Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 May 1909, p. 8

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Services at 31!. :11. Int. hird Sunday on 11 a m. Sorvmes at 11 n. m.,and Prayer meeting Church of England-â€" 2nd and-1th Sunday. '1‘ Presbynerluu Churchâ€"- 7 7. :0. Sun lay School at 2.30. \ ednesdayxwenimz. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on liter. nnts Sundays an) 9.. m. and 10.30 a. m. icos at 10.30 a. 111.. and Methodist; Churchâ€"Sew 7 p. In. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond [Jo-120. A F and A M â€"-Meete Mon- day on or before full moon Court Richmond . A 0 F â€"- Meets fourth Fri- day Ivy Lodge, A0 U W-«Meets thirl Wednesday of each month Camp Elam, S 0 S â€"Meets second and fourth Woluos iav R T of Temperanceâ€"Meets first Wednesday of each mouth Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday of every month , Reading Roomâ€"Open Public Library and Tuesday. anti siturduv evenings. Enworth Lemmeâ€"Meets evorv Monday Junior Epwmjbh League meets ovary M diyâ€"ujt-Eéruan at 4 “CANADIAN PICTORIAL” Exquisiter printed on fine coated paper. Picturosof well-known vople. of current events, of things multi- ful and curious About one thousand. square inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great il- lustrated papers of London‘nppeal to the English people. Non political. Absolutely no axe to grind. Its aim solely to please and to inform. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ten cents a copy. Onn dollar :1 year. The Pit:- 1oi ial Publishing 00., 142 St. I’vtei‘ St. Montreal. 21-Lf ++++++++++++++4 THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE Printing, Stationery, School Books. I'ntil further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post. Oflico as follows:â€" Mail Closes {01- the South MORNING ....8 EVENING .. Mail Close! for Aurora.â€" MURNING. .. 8.05 EVENING... ...6.05 Morning Mail urrivea M Evemug Mail arrives 0.15 MONEY ORDERS Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MORNING ...S.00 6.00 . EVENING .'. B.â€"â€"Registered letters must be handed in at least. Fineeu Minutes earlier than the above Lusntioued hours for closmg. School Books. Standard Novels, I Souvenir Post Cards, Post Card Albums, Papetries, Rubber Balls, Etc, Etc Bill Heéds, Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, +++++$+§++++++++++++++++++ POST OFFICE NOTICE Go to The Liberal Office for GOOD STOCK OE‘ OFFICE CLOBES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY Postmaster Village Directory. ++++++++ rogrammcs, &c., &c +++~§~++++++++ ."I E’UB. CO‘ FURNITURE, PAINTS, 8c OILS GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill for RICHMOND HILL and adjoining country to repl-t-sunt, "CANADA’S ()LDEST' AND GREATEST NURSERIES" \Vlnile business in some other lines may he dull. farmers were never more vncuuragcd us I‘Pgm-ds fruit growing ‘ ‘ r 7- â€"‘ llbvl‘ Pncuuragcd us I-szn-ds 1min gruwnlg ihan ut the. present sezwhn. High rim-s for all classes of f1 uit have been (rhinile the past season. and them is. as a. cnusoquL-nce. am increased demand for nursery stock. Our stuck is complete in onry de- partmenL including a. new 1151 of 'uliie-s which we alone hundlw. ‘_.:n ..‘\5.-:|\ u nm-n IUI llllléi l" Mum . Our stuck is complete in every (le- partment including a. new list of spmziullivs which we alone hundlw. The right man will uhtuiu :1 pen-um- lwnt situation with [enith reserved fur him. Pay wenkly. FI'I‘O sample (mttit, etc. \Vl'ite fm- particulars STONE & WELLINQTON Fonthill Nursmies (b‘a 4-1m TORONTO. ONTARIO The RevJRL. R. HECKS A14 ‘3 I ZLN ‘AXCIi FOR 1909. fvat‘ul 05 :u o) iginal By mail 3‘ W0 RD OUR STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE IN Wall Papers. Geilng and Borfiafs TO MATCH IN NEW DESIGNS. See these before buying elsewhere. handy ,Nnv. 15. 1908, he wmxtiful covers in cnh xf Pruf. links in col A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED STOCK AT VERY MODERATE PRICES. The lwst astu \nd the only une ( ml “Hicks \Veuth ni135c. on news stn Vfrli'ero with “'ORD st $1 Monthly in A s on almanncs I on ST STRE & WORKS PUBLISHING CO. want JACOB EYER 8c SON RICHMOND HILL. UP-TO-DATE IN EVERY RESPECT. :nlm's, fine pm' colors. all the I new ones in astronomical me cnntninmg stands %M++++++'l“!‘ ++++++$+++ $+%+%%+++++++ Tfiose {the mm at mum. All i: us A nwricu. in quunt 'lCl‘E‘S SOLD 3V out, Dl‘zlit 1d m the Finesi Quality You won’t find any harness better than ours anywhere. It's a combination of good leather and best workmanship. Besides that, it is stylish, easy, comfortable, and has that strong, luxurious look that only harness righth made ever bears. Our prices are reasonable and our goods wearable. MSW - SEEM. Tho Next Sitting (If Dinsim) Court tm N0. 3, County of York, will he hb‘ld iu the Court Room. The undersigned will endeavor in place Immiglnnts frum the United Kingdom as farm laborers and do- mestws in this rvicinity. Any pen-sun requiring such help should nntify mo TIGKEE‘S personally or by letter stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted. The S and the rate of wages offered. Every . elfnrt will he made to provide each Lake SI] applicant with help require-d. l Sparro North Tomutd Klâ€"tf THE BANNEI Farm Labfirers. TI( Saturday, June 5, 1909, RICHMOND HILL Cumnmncmq at 10 a. m. In. (hw Rlcu tn . F. MCMAHON CLERK BI t-litun Electric Cu fur Richluond Hi1}. '. Emplovnu-nt A hluond Hill, Ont mihefiesiti‘fi ICMA H 0N, Canadian OFFICE. AURORA gent \Vcst A New Procegs The sweet heart 0f the. wheat grain is set free before the wheat is ground into flour â€"-â€"that is what helps diges- tion. HEEE’S 3mg;Eggflmmn n. .nn.,--u~rh FRESH STOCK 0F FRUITS D. 55m £2 £5}. Tourist AND WeekuEnd and ah skixtin] CANIAQfiXN BUSINESS SEE OI'R EVERINUREASING IE iclnnon (1 11 ill ake Simcoe. Sparrow Lake. Muskoka Lakes, Georgian Bay. Mag‘inetawan, Pickerel. and French Rivers A. J. HUME Establishes! 1873 Brit BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO >ssing Luke Musknku at Buln Park 1 along the shore of Lake Joseph, Hing nearly 100 bodies of water he- een Toronto and Sudhul-y. "nr literature and full information mt fishing and holiday resorts, write SSENGER DEPL, TORONTO, ONT. Quit dimwr pins Fm- stmnzlch ills. And tablets for ouch mm], And instead Eat Hill's Broad And see how gum] yuu'll fm NADI AN NOR saved. instead of being carelessly spent. does not look very fonnidablc. But these few dollars deposited regulady in the Standard Bank of Canada. with Intercnt Compounded, will amount in a few years to a fair competence. It may mean a little sell-denial. especially at firét.but it also means a great deal of solid satisfaction. and the habit is easily acquired. Be fair to your old ageâ€"start :1 Savings Account now. One Dollar will do it. 74 RICHMOND HXLEJ ERZRNCE'I ‘ 15- 19:2. Byrnc, l‘vfl BRANCHES ALSO AT MIXPI The St A Few Dollars A. Month TAELOR ish NIC ROUTI Excursion ALE FROi-I MAY TPn pm- ( Shm'thm OF CANADA Cor. Yonge & Bloor Sts. Tamworth 3wine. arqunar tht- Mark.- (TIift, Bros +++++++ 1. o +++++++++++++%++++ HO USE PAIN TER, Glazier, Graine'r and Paper- Hanger. ++++++$+++ W. HEWESON RESIDENCE. PLEASANT VIEW Pure-bred Bull Calves. 3111 JOHN MCKENZIE. Eek-Emir: éaifle xll hx-um'ln ’t-Lhing Did. it Ever Strike You that in Medicine QUALITY is of the first importance? That. as u lule, its use is not, resorted to until neCessity cmnpels. This being the case. RESULTS. nut FAILURES, are desirable. FAILURES many times arise thruugh Lhc inu oduction of slide 01' inferiux drugs into your pre- scripzirms. RESULTS can he uhtninvd by the use uf PURE DRUGS 0f STANDARD STRENGTH and QUALITY. lw Immu- h the Mn GENERAL BLACKSMITIM LGIN MILLS SUCH YOU’LL Richmond Hill. nhnrmn TROXAGE Sumcrrlzz ND SAfisx-‘Iwrwx GUARANT ED mliUfllmLi' RICHMOND HILL PHARMACY M4kRE‘SREAM A? CHEMIST and DRUGG!ST 5|) son, B A, Pri: from a distance prom; attended to. ENCE. RICHMOND I ilhrin for sale at present but WUUDMR ++++++ -E“i'-E'+ Â¥+++++ AND Il‘l’lfi 77 Branches usixwr' FIND HERE. GOODERHAM. tly ( u lS‘tlef'n 'nh‘d by I attend Z‘fHII. L FARM Ont.

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