Vb LY {I}? :{i m "Smme £1 A1 35 IA) AL PRWTMG & PUBLKSHM’G HOUSE RI-JII\II)N_D.=ULL,0NT. ' EJN. (A 333d {1! 1 ï¬xed 3t BUSINESS CARDS HN R. CAMPBELL, 'EFERINARY SURGEON, 'thvnhilL IS PUBLISHED w PUBLISHEI‘EVEBY RSDAY MGRNIJ AT THE Enoruhill. RICHMOND IIILI In! \l.’ kaphone from Richmond 1 charged to me. r) DR. II. :mvl Bum Richmum 1y :xftornu 3.1 c M A :mum, in advanca] ll) .11me NIH" fling n- nm-th B'mk. ’hysic Onrm PBOPRIE'XOB Ill II. \V. AXDERSON) {mm-3m m lle RISDON 3‘11 hm Am 13 ; a. Specialty, nuption. 315., Tux-onto. Hill ml \Ve'l 1's unlv. "I Fnivo sity 'ms and Sm unty £13 rn) UH, 'anounblc 1 O N, ll} m. Mouev to 10:11] onland anacnntte: mnrtgegera lowest, rates Aurorantï¬ceâ€"Remmcu m the old post oï¬ic; one door west 0: the enuancc to the Outano Bunk Newzumket (miceâ€"Three doors south of the p :3: ofï¬ce 1‘ HEBDER’ILENSUX G 811‘ Mme LENNQX 86 MORGAN, I“ BARRISTER, SoLu Toronto Ofï¬ce. RIC} Riohnzonca Iâ€"Iill Barristars,Solici‘L:re. Neéaï¬es, 81:. Home Life Building Cm’. Adclaide & Victoria). Sis... Tux-onto. \Vest, \Vesle)‘ B Danton, Dunn & Bou Lax-e MON Money to loan 3. G W T Iwrence F‘ J Duv bar A 1:11 H. TREEâ€"«‘3‘. NOLA {‘1’ PUBLIC, ARI HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE NATIONAL > KING ST 1 H. A N ICHOLLS Lawrtme 34 Dunbar, chmnnd Hill Ofï¬ce. southwnst ‘r of Lorne Bldg.v every Thxu avaI-nuon. Toronto Ofï¬ J. M. LUNG Barrister, Solicitor, bâ€: Alf-115810312", ('UN VEYA BK 151?. 1‘.T(‘. 'HJNL‘Y ROYAL AN!) BRITISH AMEIKYA A38. (.‘05. REAL. ESTATE. E'IC. THORNHILL RICHMOND. HILL, ONT, THURSDAY, MARCH 18. 1.909 auer chasrlage Llcenses. RICHMOND HILL 1’05'1‘ OFFR E. ani'rhu-z's and Solii‘HCIS. umnissium-x. (,‘vnm-vymmm; Nb [ll<lll':lll('e. and Run] I‘ktnlv 1s<urr uf Marriage Lien-nso-s. N OTARY PUBLIC 93'! ERMA an {HIS WILLIAM COOK EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC {:U'l‘ \X'. M DENTO TO GORMIGQHI’ El 114 THE ï¬rm}. In Essentialc, Unity ,- 36 Toronto stror ITO? R3 ‘OVV'EST NOTARY, ET( H A M E Pnone Mail 298 ftenmun. chmnnd 0 Eat {IL In Hu- I’m-Mic Gui-den Missiun. Chin-mu. l4 yvurs ago, a ln-uwny Scotch Canadian (-unw tn the fmnt, knee-ling utthv nn-Icy sent, prying “Gud have nwrvy npun mo :4 sinnwr." Miss Frumrvs \\'i|l:u-d extendrd that. snow whim himd (n (he pmu' drunkurd. sayingâ€" 1y. penniss trial visit tf church w ndun prm orking Men’s Home Rescue Mission. £71 Non-Essentials. Libcrly; in all things, Charity.†in the sum] issinn was (1 tn Bond St with the 11nmmcvd 1 Atl‘ ngc-lis :t-stify how a loving them. and dvliwu-d pe‘tilt'ufsllmxg drink. that tho ï¬rst clmrvh S w The Maple- Branch of the \Vrst Ym-k \Vonwn‘s Institute held an “Old Time" nwvting at, the home of Mrs. D. \Vat- son on the evening of March 10th. The (uccasian was the presentatiun of the Mulch Innnthly snhjpct of the lust itutv‘s prngram, “Artsand Ctafts.†\Vllll'h was well carried out liy some twi-nty Iiwlnln-rs, who camodressed in lln- fashions nf nur grandmotheis and great-grandmanthers. The-re wurehrides (.f “ye ulde-n Haw,†gI-andlmnthers and mndt-st maides of the past. rvprc- Sr-ntvd. Thvrv were sume 100 present. including nwmlu-rs and guests. and a llllllll’ll‘l' uf gentlemen. including Rev. Mr. Gordon, Mr. J. B. McLean. Mam agt-r uf thv Slandard Bank; Mr. J. Calm-mu, De-puty-Recve, and Mr. J. T. Saigmn. (lnnmï¬llnr. A large load cams- frnni \Vnudhridgo. One mum of Mrs. \Vatsnn’s palatial rosidenre was set. apart, for the oxhi- hitiun of antiquities of all kinds, some hundleds uf years old. There were nvvr a (h.an brass candle-sticks all supplied with old-fashinnvd [allow candles. all trimmed and binning; a pair of uld shm-s, 200 yeais old, the props-My Hf M r. R. Jackson; an India n st'alping knifv and other articles. the property of Rev. Mr. Camplwll: an nld English bm-I' dunking mug which had crossed the (mean chive limes; ridlng whip and honâ€"hon dish, the prupertv of Mrs. \Vm. Thomas: an uld silver cabinet, spoons and saucers uvvr 150 years old. the propelhy of Mrs. (it-urge Cook; a. Muhammvdan luidal veil. Indian bran-pod, hooks. ruins. tea kettle), &c.. the prupe-rty of Miss‘ “'alkingtnn; old-fashioned Lea- pnt, the property (if Mis. Keys. Music was provided by Mrs. T. Keys, Misses L. Richardson and N. Jones, Miss B. McNaughton, Mrs. (Dr.) \Vat- sun (-f Toronto. Mrs. \Vm. Dalziel and Miss Kaiser 0f \Vnndlwidge. and Dr. Rnutley nf Maple. Mrs. Huntley very ahly actvd as accnmpanist. Miss Bessie Nixon of Hope delighted the audience with her imitation. 200:, ' 5-] S wit zcx'. On “'ednosdny m the hmnv of Mrs. D (‘I'det‘d with the \Vumelfs Institute After ten had been was rendered. cum SUIOS and reuilutio mvmluers “‘m'e cost Five gentlc-men werg given the difï¬- cult task of judging the ladies in ens- tnmo, and guvclhe hnnm- of ï¬rst to Miss Jennie Jackson of Maple, sec- ond in Mrs. \Vm. Thomas uf Hupe‘ and third to Mrs. \Vm. Jackson of Mgply. Rt-fl'e'shnwnts of old-time cookery were sex-Yul by the ladies, and the meeting hmke up In the wee sma’ ‘uux's by singing "Auld Lang Syne.†fashion In awmded t Ill «m [I] Tl WOMEN’S INSTITUTE. rte 7f} Maple. ny evening of last week 1 rs. Dmmld \Vutson was ; the llIPIHhel'S of the [ tum and their friends. } J l ‘ been served, a prngmm paid ons. 51mm tin I; of speeches, Many of [he s that “we in ), prizes being )I'L‘ 11V pron the ach {on i! fu 11‘ (and Bran and Victor Feed for cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American corn (old). For sale at the C! Station, or delivered village and vicinitv:â€". :i‘+++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ STEAM COAL For threshing engines. NUT, STOVE, FURNAC Best Scranton coal. Also Tile. +++++++++++++++++++++++++% J. H. RAM}? Suits inFancy Twaeds reg. $10 for $7.50 SmtsinFancyWorstedreg. 13.5:f2r 11 Stitch: FancyWorstedreg. 12 for $9.75 Suits in Blue Serge reg.14 for $11.7 February Sale Mens‘ Fine Clothing at Big Re- ductions, all made in the Latest Styles. All kinds of grain bought Fine Heavy Coats, Velvet Collar and Strap on Cuff. In Fancy Saripcs and Checks. Regular Prices 12.00 and 15.00 ARMSAVAGE GOA. L; TO CLEAR to Clear at 10.50 [Single copies, 3;cts. ghest possible prices Guï¬itt ilcvator. upon thei {CF in the