3.. Lillie iii EERSON A115. Mr. A. Palmur and Mr. \V. llo‘iw ï¬stula lspont t)\(‘l Sunday with Mr. Holint-s ‘ > f. j.“ 1:: 7; [(awnsily. thmmw) HILL. Own. MAY 0. 1909 l .l ‘ _ _ ‘ V r . A v _‘ i i I .4 ( Fishing lint-s. ï¬nale. honk“, slnlcvra and all kinds of ï¬shing tackle at THE laminar. Ollitrv. Mrs. \Vilqm of Nnn'markc-t is spouti- ing tlu- work with hul' sister. Mrs. \\ . A. Sundrl'xnn. Mrs. Alex. Mackt-nzio of London. Eng†was Iln- guest. of hwr Siitt't'. Mrs. J U. M. “'nod, last work. Mrs: [)r. err of Dunnrillt- and Miss . Boll of Toronto \Vl‘l‘l- among the unlit-rs at [hr Mansr on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McDonald and daughtr-r Jt-au rli-uvu m or to Slnuï¬K illu and spout Sunday with Mr. Frank Mc- Donald. Mrs. (Uta) ()onlter and daughtvr. Miss , \Vinnitrvd Uoulter. of Ottawa, and! Mrs. J. \Vhimstvr of Aurora, spt-nt Thursday with Miss Goulter. Mr. \Vill Sentry and Mr. Karl Scurvy , )C Atiaiï¬i. Miss Lurin \Vrighl. has liven ap oint- vd a tracln-r on the Toronto stat}. and will commoner duties in Krut school. Mrs. P. Patterson of \Vomlstm-kantl Mrs. J. “7. Taylor of'l‘oronm rallml on old it'iunds in tho village on Tuesday. Mr. I. Palmer. a slutlrnt at tho SJ’. 3.. has st-curt-(l a position for tho suin- llll'l‘ in the shops of the Toronto Strut-t l. n“ w U "mun spout Satutday afternoon and evening Lil '1' (l u' v‘. with l't'l:|ti\(‘_~i and frtt-nds how. The latte-r roturnml Tuesday to his ptNiliUn in the l’mt. (Milt-,0. Departnu-nt in Van- com‘er. B.(.‘. Mrs. \V. ll. Proctor and Miss Kalli- lrun Proctor of Toronto spout from Saturday to Monday in the villagv. on i their rotnrn from the murt'ingo of Mr. Bernal Proctor and Miss M. F. \‘l'ill- l iams in Bairit‘ thr prt-vions Thinsdav. “ l I‘lw \‘Voman‘s Mi<sionary Socit-ty l will met-t [inlay at, thrve o‘clock. at; tho home of Mrs. (In-shy. A full at- tt-ndance rxprctt‘tl. Mr. John's McLean, who was con- lillt‘tl "to his room a good. part. of tho Wintvr with sriatiua. has §o t'ar recov- rn-d as to he ahle to he out again. ANOTHER SUDDE.‘ DEATH. Anothu-r familiar ï¬gure has sudtlt-nly paw-rd into rtrrnity in tho pt-rson of; Mr. John “urine, n'ho expired shortly at'tvr the norm hour on Saturday. He had lmcn up to tho rillago for his daily napâ€. and l't‘lllllll'd homo hutww-n 11 and l3o‘r:lork. After having his llllllll‘l' llt‘ wont to the stable- to :mskt Mi. \Vin. [’mkt‘r unload a small load of hay. The lattt-r. finding that the hay Was not [ living takr'n hat-k. went up into the mow to inre-stigatv. and found that. tho old gontlt‘nmn had falle’n in lhel hay and was apparently llll('.t:l1<t.'l(il|i. Air. Hakor hurriedly went to tho illillst‘ .1 and inl‘tn mod M's. Dovine. hut nothing could ho door. and [In passed away it. I REV. A. P. lit-ace is to prwmh tho autumn-nary xl-ttnons at. tln- l’narln-s Methodist (lhnrnh on Sunday. Rm". ll. Morton of Victot in College at“ trtkt‘ his wail: lll‘l‘t’. Miss Agni-s Dt-ans Cami-rot: who ha:- lurt-d in 'l‘otonto on the North \Vost. and hrrluirre Miss lion‘n. ramp up Tiltllstlfly and had diam-r with Mts. lit-ck at Mr. Tt'l‘iy's. Run “7. G. Smith. ELAN of Toronto lWliVotsily. \\'ill prt-arh tho spt-rial Mmivrl'sary st-i lnons for I [n.- \‘itilllt'n‘s Missionary Sin-it‘ty of Victoria Hquutr on Sunday. May ltit'a. . a low miuutrs. (‘vorone-r Carlton :-- .lh‘vvw “2 H. Puimlot' of this \illagri PM“! “Hr dmth was due 1.“ hm†“m1 RFC“. A E Thlv'dpv "f 3mm†troulilo. Dani-aspd u'asota lit-[gill and i i -. ’L ' .i ‘ . - ‘ ‘. .' ‘ . ' » . loft'l‘uosda‘lr' on a tnp to Frant-is and 0119â€) (ihlilimttnn. and lit.» honmt. handsome lact- “'HS an index of hisl troncharartt-r. 'l‘hv futirsi-al took piIICU to tln- 'l'hornhill it. (I. ()I‘I'dr‘lr'l'Y on Monday. vaitlaa the widow auroral Suits and daughters art- lr-ft to mourn tlr-1-135ol'lme-sosndtlenly callotl away. who had apparently horn enjoying the host. of health. “In the midst of lilt- we are in death.†lmlmn Hood. The formm- purposes living lmck by Victoria Day. At a martini: of tho Q'rtrtvrly ()t'ii- (‘ial Board of tho .‘ll‘tlltl‘ll\‘i. Circuit 'ol'ut-srlay evening. Mr. Sn'ilizur pointed lay delegate to the Hi mrrting, and Mr. Crosby altornate. Fl‘tA'l‘iflltNAl. VISIT. Tilil'lt'é'l‘i of t he l-rkthrun nfRit-hinond laulg". Aft", and A..\‘l.. \inlU‘d Rubi-rt- ‘ltvt'. Dr. 7: unnny. p tstor of Batltnrst rh'l't‘l. Muthodiat Chum-h. Toronto. has . t~oii<outvd to preach tln- ohnrrlt amn- Vorsary sermons in tlw Ml‘llitulivl lson Lodge oi" King City last Monday ('hnrch in this place on Sunday, May owning. thu occasion living lht' of‘l’inial 23rd. ï¬sh of l! \V. Bro. Haywood. l).l).G.M. to that lotigv. Visitors wore also pt‘t's- out from Vaughan Lodgr of Maplt' to the niunhorof thirteen and also from Rising Sun of Aurora to the nnntlwr of thin-tron. which surrly must prove a good angury {or RolwrtsMi Lodge. Allt'l' an initiation not fox nit-d in surh a way asonly ll". Bio. Stont‘ knows how the llrullil't’ll lt‘pilil‘t’ll to Crosslt-y's Hall n'hi-ie talile-s \vt-re sproad. fairly groaning nndor liit‘ load ofgood things prmidrd ln)‘ the lady frionds of tho momhprs of Rohurlson Lodge. It is Mr. \V'In. Gould report< luring; had l‘lllllitll’l)pit-(in'l‘qutlnytil'LhixWt'r’k. The rhubarb was grown in his own garden I in the open air. Mr. Gould hopes to hart» asparagu< from his gatdvn for (linntn' next Sunday. \Vith lino “‘Pallxt‘l' during the no.“ tWti \\'t’€k\‘ it is. hopwl lln‘ new Staliling and grand stand in tha Park will lit‘ in [n-rlty good Shani: for lll‘.‘ fair on Vic:- loiia Day. 'l‘in- sun-k is in charge of Mt‘ssrs. G. Sims. 1‘}. Barker. and J. H. noodlth to Say the mrmhm-s of the bundelhuu' ‘ ‘ " “ “' craft did ample justice to the, exuullvnt Dip. Bt-rnul D. Proctor' son of Mn “my†p..Pp;.)....L and Hf“... “windy and Mrs. \V. R. I’l-oclot- of vhaonto. "mkmg ,md Sunk... Wimiwd 1., my... and Misx Malwl Flort'in-t‘. (langhtorf'f resprctive hotnrs voting this. at auv Mr. and Mrs. C. H. \\ tlliams ot Bat-tic. mu. 5., far as tho hanan was gummy... \Vl'l't’ unitod in marriage on Thursday. ed, a... iwst “f the SWSML the 29th of April. Mr. and Mrs. l’t-nc- ...... , , tor will be At Home in Uohalt after May 5th. A numln-r of freight; cars on tho (7. N. 0. South of Richmond l'lilljtlllll1~ Nl lht- tl‘at‘li Tut-Mlay «droning. and causml sonw dol t)‘ to otln-r trains. A numlu-r of pooplt' from tho p:l.~\‘t'llt{t*l' train transl'rtrml at 'Iirhmond liill. and got to tlr-ir tit-stination m't-r lilt' Metropolitan. UNIQUE. Last Sahhath. May 2. “109. living the forticth a nnivumat-yofllr. “rm. Harri- son's appointmont to tho position of (‘lass Luadcr in tho Mot lnn’list. Chum-h. hy tln- late it-V. John lil't‘fiill. DJ). in 1869. lw prom-ntod (‘ilt‘ll of the only \urvivihg lllt'llllll‘l'S of tho class t f that ll-lll‘ with a lt-af from his ï¬rst. (llass Bot-l; of.\lr1nlnlr.~hip as som‘onirx. All tho nn-inht-rs of tho class llll‘ltltlillg tho pastots on the (‘ircuil at that Linm ll'l\'l‘ passed into tho lwyond with tho uxroiition of tln-vu and tho Loam-r. Mr. Harrison must have a piotlilrction for the llulllllt‘l’ foi ty. Hr has liven a (‘lass battleâ€"r forty roars. a Momhvr of tho (‘irc'tit Quarterly Board forty yoaral a .\lmnln~r of tln- C'nnrrh Trust Board forty yozns. Socrt‘taty of the samn fort _\' vt‘ats. and was Supt-rin‘u-ndent of _ tho Nahhath school forty years in sttc~ How is it that Nua‘nrnkrt i9 al\\‘:|_\‘~s‘ """5‘mh “'Ulillg "‘ 159"- jnalous of nil‘llllll‘llil llill? 'l‘hi‘it hills 7- h 7' Some pooplo h:th had dil’ï¬colty in dt‘uiplwring t'at- moaningr of the lat-gt- whito hitters i t‘l‘l’l)ll_V placml on Varian poles along Yongo szrm-l. \‘l'o do not know tlit~ol~j--ot of the work. hut we nndvrstand lllt‘ ligurI-s indinato tho nmnlwr of fort tln- particular-spots ill‘t‘ ahove se-a lt‘wol. A pole tip]!t)\‘itt' 'I‘nn LIBERAL Ohio» is inai‘krd Till. anolht'r nt-arly opposite tho )lrthodist Cllllll'll is no. show that «mo of tho t'\'t‘lil< t'tvr thvir Ivlaple. l Victim-ii. Day (‘t‘lv'lll'Illlt‘ll is Rollin}.r a q "â€" - pwmut m. thin strwt‘ 1m) 3......15‘w11h V law now slow and hakoi v \\’t‘l't‘ i opt-nod on Saturday. a 'l‘ootli iiuk. Aromn ’llilllllfl'l) noighw ! ' t-ngttgotl as liakt‘t' Mr. He'll of Bradford. hors ravkiug their brain in thrirvï¬'ol l<, to proritlt- spwt-i ll attractions. just h“. tf.‘tll.\‘t‘ liirhmond llill i< to into a { l’nnrh and Jody Show? \Vt‘ wonder! rol itw‘ and t'llllft‘t’llt'lit'l')'. llor. .l. l“. .I. t‘iadtlorlg‘s houw. and with his lain»~ ily llll|\l‘-‘l lltlk‘ l»’..\i u't'ok. Mr. (‘I‘Jth dork is .xlayin‘; at prvss-nt nith hix dang-lung MN. \‘v'. Mall-tr. aml Strange. llouwoloaliiltg is tho main tndur of tllxlgiuiJ'lln‘l‘l‘y' ljfxlliï¬f.‘ ‘.~ 1.“! I“ i loud; taking a ttip to .‘~‘, min ht in . sx‘ - i‘ : .‘i u -, I < I ' g ‘ \ "tlin "t'l woul' nith lirt' 'tunt lit‘l't’ :‘huw' . . . ‘\ll"tkl)_3‘(‘. ' H . ' ‘ ' l lit‘V.l)l‘.(:lilllll‘llllt‘lt'f hingpiuirhv d ‘ ) “ “Mink ‘1"! " 1‘ I, .m in tho l’l't‘th'll‘ll'tll (lunch on :lnntlay. ’1 ~ ‘ ' - - < w‘ . ' . .. . . Ui‘rzus‘ ‘n. m)" l) 141.11“: ‘1 “J A . tho on: J‘JUH ht-in}: iln- hiln'th annp * o rm Ult ll"it.t'. . "5‘ " ‘ Misï¬t»: lid. Patton and ii. 9. Sim-lair: humid.†1"" lilhlthng lltlt fit the of Laslux' spent Mondavm‘oningat A. mi} I’m“? a ,, . , w. t «t. ., at IL. .1. Nltihll‘lll‘ll'h‘ \I-‘llllt’ (it‘lll'fl‘ Farm. ‘ {‘le pl.“.~‘"i".â€â€˜ '1‘ “. [11." "'k R~ \. “1“. ‘1‘] l ’f ‘I {l‘ft n hull i rota-rut lll am at at. btvpln n > . much. ‘. tt-tll|\ .‘ t‘fut ‘“ . . .. ‘ l‘. : :‘.‘\.':::.J‘: I)... guru“. m H... PWShywliim Chmâ€) l ! ‘lho tttend nit! \ it x. n ll it t “f “‘3‘. m“... “n a! .1_ : o; {no talun: was lt‘m‘.) ltnonto. n i“v “‘(ZQ‘ A frioinllv ernnt- o‘: luntlntll was 10 Hmons ltwtitutt’ mot at. tho , ' ‘ . , I -_ ' . . .. [hith'tl ill‘lt' on .‘aatutdat munâ€: lo- litillir‘ nt Mrs. All.....L~\1;u‘.n.lu “H In“; __. H“ “r ‘l ’ t . “I; I .1. 1‘ ‘ day afternoon \\i'.h :1 go...l altontlatn‘o. 1““ n "i ' ‘li'fl 'mu M 3'3, (‘H‘m 'l‘ho Mountain (mu... w,†w ‘- I but no goals now scortnl. llll' it"llil - , .i.. . i ~, f 5‘ k 9'5“ t“ M" horo has haw-n rv our-.nizt-d {oi tho so... tgt ("(Shtl} {ir(1‘:l{_\?‘.\1(e‘lg"!lll“k‘\l‘ Mav \" ‘ ï¬â€™ - ‘nt- '~ - -l 31th. '1")... Shumnaï¬ QHHU‘HH v1. TE Fail} “hill! \. t nll\.!l\ .l.\ . 5. al.) an. i-Illlii .t‘r t‘X'lt‘Ciltl (H a.“ ~ - ' . “ m“ ' “r . .. A l t m plz. 1.. tin A! “WM “Mingâ€: “wrap... (‘Hll 'x'll. . . . » . Hi lln~ .5 Hull 5- limit .\.'f. 9-H iii-.1 l. ll. l-Lwix . :i:o~z.rl.vt.:_ “I†l lirar‘ , wk? {‘o’ VILLAGE COUNCIL. The Council met. in tho Chumht-r onMondnv. May 3rd. Prrsrntâ€"Thv item-o, and Councillors Palmrr. “upper and Sanderson. Minntvs of previous mouting read and conï¬rnwd. Th0 following accounts wpro passed; J. Sht-nl‘tann, tt-aming. t-tc. ....$20.8t) (Imincil \th. Gilllls. Work “nan-eats _ . . . . 3.8.") Stiver & Rainer. coal . . . . . . . . . . 13.17 J. Hall. oil. etc . . . . . . . . . . . . MLTS G. Souths. sundrirs ' . . . . . . . . . .. 24.73 H. Blanchard. work on streth .. 14.87 . J. T. Stat-tap, work on sum-ts. . . 12.25 Roht. Tyndall. teaming. . .. ..... 10.00 The Clerk reported rcco-ipt of n latter from the Toronto & York Radial Rail- way in answer to a letter sent. the company per instruction from the Council in reference to speed of cars in the village. A Connnittoe who wore appointm'l to examine the Village Band instruments ‘ with a. View to ascertaining their con- dition waited on the Council andstatod that several roqnirt‘d rvpatriug. As llw prospect of reorganizing the Vil- lage Band is at present enrotuaging. the committee askrd the Council to have the instrumontï¬ put. in repair. ‘ The Council authorized the committee to have the necessary rI-pairs (lone. and also granted the use of the Council Chamber fol practice. The Clerk was instructed to let those wishing to join the Band have the instruments. he taking rem-int tlmrrfor. By~|aw No. 222 to borrow $700 \vas passed. The 15th day of Juno nt‘xt was set for the ï¬rst sitting of the Court of Ht‘x'isinn. Council adjourned. A. J HUME. Clerk. CHANGING HANDS. Mr. Norman J. Glass has bought Mr. Armand G. Sarago’s stock of (x’e-nt’s Furni~hings. Clothing. Boots andShoes and will takt- pussvssion on Monday, May 14). Mr. Glass inlrt’lllls‘ running.r it along with his agency hus‘incss, and in his absonco the store will ht- undvr the managI-nwntof Miss Mary Russ. He asks tor the patronage of all of Mr. Saragu's cnstonwrs and hopes to haw: the patronage of many now onvs. Mr. Glass will do all in his power to merit the‘ Utillildt‘lltt} ol all who favor him with a call. Art linking powder, I lh. tin with large rnatnt-llt-d preserving kettle, 50c. tin. Atkinson (Y Switzvr. Satnrdav's dailies contained the ll‘llllt'3Uf 41 hotels and hotel kC‘L’pb‘l'S mdorod to close their ham on the lat of May. By paying a fee of $400 each will he allowwl till the ï¬rst of August. to soil their stock and adjust their business. French mat-aroni l9.‘_.t'. pltt. Italian mataront 15c. pkt. Atkinson 8t .Sn'it- zvr. laARRlAGES 05?.thEâ€"DL‘NCANâ€"At St. Margaret's (,.‘lllll‘t'll. Spatlina A\t’llllt‘. \Vrtlncs~ (lay, May 51h, at. 11 o'clock. by Rev. Dr. Osborne. rertor of St. Sarimzr’s. East Toronto, filtllt‘l‘ of tho groom. assisted hy the Run ll. .1. Moot-v, rrctor of St. Margairt’s. John \V. Osborne of thc Standard Bank of (lati:ala,.to Laura E. Duncan. young- est danglurr of John Duncan. Biclr mond liill. BlRTHS. LICDONALlrâ€"On Thursday, April 20th. at. Maplt‘. to Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Mr:- Donald. a son. BEYXO‘Sâ€"Qn May t. 1909. at 16:2 Macâ€" l’lnlrx‘on Au‘nuo. Toronto. to Mr. and Mrs. G. \V. Brynon, a son. DEATHS. FILLVI‘Y-At Vittoria Sqnart'. Mark- ham, on Sunday. May 2, \\'illiatn Franry. in his 88th year. .‘vIt‘NAlRâ€"At the rvsidt‘nco of hrr sis- ). Mrs. James McGowan, East To- ronto. on Saturday, May 1. Mary BIL-Nair. in the 79th your of her age. interment at Richmond Hill, 'l‘nusday, May 4. I‘)r;\'x.\'r:#0n Sattndav. May 1. nr-ar ltit-lnnond Hill. John Davina. in hi: 7.3m year. Internu'nt in Thornhtll R. C. (‘t-mu- trry, Monday. May 3. Mr. Norm ill has _ =tn.l purpost‘s lumping a stock ot‘ {qt-o. 'i lii’yt'lnll has round lit. . ' 1 n03: for '2' .31;qu Llit FEMSCH“ "A f : you 5‘ ‘ Within El: 29 man ,- :<: your datum b:mk.1r y 31.00. and 25 c: at: for t p. Nulmd l 5 Let Us Be Cheerful And there is Nothing Makes the room More Cheerful Than to Have ++++++ ++++++++++++++++ BEAUTIFUL Curtains â€"-A N Dâ€" TA 3 T E F U L Trimmings We have in stock a good Supply of Lace Curtains, ‘ ' 'de and 2 l-Q. t0 3 1-2 yds. 2’ SE 5 UK c: C'?‘ o :7: c: + ï¬â€œ-§-W++++++++H++++H+ +++é++f$++Â¥iï¬+flzfl+ .1. "18. W1 long from 500. to $1.65 pair. Art Sateen 3i ins. wide in Fawn and Green ground 200. yd. 27 in. Cretonnes, pretty designs We. yd. 31 in. Crepe Cretonnes, dark colors 13c. and 150. yd. ~P++++++H++H++ Atkinson & Switzer RICHMOND HILL April 29, 1909. +++++++++++++++++++++++Mu:- ++~z~+-2-t~++++~t~+++++++++i~r+++4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++~t ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + f .5. ~:-+++++++4"?+++++r++++++++++- +-H"§«+++ =++~z«zâ€"~:~4~+~:~- 3.. ,;.+4.++4.++.;.++.§.+++.’.+++++q++++ +++++++*++‘¥+*+H++’i’++++§' 1.4 ‘tv .§. 4. .g. *l' .g. 'i' l I. j mama lllll limiting Sign l I n 9 Seeing in. If you're at all fond of gardening you‘ll he glad of the chance to get glutlt‘l) tools of the hottt-r suit at our prices. “’e do some things for the Saks> of your goodwill. The whole conduct of has;- iness hero is haswl on on- larging your good opinion of the store and bringing you twice as; often. (itlltlt‘ll toolx‘ serve as an introduction here to other stocks. ijrylmtlY dumn't know yt-L how man); tliiit-rmzt things \w st-ll. (Tome and look atonnd. C. SOULEE HARD W ARE STOKES. GLASS, FUTIY. PAIEITS, OILS. TZEISIIITEIZTG, «A .4- Rtanmanmm, 9m. . . W um..n.;un u A‘uhwmw wag-r... u. ml†u: JIM I __ __ __â€"._.â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"uâ€"nm w '7 L, A :- yr 11:" 7 q A? t); .3†, .30 L.._.. .J E: Of :38.- 8 “1.-.: ‘ 1 expand“ ‘ .' l l‘ l’ine- Holding; Tituive'i‘ .1; ‘ l2 tuth 3.3 it. ltxlzg: gill\llil\f_1t'!> i3 ft. :1.) 'ifi' u gilh‘ :iml lnnt'v <. ‘ 'l..'.i‘tl\i1l“ Mill. TRADE MARKS . l Ki. ' i EBIGNS V“ P- I COPYRIGHTS &c. l trig aqketa-iinrdflrw‘ri ‘twnmay l :n mn' og-nnon tr when an _ l l t l.r-».‘m’ lyya lt' Y‘ll'Jlnli‘fl- 7 7 . .‘i vonfl ‘ | 3 Eu 4‘ 1" (‘1 v. U. LOLQou-J'eb- . .\ . -.',:I‘.v “(lirl Mr. 12‘ l’x tatms for Al." ‘jil .l!)‘(l‘).\'. 1 i. :“I,Z§tlttn. \anghd). ~ r lingu- 1’. ‘). . r 7 ‘ < 2.- ’ . 9J=§5};=‘<’,_'gu)i‘ 102