ï¬ihtrnl. w Ellie ' Eleanor“) HILL. 765T" FEB. ll, wool - â€"~i SEED FAIR. The most suCCcssl‘ul Seed Fair yet held in this place Was that of Friday lole held in the Lorne Hall under the auspices of the Richmond Hill Agri- cultulal Society. The hull was ï¬lled with representative farmers from this surrounding.districts. there was a huge oxhibitof ruin. seed and putt!» toesi'nnd the-ad resses given were of a practiculfund inte'resting nature. Tho‘ judging was done by Mr. Geo. Keith. the well-known seed-mun of To- rontouuid Mr. Cecil Klinck of the Agri- cultural College. A large amount of grain for seed changed hands. and ev- cr body was free to admit thata seed fair at this season of the year is in the intelests,of thcfarmers who wish to improve/the quality and quantity of their grain and roots. After the judging was over the meeting was called to older. Mr. H. A. Nicholls acting as chairman. Mr. A. J. Reynolds was the ï¬rst speaker. His remarks Were \vell re.- ccived. and carried Weight from the. fact that he has been for many years a practical ag'riculturist. Mr. Keith referred to York as the greatest; grain producing county in the province. : .He gave the results of in'any kinds ,nf grain tested at the Ag- riculturul'Collegc. showing that that institution is doing an excellent work. Short addresses were afterwards given by Mr. Keith. Mr. G. Padget. Mr. \V. H.“ Chains and others. A hearty votelof‘ links. moved by Mr. Sanderson. secluded by Mr. Clubine. was tendered the speakers and the judges for their valuable assistance. The Iollowmg is as. list of piize~ivin- ners:â€"â€" “ Spring \yVheatâ€"John Brillinger. mBarleyâ€"Flank Legge. Harry Rum- e. \Vhite 0nts~â€"T. w. Stephens. Jo- seph Graham. Black Oatsâ€"Chailes Thompson, T. ‘V. Stephens. Luge Peas-Joseph Graham. T. \V. Stephens. Small Peasâ€"T. W. Stephens. \Vm. Palmer. Alsikeâ€"Frank Leg 9.. Potatoes. Eai-lyâ€" rank Legge, Al- bert Jones. Potatoes. Lateâ€"Albert J ones. Peter Jones. Maple. Quarterly meeting services were held in the. Methodist Church on Sunday. Rev. J. \V. Gordon occupied the pul-, .‘pit in the evening. A social was held on Monday even- ing under the auspices of the Epworth League. The monthly meeting of the \V0- men’s Institute will be held on Thurs- day at the home of Mrs. A. Killough. The Arts and Ora-it‘s meeting has been postponed till March. It is rumored that a. bakery will he started in the village shortly. Mr. Charles Norman of Aurora will be the. new pio rietor. w . Mrs. V. Knight has purchased a house on College St.. Toronto, and. will remove there about the ï¬rst of- March. ’ ~- - - Mr. Clarence Monk-iun-u'of Toronto spent. over Sunday with friends here. Laura. the youngest (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon of the 3rd concession. passed away last Thursday 1 | afteran illness of nearly three weeks. The funeral took plaice hereon Sutur- day ufternoon. A bcuutil’ul wreath of white roses from the Methodist Sab- bath School was placed-on the casket. o.â€" Report. 8. S.No. 4.Ms.rkham ~ for January. Sr. lV.â€"â€"-Jiininie-Ci'vsgi-ove-‘lel‘fldaggic Baker 2"". Gertrude Cosgrove 221. \Vesley Hugger-'2â€; Currie Williams ‘96. Rolph-Bukerml. Rolnh “’i'll'iurms 91. Jr. IV.â€"-Pearl Hunt - ~ » Sr. III.â€"Jiuth Hoover 365. Elsie Donor 361. Eva. Connor 351. Ei-v‘le. Hunt 335. John McCugue Bill-l. Il‘red ‘Cosgrosw 292. Heber McCugue 154. Jr. III.â€"Dougl:is Read 121. Isunc Nigh 89. Bussic Finley SS: \Villie Horn- cr 84*. Reuben Horiici-Sé, Viola). Thomp- son 67. Sr. II.â€"â€"George Read 38. Loopold Copper 56. Russell Petliiek 82. Frank Thompson 75. \Vinnie Saunders 70. Jr. II.â€".=\lvin [Smitty 90. Russell Boynton 90. Allan Hoover 90. Hui-old « Pethick 89. George Finley $9. Luelliil Finley 57. Gordon Read 86. Pt. II.â€"Eliuci Homer. $9. Evelan Neil d“. Muigurct MCCugIlU 82. Ross Baker 50. A FLp\\'lNG \VELL. I had .1 Well drilled in December l‘,l\‘l by Mr. D. Blanchard of liiclimund‘ Hill. in comp-my with Jackson Bros. 3 of Mapleâ€; After drilling £1 depli of 165 feel he was fortunate in striking a How of wulci. .i‘nnning 1k) barrels every Ill hours. which is still innning as when ï¬rst drilled. "I can confidently recommend Ml‘. _'I$|;ii:cb:iid to any person needing a well drilled. as he is lhoionghly competent In do the work. II. It. lliaisi-t. Viclniia Square. Feb. (5. it’irl‘. r Auction Sales. Til L‘RSDAY. Feb. 25â€" Impoi taut Credit 1 Stlli‘ Ill lieglsli'lcll Clyllt‘silull‘s. (lillllt“ -' Farm Invpliâ€"nienls, {M2, on Lo! 10. (‘on. S. Murkhuin. the property it .lnii, \V. Cuu‘lc. SJIO :i[ ll ii'i'ln: l‘. . Lunch prmidvd. S .‘lonths‘ Cicdit. no I‘( serve. lligs meet all trains at; )laiklmni und Lox-list Hill on d 1y (1' Sole. J. H. l’rcvticc. -liict. ' V For Sale On Eliznhelll Slrert in the village of Rielnnmid Hill. at roinforlalile dwell- ing. part of which is newly built and the whole in good repair. Uhull lot and nimessnry outbuildings. Make a desirable home for anyone wishing to retire. Apply to II. A. NICHOLLS. For Sale BO-tf On Yonge St†Elgin Mills. a fly?- rooined house in the very best. of re- 1 pair. very warm, good cellar. net-est y l outbuildings with i am e of land. Make good home. Price $800. - Apply to H. A. NICHOLIH. Richmond Hill. l l 33-tf l I A. F or Sale. A quantity of early Northern Beau! v Potatoes for sale. grown from nursery cuttings, on lot l5. 2nd con. of King. H. J. GRAHAM. 33â€"2 " Aurora P. O. For Sale A Quantity of Pine Building Timber in good condition: â€"l'.’. posts 25 ft. long: 12 beams 23 ft. long: 9 stringers 42 ft. long. A quantity of girts and braces. At Carrville Mill. G. KIRBY. Prop. 31-3m Farm Laborers. The undersigned will endeavor to. pgace Immigrants from the Unload ingdom as farm laborers and (in- mestics in this Vicinity. Any person requiring.y such help should notify me . personally or by letter stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted. and the rate of wages offered. Every effortnvill be made UI prmide each applicant with help iequired. T. F. lICMAHON. Can. Gov. Employment Agent, Richmond Hill. Ont. . . Take Metropolitan Eleclric Carat. Ellorth Toronto for Richmond Hill. 2 -tf Notice minding; IN THE ESTATE OF CHRISTOPHER HEISE, Deceased. PURSUANT TO R.S.0. 129. and Amending Acts. Notice is Hereby Given. that all parties having claims against the Estate of Christopher Heise late of the Township of Mark- ham in the, County of York. Gentle- man deceased. who died on or about the 19th of December. 1903. are iequir- ed on or befole the 15th day of March. 1909 to send to Levi B. Heise. Victoiizi Square, Executor of the said deceased. a full statement of thrii ilaim. and the nutui-e o! the Security. if any. held lay them. A=nd Luke further notice that after; the said last mentioned date [llt‘lszlidj executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate. among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims. of which they shall have then received notice. , WILLIAM COOK. 33 Richmond St. Solicitor for the Eitecutor. If you like to read of " Md periences of anglers, shoot- E _ {PS and campers, or yacht- ï¬ if you d are in- ~. 0 terestc in country life. ask your newsJealer foi' STREANI." or send .; us twenty-ï¬ve cents large illustrated weekly . G journal of shooting, '_ u tory and yachting. A E new depart- _- ‘ do with the C o u n t r y surroundin s. i Terms: £4 "asycu, $3 for y <13 p : the ex- Advcnlure “FOREST AND 1 for four weeks trial tri . A an P ï¬shing, natural his--. ment has to lomc and its . ' 'months. \‘v 6 lies on 3 g Vbcst FOREST AND STREAM PUB. ($0.5 ' 5 l6 Bro-:5 may, New York. 9 , \ rm ‘ If... ~ \urr 52 5'91: s21, " as .‘ 3.13 3.4 Li‘kl‘fl: " "v.25: \ r‘un. _.c.icli..... ..i #05.- When IN TIIE EH'I‘A'I‘H (IF ‘WILLIAM KNIGHT. NOTICE is lier»by gin-n pnisuzint lo ll. 5. O. Uhapler 12.2) and Ann-oiling Acts, that nll PQ‘IEUHS having claims against the Estate of \Villimn Knight lull-of the Township of Vaughan in ' the (‘ounty of York. Gentleman. who ' died on or ul'mul thi- Jilllh (lay of Sep- l lombcr A. I). 1003. me requested on or you need clothes it will to renwmlrer that a saving on om- suit llr'lps to pay for the next. (lur' pllCPN moan money saved to you. Every article is a bargain lmrd to duplicate elsewhere. “'9 have two lines ll'ml ure positively World beau-rs for quality and \Vorkmansliip. Oin- $5HIBH’S Sllllï¬ and $3 ('VPTWMH "0""? which they then shall have. icceivul ‘ I notice. before have such \‘:ilu.,-s been olfei-eil. Ready to Wear; heavy black pine 3L5 trimmings. 4 . . . . . . . . $2.75 worsted punts. good pockets. per pair ... Men’s line, brmvn‘corduroy vests. well VVINTE R made . .. . . . .. ...$2.il0 “It is difficult for the world to believe that a mum is any better than his clothes". I Would rather see it young man too much dressed. than too little, for if he is careless at twenty he will be a sloven at forty. Examine those flue scotch tweed suitings. black and colored wmstcds. black vicunus that we can make to your measure in ï¬rst style: for $16.75 easily sai ing your $8 to $10 on suit. Ladies ï¬ne black sateen skirts. ia‘lcst' well made at pn‘l‘ gal; . . . . . . . . . . .$l.15 and $1.50 out. ~extra mcnt .. . Ladies ready madewvaists. light ground. black spot. well made. lutest style,c;ich..... .50c‘ Teas Regular “nerve quietcis"â€"gi-t dill’er- ent nerves to quiet, so we’ve got differ ent teas. Pick your “chooser†from this listâ€"regular Japan, Japan, Odi’ong. English breakfast. Yiung,'Hysoii. Gunpowder. Ceylon, and East Indizi.~'30c. ‘pcr lb. ub‘uys a. It takes more mom-y sun-dried first-class ten. to buy the better grades. - Sugars ï¬ne fruit sugur. icing sugar. :1. big $‘s worth given. 23 lb. granulated. Canned corn. peas and tomatoes. N0. 1 quality per tin.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8c Bosnia prunes. turt, soft skin, small pit. per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . California apricots. extra fancy. per lb . . . . , . . L'Jc Culifoi niu dried peaches. exti a funny per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . lac Brooms lu'omns. full {inisln :l at Special broom. 5 string. plush lllllr‘ll . Silo i Fancy luziiil blown. \pm-i illy gone. "will , I We ..7(: ' l Just to bind special value in ChlpCL: Ladies F'aiorite It or suing. r l , Farmer s Advocate l l h" “"‘ll 1 before. the lst day ol .\l.iii~h A. l). “>09 to send their names and ddt‘lliiss’râ€™ï¬ and a full stulcnient of Illl‘ll' claims to \Villiutil Uni-k. Hui-i inter kin, 33 Rich- mond street “7. Toronto. And further-lake notice that after the lust. named dale. the la‘m-ruliwrs will distribute lllr- .‘issi'ls (if llli’ Eslilli' - among the pailii-s entitled tin-rein. having i'egaid only to the claims of “'lLLIAM COOK. 33 Richmond St. \V.. Tul‘iillln, Solicitor for the. EX('ClllUl3. mill RINK ‘1 SCHEDU LE MONDAY. Scniol‘ Hockey. - - 7.30 to 10pm. TUES DA Y. Elli-ling. \VEDNESI)A Y. Senior IIocltcy. - - - 7.3()tolOp.in. THURSDAY. Skating. - - - - - 7.30 to 10 p.m. High School - - ~ â€" 3.30 to ‘5 (Mil. FRIDAY. Curling. SATURDAY. Skating - - - - 7.30 to ll) [1.1)]. \V. H. I’UGSLEY. Rica-e. Wanted. In Richmond Hill. a ï¬rst-class ilgl‘lll to represent the Northern Life Assur- ance. Company of London. Out. To such a. man a ï¬rst-class contract will hegg‘iven. Our policies are up-to-(late an appealing to the general public. SucL‘ess [in our agent is assured. For particulars apply to A. Buomrz. District Manager. County Yolk. ‘71! Temple Building. Toronto. Out. To Rent. _ A good Brick House and 12 ucrcs of land in the Village of Maple. "‘ ‘ Apply to D. \\"A’I‘Sl,)N, Sherwood. 32-3 l - .~ stun-4r. WI‘C.‘L-A‘v or; 5.1..“ Alinsoiwiizullélice lijiéliliit'lllfllï¬lil no on VALUABLE FARM Piscrnmr STOCK, IMPLEMENTS. Lima, AND PRODUCE. Pursuant to a Judgment of the High Court of J llslllfc. (litll‘tl llll' 15“) day of December. 19%, for puitilion llt'i\\t‘l'n E. I. Fahey. Plaintiff. and \‘i illiam F'ahey. Defendant, and with the air pl‘0\nllif.l1lllil-es S. Cai twrighl. (Illil'inl Referee, tin-re will be t,‘lf1’l‘('ll for sali- by public auction on Tuesday. the 23ml day of February. llllll). at one o'tloch p. m.. by .l. ’l'. Suiguon. Aiivlionem. upon the premises Lots :31 :i'ul Win the Fiist Concession of [he 'Il-nnaliig- of Markham. in the County of Yolk. ncui' Elgin Mills l‘ost Ullicc. the follow- ing propvity. subject to .i l(‘Si'l v« d bid or bidsâ€"â€" PARCEL ONEâ€"{’85 iii-res uioi e or ll'S‘i being poi t of the cast hall of Lift 32 iii the Fiist Concession of the, To“ iisllip of Muikhuni. (lt‘él'l iiiml im- fivllli\\hi Coniim-ncing at a point in llic ht'l'lrlltl concession line of .\Iaikh:im at :i post \s hicll marks the north ca<l cm our of land formerlyowned by'l‘huunasl":;ln~y: thence westerly 35 chains 15:} links more or less: thence north S'chains 703 links more or lcss to the line fence licle 1: land of Mcl'oir and Bcrnuid; lllt'lli‘l' cast 33 chainsiind till links moi c or ll ss to the second concession line; tllcnite south 8 chains and 7% links more or less to the pluco‘of beginning. PARCEL ’I‘Wuâ€"u335 acres mm c or less being arts of [be cast halls of Lots 51 and 5‘ in the ï¬rst count-thin“ of the Township of Markham drscrilwd as follows: Commencing at the south east angle of Lot, ï¬ll}'~ll|lt; thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said lot 13 chains and .52 links mow. oi less; thence noi'lhci ly p Il‘llllt'l to the easterly limitoflmlsfil llllt152.2l.ll‘llilllli and 2t links mme or less to Ilic lnnds described herein as pull i-l one; thence Pastein l2 chains and 79 links lllt.l‘t‘ or less to the second coin'i-ssii-n liin-; thence Southri‘ly 26 chains and '31 links more or less to the place of beginning. PLlMENTS AND PRODUCE; 7_ HUFSES. ‘24 HORNED CATTLE, 22 PiGS. SHEEP, FUtLTRY, u quantin o'i lln)‘, nun-at. oats and barley. Wagons. sli-ighs, and_f:u Ill Ill)- ‘ Also the following HEM STOCK, [ilk plciuents. zillof which will besold with- out reserve. TERMB 05; S.\LE;I":irni Siotk. lin» plcmenls and Produce. (Huh. REAL ESTATE: Parcels one, and two will he ï¬rst put. up togelhrr. if not then sold they will he put up sepai ate- ly in either case ten per c: nt of the purchase money Shall be p~iid in cash at the time of sale and lin- uitliin thirty days thereuflri wilhonl. interest. In all Olllt‘l i'i-spi crs lhc tea-uisand conditions of sale shall be the standing conditions of the Conâ€. Further particulars and terms of tho conditions if sale can be oblniiicd from the undermcntioncd solicitors. Dated the 28th day of .lununi y. 100%). JAM ES S. UAR l'\\'[llllHT. Olliciol liefeu-c. DONALD & MiLer. Solicilurs for the Plaintiff. 152 Bay St.. 'l'oioLlo. 323 l, 1910 1910 " The Daily Globe, one year York County ekly Mail, to January 1, The Daily Mail and Em- pire, one year (York 1 County) ' T he Daily Star, received is} Subscriptions for weekly and papers taken with “The Liberal†’ gat $1a years!) the following latex-- Full stock of best Canadian reï¬ned ‘ sugar. Paris lump sugars, extra granu- ‘ lated sugar. 75c. 75c. 2.50 can on day of publication NJ 2 W9 p-Iu‘, :_ti' ‘ 1y Star zine l The Daily Star, not receiv- ed clay of publication amlly Herald and “Tech New Idea Woman‘s Magaz- Ganadian Pictorial lisiliillri‘ - /’ ’\.--'~x. ‘ ~. 2 .‘~