Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jun 1909, p. 4

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A representative gathering of Liber- ali frmn‘n'll arts of,Uentl'e York us- sembled at, T mrnhill nnSaLm'duy after- noon to elect, nfliéérs fnr the year nnd to listen to addresses from pmminent memlwrs .0 /.the party. M r. \Vultex' Scott. the‘ resident. made a. short ad- dress in opening the meeting. referring particulnx-ly to ev'ents connected with the last. campai n.’ He. emphasized the fact that, the leemls of (Jenna York had failed to elect their cznididale by onlyltbirby tn furtv votes. and a. little extr'a. effort, would have won the elec- tion-J, He. also expressed the feeling of regret felt. bv all in the death of Mr. J. A. E. S\\_'itzer. ihe Treasurer“ EllDchLe‘hn, the Liliernl cundi- dM-é'in"tll'e lz'ist’eleclipn.'spuke,hyiefly thaqkin everyone for the efforts ihnde' wryéifilfflnying the campnign and dWel'ling (iii-mil} eXL-ellent recmd of the Liberia (in roment. A ‘ ‘ nuuu ‘1‘... "an," ‘ Mr. F. G. Inwnod made a. brief ad- dress. concluding with an uutline of the cardinal 'points in (gt-gallizatinn which tend tosuccess. The four prin- cipal points were a good cause. a. good Ieuder,a. thoroughly revisvd voter-3' list, and sub-division wmkers who would walk. ....u_.. ...- .Vubmov, Government-[ind 'give‘n the penple of Camudn an honest. vcunnmicnl and pin- gressive government. The people knew this, and in spite of all the aca-usatiuns and ‘the Villilicutinns indulged in by Conservative; Qrgimrs during the last, campaign. tlie‘pvhplé hu.d"SllUWIl their. gumfsense by“ returning the Govern; went to power. After Irferriug briefly to the tariff, immigration and other topiqs. the Senator spoke on the rail- \Yilxr‘SlLlliltlUl), :md Sluth it as his opinion lhéifif the increased value of lilnd'.“.ll“|)(’l"' and , Illilli-‘l‘illS resulting floii'i (ho' construction of the Grand Ti unk Pacific would pay the cost of the loud ten times over. "‘.€-"“"f'rl- -.'.' ' ; v , . very in cream]. .m-sunlemfjtbtf puns]. pal [0'fo the Lihex‘ul pm-ly aincmikdudiué', fg-f'nffice,’» 'und ; mfide ,u StrikinmmqEssiuéiflj‘bE-mepn these re- sultsamdmhosevflflgthg eighteen years [)1 evinu‘s-ofil‘wuism-vative rule. " m . I .1 n“- ... ,._â€". . .. ...A.,: um; n; y.u.....u_..-.‘._...m _ . .7 , Svfigfibcf’efiihmheil plainwd. that, the people hf,mlgzfiikiit"a\skbd of n Govern-z menr'fiminlyv-t-hut, it _sbuuld be honest. straightforward :uadgxercise 'its best judgement, jn- itswonduct ()f'afl'airs. Taken 'il'i tl'ie‘ ng‘gregut‘euthe Lil‘mrnl Mr. Porter intmduced a resulutinn expressing the gratification of the as- suciatinn m, the Government‘s action in suggesting at] Imperial Conference fur the purpose of considering a com- prehensive scheme of defence for the en-mpnnont pdl‘DS 0f the. empire. This was carried unanimously. The nmcers electtd were: ‘Valtex‘ Scott. Vic. Sq.. president; A. S. Rus- sell. Uurrville. Isl: vice-pm 5.: \V. D. Annis, Seal-1mm. 2nd \‘ice-pres.: C. H. Purter.'l‘m-nntn, Sec‘y; \V. H. Clu- bine,’1‘lmrnhill, treasurer. “mam ..Rz<s,,1.>ffivt.te. wry in erosbi “.m-sume ,, u ,0L1<m1:_fl.u.on f Ikn Report of Carrville Public School for May. Sr. IV.â€"Chau‘lieHunt, Gussie Prent- icv. Muhpl Prentice._ ‘Vi’tJ'Itâ€"ifiézel Mdnkman, \VilberL Bone. Hm-nld Cook. Albert McMillan. Chester Bone. Rolph Tyndall. .<., __ Jr. IV.â€"S:m)my \Vinger. Welling- ton Monkmnn. Agnes Paterson, Vic- toria. Hunt (equal). Minnie Reuman, Minnie Cook. Effie Jul-fig. -â€"-S~;‘-.'-I‘IIV.;I\['My Baker. Emery vais, Elsie Prentice (absent). Byron Apple- um(:\hsem)1 _ ' Jr. III.â€"â€"Mabel Line. LawrenceHeise, Gladys Lino. Russel Munkmun. George Hunt. (absent). ILâ€"Orville Granger. Pt. ILâ€"Iienry \Vinger. Lilian Cook. Sr. Pt. I.â€"Mury Hunt. Irene Baker. (eqjal. Znig Proptic») . 'I-v- . u RICHMOND HILL. Mrs. John Best of the City of Peter- bm-o accompanied hy her two grand children spent a few days visiting at the homes of her relations and enjoy- ing the fresh and invigorating air in ths_ 10c:\_liny>.___ Mrs. R. Millsuf the Township of Hope who was 2]. fmmer resident of Cavam, paid a flying visit to the home anus. H. Best and others. Mr. I. B. Lucas, .\I.P.P. fur Centre Grey. has been sworn in as a member of the Ontario Cabinet without pol-t- f0“0. Sophia “Wight. wife of Mr. Esustus Jackson. for many yvurs editur :md proprietor of the Newnulrket Era. died nn the first. of June. The deceased lady was in her 800) year. Mrs. A. P. MrLean of the City (If Petal-bum and family spent. a. short, time at the parqnpgl hqqne. J. McLean and his wife made a visit to their sun’s home at. "Omemee" on the 5th inst. Mr. McLem) has improv- ed m health during the last, month so [hut hclooksghuut us well us he did last. full. Mrs. Mchn retains hm- ynubhfu! uppcamnce although about. 78 years old. - Between 2nd concessinn Vaughan ,BIRTHS' and Richmond Hill.or on FairGl-nunds. Lamâ€"0n Fr}day- “hm-lune; 1909‘,“ ; May 24m. 9. Gold Watch, No.12,634,522. CENTRE YORK LIBERALS. §277O‘Harm Ax'ehilo, Toronto, to Mr. and Mrs. “’. E. Lear, a. son. Mount Pleasant. N ews Notes. DEATHS. ONT" JUNE 10. [909 mond gave a. 50-2 The Aflniiul EXCUl‘biUll uf vamnr- .keb Agl-icifltuml Sucivty will he held bu Wednvsday. June 23. tn {In-hem] of Muskoka Lakes. Pnrt Cm1klmrn,'gning by, G. T. R. to Muskokn \V'hzu-f. (ht-nee by 'stgnmer “Sagmno’i through the Lnka at: Port, Culling intn Lake Rnssonu, then thrmiglf the Canal at Port Snndfield into and through Luke Joseph. reach Port Cocklmrn in time for dinm-r. Train leaves Concord at 5.25 mm, stopping at, all the stations tn Allundule. Eur fares, &c., .590 large bills. .» . ' Pursuant to R.S.O. 129 and Amend- ing Acts. Notice is hewhy given thnt all parties having claims against the Estate of Mary Teddm'. late of the Village of Nashville, in the County of York, married woman. decmsed, who died on or about; the 26th day of April. 1909, are required on m- hefuro the 8th day of July.41909. to send LL) Alexander Mallny, Teston. Executor of the said deceased, a full stutenwnt of tlwir claim. and the nature of the security, if any, hold by thPm. .u . m,, In any, urnu II, \II\ n. And take further notice that; ufter the said last mentioned date the ex- ecutox will proceed to distribute l he as- sets of the estate amung the parties en- titled thereto. having regard unly to the claims, of which they shall have then received notice. Notice in Bredimrs IN THE ESTATE OF MARY TEDDER. DECEASED. 504 Death nccurrvd June 1 in the pen-son of Mrs. Thus. \Vutsnn at her lmmvsu-ml 1836 Queen East. Tmnntn. aged 74 yem‘s. Deceased with lwr hllslmnd came to Canada 33 yi-m-s :ngn, having lived 23 years at the \N’imdhine. She is the daughter uf Rubs. Chadwick. North Stutful‘dshire, England, and (11‘s- cendnnt of Sir Andrew Chadwick. She was *highly estevmed. und leave-s u family of 7 suns and 3 dullghtt‘l‘s. Roht. E. with A. R. ‘Ulul'ke 5:. 00., Henry with R. A. Suhastinn. Huruld at home. \Vultvr at. Uniun Stalin". J'nhn with Tur. Railwny Ga... Philip H. with W. J. Gage & Cm. Allan with '1‘. Eulnn 00., \Vinni 93. Mrs. \V. F. Aslen. Mrs. J. Shel , and Miss Gertludr resid- ing in Tm-untn. In lacrosse un Sutgn-dny the Tecum- sehs defeated the Nationals by 3 Lo 2. Montreal defezntedl’I‘m-nmu by 7 to 6. and Cnrnwall wun [rum the Uupilnls of Ottawa by 9 to l. It has been definitely dvcided to fox-m a lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows in this village. A mePting will he held in the Temperance Hall, on Friday. 11th inst, at 8 p.m., tn make final arrangements. and to decide on a date for organization. Dr. Johns of Thornhill is expected to be present to make the necessary medical examina- tion. Come and join in making the Lodge a success. On behalf of the Committee. T. LAMON. Chairman. Dated June 7th., 1909. for the purchase of the following val- uahle prnperty. Said tenders may be made for the separate properties as described. or for the two ploperties combined. Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned will be received by them upALo and until the PARCEL No. lâ€"That certain parcel or tract of land. containing by ad- measuremeut one hundred and ten acres, be the some more or less, being composed of the north half of lot, 27, in the second concession of the Town- shipof Vaughan. On this property stands good rough-cast house, ham and outbuildings. good orchard. about 15 acres timber. and abundance of water; Soil is a gong} sandy loam. IITénd ers Wanted. PARCEL N0. 2â€"Thab celmin parcel or tract of land. cont-aiming by ad- measuremenb forty-two acres and fif- ty-Fight one-hundredth of an acre. be the same more or less, being composad of parts of the westerly quarters of lots numbers 51 and 5‘). in rear of first cnncessinn of Township of Vaughan. Soil is clay loam. Possession will be given on April lst 1910. with 10% of purchase money to he paid an acceptance of tender. Bal- ance tn he paid in cash on April lst. 1910. The highest, or any tender not necessarily accepted. NAUGHTON BROS.. 47-4 ELGIN MILLS. \antham movement-No. 7, case No. 590082. Finder will be suitably re. warded by leaving same at LIBERAL Office. Richmond Bill. or at Testou DEATH OF MRS. \VATSON Tenth day of June, 1909 To" Muskuka. WILLIAM COOK. 33 Richmond St. \V.. Toronto. Conditions of Sale Sunlicitnr for the Executor: NotiCe. WM. KEITH. Lost G. F. ALLEN, Sec. Ncwmiu'ket, Sec‘y. â€"IN THEâ€"â€" TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH The pi-opprty will b(‘ ()Ffl'l‘l’d fur sale subject. Lu a l'eSt‘l‘V'e hid, l‘lu- pm-clmsr-r shall pay 10% of his pUI'L‘iHlSt’ muner at the lillle of sale tn Ilw vendor m- hv-r solicitors. and on the lsrv nf M'su'(~l| 191‘) a further payment, nf at least, 1570 uf the purchase money shall b9 mn‘dv, at which timP the. snlv is to he i-lused. The balance of the purchase money may be secured by a first Inurtguge over the piemisos. hearing inth-st at, 5% half yearly. ' ‘ â€" ",0 ...... :’ Further terms and conflitions will In- made known at the time of sale, m- up- on applicatiun ‘tn the vendor ur her Sulicitm-s. The Exeeutrix of the Estate nf the late Jeremiah Mm-tsnn will ufier for sale by public auctiun, .l. T. Saig'en‘n, Auclinneer. at the Post Office. Gui-In: ley. at Twu u'r‘lm'k in the al'termmn. (in Monday. the Zilh (lay nf June 1W9. all and singular those, certain parcels 0r tracts of land situate. lying and being in the vamhip of \Vliitchnrch in the County of ank, being composed of parts uf Luts Nos. land ‘5. in the 4th Concession nf [he said Tuwnship of \Vhitclmrch. (:nntaining by allnwasure- Inelit17llac1e<. he the. same more or less. The said farm is conveniently located in chm-th and sclvmnls. and is almut 1:} miles distant. from a grain market at. Gurmley on the (LN. R. The, soil is a rich luam. wi-ll watered. with two wells and- a newer-failing spring, There is alsu a lut of cedar nn said lands, as well as a good mallard. There is erected on the said lands an eight- rnmned dwelling, summer kitchen and wood-shed, large frame lmrne, stable and other outbuildings. GOLDEN CONQUERORâ€"Clydesdnle stall- ion. the property of J. E. ’l‘eeson, Will stand at his own stable, Samuel Francis’ Sunnvside Farm, lot 32, con. 1, Markham. Terms $10. THE PROVOST-ClydeSdule stallion, the property of T. H. Legge, will travel throughTemperanceville, Elgin Mills, Markham, \Vhitchurch, Aurora, King- City, 8:13. Home stand, lot 1, con. 7, King. Terms $18. MINTO CRIMESâ€"Registered trotting stallion, the property ol \Vm. Gould, Richmond Hill. will travel through Aurora, Temperanceville. Concord, Thornhill, etc. Terms $10. DOMINXONOHIEFâ€"Trottingstallion.the property of W. H. Glass, King, will stand at King City, Tuesday, VVed- nesday, and Saturday nights. Terms $10. GLENLIVET CHIEFâ€"Imp. Clydesdale, the property of Graham & Renfrew Co‘y., Bedford Park. Home stable. Palmer House, Richmond Hill. \Vill travel through Thornhill, Dollar, Cashel, Victoria Square, Elgin Mills. Terms $15. \Vm. Simpson. Manager. SCOTTISH PRIDEâ€"Clydesdale stallion, the property of J. O. Tretheway. Newton Brook, will be at his own stable for the season. Terms $10. HANDMAAR ~ Thoroughbred stallion, the property of J. 0. Tretheway. Newton Brook. will he at his own stable during the season. Terms $10. BRYAN BARoxâ€"Standard-bred trot.- ting stallion, owned by James A. Childs. will stand at his own stable, at Eglinton. Terms $15. late Jeremiah Mnrtsom Vendm', Rivhmnnd Hill Push Office. LA\VHENCE & DUNBAR. 60 Victoria Streetlk’l‘nmutu, SnliciLuI-s fur Vendor. PROUD BARONâ€"Imp. Ulydrsdnlo, the property (If \V. Pallett. Dmisvillv, will travel to Com-Ind, Edgvll-y, Muplv. Richmond Hill, Thmnhill, Lansing, etc. Home stable, Dmis- \‘ille. Terms $12. ROLAL HATTONâ€"Ilup. Clydesdale. the prupeity of D. G. Blungh. KingGity. will travel through Nnhletnn. Maple, Elgin Mills, Oak Ridgvs, \\'hilv low, Aurora. Home Stable, Hotel. King City. Terms $12. MARQUIS 0F COWALâ€"lmp. Clydesdale, the property of D. U. Stoelu, Rich- mond Hill, will travel through Hend- fnrd. Dollar, Pattcrsmi, Oak Ridgt-s, Victoria Square. Home stable, Rich- mond Hill. Terms $14. LAIRDMACQUEENâ€"Clydesdnlestullinn. the prupL-rty of \V. J. \Vells, 'l‘vm- perancevnlle, will travel thruugh “'hitchurch, Aux-m-a, Puttngeville. VPllore, King Tp. Home stable Tempux-nnceville. Tux-ms $10. JUBILEE PERFORMERâ€"Hackne‘y stallion. the property of Mr. Trethc- way, Newton Brook, will travel through Thornhill, Richmond Hill, Elgin Mills, Oak Ridges, King City, Maple. Fisherville. Home stable near Steele’s Hotel. Terms $12. 49- 2 SAIAE ()14‘ ValuahIeFaImLands West. half lot, 23. in 4th conceSSion Vaughan. 33 Richmond St. \Vest, Torontn. 48-tf Appiy to MISS NOBLE. Maple 01' to WILLIAM COOK, Barrister, A Good house opposite the High School. House to Rent Farm for Sale Imé's. CHARLOTTE MORTSON, >FVJ;:VeV(:vu’Ll-irx 0f the Estate of [he Stallion Lléglstel‘ Apply to I. P. (1T.ASS. My South Afticnn Veteran Bounty Land Certificate. issued by the De- paruiient of the Interior. Ottawa; good for 320 acres of any Dominion Land open for entry in Alberta. Saskatche- wan. or Manitoba. Any person over the age (If 18 years. MAN OR VVOM- AN, can acquire this [and with this Certificate. For immediate sale, 790.00. Desm ipt inn Ln Ans d to \Vm. Hutchinson, Finl Middle pm-L J 42 Ass'd tn Mal-tin Hem-n. F131 Ezst part, I 11 Ass’t to Mix. Rogers, Fr. 1 East pnx-L I 3] Treasurer‘s Office. Cu. York. Toronto, May 27th.. 1909. le'l‘wnsmm' of tho Cnunty of York (under “fun-nut Hf Dvm'mlu‘r let, 1908) will pHH‘Hd to 31-“ at. the Public Hull. Palmer’s Elm-k. Richmnnd Hill, on Tnvstluy, the 6th day uf July. 19%. at the lmur (If 10.30 a.m., the following lands ful‘ m rum-s of taxes unless the said arrears and costs are summer- paid, viz.; ONO§O§O§+§¢¢OOOOQ¢§§O¢¢§O 006 9¢¢O§OOO¢§§O§§OOO §O¢§903 OOOOQ¢¢¢§¢¢¢Q§QO§+§¢ 6.0966 66069‘¢§9¢§6§ v¢¢+¢§¢9 666060 Desmiptinn Ass'd to Hmwn-d Smilh} Munitnwaning l5. pm I. J Ass'd to “award Smith .|_ Munitmwnning. E. part I Ass'd tn Ruht. Reesur, Ol Tun-Hm. “'03! part J 50-4 Fm Sale. Man or Woman Phone: Main 3066‘ Phone, write or wire Wwâ€"aâ€"mm-vm» râ€"- w If automobiles are nccdcd nnywhcre a! One of the speakers of Um Wumcn‘: 1.1511: dicted that 11m: time was near at hand “he: their own aumnnobilcg Nor is :hc prediction telephone and the lroHcy, the automobile s; comfort of country He. and lec CUSI WM [101 We can sell at a mere fraction of orig payment for the newest a oughly recnmnwnd. A y firstâ€"class (‘onditiom and this yczn’s style. {ht-1’: is r values at numc an High»Class Au THE _../ ComprisingMunicipalities ofMarkham and Vaughan L. E. TELFORD, 131 Shuter St.. Toronto Fax 5&53 M Maids Gced SecondnHand RU§§ELL HARDWARE C l'CSS fl 3m(. 126 East King St, Toronto AM AUTQWSQBELE '73 Lot Con. Qu V A U G H A N. Lot Con. Quantity 31 MARKHAR'. DISTRICT NO. 2 HCI'O mtity ‘1 cre lCX't’ 15 acres 2 99 Richmond Hill, June 3, 1909‘ 49â€"2 The Court Of Revision for the Vil- lage of Richmund Bill will hold its that sitting for the current year on TUESDAY. JUNE 15. 1909. fur the purpose of hearing: complaints and ap- npah against. the assessment of the The O‘Turt will sit in the Cnuncn Chamber on the above data aLS u’clock in the evening, and all whom it mnv concern are requested to govern thank selves accordingly. Court of Revision acre Ripana Tabules cure nausea. moans Tabul es assist digestion ‘lCl’b‘. Public Notice LYOS 41 1 xes F9953; Expenses Tg 63 3 00 4 J. K. MACDONALD. A. J. H UME, Clerk 300 3 00 Oi) Expenses To! :11 300 3 ()0 Co. York ‘ the Vil- hvld its year on for the ll) It'd] 99

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