Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Mar 1909, p. 3

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KEEP CHILDREN WELL. An occasional does of gentle laxa- tive such as Baby’s Own Tablets will clear the stomach and bowels of all offending matter, and win keep little ones well and happy. For this reason the Tablets should be kept in every home. Mothers have the guarantee of a govern- ment analyst that this medicine contains no opiate or harmful drug. Mrs. Geo. McLean, Springfield, N. 8., says: “I have used Baby’s Own Tablets and know them to be a cure for all the minor ills of child- hood. I recommend them to all mothers.” Sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockvillc, Ont. """"‘+ OFFICER MAULED BY A LION. When Wounded, the Savage Beast Sprung Upon Him. Among the passengers who ar- rived at Plymouth, England, the other day, by the P. and O. steam- er Marmora was Lieut. G. S. An- derson, Eighteenth Hussars, of Dawlish. Lieut. Anderson, who has been attached to the Intelli- gence Department, is suffering from blood poisoning, the result of a mauling received from a lion 9. month or six weeks ago, on the borders of Somaliiand and Abys» sinia. In company with a native ser- vant, Lieut. Anderson went out for v. day’s shooting. Finding a lion at short distance, he fired, and the shot grazed the animal’s skull, slightly wounding it. The infuri- ated beast leaped upon the officer, throwing him to the ground, and hit him through the knee just as he fired a charge from his double- barreled sporting rifle through its head. The animal continued to claw and bite him. while Lieut. Anderson. fig ting for his life, clubbed the lion with the butt end of the rifle. All the while blood was streaming from the wounds of the lion, which was of unusual size. The native servant, although practically unarmed, rushed to the aid of his injured master, and at length the animal, exhausted from the loss of blood, slunk away, leav- ing Lieut. Anderson almost over- come, and in a. very precarious condition. Subsequently the lion was found dead at a little distance from the scene of the encounter. The in- jured officer was conveyed to the coast, and at Aden embarked for London, where he will be treated in a hospital. '1‘ Many a man who never suffers from gout will tell you that his left foot never feels right. Suffer No Moreâ€"There are thou- sands who live miserable lives be- cause dyspepsia dulls the faculties and shadows existence with the cloud of depression. One way to dispel the vapors that beset the vic- rtims of this disorder is to order‘ them a course of Parmelcc’s chc-. table Pills, which are among thel best vegetable pills known, being easy to take and are most efficaciâ€" ousin their action. A trial of them nvill prove this. PROOF. _ Indignant~“Your boy throw a, stone at me just now, and barely missed me.” Mr. Groganâ€" 3’ell)’ “That’s what I understood myâ€" self to remark.” “Well, it was not my b’y.” “Ycz say he missed, Repeat 1t:-“Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds." Mrs. Blunder has just received a‘. telegram from India. “\‘l'hut anl admirable invention the telegram is "' she exclaimed, “when you‘ TELEPHONE AND LIBRARY. _â€" An Interesting Experiment Being Tried at {‘ardifl. Cardiff, Wales, possesses inits public free library an institution which claims distinction for the spirit of enterprise permeating its system of management. The latest, and perhaps the most notable, il- lustration of this is to be found 1n the establishment of a telephone inquiry department. . Mr. Farr, the chief librarian, stated recently that during the short period it has been in cxxst~ ence the department has worked very satisfactorily. The inquiries received cover a very Wide range, from questions relating to conscr1p~ tion, co~operation and boilers, to ladies’ fans, hedge-hogs, old-age pensions and tailoring. But the policy of the committee is to make the ratepayers feel that they are getting value for money, and as a consequence the number of tuna] questions asked over the telephone i“ singularly small. Where time is required for an answer to be given the inquirer is rung up later. Re- gular borrowers of books are able to find out over the telephone whe- ther a certain volume is available, and to ask for it to be kept until called for. _>Xn__ .â€" A Woman’s Sympathy Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's bill a heavy financial load? Is your pain a heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to delicate Womenâ€"I have been dlscoura ed, too: but learned how to cure myself. want to relieve our bur- dens. “'h not end the pain an Stop the dector's bill? I can do this for you and will if you will assist me. All ou need do is to write {or a. free box orthe remedy whlch has been placed in my hands to be given away; Perhaps this one box will cure youâ€"1t as done so [or others. It so. I shall be happy and you will be cured for 2c (the cost of a ostage stamp). Your letters held confl- sentially. T‘Vrite 20-day for mv free treat- ment. MRS. F. E CURRAH. Windsor. Ont. If a henpecked husband had as much spirit as a mouse perhaps his, wife would be a little afraid of him. ~~_.__ A Recognized Regulator.â€"To bring the digestive organs into symmetrical working is the aim of. physicians when they find a patiâ€" ent suffering from stomach irregu- larities, and for this purpose they can prescribe nothing better than; Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills, which will be found a pleasant medicine of surprising virtue in bringing the refractory organs into subjec- tion and restoring them to normal 1 action, in which condition only can they perform their duties properly. Some fellows can't even dis- charge_a duty without making a noise like an explosion. Repeat it;â€"â€"‘Bhiloh's Cure. will always oure my coughs and colds. ' Every time the average man makes a good guess he has a lot to say about h1s superior judgment. The anl mu It. They supplied the Menthol louml in “The D& L" Mont ol Plaster, which relieves instantly backache, headache, neuralgia. rheumatism and sciatica. He~â€"“Do you remember the night I proposed to you?” Sheâ€"“Yes, dear.” Heâ€"“We sat for one hour, and you never opened your mouth.” Shc~"Yes, I remember, dear.” Heâ€"“Ah, that was the happiest hour of my life.” Corn Cure is the medicine t remove all kinds of rorns and warts, and only costs the small sum of twenty-five cents. Holloway's “This is the seventeenth time I’ve seen you in the dock,” said a. magistrate. looking at a prison- er stcrnly. “Yes; for eight years now I’ve seen you sitting in the chair, but I’ve never thought of complaining about it!" replied the prisoner reproachfully. come to consider that this message has come a distance of thousandsl of miles, and the gum on the enâ€"velope isn't dry yet.” There ought to be a plank in every political platform guuran~ teed to give the candidate a walk-, over. {Care’s an easy thing to whip lK‘Sl‘H NO. 11â€"09. Repeat. lt:â€"“shlloh'a Cure will always 5 cure my coughs and Lolds." CHEER UP. Cheer up. chappie; don't you fret. Smile. for that's the way to do. Not a bit of use to get Blue. ' If you give it biff for bill. Try to keep your upper lip Stiff. Nothing like a grin and grit- To repel a hard attack. Laugh ut “103.le luck and hit Buck. l Better than to lose your grip. Nothings apt to hurt you if ‘ and sugar. ,Oil. It is No Trouble To Work Now So Says Miss Elsie J. Allen After Using Dodd's Kidney Pills. the Suflered from Weakness and Kldney Trouble, but the old Rellab'le Kldney Remedy Cured her Completely. Sh. C'roix. N. B., March 15 (Special).â€"That the pains and weakness which make life almost unbearable to so many women are easily and completely cured by usmg Dodd's Kidney Pills, is once more shown in the case of Miss Elsie J. Allen of this place: “I suffered greatly from kidney trouble and weakness before I be- gan taking Dodd’s Kidney I’ills." Miss Allen says. “I was so weak I could hardly get around, and work was almost impossible. Life was a s ruggle till I heard of Dodd’s Kidney Pills. I began takâ€" ing them and soon felt better. I ‘took seven boxes in all and they cured me. “I can now do my work the year round and do not feel it. My back which used to trouble me so much is well and strong and I don‘t feel any pains at all.” The root of women’s troubles is in the kidneys. There is not a weak. suffering woman in Canada that Dodd’s Kidney Pills will not help, and in nearly every case 'Dodd’s Kidney Pills will work a complete cure. -b}. ENOUGH. Dashaway~“1 want you to meet Mrs. Dashcr’s eldest daughter. She. is the most intelligent of the three of them.” Clever-ton â€" “No. thanks; I’ve learned more than I ought to know from the other two.” Repeat itzâ€"“Shlloh's cure will always cure my coughs and colds." “Jane,” began Mrs. Newlywed timidly, “I don’t supposeâ€"â€"erâ€"that you wouldâ€"erâ€"obje-ct to my getâ€" ting an alarm-clock l” “Not at all, ma’aml" replied the sleepy maid. “iI‘he’n things never disturb me at a 1!‘ Bickle’s Antiâ€"Consumptive Syrup is an unparalleled remedy for colds, coughs, influenza and dis- eases of the throat and lungs. The fame of the medicine rests upon years of successful use in eradicatâ€" ing these affections, and in pro- tecting mankind from the fatal ravâ€" ages of consumption. and as a neg- lected cold leads to consumption, one cannot be too careful to fight it in its early stages. Bickle’s Syrup is the weapon, use it. “Mr. Bubkins,” said the proud father, shaking the young man warmly by the hand, "let me tell you that you are a man after my own heart.” “Oh, no, sir,” pros tested the blushing suitor,- “I’m after your daughter’s!” After a bold Drlvo don ‘t (all to take a t a - "I of a spoon Painkiller mixed with a glass of hot water It surely prevauts chills. Avoid sub- stitutes. there is but one “ Painkiller "~Perry Duffâ€"25c. and 50°- I’ROMPTING HIM. "If my memory,” slowly answer~ cal the reluctant witness, “serves he right1yâ€"â€"~” “One moment,” interrupted the mossâ€"examining lawyer: “please re nember, Mr. Slick, that your mimory is under oath.” Repeat ltzâ€" “Bhiloh's pure will always cure my coughs and cords," A negro was passing under a scaffoldng where some repairs were going on, when a brick fell from above on his head, and was broken by the full. Sambo very coolly raised his head and exclaim- cd:â€""Hnlloa. you white man up dar! If you don't want your bricks broke, just keep ‘em off my head 3” Time Has Tcsted It.â€"â€"Time tests all thing, that. which is worthy lives: that, which is ininiical to to man‘s welfare pei'ishcs. Time has proved Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric From a few thousand bottles in the early days of its manufac- ture the demand has risen so that now the production is running into .lhc hundreds of thousands of but, tics. What is so eagerly scright for must be good. A small boy‘s idea of politeness You can kt‘lll )our upper lip I Stiff. ~ g l Worry never makes you score, ‘ H._.pclessucss Will never pay. . Always darkest just before Day. Your (luvs coming, take my tip. Don’t with fate get in a tiff. Just you keep your upper lip Stiff. is not to ask for a. sceond piece of 'Iélt‘. Taarllr; Down Blgnall does not delay storms. 0piuru~mdon "medviillei “ may cheek coughinf, but the cold stays. llu no! trifle ; n hen you bag 11 opium, full of healing pol‘lr. You can‘t have a mild winter and hear the jingling of sleigh bells, ion). SIXPENCE A WEEK. .ill a Family of Five Hail to Live on in London. A was told at the Coroner's Court in, London, England. last week at an.I 1erlucst of Jane Alice Noble, aged three. the (laughter of an unemâ€" ployed bookhindcr of Syducy Grove, Goswcll road, Clcrkcu\vcll.! The mother said that she wcntl out to buy a little Coal, and upon her return found her daughter in flames. The child was \vcaring flannclcttc undcrclothing, and she could not afford a fircguard. She,‘ her husband and children came out of the workhousc a few weeks beâ€" fore Christmas, since whcn her! husband had been doing a little hawking. The Coronerâ€"How much docs hc earn on an average? Witnessâ€"â€" Last week we only had 25. 6d, sir. , The Coronerâ€"How can you livcl, I suppose you get outdoor rclicf’l, \l'itness~No, sir, we manage as: best we can. We have a penny- worth of bread and a pennyworth of coal. Continuing, the witness said that she, her husband and three chilâ€" dren lived in one room at the rent of 2s. a Week. The Coronerâ€"That only leaves you (id. to live on? Witnessâ€"~ch, Sir. The witness told that on one 0c~ casion a lady gave her 15. 6d. The Coroner’s officer said that lhc found the room very clean. There was, however, hardly a scrap of anything in the room, with the exception of a box, which was used as a cot and table. The latter was" used by the man and woman as a bed, the covering being a blanket and a rug. He found not a scrap of food in the place. '74 Repeat it:â€""Shnoh's Cure will always oure my coughs and colds." “Is the shoe too small '1” tender- ly asked a fond swain of his sweetâ€" heart, who was moaning about, cramped toes. “Oh, no! The shoe‘ is just right, but my foot is too bigl â€"â€"that’s all.” "A “me cold, You Know," will become a great , danger if it be allowed to reach down the throat to the lungs. Nip the peril in the bud with Allan's Lung Balsam, a sure remedy containing no opiates. When a. woman meets a man after her own heart, the chances are that he isn’t. There. is nothing equal to Mother Gravcs’ Worm Exterminator for de- stroying worms. No article of its kind has given such satisfaction. We can always hear the troubles of other people with admirable for- titude. Eyeing l cleaning! I‘m the 'II'I bun In! your work to tho “ III‘I’IOH AIERIGAN DYIINO 00.” In.) [at no» In no: to". or «all an». “causal, Toronto. Ottawa, Quote; lfi BEAUTIFUL [ASTER POST CARS! Crosses, An cls, Rabbits, etc., and your name n gold on each for 250, Ndrmam Peel M'f'g Co, London, Out. ‘ l TORTURE!) BY RHEL‘MATISMI Zam-Buk Will Give You Easel Just at this season when the cold remarkable story of poverty dry winter is giving way to a. milder yet more humid season, the germs of rheumatism, sciatica, and allied ailments come upon their victims with renewed force. Mr. P. G. Wells, of 338, Ogden Street, Fort William,.0nt.. says :â€" “l~'ollowing my duties in attending to passenger trains I often get wet through with rain and steam (the latter in winter). This with hours of duty in icehonses in summer was no doubt the cause of my con- tracting rheumatism in both knees, left arm, and shoulder. This got so bad that I could no longer work, and was laid off on three different occasions for several weeks, dur- ing which I was under the treat- ment of my doctor. I seemed to get little if any better, no matter what I tried, and this was my state when Zaanuk was recommended to me. I laid in a supply, and to my rent joy it began to cure me. I ru bed it well in every night, and when a few boxes had been used, found I was free again from the pain and stiffness of rheuma- tism. I have had no more trouble from the disease and unhesitatingly recommend Zamâ€"Buk to all who suffer from rheumatism, muscular stiffness, etc.” Zamâ€"Buk is also a sure cure for eczema, ringâ€"worm, ulcers, absces- ses, piles, bag leg, suppurating wounds, cuts, burns, bruises, chapâ€" ped hands, cold cracks, and all skin injuries and diseases. All drug- ists and stores sell at 50c. per ox, or post free from Zamâ€"Buk 00., Toronto, upon receipt of price. “us And the old hen moves in a set of her own. W.” . Raise Th ‘m Without Milk. Booklet Free. Steels Brig" Seed Co.. Ltd” Toronto LOCAL AGENTS WANTED Enlarged Portraits. Frames and A rt 3 ocialties. Big profits. Full instructions. Cata. wane and Samples free. PORT Rt." SUPPLY 00., 74 DUN‘UAUST, EUR?!” E WANT RELIA BLE MEN AND WOMEN all over l‘aumla to Work for us during heir spare hours selling our high grade lferfumes, l'oilet Requisitss, Teas Coffees, etc. ho experi- nce necessary. Work pleasant and remunerativo. 'he Home Specialties (30., Dop‘t. , lraub, Avenue, Toronto, Canada. Twci’cy-Five Post Gards ' l tc. sso ted. landsca es, flowers, news, comes, 9‘ , for tron cents. N )RMAN PEEL, London, Ont, FRUIT LAND. Five acres, close to rail and Vancouver, B. C. Price 8300. terms. Also city and suburban lots and acreage. GEORGE A. KENDALL, Dealer in Realty. 6m Hastings St. W., Vancouver, 13.0. llll. DEl’Ehll’llll Will develop your bust from two to three iucher ll] 3. very short time. I AnsoLL'Tva HAsuu-zss. l‘rice $1.00 prepaid Communications strictly privato. THE EDWAR'JI MEchlNE COMPANY Gil Barnumt at. 'l'uruuto, Out. 1: ,. l) S. :1 i L’ - ? Send for (free) it? BELL mmoio cream 00.. leilad USED lN Leading Conservatories. Colleges, Schools, . Theatres, and in thousands of homes where apiano of distinctive merit is appreciated. The Bell is the only piano with the lllimilable Repeating Action. , " Catlue To. 76. GU £LPH.ONTA\RIO.: l WANTED lMMEOIATELY l l , WE BUY Ill. OTHER KINDS CF F038. sconce MUSAT; to cough take Allen's Lung Balsam, free from , SH'PHEN ' S SOLICITED. 11 and 13 Cturch St. 10RONTO

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