The Standard Mutual Fire Insurance Company. formed in Mnrkham Villugv a. number 0f years ago. has been forced out of business by disaslrnus lusses. In the report for the year 1907 the Lot- ul assets are given us $239,849.23. and total liabilities as $165,554.14. A striking feature of the April num- lwr of McOlure‘s Magazine is the thin] of George F. Parker‘s pupal-s on Grove;- Cleveland. which contaim the ox-pu-si- dent‘s opiniuns of some of his great, contempnrnriesâ€"J. Pierp-mt Mal-gun. Theudore Roosevelt, James J. Hill. Senator Fara ker and m hem. Gulivlmu Ferraro, the great Italian histuriun contributes a. rmnzu-knhle paper on New and the Christian pvrx‘m-utinn. The number alsu contains unuthrr in- stalment, of Mrs. Humphrev “'urd's great novel “Marriage :1 LL Mode.“ and four other short stm-lvs. An article when advrrtisod is known tn the public as a personal frian have ie one. syrup nmple cnmpnund jul‘ and Iyx up 25c. Atkixmm & Swizz“; Our canned gnuds ti and satisfy it as we Swuzer. Harry Darrell who left his wife and family in Turnnto on the 15th uf Jnn.. and was supposed to have been drnwn- ed in the Bay, has turned upin Dell-nib. Willie Whitlnw. the lmy who was kidnapped from Sharon, Pm, last Thm 5- day. was returned to his father in nu hotel at. Cleveland Mnnduy nigh L. Tlu‘ father willingly paid the $10,001) mn- smu which was demanded for his son's return. Bvanell. the young Tut-(mm hunk clerk who 3 years ago stule 340.000 of the funds of the Crown Bank. was ro- leased on parole from Kingstnn Peni- tentiary a few Weeks ago. Banwvll had been sentenced tn four years im- risonment in March. 1906. but. was iheruted before thta expiration of his term. He told t-hejudge that he had 1::an the money in order Ln carry out the engagement with the young lady to whom he was hetruthod. There has been an amicable end- ing to the controversy between Rev. George Jackson and Rev. Dr. Car- man. At a meeting on Tuesday the question was taken up in a spirit of peace, and Mr. Jackson was conï¬rm- ed in his appointment to the recently created English Bible chair at Vic- toria College. One clause in the res- olution which was unanimously carried contained these words “It is considered desirable that whatever has been written of a personal char- acter calculated to wound the feelings of brethren or interfere with their work be withdrawn.†Hon. A. C. Rutherford, Premier of Alberta, won a splendid victory on Monday when he practically swept the Province. In a house of 40 the conservatives have only carried 3 seats. Neither Sir James Whitney nor Hon; Mr. Hanna, who replied on be- half of the Government, said they would, nor they would not, act on any of the suggestions of the deputa- tion. The Premier, however, re- minded the deputation that in regard to the three-ï¬fths clauses “on a former occasion an audience of‘2,000 people had told the Government; what they might expect if they did not take the course they dictated." “Well,†said the.Premier, we did not do it, and in the election which followed not one word of criticism of the Government's course had been heard from Rat Portage to Cornwall. showing that our action had the endorsement of the people of Ontario as a whole.†Evidently Sir James Whitney re- gards the threats of the temperance party as mere bluster. The temperance deputation who recently waited upon the Ontario Government relative to changes in the license system got poor satisfac- tion. The deputation asked that the Government forthwith introduce such legislation as will abolish the bar- room} the treating system, and drink- ing in clubs, also that the three-fifths clause in local option contests be re- pealed, this being considered contrary to justice and fair play. RICHMOND HILL. 0NT.. in Egihmlg} N ews Notes. PLAIN TALK. mpt the nppetit i1. Atkinson £ BIA“. 25v be given on Easter Mnnduy evening. Rev. A. P. Bruce. B.D., of Richmond Hill. will preach in Maple Circuit; next Sunday as folln\vs:â€"Ab Maple- in the morning, at. Hope in [he quernn-m, and at; Can-ville in the earningâ€" thjectv. "Umtainly enjny Life." [{cv. W. J. Racklmm will punch at Maple in the evening. Lust Sunday’s Quarterly Rm‘ipw at the. Sabbath Schuul bruught nut, 21 [urge attendance. Many visitors \Vpre. present, and an interesting program was presented. A joint stock company is being talked of to enlarge the skating rink for m.-xt season. Our hockey team expect to be very much in the game next \\ inter. The "Lllbt Heir" tum nament is draw- ing to a close after a successful series of games. Au oyster supper is now in sight. gandn. ‘00 Sunday evening; Rm: J. I“. Hwy- crqu of Victmia Culirge preached Lu young;r men from Prov. 20; EU. rm sen-mun was very impressive. and full of practical advice. and wuslssteuL-d h. with great attention by Ellalgt’ cungi'v- galion. The monthlymeulingnftlu-\V«.nwn’s Auxilimy was held- an \Vudiwsduy nl last week at the [mine of Mrs. '1‘. Cousins. The int-minus are making :u‘langemenbs for a ten and ll'UlUlt’ to be given on Easter Mnnduy evening. Rev. A. P. Bruce. B.D., of Richmond Hill. will preach in Maple Circuit next Sunday as fulln\vs:â€"Ab Maple in the Miss Dun-“thy Rupext ane-rluim-d a number 0ffriendsatadelightfulï¬lmm- rock party on the awning of the 17m. The evening was spun, wnth gauges and music. The plizkflVillllel’S \H-X‘e MissJennieJucksmn,MissAnnik-Kelfw, and Mr. Elmo Kutfer. Dainty rent-shâ€" ments were served at, midnight. Be- sides those from the Villilgl‘, [hm-e \vurv present Miss Annie and Miss Bclh Allen of Toronto. Mr. 0. Manny 1.1 Teslaâ€, Mr. and Mrs. J. and Mr. Wain McMumchy of l’lu-pivviile. “Miss Violet Hislop, after a. VPY)‘ pleasant. visit. to her pal-ems, has re- turned to Alberta. \Vhile working at. Mr. \V. '1‘. Rubin- son‘s store RIF. PH'cy Rnhiusun had the misfortune tn h;th- lJis {Unl- mush- ed hyu heavy cnunter falling un it. Mr. Austin Rnhinsuu lefc nn natur- day evening fur u two \veuks’ lumtu at, Cullipgwnnd. _ Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. H. Kt-ys span Inst Thursdav visiting friends .11 Uuncnni. Mrs. \V. Camp and Muslxm (ivmgv spent last, week \‘isiling in I‘m-um“. Anyaue desiring :1 survey and plan should apply to Prof. \\"m. 11. Day, Department, of Physics, 0. A. (7., Guelph. A luI-gv’ number of appiiut- Liuns are already in for this scansuu. At the conclusiun’nf each Slll'Vl‘y :l drainage demonstration is held in the ï¬eld. and simple, practicle mvthznds nf surveying a drain, di‘ll-‘l‘lllillng its grade and securing it true lmltnm are demonstrated, and the hem-le nf drainage discussvd. - Underdrainage will pay for itself in from one. to three years. Perhaps no example in Ontario demonstrates this more conclusively than the drainage of “The Rittenhouse Furm" at .lnr- dun Harbour. in the Niagara penin- sula. Originall it was very Wet. so much so indce that often the crops were scarcely worth cutting. In 1906 Mr. M. F. Rittenhouse of Chicago gave it to the Government for an horlin cultural experiment farm. In 1907 it was underdrained. the lines of tile being laid about four and a half rods apart. In many places the subsoil was very, very heavy an that the digging was hard and the cost high, about $25 an acre. In 1908 on the. part that was lormerly the wettest it grew 65 bushels of nuts to the. acre, thereby practically paying for the drainage in one season; for, the. year previous the oats on the. same land were not worth cutting. The Rittenhouse farm was surveyed and the drainage system fol it phlde by the Department Of Physics at the Ontario Agricultural College. Any farmer in Ontario who is contemplat- ing underdraining may on a pplicatiou have his farm surveyed, the lelllS planned. and the grade determined. A ï¬nished map containing this in- formation a (i also the size of tile advisable is s it to the owner as soon as completed. The only outlay con- nected with the survey is the travelâ€" ing expenses of one man from Guelph to the farm, consisting of railway fare. meals and cartagc of insllu- ments. The railway fare is only one cent a mile each way for this Work. Demonstration 0! Methods of Surveylng tor Dralnage. A Enrdsomeï¬ mufmtEGEEéfxfy: 5&8; atr- culauou at Any aclemmo 10:1an Terms (or Canads. $.75 I 1681'. postage prepaid. Sold by I.†newmwen. MUHN gougejï¬rfli'vvflewlqu .aeonrgm 9,1929} mama: 5cm, (roe. O'Idest 'eï¬'c’yï¬té'f aeoï¬HH 7 WW Patents taken t. mu 1: Munn‘g N001“! maiwpmgitpguc m g TaAm: Manna DESIGNS Commons ac. Anyone standing a notch and deem ion may quick) ascertain our oplmon tree '1 other u! Invent on is probably mentable. mmunlcnr Moqa‘strlotly:goqfldeutigl._HAND on ï¬gm- "naumoxs .moe 101 ISDIUQRJ, warm: qlbans Ta bules cure nonsugation. ‘dipans Tnbnles cure flatulence. Assistance in Stiééifï¬fié Fiï¬â€"diam IUIII' “ "u ".I‘Ul' 'Ul mammogésrsuwwmomnc. VVill Richards is off to Gow- Headford. M aple. Ederdminage' iWhite Wyandottes 39-4 as it is a pleasure to show our goods which.we are selling at n. \cry nmdl‘l' ate price. KINDLY CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK either small 0! huge quantities. “’9 have just received a car of NH L. INNES S2 SGNS Richmond Hm. British Columbia. \Ve are still doing business at, tho same old stand and are in ï¬ne shape to take care of your urdm-x ful- Cedar Shingles, New Brunswick FRIDAY, March 26â€"Auctiun sale of farm stuck. impk-mvnts, &c.. at Int 13. con. 1), King. the property of Jun. Watson. Tux-ms, 8 months. Saigeun & MuEwon, Anetta. SATURDAY, March 27â€"Auctinn snle of farm stuck. implenu-nts. 6m" nt Int 12. con. 5. Vaughan. the property of Junas Shunk. Terms. 7 mumhs. Snigvun & {NIL-Ewen. Aucls. SATURDAY. March 27â€"Auctinn sulv (If hunsehnld furniture. 9th., at Huger- lnan (humus, the property of Mrs. C. Chapman). Sfllt‘ at 2 U’Clnl‘k. terms Cash. J. H. Plentice, Aunt. THURSDAY, Mal-(:1) 25â€"(‘1-edit sale of farm stuck. ilnplmnents, (*lc†un int 9,6011. 2, \Vost, York, lht‘ pI-npvrly n! E. Armstrong. Sale at. l p.m.. 7 months" credit. J. H. Prentice, HSK’, u] coplvd. A P R I L I o, for the building of n \O \D REMEMBER 3041' up t1 373 A New Seven-Rumm-«l Dwvlling with gmrd uvllul' and comfortable sun-“mud- ing<. cm: uf Riohlnwnd and Elizulwth Sis. Eight dullnrs iwl- month. Apply In ' \VM. HARRISON. 89-4 On Elizn‘wth Street in the villngo uf Richmond Hill. a, comfortable dwe'll- ing, pal-t. (1f whit-h is m-wly built, and the whole in guud l'l‘ymil’. Urmd Int, and newssury outbuildings. Make a desirnhlu humc fur uluyrmt- wishing to retire. Eggs for Hatching Buff ()rpingtnn and \VhiLe S.( hm-u. Pum- b‘red SLIM'k nnly. G. 1“. ALLAN. Buif 01-pingtonsâ€"Grent \Yiut v1 Lny- ing Strain. Finest Tuhle Birds in existvncp. Get Llw lustâ€"$5.50 pvr 100 75c. per sitting pf 13. Eggs for Hatching RP gal ï¬train. msnmxn'. March 25~-Anr~ï¬nn Snlp of Horses, lmplmneuts‘, Vt-hicles. Furni- ture, “Fwd, Pnsfs, 810., at, the" resi- dmxce, ifllgiu Mills. the property 01‘ the late John Nunghlun. Szllp :{bl o’cluck. Tramsâ€"4 mus. for Hurst's, “Quality is the Best Policy.†o’cluck. Trimsâ€"l mus. for Implements and Vehicles. m-Liclvs cash. J. T. Sniaonn HEMLOCK BOARDS “'ill be x‘vccived hy Lhi ROUGH 0R DRESSFD PINE AND HEMLOCK. Brick Church inns and <)\l-riï¬( ". Duviwn's. Un “1' any u-Ldur I ' Cedar Shingles. PINE LATH. em, House to Let 'I‘ENDERS Eggs for Hatching Auction Sales. For Sale 1:. SIMPSON, Apply to H. A Richmond Hill 1mm“: IIiHlI‘ IH F. DAWSON, sec-mus Kivhmlmd Hull. Hivhlmmd Hi“. A. NICHOLLS Unionviile nx‘ (n I)? won :1: illv. ’l‘lnv Inw- nvmvssurily ac- n rulm SiZIH'd Tlmrnhill. ()lem A nu! . The undersigned will ondmlvnr to place Immigrants fx'uln the Unitwl Kingdom as farm luhm'm‘s and du- mestws in this vicinity. Any pm-snn requiring such lwlp should notify me pcrsunully m- by letter stating fully {lu- kind of help required. when \vnntvd. and the rate uf wages «rm-red. Every effnrt will In» I“?!er In provide each applicant Will-Lhtjp Irqnired. -- -- . “nuv 31-3") A Quantity of Pin Building Timber in glmd Conditinn: â€"]2 posts 25 ft. long; 12 beams 23 ft. lung; 9 stringers 42 ft. lung. A quantity (-f girts and braces. AL Uzu-rville A Iill. G. KIRBY. Farmer’s Advocate County) The Daily Star, received on day of publication The Daily Stav,not receivâ€" ed day 01" publication Family Herald and Week- ly Star New Idea Woman‘s Maga- Z1116 Canadian Pictorial 1, 1910 Weekly Vim}, ’30 January 1. 1910 ' The 13811137 Globe, one year York County The DaiEy Mail and 1311- pire; one yea-1“ (York 513i}? pays W e. Take Mvh-ur m-l h Tumnu: -lf Good \VL Farm Laborers. and give better satisfaction all round. T â€"only the best materials used and on construction. The equipment is rigli throughout are such as we can thorough biles as well as bicycles and our plan is advertisement to the entire business. S: HYSIDP BIC A Q ligi3fi§i§iiߴ 1| n. 2‘0 For Sale I‘k Hm SE Richn ai‘JSCEiptigns HYSLOP BROS., Limited High-Class Automobiles and Bicycles TORONTO, ONT. $50 Wheels for $25 Implnvment Agent, mud Hill. (hit. an Elven-in (hr at Richmund Hill. .3. 3358 taken with “"‘Ehe 4L sear, at the foflewing Gmbe, to January 3.1631 A HON. U rapidly coming back into popular favor. the demand this year being ï¬ve times what it was ï¬ve years ago. \Ve have planned for it in two waysâ€"by getting the very best Eng- lish wheel we can {or popularselling, and saving to our customers all intemiediate prO- ï¬ts by ï¬lling orders direct by mail instead of through agents. In this way we can offer les and our plan is to make wheels serve as a good entire business. Send for illustrated folder. erials used and only skilled mechanics employed in equipment is right up~to-date and the machines ls we can thoroughly recommend. We sell automo- Bicycles are rapidly coming back all round. The quality of the wheels is all right Prop mmmmmwmm Lax-ets 5 E AND FOLLOWING DAY MES. Siméer Spring Millinery Cpenmg Ripans Ta mans Tabules‘ April 18’s.. “‘ISHES T0 ANNOUNCE HER THGRNHHLL WHICH WILL COMMENCE i :318 3.51 EEYSZ’E 000â€" C Sweet to Eat A Candy Bowd hull“. itei to 1‘0"} 6325 3.5% 990. 750. WP’ 488. .ï¬ 4% Attend. Hal"