Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Mar 1909, p. 5

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l lcrowdrtl Monday ever-din.r \Vllt-ll the : fir: .. . L Edit liICHHrISD HILL, ()ST., .‘dkti. i i; 0 C AL I A 5‘5 . lltm’t fungi-t Mr. J. \X‘. Broakrv‘a tzrcat, Sale of farm stock. etc. at Now- : ton Brook next Tltt’atlely. .ir. I). Ili.l I?! this truck nth-ruling the annu-ul iris-cling of Grand Lodge. A. 0. U. \\'.. as a delegate from Ivy Iaulge. No. I”. Mr. C. \V. Mulluy. M.r\., Public; School In<peulor for North Yolk. paid t :III oHicial visir. to the Public school ‘ here on ’l'uesdrry. ; The Junior Hockey Team tle-l'l'atr'tl liodford Park Juniors Monday after-' noon by a srzrrro-ni';rlmltt 10m 2, amidst 1 the greatest enthusiasm. Mr. J. H. l’rerrticha' r-cccnt dolchry of Milswy-Ilarris machines “as the largest. e\cr witnessed in litlltthllit'. Ovcr ltlll people took dinner at the: Queen‘s Ilott l. The Dilt‘ttl,tli'~z of the Agriculturali Society met in the Untrucil (‘lraurhrrr yesterday and appointed committees of managerurnt, :rlsu jrt'lgr's tor the various classes for the Fair on lllt' 24th -Hf May. Mr. l‘lli Mantel. who has workr'd as a blacksmith in Trt-nrh’s Carriage \Vor k9 the past low years, has decided to start llll‘ililt'NS for himself at (it-rm- lcy. He takes possession of the shop next week. Last Thursday morning Mr. John 'l‘yndail received a. trlegram, bearing: the sad news of the sudden dr-ath of his son‘s wife, Mrs. \Vur. .l. Tyndall. at. Moosnrnin. flask. Deceased lt‘au‘s a babe he's than a month old. Mrs. Shuter‘. Tho'nhill. anaouuccs ltl another column lrcr Spring Millin- hnme team met; Ncwrunrltet hooker seven for the third time this winter. The play was fast. and furious but good Mr. Frcd Lyrrett had a narrow csca c from seriousinjuryanTncsday. \Vbilst cudeavourinpr to stop a horse hitched to an ice Wagon. he Was caught he- twccn the wheels of the wagon and a cry Opening. which will (".nnrrII-II-‘t- nu 'i‘hursday. the first of April, and con- ill'l‘ 'Tltu Maunnoth Rink at Thorhill was flu-ling prevailed. After a very lit‘tâ€"‘ll corrtrst I‘vewmarket won by a score of post. By pullierr a line and causing the horse. to fall on the. >itleWalk a more Stl'ltrtts accident was doubtless I tinue thr- fnllowing divs. Ail P avcrtcd. Social next Monday evening. March 2'2. room of the Methodist. Church from 5 body was desirous of better connection ported that a number of our citizens HOME GAMES. cordially invited in attend and see her display of hats and novelties. Don't, miss the lipworth League A good tea w.ll he served in the School- to S n‘rlru-k. after which a first-class musical and literary prograunne will br- rendered. Admission to supper and Hitcrtainrncnt 19 cents. Miss A. Trench, Pres. A meeting of citizens was bold in the Council Chamher Friday evening to discuss telephone matters. Every- lmth cast, and west. and it was re- and nearby farmers a'cre willing to sutrsrribe for stink as soon as the stock books are opera-d. The following- rink matches lra\ c not yet been reported:â€" I“or the Slater Trophy. II. A. Nlt‘h- oll's four won from T. A. Larnou by 11 toS; for the Smith medal, .l. I’. Glass won from .l. H. Sanderson. In the singles. sccond round. for the (‘owie Trophy. \V. (‘apcll defeated T. F. McMahon by t) to 7: F. E. Sil1)5(le~ t‘eatcd .l. P. Glass by 13 to 3: ll. Sander- son deft-atrd A. (i. Savugt: by 11 to H. In the third round II. A. Nicholls won from 19. Barker. MAPLE CIRCUIT. Next Sunday. March 21. Rev. J. T. lit-yrraft of Victoria (‘ollcge \vill pr-pach spt-r‘ial scrrrrnns on tllCaluit‘t‘ circuit, sultij "Young Men," as fol- lows: "At (‘oncord at 10.131} a.m.. at Eng-ley in the atterunnn at 2.30. and at Maple in the writing. A” are cordially invited. Special invitatioul to young men. NE\\')I;\RKI£T \\'t>.\'. Eight curlers went. to Newmarket Thursday afternoon and played an equal number of that town. The? home rinks win) hr 4 points. The fol~ I lowing skipped the garnes:~~- ' NEVVEEARKET. RICH. HILL. T. H. Bruutou. .22 G. Cowie. ... 15. 1". Stewart. . ..15 H. A. Nit-bolls. .15 l l 13% a: “Drain-3m. ' m l l Mr. I). Stung. the local agent hcrc. ‘ will have a. deuu-ry (it r\t.t.<~:i-_v-l~l:\rris implements and machinery on Thurs. .Jay, the 2.3th in“... from the RNA) Railway Station. All those who have made purrlrascs are rcqurstrd to I r 3.: r ' a2”. drew with his team frcm Bovlti‘s t t l l i _ | Toâ€"dav the members of the \Yom- rrr‘ai Misisit nary Society are holding a business meeting in the iutvwst of the Brown Betty Tea Party which they intend having \Vetlnesduy. April 7th. in the 'l‘rnrpcrance Hall. Alrcadythc l’it‘btlt’fi are. Coming in, and inquiries are brim;r madc as to items of interest. in regard to the same. \V'atch tor the bills. \Vhrre have you been that you don"t vet know Brnth Betty Teaâ€"pots are all the go ? Uor-ne to the 'l‘empcraurc Hall, where we will show China and Tea-pots all in a row. PERSONALs. Mr. Oswald .lones spent over Sunday with his sister Mrs. Eli Shier-k. Miss Maggie McMahon of Aurora is aperrding a week or two with her cousin. Mi~s Nora McMahon. Mr. Jrrs‘t‘pll Elliott lrft. Tuesday for Jordan Harbor. where he has taken a position for the summer months. Mrs. IIumurcl and Mrs. Tait: of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lynctt Last Friday after- lltmn. Mr. Victor Brown, after spending: the winter ltt‘V“. luau-s Tuesday for Francis. Husk. to spend the. summer on the l’ugsley farm. Mr. John Hart. combining busines: with pleasure lr-t't Tuesday to Spend the: balance of tha week at Prince Al- bert it: the nvighborhood of Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. F. ll. Kirkpatrick. and little daughters Flora and Margaret. came. up from the city Saturday and remained ovvr Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. G ray. Mr. \'\'ru. \Vood of \\'ondvillo. Kinâ€" car-dine. :H'r'lrl‘llp:rlliP(l by a. lady friend, made a \isit with Mr. and Mrs. C. lollin. the former-'5 uncle on \Vednes- day of last Week. Thc Missns McDonald invited a few friends in to spend Tuesday evening with Miss Florence Moodie. who leaves to~day to spend the spring and sum- mer with her brother, Mr. R. A. Moodic. on a farm near b't. Mar v‘s. THE LATEST ENTERPRISE. \Vho says that this town is not. upâ€" tit-(late? “'t‘ doubt if any town in the provinci- can show more artistic work in post cards. with local \'IP\\'~‘. done by our own artists. than Rich- mond Hill can. A card shown us yrs- tcrday gives a good view of the Post. OIfiI-e. 0n the ridge of the roof at the. rear of the building is incidentally shown Manager Stirling putting on the finishing: touch in constructing the Richmond Hill Electr~ic-Ma;zuctic-'I‘cle-- graph-Line. Thesnapâ€"shotwas“taken” by Mr. Jcrrv Smith, also a prominent director in the above-named company. For the benefit. of those who may not happen to know the termini of this new line of communication we may say that the wires connect the jewelry shop at the hub with “Fricdenhcim” at. the North End. THE MANSE. The. Presbyterian people are sparing no pains in the improvement and decoration of their Church and Manse property. The interior of the Manse has been thoroughly renovated. and the paporiuy: and painting throughout does credit to those who have had the work in hand. It- is also proposed to paint the exterior of both Church and Manse as soon as the weather is favor- able for outside work. Rev. Mr. Currie and family moved into their new born:‘ on Tuesday and expect. to enjoy their new surroundings. NOTICE. A meeting of the directors of the Bethesda and Stoul’fville Telephone Company, and the provisional direct- ors of the proposcd ['nion Telephone Companyâ€"west of Yongc streetâ€"will he held at the Palmer House to-nror- row (Friday). commencing at 2 o'clock. Interested citizens are invited to at- l tend. LET Turin ALONE. \Ve understand the Village Council has been MSde to stop the fish podlar front selling “fresh fish" in the village if he docs not produce a license. A few days ago a man was around selling picture post. cards. “'hy not stop trim also? It, interferes with somebody'a business. “’9 better;I however. that our Village Fathom have bigger business on hand than interfering with fish pedlars and card sellers. Br- : sides we need tlw fish. A 1:000 LOAD. Mr. John Sheaidown, a few (1,“.3 Pond to one of the ice houses horn- (il l)]r\(‘l\'< of ice, each weighing l.)(l' pounds. making a load of about-1.3mm. MACKENZIEâ€"IKIUCINN. A very pretty Wedding was solem- Ilthtl in the Methodist Church. \Vi-st Toronto, on \\'c<l:r.-~ala_\' of last wcrk, wlu-n Mists Kathlern (i. lint-din of Richmond Hill. rzrarrdalanglrtr-r of tln- late ltcr. Dr. J. Bredin, was united in rrrarriagc to Mr. \\ altL-t A. Mackenzie. of the Canadian Exprrss (.‘ornpany. The interesting ceremony Wan per- formed by the pawn-1'. Itn-v. llr. Ila'lml- Wood, and [I]? \Vt'lltllll}: March was played by Prof. 'I‘orrington. The groomsman was Mr. 'l‘lroa. 1‘}. Ship- pard. the bridcsrnaid Miss Sadie Find- ley, and Miss Carrie Brcdin, sister of the bride. Was flower ;zirl. The bride was gTvcn away by Mr. L. March. Aftcr the ceremony the immcdiatc friends. about thirty in number, pah took of a wedding breakfast. at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. March. 90 Med- land street. The usual toasts were proposed, and a number-of interesting and witty speeches followed. Among the many beautiful and Costly presents was rt solid silver Cabinet from the groom‘s friends in Scotland. and the groom‘s prcscnt to the bride was an upright. piano. The groom's present. to the bridesmaid was a pearl sun- burst, to the firm/er girl a ring. and to the groomsrnan a stickpin. The bride. was handsomely costumed in white silk mull, with picture hat to match. and carried it shower of white roses and lilies of the vallcv. The brides- maid was in white. with touches of pale gold on dress. and black hat. and carricd a shower of yellow roses. The flower girl was also in white. and car- ried a basket of pink car-nations. The young couple took the 6 pm. train for New York and other placns, followed by best wishes from many tripods. SILVER “'EDDING. Last, Thursday evening. March llth, a rr’unrber of friends of Mr. and Mrs. \V. F. A. Cluhinc met at their home, 513 Church St, Toronto. to och-brute thr- twr-ntv-h'fth anniversary of their “'Mltlltrfl,‘ day. All the inclnlmi's of their family. Consisting of two sons and three daughters, \Vt-rc present. Al'tcr luncheon a very pleasant, time was: spent in rcm‘wiug acquaintances. A program of short speeches. rot-ita- lions and songs concluded the even- ing‘s enjoyment. Before separating all joiru-d in wishing: Mr. and Mrs. (Tlrrlrine many happy returns. Sonic of those present. \vcrczaMr. Ulubins’s mothor. Mrs. N. liclmkay. of Rich- mond Hill; Mr. .I. E. Clnbine, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart and Miss Bernice Stewart. of Oak Ridges: Mr. and Mrs. A. Hclrnkay and the Missos Lida and Maud Helm‘kay. of Headford; Mr. and Mrs. D. \V. Clubrne, of Elgin Mills; Mr. and Mm. \V. liclmkay, of Green more; Mr. \V. Helmkay. Mr. and Mrs. (I. liclmkay. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Van- horn. Miss C. McCaguc. Mr. \V. and .‘liss Nash and Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. E. (‘lubinm of Bethesda: Mr. and Mr. \V. Marsh, of Richmond Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Britnell. Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. It‘rcd. '{it'ltat'dsom Mr. and Mrs. H. “'izhlitield, Miss Shaver and Miss Appli-tou. Mr. and Mrs. Uluhine were the recipients of many handsome ' presents. PO PULAR LEGTUR E. It. will he with pleasure that the proplc of Richmond Hill and surround- ings will read the announcement of a lecture, by ltev. Robert Knowles, B.A.. oi Galt, \\ ho lms bccmne so well known through his books. “St. Cuthbcrts," “Under-tow“ and "The \Vel) of Time." Mr. Knowles has been called "the Ian MacLareu of Canada,” but, those who have heard him lecture attest that it is in this role he. excels. 0n the even- ing of Thursday, April lst, he Will give his popular lecture, “The Secrets of Scotch Success.” in the Presbyâ€" terian Church, and the same lecture in Victoria Hall, Thor-uhill, on the Tues- day previotm Mr. Knowles. being an Irish-Canadian. introduces enough sparkling wit to make his lecture ex- ceedingly entertaining, while it in- variably displays that: sanencss of context. elegance of form and brill- iancy in expression which make it an intellectual treat. Remember the date and do not fail to hear the lecture. AM SAFE’MACHINE. To the Editor of THE LIBERAL: Dear Sinâ€"A recent, issue of your paper contained no account of an accident due to the explosion of a car- bide gas generator in Richmond Hill. \Vhile recognizing the dangerous and explosive character of this gas under certain conditions. I wish to state for the general benefit of your readers that its liability to explode. has been practically eliunmrtcd in the "Sim- plex" machine as manufactured under ()olwell patents. In this machine the gas production is chctly proportion- ale to and controlled by Consumption at the burners. and there is therefore no storage and no after generation. The reader will at once See that no disastrous explosion could possibly occur owing to the fact. that no amount. of gas is ever present in any part. of the system at any time. The machine. is also equippcd with an automatic safety appliance. thus rendering an explosion next to impos- sible. unless tire is deliberately placed in thegas bell, something which would be most difficult to do, as the gener- utol' cannot be opened until pressure has been removed from gas and the carbide feed rrn-charrisrn thereby rend- crcd inoperative. Thanking you for your valuable space, I rcmaiu. .t. Itourrcoos. Oak Ridges. March 13, 19m), 1’. Tim “Simph-x" peoplc will give a t‘~¢\\‘:rrd of one hundred dollars for the llullll‘ of any prrsur: who claian - t.. _.,:,.' ...,.,... <. 1.,.(.,,h,md “mi any. “in.” :, (“HUN-l, AS a sumac “Wt. “f the ran 13 up a to rt an (‘X‘LI sum was an Lru td by mentary dinner Will be smved at the i Dominion llonse. Goods have llt‘t‘u' .- I o‘uld to the untu'ttri of about bo.U\.‘U. steep incline the load is considered a tone or i-zl’ll' hoary “:19. But. Mr. Shear-down i3 ncvcr afraid of heavy loads. uru‘hinra, which snows rlr- confidence they place in um in- remit-n. Every Man SUCCCSS. \Ve’ll satisfy them. a suit or overcoat to your order. I should be particular about his appearance. Good clothes may not make the man, but they have a lot to do with the opinions of others. Good clothes are the badge of \Ve have clothing ready-to-wear, or will make We would like to have you call in and let us know what your clothing wants are. We can make a stylish first-class suit for $17.00 that the regular clothing houses will ask you $25 00 for. Matt colors at 750. each. \V s also W M 5‘ and 50c. each. ¢¢¢9¢ #060099 OQQO¢+¢O¢§¢N§¢¢OH§¢¢O back suspenders at 40c. l I i 1 Our \Vhite Shirts and Negligee Shirts are made to fit men, not wooden Dummies. That '5 why they fit so well, look so well, wear so wellâ€"are satisfactory in every detéil. have these excellent shirts in the very stylish straw A line of fine Negligee Shirts in all sizes at Siroo as good as those we have ever seen at $1.25. O¢¢§§§+H¢¢fi§§¢§§¢4§4ét 6094999 \Ve 9090O4OOQOQ99¢§§§9§¢§4’¢99¢+?9§¢ a CID 9 m 2: C]: E. M N (“7: "’2 quote special value in Men’s Leather Belts at 23, 3o, 35, YONGE STREET Men’s fine Lisle elastic cross Richmond Hill FORâ€"- STEVES, RMGES. HEATERS, PAINTS AN“ OILS. {TUR.N.A_CES, TINSMITHING. G. SMILES THE RINK listetstoriliatiesi WINTER SCHEDULE MONDAY. iSenior Hockey, â€" - l T1: ES m Y. i Curling. 7.3%) to 10 p.m. \VEDNESDAY. Senior Ilcckcy, - - - 7.30to10p.rn. THURSDA Y. Skating. â€" - â€" ~ - 7.30 to 10 pm. High St‘lnu‘l - - - - 3.31) it) 5]).111. FRIDAY. Curling. t SATI'liDAY. Skating - - - - 7.3Ut010 p.n). \V. II. PL'GSIJ-TY. Rccvc. TICKETS for the Canadian West procured at. THE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA. Orders taken atâ€" TIIE LIBERA L OFFICE. RICHMOND HILL. 7 For Sale Two Good Ilouscs, side by sido, or: Richmond St.. a few steps from Yorige. U. MASUN. Richmond Hill. For Sale “I Two l-{olstcin bull calves. \‘.’I‘ll marl-:- Pd. One from a row giving 11.300 lha. of milk in 10.}a months, the dam of the other tint tested yI-t. G. H. MCKENZIE. Tin ru‘. ill 'i-tf 37.1

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