Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Feb 1909, p. 1

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Lina-ale A'Iorzion-m Ior :uellouun- of Y0: ( rn~ ngmttuny whens vuur patronage 1nd lfland‘y inflnanqo rues uni-mind on tha shortestv naive uJ M muonubemtaa P O Mamas Kim: [Jan-ed \catimmars (arena ()ouuzyo! York Same susndeuam: mortaatnozineond a ru- sn) [D16 rates Batuâ€"arsng0 inlioited Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Luman \uomoueer for she Coun‘y of Y0 k G.” 13 5.3“ 91 canngumsuc Gena!“ at!“ sun on um upaly unandedco at resmnaoh rafiei‘ {Riddance Uninnviue Pupih prc-pnrvd fur Examinatinns u: the Univmsily uf Toronto um! the Tumult.“ Conservatory uf Musiu, u R Gaul-(mg; Ne‘rvflm‘rhvrookmgemtonne sbovo Private and Ohms Tuition in Pluying and Thenry l‘roparos pupils f. Illtl‘l medymx quu) (lunservnmry and ( Spin-i»! enursv in JOHN R. CAMPBELL, “'ill Iv U MISS MILLIE TRENCH 'E Ssigeon, Mlple VOL. XXXI inn prune” m Ti) ILL 11. W. Axnsnsox ‘1 W. Y-».\; - :Lu-I Blunt Sts.. Tux-onto. n'ill In: in [{EC‘IIHHHJ Hill on \Vei Ia.:sd.ty ut' ('mzh wwk. 0133c, next. dmu- marth uf Stand- urtl Bank. (Hi-m Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Is PUBLISHED 3mm 311 URSDAY MO KNING 53m Pmma a. musnms uouee R{()i.’¥()bIDEULL,ONT. ‘Ez‘ttjfiifzgi: MN. WILKWSON. MD. DR. FULTON RISDDN, IP-ml that, $1 per annum, in advance.] J. EARL-E NEWTON Pianist Pupil of W. H. Sherwood VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Pilon'uhill. (o Grudunfe V mln'r Unile‘g: BUSINESS CARDS‘ em, I K KcEuâ€"en llple Wuhan :slxeon {E VlcEwen. F . M‘c MAB: O N Teacher of Piano 'rianiste Privuh- Pinnu Lossnne Gabe gig-wens! 1. ll Pt entice. D. a. z: LOUIE“, EDITOR .& Enorsmroa. (If [h Liuulu BICHXOND HILL RICHMOND HXLS. mn\m fiztcrinary gpxins. Oi: t uriu l’uiycliuic, Nex vxurminnlimx at C‘Eé. McHAHCN (£55 cum. and ir'tmiu‘ Unitmsity - I’hy-‘icbllfi and Suz- nx- l'rimnr)‘ m 13:1. stemx) Lungs II. Specialty, unusumptiun. d). Ce w Ym k of Junior. ‘urunlu Piano 'ni ndv Mouov to loan onland «Meagan: mortgages“. lowest raw: Antor¢nfllce~nemoved to the old you: 01150., one door was: 0! the emulate to the Ontnrlo Bank Hewmuke‘ omen-Three doors can“: 01 me p m o'fice '1‘ HBIBEBTLBNROI 0 5w Monasz sum“ New RICHMOND mu 2. THORNHIII ' T i! E Effig’ffikifl. ' LENNOX & MORGAN HIGH COURT OF IUSTICE,&¢. Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Lax-«ts 5 M. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC. Riohmong Hill COMMISSIONER, CONVEYAKCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KDJG ST E. TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DE m-r ui 'Pux'uncll Ofl'iw‘. 33 Hhfllmnnd Si \Vz-q, \‘.~'e<h:y Buildings. Richmond Hill ()fiicr‘. “Lilv'hal Ofi‘icc, mury Saturday :lftmhuun. qulv, Thursday uftmnmm. Money to 1mm :lt, Fiu- Put (Fe-Qt. {5%} Riv]: muml “urn- In. must A G F T; Lwronce F J Dunbar H (In aerial; or: A- Emhnlm rrl [SSUER MARRMGE LICENEES, l3 14(u‘rIN 31114} AS large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at, hath place: {mun Main Danton, Dunn é"; Boultbee REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Rioans Tabules Rimns Tabules Ripaus Tabules J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC UHHI AS. “‘3 V'WTON .T. M”. L .\ [NU Barriseex‘, Solicimr. Lawrence 22 Dunbar, Barri-dens a n d solicitors. Tul‘nlltn Uni: ‘mmnissinnex, Cunveyuucer. «to. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuvr of Marriage Licenses. [CIâ€"{NONI} HILL. 0N1“, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1909 Barriztera. 2013mm: WRIGHT BROS. HERBERT L. :11th \V. \IULOCK BCULTBEF Barri WfLLIAM COOK TU Ell, Suum's‘un. Solzuty. I?“ OOEKMESBIUFEI! [I TB! ictm'i. Hill am 121,- Hug. Buii-Iing rs, thcMr‘s. Etc. 55mm. : at druzglstl. cure bmmxsneas cure dizziness. C Sweet to E. A Cad" am: my. In Essentials, Uuitw it: i 3, Ht 1.x m a»? R3. Tm Kite; :‘rtmn slrl'v‘f J 3'5! H“‘ tar. 112m 'm'vuru. Prmne Max:296 ul h rice. ate. Thin Ml Adi-Enid ‘ many person; Every man or woman here who feels that the kidne s are not. strong or act- ing in a beak y manner shnuld mix this‘ prescription at home and give it- n trial. as it 18 said In dn wonders fm- The mixtum is said to cleanse and strengthen the flagged and inactive Kidm-ys. oven-camich Buckmrhe. Bladâ€" der numbness and Urinary trouble of n” kinds. if taken before the stage of Bright’s disease. Those who have tried this suy it pns- itively ovelcmms pun] in the hack, clean: the urine of Sediment and regu- lates uxinalinn, especially at night. curing even the Wurst forms nf blad- dur weakness. Mix the- folluwing by shaking well in a hunk. and lake in tenspounful dog‘s zlrfle‘rr meals and at hedtilue: Film! Extract Dnndeliun. one-half cum-e: Uumpuund Kargon, one ounce; Cnuzpuund Syrup Sumpnrilla. three Oullcefl. A local dx-uggist in m» am, t-burity that. than simple. harmless t-hurity that. than. siifiple. harmless ingredients can hefiohtained at. nominal cost fun. our h<_une {jg-lugging, RECWE EASHLY PREPARED AT SHALL COST. AND EiANY SWEAR BY i'l‘. Min!) . \Vm - :; McKiunnn Hhv Kingdnm of Christ in gaunt-ring |in 11w lillk- nuns. I; Al the nun-Hing svssiun, Rev. MC- Kimsz puntnr uf Lhr: Presbyterian :{‘humh. \X‘vh'unu‘d th CunH-ntinn un {hr-half nf {he t'ungre‘gatiun‘ hvcnmv [ul' llu- gnu-IL impmtance of the Sub- huth Schmrl to thl- Church. The dos- tinivs uf Uw yuung depend a grad. dual nu (hs- training in the S. 8.. ho- um-zv 1w flan-ml that, parents \"l'l‘t‘ umn' and mrxu‘ having that (mining jln Hw S. S. Will Hp “11" Chi In the an-n‘x’non Rev. J. 0. Robert- sun gave an address on “'l'vachct- Training.“ Thu-«- things were e-m- phaaizvd. Thurs should he a tt-nchvl' Uninng clues us u x-egulnl- class in Waxy sebum}, lwcuuse it Would solu- the difficulty of supplying [nu-hem. I‘m-re should he .1 hmchurs‘ tum-Ling in m~vry Sclmnl. and teur'hrm shmild take an individuai amuse in the huuw. st. Alvbutt. Tuumlu, spnkv tn Un- Cunventinu uhcut (‘mLHv Rut! \vnrk‘ amd said it was nut, ch» sundle wnlk. but it. was u great \nn‘k. and "mum. at grant deal t1; uur Suhhnlh Svhuulgund Church. And nu mutinn it was cur- rinl that a Rpo‘cial vifmt he put ful'lh Lo have M Cradle Hull Dupm-Luwm adapted in eu-ry sehuul in 1hr town, 5115p. Mm. Dunvau of Tnmntu spake con- cerning the lu‘gh‘ctt'd childrvn. and the work which is lwing dune by Lin Chi!» (In-11's Aid Sncit'ly in 'I‘nmnw. She guve illnmtI-alinns nf childwn whn \vvrv mkvn nut uf sin and misery when) pun-Ms had Almost fnrsukun them. and lu‘nught tn their Home and saved. urlmptvr uf Munhow: “PI-w-ly ye hmv :‘n-crivr‘d. h'm-ly givv." (‘hl‘iat gau- lhv disciples pnwi us He sent thu-m nut. and as we have recuira-d lhl‘ power and spirit, ut' Christ in mar liw-s‘ :30 let us give it. nut m nthe‘rs. The} Pn-sixlcnt in a «hurt. address hnpml that (-u‘rynm- who came wuuld g” nun-13> hrm'filrd by lu'ing hex-v. ’Hw n-pm-ts of the Visited-s {rum the (iifl'm'ent pan-ts uf Lln- township were given. and in nqu mun-s “'PI‘U murmur- aging. After nther reports mxd gent vml husim‘sw~ Rev. A. P. Brace‘ nf Rich!)de Hill spoke «m "The. Quivt mer." The hand n-f God roferl-ed to was the lust frw words of the Nth “2N ht-M un January 28 in the \Vnnd- hlidgc Pn-shytvriuu Church. consist- ing uf (hm-(- M'swinnx‘, nun-Hing, :lftl‘l'â€" mmn and (WPIIng. Thr- (‘mn‘vmiun \\'.‘IN .‘I dm‘ith‘d slhfl‘l'fifi. and lhv Iuyul way in \vhivh 1hr ("Inn's-min” Wins vmvrtxinml du 1h» puny!" nf \mellâ€" Midge hvnrn'. Nut. “My phvsically did (hwy supply wu- wamts, hut all “1:” mmw sphitxmlty hungry «or:- mnmiliml In)" like nhlv sprnkcrn who mnu- flue-«l with lhv Spirit. In spwlk ware and rmnl‘urt tn that. unhlo hand nf H. R. “'Hlkt'l‘K whn strivv tn nth":va Tho t\\w*m_\'~viglnh Inc Vuuglmn Suhhnth fichm PRINT BY REQUEST. M puminn ES by R what [In ‘u; Maury A1. 511!» u 'lSz‘gr-x n S. S. CONVENTION. era-Essentials, Liberty; in allthiugs, Chari S'd‘x tried this say it pns- pain in the hack, sediment and regu- =peeially at night. ry Supt pm «fling Sfinci Ir) 1‘ Uh- «(inn Of cnm-se yunr girls are safely in- ‘ duors uudvr the purvntall eyes. ur ‘pl'uperly chunvroned elsu-Whure; yuu would not. dpmm of nlluwing them um uftfl‘ night had tulle»: but “the lmyu can takw euro 0! theixlavh'es." yuu say. That. is (me of the groan-u mis- tnkvs parents muku. Yuur lmyu "was Lrndel- plants as your girls. The uld idua that a daughter is mnre uf n res nnsihilily than n sun is a. misâ€" lankP. f anything. the louys are mum: of :\ clmlgr, for a girl is out. an (The duh-usive from the time she is born; ~=be is mudr uwm-a of the raging lion in) every street corner serking In de- vuur lie-r; but, the buy. in nmny cases. is tutully mmrnwd with advice n! the right nature and is sent out to do lmttle with the "muster whose lmhimt is the come-r und the hunting place, in city. town and cnuntry. Buys :u'e nut so quick to m-cngnize wickt-dni-s‘a as their alarms. and it. snuks lulu them lhuruughly and surely, mu] suuwtimvs a. \thle life-timeia insufficivnt tn I'Y‘itdi-‘ cate the harmful impressions zen-inn) ‘ in childhood. Then-fur". the muthm‘n (law is us absolute in her mm us In lw: . (laughter, and lives nut. mud in «inmly pnn'iding him with fund and m '1?“ mlinn. and in sn'nding him L. ‘ u! -‘ Svhm-l.~ Thl- Man-l) NH» lilr-u vui‘n .‘lugazima An- ymy cur? ynu khhw where your buys urc- o-vvniuguâ€"â€"pamilively KNOW. or just that tho-y aw "in [he ln-ighhflr- hnud somewhere"? Ewry buy is a live win- thnh unless fil'upvriy insulated. will do mischief tu imself and «thus. Ewen (hen the win-s get crnssud. lllld then are all sorts «If complications. Feh‘ M The Council udjuurned to met-tun Tuesday. thumb day of Mulch at. 10 o'clock. Mothers Are Often Indmerent Concernlng Evening Recreations o! The]: Sons. Th1vm:lryâ€"SaifikfilIVâ€"TILRE} F11"; (:;'l;"§n' Instrude to uutify Mr. T. H. Lonuux to outer defence in the ncliun V:tm"’l'- burg vs. Vaughan & Markham. Cu!"- rii‘d. Remlufinnn ware also pasaed unth- urizing the payment. of $131.29 fur [zrzu‘vl hauled nnd put nn rnnd Im- lwvon luts l. 2 and 3 un cuncossiuu 5, and $318.54 fur-grava hunk-d 11nd put 0" mud hetnmmx mm: and 6, can. 5. _ ,, __.. _. -.‘...b hmwl'. New: Mr. J. A. Cmnomn, (lep- uty-rm-w; Musqu. J. S. McNuil', \Vm. Thnmzm. J. T. Snigmm, Pnnncillurs. Minutes of [ML meeting read and adopted. Thnnmsâ€"»Saigonn~~'rlm‘ the treasâ€" hn-rlm and ie hf‘l't’h)‘ zmthrrizod to pny Ihv fullnn'ing mud accounts:â€"â€" 1). Burns, 66 qudsgnu‘ul . . . ‘ . . $ 6.60 ’I‘. “Wu-slay. IU {mum work , . . . _ . L25 '1‘. \Vm'slvy. 10 hours wnrk . . . . . . \V. Bruwn. Wurk nu 3rd (‘1le . . , . . A. G. Rutan drawing tile and putting in ('nlvm-t . . . . . . . . . M. McQunN-io, 2 lauds grave). . . . R. Gray, 2 lands gravel . . . , . . . . \Vm. On" 3 lands gravel . . . . . . . . L. “Haw/inV ‘3. lnndx gravel . . .. Gun. (Trunk, 3 lauds gravel . . . . . J. Bkmgh. I load gmwl .. F‘, 01hr!“ 1’. Mada gravel . . . . . . L. \Vntmn, 7 days wan-king (m a ' """‘D rand .... .. . . . . . . , . . . . “’iflls Bros, 30 yds gmvvl . . . . . . R. Rnlwrtsnn‘ hauling (if yds, gravel. . . . . . . . _ . A .. Tx T110 allure TAKE CARE OF THE BOYS. r- almw (mecil mvt Tuesday. 9. in “w vans‘bip Hull. mhm-s present: Mr; D. (3‘. ang- VAUGHAN COUNCIL H PENNYROYAL VVAFE RS. ll PUGUSNEES ) Spmsorrsm. P All kinds of grain bought and highest possible price-3 paid at the Elevator. Bran and Victor Feed for cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American com (old). For threshing engines. NUT, STOVE, FU RNACE Best Scranton coal. Also Tile. For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village and vicinityâ€"â€" STEAM COAL ifebruary Saie 1' ++++++++++++++++ +++++Â¥++++ FRfiE ~ “A Test £1: Pronunciation " :u. FH'ln'HYQ null t’uu'rlnumn.’ int the wlmk- 11mm) . Am» (:53 iliustmvul Hmmhu-L uflflw‘ G. 8: C. MERRiAM CO- (thehmnw nwmd)wan rhea to Ho Ir.- loxnaziouul at tho \Vorhi‘: 11m, EL Louis. A. ll. Saw-0, LLD., D.D.. at Oxford University, lln dam]. has meequ and of H: II. is huh-c A nmrvalnuawurk; n13 dlmuu‘d Mann-ch13 of n. dimimmr more exhuusth‘c and nomplcln, Every! lug L. in Itâ€"~unt army what we might evpect m 1)qu in luv): :1 \rvrk. but. show)an few I)! ubwuulagyt rh:\\'0\l\nught of Irmkinslor.‘ A muuplmncul lo the [NEW edition has brought \l l’uliy 1: Mn date. I have [new Innklnu Ihruulex we Inner with a foul!" 1 ofuslunishmcm 1:: ixs mmplmeueu, uni lhu amount, of hbnr mat. has boon put ium it. [must win upon their tmerits. The International‘ [Dictionary has won a} greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kind in the English languagE. J. H. RAMER Suits infamy Twaeds reg. $10 for $7.50 SmuznrancyWox-stedrag. 13 50:02:11 SuiteinFancyWorstedreg. 12 for $9.75 Suite in Blue Serge reg. M fa: $12.75 Mens‘ Fine Clmhing at Big Re- ductions, all made in the Latest Styles. THE GRAND PRIZE Fine Heavy Coats, Velvet C‘ and Strap on Cuff. In F; Stripes and Checks. Reg Prices 12.00 and 1.5.00 to Clear at 10.50 All 6000 THINGS ' ++++++++++++++++++++ GOA. L. OVERCO TO CLEAR [Single copies, 3 cts. Outfitter Ives Cullar In Fancy Regular No 33 in the

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