Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Mar 1909, p. 5

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ii i l RICHMHND HILL, 051:. Van. 25. 1909 L o C A I . s: . ; (lour‘t Richmond. A. O. R, will lllt't‘l. Pi idiiy evening of this we: k. Division Court. will be held lie-re next Thursday. the first of April. ; Mr. M. Patton received an injury a ' few days ago by falling on his wagon ‘ rm'k. which has since confined him to his lied. “'1: understand that Mr. Robert Michael has rented tht‘ Paliiiol‘ House. ' and will take posseSsion about the first . of April. i then the litlle boys and girls have ' their evening skating party in tho‘ rink. followed by iel'rt-sliim-uts in the? ’l‘rmperanco llall. Miss Beulah Brydon. atom a serious ' illnrss of over ten Works is. again able to be up. but on acCoiint of a stiff knee ‘ is not )"‘t able to walk. .\Ir. ll. A. Nit-hulls. real estate agent i ll‘poi'ts the sub- of Mr Albert. Jones property at Elem .‘lills to Mr. Daniel l‘:t‘lSIVl’ll of the same place. ‘ Mr. Houston. the new High School inspector. paid an official \isit to the High School all of Monday. and all of Tuesday l'oierioon of this Week. A car load of “Hill. Slit-its, and Purity Flour has just :ll'|i\‘l'(l at. the l'Ih-vator'. A lso a quantity of (‘auadian Beauty Seed l’ease. tamer t"; .‘z'itiu-r. 'l‘lie Methodist (“our-ch t‘hoir :ll't-' pin-paring the militant. “Thi- l‘iieiurll (l-ty." to be given on the evening of Hood Friday. Full linitictlldl's next Week. Easter Post Cards. Easter Booklets and Easter Novelties at Tim Luncnar. Office. Do not. lt~:t\e your holiday cards till the day you intend sending them to your friends. Get them while the Selection is good and lay them away. Robert. (Trot-kart. din in Aurora last Thursday. at the advanced ago of st! years. Deceased came from Hoot- laiid many years ago. and with his brother John settled at “I..~ii-elimere.” ' (lak Ridges. the old hoiriustead of the late ltoliel‘t Baldwin. I)t'cl':l5i'ti lived in Aurora for the 25 years. He was a Reformer in politics and a Pres- liytcrian. The circulation manager of the To- ronto Evening News has sent the fol- lowing reply to an inquiry regaidiug the price oftbat paper in t his \‘illrrgczâ€" “Replying to your post card of ltith inst... our subscription rate for The News outside of Toronto and suburbs is $1.50 a year. but we have never in« chided Richmond Hill in this list. as \V(' ltitili upon your town as a suburb of Toronto. Our rate foi your district is $2.50 a. year.” EPW'ORTH SOCIAL. Last Monday evening was “Social Evening" at the. Epworth League. A Tea was Served in the school room of the church from 6 to 8 o‘clock. after which an interesting programme was given. at. which Mr. J. H. Sanderson presided. Readings Were gixen by Rev. A. P. Brave. Mr. T. F. McMahon and Miss Ida Glass, and a vocal solo by Miss Mary Trench. A pleasant feature of the evening was a short speech by Rev. E. (l. (‘ur-iie. who was‘ present. on the occasion. There should ho no ad. without re- sponsibility. Atkinson & Switzer. SMOKER AND PROGRESS'VE EUGlâ€"IRE. The. Richmond Hill Hockey Ulnb r-nded their season‘s programme by a. Smoker- and Progressive Euchre Party in the Lorne Hall last evening. There were six card tables. and two rounds were played. The prizes were won by Mr. Fred Grainger. Cigir (Jase. and Strange. Mics Eliza McGinnis of Toronto is spending a few weeks with friends here. A number from this part attended the Irish Supper and Lecture given by C. O. Johnston in King City Methodist ‘ (‘hurch on the 17th. Miss Jennie Tawse of Evi‘rsley is staying two weeks with her uncle here ' Rev. Dr. Carmichael. , Mr. Norman McMur-cliy and Duncan MacDonald visited in Toronto a couple of days last Week. '. Messrs. N. Cole and R. and G. Farrell all left for the \Vest last Tuesday. Mr. \Vill Ham intends leaving at a. later date. Misses Hattie and Ella Blongh and brother of King Creek. Miss Maggie ' McCallulu and Mr. Ed. I’atton all spent last Thursday evening at Reeve Mc- Murchv's “ltlly “'ylt .“ Miss Minnie Chambers spent last Friday and Saturday in the City. )‘ll'. ;\8l| (If King has eugnged with Mr. Joe Egan for the summer months. ,‘ ._ Miss J .‘it‘ Rumth of llapli- Vi‘llr'tl n\'l'l' Sn (av with her- uncle of tins lillt't‘. .‘Ti. Aim-Z. l‘til'iul’. .at .I'lii'uts. flour 4 to 7 The ladies of the \Vornan's Mission- ai _v Society wish to inform their many fl‘lwnils and former patrons. that their Sale ot china and Lea pets. will begin I). (Bi-lock \\’eduesday afternoon. April 7th in the Temperance Hall. Admission to the sale. fl't‘". They Will also lie piepar‘etl to so] \‘L‘ light refresh- p.rn. Tea. sand- wiches and valve 100.. Ice cream 50. 'l‘bosi- at tending the sale and afternoon tea are pi-i\ileged to remain to the Coiirl'it without extra charge. The concert to begin at S p.m. Admission 15v. ()no. tu‘o. three. the \Voinan's B Hurrah far the Brown Betty Twp-W all! Ilush for your seats or take. the rush St‘ill‘ For Iii-own Betty‘s convert. ask I‘Jrndt-lssohn to heat? REC.»SEC. PROCTERâ€"«RUMBLE. A very pretty. interesting but quiet Wedding took place at l’attersmi on “'ednesday :il'lernoon. March 17. at the home of the bride’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. \Vin. llumhle when their daughter Margaret H. was united in iii:ilriu:.:e to l’i‘rcv l'lallidav. son of \Vm. S'algwiek l’ioeter- of Leeds. Eugla ll'l. The ceremony was per-forni- ed by Rev. A. l’. RITIt‘U. l}.I).. in lllt‘ presence of the immediate relatives. The bride was given away by her father. and looked charming as. prettin gowned. carrying a large bouquet of maiden blush roses. she was led to the altar Where the rest of the party Were awaiting. A choice dvjrunnr \\ as afterwards served.follow- ed by the expression of Iniuy good Wishes to which the groom responded with heariy thanks. The happy young couple must succeed if the hosts of gritttl wishes count for anything. This spit'lt was ex idenm-d by the many valu- able and very useful presents \\'lllt‘ll show the esteem in which they are held by their wide Circle of friends. Recently a kitchen sliowerand a china shower was given the bride which pro- \‘ltlotl an array both beautiful and ex- ceedingly useful. They will settle on their farm at Jefferson. TELEPHONE MEETING. A meeting of the directors of the Bethesda and Stoufl‘ville Telephone Company and the Provisional directors of Ho- pi oposed Vaughan. \Voodbridge and Richmond Hill telephone company was held at the Palmer House last Friday. Among those preSent were A. D. Bruce. \\'. Scott. D. \V. Heise. D. C. Longhouse. J. S. McNair. H. O. Bailey, \V. H. l’ugsley. J. Palmer. T. I]. ’l‘r'eneh. .l. 11. Sanderson. I. Crosby. \X'. A. \Vriglit. '1‘. F. McMahon. and Mr. Foote. iceve of \Vliitchurch. T. H. Trench was appointed chair- man of the meetingand T. F. McMahon acted as secretary. Many phases of the question were. discussed in an amicable spirit. such as connection with the Bell Telephone; a joint. switchboain in Richmond Hill. connecting the. east and the west; cost of construction and operation. etc. Richmond Hill reprcSeirtatives ex~ pr'essvtl a willingness to join with either side. and asked the directors from each company to decide that point. No decision was arrived at how- eu-r. A meeting of the directors on the Vaughan side will be held at the Township Hall. Vellore. to-morrow. (Friday) at 2.30 o‘clock. POPULAR LECTURE. It. will he with pleasure that the people of Richmond Hill and surround- ings will read the announcement. of a lecture by Rev. Robert Knowles. B.A.. of Galt, who has become so well known through his books. “St. Cutliberts." "Under-tow“ and "The \Veb of Time.” Mr. Knowles has been called "the Ian i MacLar-en of Canada." but those who have heard him lecture attest that it is in this role he excels. On the even- ing of Thursday. April lst. he wrll gi\ e his popular lecture. “The Secrets of Scotch Struces‘s.“ iii the Presby- [ tor-inn Church. and the same lecture in Victoria Hall. Thornhill. on the'l‘ues- day previous. )Ir. Knowles. being ; an Irish-Canadian. introduces enough i sparkling wit. to make his lecture ex- . l C“l"li'lgl." PI‘LPl'taillillg- While it in“ . TRICKâ€"Stlddt-nly.ot \VestorLOIi Salur- var iablv displays that saneness of K content. elegance of form and brill-l. iancy in expression which make it an intellectual treat. Remember the date A and do not fail to hear the lecture. [ THE TROPHY “'INNERS. l Mr. Gr’orge (‘owie‘s rink defeated that of Mr. Nit-boll, last Friday even- ’ iug. thereby winningy the Slater tr opliy. The vict «rions qu irtctte. who \von every match tlr-y played in the series, Fll'Pi;.-\l[lllll‘ lit-Fl". (ii'o. Sims. Joliii Glass. Lieu. (.‘owio. skip. An example i l' broken linglsh is the untrailmil ail. .‘tikzia‘on {v Switzer. i Mr. J. 'E. Clubine of Oak‘ Ridgts smut Thursday with Mr. T. I“. Mr- .‘v ahon. Mr. and Mrs. Irir D. Rainer t’f Baker Hill spent over Sunday with Mr. and ‘ Mrs. J. H. Ramer. l l Mr. and Mrs. Hughes of Tlinrnliill were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lynett Sunday afternoon. ' Mr. Flanagan. Mr. (lain and Mini Frank Mc\Villiams of Toronto spent: Saturday afternoon with the lattel-‘s mother who has been ill for the past . three weeks. ‘ i Mr. Karl Storey spent over Sunday j with Mr. Starr McMahon. He will i-e- i turn to his position in the Post Office Department. Vancouver. shortly after ‘ Easter. IN MEMORIAM. Jacoli Hrise. who died on March 2!. 1909, at. the home of his sister, Mrs. I). \V. Eyer, Richmond Hill, in his 80th ’ year. was a twin brother of the late Christopher Heise of Victoria Square who died on the 19th of Ih'cemberlast. He was For-n on the old homestead now owned by his nephew. H. It. Heise. Victoria Square. on Sept. 12. 1829. where he lived until his 315i year. when he was united in matrimony. on the ltlth of Jan.. 1860, to Margaret Smith of Reach Township. Ontario County. when he settled on lot 27. 2nd con. Markham. now owned by A. E. \Vill- iams. There was born unto them two Sons and three dauglrtersâ€"Charhntte L. IIeise residing with her aunt. Mrs. D. \V. Ever of Richmond Hill: Cecellia A. Heise who died at the home of her uncle D. V. Heise. Clarence Centre. N.Y.. in her 18th year; Anna IE. IIeise who lives with her Uncle. John Smith of Re'trsh; Eloazer \V. lleise of Cal” and Elijah G. Hrisv l-f Memphis, Tenn. His wife preceded him to the spirit- uoild on the 91b oi'July. 1872. His re- mains were interred in Ilie lleise Hill Cemetery. March 2.3. 1305). aftera short service at the residence. conducted by Eld. r Abram \Vinger of the Vaughan appointment. He was a member of the Tanker Church of Canada. and was faithful until the Lord said "it is enough come up higher.‘ 1‘. tie, ends on youâ€"we have the good kinds and they are yours at a moderate price. Atkinson 8.: Switzer. Orange V alley. The roads have been bad for some time. There is considerable snow in “some places. whilst in other places there is bare ground so that there is Ilt‘itll(‘l‘Slt‘ll_{llllig nor wheeling. But We hope that spring and good roads will be here soon. Mrs. Peter Jones one day last; week visited her relative. Mrs. Charles .MO Mahon. and while there had two of her children baptized. Mr. Albert Jones has disposed of his house and lot at Elgin Mills to Mr. D. Krrswill. The price received was $750 cash. This house. will be, occupied by Mr. T. Burnett. l‘.I-~. Jones on the 18th inst. had a bee. cutting and splitting \vood. followrd by a dance in the evening. All report a good time. Mr. F. Dibb and family of Elgin Mills will be moving in a few days onto the Duncan Farm. Mr. Charles Jones and daughter Maud visited at Mr. Robert Jones. ‘iierwood last Saturday. Gormley This is the time of year that people are on the move. and Gorniley is no exception to the role. Mr. Ralph \Videmau who some time ago purchased lot 25. con. 2. Markham on the Elgin Mills side line. from New. ton & Bro.. will remove to his new home about the first of April. Mr. James Jones has rented Mr. Dilman \Videman's far-iii, lot 33. rear 2nd concession, and will move about the first of the month. Mr. Samuel Horuer has left for the 6th concession of \Vhitcbur-cli where he has bought a farm. Business is brisk about the. C.N.O. station. This pl'OnllSeS to be one of l i the best paying stations along the line. l Many old friend attended the funeral of the late Jacob Heise who was buried at Heise Hill Cemetery Tuesday after- noan. \Ve aim to serve you to the best of ‘ our ability. Atkinson 8: Switzer. DEATHS. MCCLL‘REâ€"At Euler's Mills. on Fri- day. March 19. 1909. Nancy Cameron. wife of Samuel McClure. in her 56th year. Interment in Knox Church Ceme- tery. Vaughan. HEISEâ€"lll Richmond Hill. Sunday evening. March 21. 1909, Jacob Heise, iii his 80th year. Funeral from his late residence to Heise Hill L‘einelerv, Tuesday.March 23. at 1 o'clock. 04 ._. day. March |. Richard Trick. aged 53 years. 3 monilis. Funeral from his late residence. Union- v ville. yesterday. l i i l l i Lowrrrzvâ€"In Richmond Hill. on Mon- . day. March :22. Irene Lovvrrv. in her: 0th year. FlNIS'l‘EIiâ€"At Illt' Gt'lif‘l'Wl lospital. Toronio. H. l'uesday. March :13. Mrs. Mary 1:llll5lt‘l.ilgt'd55yli. l itei lilt'lli o1. lic-aiilt-rd. \\ educsday. v . .I ~) -t. M h‘ .ozas "lid-ales e. humus 'l.i“i:lesz lilpms Tanuies cute digestion. in; laxazzw. 5d Dream. ssis il .: i D I ‘ Skating. Every Man should be particular about his appearance. Good clothes may not make the man, but they have a lot to do with the opinions of others. Good clothes are the badge of success. We have clothing ready-to-wear, or will make a suit or overcoat to your order. We would like to have you call in and let us know what your clothing wants are. We'll satisfy them. We can make a stylish first-class suit for 9,517.00 that the regular clothing houses will ask you $25 00 for. B 'lt all Our White Shirts and Negligee Shirts are made to fit men, not wooden Dummies. That M is why they fit so well, look so well, wear so \Ve have these excellent shirts in the very stylish straw 6§§§§§§§§6§¢§§§6§§§§§b§§§§§§¢¢¢§§§§§ OO‘QOO wellâ€"are satisfactory in every detail. colors at 75c. each. A line of fine Negligee Shirts in all sizes at till 00 as good as those we have ever seen at $1.25. Atkinson & Switzer YONGE STREET Leather Belts at 25, 3o, 35, Men’s fine Lisle elastic cross QQQOOQQOQOOQOQQ§OO§Q+§OQO§§§O and 500. each. 6 O . Q o O Q 0 0 § 9 9 o o o 0 ¢ o . O 0 ¢ 9 o o o 6 Q Q Q O ; back suspenders at 40C. 0 0 Richmond Hill §§¢§§+§§§§QH§§§§¢§§++QIOQOOQOO Bicliiiiiiiil Hilljlaiilware illle Intending Builders see our Stock and get prices. METALLIC EAST LAKE SHINGLES without horizontal lock are the best. EAVrETROUfn‘ril put together in ten foot lengths are the best, causing less joints. C. SQULES HARD W ARE STOVES, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, BINDER TWINE. FURNACES, TINSMITHING, Etc. RICHMOND HILL, our. THE RINK Tickets irritated (‘1 1'1 WINTER “CHDDULE TICKETS for the Canadian West. procured at THE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA. MONDAY' Orders taken atâ€" Senior Hockey. - - 7-30 1010 PM '1‘ u E LIB E R A r. 0 F F I c TUESDA Y. lircsiirosp. 1111.15 For Sale wranxrzsna Y. Two Good Houses. side by side. (in- Richmond St.. a. few steps from Yorige. c. )iAsUN. ltiehnwird Hill. For 83.19 Two Holstein brill Calves. Well mark- ed. One from a. cow giving H.500 ihs. Senior Hockey. - TIII‘RSDA Y. 7.30 to 10 p.m. 3.3U to 5 p.m. 7.34) to 10 p. in. i 37-ff High Selim il FRIDAY. t‘urliug. :i.1_'i'{'i{[‘)!x\' l of milk in It); months. the dam of the F" '14 - . . - "jg: 01o hm. g other not tested yn-t.‘ v” v ‘ 'M‘“ "i ‘J l l i (1. ll. .xIrix its/.11.. V5. Ii PLEA-.143. r' Reeve 3774 Lliulii. ill

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