Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Apr 1909, p. 5

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)n-M Mundny (wan was uppnintm-d Villa {smies will hr in 1! under, and sm- Linn nur by-lmrs an: mu Mfs {Minx A large box nf e‘ggi. nrnngns. . .cuulu-d fruit. (-Xt.‘ w: ‘ run i~ (loud Friday. and was shippn-d I Saturday by liilidllvss vt’ (Inn ’l' and Ym-k Radial Railway. In I} (HIill‘l‘l‘ll’S Huspitnl. 'l‘lu‘ §Htlt In: re-tmm-d in u fq-w days. Thu-n- Was :1 lurgn "(Loud lllCt‘ at [prm-Hl L-wlguv ){nmluy P\ P “hen RN‘. E. (I (Em-rim pnflm- uf Pu-slnytm-inn (7hulcl). gnn- nu ii usling address (in “Missimh‘.” ’l'u-m:l1.‘(lw prmklvnb. ph-zeidud. Miss \Vinuifrrfl Mums sung .1 sum 'nt Hugth “(:14 L f nvxt \vm-k, and llichnumd Hill, ‘iuluxday, 23-1le in Many inquil ing fz-iu-nds‘ will 1m [uh-Mod I!) learn that AHn‘rL Hi” and Jumus ('mviv. (he two fulll'-yv::l'-nld children who were st: 11er h)" u (-:u- and lhmwn fwm the h'm'k unv duy lust \n-r k. aw in a fail: way In l‘(‘C(I\‘0|'_V. Tht' forum-\- is Inm‘ a. do to lm up and appears tn lu- gc-Ltiug it “uh- strongm- (l 15' by day. Spvcinl M'nngt-listic sm‘vicew:n'ohning huld in the .h-thndist Chm-ch. 'l‘hvy ('ummvncvd on Tuesday. Th? trapic this Honing i< "Fast; and Lnusu." Tu- murmw (Fridny) running Rm'. E U. "\H'l'lv. WIN has chum-“l will speak on “l’nwvr Tl n-ndvr.” Excellent sing mm is heartily Welcomed. Next Sunday, April 18. sm-nmns will MVS- GPW Clml‘ ho punched an the Maple- Uirmlit by RVV- “VH1”? “Nd Rev. \V. H. Rm‘khdm. B.A.. as I‘nliuws: ; l 0- \VHW'X ‘ Maple at 10.30. “(me .u 2 30. and Can'- 1 \Vilkimnu uf 1‘ \ilk at 7 p.111. Hm‘. J. F. Hvym-ufi hf . Mnrphorsun (if ( the Lumlm‘. (‘:(>11f'r-u-I\cl- will [Munch :IL ‘ :IL lhv Manse nu ‘ (‘oncul-(I at 10.30, l-ldgnluy .u 230. and Maple at. 7 (I'clm'k. Suhjwn: “\Vhy is “THE ET] . . I o 4 ‘ n . a MM] wmlh mun than A ‘4va. 0,, mo “Tum: Ree. \‘V. H. Rul‘ f Maple at, 10.30. “ups :eL \ilk :xL 1p.xn. Rrv. J‘ uh-d. smith inwnl There was an unusually large nltnnd- mice at. Juniur lipwurlh Lcugm- Mun- (l:(_' after-"mm whvn the ymmg mmu- hvrs gave a [night and imervsting prugrauuuw nf diulngm-s. drill. r-ht-I- uses. songs and l'ecxllulinus. Mix‘s Mal-y Trench gme :l plmcing with-vs»: (m "\Vhy pr‘nple Wmu' new clnthvs nu Easter Sunday.” The «hair was lulwn hy Muster Gurdun 81mm, (In: president. It will ml her (u '1‘un-nnl4 A meeting of nut citizmls and all in- Lvleslml in lhv m'gnnizutiun uf a Band \riil he lu-ld in the Council Uhnln‘wr "qu. Mmu‘my (wening nLS n‘cluck. Let them be u full uttuuduucv. In the churrlws here Um S\‘1\i\‘t‘\‘ WEI? lul'gl‘l)‘ nature. and were “<10an (mngwgaliuns. In (In church speciwl music was the choir. cunsnsting nf SK and chm-uses. Smmum tn thv uccminn were pre: morning by Rev. E. H. the morning by livv. A. P Ir. H. } star [wuâ€" 5‘ (turan \V'e :uc [vaulle 1‘ have “W hl‘nm'b of “f the, ful Milnul-‘llv which [‘I Inlll‘ y munhvr Depnrtnu “f snnm ‘lu ll: (he ll! SH Ill] in Ilu my) Hn hm uughy Inn 59011 :lmun lh d {I PU BRIG MEETING. EASTER SUNDAY. (I m ill in I-yt-sight ORNITH OLOGY Hf In 76 r Lhe H"). cnnsrnfisd 1n 1|<<ii“i’owvr Thm’ Self- Eur (-Henb singing. bk cry 13m “finned Ln by large In tlu- Methudlst music was furnisde by sisting uf Shins. :uuhmus Smmuns uppruprinlo n were. pregghrd. in _thc influx-est i n Lem-her in {1x1 all M: ht sp‘ l‘lmn ‘ll (1w clurus :u‘e lwnut life. uruvvl'ud with L' )ul'lnut. (h pwsx IL th Us. musLIy \2‘ Hm walls of \h If E. h. ’1“ 1H? m Hum llvcled (I ml “1 l 1.: HS m Ll in in ififio Mr “I; '0 ye‘ Bram 1st Sunday Hf zl L'htll‘t In inn-1 finds tudy c- :It Hu- m eniug r Hf Un- w ()l Intifully \ly .‘Jrs. .Iuniur pictures umdiu n, “Km mu in will Ind (h 113111 as :m r :mgx-lz IIV'nll-l'i _. anil, pix-Mn must, m it him-ins: tn If the “pp Im-etings. guI-u- hi cullph- Hf Mr. :mtl \K'yvlnvmud hert- um’i nt Rev. E. II. Huh-r uuclvr ‘ (imuhumd pm Littlv Mink LL: Mv()ux‘aghy (If Tu- rnnln is spending; 1hr “'(‘k'k with her grundhtlu-r and UHh'l' whtirus. Mrs. G9 n. Guam and Miss Gh-nn and Muster \Villiv GrI-x-n (Il’ Bulfaln. N.Y.. are visiting tin-iv relatives, Mr. and Mrs. D. Slum). RIP. and MN AA. G. Sangu AylmvrMunrlu :1 .fmv Enstvr Mrs. A. S. Sm‘ .l. D. “"me of Aurora, Misq 01a \Vilkinwu uf Dumn'illv, and Mrs. Mavplwrsun uf OHuwu, Were visitors at lhv NIJIISP nu Monday. On the eve-Hing nf Good Friday the choir nt (he Mthndist Church. under lhl‘ directinn of MI". A. J. Iluuw. gave :1 deliglnful put-gmmuw of music in pl't'senting lhu hunuliful uratnriU-can- tutu. "The. Elm nulCity." The chnrnses. solos. quul-tellvs nnd duets were all (If :\ sutishumil-y “Maw, and (.huse whu :ltU'ndt'd must have felt that the ham-- and-u-hnlf was pla-nsmuly and prufitu- My sprut. Miss Enufline McMurtry nf Tnmntni spvu! m-ur Easter with Miss Jeanie Mt-Le-nd. )1 1's. 1". \Vutmn. Miss Mae Bevin and Muster Hal-01d Bevin all nf Turnntu spent Enszm' will) Mr. I). KHSWP”. )lies‘ Annu Krrsugvll lvft ml Tuvsduy ful' n. twn \vuuus‘ \ isit with friends in 'L‘nmutu. Lumlnn :Iud Stratth Thix‘ fix] 1) \Vu l'PR!" nf “'u). \V umh-r qum he a wry n Unlisidx-UIMP lhu- wind slur tul'mng u cumi fvnccs and lw (handy. and H} the n-nf (-1? n hmg shed ndjnimng J. Bm-xwtt‘s 1mm. Mixs Marguu-t Slain hf Eldor‘s Mills is Spending a Week. tho glivsc nf her cousin. Miss Jzuw Topper. _ Mr. Thus. Bin-nun. hns lanPd into the lmuso I‘H'r’nll)’ pllll‘hnsrd from Mr. A. Junvs hv Jr. 1). Kerswvll nu the euruvr ui Chip Stl'r‘t't. Mr. S. Pm-zuliue uf Aux-mu. has nun-- “d iutn Hie farm fnrnn-rly ncunpivd by M 1-. J. mes un 211d «run. if Mzu-L’hum. Mi.“ Lam-.1 Naughtnn spent a wka Mrs. G. FLA}! mm“ W hp) Thu ulmvui THE ETERNAL CITY.‘ PER SCNA mmlnn "list, Hi4 I'ipl‘ vxpv lily, nlrl Wilhul llfl‘ “ka his visit, nmm .u all \vhn tukr- :udu n-lunjly Mfmflv-d by HR ltvpiufi “in hwy- lSHa â€"~“:\n Orivntnl anh‘. II. ’I‘uye m» NIH p: u'amiuo for Wu mild was» of sun xuhlp damn e V xlmm nf ust cnnsidm-uhle an (I [H's-Hing Uh Id Bluin Brus. (-1? n hmg shed Elgm Mills Mrs. Frank HuppPl' uf 'I‘nrunto. spvnc :L fvw days luliue «f Aux-mu. has nun-- u-m fnrnn-rly (Icunpivd by on 211d (mu. hf Elm-HIM”. x Nunghl‘nn spun: a wka z-nd Miss )lrlL-iv Tank ir P. G. Savage and Mrs. :nml sun “mm”! {mm yvvening:Iflm-smmding hnhdnys W'th Mr, and lll‘l'l ’0‘ n H" “Rum-l;1\vn“hns Lu \isit friends fur a r (If Finr-h’s Cornws‘ Mrs. Anlus and lll‘fi u-n [hat the family nu hu\'P hot-n placed for \vhzw uppezus to 3 of small-pux. lifv-likl- pm trait of R lit-ginning \\'iih Him I» ns‘siq Ins sun, RI-v. mnt part uf hh um} runf at, [In- l1 ul lSt wee-k. amount. the silos s. It, "Is Brut (-rin lfnl 5m 4-: uxpm-u-nc r‘xp REV nu-ngM ndvum hulk 'pr‘l il-l‘lr‘v‘ {ler in tr :nlsn tune djnimng J. (II In] "W a lung done by -k, over- It (If the. thus rich 1. ns h!!!" HQ” A. H. B R AGE nf B‘ Mnmlny Ru-v. A." :11 are no A may prr-tty \w-dding vus solem- ni'md at the» hnmv 'nf Mr. James A. Stvvcnsun. 6 Cum. Vaughan. \vhun his fullllh daughter Jessiu was unitod in murriagv tn Mr. Fwd Ragga uf \Vund‘ “nu-mg lnidgu. hy [It-Y al'x‘h 1» Th» hr of her white I Unusual Ur Thulslny himltiun .ul‘ li( II) 1h fumth daughter Jclsxiu was united in warring“ In Mr. Frrd Bnggt‘ uf \VumL in itigu. by “UV. Mnluultn McKinnun. under it” nrrh uf Mrrgrer-ns and white rusrs. Th» bridle Hutvl'l‘ti H10l'mtllnntlwunn of her fulhi‘t', lwnutifully dressed ll’l white nut (lVel' white silk. with tuille veil and mange hlnssmns carrying a tmuquut of cream msns. She was at- trndetl by her sislvr Habit). d1'e3Si‘d in [Jule hlnc silk mile, curryng pink cur- txntiotr-x. while the gmnm was snppntb ed by his hmthm' Mr. Garrge Maggi». The wrdding march was played by Miss Lillian Mchil. Th? groom’s gift Lu the bride. was at pearl sunburst. tn the hrith-smuid :1 pear! ring. [the ceremony the guests about 40 in numher l‘r'pajl'rd tn the dining room where at sumptunns dinner was served. The happy couple left: un the evening 1min, amid shnwvrs of rice- and confetti tn Slll'ud their honeymoon in Shayna; the bride travelling in u smoked grey suit, with hat tn match. The number ‘nf lbt‘flti and hrnntiful gifts Lestify tn llhe (‘stvrtn in which the bride and l gmum urr hrld by theii many friends Aftr-r ’l'h.» (-m-r-niuny was colulnutrd ‘ l i l l Maple. l Anniverme SvlTin‘S under the iuuspicvs uf [he \Vmut-u's Missiunsu'y Societv \vvre held in the i‘It‘li10(ii\‘t churchonSundayevening. Aneluquent and impressive Sb'l‘luull was preached to a large congregation by Rev. J. F. Reycmft. and special lumic was 1 endurâ€" ed by the tin-i1 assisted hy Dr. and Mrs. Rnu'Jey. 0n Mumiuy awning :L lea-meming was held. After tea was SH'H‘d a [)l'lrgl‘ullllnc was gian which consisted uf an anthem hy the choir. :L sulu hy Dr. Huntley, and a lchuI-e ml (Run-(ship :md Mauriuge by Rev. John Culmm nf 'l‘m'untn. M 1'. Leeds Richardâ€" sun IK‘Cllpird the chair. The proceeds of the Sunday eve-nil) ' service and the ten meeting MUHHIHH’ [0:541 ; Mr. and Mus. O. B. Hrury Visited ‘uwr Easter with friends in ()muge- I vilii'. In :uunng which was 21 shmvm' of granite- wm-e {mm the \Vnudlu'idge Prcshy- U‘l‘ifln Chuil', uf which the bride has been a memln-l- fur 1; number of yours. Spa 1.- wninr ms} \'\' m} m A reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ML‘NPH of Veallnrv. was huâ€"ld ut- the home nf Mr. James )[CNoil on Mon- day evening. A large number of visitnrs spent the huiidays wilh frivnds in the \‘iflugv. Th“ \ncnl hm‘se huyvrs are starting again fur Iln- \Vust this work with at car luzul nf [ml-seas. uf Fl-m’ln, _V “'1”. Vullit lvudrd :L'IH her ynungl hen:- uf hm- Atkinsvn 6; SW ritlny n in 'J i‘h 'uzzzl nmaflurs.â€" snlus, (20., Will be M (1m in}: Ihv vwmng. ,mvmw Hf all Breeds ls \n'flti‘d (u “'01 AN EASTER \VEDDING. BAUGE â€"STE\'E\’SON. IH- d sclmnl hwe mung plnyumte hf her dmlh. vs slaiulvss (iau‘ rnlll has been x-vceirvd (If the I, youngest damghtvl- ¢ ‘lliem-I of Tumult“. Fr: BI :u-o Hf Cub-u! g. '. (hr lQIh. in: :Htf‘. ii! HIL‘ 11;: lu-M. Tl] {rd l" hf ‘3'. Blst 1'1 pnnnd ‘2‘)nt} _ d l dâ€"“A Strange (Tum- Inuit/HINTS um] \tht SC‘I \‘H‘l‘ DH'HIHS: Do You Bu- lll :-1\'i('0 hvgins each m., and inn-raring sn‘lus, &c., will b lll( wk (:nuun hose 1‘." Ladit's Hems‘lm hulhl-iggnn spli ‘Ruindlups mun. Freda \sc snmlm-r, : will he sux'x'y (k fl: FXVW Hr :lt +++M++1~l~+++++++++++++++++ »:~-l-++++-}-+++-1'§"}~:-+ v~:«+++~'r-§«§~§~~'r++++~I<+4+++++++++* m Swarm. There is only one way ofdning Easiness nowadays. The age of the “Fakir” the “h’lisrepresenter” and the Purveym‘ 0f “Shoddy” goods is past. Live purchasers are not caught any more. They Place their business withareéiable House. We have a thirty years record, and many of 0m? origimfl Customers are stiH with us. Tm: extra gnud Fresh Milch C‘uws, part Holstrin, m) Int. 43, con. 1, Max-k- 1mm. 7, -. A--...-“\nvvnnvf ings akinson & Switzer REGHMOND HILL 404E PROUD pl} “)1 znm A pril 15, 1900. Mupl‘ New Seven-Romned Dwe-Iling with .1 cellar and (t‘HufUl Luhle sm-mumL 001'. of Richnmnd and Elizabelh ‘ight dollars pm month. House to Let Bo YOU wish to bug gour of a refiiable House or not? Stallion Register BAmmâ€"Jmp. Ulydé-sd Hy Hf \V. Pane”. Du H::\‘l'] [u Concord, I Rishmnd P3355 fianfiwam 3mm ght doll Ap; Intending Builders see our Stock and get prices. without horizontal lock are the best. EA‘TETR()UG}H put together in ten foot lengths are the best, causing less joints. 0. gflULES RICHMOND HILL, ONT. For Sale METALLIC EAST LAKE SHINGLES HARD W ARE STOVES, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, BINDER TWINE, FURNACES, TINSMITHING, 840. M. VANDEHBURGH. Richluund Hm PK) ivhmmld Hill. HARRISON GOODS +4-++++++H+++++ hlmm 8N M» ++~M~~§<++~Â¥++++++~$++~Â¥++44-54-405 . 74f Tu’n Gnod HI Riclnuund 51., u “37 »~ in BANNER OFFICE. AURORA TiékéiéflihfihieWest TICKETS for ppncm-ed at: in A quantity 0t Delaware Potatoes. 'w 20th Century Oats, and Ontario taken at For Sale LIB E R A L FICHMUND l For Sale Apply to JOHN HIS LOP. Richmond Hill rllSPS. side by side. on few steps from Ynnge. the Canadian c. MASON. Ridde Hill ; OFFICE HILL.

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