Phone: Main 3066‘ 57-4 My South Afiicnn Veteran Bounty Land Certiï¬cate, issued by the De- Fm-tment of the Interim, Ottawa: good Ul‘ 320 acres of any Dominion Land open for entry in Alberta. Saskatche- wan. or Manitoba. Any pel'sun over the age of 18 years. MAN OR W'OM. AN, can acquire this land with this tertiï¬cate. Fur immediate sale. $790.00. Phone, write or win». PARCEL No. 21mm ceimiu parcel or tract of land. containing by ad- meusuremuntfurLy-qu acres and ï¬f- ty-eight one-hundredth of an acre. he the same more or lms. being composed of parts of the westerly quarters of lots numbers 51 and 52. in rczu- of ï¬rst 'cuncession of 'l‘owmhip uf Vaughan. Soil is clay loam. necessarily uni-opted. NAUGHTON BROS.. “139293, 3111413. 47- Fur Saie, Man m Wuman Possession will be given on April lat 1010. with 10% of purchase money to be paid on acceptance of tender. Bul- unce to he paid in cash on April lst. 1910. Tlie highest of any tender not PARCEL No. lâ€"Thnt certain parcel or tract of land, cuntuining by ad- measurement one bundled and ten acres, he the same more m- 1: 55. being composed of the north half of Int, 27. in the secnnd concession of the Town- shipuf Vaughan. 011 this property stands gnod rough-cast house. ham and outbuildings. good orchard. about. 15 acres timber. and abundance of water. Soil is :1 good sandy loam. fur the purchase of the following val- uable property. Said tenders may be made for the separate properties as described. or fm- the two pxoperties combined. Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned will be received by them up Lo and until the Mr. James Duncan. 70 years of age. a. prosperous farmer at; Emery, while huriving to catch a train, crossed in front of the engine as it rushed into \Vestou station on Tuesday, and was instantly killed. Deceased leaves a widow and six sons and daughters. He was a director of the York Fire Insurance Company, and also of the York meors’ Colonization Company. He was ac. cousin of Mr. John Duncan of this place. Tenders Wanted. Messrs. A. J. Anderson and W. A. Baird were on Saturday elected alder- men in the new ward in Tmunluâ€"for- merly Toronto Junction. Mr. Ander- son's vote was 777. Mr. Baird‘s 604. The funeral tank place nn Monday. May 24th. at, 2.30 pm)†to Greenï¬eld Cemetery. service at the house and rnu'e being conducted by Rev. Mr. hiclmrdson. B.A. The pull hearers were Messrs. \‘Vm. Peterkin. \Villium Scutt. John Sweeny. J. Mitchell. Gen. Hunter and “C Muitlund. In 1899 he moved to Richmond Hill where he pluclmsed a ï¬fty acre farm. ‘Vhile there he took an active interest in Municile affairs. and was fur two yezus n lllPlllllt'l' of the town council. In November, 1907. he returned to Arthur, where he has since resided. In politics he was a life-long Liberal. in religion a consistent member nf the Presbyterian denomination. being for many years an elder of St. Andrew’s Church. Arthur. After leaving Innvl'kip he came to Arthur Township, where his pinean had settled some years before. He later purchased from Mr. \V. Buchanan, the farm on the 0.S.R.. now owned by Mr. James Kelly, where he resided for mmw years. Shortly after he was married to Miss Caroline Ryan, by whom he is survived. The deceased was :1 native ofBerwick- shire, Scotland, whexe he was born in 1845. In 1856. be With his parents. the late Mr. and Mrs. Jns. Pnulin. immi- grated Lo Cumida and settled in Ontario, nezu \Voodstuck. For nine years he was in the service (if a Mr. Lindsay. a store keeper “'hu also kept the Inner- kip past oï¬icv. Du) ing that, time one of his duties was to draw the mail twice at wvek frum \Vondstock. @112 flihcrni.‘ RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. .1031! 3. 1909 Tenth day of June, l909 DEATH OF JAMES PAULIN. Conditions of Sale FATAL ACCIDENT. L. E. TELFORD. 131 Shutux- St.. Toronto. 31â€"&u 49-3 Bt-twoon the Palmer House Sheds and Atkinsnn & Switzer’s Slime. a 11111159 containing a small sum of muney. he ï¬nder will he rewarded by leaving the sumo at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. :4 For Sale ill Buthen 2nd cnncessinn Vaughan and Richmond Hill.0r on Fail-Grounds. May 24th. a Gold \Vatch. Nu.12.634.522, \Vulthzlm nmvement N0. 7. case Nu. 590082. Finder will he suitan re- warded by leaving same at, LIBERAL gï¬ice. Richmond Hill. 01' at Teston .O. Tenders for renting the Rofreshnwnt. Tent, at Testnn for the First uf July celebration will he received by the un- dersigned un 01- lwfm-e the 15th of June. NEIL “'31. MALLOY, 493 A Quantity of Pine Building Ti ‘H gund condition: â€"12pnsts 25 ft. 1'2. beams 23 ft. long: 9 stringers t nag. A quantity of girts and In AL Can-ville Mill, G. KIRBY. 49-2 concern are reï¬us-sted to govern them- selves accordingly. _ Bfliqhumud Hill. June 3, 1909: The C(l-lll't will sit in the Council Chamber on [he abnvedule at 8 u’cim-k in the evening. and _all who") it nan The Court; of Revisinn for the Vil- lage of Richmond Bill will hold its ï¬ist, sitting for the current, year on TUESDAY. JUNE 15. 1909. for the purpose of hezuiua complaints and up- penls against, the asseSsment of the said village. Courf‘df Revâ€"i's‘ifoï¬ Public Notice WALTER SCOTT CHARLES H. PORTER Pres. Ref. A‘ss'n Sec. Ref. Ass'u Centre York. Centh Yorki The Speakexs will include Dr. MCLEAN. Ex-M.P.. SENATOR CAMPBELL, \VALTER CURRY. KAI. T. C. ROBINE’I‘TE, K.C-.. and F. G. IN WOOD, ESQ Liberal organizer fur the valuce of Ontario. Saturday, June 5, 19% 49- 2 ExecuLi-ix of the Esmu- uf llw late Jeremiah Mm-tSOn. Vendor, Rir‘hmnnd Hill Pust Ofï¬ce. LAWRENCE £5 DUNBAR‘. 60 Victoria Street. Tux-onto, Solicitors for Vendor. a further payment of at least, 157, of the purchase money shall be made. at which time the sale is to he closed. The balance of the purchase muney may be secured by a ï¬rst mnrtgage over the premises, bearing interest at 5% half yearly. Further terms and conditions will he made known at the time of sale, 01' up- on application to the vendor or her Solicitors. CENTRE YORK ANNUAL MEETWG Tenders Wanted The Execntrlx (If the Estate of thr I late Jeremiah Mm-tson will “tier fnl' 1sale by public auction. .1. T. Saiizenn. ‘ Auctioneer. at, the Post Ofï¬ce. Gorin- _ Iey, at; Two o'cltu-k in the afternoon, i on Monday. the 25th day of June 1909. I all and singular those, certain patcels ‘or tracts of land sit‘untr, lying and being in the Township of \Vhitchurch in the County of York. bring romposrd of parts of Lots Nos. 4 and 5. in the 4th Concession of the said Township of \Vhitchurch. containing by ailmeasure- meut 170 acres, be thr same more or less. The said farm is cunvrniently located to churches and schools, and Is about I; milvs distant from a grain market at. Gormley on the UN. R. Tho soil is a rich loam. Well watt-red, with two wells and n flavor-failing spring, There is also a lot of cedar on said lands, as well as a good orchard. There is erected on the said lands an eight- I'oomed dwelling, summer kitchen and wood-shed. large frame barns, stable, mail other outbuildings. LIBERAL ASSOCIATION The propvrty will he ofl’o-rvrl fur sale subject Ln a reserve bid. The purchaser shall pay 10% of his purchase monvy ut the time of sale to the vendor or hm- sulicitm-s, and on the ISL of March 1910 Victoria 1-19.11 '1‘ HORN H 1 LL â€"â€"IN THEâ€" TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH SAIJE () I.“ ValuableFarmLands THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE for Centre Yul k will ln- lwld in MRS. CHAR LOTTE MORTSON, liost LEW‘IS DICEMAN. A. J. HUME, Clerk. Secy., Tcslbn P. O. Sllilding Timber posts 25 ft. long; Pmn L2 f L aces SCOTTISH? PRIDEâ€"Cly the property of J. New-tun Bmuk, “‘31 stable for the season PROUD BARON-lmp. Clydr-sdalt', the piopmly of “". Pallolt. Davisvillv. will travel to Concord, Edgt-lry, Maple. Richmond Hill, Tlminhill, Lansing. etc. Home stable, Danis- ville. ’l‘erms $12. RULAL HATTONâ€"Imp. Clydesdale. the pl‘OpE‘lLY of l). G. Blongh. King City, will trawl through Nohleton, Maple, Elgin Mills. Oak Ridgi-s, “'hito Rose, Aurora. Home Stable, Hotel, King City. Terms $12. MARQUIS OF COWALâ€"lmp. Clydesdale, the property of D. 0. Steele. Rich- mond Hill, will travelthrough Head- ford, Dollar, Patterson, Oak Ridges, Victoria Square. Home stable, Rich- mond Hill. Terms $14. LAIRD M ACQUEENâ€"Cl yd esdulesta llinii. the property of \V. J. \Yells. 'l‘em- perancevxlle, will travel through \Vhitchurch. Aurora, Pottageville. Vollore. King Tp. Home stablev Temperanceville. Terms $10. I JUBILEE V PERFORMERâ€"Hackney stallion. the property of Mr. TreLhe- way, Newton Brook. will travel through Thornhill. Richmond Hill, Elgin Mills. Oak Ridges, King City. MapleI Fisliervllle. Home stable near Steele’s Hotel. Terms $12. GOLDEN CONQUERORâ€"Clydesdalcstall- ion. the property of J. E. ’l‘eesun. will sLand at his own stable, Samuel Francis‘ Sunnvside Farm. lot 32, con. 1. Mmkham. Terms $10. THE PROVOS-‘Pâ€"Glydesdalc stallion, the property of T. H. Loggv, will travel LhroughTempm-ancevillu.Elgin Mills. Markham, \Vhitchurrh. Aurora, Kim.r City, Sic. Home stand, lot 1, con. 7, King. Terms $13. MINTo CHIMEsâ€"Rugistewd trotting stallion. the property oi “'in. Gould. Richmond Hill. will travel through Aurora, ’l‘euiperancevillv. Concord, ’l‘hornhiil, 01c. Terms $10. DOMINIUNCHIEFâ€"TIUlting‘slnlliumthe pl'oprrty of \\'. H. Glass, King. will stand at King City. Tuesday, \Ved- nvsdaymndSatuulay nights. Terms $11). GLENIJYET CHIEFâ€"Imp. ("vlydesdnle. the proprrty of Graham & Rent‘rrw Ody†Bs-dl‘ord Park. Home stable. Palmer H( llié‘,l{il'l1l110l1d Hill. “‘ill travel Lhiough Thornhill. Dollar. Cashel. Victoria Square. Elgin Mills. Terms 815. “‘m. Siinnson.l scï¬uï¬jmd house opposite the High Newu Stï¬ble A ninv six-mmued homo and gnrdvn to rent. Fm- tvrms and conditions apply to JG-tf ANDMAAR 48-lf A quantity nf Nurlhm'n Pntutues fur sale. Apply tn MISS NOBLE. Maple Or to \VILLIAM COOK, Banister, W'est half Int ‘23. in 4th cuncvssiun Vaughan. 48~3 (lows and Horses takt-n intn pasture on Int 24. sun. 3, Vaughan. Apply to GEORGE HEAMAN. i Notice tOCreditors On Ynnge St. Richmond 8-I-omm-d lmusc, with hard water and a good gunk-n. Apply to 4S-lf \V. 11. PI Edward VJuhn Lynn-ll, who died nu nhnut the lmh (luy uf April. A.l). 1909, are wquested (m m- lu-fme [In- 10th day nf June. 1903). to smul their Immeszmd addresses mud it full state- ment of lln-ir claim to Mrs. (latherin Isnlu-lla Lylel. Rithnmnd Hill, and further lulu- nnticv that after the lust- nzune'd dun- lha Administ-rulrix will pl-ncvvd In lliSlI'ilmle the asst-ts :Imnng tho pux-til-s vntillvd [hm-um. having xvgurd unly fm the claims of whivln sln- shall thn haw wcuiu-(l null: (A. Dated this 1m ll (la-y uf May, 1909. “’1 LLIAM (700K. 33 Hichmund St. \Vvst, 46-4 Solicitor fur Admimstl illl'lx {Richmond St. \Vcst, Tul"0htn. Tnkt- Nutice that pursuant to ll. 8. 0. 1397. Clmptvr 129. Section 29. and Amending Acts. ull persnns liming claims glguiust the estate nf tln- mid 11mm IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF El)\VAlH) JOHN LYNE'I‘T. LATE OF THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL. IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, FARMER. DECEASED. House to Rent House to Bent Seed Peiatees. Farm for Sale mpcrty of m Brook, w dunng the $1 Stallion Reglster. Pasture. Tlmmu Applito To Let J. 'P. GLASS. N. J. GLASS. {it'hmtind HI†“'31. PA LM ;h bred 0. T1- Richmond Hill Richumnd Hill. m. Simpsun, Hiclmmnd Hill ‘rethen‘uy. .t his own ms 310. and Hill. :In ml and 5(qu I’UGSLEY. 'thewuy, his own nus $10. Spy vad [inn zme Canadian Pictorial Weekly Mail, to January 1 1910 The Daily Globe, one year York County The Daily Mail and Ern- pire, one year (York County) The Daily Star, received on day of publication The Daily Star, not receivâ€" ed day of publication Family Herald and Week- ly Star New_Idea Woman‘s Maï¬a» Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken with “The Liberal†at $1 a year, at the following rates:-- Weekly Globe, to J antler f†1. 1910 y (XML QOOQOQQO§§§§§§§O¢§6¢ OQQQOO 6¢~9¢§4¢9¢§¢¢¢ V§§§QQ¢§¢¢O¢59 OOOMOQOQONOQNQQHN§§O ’§O¢§§¢O§§OO§¢§§QOO° 96090 90 ‘ in Canada. gust come and see for yourself. for a. lawn mower, made by Gan. ada’s best maker. We ham-e ï¬ne greatest money-saving pricas 031 l, 1910 THE E RUSSELL HARBWAEQE LAWN ï¬Ã©ï¬WEgï¬ This surprising value in ï¬rst-class wheels will be an import am help to the lesloi’akion of their popularity. We have planned for a big bicycle year, and are ready with the best machine {or the money ever offered in Canada. k Send for Iliu>trated Folder 126 East King St. Toronto “'6 are making .1 new departure this season, and have arranged to sell wheels din?! by mail, saving to our customers all intermediate proï¬ts. By this plan we can offer Regular $50 Hyslop Bzcycleg for $25 HYSLOP BROS.. Limited High-Class Automobiles and Bicycles TORONTO, ONT. 531wa 1.†75c. ’1" 233,50 i; 2.50 d 2.25 '“ 3.5% * $00. ‘“’ T550. 4% 409. CO.