Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Apr 1909, p. 4

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' ' ‘ ' v V N I" i - U u x, (g ' ' ' We believe the experiment; is worth - ’â€"-â€"â€" "*:#‘ “'1â€" «2": trying. A minister of the right WHMT’NPPTFL'. stamp should be able to leave his ‘ ‘ impress on a company of young men “OUGHT BOYS T0 I‘IGHT? . I with whom he associates. Ifhe finds, d however, there is a luck 02' appreciu' The 3139“: headline appeam on tion for his efforts to assist the young the firs” .WFFWW Page or '1?“ men, he cannot be blamed for trans- “'eek3 Chum“ Gui‘ldmn' be {crying bis energies to other places. The above headline appeared on the first or editorial page of last week's Christian :Guardian. The Guardian says that “The question as to whether or not we should repress the fighting instinct in boys was up for serious discussion before a College of Preceptors in Manchester recently, and that the Headmaster of the Manchester Gram- mar School said that, in his opinion, it was a mistake to try to eradicate the fighting propensity of a boy, and that a wise parent or teacher ought rather to try to temper or direct it. He thought that valuable educational lessons are to be learned by the boy from fighting as from other forms of play, for he believes that fighting is only, after all, a form of play with boys." 8:0. @112 :fiibcrnl. Strange to any, The Guardian seems to be satisfied with the above reasoning. The editor says:â€" “We do well to pay intention, in a general way, to the English school- uiaster‘svideas and theories as to boy- uuining and education, and probably in this instance his advice is good, to this extent, that it is Well to encourage and give outlet to the vigorous and physically courageous in the boy in all reasonable Ways. Too great pug~ nacity and roughness may be a defect, in a boy, but it. is donbtlul if it is as fatal a defect as excessive meekneSS and efieminacy." We regret to see The Chrisiizm Guardian giving encouragement to anything in the {arm of fighting. How are teachers or parean to “tem- pel‘ or direct." fighting? Are they to tell the boys how hard to strike the usher boy, and Where to hit; him? And are we to condemn “excessive lueekness"? What does TheGuardian think of The Sermon on the Mount? Matthew v:5 says: "Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit; the earth.” Forty years ago fighting among boys at school was a common occur- renee. Now we scarcely ever hear of such a disgraceful scene. Does any person think that boys are less manly than they were forty 01' fit'iy mars 3510 1’ We do not believe it. years ago For the convenience of newcomers l to the Province of Ontario, who mav prefer to purchase improved farms in the older settled parts ot the Province where social conditions are similar to those existing in the Mother Country, rather than to engage in the arduous undertaking of making a home on i the cheaper wild lands of the Crown, the Government of the Province has compiled a. list of such improved farms that are offered for sale by the present owners. The reasons for these farms being olfured for sale are various. In mun y 'cuscs the furniers’ sons have secured new farms for themselves in Northern Ontario 01‘ in the North w cst Provinces‘ or have gone into commercial or professional life, leaving the home farm with the father, who is thus de- IMPROVED FARMS IN ONTARIO pendenton hired help,0ften inefiicient, and is anxious to retire from active work. The prices run from $150 to $52,- 000. Altogether about 800 properties are described and ofi‘ered for sale. Any person interested in the purchase of a. farm would do we“ to write the Minister of Agriculture for :1 copy of the pamphlet, which consains nearly 100 pages. Tne Khan, writing in The Daily Stnr of Monday, tells about, a young minister who exerted a good influence on the boys and young men in a certain neighborhood by joining their ball club and playing with them in t :e'n‘ games. Everything in the 1'0: m o' profanity or other unbecoming Ianguago was “cut out,” and the Ian guago WilS minister received that respect which is due to his high calling. Teachers cannot always be .ex- pected to join with the students in their sports and amusements. but where this can be done there is little danger of disputes in the playground. There is nothing like personal con- tact in ene's influence for good. A LITERARY EVENING. [From “Success Magazine."] As Jones wended his “net-main way humeward he pondered Ways of cm:- ceuling his cunditinn from his wife. "I’ll go home and rend. he decided, “W'hoever hem-d nf a drunken mun reading a hunk?" u Later Mrs. Jones heard a noise in the library. “\me in the worm m-e ynu doing in there?" she asked. “Heading, my dear," Jones replied cheerfully. “You old idiot 1" she said sum-“fully as she looked in at the liln-my dunl'. "shut, up that vulise and come Ln bed." The Snpveme Cum-b will druidv whether Torontn is tn hm‘e u wlmrl-un railway service similar m that of Montreal. The Divisinnal Court. I'PSPI‘VH} judg~ ment on the applicatinn lu quash HM) Cumuer's warrant. fur the arrest. of Florence Kinmde. By his race with St. sz in NM" Ym-k Saturday night Alfred Sin-um». the English runner has (ll'l'XlHHN'll'HH‘d that, he is the gwuiest tun-mil»: rmmvr the warm ever saw. He- wmx frum his plucky cnmpetitm- by 1.; laps, cuvvring Lhefiflevn miles in 1hum;fiiJZminuuls. Notice m flradiim‘is In the matter of the Eatiltt‘ (-fJ ACOB HEISElntonf [he Villugunf Richmond ‘Hill in the Gummy of Yu: k, Gentluuum. deceased. Take- Notice that Pursuant (“R-9.0. 1897, Chap. 129 sec. 31) and amending Acts, all peisnns hu\ mg claims against the Estate 0f the said Jucnh Heise \\ 110 died an m' almle the 21% day of Mulch Al). 1909, are requested on m- iu‘fhl'e the 20th day (it May. 1909. tn send lhl‘ll' names and addresses and a full state- ment of their claim to Chm-latte Leah Heiso, Richmond Hill. and fun-Lhei- take nnlice that after the lust named date the Aduiinistvi-nuix will proceed to distrilmte the assets among the parties entitled thereto having regard unly tn the claims of whch she shall have then received notice. Two hundred licvusu-s win-1w fut nff {ly- Lax-ets 5 Med this 16th day pf April, 1909. \VILLIAM COOK. Riuzms Tabules assist digestion. Rmans Tabules: pheasant \axanve. Rmaus Tabules cure constipauon. Rioans Tabules cure flatulenm Ripans Ta Duxes cure bad breath. News Notes. Richmond St. W. Sulicitm for Aduliuistl-ntrix. cure I] C Sweet to Eat _A Candy Bowel Lamin u- three iWiLLWé BM ' l STQEK WEE? 44-31:] Tamworth Swine. A One-bums! Pluw (‘vVilkinamU 1y new. 42-“ Gnod anse nu megn Mreet, in the Village of Richmond Hi“. Am”: Pt. “1-. ‘1vnvn11r‘r‘ PROUD B.\no.\'-lmp. (‘lydrsdulm (lu- pI-upelty uf \V. Pullt-lt. l);ulsvlllI-, will travel tn Cnmwn-(l, Eclgx-lt-y. Muplv. Riuhmmul Hill. 'l‘lunnlllll. Lansing, um. Hnmu stable, Eglin- tun. Terms$l‘2. RULAL l‘].\’l"l“ONâ€"‘lll2n (“)’(l('5(l:ll(~’. the- ' pmpe-xty nl' l). G. Blungh. King(,fil.y. will lrmvl through Nnblvtnn. an'c Elng Milln.0uk Hillng “’lml- Ill-s9. Aurux'a. “mm- Slnhle, Howl. King' City. Terms $12. MARQUIS 0F (.‘V‘)“v.\lr"1lnp. Clydesdnlv. tlw prupplvly of D. U. Stu-Flo. Bit-1L mmld Hill, will travel Lln-uugh lll'ilil- furd. Dullm', ’ullm-smn, Oak Hillgm. Viclm'in 541w” 0. Hmm- SLEllIIP, Rich- mnnd Hill. Tums $14. LAIRUM.\CQL'1«:EXâ€"â€"(‘lyllrmlnlws’lullilm. \hu pl-upc'rly (ll' “I. J. \\'ell~'. 'l‘t-m wmnrreullv, will lmwl lln-ung' \Vllltclllll‘l'h. Alll‘ul'u' Pullnglnlllv ‘ Vellm'e. King 'l'p. Hnmr- slulll. Tompcx-uncm‘llle. Tm me $10. Jummm PERF()R.\IERâ€"-â€"Hut'knvy stalliun. the prunvrly of 111'. ’I‘lutlu- way, Ncwhm Bx‘O-xk. will hum"! l.ln~nugh 'l‘lmrnlllll. Richmnnrl Hill. Elng Hills, Oak RidgL-s. Kng 0in anlP. Fishvrvillu. Hume SI’Hbl!‘ nem- Stvvlv’s Howl. Te-rms‘ $12!. GOLDEN CONQUERORâ€"(‘rl)‘(lesrlult-rilhll inn. Llw m'vpmty of J. E. ’i'evson. will slantl at his nwu stable. Sumu 1 Francis‘ Smnn’sido Farm, Int. 32, cm: ]. Mailman). 'l‘mms 5510. THE PROVOSTâ€"Clydesdule stallion. tlu property uf T. H. Leggv. will trawl Lln-nughTcIupvl-aucevill»,ElginMills. Markham. \Vllitchurch. Aurm-u King (.‘ity, &c. v Home stand. lot 1, Cl 1). 7, King. Terms $l3. H-tf ~sale. 41â€"1f Holstein Catfle Pure-bred B1111 Calves. in] JOHN MCKENZIE. Nothing for Huh? at pH’svnt but RGU TE LIBERAL UFFIC House to Rent Not Seed Potatees. quantity nf I)(‘lil\V‘ Come Early and ma}: Your Selection. Seas Stallion Beglster, e of Route, etc, Free during the" :B‘ar :ason to those getting Bills or t Cards at this Office. ALBERT JONES. Lot 3L 31d Gnu. Vaughan. Hope P. O For Sale $11125 '80 SB GET YOUR nHPn Apyfly (D â€"â€"AN Dâ€" AND .nrwlmp. Clydesdnlv. Y I). U. Slut-‘10. Bit-h- U'm'vl Llu-uugh Humi- Hlfll'sull, Oak Hidgm. *. Hnnn- SLMIIP, Rich- H. A. NICHOLLS A 3108 WRIGHT "lydrsflnle'S’LuHiun .'. J. “'ells. 'l‘t-m truw'} Ihl-nng? u'u, Pnlhlgvfinv r. Hmm- stub). Tu! in“ $10. Ire I’utatm‘s {m Horse “(HIP- nature where M en ythi veluping iuln its, final lhv dirvct C:III'~‘(' of must div-.1305 r Indicnliuu of lmn'nh- cnpan. nw. Pains in 01" about L11eEyes, Twine-11mg of tho, IY‘l‘iL-RJIIOH m Inflammation Of'the M uo-ms Mel B eudacjzg, and a hundred other symptoms 1m Subecriptions for weekly and daily papers taken with “The Liberal" at $l a year, ai. the following rates:-- ‘Weekly Globe, to January 1910 The Daily Globe, one year ,5" York County 2; {)9 The Daily Mail and Emâ€" Q) 7% Fire, 0118 year (York Nd County) The Daily Star, received 6‘2 Q; on day of publication @e v The Daily Star,not reoeiv- a "g l ed day of publication v a Fam Wm, BE AT “imam; 137 Star New Idea $239.2??? a mm m: If automobiles are needed anywhere at all they are in the country‘ One of the speakers of the Women’s Institute, at Guelph, recently pre‘ dicted that the time was near at hand when farmer’s wives would run their own automobiles. Nor is the prediction a visionary one. Like the telephone and the trolley, the automohile seems destined to add to the comfort of country life, and the cost Will not interfere with your buying. We can sell is! diflh-uh h) rouli'w find the! “‘lliL at a mere fraction of original cost. These cars are taken by us as part payment for the newest and latest models. and are such as we can thor- oughly recommend. Any machine we send out is guaranteed to be in first-class condition, and be ond the fact that second-hand cars are not this year‘s style, there is not ing wrong with them in any way, We use them as a means of introduction to the country trade, and make the values extra special to encourage quick buying. If interested send your name and address for fuller particulars. ’ EYESIGHT SPEC High-Glass Automobiles and Bicycles Zlne anadia-n Pictoxiafi PHYSiQfi C VTR'TAI N 2mg BE Az-‘IIUGHHS' HOUSE, THOHNHILL. Apnu, “ 1‘ mme HOUSE, RICHMOND un,r.,Amn Toronto Officewj'JIN EEN ZBUI1_.D§NG. :1in Herald CONSULTAT‘IOI u-v intended Good Second-Hand Machines THEME £3,333}.- MU EYES’STR HYSLOP BROS., Limited Sh WHY NOT OWN AN AUTOMOBILE? s'mull a source. ng gt-ud m' lmd grmvth. Thus (lis'vnsvsof lh" eye. B“ E Y [3â€" W uan. nw. Ten yr:an Pxpm ivmn Itmmtos' best medical drcturs. ' < . 3 _ -.\'. V’Voman‘s rgin in a small way with i and “feel:- thl'hhvg (hut, trnuhl C1105 Luis. has a sun (‘IU‘ This .54. E Y [3- W I S E my} R1, w h Ethan a. '1.» ma...” n 5“! ,.J...-.\. x345 ~ ‘ mun (me M" the TORONTO, ONT. H-t-h‘ran hm \rinp; \\' l nll A .40 turn)

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