'A dcspat The procec empted lam More Than One~third of th Railway Has Been 1 (‘30 THE MURDERS -AT SPAN- HOUSE’S. Ho crossed the road to 'the Spanâ€" house place and knocked at, the -dooxu It; was opened by Mr. John Spanhouse. who, from the condi- ‘tion of the body when it was found. came to the door hurriedly with out putting on all his clothes. As soon as Stewart en'bc‘rod he ï¬red at Spanhousc. Tlncre are several bullets in the old man's body. Mrs. Spanhouse was awakened by hear- ing her husband cry out “I an: shot,†and rushed to the front of ihe house. There she saw the mur- derer still ï¬ring at, her husband’s a m lair MQNEY FGR mg ATTACKED HIS BROTHER. He had been restless and had passed two or three sleepless nights and his bro‘ther as a consequence felt, anxious about him. Georgie ‘wen’t to bed. but removed only his boots and socks. William slept on a. lounge, without undressing. so that, he might watch his broth-er. About 5 o’clock this morning George rose and crept; to the door- His brother followed and tried to pilevent him from leaving the house. Failing, he followed the now furious maniac into the yard and attempted to force him back into the house, but. was choked and knocked down. though not dangerously injured. Leaving his brother in a. semiâ€"conscious Condiâ€" tion, Stewart took a. hieavy stake from a. woodrack in the yard and set out on his horrible quest. He had possessed himself also of a. re solver, and was still without either cap or boots. ‘ He is a powerfullyâ€"built young man twentyâ€"nine years 0? ago. Four years ago he went- west; and located on a ranch. There he took typhoid fever, and in addition had the misfortune to lose Sumo money in specula‘hion. The Mounted Puâ€" lice at Medicine Hat touh charge of him when he began to show 'thut he was not quite “right,†and reâ€" leased him only on the promise that his friends would bring‘ him ‘home to Ontario and see that ho was look‘cd after. His father is Richard Stewart, of Maple Valley. Young Stewart spent. last night :11.‘ the residence of his brother. Wil»‘ liam, who lives across the way! from the Spanhouse homestead. ml the fourth concession of Mielaim- ‘thon. has ever been recorded in DIIH'L‘l‘i] coun‘ty took place at the lit the hamlet; of Shrigley, in Melach then townshlp, early this mm'ning “hen a, young man named chu'gr Ernest Stewart, during a. poriw. of insane frenzy, 'murdm-ed John Spanhouse. a, neighbor. and hi~ son, James, dangerously wounded Mrs. John Epanhouse and Georgc Beaumont. and injured three U\h('l‘ persons whom he chanced to en- -countlar before the ï¬t of insaniig' had passed. To-night, haxing eon- fessed that he commit’tod the mur- ders, Stewart lies in the Sholhuvnn lockâ€"up awaiting the law's action. He can give no reason for his ter- rible (need, but the circumstances attending it. are such as {-1 leave no doubt. a’b all that Stewart. for an hour th'is morning. was more dangerous than any tiger in the jungle. .WAS “QUEER†IN THE WEST Shellm of the m MAME KILLS M Young Mclancthon Township Man Murders Farmer and Son and Fatally Injures Wife. :cn 1908 husband cry out “I am and rushed to the front of se. There she saw the mur- till ï¬ring at her husband’s nost terrible tragedies ‘ been recorded in Dul‘ took place at the lat of Shrigley, in Me vnsmp, early this mun young man name-d G0 Stuvart, during a. [K lo frenzy, murdered ‘ 139, a. neighbor, an nes. dangerously \wu; 1C S ll I've) from Ottawa sen formal slation, it n the repo ed and the nddit 01112., Feb \V cti< 11 ha 3A 77w journ home Mr. Taylor started 0 and met Stewart abouu between the valley Pound‘s. He cndeavo: ate the crazed man, WI ï¬rst threatened to shc then snapped the gun it was either not Ioadc condition. At any rate Mr. Taylor. it missed ï¬t was then allowed to “1h Been Provided Found ate UK ï¬rst t1 then 531 to W. D. Ta for assistance Ha M 1‘. W of the the ï¬el about t by telephone‘ to Shelluurne HIS TRAIL ‘ thc M x remamed carrymg t] can or boo terrifu ing in IS W3.) ‘oun Mr . Tay] miul. but: not serlous. BEAUMONT’S CONDITION SERIOUS. 7mm here Stewart, his thirst 0d apparently unabated, :11: way across the road to L‘. 11m 11 R] th CV( ‘ Grace sounds of a house occupied by Wilson. Entering, he att Nilson with the old mi 16 had helped himself to g James “ Spanhouse. was partly broken off, at carried it by the b Wilson was one of the Lu cxpc )ing it tl are enbertame Mrs. Gowan’s were. and aft use '3. who IS absent 1; ired man, George ] 1e housekeeper, Mr ttacked here, Beam Hy clubbed that b are entertained for SHED 1i Ht H boots, left the h: ‘pt downstairs, sa panllouse had life m Ostmnder farm ‘phoned news of 1 unmolestc )llS‘ the n Ff All‘ 11i1( rifl ent ted mom 11 he Spanhou Christian. from the en quiet. um he attemptec t peacefully ,bles Thom} 1 Shelburne Ins iathe miles off. v he knock TO MAPLE VALLE Stewart started aon 0t ‘, selzcu the rme, ar struck Spanhcusc upon the head. cm: .111 and breaking t The bloodâ€"spatter 1n .111 (ll 3' is absent I( pear w he n ed tot OIlSG 1 him as h zed the rif him {at} )1 but \Il M S hand who mt ]( encount untxl S1 guru old milita an (1 of the one other besides the er‘ s housm When mun ed at the 311 1'11 IC that )use > tr: 11H St servant rlï¬ed In tncss to victim pl l I] way RT:- I‘US The ne [)1 then only and 1 l‘ 30L s- Lde bulk outside 1i.ye~I outside. Barley nutside ; a nd No. Buckw Toronto; oats quot and No. [59‘ tau 11.5: “761‘ l'riccs HIE WORLD'S MARKETS iC LCOD‘ DOUI at PORT )l ckwhe IS COUNTRY PRODUCE out tsui 3 of Cntllc. Grain, Ch Other Dairy Produce â€"C211's, $20.50 Shorts quoted HOG 3n, and pound, Ont TS FROM THE LEAD! TRADE CENTRES. 1! nine and Abroad. Nort} \ No. 2 at: 1 feed, I o. 2 gm: 1n C3. Mam 101‘ ; for rune ton on “tr es at $9 Vint I]; [It/21110 1t UR Y MARKETS )rn, $1.90t PRODUCTS TI 9.] he! 1t IN MONTI :XDSTI and tunot 11' 11' a< (I at )ba. xtra 'orthern and No ns. dressed outside. 3 dutmdc. Amerlcnn W ( )d qualities, raking apple 1.80 to $1.90 11‘ 1min, Cheese and at 11’163’ 30 Its ind ster ne 111 n'gl Will per bushel all rail 2 mixu 0X1 $10.50 to here. and 10 a ton. rn track. bulk out- $‘Z‘J.50 in It )nto to 111/4c :ss pork, 0n turkeys, ts 28 to and new 320 per \‘K $1.17 to 2 North- to 24c; 220; m- , 27 to ducks, 1'6113 10%c Yellow J, and ronto. track, ports. to 680 track, an ada. ports. jut Dle 34.50 ELI oac, to to lots sold at $5.15; the general run, 3k, however, for choice lots was from da‘ $4.40 to $4.75. Fair to good loads ts, averaged $4 to $4.30; mixed and ts‘ common classes $3.50 to 84. Sheep 380 and lambsâ€"Fair demand for ewes and lambs; prices ï¬rm at last 370 week's rates. Hogs-Firm; select 50, at, $6.60 f.o.b. and $6.80 fed and watered. Calvesâ€"Steady at; last quotations. Milch cowsâ€"~Fair deâ€" mand for good quality; common not Wm SETS GRAIN TRADE at G. T. Paciï¬c Trains Will be Run- ning by Summer. A despatch from Montreal says: ,I(. was announced on Friday at the head ofï¬ces of the G. T. P. Rail- way that within the next month or six weeks the ï¬rst standard- gauge locomotives, passenger coaches and freight cars to be used on the G. T. P. Railway in Brit- ish Columbia, will be shipped north .from New Westminster 01' Van couver, in the ï¬rst consignment of G. T. P. rolling stock will be in~ eluded six locomotives, one hunâ€" dred and ï¬fty freight cars, and some passenger coaches. inese will be operated out of Prince Ruâ€" pert over the ï¬rst hundred miles of line built. The ï¬rst train will probably be operated early next summer. The Surplus Revenue in Manitoba Is Quarter of a Million Dollars Fatal Accident to Employee of 'l'm'mito Paper Company. A de-spatch from Cornwall says: The inhaling of sulphuric gas in Mu 2 Northern, $1.11 to 851.11%; May, 551.09%. Ryeâ€"N0. 1, 76c. Cornâ€"â€" May, 63%0 asked. Barleyâ€"Stand- ard, 66c; samples, 61% to 640; N0. 3, 62 to 64c; No. 4, 61%c. Milwaukee, Feb. 9.â€"â€"Whea.t â€" N9: 1 Northern, $1.13 to $1.14; No Minneapolis, Feb. 9.â€"â€"Wheat â€"â€" May, $1.09; July, 351.09%; cash No. ] hard, $1.11%; No. 1 Northern, $1.10%; No. 2 Northern, $1.08Vl to $1.09; No. 3 Northern, $1.06}!2 to $1.07%. Branâ€"In bulk, $21.50 to Buffalo, Feb. 9.â€"'\Vheatâ€"Spring wheat, ï¬rmer; No. 1 Northern, carloazds, store, 81.16%; Winter, higher; N0. 2 red, $1.12; No. 3 extra, red, $1.10%; No. 2 White, $1.10; No. ‘2 mixed, $1.10. Corn ~Higher; No. 3 yellow, 66c; N0. 1 yellow. 651/20; No. 3 com. 05 to 65%c; No. 4 corn, (34% to 65c; No. 3 white, 68%0. Barleyâ€"Feed to malting, 63 to 700. required.â€" Butéhersf bows of good quality wanted. n v V o v 111 each case a. comprehensxw scheme of development. The resul already 15 a, vast Increase m ship CARS FOR PRINCE RUPERT. INHi A despa‘lch from O The annual report of ment of Public Works the Commons on Wedne that for the ï¬scal year total expenditure was an increase of $13511; Improvements in Harbors That Have Already Brought Good Results. UNITED STATES MARKETS mu follov; )us y LED SULPHUR“) GA S. h f r011 manure was $11,“ e of $1,851,959 ove ear. The items ir ngzâ€"Harbor and 447.882 M 11‘ 211's after 1 ome 600 u as and a. 1 Harbor and 82; dredging plants, $3,344 :, $4,331,901; proï¬ting by the at the older and laying out; comprehensive tent. The result 1t10 ely lDDlDE sed a. reduc date no re Ott 1' I the Depart- ;, tabled in :sday, shows ' 1907-08 the $11,199.384. ave quarter deduct LOB the 199,384, ver the include 10118 Slll‘ l‘lVel‘ At Several Libel Actions are Entered in Montreal. A despatch from Montreal says: Ald. Prouix, chairman of the Civic Police Committee, has entered an action for libel for $5,000 against E. W. Villeneuve, who preferred charges against his administration, and an action for $10,000 against La. Patric, which editorially de‘ clared that; the police department was rotten to the core. Chief of Police Campeau has also entered an action against La, Patrie on similar grounds. sumlar g Railways Decide Thai. (‘lcrgymen Must Pay Full Faa‘c. A despetch from Winnipeg says: Western railways on Friday, an- nounced their deï¬nite determina- tion to abolish the half-fare rate for all clergymen, students and missionaries, which privilege has been enjoyed by them since the settlement of the west. The mat. ter has been under serious advise‘ merit for some time, and the com~ panies at ï¬rst thought of extend- ing the cut rate to missionaries in the newer sections and sparsely? settled districts of the country, but later withdrew this also. ch~ eral of the churches made strong representations to the companies in the matter without avail. Statistics in London Show More Arrests in Year. A despatch from London says: The police statistics for 1908, issued on Wednesday, Show a. large in- crease in arrest-s for drunkenness, the total being 1.158; 315 were be- fore the court for disorderly eonâ€" ducb, which also shows an increase. The total number of arrests war 2,852. 'the pulp department of the Toronto Paper Co.’s mills the other day resulted in the dearth on Wednes- day night of J. Sibley, one of the employees. Sibley and another man, named J. Morin. remained in the room after the digesters were emptied, contrary to orders. When the cooled gas began to settle, they ran for windows. Morin got there all right, but Sibley inhaled some of the gas and was overcome. He was taken to the General Hospi- tal, where he died .He was a, na- tive of England, 3‘3 years of age, married, and leaves four children. DRUNKENNESS 0N INCREASE. ser harbors, where wharfs, break‘ waters and shelters have been con- structed, and dredging carried out. The construction of dams in the interest of navigation and for water conservation is strongly re- commended in that part of the re- port dealing with water powers. The total mileage of telegraph lines under the department is 7,225, with 393 ofï¬ces transmitting dub ing the year 105,000 messages. pmg from the great lakes to the sea. Boston and New York have lost to Montreal in' the European grain trade, and St. John is in a position to successfully compete with Portland. Not only the more important ports have been attend- ed to. but the department, has not lost sight of the needs of the has POLICE RESENT ATTACKS. HALF BATES CI'T OFF. been made. < 1-pl eds of the wharfs. brc he entinz nent nent also ï¬rst 1( 11