Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jun 1909, p. 5

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purpose giving July. Furlhvr Rev. E. H. Thyt‘ has pagan] his third ymu- (-xuminntinn successfully. sland- ing srcnnd in svcnnd class honnuls in HIV Cuanu (-f Honour Philusuphy. The family 0“ the lute Mrs. Murgmet Storey wish t.“ express to the muny frin-nds lhril :1pprvvinliun nf the kind- m-si and sylllpulh)‘ shhwn llwm during llw Inst duy> ut' illness and suffering uf their mother. Reeve \V. H. Pugslev. who rvtmm-d fl'mn a. trip tn the North “’vst n fs-w days ago, is this “’ka nttrnding the J um» session of the CullnLV (Pmmoil.~ Flnrnl sw-viuvs will he hvld in the: Methodist Chm-ch next. Sunday. In the morning va. A. P. BI‘HCP will‘ prom-h, and in lhu wonng Rev. H. Toye 0f Gnudwnnd. l Li'ltc flihvral. Rm‘. R. and Mrs. Tle hf Gnmhvmul [mssvd tin-“ugh the Village Tuesday, taking diu‘ner at, the l’nrsuunge, on their way (I) Kleinhurg. whth Mr. 'l‘nye was to ufficiule M at wedding cm-onmny. Mrs. Allen \vhn was :I dulegute to the In-unch nn-(ILing nt' the \V.M.S. re- cently held in 'l‘m-untu and WIN) gave a n-pm-t at, the Anxxliul-y lust wet-k. will. by request, again give hvr repan at, the m'nvrul prayer meeting to he lwld at, the Methodist chum-11 this evening. The “[{t-lln-u” match lie-tween the Juniur lmsvlmll teams of Richmond Hill und 'l‘hm-nhill was played at the latter plum: lust Sn! ua-(luy. Ninv inn- ings were pluyod. Kluhmunrl Hill living nguin tho wilmels by a scum nl 15 to 3. \Yilliv l’nlmn captained tho Visitnrs. Nun-mm Francis the home team, and B. l’mry acted as I'm-rev. RXCHMOND HILL. 0511:, JUNE 10, 1909 An intervstdug checkm tournamvnt was playvd last, Friday (Honing he- twmm a club from Markham) 'J‘uwnship and Markham Village, and a City club. There were 13 men (In each sidv, and the matches were playvd at, the I‘UUIIIS of the Toronto club. The Markham playvrs were victm's by 7 gamma. Markham Wm!) 30 games. 'l‘m-nnto 23. and them were 25drawu. The Visitors were aftt-x-qu-ds luncheuned and splen- didly entw-Lainod. HEADFORD PICNIC. Heudfm'd Mothmlist, 8.8. will hnld its annual picnic in Mr. Ellis’ Ol't‘hnld, on Saturday of this week. In the after- noon at 3 o‘clock sllmp footlmll teams will play fur a prize of :5“. A nnmlu-r nf interesting race-s will be run. Re- freshments and ten served from an»? 30. Good concert in the evening. Excellent talent from the (lily, as well as local talent. Tickets 25 cents; children 1:3 cents. on Sunday. June 13, special services will lw preuched. In the "NIH!- ing by Rev. E. H. Tove; in the evmxing by Rev. E. U. Uuu‘ie. Special music at, hull] sex vices. Only three cases came before Judge Morgan at Division Court last Sutur- duy. N't-ss vs. Silvorsidos 0t aI~Prumis~ snry unto, $38. Judgment fm- Plain- tiff glguinsb PLD.‘ ftdjfnuynud us to gun-s. uu ugumsu 1. . 11.. oun-u un- Ilu u. 5...“. Shlerk vs. Gnuldâ€"l’x-xce nf robe and blanket. $8.50. J udgtuent fur defend- unt. Cooper \‘s. McIntosh â€"â€" Judgment summons. $69.51. cmmuitted in default, The members of York County Council and their wives. county officials and other friends had a most, enjoyable out,- lng as guests of \Vnrden Hem-y. reeve of Yonk Township, on Tuesday. The trip this year was over the Can- udiun Northern Ontario Railway to Spin-low Luke. n. distance of 93 miles. The weather was pcrfectund no reuier ‘spot for an excursion party coui)d have been desired. Sparrow Luke was reached at. 1'2. o'clock, after which the company. numbering about 150 sailed across the lukv, about. four miles. to Deep Bay Point where the picnic was bold. Later in the nftornoim 11 series of games was it prominent feature. A tugmfâ€"wm- by Dennis selected by Capt. T. G. \Vallnre. M.P.. and Alex. Mc- ‘.owain. M.P.P.. resultod in a “draw,” each side scoring once. The following were p1ize~winuors in other mops:â€" _ -- . 1| , nruuruun.‘ ‘ \l, . ‘n The Ladies' Aid of St. Mary‘s (‘yhprgh 2, y igh _3. End finally stnum feeling thut n. vm lmd been enjuyed. Neit court. Oct. 2. Fat-I) :1 ye. \V A RDEN‘S EXCURSION. THE VISITORS \VON. nu..- .. _ Man's Raceâ€"Ramadan 1, Moore Rt-lm-n” match he-lweun the nsvlmll tin-nus (If Riuhumnd 'l‘hm-uhill was played at the mu lust, Saturday. Nine inn- M ARK H AM \V ON. ‘Speciul” stopped at vnriuns Ln allow the> guests to get ulf 11y stnumed intro Tnl'nlltu. all but a. very delightful outing COURT CASES. rrlfigzru‘dfi) purl-y early in particulars later. .Mr. and Mrs. M. Coleman drove from Tul'untu on Sunday and spent, the af- Lcrnuun will: Mr. und Mrs. F. Lynctl. Stnntfvilh- 'I‘rilmnvâ€"Miss E(hl4’l 'B.u~k- er of Riuhnmnd Hill is spending .1 \w-uk at the home (of hvr'ln-nther. Mr. M. U. Barker. Mr. Phil Grumijmn ur Tux-mun visit,- L‘d Un- Missl-s m or Sunday. Mrs. (Du) 'l‘lenp-z‘nn (If Hamilton vi -iu-d Mrs. Stung one day last week. Mr. G. B. Nicul of Town!“ spent Thursday with Mr. \V. F. Milhmu'ne nml callud (In fl-ivnds in the villagv. Mr. Nicol visited the park and noted with plcnsm c the nvw huiiding recent.- ly mtcti‘d. " ' ‘ IMIY. .lzum-s ])l)_\‘l¢- nf Turunln 5 0m, «mm-Sunday with his aunt Mrs. "red Lynn-Lt. ‘ ' Mr. Fred Lyxwtt \vhd has lwen very ill for the past flaw weeks is now able. Lu walk "hunt. Mr. Joseph Burnett and wife nf l Elgin Mills will leave Montreal fur Glasgow nu Saturday morning nf this week per Steamship Grampian of The Allan Line. 'l‘bey procured their tickets frbm Mr. H. A. Nichrills, agent. fur The Allan Line, and will probably remain in Suntland a «couple of months renewing arquaiutances of their youth- ful davs. 7 7 NOVEL N0 CURE, NO‘PAY PlAN. One need .ilniust marvel. when they know about the plan that is beiu lauin‘lwd here in war vicinity. an which gives to the sick a chance tn re- ceive medicine, and only be obliged to pay fur such medicine in actually brings substantial relief from sickness and sufi'ering. To positively give tn the sick medicine “free, if itfails" is in. deed an innovatinu must unusual and also must, liberal. And yet it is a fact that. Dr. Slim‘p, of Racine. “'is. is [aunt-hing just such a plan in uur com- munity. Th0 Doclnr‘s travelling rep- resentative. Mr. I. F. Sugden, called at THE LIBERAL Oifim- tn-day and has authnrized us tn in the future. publish his Nu help, Nu pay plan. Di. shrmp aims to make it known to every living man, wmuan and child. that his pro- seripliuns are all backed by an absulute guarantee that help must cnme to the sick or else the. medicine is positively free. He Cunti-uds that medicines of real genuine merit and wnrth can ac- tually stand nn just, such a basis. And besides, he declares that a remedy that can’t take the prisitinn that Dr. Shunp‘s does. isn‘t Worthy of the Confidence and support. of thepeuple. TheDucLur’s enterprise is, tn say the least. hath nnw-l and fair in the extreme. \Ve shall watt-h developments. and prrdiut that our readers will also take a kreu interest in the Doctor's articles to be. published. In sicknrss. if ll certain hidden nerve goes wrong. then the organ that this nerve cnntmls will also surely fail. It, may he a Stomach nerve. or it may huve given strength and suppurt (u the Heart. or Kidneys. It was Dr. Slump that first painted to this vital truth. Dr. Slim-p‘s Restorative was not made to dose the Stomach nor to tenipnrarily stimulate the Heart, m- Kidlwys. That old-fushmncd method is nll wrung. Dr. Shnup's Restorative goes directly to [how failing inside nerves. 'l‘lul remarkable success of this prescription delnnnstl‘ntes the wis- dmn uf trt-nting the :u'tnnl cause of these failing organs. And it is indeed eusv t0 pruw. A simple five or ten days’ {(st will surle lull. Try it nnco. and soul Sold by \\'. A. Sanderson. Junt- 13th being Cnnfel-euce Sunday. there will he no mm-ning service in the Mmhndist Chm-ch. In the evening thi- pulpit will be occupied by Rev. F. G. Kezun, Newton Bnmk. the pzistms nf thvse adjoining elm-nits Inn‘ng ur- i-anged for 2m exchange of their wurk for the dam. p1 R801» ALE. 'I‘ hornhifl. I On Saturday uftrl'nmm lust, nfteru {lung and trying illness, Mrs. Etun-y lpassed to her reward. Tu-dny Rich~ ; numd Hill mourn“ the lnss of one who 1 for almost sixty ymrs has hvvn mm) of '118 most esteemed rcsidu-nls. At the age of 7 years Mm. Slurry came tn this country with hvr parents, Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Trench, from Duuhur. Scub- ‘lund. At that wnrlv date the only . moans 0f cmsxing thermally pxpzmsu I of the Atlantic was by the sailing F vessel. and 17 Weeks won- pussvd upon I the water. Her :lwelful (lispnsitinn and lll‘l' lu-uuliful Chrisllun spirit, "Lulu hvl' n blessing unlo all who know her, and tlmso who kin-n" her hes! and enjoyed her compuniunship the longest. lwed he!» must. Her innnezlsul‘nhle love fur her children and the Lemlvnwss uf he-r muthel' heart. nuule hlilllt‘. u sacred place. and while anus and daughters mnurn u departed mother. their mem- cries of her (-(msistvnt life and of her rgndly example Shall ever he to them as the melodies of Heaven. She was at true and faithful member of the Meth- odist Church; and eve-n of Inter years. when the physical frame was becom- ing weaker. the sound of her voice in testimony or in prayer came as a bless- ing to all thr associates. A memorial‘sex-vice was held in the Methodist, Church on Sunday mgm. when the Rev. A. P. Bruce. B.D.. preached an appropriate? sex-mnn,’nnd suitable music was rendered by the ‘chuir, the lender, Mr. A. J. Hume. cun- trihutihg a Solo. The funel‘uliugk ANNUAL MEETING. At. the Annual meeting of the \mem’s Missionary Society it was shown in tho Svcreun'y's rmiuw of the year‘s “mi in to have been a. very success ful year in the variousuvenues of work undertaken. The following officers were elected for the yeal':â€"â€"Pres., Mrs. Sloan; lst ' Vice-Pres, Mrs. (Reva) Brace;2nd Vice- Pres., MLS. Mox-tsun: 3rd Vice-Pres, - Mrs. Allen; Rec. Soc” Mrs. Amos \Vright; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Switzer; Trans, Mrs. Crosby; Super. of Syétemiitic Giv- ing, Mrs. Soules; Organist. Mrs. Hume. MRS. Amos WRIGHT, Rec. Sec. Treasurer’s Report of the \V.M.S. for the year ending May 14, 1909:â€" place qtfi’etly from the hnme on Rich- mnnd St, pn Monday mowing. The remains were hu’me to their last rest; iug place in Mount Pleasant CHnetel-y by her two sons, Lwo‘ suns-in-law and mo grandsons. Among- the flora) tributes placed upon the casket was a. large anchor With the insCx'iption. “Our Mother.” and a. beautiful spray of white rusvs upon which was in- scrith "Grem-grandmother." A family of fivechildlen survive hur. John A. hal‘ing divd in Lowell. Mnss.. Six years ugh. The daughters are Mrs. \V. R. Pruutor. Mrs. J, H. Brydun. and Miss May, the youngest, of the family, whnse devotion Ln'hm‘ mother in lull-declining years was marked with increasing tenderness and care. The two suns who survive are “’illinm T. of Toronto and Charles R. “of-Brock- mun. Massf ' ' \Ve desire to express our own sor- xmv in the luse Wt- huve sustained. but more especially 'tn express our sym- pathy with the sol-rowing ones whose hem-Ls are sm-v. , Pain anywhch stopped in 20 minutes sure with «me of Dr. Simon's Fink Pain Tablets. The fm‘muh. is on the 25 cent bux. Ask yuur Doctor 01' Drug- gist about this fut-muan Stops wom- anly pains, headache. pains anywhere. “’rite Dr. Slump, Ravine, \Vis.. for New trial to prove \‘ulue‘ Sold by \V. A. Saudvx-snn. \Vhy do we mom-n departing friends, Or shake :IL Death’s alarms? ’Tis hut the voice which Jesus sends To all [hum to His arms. i Tell snme deserving Rheumatic suf- ft-Ier. that. there is yet, one simple way to certain relief. Get Dr. Slionp‘s hook on Rheumatism and :1 free trial test. This hunk will make it, entirely clear huw thumutic pains are quickly killed by Dr. Shnop's Rheumatic Rem- ‘. tidyâ€"liquid 01' tablets. Send no money. l'l‘he test is free. Surprise some dis- heartened sulferer by first getting for him the bonk from Dr. Shoop. Racine, ] \Vis. Sold by \V. A. Sundeisou. Members’ Fees. . . . . . Life Members’ Fees . . . . . hatdle Hull . . . . . . . . . . . . Mimionzu-y Sunday . . . . . . . EnstPr Thank Offering, . . Rest Fund . Ba]. Entertainment, BB... Other sources . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 6. Sent to Branch Treas. ..$ 13 00 Feb. 15. Sent to Branch Treas May“. “ “ “ At. a wee-mt. meeting the fullnwing “ere elected oflicel-s fur the current year:â€" Pres.-â€"A. J. Hmnv. lst. \'ice-Pres.â€"-.\Iiss Ida Glass, GE. PASSED T0 HER REWARD. EPWORTH LEAGUE OFFICERS. lst. Vice-Pres.â€"â€".\Iiss Ida Glass, (1E. Department. 2nd ‘ViCP-PI'ES._)IiSS Mary Trench, Missinuary Department. 3rd V ice~Pres.â€"â€"L‘>l:u-ksou McDonald, Literary Depurtnwnt. 4th \'ice-Px-es.~â€"Miss Eva Hill. Social Department. 5th Vice-Pl'es.â€".\II‘S. Amos \Yx-ight, Junior Department. Secretaryâ€"Miss Xm'u McMahon. Cur. Secretaryâ€"Mrs. Switzer. TleusuI-t-r-Lurne Patterson. I. Pnst. Presidentâ€"Miss An Lie Tn: no I) PAYMENTS RECEIPTS Total $ 107 40 Total $ 107 40 CROSBY, Tx-eas. ..$2400 2500 14 45 16 15 850 WWW+++H+ +++++++++++ fi++++++$+++++++f . White Linon Suiting and White Duck Suiting, 50 and 150. per yd. Val. and Torchion Laces, Inser- tions, Embroideries and Tucke Nets for trimming. $+++++++ +++++++$++ id'i'H-Fi"? *+T+’i"l'+1’++ -++++'§r§-++++++++++P+++++++M+~ +‘P+++++Ԥ--§'++++++++é~++++++é~3- Persian Linon & Victoria Lawns from 100. per yd. yup. H47 “#44 Dotted, Swiss and Batiste Mus- lins, 15, 17, 20 and 250. per yd. At the New Stare Men's Men’s Men’s Gents Fancy Striped: Muslins, good quality, 100. yd. fl _- _ Atkinson 55 Switzer June 10, 1909. 3 Values n's Ready-to-\Vear Clothing, per suit . . ‘ n’s fine Balbriggan Underwear, per garment . n’s Working Straw Hats, good line . . . ‘ nts’ Soft Straw Hats, very dressy . . . Come and see our line of Shirts. 'J‘ies. Iiats, Et Richmond Hill Hardware Stare RICHMOND HILL, ONT. STOVES, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, TINSMITHING. 86c. C3. SOULES SUMMER NEEDS Y BIC 11310} I) VII] .14 Qualities .. ._ m HARD W ARE OUTFITTER ‘ Gentsible Prices §W§§§N §§§ ¢¢9§Q§§ ¢§(§O¢§§ Lawn Mowers Start early, 01- your lawns will get the start of you and cause you trouble. \Ve want to attract people who believe in attractive homes to the New Model Lawn Mowers we have ready. Better than ever in quality, and de~ cidedly better value. We never lose n. customer through selling anything unsatisfactory. Etc. $97-50 up 500 15c and 25c $2.00

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