Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Apr 1909, p. 1

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VETERINARY SURGEON, ’1‘}: ornhill. OJJIS by telephone from Richmond 11111 charged to me. Lies-med Lieu-Bea \n-atiqneers for the County at York. S Mes thou Ie-l m on “\urtestuoticeand a tea- ammhla mth l’mt‘.) solicited Licensed \ xccxoueer {or the County of Y0 k a.» x is sold an son‘s‘iguyeng General sales LcBEML PRmTING Jo PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL.ONI‘. M )0 etc uro upbly' nbtendedao at;ea‘s:>;;nle rates» RssiieuceUuioavme Lion'me Anew:an lpecuully 301mm: 5" inflnsuce smlusmbhn “Id at emsouaberat‘ Prepares pupils for P1- Intennedgate meninuti Conservatory and (3. '11"le Special Course in "M gut-ten Methnd. purlicula beginners. (9 ' a R uounm shave Pupils prepared fm tilt3 Univursity‘ the Toronto L VOL. XXXI. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, EHURSDAY MORNING [-‘isussrnm 'm DR. H. W. Axmmsox) Our. Ynnge and Bio )L' 8135., Toronto. Vo’ill be in Richmond Hill every \Vednesduy. Oiflce, next. door nurth of Stand- ard Bank. Ofilce Hunt'sâ€"9.1.. m. to 5 p. m. Wm.“â€" 1‘. F. McMAHON, 1".un of z: D Pupil of W. H. Sherwoofl Private and CInSS Tuitiun in Playing and Theory Gl'ndllah' Victoria. Univm-sity Mr-mhvr Collage Physicians and Sur- gmnm. Ontario Curtif. l’ulyclinic, New Ym-k MAW '1‘ Snuaon MISS MILLIE TRENCH fl _ WEfl‘dchI‘r 77 7 UN. WILKINSON, M.D. $1 per annum, in advance. (4 DR. FULTON RISDON, J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist (BU BUSINESS CARDS. Saigooan & NlcEwen. MW of the Lungs a Specialty, pu-ticulurly consumption. 55112 (gihmi IS PUBLISHED EVERY Private Piano LPSSnnS .l. I! Prentice. Emma a Pnomxm‘oa (1123503 To DR. CASSIDY) MISS NORA MCMAHCN 88.0118? RIC I); REUHMOND HILL $1 ettrimzry I-IMOND HILL of Music Nawton Brook, agent for the e1 (0': theConnty of York re- yuar patronage and friandly tn'zled on the shortest notice ates P 0 address King DiltiSt, AT THE ianiste Burma“, I‘ 01‘ Plano a nd meuinntinns at ‘f 'I‘m-ontn and ‘onservawry rimary. Junior. ion at anLth) ng> of Music. W’s" Kindeh 1y br-Ipl‘nl m ‘ 42-1? ' J K McEwen Weston in n u i Laxae‘ Money to loan onlund anachnttel mortgagesa lowest. rues Auroraomceâ€"Removed to the old pout ofiioa one door west or the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket office-Thxee doors south 0! the post otfine HBRBERTLENROX G S'rV MORGAN Aurora New HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Cmnmissiunm, Cunvoyuncm'. Pic. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Lit-911503. Richmonq Hill BARRISTEH. Somcm‘ua. NOTARY, ETC. Tornnm Otfico. 33 Richmnnd St. \Vvstr. \Veslvv Buildings. RicllmOnd Hill Uflice. “Lilmm‘” Ol‘fia'. every Saturday :Iftm'mmn. Maple, Thul'uduy aftPrmmn. Money to hum at Fi\e Per Cent (57; . Danton, Dunn & Boultbee LENNOX & MORGAN A G F Lawrence F J Dunbar JAS. N EVJTON Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries, 3.1. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide & Victoria Sts.. Toronto. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. REAL ESTATE, ETC. A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept M; both places. Barristq-rs. Saliclnrs. Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST 19.. TORONTO, Canada FRANK BENTON. K. C. llElwsuT L. Imxx W. M L‘LOCK BCULTBEF Pnnne Main 311. RICHMONPHII I. THORNHHL NOTARY PUBLIC, ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, {CIJGILV 31114} ’5 Central Y CCMMXSSIONER, COXVEYANCER. ET( in Slmrthmnd or Business will luring you best. results if take-n at our nld establisth .ml thnnmghly I‘E‘thlv school. V. ntvr Term begins Jan. 4th. Oata'. L'llt‘ F199. British Under!“ 14 01‘s Lawrence & Dunbar, THORNIâ€"IILL J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers and Solicitors. 3L 'FEEF‘X’ [. A NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL, ONT” THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1.909 VVRTF‘TH‘I‘ WILLIAM COOK COMMISSIONER IN THE YOUR COURSE mum. “In Essmtz'alc, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity S: C Sweet to Eat at drug 77103 A Cand" Bowel Luafin. BM Embalmers, BROS. ‘ugglsts. nil‘xousne iizziness s College ‘i WE Phone Main 298 'ornnt At the last meeting nf Mmkhnm Tuwnship ()vnncil. hy-laws were pnssed uppninling fhP following m-ersvms uf highways fUl (he current Your:â€" DIV. NAME DIV. NAME I H. B. Schmidt. 2 E G.Ruhinsnu 2 \V \V.Uhnuvrly 3 “Mn. sts Sr. 4» \VuLRin:hnrds 5 â€" Graham 6 D. Kvmwvll 7 \V. Unsgrnve 8 (view. Cu): 9 R. McNigbL 11 A. V'nnhm'n 12 \V. J. Ness l3 Chas. Clark 14 J38. Dixun 15 Gen. Mcnguv 16 R. “'idvlmm W U. Dumm- lS Jas. McQth 20 Alex. Duncan 21 Chris Nichoils 2‘ Every conductor. master, or supm-inr utficer in charge of, and every (‘lt'l'k m- mnplnywe when authorized by line cunduum; nmster m- superior nfii» cm“ in change uf, any railway train or -tr:uuhuat. Staliun or landing place in ur at. “'hil‘h any such ulfmnce. as afore- mid, is cmnmitted u ' utlempted, shall. \~ :Ih ur \\'il.hnllt. Warrant. arrest any m-x mu whqu he has gum] reason to be- He-n- n. have culnmithd Ul' attempted Ln x ummit any such offence. and lake in hvfure a justice, and make. cum- 24m, M such offence on with, in wxit- (h)~Attompts to cnmmitsuch offence by actually engaging any person in any such game- with intent to obtain money or other valuable thing {rum him. The following paragraphs are taken from the Cl'lllllmll Code. Do they ap- ply Luelt'ctx'ic railways? If so, it might, be well if the nmnagemenb uf the Met- rnpulltan Railway would see that; the rulvs relating to gambling for money are enfm ced. A sec-Linn uf the Criminal Code reads its follOWSzâ€" Svct. 234.â€"Every one is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to one year‘s iuiprisunmenc who: (u)â€"â€"In nin railwin car or steamboat used as a public conveyance for pass- engers, by means ofany game of cards, dice or other instrument of gambling, (-1- by any device of like character, ob~ Lums {mm any nliwrpersnn any mnnvy, clmurl. valuable security or property; or. Z‘J .hwuh Lunuu 23 Thns. Read 24 0. Smith 26 J. Gihsun 2.7 H. Ham 2% R. Stivm' $9 Rich. Ash 30 R. Smith 31 A. Lnistn-r 32 A. G. \Videumn 33 Jas. Dnnva n 34 Jas. Hood 35 J.Unupvrl.hw:lite 36 Police TI‘IIStFPS 37 A. B. Uuulsun 38 L. Summerfcldl 39 “"111. Unrruthers 40 E. Heisey 42 \V. Helmkay 43 T. Macaulay 46 A. Epringhmu 46 D. R. McDmvell 47 S. ’I‘. \VHH‘iHvI‘ 48.]. \Videmnn 49 J. G. Hmnpr 50 \Vm. Harper 51 Thas. Unx wmth 52 A. Ulnshy 53.105. Gould 54 Alex. Duuglns 55 S Police'l‘rush‘os 55 N. A. Grace 56 P. Burklmldvr 57 S. Hum. er 58 J. »\. Min-hr“ 59 D. ()mmur (30 G. M. Freeman [3] Fred Cnakwoll 62 I). A. Clendeueu 636.!5rmvusheI-ger (H J. Gr. Hnuver 65 Elms Hunvel’ (S7 A. \V. Mill-0y (58 A. Roesm 69 Fwd Pike 7.) “'11). Joyce 71 Jns. Laurie 72 Gem. Bowers 73 Thus. Ray 7»! B. H. Rcesol' 75 Jns. and 76 A. S. Clan-y 77 \Vm. CIMRWQH 79 Oxville Kester _ Aputhvr .hy-Xaw wu_spusst~d appoint- Div. 4.â€"\V. Shank. Ed. Brown, Jul). Kaiser. Div. 5.â€"Jus. Thumas, R. Jarvis, B. Hrtgel‘mun. Div. 6,â€"Jns. Luwrie, Jnu. Posliii, Ed. Vunzant. Div. 2.~ch. Fuxster, Jl’., \V. Scott, T. Frishy. Div. 3,~C. Hugel'mun, A. Hood, R. Cunning. Div, 4.â€"â€"J. B. Grove, \V. McKay. \V. Cat-rumors. Div. 5,â€"N. E. Revsnr, \Vm. Arm- stmng. Rum. Clarke. Div. 6,~â€"J. U. Hunvw, Alex. Bnyd, Jns. McUreighI. By the same lzy-Iuw the fullowing named Were nppninted pnumLkeepel-s: Dir. l,~Thus. Hughes, H. Hooper, Gero. 1);:Lu'y. _ Ant-[her Ivy-law was passed appoint- ing funce viewms us fullmvs:â€"- Div. l,~â€"V\’. Huod, H. B. Schmidt, “7. ‘Cvumisky. Div. 3‘:-O. Hemmingway, Inn. Hem- mingway, S. Runner. ' Cnuncil adjourned until Saturday, May 8. at, 11 u’cluck mm. Div. Z,â€"â€"'J. Bx-illinger, J. Klinck, A. Jeanin‘gs. ‘ Gambling not Allowed on Railways. MARKHAM OFFICERS. wry person who makes default sclmrge of such duty is liable My not excpeding our hundred nd not less than twentydolkars. n 99 a 9!)? H-y conductor, master or officer in charge of any such :ur on- stonmhnat. who makes u the discharge of any such able, un summary conviction. My not exceeding one bundled .d nut lvss than twenty dullzu-s. ‘lmll he ‘he duty of every per- nwns 01‘ works any such rail- m-steamlmnt to keep a copy wtinn posted up in smue con- of such ‘1‘ailwny un- or 2 E G.Ruhinsuu 3 \Vm. Ness Sr. 5 â€" Graham 7 \V. Unsgmve 9 R. MuNigbL 12 \V. J. Ness )4 J38. Dixon 16 R. “'idvnmn 18 les. Muchy 21 Chris L’iclmlls 23 Thus. Read 26 J. Gihsnn ZS H. Stivm‘ 30 H. Smith 32 A. G. \Videumn Boy‘s sweater coats‘ gnay, gray and cardinal and gray and navy, assorted sizes. 50c. each; a nice assortment“ boy’s knickers in dark tweeds and navy serges, sizes A‘kinson & Switzrr. A newspaper- publisher recently brought suit against forty-five men who would not pay their subscrip- tions and obtained judgment in each claim. Of thesm tWenLy-eighb made affidavit that they owned no more than the law allowed preventing an tachment. Then under decision of the supreme court they were arrested for petty larceny and buund over in lhe sum of $300 each. All but six gave hnnd, while six Went to jail. The new postal law makes it larceny to take a paper and refuse to pay for it.â€"Ex. Mr. Herbert L. Dunn of Toronto Succumbs to Pneumonia. After an illness of only ten days of pneumonia there died yesterday at his residence «in “Wilmer nmd Mr. Herbert L. Dunn of the firm of Dental], Dunn & Bunltht'e. mm of the best known barristers of the city. Mr. Dunn had :i very wide circle of friends, umnng whmu he was held in high esteem. He was :1 great student, having gradu- ated frmn the University uf Tnmnto in 1882 as a medalist in classics. He was pnssessed of excellent literary tastes. and published several works, one Of which. IL treatise on the “Law of Mortgages.“ is still heing used as a t'-x_tâ€"lmuk in the Leuv School. $297,000,000. Arthur VVuuds, a llvputy Pnlice Cnmmissinner in New ank City. contributes a. timely article on the Black Hand Snciecy which was responsible fur the murder 01“ Detective Pelrusinu; Jupson (7. \Velliver de~ scribes the latest monopoly, "The Na- tional \Vater Powur’l‘rust”; George- F. Parker quotes Cleveland’s (millions of McKinley. Bryan. Cox-telyou and others; Benjamin Brunksdvscrihrs the work of "The \Vebfunt, Engineer,”:1nd makes clear to thv layman the mys- teries of tumleruilding; Guglielmo Ferrel-n, the Italian historian. writes “hunt the part plude by “The Vine in Human Histnry." and a Tuscan lady. who was in Messiml at the time of the Earthquake, contributes a human docu- ment, on (but gwat disaster. There are fuurgund short stnries, and another instalment of Mrs. Humphry \VM'd‘s novel, “Marriage a la Mode.” Thv late Mr. Dunn was an active memheruf St. Alhun’s Cathedral, and tunk a grs-nt intmvst in St. Alhan’s Schuol. Dot-ensvd was only furry- eight yvm's of 3gp, having been born at, Pelwlmru‘, Ontario, in 1861, and 1m vvs u. widow. a son and five daugh- ters. Three brothers also survivoâ€" \Vm. R. Dunn of the Intel'uutinual Hurvosu'r Company, Hamiltum Chas. N. Dunn of Port Hm-mx and Ernest A. Dunn of \Vunsau, \Viscnnsin. A curious cuincidence is the fact that (mly (m Sundnv lust, \vmd was le- c9i\‘ed vi the dmth of a youngerhx-o- thvr. Dmid C. Dunn, in Schem-cmdy, New Yul-kâ€"Mnndny‘s Globe. Px‘Pwide-ut 'I‘ufr. in an article in Mc~ Clure’s Magazine for May. answers the cntics of the Panama Canal. He de- clares that the luck type was the best type of canal to build, and he (lures lmpe that it will he finished before 1915, and that the cost will full helmv Colonel Guctlml’s ltha-st Pstinmte (If «an... m“. . Order-m-Guuncil dealing with the matâ€" ter minted in full. This number com- plexes the tenth volume. and attention 18 drawn to the work of the magazine in Forest. Fish and Game Protection and the manner in which the move» Inent in its fuvnr has spread through- out Canada. If future numhels are as gnnd as this hxrthday iSsue there can he no doubt at. all us to the future uf Variety is the dominating feature of the Mav number of Rod ul (1 Gun in innadu, published by \V. J. Taylor, \VUOdS‘tUck, Ont. In accord with the seatsnn thn-ie are sume good fishing stm-ies, while hunting receives such a. full share. at attention that inocSe. deer. hem; Wnlves and Wild geese all have particular stories givén up tn them. Twu fine explnratinn papersâ€"â€" .-m illustrated review (if Mr. Tyrrel’s hunk, "Thrnugh the Sub-Arctius of Canada," and one by Mr. Dickson de- sc: ihing u peismial trip through North- 9m Ontm-iu-«give us some little idea of how much remains to be done in Pxplnl'uliun walk in Canada. Mr. Clzipham has unnther fine dug article. “The Beagle fur Sport,” which all dog» lovers will peruse with interest. The decision hf the Ontario Government to have licensed guides is noted and the Rud and Gun. PROMINENT BARRISTER DEAD. VVHAT’S IN NICCLURE'S‘ MAY ROD AND GUI‘ “1.11345 I .7 nentcf 3 ‘ds and f- nson & PENNYROYAL WAFERS. For sale at the C.. Station, or delivared village and vicinityâ€"â€" STEAM COAL Enlctlonary 1215 won a greate: distinction upon its merits and is in more K general use than any other --work of its kind in the ‘Enggiish language. Bran and Victor Feed for cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American com (old). NUT, STOVE, FURVACE Best Scranton coal. Also file. All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. Cassel’s Magazine, per annum The Story Teller . . . The Quiver . . . . Musical Home Journal The Girls" Realm . . Little Fnlks . . , Chums . . . . Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent to C A S S E L L 3’ Canadian 1? u b â€" fishing Company The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. It is not necessary to send to foreign countries for maga- zmes. Read the following:~â€" J. H. RAMER ASSELLS & COMP: 42 Adelalde St. \rV. Toronto COAL For threshing engines. S. . [ mglecopxes, 3 cts. win upon their . The International 517355568" m. 20mg COMPANY (I. ‘ cnrilcfiii vlnun. 21m N0 44 in Hue $1.50 1.60 5‘

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