Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Mar 1909, p. 1

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$1 per mnum, in advance] )rémm .~ VOL. XXXI. m ' a ,3 w: 7’ “ dlw gthtml ‘3 PUII‘LISHEIEEVERY PEIURSI)AY NILORNIN’G AT T rIE LIBERAL PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE luomrmDHILo.0NT. 1'. F. EI'cMAHON. Eon-an .2 I‘sorsxuon Danton, Form 8 Barristers, Soliclurs, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST (3H AM HERS 20 KING ST I‘.‘., TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DENTUN, K. 0. _ Hummu‘r l.. DUSN W. M unocu Bouursnr PII ins Main 31]. IAS. N EWTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ifill4GiLV 3111;] AS H. A NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Convoyanccr, e-tc. Insurance, and Ih-al Est:th- Iosur-r of Marriage Licruscs. Richmonct Hill I BUSINESS CARDS. __ Wit”: . W JJN. WILKINSON, M.D. (Scucussoa in DR. CAs‘smv) RICHMOND HILL Graduan Yintm ia Univcrsitv )‘Iumbel‘ Uollcgu Physicians and Sur- geons. Ontario Ccrtif. l’ulycliuic. New," York I}is("ts°s of the Lungs a. Spt-cialty, pit-tquai-Iy consumption. J. EDWARD FRANCIS, IV'U‘I‘ARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER, CONVEYAXCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. cos. REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNIâ€"IILL sexual. DR. FULTJN RISDO E) dentist, N. (8'2: ‘nh‘SJlt '1‘.) Dn. II. \V. ANDERSON) (hr. Yunge and Bloor Stan, Toronto. \Yill be in Richmond Hill on \Vezl- nvsday afternoon's only. Olflce, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Oi‘ficc Hoursâ€"‘1 p. in. to 5.30 p. m. m. I‘I. 'I‘EE1L‘E?"7. I NO'IIA RY I’U BLIC. oonmsstoxnmsrnn . HlGHCOURTOFJUSTICE.&c. I Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. LENNOX & MORGAN. Barristers and Solicitors. Money to loan on land anocnattel mortgageso lowest rates Auroraomceâ€"Removed to the old post OHIO: one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bonk Newmorket omenâ€"Three doors south of the dimming JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, ’I‘hornhill. I Calls by telephone from Richmond postol‘fice s v M _ _ 1 T H “No; Q 1- ORGAN IIIII enlarged to me. ERBEnTLE Aurora. New _-_.__.__.â€"â€".â€"â€"~â€" â€"_ A G F- qureuw Pnone Main 9-99 F J Dndb or J. I! P: entice, Licensed Aiuttonesr [or the County of Y0 k Gous sol 1 0'1 mast r11an Genera.) 33.13,; "no etc uro uptly thheudodto at reasonable rates Residence Uuionville Id VI; UNI-ling. Nownon for the 200 Lawrence & Dunbar, Barristers,3o1icitors. Notaries, kc. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide & Victoria. Sls.. Toronto. I “Trams. 1 Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. 2 Richmond Hill Office. southeast. cor- ncr of Lol'nc Bldg., every Thursday afternoon. ‘ TorOnto Office, 36 Toronto street. I MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. l t I‘ Saigeon. J K McEwen Maple Weston Saigon“ 1% RlcEwcn. {downed hmtimeers forthe County of York. Brastumble-lac»Otnhortestnoticeand & roa- s 7 mole rats.- l’atroungo solicited D. '1}. ELOIIGEK, License Mich-anew fortheCountyonork ro- suahfully salient.- vom- pitronage and friendly n’l‘imce i‘lldi tttemiovl on the shortest- notice m3 at eusouabt rates P 0 address King WILLIAM COOK l BARRISTER, SochrrOR, NOTARY, ETC. Toronto Office. Richmond St. “fest. \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Office. "Liberal" Office, every Saturday afternoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to loan at. Five Per Cent (5%). J'. EARLE NEWT Pianist Puyii of W. H. Sherwood Private and Class Tuition in Piano Pia) iup; and Theory 0N and 3183 NORA MCMAHCN Planiste Priv the Piano Lessons Undortakers & Emhnlmers, I RICHMONDHILL & THORNHIIL, Alargc stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at both places. i I Pupils prep: rod for Examinations at the University of Toronto and the Toronto Conservatory of Music. MISS lilI LLIE TRENCH RICHMOND KILL Teacher of Piano Prepares pupils for Primary. Junior. Interim-thaw examination at Toronto Conservatory and (it-Ilt‘gu of Music. Special course in "Myrr‘s" Kinder- garten Mothod. particularly helpful to beginners. la-lv C Sweet to Eat ’ A Cad" Bowd man. lair-Es Ripans Tabules: at druggists. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripaus Tabules cure dizziness. l u? as merges. $1.00 IN ADVANCE. v the organ by Rev. Fr. Murray : man‘s in this town and there was a very sociable time spent. RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH ll. 1.909 OBITUARY. ; Great Earthquake in Canada "563. ++++++++++++++++++++++aux-+41- It is with deep and tlnfciglu‘d rc-glet w» chl'unit‘lv in this issue the most un- I ' cxpw-tc-d and laments-d (ll-misc of our rstetmwl friend and neighbor of many years, Mr. John Naughton of Elgin Mills. Of a retiring and patient disposition, the deceased while not. enjoying good lwulth for some months, plt’ft'l‘l’t‘d to hour in silent and Christian submission the thought of the approaching end, the knmvlcdgc of which he. know \vould occasion untold alarm to his family and immediate relatives, and at the same time great. concern to his “‘Itll' circle of fl'lf‘lidh‘ whom he In Id in the very highcst esteem. It was not. thorn-fore, until u few days before his «loath that his family were cognizant of his critical condition. and hence the shock with which the awful sudden- I ness of the news of his demise on the evening of Feb. 22nd was receiu-d by his numerous flicnds and acquaint- ances. I Heart failure was the immediate cause which brought to a close the (:ill‘t't‘l' of a most. exemplary type of llmnl‘mmlilnt' true Christian gentle-l man. Mr. Naughton possessed in a! nuirkvd (lrgrce those rare, good qunli- l tics of heart andhand which goto make the kind and loving husband, the wise and piovidvnt father, the valuable neighbor, and a potent. influence for. good in the community. One of ' “Naturc‘s Noblmneu," ‘ l his welcome. smile and kindly counsel will not. soon I be foxgottcu by those with whom he: bad business relations during manyl years of a fmitful lifc, much less by a host. of friends. The. deceased was a staunch Roman Catholic. In politics, he was an ardent. admirer of Sir “lil- frid Lauricr, and always a warm supporter of the Reform Party. The funeral took place on Feb. ‘jth from his late residence to ThomhillI octuetery where High Mass was cele- brated by Rev. Fr. Grant. assisted at. of St. A most eloquent and Basil's, Toronto. consoling sermon was preached by : Monueul Rev. Dr. Truly who referred in feeling Amdh ' : ' ‘ 1 [runs to the many inestimable quali- ties in the life of the deceased, and to l the certainty of death. "De-nth“, said he, "is the one thng in this life we are all sum of. and our most important. duty is to :0 fashion our lives as to be prepared for thatsuprememoment." Needless to say the heartfelt- sympa- thy of the community is extended to Mrs. Naughton and family in their sad bel‘cuvcment. and let us trust they may find some measure of solace in the, words of Epictetus: "I am always con- l tent. with that “'hlth happens, for I i think that. which God chooses is better than what I choose." KEQUIESCAT 1N PACE. - Elgin Mills, March 9. 1909. l 0 l Headford. I On Monday, March 1. a party was held at the home. of Mr. D. Hislop of Headford at. which there was a large 1 attendance; a very pleasant time was I spent by all. On Tuesday, March 2nd a gathering took place atthe home of Mr. J. Monk- Ou \Vedncsday. March 3rd, 8. social was given by the Headford Methodist Church Epworth League which was a great suceess considering the stormy' weather. There was a very good pro- gram which is as follows:â€" PROGRAM. 1. Opening Hymn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 2. Prayer by . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. C. Clark 3. Trio. . . . . . . . . Mrs. Clark, Gertie Bond. and Annie Barker 4. Hymn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 303 y 5. Topic by Mrs. C. Clark. “Next Sunday's Session" f. 6.Hymn.......... .......193 7. Solo. Mr. F. Carver from Ep- worth League Butfan,N.Y. 8. Recitation... . . . \Vlllie \Vellman 9. Chorus by. . . . . . . . .. Young Men 10. Reading. ... .... . Ethel Caldwell 11. Duct , . . . . . . . . ..Mrs. A. Leek and Gertie Bond )2. Reading . . . . . . . . . . Arthur Cooper 13. Reading. . . . . . . .. Mabel Barker 14. Solo , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. F. Barker 15. Hymn . . . . . . . . . . . . League No. 359 16. A ver dainty Luncheon given by the League . Closing l’tayrr by. ...Mis. C. Clark â€"â€"QoOâ€"â€" . N ews Notes. ! \Vhile crossing the truck behind a. street car that was “Y”-ing at the end of Yongc street line. last Monday night Evelyn Evcrsleigh. a. seventeen-year- old youth. was run over. sustaining such terrible injurics that he died an hour Iatvr in St. Michael‘s Hospital. The victim of the accident with a. ‘ younger brother had been attending school in the city. His parents live. in Jamaica, \Vcst Indics, his father being an Anglican minister-there. Ann. wife of Clement G. Harris. and daughtcr of th0 latc George Andrews of Aurora, dicd at herbome in Toronto on Monday evening. Deceased was 65 years of age. Interment in Mount Pleasant Conu-tery. l I ounces. , Rheumatism. fl.“ [Single copies-3 c-ts. I To Tm: Listen“; The "York Almanac and Royal Unb- I ondar of I'pper Canada. for the year. 1523" cnutalns the account. of a terrible earthquakc. which convulscd and rav- aged a great part of Canada in the. ilehruary Sale I, TO CLEAR I i 4- .g. ' 44 -|- '1’ .Q + % your 1663, written and reserved b . . . .- tlw .II-suits in their college at. Quchccy. E Hens Fme Clou‘mg at» Re. It. was on the 6th of February, 1663, auctiong, a“ made in the about halfâ€" ast five o‘clock In the § owning. T 9 people ran out. of their Late" Siylea' houses into the. streets. They were sin-piiscd ‘tofscv thej \vallsirecling back- Sufismrucy’rweeas :93, $10 for 37.60 4. wan um ot-War , an the stones ‘ moving as if tlwy were detached from mulnr‘ncyw°mdng' m'mhfln i each ntgvr.h Title Ina: sounded 2y the i muhrancyWorstedreg. 12 for 89.75 4, reprutc 5 no 8. e roofs o the buildings bent. down first, on onebside an“: in m" Serge “3'” for 311‘“ it and then on the other. The tim ers. 4 rafters and planks cracked. The earth x O V I: R C O A T S : trembled violently. There were to be I Fine Heavy Coats, Velvet, Collar -t- sei-n animals flying in all directions, "' fl I p , 3 children crying and screaming in the x and Scrap on C“ ‘ n I an“ ,i. streets; men and women, seized with I Stripes and Checks, Ilegumr i- afl’right, stood horror-struck with the + . r 3: dreadful scene before them, unable to .1. Prices 12-00 and 10'00 4. move, and ignorant. where to fly to for -|- to Clear at 10.50 "-1- rt-t‘uge from the tottering walls and $ trembling earth, which threatened .3. 1. every instant to crush them to death, -l- 4- or sink them into a profound and im- 3: 3" measurable abyss. E .g. In the com-so of this violent. con- i o -!- \‘lilsinn of nature, lakes appeared 3 . w n-re none ever musth before; moun- 4. tains were overthrown. swallowed up I 3: by the gaping earth. or precipitated + into the adjacent; river, leaving in their places frightful chasms or level Iains. Falls and rapids were changed Into gentle streams, and gentle streams into falls and rapids. Rivers in many parts of the country sought other beds, or totally disappeared. The earth and the mountains were violently splitand rent in innumerable places, creating chasms and precipices whose depths have never yet. been ascertained. The account goes on to oay:â€"The ex- tent of this earthquake was universally throughout, the whole of New France, for we learn that. it was felt from L'Isle Percce and Gaspe to beyond as also in New England. and other places more re- ++++++H++++++H+++++++++ “53A C” For sale at the C. N. 0. Station, or delivered in the '1'- -l- .5. village and vicinity:â€" STEAM COAL For threshing engines. mote. NUT, STOVE, FURNACE It extended more than 600 miles in length, and about 300m Width. T Best Scranton coal. Richmond Hill. ' A150 Tim ... . . Maple. Bran and Victor Feed for ._-â€"â€" The sale of the household effects of Mrs. \Villiam Knight took place last. Thursday, and everything sold well. Mrs. Knight and family are moving this week to their new home in To- nonto. Mr. G. J. Laurie has moved into the house lately occupied by Mr. G. J. McDonald. Mr. \V. T. Robinson had the mis- fortune to lose one of his valuable grey team on Saturday last. It stepped into a ditch on the sideroad just east of the store. and in etting out. broke its leg. The animal ad to he shot. Mr. H. Jackson and Mr. S. Ireland left on Tuesday for Manitoba with two car-loads of horses. Mr. \V. O. McDonald and family of Purpleville are moving into the village this week. Rev. A. Lcecc preached in the Metho- dist Church on Sunday evening. Mrs. Savage of Davenport is visiting Mrs. J. T. Saiveon. Also shorts and good American corn (old). cattle and hogs. All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices J. H. RAMER I All. anon THINGS“. greater distinction upon its merits and is in more o.â€"â€"â€" ASKS US TO PRINT. TELLS HOW TO PREPARE A SIMPLE MIXTURE T0 OVERCOME DISEASE. To relieve the worst forms of Rheu- matism, take a teaspoonful of the fol- lowing mixture aftcr catch meal and at bedtime. Fluid Extract Dandelion. one-half nuncc; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syi up Saxsapurilla, three paid at the Elevator. must win upOn their merits. The International Dictionary has won I " general use than any other work of its kind in the English language. c. A. F. Royce. LL11, D.D., of Oxford :1 Euivcrsity, England, has roeemly said =; ot it: IL is indcul a mun’clouswork; In»; ' zliiikznlt IOK nnocivo of a. dictlonary more -: exhaustive and complete. Everythingri ‘. :n it â€"not only what we mlgnt expect to '- work. but u‘sowlmt few of five thouglitcf Im‘sking (0.. to the new edition has 1:1) in date. I have been . IlHiklllg throw the luncr with a feellnx 5 uswouldcu. ' A Ripple: . These harmless ingredients can be grhmuxmlmm obtained from our home druggists, and I, _ are easily mixed by shaking them well [ ._’.ot astonishment. it» completeness. and in a bottle. Relief is generally felti algfofigrwm 0" “W W“ M been W- in om the first few doses. ____ This prescription forces the clogged- -‘ D u , inactive kidneys to filter-and strain ’, I cg‘fluy‘f 55%;] y the blood the wastel {glass-3‘32.nuts: matter and uric acid, which causes E ' . FREEâ€"“A Test in Pronuclztlon." in- structive.) (hul emcmumug fn‘r tlx’ whole tamily. Also iilummul ['llilif‘illcl. ' G. & C. MERRIAM 00., . PUBLISHERS. ) SpmuOFrELD. MAes. As Rheumatism is not. only the most painful and torturous disuse, but dan- . gel-nus to life, this simple recipe will no doubt be greatly valued by many sufferers here at home. who should at I once prepare the mixture to get this. l‘clicf. It is said that a person who would take this prescription regularly. a dose : or two daily. or even a few times a; week. would never have serious Kltl-1 ncy or Urinary disorders or Rhcuma- 3 l l I . . ;.. u \' Jag. ROYAL WAFERS. A spot-inc monthly madler {or bdtu to remwn Ind minute the monster; mediating hog Mum, and puma! _ dinohugu Nu uha or pain- oh :9- .rourh New “load by over SupaJlndlen 'nce oped Imunongnn. Layton-tag (have organs. Buy of your arugula! omy tom with our Minimum-1 {arsenal-wt. Avoidmhullolea. Ben-ad PENNY tism. Cut this out. and preserve it: Good Rheumatism prescriptions which real- ly relieve are scarce, indeed, and when wmxgmhgfi’ . ICE you need it, you want it badly. ) mnrux. 7 mm“. a,&

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