Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Apr 1909, p. 5

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v. fig/“ll? fiihiral. r t‘ticaansn rim. 0m. Apmr. ' 140(3 AIAN. .0. .-.__ __ Fishing liar-s. floats. hooks. sinkr-rs bad all kinds of lishing tackle at THE LurERAL Officr. Mr. Frederick Ler-ce, tou'rr cousin-drip. has taken the. residence on Harrison Corner. Richmond street. Next Monday evening at the Ep- worth League, is Roll Call. Subject: "The Rainbow of Christian Character." All are Welcome. it has been definitely decided to sub- mit. a by-law next January to thc t-lr'ctol'n in the towns of Newmarket. and Aurora. iii favor of Local Option. The special services are being con- tinned in the Methodist. Church this week by the pastors. Rev. E. C. Currie has consented to speak on Friday evening. The Fire Brigade will hold its first regular practice next Tuesday evening at 7.30 sharp. [hereafter the monthly practice will be on the evening of first Monday of every month. Any persmr interested who has not received a copy of the. Prize List for the Fair on the 24th of May can get a copy at ’l‘ura LIBERAL Office. or by ap- plying to the Secretary. Mr. II. A. Nicholls. Quarterly religious services will be held in the. Methodist. Church here next Sunday. cornun-ncing at 10.30. The businch meeting of the Quarterly lloard will take place. the following Tuesday evening. at 7.30. in the school rooun Some of the cars were delayed Satur- day evening by the breaking of the overhead wire a short distance this side of lot. 40. Men Were at Work dur- Inp.‘ Saturday night. and part of Sunday repairing the damage. Students from the Toronto Normal School cmnnrtnt'ed this week visiting schools at York Mills, \Villmfilale. Newton Brook, 'l‘horuhill. Langstalf. and Jefferson. They will spend about three weeks in this way. about twvuty students visiting each school. The members of Ilirhnrond Lodge have been notified to atteud an errrer- gent meeting- Saturday evening of this week instead of the regular meet- ing next. Monday evening. On the latter date. a number of the brethren. by invitation. purpose visiting Masonic Lodge at. King City. A number of load sprinters rue mak- ing use of the race track these ev eniugs. in anticipation of competing for the mile and two mile foot. races on the 2th of May. That is rirtht. The boys cannot all win. but. if they can stand the pace for a. mile or two miles they show their pluck in trying’ to land one of the prizes. A startling bulletin was hung up in the Metropolitan \Vaiting Room here on Saturday. Scorcsof excited people went in to read that England had been invaded by Gerrriauy. A closer irr- spectiou. however. showed that. full explanation worrld be given at the Princess Theatre this week in the play known as "The Englishman‘s Home.” POSITION OF FIREMEN. The Executive of the. Fire Brigade met Monday evening and placed the firemen for the year as follows:â€" Hoseâ€"T. ll. ’l‘rcuoh (foreman). L. Patterson. \V. Br'HSUII. J. 'l‘it‘fin. ll. Newton. A. Martin. R. Palmer, I“. Leece (branchuran). Hook and Ladderâ€"F. Lynott (fore- man). U. Glover. H. Patterson. F. Hopper, J. \Vigmore. \V. Pirie. A BOLD ACT. 0n about the fifth of March twr. boys about 14 years of age ran away from the Baruardo Home in 'l‘oronto. They came to Markham township. one of them engaging to work with Mr. .lolm Reamau. Buttonville: the other with Mr. Clark at l‘leadt‘ord. afternoon the two churns went to lleadfmd church and took from the shed Mr. Albert Kr-luikay‘s pony and buggy. They drove through this village northward. and the owner uoti- A h'r-d L‘ouuty Constable \\'. Eyer. A couple of rigs pursued therrr. After going up Yonge street a couple of miles the lads returned and dime cast on the Elgiu Mills sideroad. The con- stable and his assistants caught them 3 Mr. on the second concession near John Hart‘s farm. On berugquestiou ed they said they had found the horse : and rig on the side of the road. but afterwards acknowledged that they had taken it from the church. lockâ€"up and kept over night. Next morning one of the boys was allowed 1 to return to his placo at ButtoIrVille. but as Mr. Clark did not care to have . any more trouble with the boy he was ‘ taken by Mr. J. H. Sanderson. J.P.. hack to the Home. They said they did not mean to steal the trorseand rig but merely wanted to have :i drive. The boy taken to the home must have escaped again as he was sewn in the village on Tuesday. It is a pin thesi- boys are m-rkiin.r trouble for them- selves. “The \\‘.r_\‘ of the ll':iil\‘;_;l'cssr~1' is hand." Last Sunday The . bold youngsters were placad in tin" i PERSON AL 5. I Miss Hertha P:tllllt‘l' left yesterday to visit. her sisters in Chicago. I Mrs. E. Surellir of Sutton \Vc-st has 29.1900 been making a \isit with her sister. Mt‘s. Marler-d. l Mr. Baldwin Tr-r-fy and Miss Alice Tet-fy spent a few days with their relatives in Orrllla. and returned Mon- dav evening. Mr. .Harry Rumble who is home from “'ihnipcg accompanied by his mother Mrs. Rota-rt. Rumbli- spent Monday l will) his sister Mrs. \Vrn. Palmer. Mr. R. Ingram. Principal of the Sut- ton \Vcst school. with his two young Sons. Louis and John. spent Friday | night. and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. ' \V. llcwison. Mr. John D. Patterson of \Vnod- stock. who has recently returned from California and Mexico, was in the. vil- lrwe Thursday and called on his old friend. Mr. Teefy. Mr. Karl Storey. who was acting- postrriaster here during Mr. Teefy‘s illness. returned to the city Tuesday. Mr. 'l‘eefy has again taken charge. and his many friends will be pleased to l‘earn he is growing stronger every ( fly. “I EST 'ORK LIUENS ES The. lir-«nsp commission of \Vest York ruct Friday night. Frank Reeves. chairman. Dr. Charlton and Thus. Griffiths. present. and Considered the amilir-ations for licenses for the next license. year. The following Were granted: YorkTownship~Abncr Cherry.Fish- erville: “'nr. B. O’Leary. Fairbank; John K. Fleming. Larnbtou Mills (two months" extension for repairs); Frank MeUntcheon. Lambton Mills. Etohicokeâ€"Frank Mil-Gown. Thistle- tun; Emily C. Nolan. lslington: Arri- brose & ()‘Hrien. New Toronto; \Vnr. 1“. Young. Miurico; Frank Armstrong. Humber- Bay; Chas. Nurse. Humber' (two months’ extension for repairs). \Voodbridgeâ€"John K. Moore. George Stewart of \Voodbridge was given one month to sell out to Some. one satisfactory to the hoard. 0n \Veduesday and Thursday of this week LicenSe Inspector Mackenzie, accompanied by \V. K. Snider. pro- vincial inspector'ol’ lirrul acmunmo-la- tion. inspected hotels in \Vest York and ordered every hotel to he provided with escapes hn‘d othel improvements for theaccoinmodationof the travelling public. “ The monthly rnr-r-trufi‘oi‘ the \Vomen's MIs-rioirarv Society was held on \Vr'd» ll">‘tl:l)' of last truck" at. the home 1.? Mrs. Pollock. At the close of the meeting tea was served. Although the attendance was small on account. of the weather. an interesting time Was spent. Next Sunda y. Quarterly services will be held in the Methodist, church. lcv. W'. J. Rackhanr will preach in the morning. and Rev. J. F. Ht')‘(‘l':llt in the evening. Mr. G. J. Lawrie has purchased Mr. J. Kirby's implement. shop and moved it to his property. where it. will 3-.e fitted up fora hardware store. Mr. 0. Norman has corrrpleted the oven for his bakery, and will shortly commence baking. Miss E. Page of Richmond Hill, visited her friend Miss Robson over Sunday. The funeral of the late Mrs. Samuel Robson of Aurora took place here last Thursday. 'I‘hedcoeased was formerly Miss M. E. Pth‘llllHll of Purpleville. and many friends and relatives from that place attended the funeral to pay a last tribute of respect. __..___ __ .__.__ ___.____ MW _ . TRAIN \VRECK. Last Monday a serious. train wreck occur-ed on the C. 1’. R. four miles west of Routhwaite. The train. Con- sisting of three freight and one ms- seuger. lel't liiandon at the usual hour. \Vheu half way between Brandon and \Vawanrsa. the axle of the. tender broke. precipitating the u hole of the freight cars irrtotheditcii. Fortunately for the passengers their-coach remained lUl] the. track. On hoard were ten teachers returningr from their Easter holidays. Among them was Mr. F. \V. Harrison of \\"aw:rursa. \Ve cori- gratulatc hiur on his providentirrl es< cape. A well-made stock of men‘s working shirts. overalls and srnocks. Atkinson lrk Sn rtzer. g .‘Iuitouncvrrwut rs made that the re- opening of Pickering College will take place at Newniarket next September . under the ruauageuu-ot of Dr. and Mrs. . Firth. under whose care prior to the ; tire at Pickering the institution made such -r good record. The new premises contain 25 acres. l BlRi‘ilS. I;\.\‘Dlt1~l\\‘>‘r!lli Richmond Hill. on Thursday. April '23. to :ill. and .\lis. l Jesse Andrews. :1 son tstill-hoi'lrl. llEATllS. GRIF‘.=[.\'~-\t the residence of her sonâ€" iiplaw. .‘lrisr‘s‘ lizrirsrrrri. on Friday. April '23. l.tlt‘ John (iriltiu. in her 70th Year. Interment in the 1-iirlrruuud Hill Cemetery. Sand ry. April :35. Bo\'.\:"r‘o.\'-~.-\t lilrtttanvilh‘, rri l’iidav morning. Apr-LIES. ltll ".1. Ma rt ha Monk- man. hclov r d wife of PM... “23.1.41, ton. in her tilih year. Funeral on Elorirlzry. Apr il in“. 3 9....” to 'l‘hornhiil L'ruietrry. .‘li ifs l\".-‘.1.l.Yâ€"‘(ltl Friday. April 25‘, l.llt' ru-sidvru‘o. liuttornille. Jt'llll lvvllv. in his M'th year. ‘ Four-u l «~rr Sunday. April 1.». at -) ir'r‘l. _ lr'ii. L._ i . ll. was \‘r lllz‘l: l‘rcsl-y ill t'r~::u.-t~-i‘y. FOREWARNED. The following." loud-Thus been handed us by Reeve l’ugsley for publication. This paper has pointed out. so oftt n the danger to children jumping on cars and ‘phrying about. the switch. that it is .some. of them under the ‘ selling papers and Waiting till the car ‘ possible. parents have ceased to pay any attention to it. If some of the urents have. to pay a fine for their lioys they cannot complain of not being forewarned. The following is the letter from the Railway manager: r \V. H. Pugsley. Esq. Reeve. Richmond Hill. Ont. Dear Sir.â€"-Oonsiderable trouble has been met. by our conductors with boys ] hoarding our cars at Richmond Hill. pretence. of 01:8 under Way and then jumping off. Vlrile our conductors do not. wish to i use force or make it. unpleasant. for any of the young people. I feel that, if this matter is allowed to continue. it will result in a. serious accident. Perhaps a word to your constable in Richmond Hill would warn these people to keep away from the cars.l rrnd under no condition board the cars unless they are passengers. _ I do not wish to take any stringent measures. and trust that. a word to you will be sufficient. Yours truly. Gnas. L. WILSON. Assistant Manager. Toronto. April 2181.. 1909. SPORTING NEW’S. Now that the winter is over. every- one is becoming interested in league baseball. or one of the many summer sports. Unfortunately. owing to the, fact that. THE LIBERAL is only publish- ed once a week. we are unable. to give our readers the sporting news from day to day. 1n order to overcome this difficulty we have made arrangements with The News, Toronto, whereby we, can offer both The News (daily) and THE LIBERAL for one year for $2.50 to farmers and others living outside. of towns and villages. and $3.25 to those living in towns and villages. \Ve can fully recommend the sporting page of The News as being accurate. complete. and rrp~tu-d;rte. Special correspondents report all the Eastern League Baseball games and no sporting event. of any consequence on this continent is our- rr:itt.ed from its columns. Photos of the players. runners. and "snaps" of games. etc, make the page particularly attractive. Send for Sample copies and see for yourself. A post-card to our otl‘rce requesting samples of The News will be promptly attended to. FOOTBALL CLUB ORGANIZED. On Friday evening. April 23. a num- ber of young men met at the home of Mr. U. P. Head and orgauiZed a tort. ball club to ho known as The Markham Maple Leafs. After Considering ruarry points pertaining to organiZatiou the following otiicers were appointed:â€" Uhaii‘man and Captain. Arthur Tooke; SulrUaptain. Frank Kelly; Treasurer. 0. Stuart Read; Secretary. J. Foster Hirkson. Committee: Chairman, A. 'l‘ooke; J. M. Findley. l. Finley. All interested or football invited to join. Membership fee. 2.3 cents. Secretary’s address, Victoria Square. LECTURE AT THORNHILL. Rev. Eber Crunrmy. D.D.. will de- liver his faruous lecture. “The Philoso- pher‘s Stone," in the Methodist Church. Th rrnhill. on the evening of Tuesday. the 4th of May. under the auspices of the Epwur-Lh League. The lecturer is one of the ablest scholars and preachâ€" ers. and ranks among the foremost. thinkers of to-day. Music will he fur- nished by the choir. Silver collection at the door. Proceeds of lecture to br- given to missions. Chair taken at 8 o’clock. Those who have not heard Dr. Cruuu-uy should not. fail to attend this lecture. THANKS CONVEYED. Mrs. M. Ransom and other relatives desire through THE LIBERAL to express their thanks to the friends and neigh- bors who showed so rrurch kindness during: the illness of their mother". the late Mrs. Grifiin, and after her death which took place last Friday. Pure Gold quick puddings, crislard. arrowr-oot and chocUlato. 10c. per pk. or 3 for 2.50.; ground rice, 5c. per pk. ' Atkinson 8c Switzer. h‘ . l'lriropv. MAY MAGAZINE. The Canadian Magazine for May is a most interestingr number. The iii-st article it] point of timeliness is rntitlerl "Kaiser “'ilhclm: llis Opportunity and failure“. It att'urds a splendid critit‘vpiinii ol‘ the present. situation in "thitarios Uritwoi'ri Police .Svstcnr” is :r \ ignrous ('r itir'isiir by John Margaret, widow of tire‘ \‘erner )lt'Ar‘cuu \vr iter who apparent- l_vknowswheieofhewrites. “Montreal: .\ Great Commercial ('cutre“ is core tributcd by John 5'. Mat-Linn. and is finely illustrated. 'l‘ln-rc are other good illustrated :rrtirlesâ€"«“llchr it the Srirlptor”. by G'JslaYt' Dritaizd; "Suhâ€" doing: the Sorkeyr", by Harold Sands, and "Making (‘ireese in Switzerlau". by H. l’. >r~mrnr. Miss L. M. Moritâ€" gunrrv. author of "Anne of (irecn Gables". contributes a sturv ill the supernatural entitled “'i‘hr- lit'llltii of llt‘s‘Ir't'H. A r‘nlrtpl‘v'lirrirsi\‘r‘ ziiit)l‘r‘i'::l- llV‘ll oi the riiilsic rl‘ the Sl‘.l>\rl‘. inrâ€" iirui Hiv in 'i'urontn. is given by Miss linillrt‘ Hale and tlrciei :as: “vi! rrr ... by Arthur ll rwkr s. t'llllll‘dl ”\\ Say l .\m .r \‘irflragz'tte" and nature ski-I. hes bv Suzanne Mainy and l". .‘i. iii-liy. a driver ciru'awter sketch by James P. Harm-sou. with poetry from John l'oyll. l“. ,‘~l. Yer-luau, \ (i.‘i" (iifiiu. Douglas liolaris ....\l (...r;i- it I lieaunront .l :r \ is. “1,. ‘++++-}'+++++++++++++++++4 10!"!-++++++i+++++++++++++++d ++++++$H++++++++++++++++$ +++++++++++++++++d¢++++++4“!- ++~£ .....a. 4- .g. i :‘E .5. + 4- 33 + 4. + + “i '1’ ~2- + 4. 4. 'l'. d- .z. + 4. .1. 4. a. .g. d- .g. .4. + .3. 4. .5. d- 4. .g. 4. 4- €- + .+«&+-:«:~+++M~:»:~++++r++++++++++- a“++++++++++++<fil~+++++é~r++" We have in stock a good Supply of Lace Curtains. from 50 to 60 do and 2 l-2 to 3 1-2 yds. long from 500. to $1.65 pair. Art Sateen 3i ins. wide in Fawn and Green ground 200. yd. 27 in. Cretannes, pretty designs lOc. yd. 31 in. Crnpe Cretonnes, dark colors 130. and l5c. yd. Nothing HIS. W] ++++++++++iul~+++ Atkinson & Switzer RICHMOND HILL April 29, 1909. And there is Makes the room More Cheerful Than to Have we Live BEAUTIFUL Curtains â€"~A N Dâ€" T A S T E F U L Trimmings m+++++++++++++++++++++++ +++-t-++++++-t-:t++rlz+tt+++ .g. i M++++++H+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*+*+++++++ 'l‘ â€"â€".â€".â€"â€"_â€" 'F‘l? Lil i . 1 ‘ l tidaaifitillfiamware Store 83 Garden tools Serve as an introduction here to other Everybody doesn‘t know yet how many dir‘tereut Come and look around. stocks. things we sell. 0. SOULES HARD W ARE srovzs, GLASS, PUTTY. PAINTS, orLs, szsrrmmu. 86:. names HILL, our. DESiGNS 50 YEARS" NOE Coevmsurs &c. ' itin‘n mey an. o<~ rr. s “ 1 n I a riding in. you’re at all food of gardening you‘ll be glad of the chance to get. garden tools of the better sort at our prices. \Ve do some things for the sake of your goodwill. The whole conduct of bris- iness here is based on en- larging your good opinion of the store and bringing you twice as often. l i l TICKETS for the Canadian ‘ [it'ut'ttt‘r'd at \Vt'r'. f'l‘lll’. BANXlIlI ()I’I7lt'l-I. _\i'lIUli.â€" Orders taken at 7- Tlll.‘ Lilil'IllA i. Mi”. lt'lf. invasion: illi.i.. For Sale _\ Quantity . t' l’ivre [illiitlili : 'l":r.l:i-. w... rl nonriiiiwrr: ill: post» '3 .iIl urns Zilti. ill.:"ll\t1inr_..‘\- :21. ling. .\ :i'iulrlil)‘ rights .. 1: «up. _‘\L('..iivrlle .‘x ‘ ti lillilir’

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