(0‘ 8 all RICHMOND HILL. on. Fig; 1909 V, READ CLEAN BOOKS. , A;Travelling Library which was at the Public Library for the past few months has been returned to the Education Department, and another ' library applied for. One-third of the books sent out by the Government are for juveniles, one-third ï¬ction, and one-thir'd’miscellaneous. The Government who generously supply the books are anxious that the youth- ful readers make good use of the iuvenile works. We learn from the Librarian, however, that the juvenile wbrks are seldom asked for. This is to be regretted. The juvenile books are not only interesting but clean, and this cannot be said of some of the books in general ï¬ction. In spite of the vigilance of the pur- chasing committee, books get into the Library that are not good for young 01‘ old. If people would culti- vate a taste for historical works, biographies, etc., it would be much better than reading the average,up- . to-date novels. †lune COUNCIL. The above Courlcil met at Temper- ance Hall, Kettleby, on Saturday, Feb. 20. Members all present, Reeve Mc- Mnrchy presiding. ' Minutes of last meetmg read and confirmed. The following bills were presented and passed by the Council in Com- mittee of the Whole, Mr. Carley in the Chair:â€" Jos. Billings. month's pay . . . . . . $33.33 Jos. Billings. 2 toise stone . . . . . . 12.00 Edward Goodwin, road work. . . . 3.60 - Chas. H. Hall. nssessor’s roll bag 1.50 ‘ James Patton, conveying H. Car- 'ter to Ind. Home . .. .. 2.00 George Norman. gravel grant. . .ll-i.00 Mrs. S. Ma’chell, gravel . . . . . . . . 10.50 Isaac McBride, keep of indigent .75 3V; Fleury 6: Son, blacksmith bill . 1.50 O’Brien & Hoover. gravel grant 75.00 Jtlhn Malloy, gravel . . . . . . . . . . . 25.40 J.M. Walton, Treas., postage and ’ express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.36 Pbillipsâ€"Carleyâ€"That the collectors be paid $40.00 each, balance of salary. Phillipsâ€"\Vellsâ€"Thzrt ‘Vm. Egan be paid $26.00 re quarantine for scarlet fever. Dngganâ€"Carleyâ€"That Arthur Mc- Cutcheon be appointed road overseer ill lieu of Frank Jennings. removed. Phillipsâ€"VVellsâ€"That S. H. Lundy he. aid $110.00 re township printing for ast year’s contract. Dugganâ€"Cnrleyâ€"Thal. Harry Legge he. paid $4.00 re sheep killed by dogs. being two-thirds value of same. Dugzanâ€"Phillipsâ€"That the. tender of S. H. Lundy for township printing for current year at $110.00 be. accepted. Dugganâ€"Pllillipsâ€"That the cost of arbitration respecting change in School Section No. 6 amounting to $64.00 be paid and remitted to the County Trous- uler. Phillips â€"â€" Duggan â€"â€" That Messrs. Wells and Carley be a. committee to investigate reports re cutting of pine on south town line, con. 1, and deal with this matter as in their judgment seems necessary, and report at next meeting of Council. Phillipsâ€"Calleyâ€"Thllt the Auditors’ statement of tho Treasurer‘s accounts he and is hereby found to be correct and satisfactory by this Council. Dugganâ€"\Vellsâ€"â€"Th;‘lt the Auditors he paid $10.00 each. Cal‘leyâ€"Dugganâ€"That the sum of $5.00 he paid Koltlelly Div. S. O. T. as rent of hall for nolllinlltion and Council meetings. On motion of Councillor Phillips Council adjourned to moot at l.‘¢~yri'< Hotel. King City, on Saturday. March 27, at. 10.30 mm. .. o>7.~.._.__ ALLEGED HORSE TlllISF. “"illiamtjrahalll oi' )lllssl-hllarl Lake, “'hitchulch township, was arrested at 'l‘oronto, by County Constable Peter Bvrl-s on two charges of lltll'$('-\'l"llllllg preferred against hilu lly llv-ssrs. Proctor and lullvrio, li\ el-yluell ole-n'» .‘ r'l-spcctivclv. market and 'l‘blll-llllill, Both the animals illltl vollll-ll-s, it charged. wl-ll- soil by (ir:lll:llll. one of them ill Nolsoll “H gr: ill (‘lul'lllllnt for $63. The Pl‘lSt-llr'l \\ ho is :l for lll"l llill not. “mist :lll’l'st, and “:15 tokoll llt'flll[" High (‘olls‘tnlllo llnmmlon :Il the old (Foul t lillllN‘ on Alli-Llilll- St 1 wt. \\'lll'l o be was lt'llllllltlt'tl to Toronto juil, \vllol‘v- he now is. The police h'lll been on his truck for about u week. *‘o- llol-o :ll-o snappy spot-iols. lllilgllt‘lilf vlllllvs. You may “101' h llllm- prices, but not lhe vain-rs. Special llll'llll Morin-l allll .l.l\~l (‘n-ll'oo. :lollml l'll-sh, play lbw ill-a; unrolol..l .lrlpun 'l‘va. season llllle‘. oxll'u sporinl. [lt‘l' lll. 230.: Ponrl 'l‘apionl, lllt‘ ln~<' prooul-ablo, 4 lbs. for 2.30.: polished Rangoon Rice, vory iiuc sample. per “L. 50.: men‘s block hill ()l'l-lulb’. llt':l\lr'\’l .-\l'lll& llnrllluol lll.‘llhl. [It‘l' puil’. $l.l'll: l’llli- till, t'll‘bll‘l‘st "(llr'u Ko-lili’" Now Or- ll-alm MlllzlSM‘S. 31b. illi, 20¢. Atkin- son 6: Swilzer. ’ill mrtl history of these Muskoka nomes,' l l l l.~€‘ ' FUNDS lullll TIMES "Won TliE poor cousunpnvs fluskoka. Free Hospital for Consump- lives Makes an Urgent Appeal for Money. ,835,000 Requlred to Cover Bank Overdraft ; and. Provide for Maintenance or I Poor Patients. These head-lines tell the story of our needs. They are heavy and urgent. Many times during the past twelve months the question has pressed itself upon the Trustees, “Can we continue the work further? " l Every month brought its quota of accounts for salaries and wages of staff, bills of butcher, milkmzm,'| eggs, groceries, heavy coal billsâ€"l a. serious itemâ€"and other uncon-l trollable expenses so long as the doors were kept open. These had to be paid somehow. Contributions â€" especially after the turn of the year when the {bum - ciul depression was felt at its keen- estâ€"fell off to such an extent, that each month the burden became heavier. During all this period there was' only one thing to do, and that was to lean on our banker-eswdling the bank overdraft. l The trial was the severest ill the’ in which nearly 3,000 persons, stricken by the dread white plague, have been cared for. ‘v .h ‘- ack s: v K ‘ .4355 Life at Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumplives. But never for a single hour didi the doors of the Free Hospital fail to swing open, and give a welcome to suï¬erillg ones without money and without price. The good news has gone forth of] l a rich harvest the wide Dominioui over. Friends, we come to you at this time, when the clouds of depression are being lifted, asking that you nowâ€"in the direness of our ex- ircmityâ€"help to lift the burden being carriedâ€"not for any personal (Y a:lin, but solely, alone, only on behalf of brothers. Gur plea. is on behalf of the sick ones. What will you give? Do not say nay. Help generously. Help all you can. Help some. Help now. Contributions may be sent to lVV. ]. GAGE, Esq, Chairman Ex- ‘ esntive ' Committee, 84 Spudina l suffering Sisters and Avenue, Toronto; or]. S. ROBERT- ! SON, Sec-Treasurer National Sani- , tarium-Association, 317 King Street ' \Vest, Toronto, Canada. "Q0 Maple. cll’s Auxiliary was hclll last \Vl-(luosâ€" (lay afternoon at tho lllllllt' of Mrs. J. .T. Snigmlll. Too was sel-vlrl at the chm: l f the lll"l'llll;:. \Vllile wol king ill the saw mill .lohll O'Brien hall rho llll\fl‘l‘lllll(' ln- f..H. his foot ('Illllllii,’ ill Contact with tllorlluillg saw and almost sen-ling several of his lruw’. 'liho {lulu-ll lll' )lls‘. ])llll|‘"k. who p:ls~l-ll away on Sllnul ly l‘rvl'l'llllllll. look [llul'o on ’l‘llz-slloy, and “as quite l:lls:~-ly :lltollrlml. Th0 l‘â€l|‘il “1' 1h:- .‘Il‘lllt‘tllsl (‘llulch was occupile 1‘“ Sunday ll‘llllllll‘r: lIV Rev. )ll'. Kclllell. llllll ill llo~ I'\'l'l|llli7 bv um. Mr. \\'i'.'l:ll.>, lull. ..r Vii-loll; l'lll\‘l'l‘.\ll'\'. The funeral of Mr. ('lllllulll. who (llr'tl ill, his son's lll’llll‘ llll lllo lilll (will- Ct'5\l(ln. took place to Hope burying ground on Sunliav afternoon. ' A large sloigh load from htl‘l‘ :lt- trodui the skating (‘ill‘lll\£ll :lt Thorn- hill \Vedncsday evening of last week. sillou PLEI # The monthly llll't‘llllg‘ r-f [he “'olll-‘ Mount PleaSant. ..._..â€" The anniversary of the Mount Pleas- rlnt Presbyterian Church was held on Sabbath, the 20th day of February. The Sabbath services Were conduct ed by the Rev. H. V. Mounteor of Cannington. The subject he chose for the morn- ing service Was llle proposal of King David to build a. house for the Lord, and refusing him to blrild it. The subject ol the. eveningr sermon was the first. king chosen, and the few that followed hinl were only those whose hearts the Lord touched. It cannot be said of Mr. Mounteer that he is content to accept adds. and ' work out nothing himself. At the evening service the church was ï¬lled: many of his old hearers came. from Cavanvillu and Fdll‘llltlllllb to hear. Both the morning and evening scr- mons \vel-e fllll of thought and intellec- tual ability. The weather was all that could he desired or the Sabbath services and the ten and social which was held on the Monday following. > â€"-â€"49 THE MARCH ROD AND GUN. Fish and Game Protection work throughout Canada fl nos a prominent topic in the March issue of Rod and Gun and Motor Sports in Canada, pub- lished by \V. J. Taylor, \Vllodstock, Cut. In addition to a sketch of the llleetings of the North American Fish and Game Protective Association. the organizations of three provinces also receive attention. while ill Ontario it likewise comes in for special treat- lrront. Although so much space is given to this important Work of aiding the conservation of Canada’s natural resources. sportsmen will not he (lis- uppoillted in the usual fare prmided for them. The. Hon. Chas. Scott tell~~ in Plaphic language of a successful moose hunt in New Brunswick, “hill- the Finest Hunt of the “'olf River Hunt Club is one no sportsman‘will read unmoved. An incident of the woll hunt now in progress in Northern Ontario should» not be overlooked, while Dryinornaday's Ideals of Sports- monship will recommend themselves to all. These ideals will be cherished. aimed at and WU! ked up to and cannot full to have. a marked l-ifect on the future of sport throughout the North- ern portion of the continent. A (lo- :wrription of British Colulllbia‘s new game proserw e, with many othl-r ar- ticles, including a particularly good one on For Trolling with Indians in lhe Far North, depallllll-nts replete \\ ith illflll-lll:llioll and a special account of the Hamilton trap shooting tourna- mcnt. make. up a numb r appealing to every lover of the great out-doors and one full of vivid interest. ‘to them all. E“ ’3’":\'.7-, tale}; TAILOR Iliclnuon (1 1-]. ill Canadian P u b - lishing Company ,thc above company cover lcvery variety of interest, and Econ now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. It is not necessary to send to foreign countries for maga- zines. lx'ead the followingâ€"5- (‘assol's Magazine. per Jillllzllll . The monthly magazines of 1 Auction Sales. THURSDAY, Fl-ll. 23â€"lnlpm-tant Credit Sale of Registered Clydesdah's. Uuttle Form llllplcnlonls, &'e.. on Lot 10, km. 8. Markham, the property of Jim. \V. Crrwir‘. Sale at ll ll'l'hlI-h. Lunch prmidl-d. 8 Months†Clrdit, no reserve. Rigs "we! all trains at Markham llnd Locust Hill on day of Sale. J. H. Prentice. Alli-t. lMoNn/n’. March lâ€"â€"Anction Halo of “ Form Stork. implements and Furni- l ropcrly of Mrs. G. H. de al-nzliw. Sale at l o’clock. Tel-ms, months. .1. ll. Prentice, Auct. lTHURSDAY, Mal-ch 4â€"Anction sale of hot-5e, vohicll-s and furniture, at Maple, the properly belonging to the estate of the, late- ‘Vm. Knight. Solo at 1 o'clock. Terms. 8 months. Soigo-on & McEwen, Aucts. SATURDAY, Feb. Ziâ€"Auction sall- of furniture at 90 Main St.. East To- ronto, thi- pl'opel-ty of the late Hi. ll 7 lllllll hlchlir. Sale at 1 o'l-lllrlt. Tr-rmseash. J. H. Prentice. arm. a &- On Elizabeth Street in the village of Richmond Hill, ll comfortable llwl-Il- ing, part of which is newly built and the “'lltlll‘ ill good repair. ,(iooll lot and lth’U-Sill‘y outbuildings. Malo- a (lush nllll- burn.» for anyone wishing to retire. Apply to 30-tf H. A. NlCIl(ll.l.5‘l. For Sale H On Yonge St†Elgin Mills, a five- roonlc‘d house ill the very best of reâ€" pnir. very warm, good cellar, llPCl‘hx‘Hl y outbuildings with f acre. of land. Make good homo. Price $800. Apply to 11. A. NICHOLTS. 33-“ Richmond llill. †#533519 A Quantity of Pine Building 'l‘iolllcr ill good Condition: â€"12 posts 2') ft. long; 12 beams '23 ft. long: 9 stringers 4?. it. long. A quantity of gin-ts :lllll lll'JlL'i'S. AL Uitl‘l‘VlllP Mill, U. KIRBY. _ l’rl'p. 3l~3ur "1 a .l. 0 out By the year from April lst, 1909. in the village of Thornhill. a brick house stable and lot. Rent $10 per month in advance. Apply to F. J. GA LLANOUGH. 79 Albany A\ e.. 35-! Toronto. ( lure. :lt lot 3. con. 2, East York, the l Beirll- , ill good condition, with lawns. garden, I lira 1N Til E ES'l‘A'l'lE CHRISTOPHER lltllb'li. an. PURSUANT TO H.510. 1251, and Ann-ruling Al‘iï¬, i‘lll'il'r- :sl lit-rally Givc . that. all pallil-u having claims against the Estate of Christopher Heise late of tho Tuwnrllip ol Marl;â€" halll in the County of Yolk. Gentleâ€" llmll deceased, who died on or about. the 19th of December, 15103. are requir- ed on or befolo the )5â€) day of l-lrlrl'll. 1909 to send to Levi H. Ill-iso, Viclllliu Squal e, l‘lxr-crllor of the said deceased. a full statement of lht'll Llilllll. aml the nature of the Security. if any. hl-lli by thorn. And take further nolice that aft-u- the said last lllorllioned (late llll' said excl-ulrlr will plocecll to dish ibull- thi- nsa'els of the estate among the pol Llr 9 entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims, of which they‘shnll have llN'n rl-cciu-ll notice. 'WILLIAM COOK. 33 Richmond Sollcitor for the Executor. l l 334 “titties l trailing. IN THE l‘LS’i‘riï¬-OF WILLIAM , KNlG l'l'l‘. \n NOTlt r. is hcrl-by gin-n pulsuant to ii. 5'. 0. Chapter 12$) and Arllollllillg Acts. that all persons ll:|\'lll';,’ I-laillm 'aguillst the Estate of \Yillizllll Knight late of the Township of Vaughan ill thr- County of York, (it'iillt'lll'dll, u ho .lied on or about the limb day of Sep- tenlllel- A. D. 1908, are requested on (-1' ill-fore tho 151 day of March A. D. 1009 I to send their names and addresses and 'a lull Slitlt'llll'lil. of their claims to 1 \Villinrn ('<.l.l(. Barrister dun, 33 Rich- mond slH-el \V. Toronto, And furlhl-r take, notit-e that after the last named (late. [hr- Executor; will distribute the assets of [he Estate among the ponies entilh-(l lhr-rr-tll, having regard only to the claims if which they then shall have l'E'CllYtd notice. \VlLlJAM COOK. 33 Richlllourl St. \Y., 'l‘oll :lto. Solicitor for the l':Xl clllols. 31-5 Farm Laborers. The undersigned will endem or lo .plllce [milligrams from the [Villlhll Kingdom us form laborers and (lo- lnestlrs in this \il-inily. Any person requirinp.r surh help should notify me personally or by lotlrrslaiillzSully [be kind of llr‘lp leqnlrml, when wanted, and lhe rate of wages oï¬l-l-Hl. ler-r}; letl'lu't will be lllarlv lo ill-mille each applicant with help lmplirml. T. 17. Ill(‘3i.\lilJ-I\'. (.‘zrn. Gov. liilllplovlnout Agent. liicllllloml Hill, Out. Take Metropolitan lill-ctlil, (Tar at North Toronto for Hichllrollll llill. til-ti “Emmi: 1mm Subscriptions daily papers taken 1, 1910 1910 lThe Daily Globe, York County The Daily Mail l ) , County) 3Tl1€ Daily Star, l on day of pub The Daily 'l‘lll- Story 'l‘l'llol' 1.70 Th:- (Qllh or . . . l..'l'l .\lu<il';ll Horn“ .lollrllzll ]..’ll) _. ’l‘llt‘ (Ill ls. lil'rlllll . Lilllo‘ l“! lks if)†4 n eW Weekly Mail, to J anuttry 1, pire, one year (York Star, not receivâ€" ed day of publication $1.30 Family Herald and VVeek- Idea. “Moran‘s Maga- for weekly and with “The Liberal†at $1 a yearat the following mien-- Weekly Globe, to January Wis. t. 050 $.50 saw one year and Em- received llcamon (‘lllilll‘ . . . . . 1.33) a.) o Subscriptions taken at Till: - D. L .' Lll}l;i«:.~.l. Ullice, or may be Canadian 4. leOZlELl Sent to . CASjELLS 8; COMPANY 42 Adelaide 51. \V. Toronto r‘ a T V. ~ I V ,Farmer’s Ad 0 l .l U