. The Rev. \V, B. Bnnlh. Pl1.D.. pastor (Sf the Qupen Strut-L East Methodist ('llllH'Cl‘l. Toronto. has I‘vuvlvvd u. heuru' mud unanimous invitatimi tn {TU}!!! fur the fourth yn-nr. Dr. Bunlh has 51mm) smtimml for n, number of yearn in ’l‘m'ontn and ils imlnmliuLewirinily. mid has had unusual succeus in‘liis ‘ul‘K. ‘Nx-W ('hul‘mlt‘s buvv lwvn et-«CL, - ul. (Illl debts paid 011’, und tho congru- - rutinns. mvmbership :md ï¬nunmm‘hm‘e ‘u all cases grown stmi‘lil’y, M116 in smne :iustzmcvs nmltipl'i-d uany (inws over. lll‘he ductnr is u fox-mar pustm' of (11(- Nethndisb Uhurcli‘nml an “old buy" of lhe High School here. and in the days gull? by n tvuchm- in his nntive Village of Currville. His many friends will be glad to limit: uf the pruspvllty .it- itunding his lulmrs. 7.30. 0n than the \' H A skating carnival will he luxld in MM- Mnmnmth Hulk. Thm-‘nhill. un Un- evening of \Vvdnvsduy. Frh.‘ 17. Cash pl'izvs for lu‘s‘t skntr-rs will ho given .us fulluwszâ€"Mun :md wifo over 40 $1.50: Lady. $1.50: Gan $1.50: Buy under H $1.00: Girl umlrr 1-1 $1.09. The. jxidg. ing \Vlllï¬nke-plww :ï¬ 35 n‘clm'k. Admis- sion. skaters 1'5 cents: chxldrvn and snm'mtors 10 cents. Dmu's open at Mr. It ‘is and mg spring husim-ss u ï¬ress :1 meeting in {hp 8933901 \lh» Muilnn'list Church wit, 8 This nun-ling will hr huh] lll :xnspiw-w of tth W. G. '1‘. U. (-nl'dinl inwmtion is extend“ inleroshdl tm attend. Mrs. H Um Erungvlisl‘it- Supt. of- Lhu District, “7. U. T. 1).. and lh 'lmvv hmu-d her say slu’v‘gives e muu nun u-uu-uuuru my .una Luaan 'l‘rundh, and (afrrslmwnls were «furr- \\':lxdase1-\ Pd ~tn the \ ixiLinf’umln'u. At llw rn-gulnr Inquiring of the Quar- lmly Bumd l'f llm ihlellmdist, ciruuil, ï¬rm on Mnmdny, Rev. A. P. Til-“Pf? nml Rev. E. 11. 'l‘uyo \wrr- lupiuiluously iu- vxtml us supe‘rinlvmin-nt ‘:'I'utl- ~n§§islnul pn:;tm' I'ex-pe-clliwlx'. lu reumiu :mnlhvr your. Bull} said lhuy. '\\:0uld be pleased tn accept, ( he im‘ilaiï¬iin. On Thursday :aftvrmmn wal. th. lSKh, Mrs. Russell of 'l‘m-nntu will mlâ€" (il‘l‘SS u. meeting in {hp ughgmh-wmu uf \lllt‘ Mvilmn'list Church 'tit B H‘ulnvk. This Inc-ding will hv liUlll umlor lhu «mam-v»: of tth W. l'. 'l‘. (7.. and n x-nrllin! iuvltutiou is extrudnll L0 all inleroslmfl b?» attend. Mrs. lxzssell is Ihu Evangelistic Supt. of- Lhu 'l‘m-onm this-trim. \V. U. T. 1).. and thuse whu 'lmvv hmn-d her say shé‘gires excullvut N'ungelistic talks. She Will also speak at, the regular prnyx-r H‘H‘l‘LiH‘.’ Thurs- -(luy night. ‘ Rrv. Alvx. lhï¬â€˜ï¬‚ï¬â€˜ï¬‚‘uï¬â€™lifl uddwssing thv m-wly-vlwretl «pastor warrred tn the latte-("S creditable cnume‘ utenllegu. his (‘xrzollunt hump training, and his succrss in fornm- charges. felt conï¬dent he would he :uvurthy Sucurss- nr tn th‘il' lat? lwlm 9d paslnr. va. J. A. Grant, who was ever ready tn help I Hm pour, tlu- sick. and thnse in trmxlnlv. , Said .bhe slekt'l' “one mun sows. [:umlht-r reaps. but, in this ("use hath sum-r and reaper will ovenmully‘re- ljoixra- age-then." " Rév. W." G. Buck‘s kind “'(Iflla tn 1 the cmxgrpgution were equally tiluvly laud upprnprintv. He ft‘lt Slll‘f' Lhut the newly illnducted pastur and family .' Wnuld he Wele 'prnvldvd rim; hy hull) lcnugï¬-gubinns. and he asked fur their spirit-unisuppoqu mud .lng'ulty. He unn- glumlp‘bud hull) pastor and people; mid exprvssed .1 hope LhuL God's cause wuuld cuntinue tn pruspt‘r. ‘ Evvryhudy present Sremrd-An be im- _ pressed with the sulvmnity of thb uccusinu. Ill Al thv rugqu Int-Prim: of the Quar- lmly Bumd (If lhv Melhmlist, cirunil, ‘hc-Id (m Mundny. Rev. A. P. Timu- and Rt'V. E. H. 'l‘uyo wvyw- upginimuusly inâ€" vxtod us supe‘i intendn-nt Hun! ‘ugislnnl puntur reex-pvcl‘iwh'. to remain mmmm» gxmux Both said {In-y. ““(mld he .pleusvd to accept. ( [‘10 invil aiï¬dn. he svcnnd of (L sun-iu-s of smfiit-s 'in Bl nynn’s "Pilgrim‘s Pro resu" will he h 'ld in the lewth mngue m-xt 5 unday running. It, wunlxl I)" more inn-resting and prumulylv if those nning hunks would hliug (In-tn with Hut-m. Allure curdiully im'mrd. A pm!itnhlv lime» Wu: spent at, the .Epwm-th League Inst Slanduv evening when ndulrossvs wvre given by Mr. R. Shaw and Mr. ‘Vilsun (If 'l‘m-unlu. A sulo was contributed by Migs Mmy 'l‘mnu’h, and («-«frvshnmnts were «Net'- '\\‘illdb‘8t‘1'\ ed ~m the \ isiLing‘ï¬nemlu-H. Mr. TI. A. NivhuHs re-pm-tn tho sule of Thomas \Vnrsh-V‘s prnpt-I'tv rm the ‘2!!! of Vaughan m Adam Kmxke nf “xvinvn City. Michigan. Mr. Knuko Wi Itabku pmsu-ésiun "bum the middle ufivach. Mr. \Vursh‘y moves to the 3‘? xfh \Nust. Rov. E. C. Currin prwxchefl tn Mme a'nrl npprvciauiw cungw-gut-irmz; in the l’n\sh_\-Lvrinn uhurulws here and at 'l‘hm'nhill Inst. Sunday. 75. meeting: nf (lil- Direcan nf the T('it*illnnnd Hill AgliculluI-nl Sucit-ty will ho held in the Lorne Hall on Fri- dny qucx'nnun of this “‘(‘L'k at 2 ï¬lms of tho s'nnw lny-lnw printvd u fvw days ago. Ignorance 0’: n Luv does ‘nut always excuse at man. Every householdm' shuuld Inukt- himself_m:quaiu@cdr with rlw pmvix- "Rev. “1'. G. Smith. lwzlJn-m‘ in the annntn University. will premzh mnrn- in: and «wonng in the Mulbndist '("hux-ch next Sunday. V'aluntines and Vulvutinu pnst cards at THE LIBERAL Oflicv. 1m inruunso HILL, ONT. hddresr the Gihsun of II- tn hp hupl THREE \VINS THIS satis wss mun. Is at u dis mt H. telvp .u'iuus munic for to [Ulldily Him-s d 14134“) A'SJP-i. THORNH'I LL. Hi m k m FPS. t‘h \dvamt hum a Med ‘1 11"5 tn in: Invoking. 5m we†as > Br“ Tvlephnne (h). i! that same deï¬nite u'mngpnwuls may he :10 exrcntinn Life cam- vy store kwpm'. efery ». t‘hv average farmer wining? tn-duy jf he 1-; $1.09.» The. jxidg- e :11 55 o'clock. Admis- m-nts: chxldrvn and Its. mes uan at 1‘ at his elh 'ppwseubut pdlities uc Halon-gt: rican Fi . after . [h “’EEK. this vi!) - Richlh EB. 11. 1909 H in the UN sumu Illl xt May ‘mul lll Illl RICHARDS day. Fal her 50th {REESâ€"~11) Richmond Hill. Jnnuury 28, La Mr. and 5115. Harry Index :1 son. STONEâ€"At Jetfvmnn. Jumnu-y 30, to ‘ MI’. and MN. \Vm. Stun". u son. COOKâ€"At Carmine, January 3â€, to Mr. and MIG. Thus. Cnok. a sun. DBxDMAXâ€"At Richmond Hill on the 11th inst-q tn Mr. und Mrs. John Dumimuu. :1 daughter. The fuurlh annivvrsury of the La- die's‘ aid of the Bik‘lhl)(list.:ChUI‘l:h, Tes- Lnn; wiH he held on the (awning of Tauv'sda ., Feb. 10. Oystvrs will he served rmué 1,0 8. after which an en- tertainment: mill :hezirrn runsisting at Reading. limitations.dinluguvminstnb uu-nt-nl rum-zit. duh swinging. t‘CL'. RH'. J. \'V. Gui-dun of Maple will occupy tho chair. Admission. Adults 35C. Childu-n A lnissinimry' sex-Hm- will he held in St. Jnlm's- Qâ€"huroh, Je-lft-x'sun, «in Sun- day next-the “Lb insh. ur- 2.30] p.m., whcn mi address will he giwn liyjhe Rm; Dr. Gould, Medical Missi-vnzu-y in Pnlustiuufny tlie_j'past l2 yam-s. Bu- sldus ï¬tligig himsvlf as u [vhenlugicul and medical mis‘simmry. the "dectur acquainted himself with variuua arts imd umfts‘fnr the ‘heuurms-ul ofther-i- «minis uhlï¬illgï¬b' whnui he was to live. His addresses haw made a. deep im- presxi In wherevvr given. No (me should miss this oppurtunity of heur- mguf mlsaiun ’wm-k in LhaHnly Land. All are my eloumo. ‘ NEARLY ASI’HYXIATED. Vchv. A. P. Bruce }u1(-i.fmnily were “burly usphyxiuh‘d hv illhuiing uun‘l gas Salurduynighr. Mr. Bruce was nhle tn pwm'h Sunday mmruinghut was fm'cvd to calm-1‘1 his eyvning svr? \‘ic'm Mrs. Bruno :xmd Sun lewollyn 'were way sick. and Lhu maid was 'un- ‘leschms' [or some time Sunday nun-Hing. "L’hejbnby ,wus [he only member (if the“ fumiiy that es- caped. Lh‘Bmcv says tâ€"lmt lu-yzâ€"tt in- t.“ the fug‘nncc put §ix shovels of can] before retiring (0 bid. ï¬nd closed the drqu bel‘mc [ht-gig was liberated. ST. JOHN‘S CHURCH, JEFFERSON After the Hermon Re'v. J. Murray read a number of questions tn Rev. MI. Um I i9. hval-ing on ch;- :utilrlos nf faith and his duties us .1 Christian xniuia’trr. .Mrr. 'Uul-rie I‘onrmnly :lcklmwh'dgvd the rvspnnsibility n! his pusiHun. The induclinn prayer was lhrll ntfrred by Rgv. \V. Alnus of Aumm. The ind uctinn ce-renmny in the Pres- lvytmziun Uhu-whvhtst Thu rsduy evening Wm: inu-I-Pst'rng a'nfl im'pmsd-ve. The church was \wll ï¬lled when Rev. E. ‘U. Currie became th pnsln‘.‘ of the Rich‘ mnnd HillMudThm-nhill(‘nngrvgnlihns. [{vv. James Murray, lllndvl‘utlvl‘ of the 'J'munu) Presbytery. presided. and the (:hnir rench ed upprupi iate music. The sr-rnmn pronclud by Kw. J. W. Goo- dun nf Muplv. from Phil. 1-6. was mi- emiruhle and inspiring. I‘hr prvnthor ‘poin'tednutthat "Inn‘snMHrul tendency is uwuy from Gm] and righteousness. but that, the springs of lighu-uusm-ss me- in Gud whn will sustain us if we fullnw in Oh'xtist‘siï¬cmtswps. Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Huinslock of 3ypI’I-35 River, Mam. W'hfl‘hud been on at six wwks‘ visit with relatives and friends at Aurnru ï¬nd vicinity. sprnt Tun-sdny and \Vcdm-sdny with Mr. T. l". McMahon. Ma's. R. A. Thumpslm. Wife l-f Prin- cipufl Thompson of the Humiltnn Cul- lcgin‘tfe Institute, Vivi-Led Mrs. Stung lust wvak. Mrs. P. JUIHS «If Onlth Valley is uwuy nn :1 trip tn sop hc-r twu sistvrs mxd mm hX‘Uthk'l' in Duudnu, Mrs. I. \ander nnd Miss II-vie \VnL der spam ‘m'er Sunday with whativos in Tornanreturning Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mus. Kitsnn and twu (-hil- dren uf “R-yl-urn, Suak., spuut a few days with Mrs. J. Hui-(mm. Miss Elm-l Switzw is singing in the Mo‘nllt‘hwuhn (lhnir which is scaring great success in Massey [lull this wvvk. Mr. ernn- “';|lllf,‘l‘ is :lttl Cm'rvspunduucu Unh ersin sylvunin. REV. E. C. CURRlE'S INDUCTMN. ms -â€"Ne Falwqu OfSTER SUPPER Vt PERSON ALB Viruhm flight DEATHS. xii BIRTHS. ll‘ WHIP, January 3 Thus. Cnuk. a sun Richmond Hill m I Mr. und MN. augmer. anh k Mal :hrum'y 13, a! ï¬n 0n but (is \Vod nding the in Penn- DPS Lu X-Ve frapkly say that we do not. know. in our é‘xiaerienco, of a. more Worthy and deserving charity. and our}:qu is that the readers of these lines wit] respond to the ap eétl thatis now made for funds far» the Liskolm Free Respi- mLfm". stmptives: contributing; may be sent to Mr. W. J. Gage. 84 Spadina. Ave., Chairman 0! the Executive, Committee, or to J. S. goiter-£591}: Squetar’y-Treasurer of the National Sunimriun; Assorcviraiï¬oh: King Street West, Toronto. anaemia ' All through these years the institu- tion has been maintained, not by any rich endowment, for such Goes not exist, but by the generous contributions of the mm‘of the peopleâ€"the smafl mims rubhex: than t;he large; ones: 1" n . Despite these ï¬nancial worries every applicant is meeiving careful consider- ation and patients are admitted as prnmpgy as :hegis are made vacant. The Secremry-Treasurer of the Association. Mr. 3'. S. Robertson. 347 King Street W'ost, Tux-onto, writes us that, with the ï¬nancial depression of the past year. the funds of the Muskoka. Erma Hospital for Consumptives have suï¬ured wruï¬y. Ab Che cmnmencc- mth of t- :e winter season the Trustees hav‘c to face a. heavily overdrawn bank account, and have many obligations to meet. The Government éoï¬tribute $1.56 per week per patient. The cost. of maintenance is $9.25 a. week. The difference in the cost of maintenance of all needy patients has through these years been made up by inflate philan- “319W; It is poor consolation to needy con- s'umptives to say that. the Government ‘Ihould make revision for the thous~ ands who 5 er and die from tuba:~ cu'lhqsis in Canada. may ygzug As the situation is today, what. would the the fate of many consump~ ï¬ves in Osnadn. were it not for the LWO Homes for Cousumptives in Muskoka that during the use eleven years, against many or] s, have cared for Upwards of three thousand patients in the earlier stages of the disease. whilst in the two sister institutions, on the banks of the Hum‘ber, those in the more gtdv‘anggd gwgeg are treated. :LLient. was admitted to the Muskoka E‘rr‘e Hm: ital for Consumplives in April. 190‘ not :1. single applicant has ever bnen refusal admission because of his_or her inability to pay. __ This wdrk in Muskokua. is one of pm}: philynphropy. _ Fg-mujhe Qayiheï¬xjdb Muskoka's Brave Mlle for Needy Consumptives. The Government. should do a. great deal more than they have yet dreamed of doing. But, they are not; doing it. and in the meantime twelve thousand die annually in the Dominion, from this dread disease. IHEIR HOPE, Iiiclunoud Ilill A. J. HUME TA ILOB THE PEOPLE COD- nent lOHS‘ lbei‘ '++++++¢++++++$+++++++++++++++++W++++++++++++++++ Every Day of the Week New Bhï¬ï¬‚ï¬ii’ag & +++++++++++++++++++++++++4 ++~+++~§+4~+++++++~3 +1-+~:-:~~:-+++- E Te? Talk CHOP GRAEN i Money in your pocket +++++++++++++++ The undersigned are prepared to DOMINION HOUSE STABLES JAn. 28th, 1909. You can buy Tea here that is out of the ordinary -â€"a Tea that is all Tea. because free from advudte-rati’on and coloringâ€"a Tea that comes from the ï¬nest tea gardens 0! Japan7 India and Ceylonâ€"â€"at 256... 300, 50c. and 75C. H‘b. Our b‘lends of pure Coffees at 250, 30c., 400. and 45¢. per 1b., ground fresh. A mild. rich1 smooth- drinking Coffee; rare flavor, pleasing aroma, and altogether superb. for 25c. for If you read this advertisement of ours and take advantage of the bargains offered. Buying what we mention here means substantial savings. . We aim to furnish reliable eatables at reasonable prices. The testimony of Our customers proves that the servtcc is correct and the sort particular buyers prefer. \Ve want only satisï¬ed customers. If anything goes wrong, tell us; we’ll make it right. Here are some quotations for good st'ufl':â€"~ Pearl Tapioca, not a made-up stuff, but the genu- ine article, 4 lbs. for 25c. Polished Rangoon Rice, extra special. 1.: lbs. I. Grifï¬n & Skelley’s California Seeded Raisins ï¬nest fancy goods, full 16-oz. package IOC. Prunes, size 60 to ,70, ï¬ne clean stock, per lb. 8c Very ï¬ne natural Figs, choice, pcr lb. 50. Nonpariel Jelly, in all flavors, 4 pack. for 25c. Extra Granulated Sugar, this week 22 lb: r STUVES. RANGES, HEATERS, PAINTS AND OILS. Hanna;an Hill Hammm Stare Mkinsmï¬ Switzer AT THE G. SOULES TINSMITHING‘ ï¬iiï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ +4- F‘URNACES, H+i~++~l~+++ "WWI-+45+++++4+++++++++++++++Â¥- @533“ Tickets far the West -â€"F O Râ€" The west half of int 22, con. 2, Jul k hum, cnntnining 100 acres. All in ) high state 0f cultivation. On it, i' erected a. large brick lmuSP and can; modious barns, all in good state 0% repair. The fur-m is well fenced. Gnoc orchard and water. Full wheat an; full pluwing. Fm- fmther particulars price and try-ms. apply an the premisea NICHOLAS LYNETT. TICKETS for the‘ Canadian W'est brocured at. THE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA. Orders taken ntâ€"- THE LIBER Farm For Sale. extra special, 5 lbs 'JIBERA L OFFICE RICHMOND HILL. :k. for 25c. week 23 lbs. Ownm Hidmwnd (1. Good eat and ticulars‘. remisea.