SWITZERâ€"ln Richmond Hill. on Tues. day. May 13. 1909, Joseph A. E. Switzer, in his 7lst year. Funeral from his late 1-Psidence on Friday. May 21. at 2 o‘clock. Service in {he Menu-dist Cluuch. HOODâ€"At, his late residence, Gloncuirn Avenue. Eglinmn. Capt. Cinules Hood in his 82nd year. GOODYEARâ€"On Saturday, May 15. ISM). Mm. Rubmb Guudyr-zir. in hvr 74th year. Interment. in Uniunvillv. lTERLING In Richmond Hill. (in 1‘: urs luy. an 13. 1909, Mrs. Judiih Sterling. aged 91 ywu's. 1 month. Inn-{men}; in Pickeling village. Sat- If the Senate is to continueâ€"and in seems that the matter is shelved tar at least another yearâ€"it is evi- dt-nz it. mum; be brought more into harmony with public opinion. Ev- m-_\ body admits that some change is "floss-dry, but few of those who ex- press themselves seem to entertain similar opinions. In case the Senate is Merely to be reformed perhaps the resolutions proposed by Senator R.W. Scott would be as feasible as any yet hrvught forward. Mr. Scott’s propo- Sltlull is to have two-thirds of the sen- ators elected by the people, one-third to he appointed by the Crown. and in each case the term to be for seven " 'Uill‘S. WET W REWSlflFé Township of Markham The recent debate in the House of Commons on the advisability of re- forming or abolishing the Senateshovi - ed plainly that the second Chamber is not a popular institution. Some of tho membom expressed themselves in favor of rooting out the aged tree altogether, while others would only trim its branches. The Senate is bupposed to act asa check on hasty legislation passed bv the Commons, but experience teaches that membens of that venerable body assist their po- litical friends when the latter find themselves in tight corners, no mat- ter which side may hold the balance of power for the time being. We are free to admit that the second Cham- ‘ her includes some of the ablest and Most worthy men in the Dominion, and we would not insinuate that they spend their time in useless discuss- ions, but it is generally understood that the appointments are made as- a reward forpwrw service. ‘ sitting of the; COURT OF REVISION at 2 o‘clock (Mn... tn mane un :xppvuls ngu munb Bull fun the c “hid: :xil‘pm-suns in qniw‘d to take nmi lhelust'h'eu accdeng] G. 11. Uniunvilh‘. May 20. 15 The undersigned is prvpnred to tukx- {antracts for cleaning Wt 115 and z-epail - lag-pumps. Satf ï¬ction guaranteed. BOYNIONâ€"At Victoria Square, on the 81h of Mzw. 1909. to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Buynton. Jr., a son. DRURYâ€"Ab Lnngstui'f. on the 18th of May. 1909. to Mr. and 311's. Gemgir Drm'y, u duughter. LEATBERSâ€"BAKERâ€" At the Parson- age. Richmond Hill. by Rev. A. P. Bruce B. D., Ella M. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Baker to \Villizuu LPuthers, both of \Vhitclnu'ch Town- ship. Public notice is hereby given tn all whom it. may cancer" that the ï¬rst fur th‘é Tuwnship of Markham will be held in Victm-izl Hull. (.I'niulu‘ille. tm 45-4 EM flihernl. Ki‘vumoxu HILL. ONT†M Mr 20. I909 urd \V EDN ES DAY. Seed Potatoes. fly. May 15. Municipuiity of the THE S EN AT E. Notice. MARRIAGES. DEATHS. BiRTiiS. \V. GIBBS. «gainst the .e (‘Hl'H‘nt yt I interested a nmim- and Engly. H. STE 'ER, ). 191.19. MAY 26th. 1W9. to hear and dots Richmond Hill 11' and deter- L the AbhOSS~ [out ymr. of and are re- :md guveru Clerk 3b.! 5 5:! Take Notice that, pursuant to R. S. O 1897, Chapter 129, Sectinn 29. and Amending Acts. all persons hmin claims against, lhv estate uf Il1~-_sni-. Edward Jnhn Lynmr. whn died m about the 19111 day of April. A.l). 1909. are quuested on m- below lhr 10th day of June. 1909. to smul lllvil' names and addresses and a full statu- ment of their cluim to Mrs‘ Uulhminr Isabella Lynett. Richnmml Hill. and further take notice that :IfU-I' Hm l;|\l- mum‘d dare llw Adiniuistmlrix will prucued tadistI-ilmtu the nss‘vts “mung [he purtivs vntillml Lhervlu. having I-vgnrd only fun the claims (vf whirh she shall then have nemah ed um iw. Dllted this lUtl) day Hf BIH)’, 190:). WILLIAM COOK, 46-4 NOTICE is hex-why ginzn pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897. Chapit’l 129. SH'li-‘m 38 and uuwnduwnts lillâ€"‘l'PhL that, all pursnns .having cluinh- against Ihv es- tnte of the said Jncuh Puwrhuugh. Win! died on or about lhv fourth day of April, AI). 19014), at the said 'lnwns‘nip nt' Vaughan, "1'9 required to smid by post. prepaid. (tr/tn delivm- to \Vuslr-y G. Pllterlmugh ()f the said Township nf And further take notice. thnt, aftm- the said 5th day anune, A.l). 1909.1.he said Execnlor will pmcwd to distribute- thF assets nf llh' estate among the par- UPS entitled thereto, having regard nnly tn the claims of which he shall then have reveivpd notice, and the said Exenumi- will nut be responsible) fur the said assets m- any part Llll-‘I't‘nf In any perenn or |)PI'S(HIS of whnsp claim notice shall not, then have been re- ceived by him. PROUDFOOT, DUNCAN, GRANT & SKEANS, Confederation Life Bldg. Tol-(mtu. Sulrs. fur the said Executor. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALEXANDER CAMERON" LATE OF THE TOW‘NSHIP OF VAUGHAN. IN THE COUNTY OF YORK.GENTLEMAN.DECEASED. Vaughan (Vellnre P.0.). the Expculnr uf the said estate. on m- lwftn'v the 5th day nf June. A.D. 1909. their must and addresses and :1 statement uf thvir respective claims and the nature of U]? semi-it); if any. hvld hy them. Eï¬aï¬isa m Bredéirs Pursuan tn R.S.O. 1897.0hapt9r129, Notice is herehy given that, all parties having claims against the Pstnte uf the said Alexandrr UHIIIE‘HID who dimi mu or about the 5th day of January. 1909. are tequil-vd (m or ln-fnre the 10th day ufJuxw,1909. tusond thumesAlexundm- IN THE MATTER OF THE STATE 0 F J AGO B PUTER BAIIG H. LATE OF THE TO\\’N.\‘H]I’ ()F VAUGHAN, FA RM E R , DE- CEASED. are required on or ln-fnre the 10th day ofJuxw.1909. tnsond LnJumesAlexundm- ‘runwrnn. 'l‘câ€"stuu P.O.. one of the ex- ecutors. :1 statvment of their claims to. gMAhvy with llwix ymmes {1nd addresg-s. 45-4 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EDWARD JOHN [.YNE'I‘T. LATE OF THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL. IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, FARMER. DECEASED. Dated'ut TmuuLn thxs lst day of May. A.D. 19U9. U And fmthel- take notice that, after the said last nwntiuned date the exâ€" vcutm's will pl'Ol‘Pé'd to distribute the nssrts of the said testatnr munng the parties entiLh-d thereto. having n-gurd only to the chims of which [he-y shall then have recvivvd notice. Dated this 4th day of May. 1909. Notice IOCreditors Ripans Tabules cure blliousnesa Ripans Tabulea cure dizziness. If automobiles are needed anywhere at all they are in the country‘ One of the speakers of the Women’s Institute, at Guelph, recently pre' dicted that the time was near at hand when farmer's wives would run their own automobiles. Nor is the prediction a visionary one. Like the telephone and the trolley, the automobile seems destined to add to the comfort of country life, and the cost wxll not interfere with your buying. We can sell at a mere fraction of original cost. These cars are taken by us as part payment for the newest and latest models, and are such as we can thor- oughly recommend. Any machine we send out is guaranteed to be in ï¬rst~class condition, and beyond the fact that second-hand cars are not this year‘s style, there is nothing wrong with them in any way. We use them as a means Iof introduction to the country trade, and make the va ues extra 5 ecia to encoura e quick bu in . If inter 5 name and addgess for fuller particulars. y g e ted, send your High-Cl“; Autpmobiles and Bicycle: 33 Richmond St. \Vt-sf. Solicitnr fur Adluimstmtx'i x Solicitor for the? EXPCIILOI'S‘ Good Second-Hand Machines \VILL’IAM COOK. Richmnnd St. W.. Toronto. HYSLOP BROS., Limited I All allies intmostvd ure- hurth re- | _ . fansu-d tn take nntlce and gun-1'“ thmsulvcs accmdinvlv. H . Vaughan Ceuncii Maplv. Blny 13, 1909‘ property of T. H. Leggv. will travel through Tvmpe‘I-u nceville, Elgin Mills. Markham. \Vhitchurch. AuruI-n, King City. (kc. Home stand. lot 1, con. 7, King. Terms $13. MINTo CHmESâ€"Registm-vd trotting sLnllion.t11e propvrty oi \Vm. Gould, Richmond Hill, will travel through Aurora. Temperunceville. Concord, 'I‘hm-nliill, etc. Terms $10. DOMINIONGHIEFâ€"TrottiHgstallimLthe pmpvrly of W. H. Glass. King, will stand at King City. Tuvsday, \Ved- m-sdnymndSaturdaynights. Terms $11). GLENLIVET CHIEFâ€"Imp. Clydesdale. 1h» properth of Graham 8; Renfrew Co'y.. Bedfm-d Park. Home stuhle. Palmer H< use. Rirhmond Hill. \Vill trzu'Pl through Thui-nhill, Dollar, Cnshvl. Victnriu Square. Elgin Mills. Terms $15. “'m. Simpson, Manager. SCOTI‘ISH PRIDEâ€"Clydpsdale stallion, the property of J. O. ’I‘retbeway, Newton Brook, will be at his own stable for the season. Terms $10. HANDMAAR â€" Thoroughbred stallion. the property of J. O. Tretbeway. Newton Brook, will be at. his own stable during the season. Terms $10. visng the Assvasnwnt, Township uf Vaughan 1909. will hu held ill the '. \‘Mï¬'u-e, (ll) TifliéflAY, MAY 25 (be next meeting If the Council of the Hun cwalibv (u Vaughan \‘xih be Held m the Tom; Huh. .Vullure on Court of Revision VAUGHAN THE (7 URT 0F REVISION fn-x- n I’uhlic N 0th TU ESDA Y. M A Y Stallion Reglster. MUNICIPALITY OF at 10 o’uluck u at 10 u. m TORONTO, ONT. ssnwnt, Hulls bf thv ulxghan fm Ilu- yum at the I‘uwmhm Hail, ‘B. MOLEAN. Clerk of Vaughan ll]. Mu} JEAN, Clerk GHQ The Daily Globe, one year York County ‘ The Daily Mail and Em- pire, one year (York County) The Daily Star, received on day of publication The Daily Star, not receivâ€" ed day of publication Family Herald and Week- ly Star Newldea Woman‘s Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken with “The Liberal†at $1 a year, at the following rates:â€"- Weekly Globe, to January 7 5G 1, 1910 Weekly Mail, to January 1, ' 1910 FY50“ Farmer’s Advocate zme Canadian Pictorial .N 11.} Canada’s N 0m? and Home I’aper,'with illustr zine section, will he sent irom this date to jm. ohe sum of 60 cents. QQOOOOO§O¢6§§QO§§§§O6¢O¢¢¢ 0¢9¢¢69¢+¢99¢ pqugoQQQQQQoo; . ribs 4 for satisfactory prepared paint, ready for the brush We are ofâ€" fering the best paint values in the country. Just come and see how; well we Will serve you, and howé much money you will save by: buying from us. Qï¬+§¢90999ï¬9 >060. OOQQOQOOQOOOOOQOOOOGOQ 0’9†9 ‘96?â€940099999599909-99-v00 9H090099990999H‘09 9909.00 EWQ Pwazï¬a f9? LEBERAL THE ï¬nger at The RUSSILL EEARBWARE Eï¬fï¬EKLY {3: Ta flew Stag and the 126 East King St, Toronto a}: L .L A ,G LQBE 00 K0 2% 2 «A. bk d ‘ 1.50 ' 960. “ 750. ,v 700. V5139 .40