Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Apr 1909, p. 7

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.â€"â€"r “fip HE Will A FRIEND’S ADVISE _.._.._.â€"â€".... AND 0000’s KIDNEY PILLS | won’t work unless he has to. SOON CURED HIS BACK- ACIIE. [low Malcolm McKinnon Fonnl Complete and Permanent Relief From His Kidney and Stomach Troubles. Shunacadie, Cape Breton 00., N. 5., April 19 (Special).~Sufier- ing with Backache so much that he could not Work, Malcolm McKinnon a well known resident of this place took a friend's advice and used Dodd’s Kidney Pills. The result is that he is back at work and his Backache is gone. “Yes,” he says, in speaking of his case, “I was troubled with Backache. due to wet feet and hard work. It got so severe at last I was quite unable to do my work. “It was through a friend’s ad- vice I started to use Dodd’s Kidney Pills, and I was soon aware that they were doing me good. My back was easier and I had less pain in urinating. “As Dodd’s Kidney Pills had done me so much good I thought I would try Dodd’s Dyspepsia Tab~ lets and I did so with marvellous effect. Two boxes set my stomach right.” With Dodd’s Kidney Pills to keep my Kidneys well and the blood ure and Dodd’s Dyspepsia. Tab- ots to put the stomach in shape so that the body receives the nour- ishment it needs you are assured of the two first essentials of Egalth. Any doctor will tell you at. pl. . GROWTH OF GRAND TRUNK Marvelous Progress Made Under Manager Hays. _ Since January, 1896, the Grand Trunk Railway System has increas- ed the operating mileage by 11 per cent, through the acquisition of the C. A. Railway. The tonnage for 1907â€"the last complete year’s report of the companyâ€"was 111.9 per cent. greater than the num- ber of tons moved in 1890. Gross earnings for 1907 topped those for 1896 by an even 99 per Centâ€"net earnings being 85.7 per cent. over those for 1896. Fixed charges and rentals for 1907 were but 3.2 per cent. above those for 1896. New Year’s day, 1896, showad a deficit of approxi- mately $1,500,000; December 31, 1907, was passed with the payment of $4,100,139 in dividends as the result of a year’s work. The first six months of 1908 pro- duced $928,110 dividends on the 4 per cent. guaranteed stock of the company. These figures, few as they are, speak volumes for the.brilliant ad- ministration of the trust rcposed in Charles Melville Hays when he was elected second vice-president and general manager of the Grand Trunk system. Nor did it take a dozen years to demonstrate the Wisdom of giving him absolute sway over this transportation system, which prior to his appointment had been largely managed from London, England. ._._.,x.-. FOLLOWING ORDERS. “Now,” said the magistrate, “you must testify only to'what you know, no hearsay evidence. Un- derstand I” “Yes, sir,’ witness. “Your name is Mary Bright, I believe. Now what's your age ‘1" “I won’t tell you. I have only hearsay evidence on that point.” replied the female “Bliggins says he owes every- thing to his wife.” “Well,” an- swered the man who never says a. kind word. “I don’t know of any- one else who would take a chance of being his creditor.” ____.._.._. fssrn so 16â€"09. W_-_‘,_ INDIAN S G000 FARMERS. In Saskatchewan They Are. In- dustrious and Prosperous. The Indian of the great prairie province of Saskatchewan are. dis proving the theory that an Indian They are becoming industrious and pros pwous. There are nearly 8,000 Indians in I the province and last year they had about 9,000 acres under crops. They raised 150,572 bushels of grain and roots and 30,000 tons of hay, worth $136,023. The Departmrynt of Indian Af fairs reports that the Indians are- turning more and more to the soil for a. living. The agent of the As- siniboine agency, which may be re~ garded as typical, writes: “I was greatly pleased to find that the area under crop was al- most double what it was the year before. The band had about (300 acres of wheat and 200 acres 0f oats. The Indians of tnis agency are beginning to farm on a large scale, and if they continue to do as well as they have in the last two years there will be some good sized farms among them. One man has 155 acres in crop and another 125 acres, and several had seventy acres each. There was a decided improvement in the way the land had hen farmed.” '1‘ THE CULLINAN DIAMOND. Queen 11 ill Wear it Scpnrnlc From Crown on State Occasions. The King and Queen, anxious to make the fullest possible practi- cable use of the Transvaal’s mag- nificient gift, the Cullinan dia- mond, have consulted the court jewelers, Messrs. Gerrard, of Lon- don, as to whether it can be arâ€" ranged that the splendid gem shall be so set in the Imperial Crown as to be detachable for wear by her- Majesty on great state occasions, as it was at the recent opening of Par- liament. The feasibility of the plan having been demonstrated, the jewelers have been honored with his Majesty’s commands to carry out the work. Thus thp Cullinan, while retaining a status of a crown jewel, will be available for wear by the Queen on occa- sions on which the Crown itself is not in actual use. 'I‘ They Soothe Excited Nerve-s. â€"â€" Nervous affections are usually at- tributable to defective digestion, as the stomach dominates the nerve centres. A course of Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills will still all disturâ€" bances of this character, and by restoring the stomach to normal ac- tion relieve the nerves from irrita- tion. There is no sedative like them and in the correction of irre- gularities of the digestive pro- cesses, no preparation has done so effective work, as can he testified to by thousands. Love seems to have a. manic. for laughing at locksmiths and jokeâ€" smiths. Motherâ€"“Jane, you must choose between the -two. Will you marry the man who loves you or the man who can dress you’l” Daughterâ€"â€" “Malmma, as an upâ€"to-date girl, I must reply to your question that, although love is a very desirable thing, clothes are an absolute necâ€" essity.” e eat it:â€" “Shiioh's pure will alwtyn cd‘repmy coughs and cords." A man can see more beauty in the face of a homely heiress than a woman can with the aid of a pow- erful microscope. A Merry Heart Goes all the Day. â€"But one cannot have a merry heart if he has a pain in the back or a cold with a racking cough. To be merry one must be well and free from aches and pains. Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric 011 will relieve all pains, muscular or otherwise, and for the speedy treatment of colds and coughs it is a splendid medicine. BY ONE SENSE. “An auttymobile just went by,” remarked the oldest inhabitant of Podunk Corners. “How did he know that?" mended the stranger. he was both blind and deaf.” “He is,” replied the oracle, “but I guess he kin smell.” (le- BIAME PLACED. “Why don‘t ycz grace our danccs‘ wid yer presence any moi-cl" "Sure. it's me mistress‘ fault. She is that dowdy and oldâ€"fashâ€" ioned that not a single dress of hers= kin I wear at all. at all!” knows more than the boss. One way to get out of a tight place is to sober up. "I tlmught_ village . EARTHQUAKES AND WEATHER A writer in Nature calls alien- tion to the peculiar weather which aceompnnied and followed the great Sicilian earthquake. The sudden fog which settled upon the Strait of Mcssina was paralleled by a heavy mist accompanying the Mexican earthquake of January IREJQ, and the writer adds that rain- fall is so frequently reported as the immediate successor of an earthquake that “we can no longâ€" er reject the hypolhesis of a. real Connection between the two.” Prof. Milne has suggested that the disâ€" turbance of the ground when transmitted to the overlying air may determine precipitation, _ thus explaining the apparent assocration of severe. earthquakes Willi mist and rain. _____*___..-’ A Woman's Sympathy Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's bill a heavy financial load? 15 your pain a. heavv physical burden? I know what these mean to deIICaLe womenâ€"I have been discoum ed, too: but learned how to cure myself. T want to relieve ~our bur- dens. VVh not end the pain an stop the doctor's b 117 I on? tdo this for you and ii if vou will asss me. "Alli bu need do is to write for a free box 0 the remedy which has been placed In my hands to be given away. Perhaps this one box will cure you-4t ms done so {or others. It so. I shun be hnpm’ and you will be cured for 2c (the cost of a ostage stamp). Your letters held confl- 8 day for mv free treat- I . W Ito {0‘ fifdtaii’ns. iv n on RAH. Windsor. om. It is far easier to mend a broken heart than a broken rib. Repeat it:-"Shlloli's Cure'will always sure my coughs and colds. All men are born free and, equal â€"and remain that way until they get married. Some persons are more suscep~ tible to colds than others, con~ tracting derangements of the pul~ monai-y organs from the slightest causes. These should always have at hand a. bottle of Bickle's Antiâ€" Consumptive Syrup, the present day sovereign remedy for coughs, catarrh and inflammation of the lungs. It will effect a cure no mat- ter how severe the cold may be. You cannot afford to be without a remedy like Bickle’s, for it is the best. Uncle~“Even though you are my brother’s son I am obliged to dis- charge you. But I am sorry, for For Catarrh of the Throat of Two Years’ Standing. “I was afflicted for- two years with Catarrh of the throat. At first it was very slight. but every cold I took made l it worse. . i “I followed your directions and in 11‘ very short time I began to improve. I took one bottle and am now taking my second. I can safely say that my throat and head are cleared from ca- tarrh at the present time, but I still continue to take my usual dose fora spring ionic, and I find there is noth- ing beiier."â€"â€"Mrs. W. Pray. 260 Twelfth St, Brooklyn, N. Y. HIS JOB. Heâ€"-“Mv views on bringing up a. family ” ‘ Sheâ€""Never mind your views.I “I’ll bring up the family. You. go and bring up the coal.” | A Pill for All Seasonsâ€"Winter. and summer, in any latitude, who-i thcr in torpid zone or Arctic tcm'l perature, Parmclee’s Vegetable Pills can be depended upon to do their work. The dyspeptic will find them a friend always and should carry them with him everywhere. They are made to withstand any climate and are warranted to keep their freshness and strength. They do not grow stale, a quality not possessed in many pills now on the market. i “Humphf Him? He’d run be- fore hc’d fight me l” “I guess he'd have to.” ‘ Repeat lt:â€"â€""B‘illoh's Cure will alway- cura my coughs and colds. " to quit drinking if he wants to than it is for him to want to. Welcome as Sunshine after a. storm is the rslle| when an obstinate, pitiless cough has been driven away by Allen’s Lung Balsam. No 0 mm in it“ The good effect lasts. Take a. bottle own with you this day. iAGENTS! l It’s easier for the average man 5.1. cAsnnaco, Advertiser Will Sell 5â€"20 Farmers Bank $60 1000 Bartlett Mines 459 Box II, THE WILSON PRESS. Toronto. EIGHTEENTH l'IlTHROW TOUR. BRITISH ISIES AND EUROPE 300 Miles Coaching. 1‘ Superb Lakes. Our most cnmprehenslve tour. Riviera, with Monte (‘arlo mid Iiolinml additional included- ll‘ull illustrated Program free. 244 Jarvll BIL. Toronto. OUR nouns ARI] NONI“. Y M \KI‘IRH. llmullo our Illilll grade I’oJuxuos, Toilet LI.) :(Il, Tans. Coffees, Etc” and secure permanent Hatin- flu! Customers. Money roiuudsd if goods nu. an represented. The Home Speciallies (10., Dept. A.‘ Toronto, Canada. ALEXANDEEWARDENT (Late trezyeurer Pro 1h 'torian Church in Canal :1.) BONES AND $TO0KS Cobalt stocks bought and sold on commission. I8 TORONTO STREET, 10RONTO. CANADA Long Distance “lonerâ€"Main 2370, Main 2871. WARREN GZOWSKI 81. 00. Members 'l‘nronto Stock Exchange. traders Bank Building, 25 Broad Fitz-900' TORONTO. NEW YORK STfiflhS ass sense ' ill . Writ I specialising in HM c a a ‘1 EUROPEAN Tour}. All expenses aid including tips and admission; everywhere. “gland. Ireland, Scotland. Wales llollau-i, Germany. Switzerland, Austria, [told and France {or $550.00, visiting each smmtry by coaching, bontin and railway, from July and to Sept. 22nd. En urged by all steam-ship Cob.“ the finest tri for the money crossing the Atlantic. Itinerary and) full :partlculars MRS. V. STEPH ENSON. 2M Jarvis St. Toronto Write [0) our EXTRA HIGH P111028 SHIP To 89 Front St. East. ,TOF.ONTO. ONT. 7 v 0 0 0 For Sale . . _ . a r m Farms in 14 m Now Monthly Bulletin of Real IiU-rlszII-i. profusely illustrate I. mailed free. “e pay yonrR.R. free. 2. A, STROUT CD, took 0 1, World‘s Largest Farm Dealers, University Sir Robert Anderson, the emin- Bldg, Syracuse. In. ent police authority, says the Eng lish are, in fact, with all their) faults, the most lawâ€"abiding people in the world. your mother’s saks.” Officeâ€"boy Nephcwvâ€"“Oh. that’s all right, sir. Mother says she don’t see h0w I’ve put up with you as long as I have.” A sudden can often means sudden illness. Painkiller is all that is needed to ward it 05. Unequalled for cramps and diarrhoea. Avoid ghsfixtutez, there is but one " Painkiller “â€"â€"Perry avu’. Fredâ€"â€"“Yes, the old gentleman will soon have another wife to supâ€" port.” Henryâ€"“What? Youdon't mean to tell me he is going to marâ€" ry another wife while your mother i: alive?” “No; I am going to get married.” Repeat lt;~"Shiioh's Cure will alway- cure my coug’hsbfhd colds." Money makes the mare goâ€"but it doesn’t always make her come under the wire first. The superiority of Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator is shown by its good effects on the ____.â€" Corns cause Holloway’s Corn Cure the trouble. Try it, and see what amount of pain is saved. intolerable pain. Moles are so numerous in many parishes in North Devon that farmers are reverting to the old practice of giving 6 cents for each mole killed. Repeat ltzâ€"“Shlloh‘s Cure will always cure my coughs and colds." Nottingham medical and other charities will receive 3520,00 under the will of the late Mr. A. Kelsall, a. prominent racing man. We Make the neuralgia lame hack, Iumhago and kindred troubles than any other plaster. 25¢ tins and :1 yd. rolls. All druzgists. removes ' Emphatlo statement that "The l 1379‘ D a L ” Menthol Plaster will do more to relieve - l RUG$ Cleaned, Washed and Repaired by Orienter Process. We are the only specialists in ('anada. ORIENTAL RUG C0-. Simon Alajajiau, I’rwp. Telephone Main 868 198 King St., West- Rllle Th~m W‘lhout Milk. But)" '9! Free. Steele Briggs Seed (30., 1.01.. Toronto (Elli/ES OHENI‘LLE CURTAINS cal All kinds of house Hangings, Also hill! lllill‘l‘illl “‘0 *1 cums: LIKE NEW. Write to us About yours. Illfllfl IHIBIOAH ("Emil 69.. '01 158. Harm's“ ‘liilaâ€"lniuriice igenls Waniii Richmonl & Drummond Fire Insurance Com- pany, Head ()flire. ItiChnnnd‘ Qua. Established Capi tai $230,000. For agencies at unrepre- rented points, Province of Ontario, address J. H. EWAR’I‘, Chief Agent, No. 18 Wellington St, East, Toronto. children, Purchase a bottle and give it a trial. It’s a. good thing that some peo- ple are selfâ€"satisfied, for they never could satisfy anyone else. By lrlblng the Home. With, opium you may step a. ouugh, but the inflammation goes from bad I to worse. Allen's Lung Balsam, containing no opium, goes to the root of the trouble and cures despaaated afiections of throat and lungs. If it wasn’t for their famous wives many men would never be heard of. Repeat ltz~ "Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds. THE PRUâ€"6th PIPER. Andrew Carnegie is fond of the .Scots’ national instrument, the bagpipe, and when he is at home at Skiho Castle usually has his pet piper to play for him at din- ner. Particularly is the musician ‘u attendance when the great philanthropist has guests. On one occasion a big company of men sat down to table. and the pip(r pranced up and down the room as he played. The whole thing was new to a. 'French literary man, who politely i asked the guest on his right. “\\ by ' does he walk up and down when he does this thing? Does it add to the volume of the sound. or does it make a cadence? "No." said the other. “I don‘t think it‘s that. I fancy it's to pre- vent the listeners getting his range I with a. knife or a waterâ€"bottle." WW ly. 5.9.:ny or e um niasiou. No Q:- sat..$;o .vsss , an _\'~ur nun mun. \Vnrk parlay dune parlance. ‘ L Something absolutely new. \_\ on secretly or an agent. Immense profits, Writs i nick. FARM STUCK VETEEINABX 00., Toronta Every man on the job thinks he.3 no gouwant fizoney? v BOVRIL is pure concentrat Beef lor our needs we have finest grazing land in the wor acres in Norah West Australia. Over 200,000 head 0 and this number wil position than ever to guar I be much increased. some the purity and hiin character ofBOVRIL. ed Beef and to ensure supplies of prime just recently acquired 438,082 acres of the Id, in the Argentine Republic, and 9,000,000 i horned cattle are on these estates at present, We are then-fore in a better BOVRIL LTD., 27 St. Peter St, Montreal. Pen! Just what you I want for doing your , Homework! ink. (Hammond 13s. flamfl l *FKT send {01' (“gel Catalogue iNo. 7%. menu. PIANO 0 Organ 00., Limited (V‘I'pln 1:" have your v "' ...i 6 mm vary lmt melon-in. l-‘oulal II - only 02.50 worth oinur V l n Pen “‘4 nu‘ad,‘ ’0’ “ma! pacing-on. endure any when A pnanl wI‘J do. The Reliable Premium Co Dart. Leading Conservatories. Colleges, Schools, Theatres, and in thousands of homes where a piano of distinctive merit is appreciated. The Bell is the only piano with the illimitable Repeating Action. > ice mm! o! olrnsr vf than valuable and mom] mlclu. table and Flower Souls. Seeds urn d:l’-F'Ad vsrlulu cudâ€"Namaâ€"your name Ln-i man-u. plainly written. 20’ . ulcrloo. Out 28 GU ECLPH.ONTARIQ.

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