As Rheumatism is not only the most painful and turthth IllSG-HSP, hut danâ€" gerous to life. this simple- rpcipv will unduuht be greatly \ulnud '-_v many sufferels here at home. \\ im shnuld at "nee prepzue the mixtmv to get this relief. It is said that :1 [wrmn who would t Ike this prescription regularly. u (lnse m- Lwo daily. ur (Wm: u fvw linws a week. \vnuld non-w have serinns Kul- noy or Urinary dismdrrs or Rheuma- tisnl. Cut, this out and prpson‘e it. Gnnd Rhwumatism pl'r‘SL'llptiflllS \\‘hl(‘h wal- ly i-vlim-o arc- m‘arco. indved. and wlwn ynu need it. Sum \v 2 if lzncllv. Fluid Extract Dnndvlmn. (me-half nunce; Cnmpmmd Kargnn. m1» mmcv; Cnmpound Syxup SHISHDill‘iHH, [luau nunces. tunce. 26 miles. 3‘95 yards, and the time made was 2.48.08. Alpxuuder CuldWe-Il died at Newâ€" lmllket Sunday. March 14, aged 78 years. Funeral from the residence- of his sun-inâ€"hw'. M. \V. Bug;1rt,t0-day, Thursday. Mrs. R. C. \Viluv of Jackson‘s Point dit‘d suddenly in Tumutn nu Mundny. Funeral at Sutton today, Thursday. To relieve the- worst. forms of Rh: mutism‘ take a tenspmmful of ï¬le f lowing mixture after each mm] and bedtime. Dnrandu Piotl-i, the Italian runner, on Monday evening defeated J. J. Huva fur the wound lim-e in Madison Square Gnldcn. New York. The race Was at the rogulntiun Marathon dis Thomac Rainy of Box Grove, Markâ€" knm, dim] at, his huuw on Friday. 12th inst†in his 60th year. Interment, at, Eimwuod ()mm-tm-y. Markham Vil- lage. nn Monday of this WH'k. Map]? syrup compound. specially gnod, in quart gem jars, jux- und syrup "3'5: special vnluv. Atkinson & S witzer: strategy and stonll-h. Drnvmlll lliusnukvsfrmn li'eluiiddicre's a bumper to his health; But, not tun many bumpers, lest we lose ourselves. and then Forget the good Saint Patrick and see the snakes again. Here is one that an esteemnd citizen told us they used in sing at, the Giant’s Causeway:â€" St. Patrick was a gvntlmnan. And came from lirmvst pimple; He built :1 hnusv in Dublin Tuwn, And on it placed a steeplv. Sn, here’s tn bold St. Patrick, He was a saint so clever: He gave the snakes and toads a twist, And banished them fun-var. The Shaun-(wk was much in evidence VPSU'l'dzly, and hundreds of 17(1) of March post cards passed through the I’ust Office from friend to friend. The \Vm-Id contained a number of St. Pat.- rick‘s Dav toasts which were very good. The ï¬rst one reads thus:â€" St. Patrick \\'353\ genth'man who t'n‘u Depression in business continues in England, and much wretched poverty prevails throughout the Country. Many people are inclined to believe that the restlessness of the country is the result of the present ï¬scal policy, and they are turning towards protection as a panacea for their ills. Mr. Balfour the leader of the Unionist party, has declared him- self out-and-out for Tariif Reform, which is a milder term for protection. Naturally, England is a free trade country, but she is trading with so many countries that are highly pro- tected, that public opinion seems favorable to the abandonment of the policy which has prevailed for the past two or three generations. TELLS HOW TO PREPARE A S.MPLE MIXTURE TO OVERCOME DISEASE. But; the strange part of the whole business is that the temperance people generally like their opponents to make the experiment. “Consistency, thou art a jewel.†The last issue of the Pioneer, the organ of the temperance forces, under the heading, “Hotels without bars," contains the following editorial notice:â€"â€"-“Tcmperance hotels will pay if properly conducted. in places where there is necessity for hotel ac. commodation.†Rxezmoxo HILL. ONT ASKS US TO PRINT. In: Sigibwni.‘ ST. PATRICK‘S DAY. News Notes. M A R. 18. 1909 ' (:Inggvd m! strain us waste :11 euusvs heu- at 1 Spring Millinery Orenmg‘ Plans and speciï¬cuti J. F. Dnvisnn’s. Uuiun (-st nr any under m:t. ceptvd. for the building: “'ill be received by the undelsig up tu AND FOLOWI Mfg. Siam? Parties desxring u 1 Tumnto should not LuniLy, as For further pfll'tiu tions of sale, apply in This property willbe sold ata Sacrifice Monday, the 223i day of March A.D. 1909, AT 12 O'CLOL‘K, NOON. C. J'. TOWNSEND just South of the Villngv nf Thm'nhill. in York County, [wing thu Snulh half of 10t29. in the! First Cuncvssinn Hf tho Township of Vaughn“, mmtuiniug 1111’) acres more or less, will he nï¬'m-rd ful- Sale at, Public Auction all. the Ann-{inn Rooms of Ritchie. Ludwig, S: BaElantyne, 157 BAY STREET, TORONTO. FARM HER SALE BY AUCTEQN LYNETTâ€"At Richmond Hill. on Sutur- dny. March 13. 1905’. to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Lynvn, twin sons. “'ALKERâ€"At Chicngn. on Monday. March lst. 1909, \Villiam “’ulkt-râ€" Born at Victoria Square Dec. 2911», 1843. Brick Church in Sphb pense 51:. 1h.; sax-dines 5c. tin: good {i s 50. Hm: polished Rangoon rice 5c. iii). Atkinson 8; Switzr‘r. PROCTERâ€"RUMBLEâ€"On \Vodnomlny, March 17. at. the home of the Inide‘s parents, by Rev. A. P. Bruce. b‘.D.. of Richmond Hill. Maggie H.. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Rumhlv. 8mm. of Batten-sun. tn Pvrr‘y Halli- dny Proctor. formerly of Ln‘cds, England. "Fuurdullnrs and eighty-threw cents. my little nmn,†said the groom. “\tht address. plense?" “Gee! Thanks!" said the snhnnlhny as he made his eucnpe. “That “‘ns the (mly_nne I coul_dn't du!"â€"â€"[me Suc- cesé Mugazine."] “Say, mister," said the small boy, bz-eathlessly. “take down this order quick; 1 got to V0 to school. Twn pounds of coffee at furty-ï¬ve cents; three and one-half of sugar at. sen-n cents; Six [waxes D! (3000.1 at twvnty- four; Lwo dnzcn eggs at thirty-two, and four pnunds of butter nt fm'ty cents. Hmv much does it owns In?" ARNOLD FARM! THORNH TENDERS “’ISHES TO ANNOUNCE HER. THGRNHELL The property knmvn am {he THE EDUCATED G ROCE R. WHICH \VILL CLIBIMENC KING STREET EAST, T0 MARRIAGES DEATHS. BIRTHS. 000 culeus and condiâ€" nus to ho seq ville. Thy ncwssurily F. DAWSON, SEC-TQEAS. Unionvill hnir‘e {mm hour miss [his nppm- I909 4TTT.T DAYS m'd Jonas Shnnk.’ Terms. 7 nu Snigoon & Mcvan. Aucts. SATURDAY. March 27â€"Auctinn s huuselmld furniture. etc" at U mun (Ru-les. thv prupH-Ly of (3-. Chapman. Suk- ut. 2 M (91:21:: cash. J. H. I’u‘nlicv, Ax ’l‘mms cash. J. H. Prentice THURSDAY, March 25â€"Auctiu Horses. Implrmunts, Vrhicle tun-v, \Vuml. Posts, &c., at 1 donue, Elgin Mills. the pro] Ibo lute Julm Nuughmn. : P1 entice. Auct. \VEDNESDAY. M; farm stuck. iln Jun, at, Agincm P1 entice, Auct. ' SATURDAY, Mulch 20â€"Auctinu snle of hm-ses and volts. at Stuart’s Hutvl Yards, \Vnndluidgv. the [n-nperly uf J. H. Brillingt‘r. Terms, 7nm11lh:;. Saigon“ 6: Mcbhven, Aunts. M()):DAY, March 22â€"~Uredit sale: If thrn-uughln-t-d Durham cattle, at Int 32. can. 12. King, the prnpw-ty vt‘ C. 1*). Pun-tor. 'l‘ermx. 7 months. Seligcun & MCEWPII, Aucls. MONDAY, hInl't‘h ZZZâ€"Cl'fldit SHIP uf C. IC. I’m-tor. 'l‘euns. 7 months. Seligcun & MCEWPII, Aucls. MONDAY, LIin‘t‘h ZZZâ€"Credit Sula uf farm smuk, at Int 30. can. 4. Mnrk- hum. the property of A. Stm er. Sale at 1 u’clnck. Tun-ms, 8 Int-“lbs. J. H. Prenlibe, Auct. TUESDAY, Mal-ch 23â€"Auctinn sale of lunu stuck. implements. fm-uiLm-n, &u.. at, lot, 25. own. 1. \th York. é mile from Newlunld‘unk. 1110 pmp. vlty of J. \V. BrPqu-y. Sulv at 12 (-‘chwk. Terms, 8 HIUHUIS. J. H. Terms, 8 months. J. H. Prentice, Aunt. SATURDAY. Man-ch 20â€"Aucliun s:le uf lmrse, rigs. cmvs, furniture. &c.. at Main Street, Markham. 8:11;: at. 1 u'clnck. Terms, 8 months. .1. H. Alu-t. FRIDAY, March 19â€"01 vdiL ink“ uH stuck. ilnplw:1+-nts. km, on lut mm. «L Sam-bum, the pruperty t C. Vaughn. Sale NC 1 u’c! Terms, 8 months. J. H. Pren 7 months' cre RIDAY. Mum-ch farm stark. in THURSDAY. Mum-h 13â€"(hedit sulv n fut-m smug-k; jgnpleyuypts. t'nmilvun- [PS] 110 1 37-3 F.qu ()I pinglnn and \‘Chile S.( hm-n. Pun) Bred Him-k :mh‘. A Two-v1» hn‘d, H‘fliéh‘ A New SrH'On-anm-d Dwelling with gnud cvllm- :md (-mnfm-tuhle surlmlnrl- ings, cur. nf Richmvnd and Elizabeth Sis. Eight, dollars pvr month. Apply to 30-Lf On Elizabeth Strth in HIP Vinngv 0f Rinlmmnd Hill, :1 t~u|||f01~lnMv (hvrll- ing, part uf which is newly built and the whole in gmxd lf‘puil‘. Guvnd 10L nnd nvcvsmn-y outbuildings. Mnkz- n (It-sirulflc h':lll(' for nnymw wishing tn retire. 33-tf On Ynngt- 8L. Elgin Mills, a f mmm-(l house in thl' \m'y lwsl (\f pair, wry warm, gnnd cellar, new» unthuildings with 1 :H'l e- uf land. M ‘hmd “'nrk Hm 10d hnnu Pilll' Inf Lady's Spl‘(‘l:l(’l('\‘, ln-l “awn hinnml Hiil and Mrs. J. Naughlnn's LlFllC", Elgiu M ills. "he ï¬mlvx- will vwal-dml h_\' lmu ing mi. , 01) Int 21 and Ink, prtnnhx'm ’ Fl'l'd Aliisnl). S 'l‘lllS. 8 months: >NESDAY. March 2-1â€"â€"C.1sh sale of m stuck. implcnwnts, furniture. , at Agincumt, the pmpm-ly‘uf A. Mucinn. Sula Ht l‘n'ulm‘k. ms cash. J. H. Prentice, Amt. (SI).\Y, March 25â€"Alwtiun Sale Of rses. Implrmunts, \’rlli0105.Furni- v, \Vuml. Posts, &c., at the usi- 1:9, Elgin Mills. the pmpmty uf lute Julm Nuughmn. Suie at 1 «ck. Termsâ€"4 mus. for Horses, )lc-monts and Vulï¬cIt-s. OLln-x- 1 stark, ilnph-lm-nls. 510., at Int mu. 11. King. the property hf “'utsnn. Tvrms. 8 munths. E‘Ul) & McEwon. Ancts. DAY, Mnroh 27â€"Aucti-m Suh- of 9:3 for Eatchéné House to Let 31d Gnu. uf \V M Auction Sales. THE LIBERAL OFFICE. M. ROBINSON. Lnt 50. 15L mm†For For Sale Hisnl). Sulu at 1'3 o'ulluuk" months: J. H. Pl-t-ntico woh 27â€"Au‘ implenwnts mghnn. Llu- ?‘ozc Sale Hr-(vld Jersvy Bull, purl NHL l’l‘icu Apply_ PETER J 0N PIS. Apply in 9R WM. HARRISON. 4 mus. for Horses, Vvhiclvs. OLlu-r I‘. Snigenn, Auct. 25â€"Cl‘l-‘diL sult- of mums. clc., un Int ’m-k, the pmpu-Hy Suh- at 1 p.m.. J. H. I’renlicv, iâ€"Auctinn sale of Apply ans-U :XLLA N. H. A. NICHOLIS, wnts. &c.. . the prop inns. 7 m . Aucxs. â€"Auctinn : 3. etc" at. I Vaughan. ll I‘olnlu King H. A. NIt'IHHJS. liirhmnnd Pull ale Richmond Hi Richnmnd Hill. CHI). 1. Ens! the, [upper-Ly rink-luck Prentice mlglmn. gin Miâ€: HE IH‘ lLy u u:th 1‘- up: Mrs ‘0. 5U Inn 2!. ii \'(- Ill my Ike North TA wuuu; fur 31-tf of“ l persona Tho nudersigm-d will ondmvm plnct- Immigrants frmn the UH Kingdum :ls farm laborers and nwstu-s in this \‘irinily. Anv m4 A Shawl. botwwn Elgin 1 Victoria Sqtmrp. Ownvr n the same by prm ing property ing t’prnSl‘S- 31-3111 Ion H) Farmer’s Advocate Zlne Canadian Pictorial 1, 1910 Weekly Mail, to Januaiy 1, 1910 The Daily Globe, one York: County The Daily Mail and E111- pire, one year (York County) The Daily Star, received on day of publication The Daily Star, not receiv~ ed day of publication Family Herald and Week- ly Star New Idea Woman‘s Maga- daiiy papers taken with “’3: $1 a; year, axis the fallewi Farm Laborers. ». will and give better satisfaction all round. *only the best materials used and construction. The equipment is l throughout are such as we can thoro biles as well as bicycles and our plan advertisement to the entire business \IPLI'Ungii g such ht Iy or by l:- For Sale F0 11nd; Escrmtism 3-. U. ‘Jmplnvuu-nt .5 mud Hill. Ont an Elech'iz. ( R READ, m'SL GP 31203., Limited High-Class Automobiles and Bicycles TORONTO, ONT. MFH A HON $50 hm! Elgin Milk; and \Vlwx' may have ‘ n,th "<7 Mme, to Jambag ch it. (In! Imd Hi“. cqulpment IS nght up-to-date and the machines as we can thoroughly recommend. We sell automo- les and our plan is to make wheels serve as a good entire business. Send for illustrated folder. the Unih-d 1's and duâ€" >\ny person i notify me ng fully the er» wuntvd. equipment is right up-to-date 15 we can thoroughly recommend a Sqnun nhd pay- Agent Wheels for all round. The quality of the wheels is all right ....-.1 _ 1 ‘l-np. Bicycles rapidly coming I) 3-3- 4 ‘ - w " “Icycles are ’ rapidly coming back into popular favor. the demand this year being ï¬ve times what it was ï¬ve years ago. \Ve have planned for it in two waysâ€"by getting the very best Eng- lish wheel we can {or popularselling, and :0 our customers all intermediate nm- of England's must writes inn-restineg pnuluydnings in [h H. S. Buhcuck, PH uunthw pmmim-m u all this pnpm-‘s reg: phase (2f pnultl'y '1 exhibiting, ('16.. is fl the pages of thu Ru Wilh hJIf-tune m (-f fmnnus birds houses. utensils. ‘ The suhsrripti. inn Gm‘vl-nnwnt Poultry 1 wn, is still in clmrgn of ti PulIHI'Y Dvpurtlzwnf. whil H. Graham. Manager (-i t Dvpurtme-nt, If the Ohm:- tum] ()ullrgo, (hwlph. has the Artiï¬cial Inculmliun u n depm lnwnt. Rev. J. N. \V The (‘ditnr of the Cnnndiu Review. the pPUple’s phpnl papvr, tells us that [his pug" grwa enlarged and is ï¬ll< that pertains tn punltry. In practical und :1 fum-y stand}; Prof. A. G. Gilbert. Mnnug inn Gm‘vrnnwnt Pnuln-v I“ Ripans Tabnues 81mins Talmles only skilled mechanics employeduin idc SN‘CE‘L \ if} 1" rtuins'tn punltl-y nl und :1 fnm-y sln A. G. Gilbert, Mn at Lh rill in diam NOTICE. )U gm $25 ett nn lit wh 5 2w 0‘; .1 (In. is full} I Rm-it px'ndm plans [ho “'1 2:1] {f9 consrfnaflml. re flatulence. intermediate pro- vdn Is ï¬fty cents [his pnpvr can fur $1.00, and un application: 4% ilv Prof. \V. the Pullltrv u'iu Agricul- ls rhnrge «If Ind Branding Villizuns, one ted experts. 1 month nu Hg. poultry 'mewd. and are repleth ms frbm life " Up-Lu-dule instead of u~ pqutn’ r has hern Jwilh all h from zl mum 59%? On Domin- I, Utm- 5,149 'Ullhl