Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Feb 1909, p. 8

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” Néwmurkvtâ€"u. m.. p. m.. 1.00. 3.0( , 9.01). “.00: 7.00. 9.00. 6.10. Auroraâ€":1. m., 6.10. 7.10. 8.10. 9.10, 11.10;p.m..1.10. 3.10. 5.10. (5.10. S. and A. Jet. 6.25. 7.25). 8.25. 9.25 11.25: p.m., 1.25. 3.35. 5.25. 6.25. 7.25, ' Shillong. m.,8.50. 1250; 6.50. 11.2. 9.25 “fig-\vunu-kE-tâ€"n. m.. 7.40. 8.40. 10.40. 12440; p. 111.3240, 4.40. 6.40. 8.40, 10.40. Qu(-Pnsvillcâ€"-a.m.. 9.00; p.m.. 1.00, 5.01). 7.00. 7 Kcswickâ€"u.m.. 9.10, [1.11). 1.10. 5.10, .10. Roche’s Paintâ€"u. m., 9.15; p. 11)., 1.15, 5.15, 7.15. Jucksun’s Point, \ Arriveâ€"am). 9.40, Richmond Hillâ€"n. m.. 6.40, ‘ 8.40, 0.40. 10.45. 11.40. 12.45: p. m.. 2.45. 3.40. 4.46, 5.4.), 6.40. 7.401 9.40. 'l‘hurnhill P. 0.â€"a. m.. 6.50, 8.50. 0.50, 10.50. 11.50. 12.50: p.11)" 2.50. 3.50. 4.50. 5.50, 6.50. 7.50. 9.50. Yurk Mills 1’. O.-â€"â€"u. 111., 7.10. 9.10. 10.10, 11.10. 12.10: p. m.. 1.10, 3.10. 4.10. 5.10. 0.10. 7.10. 8.10, 10.10 Every‘ \Vedncedn and Saturday night a late c.11- will enn- Newmarkut fur Toronto and intermediate points “£11.00 p. m. C. P. R. Crnssing(Tm-onlu). me‘o. ‘â€"â€"n.m. (3.00. 100+. 8.00. am. 10.00. 11m, 32.00; p. m.. 1.00. 2.00. 3.00, 4.00. 5.00, 6.001. 7.00. 9.00. York Mills 1’. O.â€"-u. In. 6.15. 71 8.15.5115. 10.15, 11.15. 12.15: p. m.. 1.10. 2.15. 3.15. 4.15. 5.15. (5.15. 7.15. 9.15. ’l‘hm-nhill P. O.--u. m., 6.35. 7 8.33. 9.36. 10.35. 11.35. 12.35: p.In.. l. 2.35, 3.35, 4.35. 5.35. 6.35. 7.35. 9.1 ". Richmond Hillâ€"a. m.. 6.45. 7 8.4-5. 9.15. 10.45.; p. 11).. l 215. 3.45. 4.45. 5.45. 6.45. 7.45. 9.45. S. and A. lct.â€"a.m.6.55. 7.55. 8.55, 6 Yurk Mills 1’. O.-â€"â€"u. 111.. 7.10. 8.10. 9.10. 10.10. 11.10. 12.10: p. m.. 1.10.110. 3.10. 4.10. 5.10. 0.10. 7.10. 8.10, 10.10. Nurth Tumntn. Arriveâ€"m. m.. 7.40. 8.40. 0.40. 10.40. 11.40. 12.40: p. m.. 1.40. 2.40. 3.40. 4.40. 5.40. 6.40. 7.40. 8.40. 10.40. \Vrdnesday and Saturday oveuings a mu- curleuves O. P. R. Grnssing fur Newmnrket and intelmediute points “11.30 p._l_n. ‘ Extra-Sutlnduy Service curs leave Nurlh 'I‘oroutn fur Newwurket at 2.00 and 4.00. Church o! Englandâ€"Barvices at. 31:. m. Int, 2111! and 4:11 Bunaay. Third Sunday M 11 a m. Plosbywrinu Churchâ€"borvicee M. L). a. In.,au:l 'I n In. Sum-lay School at: 2.30. Prayer meeting enemy evening. Bounu unbolic Churchâ€"Services on alter- nate dun lave M9 5. m. and 10.30 a. m. Machmnal Gnurcbâ€"Sorvicca “10.30 a. m..and 1 p. m. 8.11110. Sohonl 31.3.80. Genera) pmyar unsung Thug»! ay.eva_uing._ ‘ YHE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE Extra Sainde Service CMI'S leave Newman-mt, for 3011b Turonto M, 4.00 and 8M). Schumherg and Aururu [ruin loaves Scln-mlwrg at 7.00 mm. 5.15 pan. Â¥ fQuuuect with Schmuberg 4: Aurora. Hailu' u cupy. ()ne (idl'hn' at year. The Pie- lmiul Publishing Co.. 142 St. Pth' St. Montreal. Ill-(f O‘Imp 1:11:11'1175 0 8 â€"Mooeo second and Iomth Weiuoalav 01ml: 1001M) Flroth-inge-Muots that Monday of every m'vub Public Lmrary and Barnum: Boomâ€"Open Tuesday/rand Snsurdsv eveninfia. innâ€"North Leagueâ€"Moots evm-v Monflny J'uulor E‘pworth League menu every M onâ€" dmy Mmrnoon at. 4. dew ou 9r natureâ€"(Lillrmgag of club mmzu Exquisitoly printed on fine coated pnpvl'. Pictures of well-knnwn fimple. of current events. of things cauti- ful and curious About one Lhuusnnd. squat-v inches uf )ictures in each issue. Appeals to Calm inns us the great il- lustrated pupuvs of London npfiwal to the English people. Nun puitical. Ahsulnu-ly no ax» to grind. Its aim suh‘ly to please and t0 inform. Must. be seen [n he glppreciatai. T511 mills "CANADIAN FICTORIAL” Toronto & York Radix! Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DWISION Hours for issuing Money Orden - MORNING . EVENI‘IG N. B.-Regiaterod letters must be handed in u! must Fitteen Hinutes earlier than the above Lu mnu'uuou hours for clomng. illiy {Mr-.120, 5 0 U Wv-Maete thud Wednenduy Sutton Sutton R 3501.455!) 6 Point, I 3.45. 5.45. Roche’s Puinb-n. m., 8.00. 10.00; m., 400, 6.00. KSsx‘xiiL-Eisian” 8.10. 10.10; p.m.. 4.10 Until turther notice Malls will be closed at the Mchgpond Bill Post Oflicu u Iollowszoâ€" MORNING ..... 8 30 Court, I‘iSEmond , A 0 717‘ - Moots fourth Fri muulug L uulluu’. vkuau w Mahmud [mdgmA F aid A M â€"MoatsMon- Winter Time Table 1908 GOING NORTH :I .~ wail; POST OFFICE NOTICE Si: ubscritnm for nun “Temperanceâ€"Meets om Wodnosdny :ly. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. EVE» Village Directory. GOING SOUTH. NING . MONEY ORDERS W'. H. MOORE. Manager 4.15, 6.15, -’&L 4. ER .»E\' s k {:~ .0 A; a. M. TEEFY Postmaster n. m.. 7.45. 9.45; ‘.Iu.. 1.40. 5.40.140 6.40. 7.40, ‘. m.. 1.40, Ill . .6‘30 .A 97 ALL BUSINESS WILL HAVE MY PROMPT ATTENTION. REOHMOND HILL AGENT While business in some other lines may he dull, farmers were never more encouraged as regards fruit, gmwing than at the present, sensnn. High pricvs fur all classes of fxuil have been obtained the past season. and them is. as :1 cnusequence. an increased demand for nursery stuck. for RICHMOND HILL and :ldjuining Country to represent, “CANADA’S OLDEST AND GREATEST NURSERlES" Out stuék is complete in (-w-ry de- pnrlnwnl, including a new list uf spsqiultjvn which wgulqne handlv. The right. man will obtain a perma- nent sMualinn with tel-Iiuu-v reserved for him. Pu weekly. Frne snmple outfit. etc. \ 'rite for particulars See (ur stock compare quality and price of goods, and you will buy here. EU. cLD, Richmond Hill anthill Nursetie-s (850 acres) 44m TORONTO. ONTARIO Ready Nnv. 15. 1908. best ever sent ouL bmultiful covers in cnlurs. flue pun-trait, nf me. Hicks ln colors. all the old features and several new ones in the hank. The best astronomical year hunk and the only one cnntaimng th9 uliginul “Hicks “feather Forecasts." By mail 85c. on news staudslik. ()nn copy free with \VORD AND \VORKu the beat $1 Mnnlhlyin America. Dis- cuunts on Almanacs in quantities. Agents wanted. The Rev. IRL. R. HICKS WORD & WORKS PUBLISHING C)., 2201 LOCL‘ST STREET. ST. LOUIS. Mo. STONE & WELLINGTON ME! a: turn. M! m m Irfil Samoa t Cc..l‘ovumd, Mutant“) reccin fr“. full Informuiun about wovk whvch ' :hrvmn do. und in. u bmefihu um ; my xhvm from 3110 S: av My. Snma but rum-u! n : S'.‘ In a dav Eula: ~\. up»: my old (‘Ip‘l .11 mu m- :h- ', Y-v. two-med (In! The“ nbnum at me: u! Alanna: u:- ok‘ ma; “:1. hangs. A): i1 new. A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED AlfiMl tkNACK FOR. 1909. Confederation Life Ass’n. Mercantile Fire Insurance Co. Western Fire Insurance Co. Norwich Union Fire Ins. 00. York Fire Insurance Co for the following Companies :â€" The full color card shows 48 handsome shades. S.. W. P. is ‘ put up full measure, alwayx. I't’s colors are clear, bright and lasfing. It Eosts less by the job than any other paint made. It forms a tough, durable film that wears and looks well for the longest time. It’s made frofix pure white head, pure zinc white, and pure linseed oil. It does not powder, flake off or crack. .A.‘ Y. 'flil" lull-DIN I in" OUT-DUI AND I! DID! TIIE SHERWIN-MLUAMS Pfi/IVT JACOB EYER & SGN BOLD BY OUR PRICES just a little lower than the same quality of goods can be bought elsewhere. The Next Sitting nf Dinsinn Court to! No. 3, County of York. will beheld in the Court, Runm. Building lot on Centre Street, Rich- mund Hill, cast, ut Parsonage. Apply in Our friends have come to expect the best from us, we do not disappoint them. OUR HARNESS is the best, all our own make. OUR HORSE GOODS, Robes, Blankets, Mitts, Gloves, Em, are the best. DIVISIBN - BflURT. lSâ€"tf YOUR COURSE iu Shm-Lhund m- Bllsilwss will bring you best rvsnlls if tanku-n at our uld estnlvlishI-d :md thorn-nghly reliuhle schm-l. \Vintvr Term begins Jun. 4th. hualugue Flee. Bmish American " ‘fiusggsspollege )entrul Y.M.C.A. Bldg.. Tol‘nntt: Oren! In Reputation. Results. Influence and Thor ughntssl Now in tht- Hum tn nun-r [he pnnula and pup . nu pl‘lrin-IIIIP empluy- menL. Our Graduates readily obtain good posltlols. Our handsome Cat».- lngue is free. \Vrhe fur une tn-dny. Students admitted at any time. College opt-n the entire year. “2}. FLLLIOT'I‘. Principal. Yonge and Alemurd’e’r Btu Thursday, April 1, 1909, A G RF} A‘P £0 HOOTJ RICHMOND HILL TORONTO. ONT. (Tummom-inz at 10 u. m. The Best Always For Sale ELLIOTT T. F. MCMAHON CLERK JAMES NEWTON. vm-r [119 popular Eh:an Milk. Our GROCERIES are FRESH and GOOD, and our CANNED GOODS can be RELIED ON EVERY TIME. TEE ' V New Silver Field THROUGH PASSENGER SERVICE 5 pm. Tram from Toronto \Ve enter the New Year wuh a determination to serve our patrons, and guarantee satisfaction SLEEPING AND DINING CAR SERVICE fnr Sudhury and Sellwnnd. Cnmwc- Linn at Sellwond with the vagundn Transport Company for Bulwnsh, Phoenix. and vaguudu. The Only Through Passenger Sonlce. Parry Smmd Train leaves Tomato at 9 mm. For further information npplfi' to nearest Ticket. Agent. or write usu- cnger Dept. Canadian Nut thorn Build- ing. Toronto. Ont. GRAHMER Lame mm Gmcery TEE SEOR'Z‘ES‘I‘ AND CKEfl’EST norm. FRESH LINE OF Confecfionerg AND Groceries ALWAYS ON 1-] AND. 9.3mm: Co. NUTRITIOUS AS MEAT DELICIOUS AS CAKE TE STANDARD BAN K. Why then should it. not be the best? Science gOVerns every- thing in the making of HILL’S FAMOUS BREAD British CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO Wed |873 There is no formality about opening :1 Savings Acmmt! with this Bank; Courteous clerks wiH make the first steps easy for you if you wish to begin saving yovr spare donars, ' Not'muchrmoney is needed. Oné Dollaykill open an account, and entitle you w a pass-book in which your depoisiits are entered. No delay in withdrawing your money at any time, with interest to date. BRfiu ' CEIES RECHMOND HELL BRIE&-‘ICR Pfififi -â€"-1T 15â€"- Banking Macie Easy Ten pp? and che-npm‘. Shorthnnd. and 3.11m OF CANADA E. M. Byrne. BSnnr-g‘er ALSO AT MAvxfikmst-EAM AND R. A. Farquharson, B A, Prin. Cor. Yonge & Bloor Sls. STO'US‘FVIL 31., wr, ten pvx- cvnt better fur Business ‘thic. Booklet. From. Term at l909. The mprh-tnr of Pleasant Vit'w Herd l ulstl‘in Catlin and Bn-edi-r of Imp”:de Ghvslex‘ “’hite Hugs. Lot 29. lst Gun, Vaughan (Thnrnbill) bus for sale annue good yfmng stm'k. ,_t r 13511 anal hog kept fvr service on the )rnnisea, . G. GOODERHAM. HOUSE PA IN TER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. The undursignvd. HCPHH)‘ emphyrd with the x‘lusm-y-Hm-ris 00.. has mks-n th- Blacksmithng business vacated by mm, “10s., and is propurvd to ul‘u-ud tu an Prmnvhes of the tnulu. London Amexica I“ N. e33. (3:43.38 +++++++++++++++H~+~Z--!-++++i~+ Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND BILL GEN ERAL B'LACKSB‘HTIL ELGIN MILL PLEASANT VIEW FARM Deming Machinery, (Tm HarvesterS‘Gasolmc Engine Etc (1+4- +4°H+++++++++++ ++++++++ PATRONAGE SOLICTTED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED that in Medicine QUALITY is of the first impul'tanuv? That. as :1 Mile, its use is nm, resorted to until necessity L'ulupels. This being that 0:159. RESULTS, not FAILURES, are desirable. FAILURES many tilnrs arise (hm-ugh lht- inundncliun of stale or ian-im drugs into your pre- sel-ipliuns. RESULTS can he uhtainr‘d by the Ilse uf PURE DRUGS of STANDARD STRENGTH and QUALITY. SUCH YOU’LL FIND HERE. Did it Ever Etrike You CHEMIST and DRUGGIST Mahmoud Hill. - W. A. Sandeisfin Lon REESE-SEWING A SPECIALTY RICHMOND HILL PHARMACY . HEWISON Richmond Hill dGENT FOR 3n & Lancashire Life WOODWARD. Mutual and British Ire Ins‘ Co. +4. 51 Brmdml Prnpficl’i: Out.

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