli‘ulinll with their though he in lllt‘ndrd the- Railway Board could not t‘oicv the connection if said connection would lie on injury to the Bell Tt'lvpllullt‘ system. If thv line were cxtvndrd to Richmond Hill. he no trr-uble- in or if an iudi-pr-udrntliue were built, he? would assist in any way he could, so its to prevent complications in the fu- ture. Before adjoin-hing a committee mm- sisting (vi thvtollowmg wurenppoiute-d ‘ to oprn stork hooksâ€"JV. Eyer, \V. H. Pugslcy. G. I’adgrt. J. Burkvr, i). Kcrswill, T. H. Trench, J. Ellivli, 'I‘ I“. Iilclilalimi to not as secretary, .._..._.. SHAKE IN A BOTTLE. ADVICE OF A NOTED AUTIIOE NY. “.50 GIVES A SIMPLE FRESCRIFIIQN. Now is the time \i‘livn tho doctor gets liusy. und tlw [intent un-dirim‘: uianuiacturvrs l‘t‘np thu hnryvst, mile“ and keep the lt-l‘t dry. This 3;; ill: m-y troublc- \vvathvr is here, :tml :tiso tells what to do in (‘RL‘I‘ of an attack. Get from any good Knigmmhi no IillllL‘t‘S Compound Syi up Sarsaparilla, Mix by Slinklllg in .1 bottle and mil-iv a. toaspoont’ul after meals and :41 hmliiniw. Just try this >lmplt' lll-Int“~lll.’ldl‘ mix- ture at UN tin! sign of Hlimnuatism. or if your lli't'L :it'lius or you {\‘t'l that the kidneys aw not acting Thisis said to he at spli-udid kidney le'gulatnr, and lilHIUbK cut-din ii-nii-dy for all forms of Rheumatism. which is caused by urir- acid in the, blood. which the kidni-ys tail to iillt-l'uul. Any one Tum easily [iii-pin: Uzi; at home and at small cost, Druggisk. in this toxin and vicinity, whenshown tlu- pi't'\-'l'iplll)ll. stated that they own i illu-r supply (lit-5‘: in- gre‘dieuts or. it our rmulrra phi“. they will. l‘l‘lllphlllltl :hu mixture for them. " Ai-cuM-<-râ€"â€"- We qlll'ir' hrrr- iii-9t grit-tlsz~~(‘oiri,; 31:. tin: [a «'. r. tin; tomatoes. be.‘ 1m: (' ’ t ' f . ,.- .- ‘. '~ 5‘ 'lled raisins. ; . loin; rinws‘t adiice of an old rulinth authority“ -who says that ltln-Ilmatism and lell' just, right. i litw.‘ rrat (‘ill‘(‘ in takun to dress warmly; prvscriplion ; pharumry mw-lialf ounce Fluid IIx-z tract Dandvlion. our ounrrv Compouui‘.‘ l l l . round Gowgautl L. No 32 Ontaiicltailway Board Issues Strong +++‘:-+++++++++++++++a~i~e++++ Judgment. 3'. M + 1 Thu Town of North Toronto has i: F b s‘mni‘r-ll a swveping victory over the .K. Toronto and York Radial Railway T0 CLEAR Meus‘ Fine Clothing at Big Re- ductions, all made in the Latest Styles. m... Suits infancy'rwaecls reg. S‘itsmFancmeteflreg. 13 Suitsin?an:yWo.;le$re . 12 ‘4 ‘- lloznd hande down lSatm-dny nftor-' noon. By the. judgnwnt the BoardI ordnre that the Engineer’s rrcom- uwudatimm as to drninq acres“. the trarks, and umcudntnizing switches. turnth and traclw shall he curried out. liy tlw r‘ompuuy within four months of Llw issue (If the nI-dt‘l. VViIh ri-frrvnce to the Gll'i‘l Grove runs. the Board ï¬nds that "they urc dangerous to the public from Want of rvumvul and repair, proper brakes. do, and by reason of the had and Higngoondition of the fenders.†A24 1 ++++uqr++++++++++++ ++++ï¬r++ï¬++++++++ï¬+ O V I? A T S Fine Heavy Coats, Velvet Colin and Strap on Gulf. In Fancy Stripes and Checks. Regular Prices 12.0i):1nd 15.00 to Clear at 10.50 ARMS/WAGE Guilitier +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ,- l now in own, Four nrw curs :vre- deem- (‘oumiission "with all reasonable de- sputuh.†Tllt’.‘Bll:U'(l recommvnda the- double- trur-kiug of llu- lim- in the centre of thr- six-Pvt through North Toronto. 1t ‘ upon tlw sidrntrrtcking which at. prvsvnt (VI‘CIU'S as “causingP do-lnv and irregularity in tho SE‘I‘VIM‘. The condition of the portion of WI"?! %-{*+‘?4‘++‘P-§Q'+++€"§' -l~ +~§++++ 4»? It is “hollow in the centre. instead of lwtug crowns-d; in wet, weather mudâ€" dy. and in dry full of ruts." "The company." concludes the. judgment, “me prr-purrd to douhle-truck. The town not. only should permit, them to do so, but should ('rnWll up the street und maradainizr- it from side to sidv. There is no reason why the people of Nmth Toronto should not have not onlv a good street railway service. but. it (Intent SU‘PBI. for lbvir vehicular trafï¬c. \Vo strongly recommend the town nuthoritivs and the company to gt-t togellï¬-l'. niLii a flow of improv- ing the unsatisfactory conditions that. now exist and ill\' wit- to continue as long as thi- Mn.) are operated on a single track.“ ' GOA L: For sale at the C. N. 0. Station, or delivzred in the village and vicinity»â€" STEAM CQAL For threshing engines. NUT, STOVE, FURNACE Best Scranton coal. Also file. Bran and Victor Feed for .__._ .â€" _4.. rp‘ .__.___ GREAT BUTJE‘JI‘HN «)I‘I’ORTUNI- TIES 1‘ {.‘UWGANDA. There in“ ‘“ “Norm (our and five LhUUI‘I’Hld pro ; ‘. u-x in th! district '4» «lvlnouduut upon that point for aurplhw; it mth therefore Immune u. grout. distributing centre. Thu ï¬rst uteri . _ tlw ground t0 start. in business :v.:~’ and in make money. Through t mgr-r Sr‘l'YlCt‘ by the Cunadian :‘vl- “ Ont:'.rio Railway and lllt‘ Gov. cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American corn (old). _rug::porllinlhpzlll)! » .2 ' ‘ llus‘ linen . .lml. and the ï¬rst kinds Of gram boaght twin, with . . “itâ€: and dining c.11- . - _- sort-ice, lot: L r nit! Union Station and hlgheSt P05511318 PUCC‘S 5 [n.ln.. Fin“. . l, 1909. and daily (oxaepttiuu.. , ’J‘hosi) in; '- ' . Hliould got their mm in on zlit- «uml .it once. Th9 sleigh roml :3, ll] St‘llvfllilfl, on account of its levr-l lw ;;.E.: ' z'm- nutural way to 1h:- tll$Ll {'36 . iv for freight. Prospt-ctor», .. i...) have con-red the ground . 'znious in saying, that it is UL to go. TIH' people in LL, .3 lllt‘mlv --nt of in l‘l't‘il fU-‘I'. paid at the Elevator. l , L" -n ml: ' the now v." I . uUlHlllbl’l of thv'u' ‘ '9; lih“ . i".1n~‘ ortutimi ‘1'. . . .2 ; ‘ ... . ‘ I“ 3‘ “ “ ~' ‘ P i . “won their . prunlvm. I; ; li‘tt‘l "tutti - '. . I; " ln- ohtained by "i, , “4 "' i. .. “ -1. J.†v 3 - ' r"- ~ -‘ _ 9,. v‘_': :-....--..\r], I u‘ Writing . ; ,>.-‘.%r:mn. (Lumdian s‘ “‘ * ‘ ' ’ '“Cr‘ anon“ 1".“ -: I‘m . ’l‘ r n i). ï¬x 1. , “.3â€. i I , A ,n I) t é'l7>-k, , stair. Lox-nu \\'« l v -l<. Dennis \Vhite. \i‘aï¬liurm '1 ‘VVr-dnvurlav on ï¬ling: in the- coming Mms‘inll. and instinrtluz' Ulr- ,lo \zh'r ll‘v-ir li:-:~.it\' support. Report or J umgs‘uaï¬ School inciion upon’ I Jar-Army. 111;; 21-; and 13 m Ell-ilfۤ ,. ‘ “asâ€, \Vinnie Simpson, «lifiimpnon. iLiziil'd“. Kittie Chap- mmmmmmm . L, - . than anyomer of its I;in m the lll.'~l.r3<iiv‘ mun, .‘il'. II.“*Z'-ll‘i'\\«u'i}i \vVPldl'll’k. ‘ In. ILâ€"l‘h U 1- ‘..II[lSI'lI. Elva \Vol- drirk. Duilhv Muir. Gmirgv Lung- Otdo " ill; Jr. ILWâ€"Etliol banks. I’L. ll.â€"\\’v<lny ’l‘hnmpsm), Ina. \Vr'l- iii-ii-k. lllil iii-hauls. Edgar Simpson. Sr. Pt. l.’~-llllllllllt' \VliiLH. A l .l r. i‘:. I â€"I\l:iggir~ Ilmuuau. Aux-elm l Rvauinu, Norman Chapman. i A. » «n,» A- » 1 Make your mom-y u'iu lung volume; by trading at Atkinson 61 Swirzu-‘s. -â€"â€"â€"â€"Qo>â€"â€"â€"â€" N ews Notes. , _,._. ‘. .‘Nz‘lï¬i‘ y;ng¢ramw.Wmmtmmmm mm Firv in thu .l. N. McKenda-y depart» " t g ,.._.' " muninl .x'rn- ~v Yulng Stru'l, Tux-imâ€" tow . I ' Stu-ct. shortly uf» t- . r ' ' evening. caused -' h- -r $60,000. It is ' ‘ Ac StilI‘LL'd from ‘\.}.Ev' all; Illt' .1‘»- v" York l‘mnz’ , ' .uicil p393 ti :1 1050- ‘ . ‘r lt'llnn aim-sin Eng thu proposed law re- ' fl ' ‘ j' ‘; torn) unatsuics which the Atto: Erik - r- \.-. l' .7. . . ':'... .. â€" , A. (.It’lnlliâ€˜ï¬ (lcpaitnunt liax lililhllitd PZNNXI’RoY_.. . .V .‘1 _r . \an llt‘ hhlllghl lmxm-e the LPgl~lllVlllr‘_ \ M ‘ ‘_ .t' (lonnty: l.(-;{l>luli\ «I (.‘onziniltru ,.. .,, Htiir». llrui,‘ tll‘\':|§(tl' :zt. Stump ‘ ll. \i 1"i'rH-vk-t'i a-Hui-«x-+~i~++++++++++Ha+++++++