Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Mar 1909, p. 5

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[hr' Elev: (-n sale. Rwannxo Hun. Omn. MA“. 11. 1909 Lil-M M-Irkh'm .Jm‘t‘L M. I this WH‘R. ("wt ymu- pi". rank at. THE (A pic-king is guml. Mr. M. Baker uf Bnkt’l' Hill, art'nn'h {minim} by Miws Uluhilw nf Bn-Ih.'~ll.l. ups-m Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 1’. linssingwn iLv. Mr. and 3h <. P. Rumm- Hf 11‘; Npmn a shan \ime with Mr. :1 J. H. anvr. :md h-t't, tn visii ia‘a Vaughan kmvnship. Tho mm" ~l'lvn A nwvling nf the Vin-ling (‘luh is willed tn Ina hwld in ?\1(‘I)1Ill!|l(}‘5 shup M S.3Un‘rlm~k [his ('l‘hursdny) m oiling. A“ talu-mlmrs nlu I't-qlu-slt-d In nllvml us impunnnl husiuvsa is In he taken up. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Snnde'l'snn y-m- tt-lduy :Itlvmh-d the marriage uf Miss Kalhlm‘n Brt‘vdin and Mr. \V'ultvl‘ A. Mquuzie. Ths' intH-r-slinq cal-uumny Umk place in llnf .h-thidist Chm-ch. \Y A \‘Pry interesting time. is hwkc‘d for vaxt Monday (Wu-hing at the Epwnnh ln-ugun. whvn thv smdy nf Bnnynn'i “Pilgrim‘s ngwss” will he lvmmvd. livv. Mr. Bran will haw-charge uf \lw meeting. All are inViLPd. 1 (PW Tho ninth annual mrwting 0f lhv Om 1.1:: in Lilu-uiy AsamflnLh-n \i'ill hv held in Tumult. Easter Munday um] Tues- day. April 1211] and 13th. Em]: puhl'u- lilnary lny paying :1 $2 fnw is onmlvd In send tAvndtIvgnH-s. “’v hupe m suo our (m'n library repwsvutvd all thr- mmnul meeting. Mr. H. C. Builuy of tho Twit-Mump- Store. Maple, is vii-culmng Hmong hi< pzlu‘nns a midwiancircular in whirl) he st‘ntr-s that with the eXK11If1“(>‘hl'll::l‘)' he closml u-nnllier snow-Semi lnvhiuws 3‘ 111'. Nubndy can l‘r-m‘i his qnnt MUULH in lansnud slums, mlws, (‘rth‘ gru- (u-rius. Mun without being: coinincmi that, luau-gains are in sight. First customers have the best. vhuuce. The Hockey Club were ontprtuimu‘l by the Epwm'th Imung lust Mnmlny m‘ening‘. AftPr skating at 1hr rink “119.30 l't‘fx'('§1\xlwl1ts wm-e svxved in the school-11mm uf thp Mothudist, (‘hlll‘t‘h- Messrs. Arm. Savage and Harry Sundm-sm) nuknmvludged the kinle renwmln-nnce (if the L-ulgue, and Rev. A. 1’. Bruce and E. H. Tuyv 1(‘Splnldt’d in short, speeches. A feat» m-e (If the early part, Of the evening was a. hockey mutr-h between “Monâ€" tre:1)"al-nd “Ottawa”, the former \viu- hing by 8 to 5. NEVVMAR KE'I‘ BAND GUM HNU. The med will given special nmgrzun in the x-ink‘Saturdny evening of this week. As this will probably he the lasm time the hand wxll he present this season let, every luvex- of the ice 0 ‘me .out and have a gnud Lime. ESL 11(90 :QL.IAN- Two links of the Newmurkot Curling Club came duwu Tuesday evening and gave our players another game. The home rinks wuu [lg 12 points. The fullowmg 15 u suuuuzu-vzâ€" RICHMOND m .1. Mr. Barker. skulfi MI'.NichoHS,sk. .X The secretary of the Public Library Bmud has received two fine volumes of books, well bound. to he placed in the Library for distribution. The ‘ ‘ r - » r “A ‘A UH: LIIIIIIIIJ u-. _. . V _ , , hooks are written from a moral and religious standpoint. and although everybody will not agree with all the criticisms, they contain much wduuhle information on many subjects. No note. accompanied the volumes to tell from Whom they were sent. hut on the introductory page it is said that “The following work was written by a gentleman interested. in \Vm-king Men’s Clubs, Youths' Institutes and Sunday Schools. Before leaving! Engâ€" land, for n. time, he desired to leave with a. number of youths n bank which. if czuefully read, mi ht. with God's blessing. induce a yout‘ to com- mence a. manly, noble and pious life. . Not being able to meet. with precisely ‘ the kind of book he required, he reâ€" solved to attempt the present work." On behalf of the Library Board the. secretary tenders thanks to the kind ‘ friend who forwarded the useful vol- 1 h bud \V (If Mrs. Swiim-l mm at 3 (fl'ck'wk. “[1188. Mr. and 1\[\-s. CMHIRHI after a. residence; have!» u. numb 1' 05 years. have removed to Maple where Mr. Norman is establishing a. bakery. He has disposed of his house and pmporty here to Messrs. Stmsslel & Co.. under- xakers. Mr. and Mrs. Norman‘s many friends wish them success and prosper- ity in the thriving little village where she! will make their home. T011) ntu tuns 0‘ 'mr (m EVVMAR KE'I‘ BAND GOMKNG. llll 'l‘nwwmhip (‘umnr‘il will nimnille UH Suhnduy (If VALU ABLE VOLUMES ihrr; THE HILL WON. 2k Hf Sh Pntl-if‘k pust mummy. utfice whflv the mi” fv‘m‘. a Tuesday. am Aurora. wiH mun-t, :ut th 1 next. Tuesday “791‘? ontnrtuinnd lglll“ lust Mnmlny [Ling at the file NEWnAmwT Mian‘Cuifr’ysk Mr. Trivett, V . . . . m-rivn-d at ml is umv mgwwfl Lml MW. ix wmls l I" 21 Tim sgwcions fink was 0.20de with skaters and spm'tutnrs inst evening, ‘ Hu- uccus‘mn \mi‘mg .1 fancy dress car- { nix-n1. Many of fiw cmlunu-s worn were chm-unug lwynnd wmds. and lhe‘ntvst shapes and (It-VECPE in fem- inine hmdgenr and uthr amich-s vf rim-55‘ simply hewildm-ed Massrs. Nich- uHs. AHV‘h :n-M'I‘t-L-nrh. Ln whom was us.,gru-(1 the [fleas-mt thuugh sown what difficult duty n‘f awarding the prize; in Lhr- dim-lent r-lasse-s. A do- Luchrm-nt Lf lhe Nowmmkt-t Band gave :l gum] prvgl‘umme nf music. and allugutlu-T HIP rnlnivu) was a grunt Sll('(‘e-'.‘~'~2 and wax thoroughly vnjuve-d. Thu- fullnwing an 9 llw prizu-winnerszâ€" lmdv's (rusmmn', lst, Buâ€"Peep. Miss Thu- fullnu'ing :u 9 NW prizu-wmne Lady's (ruslmm', lst, Buâ€"Peep. Miss Jn'nn Buyh‘. [Judy‘s unstnnw, 2nd, quen of Hem-ts. Miss Gladys chge. Gvut’s cnshume. 1st,. \Vcnry \Villiv, Ml. Franklin Jnc‘km Gent’s costume, 2nd, Canadian Trap- per. 40 yvurs; :Igu. Mr. Edward Palmer. Girls cnstumv, 1st. Highland Lassie, eure- Pulmwr. Bny‘s Nrstunw, 2nd, Clown. Llew- ¢Ilyn Bmcv. (Jamie. l:’~'t. Sumbn, Gem. Grunt. (‘u-mic. 2nd, Jester, Tun-nor \Viley. Team Y'HK‘P with driver, lst. (7. film‘â€" ul’s [mmâ€"Stanley Tyndu]. Bert New- ton. 2nd. R. Palmer‘s teamâ€"Stewart thu-h-s, Russel] \Vilson. 9113' Ion Purly.â€".â€"REC. SEf The Hichmrmtl Hill Agricultural Snâ€" civty held :I nweting Vestrrrlny aftvr- mum, Vice-Prrs. Pndgvt in the chair. Th9 concert ummniLtee submitted » listuf artists for the l‘nnCPl'L (m the evening of the Fair on the mm of May, which Were approved by the directors. The directors also authm-ized :1 com- miLLve to prncnre Punch and Judy, and Hndden and Sun for afternoon attractions. The prize list was revised. and a few changes made. A purse (vf‘. $150 will be given for a free-form“ trot or pace, no horse to draw money that does not Complete the mile heats in 3 minutvs or less. In class 103a herd «if milch cows is to consist of at least five rows, mud in class 11 oxhi'lfitnrs may show only gm? owe where former- ly they had to show a. pair. It was nlsu decidvd to rroct .‘L hnilding no- um-(ling to plans. [-0 include stuhling und grand stand on the nnderstnndlng \ that, Villngp Cnnncil will giro fur same l a gram of $200. In the Field competi- tion in grain it was deeide-d to again svlvct nuts us the kind of grain. The meeting :uljmu-nod till next \Vednes- ‘ M . . J 7 ~ mm :ll'jurio \Vright. Girl‘s costume 2nd, C an“? Brodin. I'illiéifi-Eitsurer was instructed he pay the following accounts:â€" J. T. Stat-(up. work on streets. .. $7 70 E. Cousins: shoveling snnw . . . . i . 45 T. Hiscndks, work on rink. . ... .. it 50 J.Leece . . . . . . . . . . 756 The Treasurer reperted receipt of a cheque from the Provincial Treasuxer fm‘ $16.12 on account of railway tax distribution. A cmmmmicm‘ion frmn ithe Nutinnul Sanitarium Association \vxs laid (in the table. Ou mntinn the Rink Committee was instructed to arrange for a cnrnivul \ to he held in the rink nn March 10th. A cummittee was appointed tuvcnn- fer with the Executiw: of the Agri- cultmul Snciety with reference to eur- tain plupnsod new buildings on the Park g1 nimds. “wrung nu. nu. day aften noun at £:3(‘)';;IhÂ¥e-arnvjudgvs will he sr-lected and :01th- business trans- acted. The Counoil met on Tuesday, March 2nd. in the Council Chamber. All the members present. untuun. A q . \ u . . . . . Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. FANCY DEADMANâ€"At (Em-Willa, on Sa‘tmflny. March 6. John Deadman. in his 32nd year. Interment. at Tuesday. March 9 Counefl adjmu‘nvd. {EWECTORS' MEETING. n<\ . - . . . vnstume, lst. Uncle Sam. Clnr VILLAGE COUNCIL. DRESS CARNWAL. DEATHS. lrty. plumml and PK" valun. will April Til». Min-- $th Temp't’runco :1 Sulv nf Bmwn Can ville Gen-late: y, unudiun Girl, 'J. HUME. mm. Ice-culling was the nmin nrdor «if the (lay in our lmggh last week. Miss Jennie Orr is spending :1 few Weeks at her hume in anlv. Mr. Arthur Marshall and family mnvvd (Ill their nmv {211111 in Kettle-by l-isl. Thursday. Their Intu friends wish them every sllccess in their new huuw. Messrs. Lnu Blmwh and Mel Mc- Cnllum and Misses cElla Blnugh and Maggie McCullum all spent lust Tues- (in?‘ evening at. H. McTuggul-L's. Nash- vil e. Miss Mae Rndgm-si-n of lnisfil is vis- iting the past two weeks with her fiiend. Mus. John Gillies. \Ve are, pleased tu see Dnnnld Raw- lings out again in our midst. after being confined to the house fur several Weeks with an nttruck of appendicitis. The \anen's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Jus. Russ last Tnes~ ‘dny evening with a large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brown of To- rnntu spent, .1 few days at Reeve M!» M u n! h y 's. n A u Fun-en leaves shortly for the \Vest. He will he accompanied by his brnt‘her Gen. uf Kins! Oigy: Mix Claus. Russ returned bump on Flidzly after u week‘s visit. in the city. Mr. and Mrs. John Gillies enter- tained thirty-five young fliends tn a ('llchl’e and dancing party last Fi'iday “weaning. A very enjuyulnle Lune was fipc'H-L The prize-winners were Mr. Emu Songvr. Miss Bertie Ireland and Mr. Ed Putmu. Miss Tnve McCullmn is visiiing with Tm onlu friends this week. Mr. T. Ezard of Laskny has ngaged wiih A. Km-r for (he sunmwr Inhht‘hS. Mi-s. Huss of King City spent a few ‘ days last week with her sister hex-9‘. Report, S. S.No. 3.Markham for February. Sr. IV'. :mdSr.lV.â€"Gvr:gmphy,max. IOU-“Emma Barkm'fifi, Mm-y (‘vnnpm-TQ. HuHit‘ Brodie '72. Freeman Burks-1- 70. Florence Hinhnnh 66. (Holland '(‘c-ld- \\‘PH 47. Gladys thnkuy 34. David Hislnp 13?. Elias Emmi I“. .1. .7 7 _u___ tn "SI-11.5.85 L3." Ili:-â€"Spellilwg max. 50. â€" E1519 Hart, 50. Heutm‘ Patersun 50. Preston Elsnn 19. Percy Elsnn 48. Roy Smith 46, Tummy Smith 43. \Villie “'ellmam 36. Tummy Fountain 39. “511%? Iiiflnp 32. Sr. llâ€"Gm»gr;uphy max. 10()â€"-Alvin Smith 86. Rhoda Burke-1' 71, Bevkie Fnuntuin :31. Murray SV-enmzm (absent) Hun-y Unlloy (ahsvnt.) nnu Il"....1.‘ um ._, , V. l _ "w, Sr. Pt. ILâ€"Kathlm’n Ellis. Maude Hart, Rosy He‘m-lcks, Chm-lie Bil-hauls, Vinlu Unldwall. Freddy Henricks. Jr. Pl. lIâ€"Annie Richards, Madeline Clmpr‘l', Mary Dmm. Marguerite Ellis. Pr. Lâ€"I‘n-u'y Caldwell. Thh \‘iHnge was unusually quiet ’l‘nosduy Pvrning. many of the residents having gunP Lu Newumrket to witness the “n-tm-n" mntvh Wikh the hockey team that defeated our scum (m Mun- day evening with a snow of 4 3. Thorn- ‘hill 'had satisfaction Tuesday night when they W0" from the hnme £92m: by '7 [01. The game was Pxiviting but a little rough toward UM finish. A spec’~11 cur was run from Thurnhill nnd ,AA . .:..,l b‘w.h \~..nvc aim“... M... "W m” ,_ su many peuple accompanied the buys they cleared up abuut $35 by the car. The Town of Aurora is making upâ€" plical‘tiun tn the LPgisizltLll-e for an nut to consolidate their flouting: debt of$3.(500. to borrow $1,200 for the purpom: of sinking an arlesian WP“, and to lease to the Columbia Powder Cmupnny for a term of ten years ceitain lands as a site fur a munufactm-y, and for the ex- emption 0f the property of the com- J ,,1:.‘n "Anna v....,,..‘... _- ___, r ‘ _ punyfrmu taxes for apex-ind of 21 years, also tn give them a suppr of water free uf charge. The debenture indebtâ€" edness of the town is $32,505.88. A meeting of the citizens to discuss telephone matters, with n View of form- ing an ludvpondent company. or to join with film Stt-uffville and Bethesda (humanly u- the “lest; of us, is called for Friday evening of this week at 8 o‘clock. The meeting will he held in the Council Chamber. and it; is hoped that lhe husmess men and all interest- ed will attend. Report of Patterson Public School for February. Sr. IV.â€"â€"Bernice Burges Jr. IV.â€"Reta \Vm‘sleyf Sr. [ILâ€"Mary Rumble Churlvs 617,. Jr. III.â€"â€"Em-l Keith. Sr. Pb. II.~PEI'cy “'01 Keith. Jr. Pb. II.~â€"Hurry Ch; K-eviLh. Sr. Lvâ€"ljaggie gun-gess. Anyone sending a sketch sud descri quickly ascertain our opinion tree w ‘ invention is probably fatefinabfiob for: AL A D 0 on lions strictly oonndent um tree. Oldest ency 101' aecurmg& Enema taken t rough MuggԤ_ "1331555 Eiéh 5me a I mega; game. wlc‘hguc c "- e. in the! v . v" -- _ v - _ , _ A bun'dsomel; mun-um Weekly. Ingest. cu. swan 0! any scientific 10an Terms for as. 83.75 a. year. postage prepaid. Sold by mnewadealers. “" ‘ ‘ II Auuj‘ an newbdwle u.i amazsmmdmflewlocrk nun». nflca. 65 F St. Wuhmzton. gfiwéfififiiflifiéflfifisk TELEPHONE 5' v I. F SLrWuhmZtOD. IV.â€"â€"Bernic9 Burgesx 71%. IV.â€"Reta \Vm‘sley 69%. [ILâ€"Mary Rumble 737;. Strange. *Wflfi-l Crofiley. Th0 1111111. II.-â€"â€"Hul'ry Chan-105. Frank ’EI'L;II‘\’01'sley, Myrtle ethmd descri Ion may opinion tree W 01h“ 3-“ m‘jfi‘fiflfifi‘w 03mg .. MEETING. Kean Jean st qu‘ %%~+++++ iThe Peeple Judge We Quote for Finest Quality We Further Quote The Path of Low Prices 'l' ‘ +++++++++++++++++++m++~z~+ 4M" California dried peaches very fancy goods, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 California dried apricots specially fancy. per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Guflln & Skelly fancy dried prunes size 30 to 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13c Un polished Rangoon rice extra finest quality 8 lb for . . _ . . , . . . . . . . 25c Polished Rangoon rice good as needed, 5 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Goldenect‘ {1 pure cane table syrup, very fine flavor specially pre- pared for table use, 2‘lh. tin 150.. 3 lb. tin 200., 5 lb. pail . . . . . . . 400 Crown Brand Golden Corn syrup. 2 lb. tin l3c., 81b.tin l7c.. 51b.pui13(lc Tomatoes, packed whole in Sanitary cans. Sunset Brand, tin . . . . . . . 10c Ogih'ey‘s wheat granules excellent for porridge. 6 lb. bag for.. . . . . .3Uc Austrian prunes. fine goods, size 70 to 80, per 1b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7c California seeded raisins, Griffin & Skelly, fancy 18 oz. package. . . .10c Home rendered lard. extm pure 10 to 15 lb. chunks, per lb. . . . . . .llac Japan and Ceylon tens, new season’s extra fine. at per 1h...25c. and 30c Fine blends of coffee ground while you Wait, at per lb. 25, 30.B5,40,& 450 Pure cane Canadian refined granulated sugar 2'} lbs . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 is kept constantly BWept deep and wide here, we have pinched the prices. Just what you Want at a just-what-you-want-to‘pay price, but ’tis not what you payâ€"4t is what you get for what you pay. ‘Ve judge people by what they do. a are willing to be Weighed in the same b; Men’s reudyio-wear fancy brown striped tweed suits . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00 Men’s blank beaver overcoat, real Persian Lamb collar, imitation seal lining. good, regular price $40 ior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . $28 Heavy genuine scntch tweeds, stylish patterns. fine black and blue serge, black and blue vicunns, will make these to your measure in stylish suits for $16.50 decided bargains. Heavy. Rock Fast. black serge, soft, finish, best goods, per yd. . . ...16c Heavy pink and White stripe, 36 inch flannelett, per yd _ . . . . . . . . . . 110 Men‘s fine Excelda handkerchiefs, regului 15c. for 12c. rvgular Victmizi Lawn, fine, even make, fully 40 inches wide, per yd . . . . . . 10c Feb. 18th, 1909. Some Reasons for trading with us; Firstâ€"431w prices are right. Secondâ€"Our stock is complete. Third‘ â€"O;I stock is fresh. Fourthâ€" on can get best. stuff WINTER SCHEDULE “IONDAXv Senior HuCkl‘y. ' ' Senior Hock Skating. - High Schmrl Skatix 4-4-4»:-++++++++++++++4uz++éyflzwz§+¢9+M++++++++++++ THE RINK groceries. Atkinson ’Switzer Richmaml Hm Hardware Siam STOVES, RAMS. HEATERS; PAINTS AND (HIS, w EDN BSDAY. THURSDAY. W'. SATURDAY TU ES DA Y. Curling. V. H. P'CGSI FRIDAY TINSMITHING. Curling . SOULES LL-k I . 7.3111010pm. I vac! CV ‘(hr‘Vr‘ 3) to 10p.m to 10 p.m. 3.30 to 5 13.1». .3010 10 p.111. â€"-F O Râ€" Reeve in staple and fancy dry goods and ‘. and. as a progressive store. we a balance. $~3~§u1~~§~é0§~24r+ +++++++ Tickets {or ihaWest BANNER OFFICE. AURORA. procured ut One Handled Acws. Int. 10. war 2| Bun. Vaughan. All plnwed and 1’: Wheat. in. Possessinn first of AI)! Tex-ms on application to A nr‘.\l‘\' TXCKE' Orders taken zitâ€"â€" {baa LIBERAL OFFICE. LTS for the Canadian W'est For Sale RICHMOND Hn A. RE C Sweet to Eat A Candy 80ml lud- +++++++++~§ .40c Him: .101: .30c . .70 .10c 14§c AMAN. Cunnul'd P. 0 160

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