Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Apr 1909, p. 4

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Mr. Sanderson is not a druggist, and he did not convict Miller on the second offence. Miller was convict;â€" cd by Magistrate Ellis. The new school bill introduced in the Legislature by Hon. Dr. Pyne says that the first term shall begin in rural schools on the third Monday in August, and in urban schools on ‘ the FIRST DAY of September, We believe it would be more sntsfactory if schools always opened on a Monday follow- ing vacation. Experience shows that the great majority of pupils enter school on a Monday. and it the term opens, say on a Wednesday, few students will be found in their places till the following Monday. It is imâ€" portant that all pupils be in their places on the day of opening. spectors it is proposed that every County Inspector shall receive for the first year of his employment, after Lhe first: of January, 1010, $1,500 a yeér; for the second year $1,600; and for the third and every subseâ€" quent year $1,700. One half of the salary of every County Inspector shall be paid by the Treasurer of On- tario, and one-half by the Couny of the justices of the peace who tried Miller on his first arraignment, and who convicted him on the second ofiencenvas not qualified, he being Miller’s business competitor. Magis- trate Sanderson is a druggist and as such may sell liquor.” Tbc‘Miuichr ofliducabion has in~ ti'oduced an act respecting Public Schools, which‘ involves several changes from the present law. Relâ€" ative to the salaries for School In- The article ends by saying that cold water taverns must be “under the management of men who do not want to sell liquor, but who are The following- incorrect statement appeared in the evening papers of MondayWMr. J. B McKenzie, who is seeking to secure the release from jail of Frank Miller, who is serving a four months” sentence for selling liquor without a license. is raising a peculiar technical point in the case. Mr. MeKenzie‘s contention is that Magistrate Sanderson, who was one gnnized a Jelnt-SLOCK UUlupnuy, mm. shares at $50 each, and have pur- chased an hotel which will be run as a public house. “Each town or village needs a public houseâ€"a place where strangers will find board and shelter for them- selves, stabling for their horses, if they have them, and rooms, if they“ need them, in which may be display ed samples of goods offered for sale to localdcnlers. There needs to be maintained a public-houseâ€"a house that people may enter without any feeling that they are guilty of an act ot'intrusion. In fact, society is organ- ized on such a basis as renders a public-house a place of public resort a necessity. If such a. convenience exists wherever the sale of liquor is licensed, and disappears whenever and wherever the sale of liquor is stopped, it will mean that the in- convenience of reform will be more widely felt than the advantages of it, and after disappointing experiences, villages and towns will flop back to the license system." anxious to prove that the house be a success without it The Daily Star of Monday has a sensible editorial in which is pointed out; the lack of accommodation for the travelling public in some places where local option is in force. It is also pointed out; that the citizens of the town of Tara have recently 01'- ganized a joint-stock company, winh shares at $50 each, and have pur- chased an hotel which will be run as RIGHMOND HILL. 0311.. APle. 1909 "COLD “'AT ER TAVERNS.” IN COR R ECT. $1,500 a ' $1,600; y subse- .lf of the ca 1] Council. The County Council shall Toronto and York also pay to the County Inspector his Railway CO reasonable expenses for travelling, §QQ ] printing, postage and stationery. HETRCPQLITA" 7‘"ch t-.I .1. Fine cooking figs 3c 1h, Rangoon rice 3c 1h, finest, pearl tnpiucu. 7a 1b.. Riverdule brand (-nrn, pens, tomatuos Sc tin. maple syrup, Cumpound extra fine jar and syxup. qt. 2251:. Atkinson & Switzm. Specially fine now suitings. latoet shadosglnd patterns. we can make Ln ymn'measme and save you dollars. Atkinson & Switzer. Mons new Delby ties, nvck tivs. rubber collars, belts. ALkinsou Sc Switzer. ticm Auct. TUESDAY. April 6â€"Cx'editsale of Farm stock. implement/s, furniture. etc” on Int 6, cnn. 9, Markham. the prop- l‘l’l)’ of the late Thus. Raine-y. SHIP u}. l p.111. TurmsSnms. J. H. Pron- IL is with the deepest l'Gg1'('l “'9 this week chronicle the (lezuh uf l‘IAl‘lun, helm‘ed wife Of Mr. \V. .l. Tyndall (and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. \V. W'inchcomhe). at the (’ill‘lY age uf 21 years. The death occurwd at her hmne in Monsumin. and [Hill] lllmll-‘Hl evidence it apme-s was cumul hy shock following an npumtimn mm] was quite unlunked fur by her many 1': ivnd< to whom she was entlczu-ml by hm- lmautiful character and swevt dispusi lion. To sbuw her loving sympathy with others we puhlis‘ll 5L \ersv sh» composed shortly hefnre her death:â€" Yes. again we hope to nth him. \Vhen our days on earth are fled, And with juy in Heaven to greet him. \Vhere no farmvell Lem-a are shed. Mr. and Mrs. “'inchcmnhe tender their heartfelt; thanks tn all kind friends for their exprvssimls uf sym- pathy given them in their hum-alve- menuâ€"Yorktnn Times. March 18. FRIDAY, April 2â€"Credit, sale hf farm stock, :mplements, 810.. on l‘ut, 4. con. 6. Markham. the property of Jun. Reed. Sale at] p.11). Terms 8 mos. J. H. Prentice, Aucb. SATURDAY. April 3â€"Auctiun sale of Household furniture. etc. at Uninn- ville. the property ofJas.‘0m:. Sule- nt. 2 p.m. Terms cash. J. H. Pron- The body was brought from Mumm- min on Friday. and Saturday was in- terred in the Yorkton cenwh-I-y quer service in the Methodist church. THURSDAY. April lâ€"Credit. sale of Fresh milch cows and spj-ingcl-s at Queens Hotel. Uniunville. [be prn- pen-Ly of Chas. Ranpy. Sale at I p.m. Terms 6 mus. J. H. Prentice, AucL. FRIDAY, Apin 2â€"Credit, sale hf farm TEEFYâ€"At Richmond Hill. on March 30. 1909. Betsy F. Ulmk'son, wife of Matthew Teefy, Esq.. in the Stith year of hm‘ age. Requiesmt in pm-v. Funeral Mass at St. Mm y‘s Chm-0h, RichIm-nd Hill, Satin-day manning. April 3. at 10 o‘cluck. Friends and acquaintances will pll‘ufit‘ Huttle this intimation. Interim-rut private. Mun- day afternoon at 3 o’clock, in St. Luke‘s Cemetery, Tlml'nhill. MCVVILLIAMBâ€"In Hit-hnmml Hill on Satu11hiy.l\1arch 27. Thm-vssn Hugh 4-. wife of James Mc\Villi:u-ns, in lll‘l' 79th year. Ingnnont utThm nhill, Monday, Mun-11 GORDONâ€"On Mal-(‘11 30. 1909. Eliznlwl h A. Gm-dnn, in may 53rd year, lmlm pd daughter of Isaac Chapman, Thump hill, Ont. Funeral from hm‘ Into l'f‘s‘l(li‘ll(‘(*, 32 Beatrice street, Tm-nntu, (m ’l‘hm-qlwy, April 1, at 1p.m., to Thin-“hill Come- tery. \VEDN visitors from foreign lands. The Congress is the first held by the men of any nation with the intent of plac- ing the cvangclizntion of the world in the forefront of the national pro- gramme. A keen interest is being taken in the work of this great con- vention. Q‘UAN'I‘Z â€"â€"1\IA0D0NALDâ€"At Tux-unto, on VVednesdny, March 31. 1909. by Rev. E. C. Currie, Mr. Eugr-nn P. Quuul-z (If Markham vanship to Miss Alice L. Mucdouuld of Rich- mond Hill. The National Missionary Congxess opened in Massey Hall yesterday, and will remain in session till Sun- day next, the 4th oprril. Address- es will be given by the leading: men of the Laymen’s Missionary Move- ment in Canada, and by eminent MORTSUNâ€"At Patterson, (m “"0an- dny. Max-01131. tn Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mortson, a daughter. Palmel at 2 ( Z n'cIm-k. 'L'ernm. xgeon & McEwen. uuct Auction Sales. iARRlAGES GBETUAE DEATHS. BIRTHS. On Eliznlwlll Street in tho village of Richnmnd Hill, :1 r-nmfm'tuhle dWell- ing. part of which is newly built and the \vhule in gnud‘ repair. Gnml lot and necessary outbuildings. Make a- desimble lxumu for anyunc wishing tn retina 40-3 39-4 39-4 ll] It!!! White Wyandettes Eggs for Hatching h‘rmn Canada’s Brod stuck UNIV. Buff Orpingtonsâ€"Great \Vint m Lu y- ing Strain. Finn‘le Table Birds in existence. Get the bestâ€"$5.50 pl‘l' 100 75¢. per Si‘lil‘grpl’ 13. Wiégi‘iseigyTyanfioti: Eggs far Hatching 'I'k‘m 10th Eggs for Hatchin 7am I’ve» RU 1"I‘ON for N. TORONTO at 40-1f Regal Strain Ln t 0 (7.1 r NE\\' M A R 40‘ 40 SO-tf SERVECE Unis have N. TORONTO for NE“ MARKET and NE'\VMARKET fur D TORONTO at SPEGHAI Pm: r: 9T5: U'S A. Quantity uf Pine- Building Timber gund cmxditinn: â€"12pnsts 25 ft. long; beams 23 ft. lung: 9 stringers 42 ft. 1g. A quantity of gix-ts and braces. AL Cill'l'ViHP Mil}. G. KIRBY. 74me in the prvm um} Thursday, M Ill MP Gar Ivavr‘s N TORONTO at 11 SUTTON nor m ng pm; JOHN A. R. COSGROVE. f Apr F. 3k April 931:. For Sale For Sale Applv 6 \VM (‘0\\’I BE DI) I'LX‘ 'F. SI )1 PSON raye Appiy to 1‘01 Richmond Hill 09¢ 6‘9? b 11.45 p.111. NE \V M A RH H. A. NICHOLLS lurch dingStminsJ puyingot GRAING HARRISO Id DweHin x-lnhle .vur th Richmund Iii” and Eliz mumh. {whim 1. 1n )RON Elg Thornhill. th mum Radial llI'l'l in Mills. m1 {2E5 Richmemfi will 11nd he 1d lll' Uh ll) 1h either small 01 “'9 have jus LIQJDLX 'v L. ENNES 8: SGNS British Columbia. “'9 are still doing business at th same old stand and are in fine shup to take cure of your orders for which W at? Drin The Daily Star, receive on day of pubheatlon The Daily Star,not receivâ€" ed day of publication Family Herald and Week- ly Star Newldee Women‘s Maga- New Brunswick FT“. Farmer’s Advocate 1118"me Glitz-£36 York County The Daily Mail plre, one 37E zme Canadian Pictorial ‘Weekly G m {pi e V‘feekly } REMEMBER “Quality is the Best Policy.” ROUGH 0R DRESSED PINE AND HEMLOCK, If automobiles are needed anywhere at all they are in the country' One of the speakers of the Women’s Institute, at Guelph, recently pre- dicted'that the time was near at hand when farmer’s wives would run their own automobiles. Nor is the prediction a visionary one. Like the telephone and the trolley, the automobile seems destined to add to the comfort of country life, and the cost will not interfere with your buying. We can sell at a mere fraction of original cost. These cars are taken by us payment for the newest and latest models, and are such as we( oughly recommend. Any machine we send out is guaranteed t first-class condition, and beyond the fact that second-hand cars this year’s style. there is nothing wrong with them in any way them as a means of introduction to the country trade, and .m values extra special to encourage quick buying. If interested se name and address for fuller particulars. ’ High-Class Automobiles and Bicycles Cedar Shingles. PINE. LATH, ETC, I 244/6 WHY NOT OWN I//;///".gy (1:? AN AUTOMOBILE? 9 /TT 00 until) 1910 i:is Good Second-Hand Machines OUK BOARDS Cedar Shingles HYSLOP BROS., Limited qua ved mtitk la. car a ' gm H?” E‘fiiifi. modm W, mu. MC 6 , U115 I)! ‘d‘cti‘ £Lax-ets 5 AND Ma‘s. 33mm Spring Milliner Openmg Ripans \"ISHES TH‘GRNEâ€"IELL “'HICII \VII Tabules. Ta bules cure nausea. are taken by us as part Ire such as we can thor- ns guaranteed to be m cona-nand cars are not n in any way. We use 7 trade, and make the If interested, send your 111 TORONTO, ONT. il lst.. 3‘12 0 U 0 C Sweet to‘Eat A Candy Bowel [mun COMMENC} OCNCE HER 0 40 WW; DAYS

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