\w' -.â€" v l‘tiigihï¬als inn liiils trains turn.†it, is ilill‘ii-ult to rcalixl- that tho mighty oak \\'lli<‘il “various tho strum r .siiin'giesw l have just received a car ofnxovllvnt British Columbia. rod collar shingles, .‘Nice redilo IN THE MATTIER or THE nsra’ru l or J A no B PUTERBAIFGl-l. l Ricnmorm HILL. ONT" BIAY 6. 1999 AN ACT RESPECTING THE SAV- ING 0F DAYLIGHT. light, recently introduced in the House of Commons:~â€" Whereas it is desirable to adopt a LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, FA R M E R , DIâ€- CEASED. NOTICE is hervhy given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897. Chapter 129. Scctiem The following are the sections of_ 38 and amendments thereto. that. all the Act respecting the Saving of Day- persons having claims against the os- tate of the said Jacob Puterhaugh. who died on or about the fourth day of April. A.D. 1909. at the said Township of Vaughan. are re uired to send by post. pro aid, or to elircr to Weslcy G. Puter augh of the said Township of standard time in advance of the Vanghau(Vellore P.O.). the Executor standard time now in use, with the object; .of. promoting a more extended use and enjoyment ofdaylightduring the summer months: Therefore His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacted as fol- lows?- ' 1. This Act may he cited as The Daylight Saving Act. 2. This Act shall not apply to the Yukon Territory. 3. From and after two o’clock in the morning of the ï¬rst Sunday in April in each year until two o’clock in the morning of the ï¬rst; Sunday in November in each year the standard time shall be one hour in advance of the standard time now in use. 4. The time hereby established shall be known as standard time, and when any period of time is men- tioned in any Act of Parliament, deed or other legal instrument, the time mentioned or referred to shall, unless it is otherwise speciï¬cally stated, he held to be standard time under this Act. 5. Greenwich mean time, as used for the purposes of astronomy and navigation, shall not be aï¬â€™ected by this Act. . 6. This act shall come into force on the ï¬rst day January, one thousand nine hundred and ten. Capt. T. G. Wallace, M.P. for Centre York, was one of the speakers in the House of Commons when the budget of the Minister of Finance was being discussed on Monday night of last week. Mr. Wallace claimed that the Government should have manifested greater care in the ex- penditure of public money, and that had a different system of book-keep ing been adopted a dcï¬citmight have been shown instead of a surplus. He advocated higher protection to farm- crs, market gardeners and laborers, and would place a higher duty on hogs and hog products entering Canâ€" ada. Referring to the Newmarket Canal, Mr. Wallace characterized that project as a useless waste of pub lic money. There have recently been so many cases of stabbing, especially hy the foreign element, that the Dnninicn Parliament have thought it well to amend the Criminal Code, increasing,r the punishment of thusc carrying con~ cealcd weapons. A bill has been introduced by Hon. A. B. Aylcsworth, Minister of Justice, which will doubt. less be Welcomed by every citizen; who has at heart the moral uplift oi“; the counnunity. At present a tinc‘l may be inflicted for having in one's‘ possession a dagger or dirk, but is is ‘- proposcd to make. the punishment. iur i prisonmcnt. It is also proposed toi add a clause to the Criminal Code: making it an ollbncc to niamn'acturo ‘» or circulate indecent or immoral post- , cards or pictures. According to tlic‘ proposed law it will he an otl‘cnco‘ not only to manufhcmrc immoral puh- , lications or pictures, but. to distribute circulate, or to have them in onr's possession. Post cards somctimcs in- tended as jokes have :1 very dc moralizing tendency. ‘ Rangoon rice. extra. good. 5c. ll». Pulisliml Rangoon l'lL'r‘. Lit'. lll. Ill“: .‘:.i\:I lice 10c. lb. Prat-l tapioca l llls. [or 233:. Atkins‘un & Swiucr. - iamworth Swine. of the said estate, on or before the 5th day of June. A.D. 1909. their IlHHIE’S and addresses and a statement. of their respective claims and the nature of the security. if any. held by them. And further take notice that after the said 5th day of June, Ad). 1909. the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have received notice. and the said Executor will not. be responsible for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not then have been re- ceired by him. Dated at Toronto this Ist day of May, A.D. 1909. PROUDFOOT, DUNCAN, GRANT & SKEANS, Confederation Life Bldg†Toronto, Solrs. for the said Executor. 45-4 Notice Mrsâ€"Elihu! IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALEXANDER CA ill ERON. LATE OF THE 'l‘O\\"l‘ISH l P Oli‘ VAUGHAN, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK,GENTLEMANJJEGEASED. Pursuant to 12.80. 1897, Chaplin-129, Notica is hereby given that all parties having claims against the estate of the said Alexander Cameron who died on or about, the 5th day of January, mill), are required on or ht‘ftll e the hub day ofJune,1909, tosend toJamesAlexa ndr‘r Cameron, Tcston 13.0.. one of the ex- ecutors, a statement of their claims to- gether with their names and addresses. And further take notice that. after the said last: mentioned «late tho 0x- ecutors will prom-ed to distribute tlw assets of the said tcslator among the parties entitled thereto, ha r Eng regard only to the ('liims of which they shall then have l't'L‘PlVN‘l not lt't'. Dated this 4th day of May, llltlli. ‘ \YlLlJAIvl 000K. 33 Richnmnd St. \V.. Toronto. Solicitor for the Executors. 4§~4 d -md _ r 7 r I l » 1 thin is Sunnis In the matter oftlw Estate of.l At‘Oil HEISElateoftheVillageol'liit,-lum2mi Hill in the County of York, Gcnllr‘umn, deceased. Take Notice that Pursuant toR.S.0. 1897. Chap. 125) sec. 35) and amending Acts, all poisons having claims against the Estate of the said Jacob iieise \Vlln died on or about the 21st day of Mai ch A.D. 1909. are requested on or lwfun- lhe20th day othlay,19U5), to send thcir immcs and addresses and a full state- nwnt of their claim to Charlotte Lcah l‘leisc, Richmond Hill. and further take notice that. after the last lmlllPtl date the Administratrix will prncct‘t‘l to distribute the assets among the portin entitled thereto having regard only to 1110 claims of \vhch she shall have then I’t‘PHth‘d notice. Dated this thh (lay of April, liltll). \VILLIAM 70le'. 33 lilt‘lnnnntl Bi. \V. Solicitor for Administratrix. 43-4 sensual sun use: Holstein Cattle , l lEGdTE B33333 Nothing for sale at present but. Pure-bred Bull Calves. ll .‘lui JOH-‘ .‘ilr‘KEXI/ZIE. 5.. . Jones to em. (il't-(l House on 17:11:» street. in ,.the Villagc of Richmond Hill. 5 Apply to l AMOS WRIGHT. ' r â€" l I t 3)) Auction Sales. 'l':1!";:.~‘i~.\\". May Ellâ€"Ancilt-n sale oil Elullst'iltllll 11?er at her l‘t>ltlk‘lll‘t’i ( “:iirc‘ï¬'tu lili‘lllllnlltl Hill, the prop-l wilyyxhl'kdll‘. (i. Al. \thtld. Suli‘ at; L: II t m- '. Tenth cusll, Saiweim d: - Mcl'lwcll, Aucts. a i Rimns Tabules cure c-iusrmstion. Rionns ’I‘abu! or; ï¬nulmr: i HI’T’W‘ 'L..lL2’:'.~L‘t‘.. l")? ~ and for quick sale will dispose of same y at a small margin of pl'olit. I H. A. NICHOLIS. ' 7 Notice. The undersigned is prepared to takc contracts for cleaning wells and I't'p:tll'- ing pumps. Satisfaction guaranteed. \V. GIBBS. Richmond Hill. To Let A comfortable 7â€"monan house with 1 acre of land, 1 mile south of Riel», nmnd Hill. ) Apply in 452 JAMES MCLEAN. 45-2 454 For Sale A Ono-horse Plow (\Vilkiuson) urar- ly new. Apply in 42†H. A. NICHOLLS. Stallion Register. PROUD BARON-«Imp. Ulyde'Sdalv, thv property of “I l’allctt, llarisxillv, will trawl to Concord, Etigrlvy, Maple. Richmond Hill. Tlltlllllllll. Lansing, etc. Home stable, liglin- ton. Terms $12. RoLAL llATTONâ€"Imp. Clydesdale, ll)!- pi-opmtv of l). G. Bluugh. liii-gt‘rily. will trmrl through Nolilrtun. Map‘c. Elgin l‘vlills.l)ak Ridge-‘3, “’hiu- limo. Aurora. llmmn Stable, Hotel. King (lily. Terms $12. .‘leRQUlS or (‘U‘YALAlIlllL Ulytlt’sdalv, . the property (If D, (l. Steulv, Rich- lnimrl Hill, will travel through lll‘lltl- ford, Dollar, l’altm-sun, Oak liitlgcs. Victoria Square. Home stable, lticlr mond Hill. Trrlux $l4. l..xlnu.\l.~erC1;ENâ€"~(llydpsdalnstallinn, the pl‘npl'l‘ty of \V. J. \V't-lls. ’l‘vm wranccrillv, will lraw‘l through VilllClltll‘tfll, Aurora, l’nilngr-rlllt‘. "I‘lltil‘e, King Tp. Home SLiIlIll‘ 'I‘L‘lllpt’l'ilntlel‘llll'. , Terms $10. ,, .lUBII.EE PERFORMERâ€"â€"llill'klli‘y stallion. the propvrty of Mr. Til-lbw Way, Newton Brook. will trayvl through ’l'lu-ruhill. Richmond Hill. Elgin Mills, Oak Ridges. King (lily. Maple. Fishcrvillo. llumc stalllc near Steele's Hotel. Terms $12. GOLDEN ()oxquEnouâ€"(TlydvsdaInstall ion. the plnpurtry of J. E. Town“. will slami at his own stable, Samu- l Francis‘ Sunnysidc Farm. lot 323, (fl-ll. 1, Markham. Tm ms $10. THE I’ROYOSTâ€"â€"Clydesdalc stallion, t‘m- propcrty of 'l‘. H. Li-ggo, will tiayvl throughTempurancvvillr‘.Elgin Mills. Markham. “'hilrhm't-h. Aurora. King City, (cc. Home stand, lot 1, con. 7, King. Terms $l3. MIN'ro (‘niMESâ€"Registoml trolling stallion, the property ol \Ym. Gould. Richmond Hill, will travel through Aurora, 'l'cmpcrauccyillc. Cont-trill, Thornliill, ctr. Terms $10. DOMINION UlllElr‘flTrnilillgstallihlhilw pl'hpt‘l'ly of -\\'. ll. Glass, King, will stand at King City. 'l‘m-stlay, \VML m/stlaynmd Suturdayniglits. Terms. $10. _ l is signings mflmnmmmwn _,._ __‘ _ a- . OAKRDS A T n «W. llBlRlL UlllC-l. ‘ Come Early and make Your Selection. ~~â€" l *x .' T Cw“.- lhe badly an L_ _,. 1‘ ed 01 p ' '1 *‘T . . 3 Family :16 nil-.1 if we; l ea. Wron- me ol'agrs <prang ft‘lllllHU snmll a §()llll:l‘. This is only our ol tlw \Ynlltll'l‘s ut‘ natun- when: everything good or had has a small Iwgziimiug: rvloping lulu it's linul growth. Tth our PHYEECAL ASLï¬Ã©â€˜iEl’s’i‘ï¬-S always lit-gin in a small way wit it CERTAIN BYE-.1351 ‘Olh'l 3' that ln'illle at :h \Tlli. Pains in or about the Eyes.‘1‘w1tcliing of the l lifts Irritation 0-: Inflammation of the Mocuus Meiiibrei 15-, 1-] BELGRCll?,EL11d a. hundred other symptoms incucute - V“ , R . , n Evesrnsau . thi- {iirm't culls“ of Inust (liar-.1393 of tho i-yn'. BI- E Y F,- W l 23 E and at H“. H, .f indicaliun of trouble L'Ullhllll mo. 'l'i-n yum-s t‘Xpt'l iron-c. lit-[rumors sunw («f Tuionltm' lwsl nwdir-al doctors. F T. H. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. WILL BE AT llUGlll‘le‘ llt)i'5‘ll‘.. 'l‘llOllNllll.l.. Arnn. 231d. PALlll'lll HOUSE, lllCllllONl) HILL, Al’RlL'lltl). Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"DINEEN BUILDiNG. {Idllll l-‘lg (ll ll." which :H't‘ intvmlurl for a “warning is _ _~ CONSULTA’riJii EEE. Emsiflg. u (L w Bicycles are rapidly coming back into popular favor. V the demand this year being ï¬ve times what it was ï¬ve years ago. \Ve have planned for it in two waysâ€"by getting the very best Eng. ‘ _ lish whee] we can for popularselling,and savmg to our customers all intermediate pro- ï¬ts by ï¬lling orders direct 5} mail instead of through agents. In this way we can olier $50 Wheels for $25 and give better satisfaction all round. The quality of the wheels is all right â€"0nly the best materials used and only skilled mechaniCS employed in CODSIIUCHOD. The equipment is right upâ€"toâ€"date and the machines throughout are such as we can thoroughly recommend. We sell automo- b‘ljleS as well as bicycles and our plan is to make wheels serve as a good a vertisement to the entire business. Send {or illustrated folder. HYSLOP 31205., Limited High-Class Automobiles and Bicycles TORONTO, ONT. m w Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers Willi “like Linersl†at $1 a. year, at the followup; VJeekly Globe, 5‘0 January l’“ Fl, 1, 1910 4 Weekly Mail, to January 3., ,4, 1910 5 The Daily â€"-lo'be, one year Q reg; York. County é! . Q} , The Daily Mail and a“; 7%, pire, one your (York rile l’ County) The Daily ‘7 on day 015.? ‘3 .,._v_', . lJ-j'. 1'