lllt tinu \ l‘n Visitors from the City of Toronto find at Mount Pleasant u. place tn re- cupi-i-uto. :is our atmosphere is pure and bracing. The hustle and warn! of the Cin wquircs change. where purt~ it‘s (‘HH enjoy peace and pure milk. Mrs. J. R. Mth-zm and hu- daugh- tm'. lmth citizens of that grmt city, Toronto. are now enjoying the coun- try air with all its benefit» at, the hnuwuer. and Mrs. J. McLean at Mount Plvusnnt in Ontario. where. pi-vspa-i‘ity reigns. uudcr the Govern- nwint (:1‘ ihut great Stuteamzui Sir \Vil- try ui 11t»11\\1 ( Mount pl'vnpa- from Thu pulpit of the Presbyterian chuI-vh was occupied ()ll tlw 24th ult. hy [hv Rev. Isaac Campbell. fm-mm-ly of Richmond Hill. Thuse who. heard him were pleased with the sm’lunn. lle has been in the United States for some time past. but his love tnr Unn- ada his native place will very likely unmtmin him to remain “here he is now, undel‘ the. Uuiun Jack. where “May and seculity :m her subjects are fuund. A de ututiun of ladies informed the Chanel that they would not require the rink on VVcduesdays from 4 to 5. as their hockey club lmd disbanded. The Indies requested the use of the rink some \Vedm-sday evening in the "Our future. The Council said they would he pleased to grant the request, but pprmission Would have [who 0!)- tuined from the senior hockey cluh. Mr. Brydon waited on the Council with a How nfincrensing the efï¬ciency of the Fire Brigade. The members expressed 11 willingness to meet the. request of the Brigade. and the meet- ing adjourned. Jui ht: Sandersonâ€"Trvnchâ€"That the clerk getï¬o copies of Snow By-luw printed and Rested u_p. _ Palmerâ€"Hopperâ€"That tlie Public School be given the rink at the above hours at 50 cents an huur. Carried. ' This audimrs’ report, was ï¬nally passed. and on motion of Messrs. Sanderson and Hopper the clerk was instructed to get 200 cnpies printed and distxihuted in the usual manner. A HeputatiIm from the Public School asked to huve the rink for hockey frgm‘4.30 @3180 eachglonday. Tine following accounts were rend, and on motion were oldered te be paid:â€" E. Cousins. work in rink i . . . . . . . $ 2.25 F. Dolnn, work in rink . .. . . . .. 16.86 T. F. McMahon. printing and adtertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.80 \V. A. SVu-ight. nainting and lei.- wring safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 The clerk read it communication in- viting the assessor to attend a meet- ing of assessors in York Ommty. at the County Clerk’s ofï¬ce in Toronto, on Thursday of this week. with a View of formulating a» plan looking to a uniform system of assessing pro- pegty within the County. l‘( W ll 1311.] . W.qu has submitted a plan for Senate Reform, providing for partly elective, and partly appoint- ed senators, the term of service to be eight years. The movement seems to be an improvement on the present system. but it is safe to say that if a plebiscite were taken, and it every elector in the Dominion expressed his honest Opinion, that opinion would be that the Senate is a useless body, that could well be dispensed with. Experience goes to show that the Senate is as partisan as either politic- al party in the House of Commons“ and that its chief duty (?) is to assist ‘ its political friends, as well as tol hamper its opponents. The best} thing might be to allow the Senate to die a. natural death, and make no more appointments. _75Vï¬vlrlrlit'95 of last uleeting'lread and adflpzeg.“ The Village Council met in the Council Chamber Tuesday evening. Feb. 2. Reeve Pugsley if} the chair. _ 7 Obuï¬cillm-s prc-é'e-nt': Messrs. Trench. Pegllner. Sangleg-squ and flopper. _ Elm ‘gihml. chauoxn HILL. 051:. Fun. 4. 1009 End stnmI-hy goods at. Atkix witzer‘s. uriv ll. .1 re. anxiously waiting «’1 gnud time cumfug w! and by the prupusvd l w Prntestunl Indies n Union is strength. U: p'lstors may he. mm 3 (hnn they un- at in" better supplied. Mount Pleasant. \‘e some suit 'x-l' wright: e‘xtm \‘nluP our measure J. McLean and Mrs. J. R. are \Nitmsut the home (If Men-nu in Omenwv. have been in use for some VILLAGE COUNCIL. “Ru-studs wnnt. in r urdex 13);. g which may I zed uuinn nf I 05 nm ' spuk- ' Under the luure (ulsin pumcnt and :a \‘e mnnvy :1 suiL- [IL-u Atkiusmx & 'L'wm'd md blur the “'9 have sume fur-lined and other Ovvrconts left that we do not want tu rum-y over. and win sell them at teal bargain prices. It, will pay you to inn-st nuw. Alkinson& Switzer. Carrville School Report for January. What will you give? Do not say nay. Help generously. Help all you can. Help some. Help now. Contributions may be sent to \V. ]. GAGE, 1359., Chairman Ex- ecutive Committee, 84 Spadina Avenue, Toronto; or J. S. ROBERT- SON, Sec.-Treasurer National Sani- tarium Association, 347 King Street \Vest, Toronto, Canada. Our plea Is on behalf of the sick ones. Friends, we come to you at this time, when the clouds of depression are’being lifted, asking that you nowâ€"in the direness of our ex- tremityâ€"help to lift the burden being carriedâ€"not for any personal gain, but solely, alone, only on behalf of sufl‘ering sisters and brothers. But never for a single hour did the doors of the Free Hospital fail to swing open, and give a welcome to suffering ones without money and without price. The good neWS has gone forth of a rich harvest the wide Dominion over. The trial was the sew-crast in the history of these Muskoka Homes, in which nearly 3,000 persons, stricken by the dread white plague, have been cared for. ’SERIOUS DEPLETION IN I FUNDS During all this period there was only one thing to do, and that was to lean on our bankerâ€"sweiling the bank overdraft. These had to be paid somehow. Contributions ~â€"â€" especially after the turn of the year when the ï¬nan- cial depression was felt at its keen- cstâ€"fell off to such an extent, that each month the burden became heavier. Every month brought its quota of accounts for salaries and wages of staff, bills of butcher, milkman, eggs, groceries, heavy coal bills- a serious itemâ€"and other uncon- trollable expenses 50 long as the doors Were kept open. These head-lines tell the story of our needs. They are heavy and urgent. Many times during the past twelve months the question has pressed itself upon the Trustees, “Can we continue the work further? " Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump- uvos Makes :11 Urgent Appeal for Ionoy. 835,000 Re aired to Cone Bank Ova-dun and Vida for lllmennnec of Poor Patients. HARD TIMES flARD ON THE POOR CONSUMPTIVE Shack Life at Muskokafree Hospital for Consumpuvcs. 11Lâ€"Emory Jarvis, May Baker. Prentice. Byron Appleton. "Lâ€"Russell Mnnknmn, Mabel Gladys Line. Goul'ge Hunt. Leslie -. Austin Bake-r. II.â€"~Or\‘ille Granger. H.â€"â€"Hem~y “ï¬nger, Lilian (Tank, 1. Sunâ€"Mary HuntLh-eue Baker. Jr.â€"\V§lbert Bmw. ltd-Lilli North 3l-lf Lax-ets 5 9c. The undersigned will endeavor to place Immigrants fwm the United Kingdum us fax-m laborers and du- mesucs in this vicinity. Any pal-sun requirng such help should notify me Eursnnully m by letterstating fully the ind of help required. when wanted. and the hit? of wages otl'uu-d. Every effort, will he made [(1 provide each applicant witli_help required. A lentity of Pine Building Timber in good conditiun: â€"12 posts 25 ft. long; 12 beams 23 ft. lung; 9 stringers 42 ft. long. A quantity of girts and braces. AL Uarrville Mi“. G. KIRBY. 31-3â€: 29-4 1:30 Cords pine routs cut Intu cmd wood. A gnud chum-e fm- those m-ed- ing enginf- wuud. W'ill Be snld on the ground, Int 23, second Cull. Markham, by the curd 0r otherwise to suit, pur- chasers. Apply_p_n {be} Premisth or to 32-3 Sn'l Lâ€"VValtL-r Duff. Agnes Muldoon :Stewm't Charlton. Martha Cluphunl. 5 Willie Clapbnm. Jr. ILâ€"Huldu Gibbs, Enid Drury, Marjorie Philips, Dnnnld Dx-ury. Ver- non Gihbs, George \Vutt, Su-HuHugLes Aggielioryp. 32-3 A gund Brick Hnnsv :md 12 acres of land in the Village of Binple. Apply to D. \VATSON. Vaughan 001131013 TUESDAY. FEB. 9, 1903 \VEDNESDAY. Fch. lOâ€"Auction Sale uf farm stuck, implements &c on hit. 22 con 2. Markham. the property of E. J. Lynelt. Sale at. 12 n'clnck. Terms 8 months. J. cH. Prentice Aw tinnem'. “'EDNEBDAY, Fvl). lOâ€"Auctirun Sale of Funu stuck, Implu-menls. Etc, un Int 24. con. 7. Vaughan. (Pm-plo- Till?) the property nf \V. 0. Mc- Dumlld. Salv at I u‘vlm'k. Terms 10 months. Suiguon 6: McEww), Auvts. FRXDAY, Feb. 5â€"Auctinn Sale of F1981] I‘he next met-mu: nf the Cnmmil of the Maui expalitr 01 Vamequ will be haul in the Tovu Hull. Vellum. on ï¬rstâ€"Birdie Gibbs, Lillian Frances, Hazel Ridle. Kathleen Hughes. Jr. ‘I.â€"Mau‘jm-ie Bull. lri-m: Scott. Wilfred Dean, Nelson Forbes, Frances Hgghes. __ ‘PVL. ll.~â€"May Campbell. Jimmiv Duï¬ Harvey Gibbs, Gemge Moflit, Mabel Cb‘apuyln.m Sr: I.-Chm'les Eckhurdt. Albert Mqï¬iltAngiu M u_ldo_9n,_ MyrjnriemFm 1-. J r. 1V.;Auiy Bull. Frances Carleton. Stgulqyfag‘sun. Sr. ULâ€"Tux-rance Douglas, Mildred Durnfmd. Marie Muldoun and Gordon Franch (equal). Stuuley Pearson. Eliza Mulduon. Jr. [ILâ€"Vermin Fnrhvs, Frank Churllul). \Vinnie Cousins. Morlyu Phjli p}: i L 5 w Sr. IV.â€"Glndys Ball. Flul'Pnce Gnod- el'bmn. Cecile Pearson. Alan Francis, But-burn. Duff. France» Cox and 'l‘vssiu qunn (equa_KI.) The Richmnml Hill Bond of lidnca» lion In"! yvstvrduy uftt-rmmn nnd ell-rt- ed nï¬icms fur the, present year. Thu Bumd I'vluctuutly accepted Mr. Swib zmu‘s l'esigmltiun Hth‘l' faithful swrviun us secretary-Ural)rur fur ulmul 30 )‘vurs. The following ofï¬cers “.1le- (‘ll'ctcdszhuil'nmn, D. Hill; 8003* Tums" Geo. McDonald: Committee nf Mannugolneuhl“. McConnghy.G. Cuwiv. G. erdilt. Mr. A. J. Hump. was up- pnintl-d a member 0f the Public Lilmuy Board fur 8 years. nnd Mr. (I. Suuluu for 2 yours to ï¬ll out. Mr. R. Shaw's term. Report, of Thornhill Public :Chho. : January. moans Tabuxes cure bad breath Ripans Tabulea. A Sleigh Rube; Farm Laborers. Milk ans, Hm'svs. Em. at2 p.11). Tm ms, 4 mos. J. T. Saigeun. Auut. Gun. Gov. Employment- Ag Richmond Hill. Ont. Metrupolitnn [Electric C; foxuulu fur Richmond Hill -_~-. _ _ BOARD OF EDUCATION. ; - p . , fl 7 _ V m a aRichmnnd Hi†erd of Educm £6 a a J E g a. 't H {E urn-t yvstrrday nftt-rmmn and t’lrtj‘h l l b 3,} _.,,. "up. ._.-.__ 5'- ; 4-7.7 - _ For Sale in": For Saie Auction Sales. THE LIBERAL OFFICE. Ebund. T. F.‘ Mc'MAHON \VM. ROBINSON. Elgiu Mills P. 0. at 10 a. m Enqmw at, C Sweet to Eat A Candy Bowel Lanna. BBB J. B. MOLEAN. Clerk Sherwood. [’1 ‘(VP {13.0. 1, --"' Weekly Mail, to January 1, 1910 The Daily Globe, one year .1011 ; 22 if. York County The Daily Mail and Emâ€" wv- pire, one year (York County) 3- The Daily Star, received .nm, on of publication gignghe Daily Star, not i°eoeiv~ [3:33; ed day of publication itffigFamily Herald and 'Week- ly Star f New Idea VVoman‘s Maga- iir at? zine 7 ‘Canadian Piotoxial or to Farmer’s Advocate Weekly Globe, to January Subscriptions for week}; and daiiy papers taken with “The Liberal" at $131, year,at the following rates:-- NOTICE is hm'ley, gin-n puns-1mm tn R. 5. 0. (Thnplm- Imam} Amrnding Acts. that nil pl‘rsunu hnving ulninn against. lhv Esqu uf “'illiam Knight, lnlvof the Township 01’ Vaughan in Hu- Uuuuty of Yul-k. (ivnlh-nmn. whu died m) m- uhuut llw 30H) duy uf Sen. ' tamber A. D. 1908. :n-v n-qm-ï¬trd m) u!‘ ' hcfm'v thx- 13!. day nf March A. D. 1909 to send lhrir Humor: and .‘Iddl't'ï¬ï¬tâ€˜ï¬ and .11 full stun-men: nf lhvil' claims in ; \Villinm Uta-k. B;n-1i5u-r&c., 33 Richv ] mnnd sh-w! \V. Tmmltn. 0n Elizabeth Street, in tlw village of Richmond Hill. a cumfnrtulde dwell- ing. part of which is nmvly built and the whnle in good x-epnir. (iund lot, and necessary outbuildings. Make a dt'simlllv htsme for unynxw wishing to retire. 30-t f Skating Skating. - High Schmul Seniur Hucke-y, Senior Houkvy. 3L5 WINTER SCHEDULE And furlhvrtakr unticu (hut after the last. nummi dale. l.va Em-ruturs will distrihnle tln- :wm-h‘ of th:- Estate among the nrlir-s vnlith‘d Un'l‘t'lu, huvingregau only In the claims hf which {ht-y “It'll shall have l’t'Cx'th'd unlim'. “'ILLIAM COOK. 33 Richmnnd St. \V., IN THE I-LS'I‘ATE 0F “'ILXJAM KNIGHT. THE RINK For gale For Sale \VEDNES DA Y. Solicitnr for the Exa-cmm-s. \R’. H. PUGSLEY. Ru: THURSDAY. SATURDAY TU ES DA Y. MONDAY. FRID Apply to Curling Curling. H. A. NICIIULLS. A Y. 7.30 to 7.30 to 10 p.m. 3.30 (n 5 p.111. 7.30 to m p.m 7.5K) L010 p.1n. 'm'un N) p. m. EVE. DONALD & MILLER. Sulicimrs fur 1119 Plaintiff. 32-3 153 Bay 5L. Tmuulo. REAL ESTATE; Parcels (me : will he ï¬rst put up Lugrthm‘ then sold they will I)? put up 3 ly in either case ten pm‘ (:vn purchase money shall hr) [Hid at the Lime of sale and the within thirty days tin-leaf“) interest. In nll other rvsp‘ turns and cunditinns nf sulw the standing (-unditiuns of Hu- Furthm- pm-lirulm‘s and m n Culldiiiuns 1f snlemn lwnl tain the undermenlium'd svl‘n'itum. Dutk'd the 28th dny of Juum JAMES S. CART“?! Also the following FARM S PUMENTS AND PRODUCE; 7 H0 HORNED CATTLE, 22 PIGS, SHEEP, .1 qunnlity of hay, ‘.\'ll('l|Y1 q. lmrle-y. Wagons, sleighs. and f plt-ments, all of which will he aw out reserve. TERMS OF SALEâ€"Farm S pigmenu-Laud Prof!me Cmle PARCEL 'il‘Wuâ€"Blig nun-s mm 0 m- h-Hs heing puns «If the (“ï¬st hulls nf Luts 51 and 52 in the ï¬rst cuncrs~inn 0f the vanship (If Markham LlL'SI.‘l‘il)(-‘d us fnlluws: Cmmxwucing at the south east nngle of Lint ï¬fty-um; thence westerly nlung the snuthm-ly htvlllldfll v of said Int 12 chains and 82 links mum 01 less; thence northerly p rallvl to the (‘HSLt'l'ly liuiitnf Lots 51 and 52. ZUIIhHiHS and 21 links more m- less to the lands (loscrihed herein as panel mw; the-nu, eastmly 12 chains and 79 links more or less to the second cnnvessinn lino; Lht-nce snuthm'ly 26 chains and :21 links more or less to the- plam‘ (if Iii-ginning. __Alsn_the following FARM SITOCK. "ff PARCEL ONEâ€"453', acres nmw m- low lwing pun-t Hf the vast half of Ln! 52 in the First. Cullct'ssinn hf the- Tuwnship uf Mnxkhum. (h‘scribml m: fulhms: Cmmnvncing at :I point in the second cnncvssimx line (If Markham at. u. post “bich nmrks the Ulll‘lh 0le Pnlm'l' of land fm'lm-rly owned hyThnmus Fahl'y; Lhe‘nm- wosLPI-ly 38 chains 36 links an-n or 11-93;; thmrr nurlh 8 chains 765 links mum (-1- lo-ss tn Llw line fvnm- lu-twcrn land of MuNnir and Bernard: thence rust 38 (‘huinsnnd 361inksuuuu or [ram (1: the aecnnd (:(mcva‘siun linv: the-tutu south 8 rlmins and 792 links more 111‘ less to the place nf hvginuing. Pursnnnt tn n Judgnu‘ht uf tlw High Chum, uf Justice, dun-d the Huh dny nf Dace-mlqu 1903*. for pnuitinn hrlwwn 1'3. J. Fnhl-y. Plaintiff. lllIIl \Villinm Fain-y, Defvndunl, and with \lw :qv. pI-mul of Jame-s S. Cartwright. ()ï¬icih‘ Rt'fvl‘ffl‘. there will be (ï¬rm-d I'm- Nil" by public auction am Tuesday, Un- 2'5â€) day uf Ft-In-um-y. 1809. at um- U'Lllmk p. m., by J. T. Suigmm. Audit-mu 1'. “pan the pn-misvs Luls :31 um! 52in the First, Cantu-ssh)“ t-f ll)? varcship nf Markham. in Hn- Cuuuly nf Yum. near Elgin Mills Pust Ufl'icv. {ht- fulltm'. ing pmpplly. suhjrcb Ln u re'sul \‘cd hill (Il‘ luds:-â€"- \"ALUABLE FARM PROPERTY 'rocx, IMPLEMENTS, GRAIN, AND PRODUCE. ms 01' Sull" 51ml Linus of the UM: H‘s and LN ms M an henl taint-(1 f ‘d svliflilul'N‘. 7:74 of Jnuunu'.1 OF 1y 0f Jnlxllnl". 1009. 0A R 'I‘W' R 10 HT. 1 49 we. ‘75 3. 2.50 23.5%} 2.25 150 990. 75G. Nï¬i (QC. OfliCinl HPH‘I'PG Cases; 24 ', POULTRY. nah im M with 1;. Km C] {Wu if ln-L nume- nf the 1 cash Mum-e ilhnu‘u is the l†110 urt. If L110 frnm and