Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Apr 1909, p. 8

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Ncwmnrkvtâ€"a. n‘ 9.01). 11.0‘); p. m., 1.( 7.00. 9.00. Aurumâ€"u. m., 6. 11.10; 1.10, 3.11). S. and A. Jut. li.‘ 11.25; p.m., 1.23. '.'; 0.2.3. 6.30. "vuuvmn-J a. noun-.1 Uubolic churchâ€"Services on alter. name Suulnys M9 5.1:). and 10.30 a. m. fiathvlisw duurch~â€"Servi.ccn at 10.80 a. m., and 7 mm. B In lay School M: 2.30. General pra) a, meeting Thuradny. evening. nichmmd (Judge:ka Fr find A M â€"Meets Mon. 6.10. Quoensvilleâ€"a. 11)., 8.2-5, 4.25. Shawnâ€"3.111.. 8.30. 10.30; 10.15. Nc\vu):1rketâ€"â€"u. 10.40. 12.40; p. m. 8.40. 10.40. 6.50. '13. 7T of Temperance-Meets first wouneuuay of each mouth Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday of every month Public Lxhr'u‘y Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. mul Sncun'lnv evenings. Enworch Leagueâ€"Meets ovnn' Monday Junior Epworch League meets everyMon- day afternoon at 4. V'dfieensvillcâ€"aJn" 9.00; p.m., 5.0”. 7.00. Keswickâ€"u.m., 9.10, p.111. 1.10, 7.10. Roche’s Pointâ€":1. m., 9.15; p. m., C. P. R. Crossing (Tm-unto). Lom'c, -â€"-a.m. 6.00, 7.001. 8.00, 9.00. 10.01), 11.00, 12.00; p. 11)., 1.00. 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 6.0013 7.00. 9.00. Yul-k Mills P. O.â€"â€"n. In. (5.1.3, 7.15, 8.15. 9.13, 10.15. 11.15. 12.15“. p. In.. 1.15' 2.15, 3.15. 4.15. 5.1-5, 0.15, 7.15. 0.15. Tlml'nhill P. - . A113: (5.35. 7.35, x u. 8.35, 9.33), 10.35, 11.35. 12. 2.35, 3.35. 4.35, 5.35, (3.35. Richmond Hillâ€":1. n 8.45. 9.45, 10.45, 11.45.1211 2.45. 3.47), 4.13, 5.45. (5.45, S. and A. }c\.â€":I.m.b' Sutton 1:1. 111., 7.40, 33:); Jackson s Point,J p.11).. 3.45. 5.4.3. Roche's PuinLâ€"fl. 11)., 8.00, 10.00; p.m., 4.00, 6.00. Keswick-â€"a.m., 8.10, 10.10; p.m., 4.10 lit-'1' Richmond Hillâ€":1. 111.. 6.40, 7.40, 8.10, 9.10. 10.15. 11.40. 12.43: p. 111.. 1.40. 2.45. 3.10. 4.45, 5.40, 6.10. 7.40, 9.40. Thm-nhill P. U.â€"â€"n. 111.. 6.50, 7.50. 8.50. 9.50. 111.50. 11.50. 12.50; p.111.. 1.50. 2.50, 3.50, 4.50. 5.50. 6.50. 7.50. 9.50. Ym'k 101115 1’. (1â€"11. 111.. 7.10. 8.10. 9.10. 10.10, 11.10. 12.10; p. 111.. 1.10. 2.10. 3.10. 4.10. 5.10, 0.10. 7.10. 8.10, 10.10. North Tmnntn. Al'l‘1\"‘~--l. 111., 7.40, 8.10.010. 10.40. 11.10. 12.40: p. 111., 1.411. 2.40. 3.40, 4.40, 5.10. (3.40, 7.40. 8.40, 10.40. \Ved11e<d:1y and Saturday evenings a. late 0:11- lunws (7. l’. R. (Tmssing for Nuwnnu-kut 111111 inleunvdiate points alt/11.301). 111. ~ ‘ 1 n. x Church o! England-Services at 3p. m. but 2nd and 4:11 Sunday. Third Sunday at. 11 n m: Pusbywriun Churchâ€"services at ll 11. m., and up. w. BJu-lay School at 2.30. Prayer meeting a dnesrlay eyapjng‘.‘ ,,L n- .3--- A- -n~ Tâ€"JIâ€"OEIO & York Radial Railway METROPOLITAN DIVISION Everyr \Vednesduy and Saturday nigle a late car will lmu‘u vanmrkvt hu- ’l‘u1~nutu zmd intermediate points at 11.01) p. m. Extra Sutuulay Sorvicv curs leave Nut-[h 'l‘uruntn ful' Ncwnuu-lict at 2.00 and 4.00. Extra. Saturday Svrgue curs leave Nowmurkut for North 'luruntu at, 4.00 and 8.0“. Schman Schmnlwl‘g T01 Ruilv THE NA TH Exquisite }):}pt:r. Pic (mi MOI “CAN Aimu‘u lush-at the. El Ahsnh sulvly uf current ful and cm square incl nouns {or issuing Money Orders:â€" mOBNlNG .......... EVEN! 1G . N. lip-Mister“ letsm‘s must be handed in Lucas: F1309): Hian earlier than the above “summed hours for clollng. Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Oflicu as follows :â€" MORNING a 30 EYI'JNING . 6.30 Winter Time Table 1908 Shawnâ€":1. 1n Illicksun's Pninb, Sutbun 1.). 9.55. Auroraâ€"a. m ‘15; . p. 111.,2. POST OFFICE NOTICE “DECO ounce CLOSER AT 7.30 P. M. Village Directory. libs-‘01:" ADIAN IDNAL GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH l‘iHllS Ahnut hes uf picLuI-t )Gunadiuns .u rg an p.11) it 7.00 mm. 1.‘ with Schumer MONEY ORDERS \V. H. MOORE. Mun â€"â€":x. m.. 6.00. m., 1.00, 3.00, m., 6.10, 7.10. 8.10. D, 3.10, 5.10, (3.10. 7.10. and In inform 1ppl‘eciuu-d. 'l‘e printc nt 8.50, 12.50; p. "1., N PICTDRIAL” â€"-n. 111.. 6 30. 12.50: p M. TILEFY Postmaster 31.. 7.40, 8.40. 2.40, 4.40, 6.40. }An'i\‘eâ€"â€"a.m. 9.40. p.lll., 1.40, 5.40.140 Aurora {min leaves 4.15. l. m.. 6.3."). 12.35; p.111., 35, 7.35. 9.35. m.. 6.45, 12.45; p. m.. 9. 00 RATED EH" fo r .9?" J! 5,! rIL-I ., 7.45, 9.45; 3.45. 5.45. 45. U. 10.25; 7.00. 5.00 p.131 9.4.3. I l g Auroral tor St 8.0% (mm [)JIL, 10.15, 9.10. 9.10. 9.25 I111 97. 4. 0. 1.00, 8.15, : mm Must mm Co. 30. FURNITURE, PAINTS, & OILS fm- RICHMOND HILL and adjoining country tu represent “CANADA'S ()LDEST AM) GREATEST NURSERIES" The right, man will obtain a permu- nan sillmlirm with tonith reserved fur him. Puy weekly. Fl‘l't‘ sample nutfit‘. etc. “The for particulars The Rev. ERL. R. HICKS ALMANACK FOR. 1909. hvnuliful covers in colors, fine pul‘tluit, cf Prof. Hitks in colors. all the old featuresand several new ones in tho. bank. The lwst, astronomical year hunk and the only (me containmg the miginnl “Hicks \chther Furecasts.” By umi1350. on news stands 30c. 0m- rnpy free with \VORD AND \VORKn the best, $1MnnthlyinAmerica. Dis- counts on ulmanucs in quantities. STONE & W ELLINGTUN Fonlhill Nllrsm ivs (850 acres) 44m TORONTO. ONTARIO See our stock compare quality and price of goods, and you will buy here. GEO. cDNLD, Richmond H111 EAGLE? OUR STOCK IS NO\V COMPLETE IN Wall Papers. Geiiing and mm TO MATCH IN NEW DESIGNS. See these before buying elsewhere. A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED ‘udy Nm‘. 16. 1903. best (‘ uuiful covers in culm's, Pl'nf. Hicks in colors. STOCK AT VERY MODE {ATE PRICES. :. on news stands til with \VORD AND Mnnthly in Amerir. nlmanucs in ql le'da no acute. but ‘hou wnomtrflq The full color card shows 48 handsome shades. 8.. W. P. is ‘ put up full measure, always. It Eosts less by the job than any other paint made. 11’s (:01ch are clear, bright and lasp‘ng. It forms a tough, durable film that wears and looks well for the longest time. It's made frofia pure white \1 lead, pure zinc white, and pure linseed oil. It does not powder, flake off or crack. .QDI YO NY IUILIINC. 'ITN OUV 0‘ AND INDIOK THE SHERWIIV-WILLIAMS Pmr JACOB EYER & SON RICHMOND HILL -TOâ€"DATE IN +++++++++++ ++++++++++ ¢++++ 91‘ sent out. work In l“ SOLD BY Our friends have come to expect the best from us, we do not disappoint them. OUR HARNESS is the best, all our own make. OUR PRICES just a little lower than the same quality of goods can be bought elsewhere. OUR HORSE GOODS, Robes, Blankets, Mitts, Gloves, Em, are the best. +~z~+++ «fr-H"? Buildiu‘g n‘mnd Hill, you ln-st, results if Lulu-n at 0111' old Established and [honingth reliable sclmul. \Vintvr Tenn begins Jun. -th. Catalogue Flee. nuw Ah Lur‘ llult' LU vuu'r Lut‘ pupunu' ELLIOTT mnb nu'mn ANN“ YOUR COURSE in Shorthundpr Bllsipess will hrng British American __ n3ugg¢ssfl€ollege Central Y.I\I.C.A. Bldg, Toronth :md pwpare fur pl'uiitubie employâ€" luent. Our Graduates readily obtain good positions. Om- handsome Unta- lngue is free. \Vrile fnl' une tn~day. Students admitted at any time. College upun thventire your. \V. J. ELLIOTI‘. Principal. Great :1: Reputation. “CS'II‘... Influence and Thorough: :55! Now is tlw time to enter the popular Yonge and Alexander Sts he Next Sitting of Divusinn Court for No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Com-t Room. . ‘tf A GREAT SC Saturday, june 6, 1909, EVERY RESPECT. RICHMOND HILL TORONTO. ONT. The Best Always ummencing at 10 a. m. For Sale ()t T. F. MCMAHON CLERK JAMES NE ut (.n Uentu Ist ut Purst SCHOOL CW’ TON Street, Rich- nuge. Apply Elgin Mills. FRESH COOKIES £2 BLT}? Fresh good the FAMOUS BRIE. and. CAKES CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY. \Vill find the route by Chicago. Dul- uth, Fort Francis and Canadian Nm-l h- em the most interesting and din-ct Lo Ladies why need you worry over maxing your bread and cakes when Apply to nearest G mud Trunk Ticket Agent, 01- write 0. PRICE GREEN. PassengerAgent. Canadian Northern Building. Toronto. THE STANDARD BAN K “ M“; SEEKERS IRiclnnond 11 ill CANADIAN BUS!NESS COLLEGE TORONTO A. J. HUME British Emblinhed 1673 SETTLERS WESTERN CANADA Fine Grocerieg P~ICE§MOND HELL BRANCH E. M. Byrne, Flanager BRANC'HES ALSO AT MflvPl E. MRRKHAM AND There is no formality about opening 3 Saving: Amnm! with this Bank. Courteous clerk's will make the first steps easy for you if you wisl} to begin sa‘iiug your spare dollars. ' Not-much-mouey is needed. Oné Dollar will open an account, and entitle you to a pass-book in which your depofits are entered, No delay in withdrawing with interest to date. T AILO R Quaked Low RATES FOR can be had .9 he SMALLEST H {CEST Members the Family. 0N HAND Banking Made Easy AND Ten per cr-nt OF CANADA Meats IN 5T OUFFVZLLZ". 5131\fo . A. Farquharson, B A, Prin. Cor. Yonge 8: Elect Sts. cheaper, ten per cent hett 1nd Mutt-i0. Booklet Fret Term of 1909. Deering Farm Implements AND FIRE INSURANCE. A GENT FOR MCLAUCHLEN CARRIAGES .{ICHMOND HILL. 3:;{19-~7§~§:§:é-72+7-£-Â¥%-31;++Â¥+4l++++¢g Eid it Ever Strike You I -++~§V+++++++>}- + b+++++++++++ Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. ONE GRADE ONLY AND THAT THE BEST Us‘fng Only “A” Standard. Wheels. The main purt of carriage which needs Quality, also Hn- Bhu “lift, B] to an m $3, 3. $38688 W. HEWESON Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HII:L The proprivtc Herd Holstein Improved Ghes‘ 29. lst Con, Va for sale some gt} "'1 h‘(’);0hghhl':‘d service an the BI 4+++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ PLEASANT VIEW FARM your money at any time, that in Medicine QUALITY is of the first importance? That. as a lule, its use is not resumed to until necessity culngeis. This being the case. RESLLTS, not. FAILURES, are desirable. FAILURES nmny times arise through the in L1 odnction of stale or inferiox drugs into your pre~ scriptinns. RESULTS can he obtainPd by the Use of PURE DRUGS of STANDARD STRENGTH and QUALITY. SUCH YOU’LL FIND HERE. Richmond Hill. W. fi. Sam’émsnn HO USE PA IN TER, GENERAL 1 LGIN 1201353830211? :1 RICHMOND HILL PHARMACY undm-signvd CHEMIST and DRUGfiiST in Medicine QU A 1.11:? - Mn. raw-Harris UH kxmilhing hushws: um. and is prepare llH'hPS of the trade A’l‘l SFA C WUUDMRD. D. G. GOODERH AM, Proprietor S ()1 %++++ n-euxis star \‘Vhite tughun (TIM md young sl 1 bull and h )l BLACKsMITH. ' MILLS {Ltk 10x vamx'rznn 5| Branches ntly mnpluyvd (‘41.. has tnka w.<s \‘nt'ntvd My nod to attend a hog kept for Susin 183! Breeder- Hogs. I rnbill) 1 Ont. iew r of

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