VOL.XXXI Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 18 PUBLISHELEVEBY DHURSDAY MORNING (Swazaason T0 DR. H. W. ANDERSON) Cur. Ynnge an] Blow Sts., Toronto. “'111 be in Richmond Hill every \Vednesday. Ofï¬ce, next, door north of Stand- ard Bank. 031cc Hoursâ€"9 .1. m. to 5 p. m. Lizaasm »\~1c:ianeer (or the County of yo 1; GM is sell a l ownaignrueut General 5315,: as )c etc um nphlv mtnended to at reasonauh. rats! Resi louue Uniouville .1} it Gaul 1mg, Newaoa Brookagent for the HERAL PRINTING & PUBLisnme HOUSE RICHMOND HILL..0NT. 1‘. b‘. )IGMAHON. eunle I) abm’e Tlicense A gpaatfully s mfluance ‘ JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Graduate Vintmm University Mu-mhur Guilt-go Physicians and Sur- guuns. Outurin Cex-tif. Pulycliuic. New Ym-k if I per annum, in advancu] “2:?! 'dimi. JSNTWILK'INédRICM‘h? ‘6 Ipils pr-opn the Univ the Tm DR. FULTON RISDON, VETERINARY SURGEON, BUSINESS CARDS. (Stru‘assun Tu I‘m. CASSIDY) gm of the Lungs 5! Specialty, p.u-ticulurly cmmunptiou. 'MLp'a 515:4 @3119 gibeml ’Fllornhill. E 01103 & Pnomm'ron 17 A '5 Y '5‘ “73'6"?me RICHMOND HILL I) e ntist, unbc MI (5 9 ll 313‘ tterinam H Plouzice, moers for the County of York ) 31 m )rtest noticeand a ten Rummage solicited AT THE Pi 5mm. Hanigt 1m (‘vm )f Musi I; L a; Heliwcn. TIE TEENS? dillbb Low“, heCounCy of York re- ".tronnge and friendly 0:1 the shortest notice P 0 address King EWTON The ninations J K McEwen Weston in Uranus Repaired and Expart Work (‘mn-nnteel‘ NATIONAL TRUST FHA M HEHS 31! KING ST E.‘ TORONTO, (‘un::d: FRANK DEN’I‘UN. K. C. HERBERT L. DL‘NN \V. MULUCK 801711112151: Phone Main 3“. Benton. Dunn & Boula’oee Mouev to loan on land wnn mane! more-Fem p n Imus: rates Auroranflireâ€"Remowen L0 tho: Md post oï¬lca one dum- wen o! the outmuce to “w Outnnu Bunk Newmnrkev omenâ€"Three duarn south of the p Ntolï¬ne T Hknamn LENNUX G 51“ Monnm Aurora New PIANO TUNING G F Lawrence LENNOX & MORGAN IRICHMONDHII L& Barristers,Sclicitoz-s. Notaries, lc. Hume Life Building Cm. Adelaide & Victoria stu Tun-nun). BARRISTER. Soucn‘oa, NOTARY, ETC. Tux-1mm Ofï¬ce. 33 Richnmnd St. West, W'esley Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce. "Linn-a1" Ofï¬ce, every Saturday afternoon. Maple, Thursday aftm-nmm. Money to luun at Five Per Cent (57;). Richmonu Hill COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. ooumssxoxxnmrnn HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. DI. 'X‘EEE?Y. NOTARY PUBLIC, [SSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ECIJGIN NEEIA} 2Q Lax-as 5 IAS. N EW’TON . r-fatwyhraihhvza *‘ .1 WRIGHT BRO S. :1 large stock of Fun kept, at both Lawrence & Dunbar, H. A NICHULLS NOTARY PUBLIC Uudcl‘takers & Central Y. M.C.A E’stu hlishod school. \V 4th. Cutal British A in Slmrtlmn Commissionex, Cnnvoynncor. etc Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer nf Marriage Licenses. REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers and Sullclmn s. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE 570511 5. 90111213011 THCRNHILL RICHMOND HILL. ONT†THURSDAY, MAY 6. 1.909 Burristurs. -,'Illi('tUI‘S. Etc VOICING AND . . . . RCTXON ï¬EGULATING WILLIAM COOK lye-st ngal. In Essentialc, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in «slit/tings, Charity.†Sweet to Eat Pnoue Mnixv298 HORNHILL Bowei Laxative. imers, urnishing | A mmmittvo cmnpnsed of loading lfux'mm's uml dniryuwn I'l'pl'CSPlllvlllg . (hv (lull-y mltlu ln‘m-(lers‘ :usmziutmns ‘nnd the duirymrn‘s :msnciutinns (If Ontarin. Inn‘mzomplrtml all rangemonts I‘fnr the hnlding this your of IL duin Hal-ms cumpvtilinn llnuugh Ontario. 1 Thu prizes will cunsist uf 60 gold and silver medals. and (“pl-“nus, as well as n large numlwr of spocinl prim-s. the details nf which have not. yet, been I mmugvd. le pnwince will he (lividml into film districts us fullmvszâ€"Frmn Kings- lnu rust: from Kingston to Y: nge St" Tm-umn; Western Ontario. nor ll w d smith uf :l line running from Hamilton In Godfl'ich. Tler will be u cumpeti- h‘m Unis ywn- for the lwst farms in ~u<:h dislrii-t. and ï¬ve gold and tun silver medals will be offered this year in each district. Tin- furms will he judged twicv, once :dmnt, July 1 and again some time dur- ing Dvcvlnlu'l'. thus giving the judges an opportunity in ss-e the farms undvr \\ inter and snmuwr conditions. Next Your the farms in eastm'n 0n- tm'iu and all farms in western Onturin which \vin plizus in the cumpetitinn this your will be :Illuwcd tn rmnpou- in spreiul cmupotitinns tn decide the best fax-m in vusteru Ontario and the, best funn in west-er“ Ontario. Two years from nnw it. is pmpmed t0 hnld at ï¬nal cmupctltlun, in which the lending farms fur hath eastern and western Ontario will compt-te to decide the host {mm in the province. Exceptionally ï¬ne prizes will be offered in this ï¬nal I:ullipv_titiml. All hmnchos of farm Work will he included in the cnmpelitiun. In all. 1000 points will be offered. Those points have heen Slllldh‘id9d as ful- lnws:â€"--House and surroundings, 150; farm buildings, 150; live stuck. 200; crops. 200; fax-m manngmnvnt, 150; fnnn machinery. 75; ps-rmunent im- pv-nvemonts. 75. Several prizes will he nlfm-vd to the farms that, score the highest. paints 0n the lmuse and sur- x-uundings, on puulny. (m orchards. and other‘similnr depzu-um-nts. Caunpptitiuns of this kind were hvld in Ontario some 25 years agu and (are- atvd great intern-st. The gnld medal faruwr in the pruvincv at that, time was Mr. Simpson Ronnie. the well- knuwn Funnel-5' Institute speaker, who now lives in Toumh‘. The Committee which has charge- of the mnmpetitiun is compose-d of Messrs. H. lendinning, of Munilla; G. A. Gillespie. (If Petal-hum. representing the Eastern Ontario Duirymcn’s Asso- ciation: Mr. D. A. Dempsey. of Strut- ford. and C. R. \Vulluco, nt‘ Burgess- ville. representing the \Vestern 0n- turio Dnirymon’s ARSOcintinn; Mr. \V. \V. Ballnntyne, of Strutfurd; D. Dun. can, of Don; George McKenzie. of Thornhill: R. F. Hicks, of Newton Brmmk; Gordon Gondt-rhum. of York Mills; Simpson Rr-nnie and \V. G. Ellis. (11' Toronto, and H. B. Cuwun, of Peterhm‘o, the s9u-etary. A DAIRY EARM'S COMPETITION. Full particulars nhnut the competi- tion may be obtained from the secre- tm-y. Already a1 number of leading fun-1m Is in Ontario have indicated their intention to take part in the competiâ€" tion, which promises to cit-ate :1 great interest, and be productive of much good. Mile. '1‘. C. Jackson and daughtm‘ Beth returned on May lst to their home- in Stetllvr. Alburta. Glad to hear that Mrs. S. Bmvos who has been seriously ill will soon be able tn be out amongst us 0â€th more. Mr. Charlie Crook has returned tn his work after being hnme sick “‘iih a shgllt attack of appendicitis. MiSS Ethel J. Nixon spent over Sun- day with Miss Minn Pliillipsof Luskuy. Some of the friends of this vicinity trmk in the quzu'tvrly sex-vices at Maple on Sunday. Must/(’1‘ Pickering: Mchnn“ is is suffer- ing from a sewm attack uf quinscy. “'9 look for lll< speedy 1906\‘91'3'. “'edding lwlls are about tn ring in the near future around the virinity cf Miss A. Craven of Tillsnnhurg, Mrs. A. R. MuDuweH and daughter Erminu of Eden, and Mrs. E. Fuwcett, uf Brump~ tun have returned home- nfter attend-- ing the silver wedding nf Mr. and Mrs. C. Cmnk and spmding abole thxee bf the 0.9 Cx-unk and spending about, thxee weeks visiting wiLh relatives in Hope, I(i_r}g. my} Iia‘sk‘ay.‘ 25c. (impe A ta Vim. 3 pkté flakes 3 pkts Swztzer. th' ck with reCcut s the era ill Hope. «tiy hnme s ndicilis im/mM/Q llle ity To Hm Editor 0! TH? LIBERAL: Dvnr Sir, -I nmv. as a recent comer (0 Richmond Hill, he thought, px-e‘ sumptuous to have :an opinions about the plum-z newt-Unless new eyes see new things, and suggestiuns which anpnsv improvement are never inapt. whsvrve that turn often go far aï¬eld fur nppm-tunitivs nf investment, and nut infrequently do they sink their lmrd-eurned savings in some wild-cut, mining and devoloping scheme, and "wake to the recognition that all is lost. while at, their dour lie exceptional uppurtnnities fox proï¬tahleinvestment. If sumo. of the men uf capital in Rich- Inund Hill and vicinity would take the initiative in ervctving a few tidy habit- able houses at. moderate cost. and to rent at from six to ten dollars per month, they would soon ï¬nd them- selves possessed uf smnething better thin :L Gn\vg:inda_sp_ef‘. A T‘he llt‘CPb‘Sity of 'this is the. more ap‘ parent t! the writer inasmuch as he,‘ knnws nf families in town who desire houses more suitable to their meals: and (If nthers who feel themselves cunstralned tn leave the village because they cannut procure for rent or pur- chase, a place tn suit. them, and still fuur other families who propose tn cnmc tn Richnmnd Hill. hut to he cun- frnnted with the same problemâ€"where is then: a. suitable house? That the situatiun is bound to become more serious is painted in the fact that at least four new families have moved in- to tuwn in the ast three months. Of course. people 0 not care to take up permanent quarters in an nld shack. much less pay rent for such, hut people. are waiting for the erectinn of more such hnuses as may be found, for ex- ample. north from the High school. If some (if our public-spirited men With an inclination to safe and prnï¬tablein- restmcnt, “‘mlld take up the sugges- tion it would help answer the questions} us to how we may keep our peopie. and how we may induce others to come. I am, sincereiy yours, E. U. vax'ms. Richmond Hill, May 3rd. 1909. Report; of Concord School for April. Sen. IV.â€"Enstnn Harrison. Charlie Gminger, Louisa. \Vitty, Millie Vim- dolhurgh. Jun. IV.â€"-Fr9d Goxdnn, Grace Gor- dnn, Bertie Baker, Hnwzn'd Baker, “nae Baker. Arthur Bowes, Helen White. Hazel Page, Hilgh Ellis. SOILVIILâ€"EHZ': Brouks, Lyle Mur- phy. Ptllï¬y lyp'ris‘gn.‘ Sen. II.'â€"â€"] Cooper. Ma \Villie Ellis. Jun. IIl.â€"May Rudd, Ernest, (Jim-k9, Chm-lie Harper, Melvin \VitLy. Nelson Harper. Clam. Harrison. ()Izuence Hoise, Lin Lyons. Jun. II.â€"Allnn Oster, Ida Fiï¬hl’l‘, Ollie. Murphy. Ida Wittv. Hamid Gmk don, Luu'u. Gordon. George Muffut. Albert Allan. \Villie Clarke. Part, II.â€"Alhert Mntfat. Part, Lâ€"thu'lie Cnnpm'. Sts-wm't Brillinger. Annie Ellis. Austin Buwes, Oman Buwcs, Newton Bone. Sr. IV.â€"Gludys Baâ€. Flnremw Gnnd- erhnm. Bun-ham. Duff. Cecile Pearson, Amy Ball, Alan Francis. Frances Cox. Jr. lV.-JennieSpagenFruucvsCurle- tun, Stanley Pvarsnn. Sr. III.â€"â€"'l‘nl‘r:1nm- Douglas, Gordon ham, dnnn Cl \’ ink Jr. Furl) Hill‘; Pt. kah I}. {eport of Thornhill Public School for April. mh ill ill A SAFE INVESTMENT. '8. Ln lisu Brush ILâ€"‘Vqu-‘l' D Stewart Chm- 1H . Flnssit Gibb mum. Sn-lla Hughe: Gewge \Vatz. â€"â€"Jimmi9 Duff. May fâ€"D‘nrnthy Gmdnn. Mm-jm-ie May Fisher, Bert, \Vitty, \Vim News Notes â€"Annie Mu? Irence Scott ‘m‘t Lllmrltun. Ag \ Gibbs. Enid Dru: Vernon Gihhs. Dam Ink d mm Quehe All thlwn Hu I) UH imhs. Dawn 1 Hughes, mn,Elizn N i9 Muldmm Charlton, ley. Mex-lyn )uff, Max-{h Chaim: Jldm-n. A gn ‘. (I‘m-(Inn Muldmm, Phiiips it LEW m 1‘ \Villie Drum" For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village and vicinity:â€" STEAM COAL NUT, STOVE, FURNACE ‘ Best Scranton coal. Also file. Bran and Victor Feed for cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American corn (old). All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. C A S S E L L 8’ Canadian P u b â€" ï¬shing Company Cassel‘s Magazine, per annum . The Story Teller . The Quiver . . . . Musical Home Journal The Girls’ Realm . . . Little Folks . . , . Chums . . . . . The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. It is not necessary to send to foreign countries for maga- zmes. Read the following:â€" Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to CASSELLS & COMPANY 42 Adelalde St. W. Toronto E work must win upon their merits. The International Dictionary has won a J. H. RAMER GOA. L. till @333 THENGS‘ For threshing engines. [Single c0pies, 3 cts. OI Its ls" use and is in more 9 than any other its kind in the ‘lTlCUO rn 113011 No 45 Lain-:5. Luau. in the 'I 0’ HMW6WJ