Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Feb 1909, p. 5

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{Deputy-Reeve \V. U. Putnam) of S vnx'hm-o. and Du-pnty-Roevv “a G. [W]! of Eustfiwminflmry were yester- iuy in the (‘mmty Council PIN:th 't-omulissmnvx-s fun-tho Industrial Humv. hmle (If Mer J. Tuesday at 3 u‘clnck. The. \Vnmzm‘s Missionary Society will Him-L tn-duy (Thm sday) at. 3 u'clnck AL the bmnc of Mrs. Allen. Tl"I L.Y.Il.\‘-.‘ m‘g‘nnizml early in the Lump Yvnr, held :1 meeting Tmusduy revs-hing, and dt-cided to diubund. REQUIEBCAT IN PACE. The ont.ort:nim-rs gave :1 good cnncm-t v-fmusic and t-lncntinn in the lehndiit Church. 'l‘hm-nhill. Inst 'l‘hursduy even- ing: undn' the auspices of the Ladies Mr. \Vm. Handy“ 0719131119 champion ploughmun of tho Prmincp. died at. his hmm- at Amber. Mnrkhmn 'I‘nmwhip. (m \VHIIH‘Hduy nfthls werk. Deceased was 82 years of :lgv. Thv Epn-mth League (‘xper‘t Prcsi dcnt R. Shaw and other uffive of Hue Central [Tush-int. :It thrir u-epting Ii xt Monday evening. All visitors \v ll be made wvlcmm‘. The hockvy match played nn Thorn- hill ice (In Momhy evening between Richmund Hill and Thurnhifl was Won by Thm-nhill by :1 scnrv (1f 3 to L The match was wl'erevd by Mr. A. G. Suv- age. The PIN-lie. Suhunl is (‘Itlsv‘d tn-dny Hm! slate lylackhLm-du m-u luing m- Mailed. Rev. E. C. (‘mrim wlmsv induction (nka place- i'n Hm Prrshytvrinn vhm-ch khis evening. Mm (Burl-iv and rhl‘dl'l‘l). arrived fnnu Surniu last evening. Thetym-Put pH-sum bunning at, the Dominion linusv. Th? Ontario Railway Bumrd I'd-run)- Inends that. Yungu Survet, through the Lmvn nf Nm-lh Tux-unto. he dulth- trmrkvd. The probability is that it will not, be many years lu-fm-n Ynngo Hum-t will Iu- dunhlv-trucked {mm the. City to Richmund Hill. Aid. On Sunday m-xt, Fol). 7.11m wgulnr Quarterly IIIV-‘l'lillg sorviw’s will hv held in the Mulmdisl chm-vh lwgiu- ningnt.10.3():\. In. The utfivial nun-[- mg of the Qumtm-ly Bunnl will he lll'l(1 on Mmulny aft-0111mm in the School mum ul 2. n. m. Rxcnunsn HILL, 0mm Fran. 4. [000 23311;: 35%};me St. Valentin-“s (lay is apprmu-lai-ng. [)0 not 99ml uglv pictures with vvrses In wuund tlwfwlings. hut mail your friends a mlsxivo that, they will he pleased L’ll-l'N'slvu. Yuu can go! some vury pretty null-Minus and \‘ulvntine pnst curds alt 'l‘HE LIBERAL 0mm». Fwsidcnt Gurmlev. Vice-Pres. Pud- gl-t and Scrty. Nickulls "ft-1w Riuhnmnd Hill AgriculIm-ul Sucietvy “introduced by Alex. I‘lquwnn. M.L.A.” \vuitvd upon the- Minister of Agriculturv last Friday l'eluLhe to an increase nf Eh:- Hmu-d of Dinwtnrs from nine uu'mhel-s In fiftven. The drlegatiun report a fuvumhle inLex-vimv. ThoStm- Printing Company charge $2.50 for “1141‘ daily pan in Rirhmnnd ’liill. anlp. Thmnhill. and “liner places where their newshuys delivm' the papers at. pz-nph-‘s humus. The rate. howevqu is nnlv $l.50 tn farmers and uthors outside- of those \‘illagn-e, irrespective of the post office. The higher rate is to protect the newsbuys. The Markham Sun expressvs its enâ€" tire confidence in Mr. \‘V. \V. Thumpâ€" snn. license inspector for East Yul'k iu the following \\'m~ds:â€""He 1s undnuht- mlIy mm uf (he most c.1pnhle um] lhmough inspucturs in Oanin. [1c the following wux-dszâ€"“He ls undnuhb- mlly (mu uf {he most cupnhle uml lhmough inspmmms in Ontmin. He will nut. tulm-nte for u. single instant, any crum'mdness m' louse motllmls. l'mlur his ihspectiun the licensed hum-ls ln Bust, York are becoming llllldl‘lS of lmvmhuling decency. while in the muni- vipulities where lucal option is in force we rarely hom- nf u. cmnpluint of all.- h-mptcd illegal sale." A largo entry of exhibits and a largo. nltendunco is expecth at the Seed Fair to he hnld in the Lorne Hull to- .mnrrnw (Friday) The prizes for the various kinds of grain. sevd. um} pumtuesure $2 and $1 in each claw. Last year the hints thrown nut nn vnri~ nus subjects by the speakers sent out by me Govei-nnmnt were hvipful m faynwrs. and (his year it is hunt-«1 they “'3”. be t'qllrllh' interesting. All ex- iuhils must he in position for judging M 1-3”. and the public will be admitted in 2 p.m. The \V. O. T. U. will umn-L at the THE HIGH SCHOOL \i‘ON. Richman Hill High Schoul dcfeutr‘d ht' Yungo Stun-L \Vandex-ers in an ex- iting game in the rink by :0. scure of 5 l. 'Xihu teenus lined up as fulf|uwsz~ like 14(390 A115“. “(‘iS SEED FAIR. (‘ontre f. Wing ., \Ving Run-1' ('rnal [’uillt . Puiut Marsh Harris next R.” Iau'gn } chum H.S‘ Hill Jtht to think of it; Gold Medal Rind- Pr Twine “acknowledged to he the best in the World" quoted n1, eleven cents. At this unprecedented low price it, is needless to say that. much more will he used than usual and consequently the factory will he taxed to its utmost: capacity to furnish the brand. The Plymouth Binder Twine Co. of \Vell- and. Ont” and Plymouth. Muss. have therefore usked us to endeavour to give them as soon as possible the re- quirements for this favorite, brand. In order to do this we ask our num€rous customers to let us know right mvay the quantity they will require for the coming harvest. Any who have not heretofore used the I’lvumugh rades of {wine we would he only too :ipp‘y t » enrol them among our customers mid they will never lepenb it. The lowest grades are as Cllt’ilp in propor- tion “:3an as low as eight, and one hnlf Cents." “'9 also handle the well- known Des-ring lirund of twine. Price guru'nnteetl against advance or reduc- tion. "Nnfi’ said." It is up to you to a‘ct and order from H. A. Nicholls the Repair and Implement, mun. Mir": Evn Hill left. Friday to visit ucouplu uf Wi‘t‘ks with rrlutives at l’eterboru. Mr. Hnnnugnn. Mr. Nvil Davis. and Mr. Uninu (If anmatocame up tn the “AL Hnnu-“(m \Vednrsmy {hr 21th, and spent, the day with Mr. and Mrs. Fwd Lynett. Mrs. H. Junps of Hollund Landing nccmnpumed hy hvr daughter Miss Eva-1y", spent. a fmv days last week with her daughter Mls. Eli Shin-k. Mzs. Charles Dnviu. Miss Dm ins and Mn Hurnld Davin; of Tux-unto have been Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles l’ulIm-L' fur n few days. Th” zmmml banquet of the King and Vaughan levmen's Association was held at [he Inkex-unm Housv, Wond- lu-idge. last Fridnyevt‘ning. Notwith- stnnding thv imflemmxcyof the weather about 15‘) sat down to :1 sumptuous nystvr supper, nftvr which all repaired to the Omnng Hull. whore- an enter- tuinmmlt was furnishvd by Mr. Robert \Vilsnn. hnmm-ist; Miss Evelyn Davis. vlnvuiinnist, and Mr. Humid Rich. pianist. The marinas numlwrs wen- wvll rundme :md the entertainers were found to respond tn sun-ml PD- crxrn-s. Short. and uppmpx-mre speechl-s \vvl'P made at intenals'hy Mr. John Hun-is. [wave of \Vnndhride; Mr. D. C. Lnnghnusv. wave of Vaughan; Dr. P. I). McLean. I‘h-putyâ€"Rueve Patterson (If Sunrhnl'n. Mr. \Vm. \Vulkillg’tun (If Sunrlmrn, Mr. \Vm. ‘ and othm-s. The chair wn: by Cnum'illnx- Snige-un of who has hum ss‘crvtury uft Linn fur mrlny yum-s past. Induuliwn Servinvs will he held in the Pl-eshytvrinu Church [his (Thursâ€" (lny) m‘ening, rmmm‘iu'nig at 8 (I‘cluck. A mePLiug uf Llw Tnmntu Presbytery will he llk‘kl h.ilf nn hunr earlier. TH) or twuh’v clu-rgyim-n will he pres- ent. IL is (-‘xpvch-d limb Rev. Mr. Mc- Gillivx-uy will nddre-Ss Rev. E G. Cllt'l'ib’. ‘the newly iminctwl minister; Rev. “7. G.‘B:cck will address [he uunglpgution: and Rev. Mr. Booth will preach the sermun. A cordial invilnlinn is ex- tmuléd to all who can attend. The pupils of Madame Rutherford gm» a recital in [he PrrshylH-iun church on Tuesday evening of Inst, wvek. The uu-mnpunists were Mrs. Rnulh-yund Miss Lulu-u Richardson. A cuiiuctiuu umnunling tn $16, was taken to defray expenses. Thennnual llH-‘Pting of the Farmer‘s Institute was held on Monday of last, week in the Mnsmnic Hull. and the W’omon'n Institute meeting at the hmuenf Mrs. Keys. AL the close (if the uftm-m-uu meeting. tea. was sewed in the hull by the indies. Rev. J. \V. Gordon preached anniver- Smry Hex-mom zit Laskay on Sunday. Mr. G. J. Luwrie 11:15 lmught the undeltaking business fl'Ulll McIntyre Brns. of King City. Miss Anniu Coleman of Tntbnximm spent mun Saint-(th iiii Tuesdayai Mr. H. Juvksun's, and sang a 51-10. "Suriuur. 11001119," in the Mclhvdisl chunrh on Sunday vveninyz. UN PRECEDENTED IN HISTORY. hill. \V m 'Ih(- Fancy Dress Carnival in the Thm'uhill Rink lust vvcuing drew :x $50 house. Thu ice was in excellent condi- tion at the start. The fullnwingure the prizn-wimu-rs {01- best reprvsent- :llin' Ctlalllllle‘slâ€" Lady. Miss Aggie Buyiu, Langstnff, "\Vuuring u' the Grevn." ‘ Gil-l. Miss Nut-u McMuhnn. Richmond HI". “Rt-d Riding Hood." Gent. Mr. H. A. Thumpsou. Thum- hill In recent umtrthr-a f: “’ihuy \vnn fr . aniu " Lanmn “ . Savage “ \Vil9y “ W’iley “ ‘ Cowie “ BANQUET AT Buy. PHI ht ‘unl X ['3\\' LICENSE BOARD CSBY'I‘ERIAN CHU RCH.‘n5t- Hnaxds 'm-k fur 1909 are PERSONAlefi. CARNIVAL ON ICE .yal ('uvulim‘ “'m. “'und Ml I‘h'putyJit-ei'e Patterson Mr. \Vm. \Vulkingtun The chair was :lhly filled \V illiu m [7‘ \n-stOI‘. Saigon" of Vuhghan, crvtury «If the Assuma- wu-s past. ll'l \VOODBRIDG E. .r the Slatm‘ Cup: um G. McDonald " G. McDonald “ G. McDonald “ T. Lamun " T. Lumnn “ H. Nicholls “ A. Savage wk fur East am as f()“ll\\'51~“ Alexander Lu and L. A. Dc ere-s, “'illian mas GI Ifiilhs ville. Thorn Id JACKS~ BRACKIN. ~The Chatham Planet of January 27. gives good photogruvenrs of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jacks. and an interesting account of their weddng on that day. The bride was Mary Kathleen. eldest daughter of Mrs. James Brat-kin. The groom was Mr. Albert Elliott Jacks of Regina. Sask. Of the bride The Planet says:â€"â€"”In the (lepartule of Miss Bl-ackin Uhathani loses one of her most talented and popular daugh- ters. Miss Brackin has been espec- ially active in musical and social cen- tres. she being one of the most talent- ed musicians that this city has ever posesled. Miss Brackin is probably the most capable musician in a family of Musicians. Eversiuce her earliest girlhood days she has been prominent- lv associated with musical triumphs in the Maple City and everyone recog~ nizes and admires her splendid talents and accomplishnn-nts. As a pianist and mganist she has few equals in \Vestern Ontario. She is a natural player. and this. added to the excvl- ent training she has had from her youth. has had a remarkable efl'ect in creating her the artist she is to-day. Miss Brackin first studied the piano under Miss Lillian Piatt. and after. Wards with Mr. Julius Syler and Mr. Batchelor of Detroit. the latter being one of the most celebrated teachers on the-organ available. When she was quite a young girl, only 16 years of age. she was appointed organist of Victoria Ave. Methodist Church of this City. She has since played the organs in Christ Ohm-ch. St. Andrew’s Church and the Fiist Presbyterian Church. In St. Andrew's Church she also acted as choir director. Her abil- ity on the organ is equal to that on the piano. which is a very high tiibnta indeed. Of recent years Miss Brackin has developed a remarkably pure and pmwrful'mezzo-soprano voice. She is today one of the most sought after vocalists in the city." ' \Ve nre sure her many old frionds hH‘e will be pleased to learn that. Mrs. Siver. a furmer esteemed citizen, is still (mjuying gnud hmnlth in Toronto, with her daughter, Mrs. Suddaby. We must also that the family will pardon us for inserting the following note re- cciw-d by the editor n few days ago:â€" “ Enclosed find one dollar, a renewal nf THE LIBERAL for Mrs. Sivur. Mothrr greatly enjoys THE LIBERAL. and looks fur it, very eagerly every F1 inlay. She is quite smart, and cele- brated her ninetieth birthday the tenth of January." C A S S E L L 8’ Canadian P u b â€" fishing Company The monthly magazines of the above com‘pany cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. Subscnptinns taken at LIBERAL Office, or ma) sent to It is not necessary to send to forexgn couames for maga- zines. Read the following:â€" Ch Th TI Mus [he LilL TASSELLS 1% icluuond Ilill A. J. HUME i6“! Hl Girls" M's Magazine. per Stury Trlh’l’ . Quivn' . . CONGRATULATIONS! TA I“ LS & COM PAN ‘1‘ dtlalde St. \\'. '3 Journal 1th . urunto l) +++H+++++++++++++++++++++ MH+++++$++$++++++++++++Â¥ fleadman & M ++4'<%H‘H+'W+M+HW+++ +'§-++++++l§-++++++é ’§‘+‘§‘++++'§'+'§"{1 Naw Chewing m Téskgis iartisaWesi CHOP GRAIN If you read this advertisement of Ours and take advantage of the bargains ofl'ered. Buying what we mention here means substantial savings. We aim to furnish reliable eatables at reasonable prices. The testimony of our customers proves that the service is correct and the sort particular buyers prefer. We want only satisfied customers. If anything goes wrong, tell us; we’ll make it right. Here are some quotations for good stuff:â€" Canned Corn, Peas, Tomatoesâ€"~we will sell one can or one dozen cans for So. can or 100. or 12%0. Pearl Tapioca, not a made-up stuff, but the genu- ine article, 4 lbs. for 25c. Polished Rangoon Rice, extra special, 5 lbs. r for 250. Money in your pocket Griffin & Skelley’s California Seeded Raisins, finest fancy goods, full 16-02. package 10c. ‘ Prunes, size 60 to 70, fine clean stock, per lb. 8c. Very fine natural Figs, choice, per lb. 5c. Nonpariel Jelly, in all flavors, 4 pack. for 25c. Extra Granulated Sugar, this week 23' lbs. r for $1.00. Tea Talk You can buy Tea here that is out of the ordinary -â€"â€"a Tea that is all Tea. because free from adulteratio‘n and coloringâ€"a Tea that comes from theifinest tea. gardens 0! japan, India and Ceylonâ€"«at 250.. 300,, 50c. and 75c. lb. Our blends of pure Coffees at 25c , 300., 40c. and 45¢. per ll), ground fresh. A mild, rich, smooth~ drinking Coffee; rare flavor, pleasing aroma, and altogether superb. Atkinson Swilzer Jan. 23th, 1909. The undersigned are prepared to DOMINION HOUSE STABLES Richmond Hiil Hardware Sims STWES. RANGES. HEAFERS. PAINTS AND OILS, Day of the Week AT THE TINSMITHING. C. SOULES F URNILCES, ichaei â€"FOR-â€" 1 Farm For Sale. TICKETS fur the Canadian West procured at, THE BANNER OFFICE, AURORA hum, cunt high state modiuns burns. all in p: repair. The farm is. well 1 m-nhrn-d and water. Fnl qu plnwiug. Fur fmthe priceangyin s nppiynn Orders taken atâ€" THE LIBERAL OFFICE. RICHMOND HILL. Tln N [CH OLAS 'LYN E’I‘T, ll" arge Itiv at iencm. Good 1 wheat. and r particulars. the premises ‘01] [In m-x' nd can state ( nd Hi)!

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