Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Feb 1909, p. 4

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thu hull: and him suyingh and wm AS he dil Mr. Lu That the 1‘ White Slave ” trafiicux- ists in thé United States serms prawn beyond a. doubt. That it is trying in gel: 8 footing in Canada seems nhllusf. a certainty. It cunnnt he [00 strung 1y urged that young girls leaving Country or village 01 town Imnws. ful‘ situations in the crowded cities. hould be on their guard against the fiends in human shape who prey on innocent girlhood. A brief caution may save a young girl‘s lite.â€"â€"Christ~ inn Guardian. After many adjournments, Frank Miller late proprietor of the Mansion House, Stoufi'villc, was last Friday sentenced by Police Magistrate Ellis, to four months in jail for selling liquor to two informers last Septeinl her. The case has excited widespread interest throughout the county. Asza previous conviction had been record- ed against the defendant the magis- trate was bound to make the last conviction, imprisonment. Some people l0ok upon the recent sentence as severe, but if they stop and think they may conclude there is nothingr unreasonable about it. The law dis- tinctly/says that whisky must not be sold in local option districts. If hotel keepers choose to break that law they should be prepared to take the consequences. ln ordinary cases of crime men do not generally get much sympathy; why should they expect it in the case of selling liquor ‘ unlawfully. a nlrvd the hum-1‘s ht'l'St‘ lying he wuntvd tum-h v {u M ud wnuld return the same 8 he did not keep his “mid. 1 r. Lowery became suspic [lowing day. and Cummunior i-rh Cunét‘ahle Raumivn. ( Isduy of last week (Punsmhle Mun-khqu [em-nod that u h : :In‘swuring the dvscnnlinn i What the farmers really need is a market for their grain and' other produce at or near Yonge street, near the C. P. R. crossing. To the farm-_ are who team» their own grain, es- pecially .in the winter season, a market at North Toronto would be better for them than down near Front street. Farmers at this season of the year often find good sleighing till'thev get to the crossing, but an the snow is hauled ofi‘ the streets of Toronto they are forced to chnnge their loads from sleighs to wagons in order to get to the market. A grain and produce market at a point north of the C. P. R. crossing would cer- tainly be a convenience. FarnierS' as a. rule dread the three or four miles in the crowded city, more than ‘ three times that distance in the open _' country. Would it not be worth while for the city council and the county council to get together and talk over a matter which is of im-‘ portance both to the city and country ? The farmers of York -County, north of Toronto, have gnown (weary waiting to have their produce de- livered over nugmnghpnumn Rail- way to the heart of the city; without n-anshipméii-ir'éna‘ fialsée‘ng’ers landed at the union ~istziti'oi‘r‘w'vtthout chang- ing care. The railwaycompany lays the blaiiie on the city council, and the city says the care may run in sylgjectp en egrcenientgipproved by the city council. By the looks of thing nothing _v_sjill be done~ along the hboye :1jnes3 till the your 1921, when the‘atreet railway franchise reverts to the city council; ' MCHMOND HILL. 0NT.. FEB. 18', [909 llll' tim Jnuw o HORSE In fiiheml. AND R Mn w meI-al Th pm. tn Mum GRAINGERâ€"At [61 i1 inst... n Gl‘uingvl', a s Kle nu lia‘ An extrum-dmury flmllll'“ m - Lion with tho “'ian- Uni-mm] Palilcv at, MIHILI'PHI has h-‘I‘n uf the Ofl‘ix-inl Snuvexiir. ismu-(l “Canadian Pictorial." Th» Iii-w was HxlmusLNl in half :1 day. srmnnl (My suw th publishing hesinr-d by u hmvling mu!- mul hays. clamoring l-w Numhers in s9“. 'I‘hn v.11): plvssea has ln-n-n (luuhlwi and i\‘ u'nrking dav um] night the (In-mund. “hivh hm ..-r-- . lwyund all Mum-ls. Thu pm tell us llmt, all UIdPI~ fwrm: uuce will lw fillud. uf Hull‘- Ul‘dH' Ihut thwy urn l'm‘ri'mt. nvurly fifty pug-N :uggn-gniin; 2.01m squnrv inI-iws x-f I-an‘m'ilv‘ etchings. lhu N-uu-nir (TI‘I‘IHI ln-imful nf lrlw run-ind jnys --f m mimn \\'iutH-, and Will wm x tim) fur ilsn-lf whvn-er iI uu \\'l” m- LI'P'I\‘H|"‘II ill thrillsnnd‘ HI ndmn hnur-s .Ihll svnt l-y Ihv "Inux‘ Iu lliv {ML “hi-mud. 'I‘hl‘ II We'have sormetimes thought that if Ian Mach‘en, who has given to IN the character of Dr. McClure. were alive to-day that in letters such as these he would find nmtm-inl for a. book more touching and pathetic in many parts than his Bonnie Brim? Bush. - It is on behalf of cases like these. of which there are scores reaching the Secretary of the Snnatorium every week, that the Muskolm Free Hexpiial for Consumptives makes its appeal to-day for funds. This institution has not atany time, since its doors Wore first opened in April, 1902, refused a single patient because of the applicant being unable to pay. Contributions maybe sent to Mr. W. J. Gage, 84 Spadina. Ave... Chairman of the Executive Committeo. or to J. S. Robertson, Secretary-Trmlsumr of the ‘ National Sanitarium Ansnvinfinn. 347 ' King Street West. Toronto. Ontario. l of In Just one more 3f the many we might quote. This is'from a physician in Campbellford, On to. He writes :â€" “I have a patient suffering from nlmouary tuberculosis. who has been aid off work for about; three months nowâ€"was in bed part of that, time. but latterly both his pulse and tem erature have kept down and his wvig 1t going up. He is the only support of the familyâ€"mother, crippled father. and yyjunger brother. but his neighbors are trying to raise a. small amount of money to help him." 1“ u “I am a. young married man, twenty- tbree years of age. For several years I have been sick. but always Able to keep my feet. Now I have come to the time when I cannot work. and cannot get medicine without moans. My lungs are affected. and I am writing how to see if you can get me into the Muskoka'Free Hospital for Consump- tiv’ee. My young wife is here. and her parents have kindly‘ opened their dogrs to her if I go away.” III In the current issue of the DOOR or Horn. published by the National Sani- tarium Association, 3” King Street “first, Toronto, a page is given over to letters received from the many per-om from all parts of the Dominion seeking admission to the Muskoka. Free Hot itol for Consumpu'vee. S doin have we read anything more nthetic. Here, for example. is a. letter rum 3. hysicinn in Cree-more, Ont, linking or the admission ofa. patienI by the name of Morrison. He- snya :â€" “I would like to urge strongly upon {Ion the great claims of thispatient. c has no homeâ€"mother deadâ€"father working its sfurm laborer. The boy has been’living'wibh an unmarried uncleâ€"â€" no housekeeper-#wm-k. cooking, etc., beinfi done by the uncle. The boy has nbao ubely no place to go where he ml ht be given any reasonable care. an. he cpn get none where he is." AnOthe-rv énsefiviév Yrbgv'i‘gomld. Johpsbon \Veldon writes:â€" THE MONTRE GANADA’S POOR 00H- .SUMPTIVES. nst Tutt- \Viutm; Ir ilsn-lf zâ€"At hruurV hrum :11: H mnt n u). IL UNI} On try more Touching than £0 mg from 0!. P99 the g' .uunuuy, rehruul' r hump. Yunge a Inrv Margaret. hu ph A. Klinck, in ht‘l BIRTHS. sday, February 18, Pleasant Cemetery Ham 3' Victoria Square on the Rin-hmund Hill Mr. and \h: EATHS. nuduy hump, Sty Tnmnto. on U)! Simon McNaur, : n Bu Ian Maclmn. mph .4 5!. A14 U n the 8x ’ise. age Fain-u ANN“ on the \lker. 12m urns- 1 8t h uged '1) [h entitl the c thym; 9d on m- hefme the 15th 1909 to Bond to LOVi B. I Squm e. Executor of the a full statement of (he the nature 0f the securit by them. And take furthvr not the said lust mentjnned executor will p1 (weed to assets Hi the estate umm Amending Acts. Nuli‘ Given, that all pen-lies against the Estate (I Heise late of the van hum in the County of man deceased, who die< the 19th of Dt‘L‘PlanI‘. IE 1N CHRISTL'I :il-xf The undersignyd will rndvnun I: place lmmigmnts from llxv Unin-ri Kingdom as farm lulmrvrs :unl du- nwsLu-s in this Vicinity. Any [P'lSllll requiring such hvlp shirllld nnlify 1w pvrsmmll)’ m by lt-lerstntinglul:y1hr kind (If hrlp quirml, “hm wantml. nlld llw note of \vugrs nfi’m-Hl. ICU-r} efl'm-t will lIP math- In pi'nnitlv (‘Hl'l applicant with ’10”) H‘qllll‘t'll. T. F. MCMAHON. Cam. Gm'. Emplm'uu-ur A: Richmond Hill. (hut. Take MPtI-npt-litnn Eh‘Pllil C; Nt-l'th '1‘u1nnlufm- Richmmul Hi“ 33-2 A quantity l'f wu-ly Nm-thm-n Boautv Potalm-s fur sulv. grmvn frmn uni-wry cuttings, nn lot 15. 2nd mm. M" King. 33-” 0n Ynnge Stu. Elgin Mills. :1 fin-- ronmed house in the u-ry lwst of re- pair, wiry warm. good collar, nun-sum y outbuildings with 3 an e: of land. Mnkv good home. Price $800. ApplyAh) 3043f 0n Eliznlwlh Street, in thP villngze of Richmuml Hill, ,n vumfhrlnhlv dwdl- ing. part of which is newly huilt and the whole in good 11‘ mir. Gund lot, and necessary (mtlmilr ings. Make a desirable home for nnyrvm- wishing lu retire. ‘ - . H€i(‘liiil()hli (Jun. 8. Markham; llw prnpvrly «If Jlm. \V. Cmvir. Sult- M, H n'uhu k. Lunch prmidvd. 8 Months' CHI-(Ht, lm I'Psm'vv. Rigs mom :4” trains at Mm-khmu :md Lm-nst Hill on day nf Snlv. J. H. l’rentiw, Aurt. MONDAY. March lâ€"Anclinn Sula» uf Farm Stuck. Implemc-nls and Furni- ture, :16 lot 3. mmfi2. East, York. Ilu- plnpm'ty uf Mrs. G. H. dv Bonu- hul‘lmiw. 8:11? at l o'ulm'k. Trims, 7 nmnthr‘. J. H. Prvntitw. Aurt. “’EDNER'DAY, Fl‘h. 24â€":Crmlit Allt'fiun Sula. of Farm Stuck, lmph-nwnls. &c.. at, lot 17. cnn. 5._Vnnghmn, Um prupux-Ly of Richard Jul-rpm. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms. 9 mnnlhs. Snigm’m 6L McEwen. AucLs. “ THURSDAY, F4-h.‘2.')â€"â€"lmpm umt Urn-(lit, SHIP pf RegistervflUlydvsdiilrs, ()ul Llo Farm lm énwnm, &(:., nu [wt 10. (hm. 8, b :u-khnm. llw prnpvrly uf Farm Lahore RSUANT TO R.S For Sale TH E ESTATE HER HEISE astute an M. havir For Sale For Sale Auction Sales. II. J. GRAHAM. Apply to [-ht‘il urity the sui H. A. NICHOLLR. COOK. hmr-nd St H. A. NICHOLLS Richun-nd Hill 0. 129‘ A lln-l'u P. (I I 1, 1910 Weekly Mail, to January 1, 1910 The Daily Globe, one year York County "â€"wlTne Daily Mail and Eni- ma's! pire, one year (York F ) County) D““‘“"’"“"';The Daily Star, reoeiveo‘i ;“i‘le..‘,‘..";;3 on day of publication The Daily Star, not reoeiv-t :zylg;;:;;:5: ed day of publication Ago“! '[ion HHS. . Hm Sale HI -‘d'amuy fierafid anc‘ 1y Star New Idea W’nmqn‘ Subscriptions for weeka’y and dai‘y papers taken with “The Liberal” at $3. a‘ year,at the following wharâ€" Weekly Globe, to January '7 r; n 1 ‘IA-‘IA («mg 31-311) A gr»an Bxivk Hqu land in the Villzlga- of > Apply f5 Skafing Skating, St-nim‘ Hmrk'fiv High Selim Suni-vr IInckt-y. 9.14711 0 31-5 WINTER will dislrilmle Ih-- :ussvl :mmng llw pullirs‘ M having n-gnrd only tn whit-h Ihvy {ht-n shall Imtiwv. And furthu-r the luck. mum will dislrihule lulu uf the 'I‘mxnsh tlu- Un‘nuty nf Yurk diPd (m nr :ulmn: thr tomlwr A. D. 1908, u 'H'flil'P thv 1st day (- [0 send their unuws a full stntvlm-nt n2 \Villinm (kn-k. Hun Innml sll'm't \\'. Tm A Quantity of P NOTICE in tn R. S. 0. Ch Acts, that all gtgainst lht‘ Es gr II Id (1 In Nefice is firsfiéims. IN THE ES'I‘A'I‘E ()F “'ILLIAM KNIGHT. . IIIIS A THE RENE ntity of Pin Hlx'lding Timber mldiLinn: â€"]2 [lusts 25 ft. lnng: 23 ft. lung: 9 \Ilingms 42 ft. quunl ity of giI-H and braces. AL Uill‘l'\ iHo Mill. G. KIRBY, “'ILLIAM COOK For E {-33 1'0 Rem “7 EDUES DA Y \V. II. PUGSLEY. ROOM solicit!” SATURDA Y THURSDA Y 33 Riulnnnnd HI. “7 is hl'l'l'hy g Jhnpu-r 129 Ill pPl'Shni Estulr- “I. \'I‘tmnship 1 uf Yurk. 'G. MON DA Y. TUESDA Y FRIDAY Curling. '. Tim-nun ink» “Ulil'l‘ that x] (Mfr. thv EXP UHng D. \\'A ’I‘SON. Muplr nd H)! Tl) r the lixwlllnrs md 122101-0801" 7 an to 10 p mm [In hm Hf]! h d; 'n‘llll 730 to 10 pm 3.30 U! 5 [LI]: iHi \ rn pill-slum! Md A nu-miim: 30 tn 10 p.11) HM! 0.“ RUM-101).": Slum-“’04 :d 'Hll 'nruntu DU} 1mg t'lullns‘ In Knight 'nnghun in nmn. wlln Isl: d Prop. Hn'H-[a lninh' ( recrin Illll“ Pl‘U L- n Rich fh-l I 909 :1 quantity nf' Imy, hzuh'y, \Vnguns, alt-f5; ph-nm-uls. n” of v. hich (rut l-t-sel'vtu 'l‘ERMs 01: SALEâ€"T ph‘menls and meim'c R EAL ESTATE: 1’” u Alsn HH’ tnllrming FALM $1M PL'MENTS AND PRODbCE; H0-‘S lHURNED CM NE, '(2 PIGS, SHEEP. P0 DONALD & MILM Further [ml'lirlllalls n ('umlilinns )f sale can In the_undt‘rnwntimm] Sn] Dated the 28111 day 0| JAMES 5. CA I" “ill he first put up Lngvth thu-n Suki they will lw pul u; I" in withor ruse ten pur w purl-lmse money shall he in at the linm hf snh- and (h \\ ilhin thirty days thvrrmfls ilIH'l't‘al’. In :IH UHIH' I'm trrms and (rundilinm of $41 the slunding (-nndititvns of H \\'(-.~l-'13.\'nlm.g the S( (J said lI-t l2 (:huius: m less; Ihv‘mx- hurl lu- mnlrx ly Iimitut' Luis. :run Zl'iihks IIIUI v 14' (l:-sm-i|n~vl hm-vin as n 5mm: \\ hich land I" )Illllll'u VALUADLL‘ PAL-M I“) 'rocx, IMPLEMENTS, AND PRODUCE Md \:--- "Alu‘EL ( Sulicitm Ikl ;nf lhv llu- liI-s Hf Bin ummm m, ug :tt NEâ€" fth .nd EM 8M5 r-r lhv Plaintiff Buy SL. Tum“ :4: mm doe Jndgu dale-(l nm~s>inn lim lkh :Ilrul 73) links In ud ghs. m: ‘1) will! 1.5% ginning. “(11‘s “I'Hl' (Yl' II'SN ::I hles Hf Luis 51 'l'lM‘lԤSi(ll| ul' HIP nun (lesmilnd as .54 :ll llw suulh fit‘Ly-mn-z {In-urn nlhm'h' In mulan ml .‘42 ’Ix'nk\- Innu- In Ind Le! Ills ’ lvlu-r- I :t-rlmx-d: inks mun )fiicinl I H’Hl lm-nt of tlw High (l liu- 15H) day of “Him.” |N-l\\t‘rl| ff, nml “fiilinln Md with [hr up- I [wright‘ (Jfiitrinl ' t-ffl‘lmi fur ‘Hll‘ l‘\\‘I‘<Iu “(Pas H. u “w l'v.~pm llll.‘ll\' .hF'I, If luv Hz.) H’lmlll“ (’PHI (4" H: hr nks HUNG l1“ Xulllu y In nmlm-v links num- ':IIll'l In lht‘ 52.2linzlmihs “HP 1 . Aurl il r llw Inmls Hr; lln-m'v d CI‘ERTY 1m im d with ml {)2 in am vmhip If Yul k. t- hint!“- nn-(l hid lhl wuship "Uan‘ 5: Shruhd :1 pus! )RAIN, lhmzb x 1h:- I";-.Iw_\-; s mmv b links “I \\ ('I n Humm- ‘H' ll'SS Unwin- 1111‘? nl' I” nrt ‘f lh»I frI-nl IH “NM. L'TRY Iim: lmlm Hing. and In: nut ush in!

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