Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Apr 1909, p. 1

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$1 per annum, in advance.] 'm VJL. XXXI. A I n " @119 (your! 15 PUBLISHEDEVEBY EHURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING tn PUBLiSHiNG HOUSE Bicaitonniunnbm. 1‘. F. .‘VIGMAHON. Emrun a Paovmmon. BUSINESS CARDS. JUN. WILKINSON. M.D. (Succsssoii 'r ) Hit. C.\§SII)Y) RICHMOND HILL Gradiirito Vii-fol in. Uuivoi-sity Months-1' Collegi‘ l’iiysici-iiis and Sur- geons. Ontario Corlif. I’olycliiiic. New York Dismiséls of th” Lungs a. Specialty, particularly consumption. steam. DR. FULTJN RISDON. " E) .3 ntisst, i 4': ‘ ‘li§i iii ‘1‘.) DIE. ll. ‘.V. Axounsox) (lui'. Yong,” .iiil l;.-) )I' Sts., Toronto. \K'Jl bi: Richmond Hill every \Vcd n csda y. 031w, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. 0.1} :c lIoursâ€"l) :i. m. to 5 p. m. in ddvttt‘létttttt ’ Jill‘lN ii. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, ’Flnoruhill. Calls by .elcphone from Richmond Hill charged to inc. 1. lil Licensed \Licsiouear for tho County of Y0 1; Guns sold an smisizuinent General Ruler atoc etc I‘YOJ’IPBIY itcan icon: at I‘BRSODnKJlt rates Residence Uuiuuri‘le G R Quilting, Sawtou iiroolt.a.geuifor the above i‘ii-ntit‘c. J K Mel-2mm Weston Siligcon (is: Itlcélwmi. '1‘ Sarge )u, Min 9 Lice‘ise-l baths-Jars. tortbo County of York. SLlGx‘iC?31A-l0l§.i)dii ah )rtast-ioticeanxi a. res.- s i) i )le mtas r’iLtrfllllt‘w‘ solicited n. G. more“, License 1135:0090! m.- zurzCauucy of York re- spactl‘ully sum ‘ ‘ :i- DRJI'JHRSB and friendly iuduwime :4 Ms 1- l on. tin shortest notice 3:11 at ersmcdwm .t s P 0 address King ,â€" J'. EARL‘E NEWTON Pianist Pupil cf W. El. Shorwccd Private and (‘lass 'l'uition in Piano Play int,r :iiid 'l‘licoi'y and v “an I,‘ Y? I 1L5- i.‘.u'..l. Bull. '.C; Pianiste Privuto Piano Li'ssoiis Pupils prep‘irod for Examinations .- t.hi- Uiiivcrsity of TM onto and llic Toronto (‘oii<vi'\’:itoiy of Music. Ml ” MILLIE THENCE RICHIQKD HILL Teacher of P151113 I‘i'cpuri-s pupils for Primary. Junior. liitouuodinc I'Xrillllliillitiii at Toronto (‘oiisorratoi-y :iiid Cull-1:» of )Iiuic, Special course in "Finn’s" Kinder» g-irton Method. parlir'i‘ai-ly livlpilil to l):'gil)ll:‘l'$. lfl-ly l T Huntian Lnxxox k p i is... 5 £83211. LENNox MORGMAN Barristers 1. ml Solicilors. Mouov to loan on land snuonottei mortgagenu l o wot; 1 rates Auroranfliceâ€"Bemored to the old mist attic.- one door was; of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmurket omenâ€"Three doors south of the p istoll'ice G 8'!“ Monmx Aurora. N ‘v (1 J Lawrence F‘ Phone Mainiflt- Dunbar Lawrence it Dunbar, Barristers ,Solicltai-s. Notaries, lie. Homo Lifc Building Cox. Adt'lilldt‘ & Victoria 81s.. Toronto. J. M. LAING Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Richmond Hill Office, south-vast vor- “('1' of Loinc Bldg, mei'y 'lliursdiiy afti-i-nooii. Toronto Office, 36 Toronto slrrvt. \IUNRY To Low A'I‘ Lou'in lines. wriiiiii CEEiK BARRISTER, SoLiCI'i‘oR. NOTARY. Ere. Toronto Ofi‘icc. 33 Richmond St. \Vcst, \Veslcy Buildings. Richmond Hill Office. “Lihm-ur’ Office, crcry Saturday afternoon. Maple, Thursday aftm-ni “In. Money to loan at. Firc Pcr Cont (.32). In“. 1,? and is hereby authorized to pay church choir to the Danton, DLnn 8. Boultbee Barristers, Solictors. Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 2.5) KING ST E, TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DENTON. K. C. HERBERT L. DI'NN \V. MI‘LUCII Boi'i.'rm-:F Phone Main 311. JAS. N Ell/TON [SSUERMARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN MILLS H. A minim? NOTARY PUBLIC Coiuiiiissionci , Com‘cyauccr, etc. Insurance. and I‘it‘étl Estate Issuer of Man iaigc Licenses. Richmono. Hill J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER, (‘ONVEYANCEPL ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNHILL RI. 'E‘Elg%17. NOTARY PUBLIC, conmssxoxnixrus HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . (lnilortakcrs A" Emhaimcrs, RICHMOND!“ kept at. both plat-cs. A Cant!" Bowel Land". Rinans Tabulcs: at druggists. Ripans Tabules cur-3 luliousuess. Ripaus 'I‘abules cure dizzmess. ‘ 2 Lfflfifigfiflg 9: I SHED lh' EWAHGE. E l _.g 1 INCREASE!) GRANT. ' '. IIH’ past your, ii:.aiigiir:ilml by 1h“ 0“. THORhHllL ' ‘ . . Ian lilt‘l't‘flSt‘tl giant has lll‘l'll tilil'illll‘tl . A large stool; of Fl‘llt'l‘:ll l‘lil'llhlllllg' isocn‘tics talking pnit to Inn. and tho 'iiistoiics applyingr liart- tli.- [ilt‘lt’li‘ll-L'V'. C Sweet to Eat ' ‘ Sonic oiic “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." VAUGHAN COUNCIL. 'l'hv (‘ouni il of the Municipality of Mr. John Gray of latskay. moved in- tho Township of Vaughan mm. at tho to the residence formerly occupied by Township Hall. Vollui-e. on Tucsday, Mr. Dan Rawlings. llH' 13th daynf Apiil. The \Voiin-ns’ Institute and the I‘lt‘llllflfl‘fi pl'PSI'Ill: .las. A. Cameron, Farmers Club mot at tho home of Mr. dopiitv-rt-rrc: .l. H. MoNair. \Villiain and )Iis. John Lawson on Tuesday Thomas, J. T. Suigz-on. councillors. cvcning. In tho nbst-iu-t- of Room: [,oiigboiisc Mrs. Felix Smclsei‘ of Thm'nlmly is through illness. Dvputy-IIccu-V Cum- Visiting with hci brother Reeve Mc- ('ltil] took tlu- l hair. Miiicliy of this placc. Minulr-s of last i-i-gular meeting road Mr. Mcl i‘ICCflIllnnl spent over Sini- :iiid Coiifli-im‘d. day visiting with Aurora friends. MrNairâ€"Saigi-owâ€"Tlnit the ii'I'flS- A number fiom here attended the "HT lit‘ and is hon-by authmizrd to fuiiI-ial of the late Hugh Mc’l‘aggart. [my thu following road account-uâ€" Nashvillv. on Tuesday aftvrnoon. On Friday crt-iiing last about fifty of 3- Gl‘lllllw 29 hours, work cleaning the nicnibri-sand friendsofSt. Andrew‘s ice from ditch._ ....$ 3.63 preshywrinn (numreguti‘m met at the “HWY Plea’fimcei5dfl)’5'“"'l'k “'1 hUlnP of Rubi-rt Rutherford and pre- Strange. road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - - 5.0“ sented his daughtci Beatrice with an (‘l‘ill‘ll'i Julius. 7% dnys’ “'"l'k 0“ _ address and a well tilled purse, for 11 mil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 services as organist for the past several \\'m. Robinson. ioad div. No. (lâ€" yeais. Dining the evening a most en- 56 houis‘ Wurk on road . . . . . . 7.00 jnyuhie programme was indulged inI 12 hnuis' \\ oi k with team. . . . 3.60 music‘ mugs and speeches. Reeve McMurcfiy who acted as chairman in his usual genial manner. called upon Miss Octavia McCallum who responded with the accompanying address, wliilt- YONGE ST. ACCOUNT. TO BE PAID BY MARKHAM. Cairns Mai shicleaning ditch from Yongc street, bring 2/3 005L~ 7~ll0 the presentation was made by Miss \Viii. Robinson and iiii-ii,35boui-s’ Kate, Russ. Mr. Thomas Gillies was “"‘l'k “'1 Yt‘llg" 5“ “*‘L - - - ' ~ ~ 4-35 then called on for violin selections. Iii- \\'. “butterfly. 4!; days” Work on strumcntal music was rendered by Miss Yl'lb‘l“ Sll‘l't't - - - - - - v . - - 6-75 Onida McMui-chy and Miss Margaret “V. l‘lléwlllt‘. I‘lilV - - - A - ~ - - - - - r - - 1-25 McCallum, followed by a solo by Miss \V- Flru'ille. breaking 3 loisc ston 19.50 Mabel BrySon. Lunch was then served (‘ill‘i'led- in the spacious dining room. The fol- lowing is the addresszâ€"Dear Miss Rutherford. A few friends on behalf of the congrcgation worshipping in St. Andrew’s church. have come to thank you for the faithful manner in which Thiunnsâ€"Suigconâ€"That tho audit- ors’ l'Ppurl of thc troasurt-r’s accounts of the townsth for (be your 1908 bc icCt-irvd and :idoptcd by this Council as corrch and s-tisfactoiy, and tho _ clerk be and is hereby autbmized and you have for_ sew-rail years past led iiisti'uctrd to have 200 copies printed the psalmody inthe church. \V_e as- I'm-distribution iiiiiongtbc councillors. sure you we unprocmte very highly (unit-(L your service at the organ, as well as Th.,mn5â€"51.,Nuil._.'rh;.t your unwearicd efforts to bring the high state of em- cicncy it has now attained. \Vc trust you will accept this purse as a small token of our gratitude and our appreci- ation of your faithful service at the organ. \Vc have been long in coming but you know great bodics always more slowly. \Vc hope you may be long spared to continue your good work in St. Andrew's church, and to kucp your own heart, in tune for the joy of coming days and for the angels . song above. Signed on behalf of the congrcgatioii. OCTAVIA McUALLUM. KATE Ross. (Too late for last weck.) Come and examine our fino stock of i . Savon carnation 'toile‘t soul}. 3 cakes “q.” pupms‘ new (195mm, prices ;.1_‘ in a box lllc.2 “Into Iarna'tiou. June ways iiiodcrzite. Atkinson (V Switzei. ‘ ROS“; “Ml 5W9“ V}('19l: 3 Gillie-5‘ "I . i box lac. Infants delight, the Nurst-i y Toilrt and witch hazel?) cake-s iii a box News Notes. for 25c., Silk Skin and Baby‘s Own, very tiny, 10s. cake. Atkinson A; Mr. Rtaibeii J. Kennedy who \vas'S‘HLzu' boiii at Aurora 72 ycms ago died at his home in 'l‘oioiitn batiiidziy morn- ing. He is survived by a widow and six (,‘llllIll't‘ll. liitciinent in Mount Plcasaiit Uctiictei-y. the trons- lliv following gunrral account : To Nauglitoii Bros}. for goods supplin to Mrs. lilit-kland, $10. Unrrird. The following by-laws were pass9d2â€" No. 863, diVidiiig tho lnLIâ€"‘lt’st of the Clergy Iii-servo Fund among the uni- ous schools in the township. No. 864. dividing the intorcst of the Municipal Loan Fund among the uni- ous srlii-tils III the township. No. 865, appointing oroisccrs of highways for the township for the your 1909. Th» (‘ouiiril “(lthlllIlt'd till Tuosdziy, tlic 251i) of May. â€"â€"â€"-â€"4.> â€"â€"7- --A__ _._ Victoria Square. Sooding operations will soon com» mencc. Tho wind storm of last wer did not, do Ilillt'l) daii'agc iii IliL' vicinity except ovorturii fciirrs. Easter sci-\‘ii-c in the was quite interesting. Bz-sidrs the- usual singing; Miss E)‘('i' of Toronto and 31.. A. Br'ckett contributed sr-lcctioiis which “arc \‘cry ably It‘lltlt’l't‘tl. Mr. 'I‘oy'c‘ also gave ii shall address. Tlii' shooting gallci‘V [lt'lll'ly liccnngo The milk pi'oduccis at a. meeting .it lb? Albion lioirl on Saturday decidrd, to form a joint Stock company wilh‘ the purpose of dlbllllllltlllg [llt‘ll‘ milk illl(l other products thioughout the City direct, without the iiitciveiitioii of the iiiidtlleincn. A provisional boui d of directors was named. The residence of T. F. Cook, Aurora. was partially burned about 4 o‘clock last Thursday morning. Mi. Cook says be had l't‘L‘t‘th‘Il a lr-ttcr threaten- ing to burn him out it $100 wcic not [left at it (‘t'ltsilii plucc at :i CL‘l'lulll tiiiic. This is the st-coiid time Mr. Cook has had his buildings liLll’Ilt‘d 'siiice Coming to Aurora a couple, of years ago. resident lllSt'OYPU‘Il tho Ili't' iii tiiiiu to brigade. Miss llziiiiiah Iloppoi' is I'l-t'iiVPl'lilg fioin a short but St‘V‘cl‘k illiirss. Lulirly :ii o rerun-ring from l.i gi‘lplit'. Miss Booth of Toronto was llll‘ gill‘3: of lll'l' sistcr Mrs. A. Bt't‘lil‘ll during; Eustci‘. -â€"~-~vH>-fiâ€" Miss Augusti Iiivrbt-ilvr of Toronto spent (haul l“i'lil.t\' Willi Mrs. (it'll. Six tins RlVf‘itliilt‘ toiiiiitm-s for 4:342, '6 tins Goldcn \\'t-st bcaiis, tor 46c” I5 Cults Lakeside corn for l‘icq lihSt‘X brand pumpkins. t-xiiu good. lilo. tzo, iCulillt'tl piin-applc 1:51;. tin. Atlgiimuii d: Switzrr. (iota Miss Eyt'r of 'l'oioiilu \‘isitivd ll<'I‘ sisti-i‘ Mrs. (J. I’. Road l:\i'i' liastv-i‘. Mi. RU)‘ l‘illyiilnii irl’ llll‘ 'l‘. Co. was out for (loud Friday and It- t.liriiiiig was .‘H‘l'UileHlllt‘d l-_\'lii~'iiiotlicr and sistt-i- Miss liliU'V to sin-nil liastt-r iii 'l‘oioiito. Mis. l’ctkiiis is on I.\)\\('ll. ¢.o :i \isll So iiizilktd has lit'l‘ll Illt‘ STli'I'('>- 7|'.- ti-iitliiig {lit- tit-id (’Ilih woiiapr-iitiou of .-.- .Wi _ “o (rift-r this Work a good line of iit'L'ligm- shirts in f‘iiivy siriprs. spots. and blow-L's,ii-uiiI-ii-73r. :ii:tl\5v.t'o153r. Atkinson it Siri'z' r. s.» Laii stuff iai-io l)«~p.ii'tiiit-iit o1 _\‘.Illt'lllllll't‘, that t'oi this wink. iii a le'ttvr to lllt‘ di- lt";IlII’S ot agiit'iiltuial bllk'll‘llt's, Supt. J. L. \\'ilsoii limits llic inimln-r ml at tho liiiioiul of th»- l‘itv Mrs. \V. ll. (,‘liibiiiv. Many l‘iii-iiils Il'ltl i'r‘latiix-z. g-ilborwl at tiw lioiiio \rlii-in an im- lllt'>>€l\t‘ svri ion \iuww ii.lir lr‘ll lvv lit-1. E. 'l‘. Douglas and ltwi'. .\. l’. lir. '0. Bulb lllltll5ll‘lS inf-ii-ml in fwiriig: It‘l'llls to lllt' \lr‘i‘liti: ipiiliiii-s of UM wife and inntln-i- wlr \\ .s m ~iiddz-nly C:I.lll'(l away, and of ll'." i'illiii-iu:c for goal sliclias lr-it with liwi- iliiiiiiy ::i.d tho tieiglibnibm‘d Ill \\'lil"ll >llt‘ livid. After the sci-viw- 11m i-vuiniiis “vi-c Tb:- iiiuiii Lbjt «is that :llt‘ L‘lzlllilt'll for this iroik illt‘ st-t torih also. and ll11i~c who limo paiticiputrd know that iii;- tits: is not overstutcd. __._f<.o- An ll'l\'llillilil was piizitliig a liou~c and “mi-king with girui rapidity. asked llllli “by he was in surli ti raisli. “l‘ii: Iiyliig in get thiougli."tliclrisliiiiaii iepLitd, “lll‘fl re the paint gin-s out."â€"[l’ro;n "Sn-:Ccss Magazinefl rest in the Ncwuiai lit'l C‘riiit-tt-ry. l a Victim to tho firo fit‘lltl. but a iioai'by . extinguish it. without aid from the lli's- . Miss L. Rou'botliuiii and Miss l“. L. l Eaton - [loopsiil‘i (“N \\'.'l_\ slit-\Yii l:l\l Sal lil‘ilrl V I conveyed to NLâ€"‘\\'lli:tikt'l and laid 1.. . For M’eii Right now is the time when correct footwear is an absolute necessity. Spring rains mean wet feet unless properly clad. what wet leet mean. You know \Ve have just received a shipment of our well‘icnown leatherdincd Boot from Un- derhill Factory. Aurora This boot is made & Sisman, from selected,oil-tanned,com- bination call-skins, manufac- tured by The NewtonTanning Co. to be as near waterproof as a. \Ve guarantee this boot leather boot can be made. At present prices of boots this shoe should sell at $5 00 but our price remains the same $3.00. â€"-â€":o:â€"â€" We also carry a. full range of Men’s Heavy Work- ing Boots at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00. IO: It will Pay you to See them I l IO: llilltiliflll 3363.. . ELGEN MILLS. N. 0. Station, or delivsred in the t i For sale at the C. grillage and vicinity:â€" l ESTEA'M COAL For threshing engines. \‘1"I‘ '\ u I, -. STOVE, FURNACE l Best Scranton coal. Also file. Bran and Victor Feed for it) }:t \Vl cattle and hogs. Also shorts and geod American corn (old). i All good ll loops of grain bought : - .. ‘ i u A .ghest po:mb.e pnch .paid at the Elevator. ‘ 3. H. BAKER ‘pENNYROYAL WAFERS. v A .‘ Aspwvn.‘ m i l’ , I . i ‘8’ A- x l .s - ‘ 'n . i x. . - . C ‘4’ . .. ~ it; i ‘ ‘ . ttly mat the fur Enrtv-a .r. ilv

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