$5,000,000 Awaits Claimants in British Chancery We roquiro the next of km 0! Edward churk, who are entitled to an vent/e unluad at $250,000; we have also valuable Information {or the following: Adolphus Darrin Malneloue Allen Gila: MacElwain ‘ikin Godfrey Maltmnn ‘pplemn Goodrich Murray Allataon Goodman Malloy Anthony Gray Main Atkin Gray Major Batuman Gilder Morris Billing Gronrs Norvaj arillob Gelder Norman arneu Gates Nowwu 00] Gilbert, Owen on Glllilan‘d O'Malley sumo Greuves Peters onhnm Bayas Porter enuie Bother-fusion Packet aylay Herbert Phillips axwr Humming Porter Bliss ‘ Hilliard Pnsket uclunaster Hartley Porter radehnw Howell Pitkin 0500 Halo Prior rown Hay Quelch oyd Harper Raine- Balmfonh Russell Bost‘ron Brennan Ho arg gadget Adolphus Allan Mkin Appleton Allataon Anthony Atkin Batuman Billing nrlllot arneu 001 all ennic ouhnm enuie Iyloy axtcr Bliss uckmaster radelmw osoo grown oyd Balmfonh Brennan Balms Bambi Brooks Barnap Blah- Bmuoc Campbell Cochin Connor Cockburn Carpenter Chamber-n Qrawfnrd Onvncgh Collard Chapman Crompwn Dram D0 mains Davies ens evine nrby urham Dale Dyken Dawson ‘Dorner Edwards Evans vena RB" lliott Fulton French fox-be Fort 'Field mosses: 1 e5 'Fahy ‘lnluyson ester itlngerald 'ebez allowny liesan ilohriet winger . men wood gamma“ ’1’ YOUR NAME IS IN THE ABOVE LIST Johnston Bluuu Kelly South Keane Scholtz Knapp Seymour Lamb Sims Lees Strong Leby Thomson bippshut: fl‘sfln Long Villiern Lewis Von Reicbbur Little Venn Long lelirma Langley Winn Lee Welch Lashbrcok Whjah Lon Whitehead Layne White Lizhl Wilkinson 11271011 Woodroï¬e McKanna Warren Meredith Walton Moseley Wax‘schawsk! McGafln Watkins Macgrogor Waller Hellmanh Walsh Matthews Wrmy 170th Wylan Harrison Young Middleton Walker Mann:- Warren Mo‘PMlXipe Webb McMnnn Wright McMarus Wekeford Murray Young ‘ write us, quoting particulars of birth, Us. and enclose 81. our only fee. A136 tamper! addreased envelom, and we will ail particulars. Gunranteod authentic, Address all communications Somehow honesty manages to parade in public frequently. Repeat 1tzâ€"“Bhiloh'a Cure will always can my coughs and Colds." Beam 6, 52 Adelaide Street East. TORONTO. Canada. If a. man keeps. his ears open he will sometimes get a, lesson in the accurate use of language when he least expects it. “Bessie,†said papa, "won’t yuu have a. little piece of this chi‘cken ’3†“No thank you,†said Bessie. “What! no chicken 1†“Oh. Yes, I’ll have chicken, but I don’t want a. little piece.†What In the Best Thing 50 strennth back? “The 1)& L" Menthol Plutgr. ennwziitï¬ Bum lumbugn and rheumatism. 31 rolls mum van 23¢. plasma. Davis a. Lawrence (30., ï¬nnlroal. Some men are such swindlera that they cheat themselves. Repeat. 1t;â€" “Bhfloh'n Cure will always bure my coughs and. colds." When the. large and healthy- .looking individual who had asked at the door for “a, little something to eat†was 'told that- lie might» have it if he would work a- while at {he wood-pile, he shook his head mournfully. “I’ve got. the ag‘uez" he explain- ed, “and my hand is that nnstiddy I couldn’t hit- more’n one stick in seven.†“All right?†exclaimed the mi€~ tress of the house. “Go out in the back yard and shake those ashes for me.†LEVKSON «K'- HARPER PER FEC‘TLY EQUIPPED the next of kin of Edward ISSUE N0. 9â€"09. Hatï¬eld Iflll Hodges Holdiorth Howard Huxley Han-is Hardman Hunter Hughes Hey] Bays Huntley Holmes numbing Ilildred Jnckmun J ones Jackson .1053 Jenkixm Jolly Johnston Kelly Keane Knapp Lamb Lees Leby bippshut: Long Lewis Little Long Langley Lee Lashbrook Lon Layne Liflhl 11271011 McKanna lferedith Moseley McGafln Haemogor Hellmaith Matthews 170th Harrison Middleton Hausa:- Mn‘PMlXipa McMnnn McMarus Murray Mametoue MacElwain Maltman 11 urray Malloy Main Major Morris Nona! Norman Newton Owen O'Malley Peters Porter Packet Phillips Porter Pnsket Porter Pitkin Prior Quelch Raine- Bostron Rodger Roberts Robertson Randmll Ruben Rldloy Robinson Reynolds Ramada]. Resticnux flattery Riley Rubin] Rogers Sargoant Scott Bmck Summer Sheldon Simone Sabaze Bohmde: Sexton Smith South Schole Seymour Sims Strong Thomson {l‘sfl‘n Villiern Von Reichbur Venn Hm. Mm Willit‘mn Winn Welch Which Whitehead White Wilkinson Woodroï¬e Warren Walton Warschawski Watkins Waller Walsh Wrmy Wylan Young Walker Warren Webb Wright Wekeford Young | Can’t Praise Them Too Much He had Rheumatism for Ten years and the old Rollable Kidney Remedy Cured hlm completely. North Range. Digby Co., N. 8., Mar. 1. (Special).â€"“I am so ï¬lled with gratitude to Dodd’s Kidney Pills that I cannot, praise them too highly.†These are the words of Mr. Charles Bell, well known here; and they are echoed by many an- other who has been freed from the tortures of rheumatism by Dodd’s Kidney Pills. “I suffered terribly from rheuma- tism for ten years,†Mr. Bell con~ tinues, “I was so bad I could scarcely get in and out of bed. After trying various medicines without getting relief, a friend ad- vised me to try Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Six boxe-s cleaned the Rheumatism right, out of me.†That’s what Dodd’s Kidney Pills do to Rheumatism~clean it right out of you. They do this simply and naturally. Rheumatism is can-sed'by uric acid in the blood. When the kidneys are healthy they -strain this uric acid out, of the blood. With no uric acid in the blood there) Can be no Rheumatism. Consequently to cure Rheumatism, cure your kidneys. Dodd’s Kidney Pills always cure the kidneys. they will maintain healthy action and prevent the complications which certainly come when there is derangement of these delicate or- gans. As a. restorative these Pills are inthe ï¬rst rank. Customerâ€"“What do you mean by selling me that stuff you called hairâ€"rcstorer, and telling me it would restore my head to its ori- ginal condition?†Chemist ~â€" “Didn’t you like it?†Customerâ€"â€" “No, I didn’t. If I had kept on' much longer I should have been enâ€" tirely bald. Original condition, indeed!†Chemistâ€"“Most people are born bald. sir. That is me original condition.†Impurities in the Blood.â€" When the action of the kidneys becomes impaired, impurities in the blood are almost sure to follow, and gen- eral derangement of the system enâ€" sues. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills will regulate the kidneysy so that they will maintain healthy action “What, is the honeymoon, p3,?†"Well, the honeymoon is the only eriod in a man’s life during which lie considers it funny to come home and ï¬nd that his dear little wife hasn’t dinner ready in time.†Repeat inâ€"“Shflob' cure my coughs and t The man who acts little makes 0. a blg mistake. . A Cure for Rhgeumatism. â€"â€" The 56m] engageï¬lent-r mtrusxon of _uric {geld into the woman †was the re] blood vessels 15 a. fruitful cause of ’ ‘ rheumatic pains. This irregularity A“ I L B I . ' ' . CBC urn 333m 15 e 15 0W1ng to a dalanged and unheal- break up xiegglected caughst thy condition Of‘ the liver. Any cages have been saved by it one subject to this painful affec- opium in any form. t. 1] ’ill ï¬nd a, ' - . '- . m W remedy m Parme‘l Don't antagonize lec’s Vegetable Pills. Their actionl - - ~ . upon the kidneys i8 Pronounced l fxgl‘llemiltllllgnt,’fhe' I? n and most beneï¬cxal, and by restor. 0 01 ~30“ ing healthy acmon, they correct _ . impurities in the blood. (‘ï¬zge’ if‘llmtglï¬g E; So Says Charles Bell of Dodd's Kidney Pills. A9 Flro spreads in dry grass, so does an Inflam- mation in me throat grnw down hltu the lungs. Deal promptly with a, mld as wit-h a ï¬re, and when you beg“: to conglyuse Allen‘s Lung balsam. A spoonful of than a gallon of Most men are cheerful givers when they have a. chance to hand out advice. Repeat. ltz-“Shlloh'e Cure will always cure my coughs and colds." Gentleman (to gave you a high p1 last week because it, to be a. good 11 house was broken and the dog never Dog-Dealerâ€"“No, lieves yer. He was at the burglars, s to identify ’em, t‘ barkin’. If you ’ere dog, and w burgiars, he’d k1: ute. He ain’t m. (10g; he’s a. reg hlade you‘ (“0 earth? What i! Sm: to Im-DX‘OW Hubbyâ€" nob exert, happyf’ things en yo u t h{ J (to dog dealer)â€" high price for this 1 )ecauae you warmn good houseâ€"dog. broken into last ni; ihfloh'a Cure will alwaya .5 and colds." 011 yoursel- Wife)?â€" the 311-; 1 qulto too busy loo} 3 as to be a ) even think as out with ‘ EVE “Why, ( r you to on that )piest r m .H‘e . - Repeat. ltzâ€""Shfloh’s Cure 95“ 13 better cure my coughs and colds." use of my tryâ€" laét night bar! quit tinted {c me )f all M me I had 1D 111' )G It is very diflicult to face these last few weeks before spring with- out. providing in some way fou~ headgear. It seems an absolute necessity that 'some sort of preâ€" partition should be made, so that the heavy fur toque may be disâ€" carded and the hat. of lighter weight may be substituted until the days for straw hats come again. When you are buying such a, hat â€"â€"an<l I am sure you will be unable to do without, itâ€"choose some small one which will ï¬t well down over your mai'celed hair. Let the crown be flat on top, and lot the crown be flat on top, and let me general effect be chic. So much for the shape. For the trimming, let there be gold or silver, or one of those charming tissues which are silver with a tint of some light colorâ€"violet, pink or green. This charming material may encircle the crown or outline it by a, little band, and the orna- mentation may be given by a, few flowers or by some fancy feather, which will stand directly in the middle of the front. Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's bill a. heavy ï¬nancial load? Is your pain a heavy physical burden? I know what ’these mean to delicate womenâ€"I have been discouraged, too; but learned how to cure myself. want to relieve your burâ€" dens. Why not end the pain and stop the doctor’s bill? I can do this for you and will if you will assist me. All on need do is to write for a free box 0 the remedy which has been placed In my hands to be gwen away. Perhaps this one box will cure youâ€"it has done so (or omers. If so, I shall be happy and you will be cured for 20 (the cost of a l postage stamp). Your letters held confl- denually. Write toâ€"day for my free treat- ! ment. MRS. F. E CURRAH. Windsor. Ont. But whatever forms the trimming; of your new hat, be very 151er that there is not. too much ornaments,â€" tion piled upon it. The generous- ly decorated but has lost its place for the nonce. One of the French toqu-e‘s is termed tho “Marie Antoinette.†It is Ina-Se of soft straw or shir‘red liberty satin, and trimmed half way to the high croWn with a, wreath of handâ€"made tiny roses mixed with gold ones. “If you wants to see de bright side 0’ life,†said Uncle Eben, “you’s got to be willin’ to put in a. lit‘tle patience an’ hard work to help keep it} polished up.†It is Good for Man and Beast.â€" Not only is Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil of incomparable value in the household, but the farmer and stockman will ï¬nd it very servzce~ able in the farm yard and on the cattle range, often saving the serâ€" vices of a, veterinary surgeon. In injuries to stock and in cases oi cough and pains it can be used with good cflect. It doesn’t. take’very much to en courage a hopeful person. What you give is measured by why. Repeat 1t:â€"" cure my 00“3 “Granddad,†said a child, "What makes a man give a. woman 3. diaâ€" mond engagement-ring?†“The woman,†was the reply. Allen's Lung Balsam is especially intended to break up neglected mughs: zund many hopeless cases have been saved by its use. Contains no opium in any form. Don’t antagonize a, man wiï¬h a cool m1111=on; he 18 m a posxtmn to Have you tried Holloway’s Corn Cure? It has no equal for removâ€" ing these troublesome excresenoes as many have testiï¬ed who have tried it. A Woman’s Sympathy There is n‘lany a. goodâ€"hearted fool. The trouble is a, man dOesn’t, do his thinking with his heart. Stewardessâ€"“ tended to you tl supplied every still unsatisï¬ed want now ‘2†Se is the c< colds, and 1n the sys Anti-Cons cate the 1 little ‘You ï¬llej Palnkmer in winter Chocks ohms, breaks an mm and thus prevents Bronchitis, Lngrirrp'e nd Rhonmaï¬sm. Unoquafled as n Einiment for 05L bites, chilblnins. bruis_eS. Epnalns. Hold by U drugg'xeu. Only one _Pmnkillerâ€"Perry Davis'. Snoo; It is easier cure. Infla the comp MIDSEASON HATS aurpnsl )E wan fr< srâ€""There is nothi this earth.†Swa; ‘get- Gilley.†“Wha "He’s 2} perfect JShnoh's Cure will always abs and colds. " l‘re )III SEE? 1F 21m Seasick L: the earth it is difï¬cult t< ‘ment. with B: the syrup-win and prevent i setting in. It as satisfactory in its results. ‘Madam, I’ve atâ€" he best I know how, want, but you are I. What do you sasick Lady Passen- ‘urrerwill always nothing per- Swaybackâ€" What about costs radi Ham as It, You may have noticed that there are more men with blockhewds than wooden legs. Use the safe. pleasant. and effec- tual worm killer, Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator; nothing equals it. Procure a. bottle and take it home. Five acres, close to Price 8500. terms. A] and acreage. MOB CURTAINS Writ. to us shout. 10mm “mu! lull-MAN DVEING 00.. lo: 153. Mantras) 7 33-35 scan 8mm. TORONTO, Stock Brokers & Financial Agents COBAIaT an other stocks bought and sold on commissloml ‘oomspopflome invited. Orders may be wind as. all over (launch to wovk {or us during their spare hours selling our high grime Portumea, Toilet Bequisitoa. Tess Coffees, etc. No experi- ence necessary. Work plenum and remuneracivo. The Home Specialties Co.. Dep't. W, 'I‘rabuy Avenue. Ton-unto, Canada. of Shorthorn bulls, cows and heifers, at I "in it WOODSTOCK, ONT., MARCH 4th, 1909 \V’illdeveiopy n in Sale Pavilion. Forty head are in the oflarlng. ' Farmers and breeders In need of hard bulls mil ABSOW ï¬nd them at this sale. Apgiynturvcagélog‘uga {Q I TELY l Comm vâ€.- l-nm- Caps. '1‘. E. Robson, Auctions". important Auc’iion Saie’ GEORG E OHENILLE__ 098mm: k. a. PATTasON & co. MW is Specuiate TE WANT RELIABLE MEQI .QND W0 ‘ We are organizing A Cow Ganda, the richest These claims, we think, enormous proï¬ts tout'h‘e FRUIT LAND. Had! a! housa Hangingl. mo Money is made by getting in on the ground floor in all ' ‘ ‘ ‘ 5 L‘ : A. KENDALL, Dealer in Realty. 616 Hastings St. W., Vagconver, B.C Lk BROKERS, Standard stock Exchange Building, Toronto PATRIARCHE & COMPANY, to re.“ Md Vancouver, B. C. Also city and suburban lots DYBD & CLEANED LIKE NEW. rlur Coma-unuu: s‘l Dvwls, Woodstock "3 MEDIC'NE COMPANY ,b L; u «m an. THE EDW1 domes AGENTS WARNER Good proï¬ts girls earn $6“ Hm. KUNT’S BUST DEVELOPER NO‘ 2 D 0 VI 0 cream Saparator PRICE 830. 00. In a. u“; u- ABSOLUTELY IIARMLESS. Pméflémo prepaid Communications strictly private. 103 Kini proï¬ts. Even boys and rn $6.00 to 812.00 per week. éTkRIO SEED 00., hithaiLmV‘at 5L, Toronto, Ont your bust. from twg to three inches in a. very short pine: GUELPH.ONTARIO. Steele Bragg} 51am c Raise 5t. . Waterloo. Ont. LET ME SEND YOU A Domo Cream Scpamton w your home for 10 day.‘ he; Trial. The Trial will 'nub ‘coal you a. onuy. I sell m mac‘muo strictly on its! Insult, and it has to be bettar “18.11. ofhers (not simply a: good) to stand a chance in competi- tion. It Is banter, and Is in« noduced in a. s nave-deal way. My Free ‘l‘r 3.1 and ex. aminution plan should inter eat you. Write for Circular “W†n , Can. Til-.m Wlthout Mllk. Buoklet Pres _ _ ï¬lm†Toronto