l 4.25. 6.25. Sh:u~un-a-.m.. 8.30. 10.30; 13.30. Newm-u-ketâ€"u. m.. 6.00. 9.00. 11.00; p. m., 1.00, 3.00, 7.01). 9.01). Au|~ux~u~â€";L. 131., 6.10. 7.10 11.10; nun. 6.1 S. and A. Jet. (5.33. 7.255 11."': 1).!!!†1.33. 3.25. 5.135. Abs: Mall“ he 5' Yul‘k Mills P. U.â€"â€"«:|. 11L. 7.1l3,‘8.10, 9.10. 10.10, 11.10. 12.10; p. m.. 1.10. 23.10. 3.10. 4.10, 5.10, (5.10. 7.“). 8.10. 10.10. Nurth'l‘mrvntn, Arrin-ua. m.‘ 7.40,â€, 10.40, 11.40. 13.40: p. 11).. 1.40. 2.40, 3.40. 4.40. 5.40, (5.40. 7.41). 8.40. 1U.4U. \Vodmmdny and Saturdn)’ m‘bnings a late cur Names (3. P. R. Urnssing fm- Newnmrkvt and inbemwdinte points upgum p. m. . ‘ n. 1 pt! ‘3 I] " CWADIAN PICTORIAL†Sharonâ€"a. 6.50. "-ï¬Ã©lvmurketâ€"n. m.. 7.40. 8.40. 10.40. 12.40; p. m.. 2.40, 4J0. 0.40. 8.40. 10.40. 2.15. 3.15. 4.15. 5.15, 6.15, 7.15. 9.15. Thm-nhill P. 0.â€"a. 111., 6.35, 7.35. 8.33, 9.3-3. 10.35, 11.35. 12.36: p.m., 1.35, 2.35. 3.3.3, 4.35. 5.1", 6.35, 7.35. 9.35. Richmond 11i11~zm m.. 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.45, 10.45.; p. m.. 1.45, 2.45, 3.45, 4.45, 5.45, 6.15, 7.45. 9.40. S. and A. JCL-â€":|.HI.U.55, 7.55. 8.35. 9.55, 11.55; p.1u., 1.55. 3.55, 5.55. (3.55, "ya-k Mills P. O.â€"â€":\. 8.16, 9.15, 10.15.71 L15, _1; C. P. R. Crnssing(Tm-(mm). Leave, -u.m. 6.00, 7.0m. 8.00, 0.00, 10.00. 11.00. 12.00; p..l’n., 1.00. 2.00, 3.00, 4.00. 5.00, 6.00%, 7.00. 9.00. Queensvilleâ€"a.m.. 9.00: p.m., 1.00, 5.00, 7.00. Kl‘sWiCkâ€"ILDL, 9.10, p.m. 1.10, 5.10, 7.1“. Hoclw’s Pointâ€"~21. m., 9.15; p. m., 1.15, 5.15. 7.15. Jackson‘s Point, 1Arriveâ€"m.m. 9.40, Suthn I p.111.,1.40, 5.40.140 10.15. "ny Loigo, A 0 U Wâ€"-Moota thirl Wednesday of each mans!) Cum) Elam. S O B --Meets second and fourth ‘Wohmslay n T of ‘1'e:uperzxnceâ€"-‘&Ioets ï¬rst Wednesday of each month Firs Brigade~Meets ï¬rst Monday of every month Publiu Lllprury and ReaJim; Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Bmumav evuninss. Burgoth Leamxo~Moats evorv Mommy Junior Epwurnh League meets every N on- duy afternoon as 4. mMéLhmliat'Unurch-â€"Bervicos at 10.80 a. n|.,nnd 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2.60. General ynya‘t meeting Thursday. availing.‘ mfhchI'FAJuH‘Ludgo.x VFHE‘I‘JH A M â€"Meeta Mom dav on or before full moon Court. Richmond . A O F â€"- Meet: fourth Fr]- dgy _ _ . _ -. ... -. . n 5, . nu;_-_x~~ 86mm CatholicUnmetâ€"Services on than nuke Sun luyg at 9 ‘u. Lg. my] l0.39_§._ m. Toronto & Yark Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DlVlSlON Winter Time Table 1908 ' Pirérsbywï¬nn Chu'rchwdcrvices un'n subjuga 'I p. m. Sunlny School c.5130. Prayer meeting W_e inaa lay (wagingL Richmond Hill-«'1. m.. 6 40. 0.40. 10.45. 11,-“). 113.45: p 45. 3.110. 4.4:"). 5.4â€. (5.40. 7‘40, 'l‘hm'nhill P. 4.).â€"n.. m.. h‘ 50. 9.50. 10.50, 11.50. 12.51): [1 5H. 3.5â€. 4.50. 5.5â€. 6.50. 7.50. Yul‘k Mill‘s P. ().â€"â€"«:I. 11L. '1 10. 10.10, 11.10. 12.10; pun)†Sutton \n. m Jacksnn 5 Point. I gum. Roche's Puinlâ€"u. m.. .m.. 4400, 6.00. K05\\'ick--a.ln., 8.10, 10. 10. Quoonsvilleâ€"n. m., 8.25, sh Church of Englaud~8arvicoa Map. m. In 2n} Mm 4m Bung-1y. _Thi_rd {Sunday}: ll 9. m; 55. 9.50. Auroraâ€"n. m 3.15: p. m..2. Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MORNING .61!) EVENING .600 N. B.â€"Rogistered letters mun be handed in at least. Fifteen minutes earlier than we above tauntioned hours for closing. nt Until further notice Mann win be cloud M tho mchmond Bill Post Office as Iollowu :â€" MORNING .... 8 30 EVduNING.... .... .....6.30 .:\uisitvly printed or. ï¬ne coated u‘. Pictures uf wellâ€"known people). “went events. of things manti- mi curimm About one tlmusuud. w inchvs of pictures in each issuo. «1‘s tin Cmmdiuns us the great. i1- :ued pupm‘s of London appeal tn English anplc. Nun political. Juter no axe :0 grind. It: aim y m Name and Lu infuu m. MusL mu m hp appreciated. TH] cvnts n“. 0va dullnl‘ :l “Hr. The Pitâ€" POST OFFICE NOTICE ubscribf: OFFICE. CLOSES AT 7.30 P. H. M. TEEF‘! Postmaster Village Directory. GOING SOUTH. :tpm‘s of London a] b pEmplc. Nun p no axe to grind. ease and Lu infmm h» appreciated. Tr wdnlhu‘ a ye‘u‘. '[ shiug Cu, 141‘. St. I" GOING NORTH \Y m.. 8.50. 12.50; MONEY OBDEBB ILLUSTRATED MAGA , 8.10, 10.10; p.m., 4.10 MOORE n 7.10. 8.10. 10, 6.10. 7.10‘ 8.15‘ 9.15. 10.15. 25, 10.25; p. m m. (5.15, 7.15. (I. Its aim .u m. Musb Tvn cunts . Thl‘ Pic- L. Pete!" St. Bl-lf 8.00. 10.00: p.ux., 4.30, p. “’11, 1.15‘ 01' ‘ m.. 9.5m Manager In.. 9.40 50. 9.10, 9.10. . 25. l .40, 50, Rondy Nn\'.15. 1908. best ever sent out. beautiful covers in colors. line pun-trait. «:f Prnf. Hicks in colors. all the old fentmesand several new (mos in the book. The hvst astronomical year bunk and the nuly one containing the m-iginul "Hicks \Veucher Fnrccasrs." By mail 350. on news smndséillc. 01w. uupy free with Worm AND \VoRKe; the hast 31 Monthly in America. Dis- Cnunts on almnmms in quantities. Agents wanted. WORD & WORKS PUBUSHING (30., The Rev. ERL. ï¬iCKS AI 4 31 ka ACRE FOR 1909. ALL BUSINESS WILL HAVE MY PROLIPT ATTENTION. \Vhile busxness in some other lines may he dull. f‘lnnprs were new-1- mme vncuumgsd as I-ogmds fruit growing than at the present, smmm. High prim-s far all classes uf f1 uil have been nhtuinvd the- pustv season. and Lhexe is. as :L cnnsequencv, an increased demand '-r nursvr)‘ stuck. 0m sLm‘k is cumpivio in m‘vry de- pnrlnwnt including a new list of sprciultir-s which we alone hundlv. The right, umn will uhmin a penun» ncnt siluulinn with twinian reserved fur him. Pny wookly. Frf‘v Sample outï¬t, (-ic. \Vritv fur particulars STU for RICHMOND HILL and adjoining cunntry In represent; “CANADA’S ULDEST AM) GREATEST NURSERIES†REGHMOND HELL, 44m See (ur strcck compare quality and price of goods, and you will buy here. GED. 3:03:13, Richmond Hill 'nnthi“ Nursm ies A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED Confederation Life Ass’n. Mercantile Fire Insurance Co. Western Fire Insurance Co. Norwich Union Fire Ins. 00. York Fire lnsuranoe Co. for the following Companies 2‘ l Nursex ies (850:1(11-95) TORONTO. ONTARIO E & W ELLINGTON 81‘ STREET, ST. Lows. Mo‘ It’s colors are clear, bright and lasting. It costs less by the job than any other paint made. The full color card shows 48 handsome shades. S.. W. P. is k put up ï¬t}! measure, always. It forms a tough, durable ï¬lm that wears and looks well for the longest time. 7 It’s made frorh pure white lead, pure zinc white, and pure linseed oil. It does not powder, flak: off or crack. N 'AON' .VILI N“ WIT" Oil". 0. All. INIIDK 7715 Slimm- WILLIAMS PAINT 3W JAGDB EYER & SON SOLD BY The Next Sitting of Divxsion Court tot No. 3, County of Ym-k, will he held in the Court Room. Building mnnd Hill, Ln BEVESM " CEURT. l3â€"tf OURILPRICFS just, a little lower than the same quality of goods can be bought elsewhere. Our frium‘s have come to expect the best; from us, We do not disappoint them. OUR HARNESS is the best, all our own make. OUR HORSE GOODS, Robes, Blankets, Mitts, Gloves, 1;th are the best. TORONTO. ONT. “’ and pm pm .H {mm “1.1.- vmplny- ment. Our Graduates readily obtain good positions. 0111- hamlsmne Unm- lnque is free. \Vrite for une tu-dny. Students admitted at any! Iinw. (lullvuu (rpm the entiu- yvnr. \V. J. ELLIOTI‘. Principal. in shorthand or Business will bring yuu bvst results if lulu-n at (Mr uld established and thnruughly relinhle schon]. \Viutm' Term begins Jun. 4th. Cutalngue Flee. Bntish American I __3iu_31_n¢ss“Co.L1ege ()cnh-ul Y.M.C.A. Bldg, annnu; Now is tho tin-o age and Alexander 5:3 Great In Reputation. Results. Influence and _Thor' ugliness! RICH The Best Always EREAT um Far Sale ELLIOTT Int (11 Cent eust of PM HMOND YOUR COURSE JA. M NE \V TON, SC BOOT.» re Sheet, Ric-h~ sonngo. Apply Elgin Mills. for Sudbury and Sellwnod. Connec- Linn at Sellwnud with the Guwgmdn Tl'unspnrt Comp;th fur Bulwmzh, Phnenix. and Guwguudu. Phuenix. uhd vagnndu. The Only Through Passenger Service, THE SHOBTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. Pan-y SoundTmiu leaves Tux-onto at. 9 :1.m. For further infm nmtiun apply tn nearest. Ticket Agent. or write Puss- enger D9pt.. Canadian Nun thex'n Build- ing. Tot-onto. Ont. E cm New Silver Fig-cl j“ THROUGH PASSENGER SERVICE vl 5 pm. Tram from Toronto i FRESH and GOOD, our CANNED GOODS GRMNQEE? \Ve enter the New Year thh a determination to serve our patrons, and guarantee satisfaction. he RELIED ON EVER TIME. ‘ Lgsï¬ï¬eï¬igg ï¬mmry SLEEPING AND DINING CAR SERVICE Confe“ ' dimmers; Eï¬iéiéz m3 13F,le ops NUTRlTIOUS CANAD? \N BUS!N“:SS Why then should it not be the best? THE SWEARD BANK Our GROCERIES are 0R0 F 1'0 Edabibhed ALVV A YS ON H AND If you have not make a start to-dny our Savings ch‘uzi'lm cf 35 yeam or 50111111 mm same in resources and banking exp \Ve invite you to join Ll successful pcoplc who have {L it both agreeable and proï¬ts!) FRESH LINE OF Am: Gracezi PROP; WWW 187 73 OF CANADA Ab We} ‘5 EC AT A K E §+++++ : ml†at begun n- and :th the Tow-n 1-? [GHQ fm 'l‘hnrnu service or £59qu Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND UH.) America F. 5: m :tc Richmund Dcering Q. H 5 $0M HOUSE 123 12mm, * WI ï¬e London IL zier, Grains-z «ondon GENERAL RiCHMONI) 3 TRONAG CHEMIST and i; Richzx '- :glmn (Thom:er 1 J young Slm‘k urn-ed bull and 1mg 1: ille premisv§. ’ Huber of prudent, in! rdations with a record behind it 115355. and is strong Hr spare do1lurs )ulz'ur or more in i). G. GOODERHAM. Prnpriutu Mutual )LU VIEW FARM BLACKS 7f lesnr tle And BI W h Raï¬ gs. QUALITY E? E1 «raga . lawn; -’.-+++++++++ +++++++ m Branches GliiST h k am ‘ u. aw. .9: i RMACY M [T I ,i‘ Bremlex Hugs. I rurhill) 1‘ arise i stale n pre- ".11 by x‘S of i a nd ERR. 3ritish 'hul . wlt'd This not aper- 0m. [HM (.0111