a man beginning at 20 years of age, and paying 25 cents a. week (513 a year) until he is 60, may provide an annuity, 01‘ annual income for the remainder of his life of $129.91. Should be live till he is 75 he will have paid into the fund $520, and he will have received $1,984.65. Should he die before the time that the annuity shall become payable his heirs will receive the amount paid To show the advantage of an in- vestment of this kind, making pro- vision for old age, we may say that Annuities may be contracted for at the age of 5 years and any subse- quent age, but except for invalidity or disablement, no annuity shall be payable before the age of 55. Last: year the Canadian Parlia- ment; passed What; is called the Gov- ernment Annuities Act. By said Act provision may be made for every man, woman or child against want in old age, and no one need doubt that people who invest in this way a part of their earnings will be investâ€" ing it in a place where it: will be positively and absolutely secure. The Act is sure to be popular, and will be taken advantage of by all classes of‘ people, but probably more particular-l ly by wage-earners and men on moderate salary who may be able to put aside a few dollars each month, after providing" for the necessary household expenses. “Speaking for two and a. quarter millions of French-Canadians, he de- clared that in all crises Quebec would stand by the Empire. There would be no discordant voice. Should the occasion arise, Canada would be united as a mighty whole to defend the common cause. French-Canadians were grateful to Britain for safe guarding their religion. customs and liberties. He recalled with pride that in the dark days of 1812 French- 1 Canadians had saved Canada. What 1 they did then they could be relied on i to do in the future." And again, quoting from a de- spatch sent last; Saturday from Lon- don, England, to the Toronto World, we read that Mr. Langlois of Mont- real at the Imperial Press Conference, spoke in part; as follows: â€" 'It is nying to know, how- ever. that the‘foolish and untrutbful charges are trot made by men of broad minds'and generous natures. Only a few days ago Sir Hugh Graham,_ proprietor of the Montreal Star, in his admirable response to; Lord Roseb‘ery's address to the Im- perial Press Conference delegates. paid a ï¬tting compliment to the French-Canadian press for its enter- prise, and to the French-Canadian people for their loyalty to the British throne. Evidence is not wanting to demon- strate that French-Canadians are a lOyal people, and true to the British flag. There is a. disposition, how- ever. on the part of some of our news- papers to assert the contrary. An English paper may eXpress views unfavorable to the building of Dread- nought: for naval defence, and noth- ing is thought about it, but should similar views be expressed by a Frenchman the charge of disloyalty will be immediately raised. This is not square dealing. A French-Can- adian bnsjust as good a right to have opinions and express them as an English-Canadian has. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has been branded as a dis- loyal Frenchman hundreds of times. yet his whole life shows that he is “British to the core," and proud of the British flagâ€"the flag that floats OVer a peaceful and contented people in the Province of Quebec and in every province in the Dominion. A“14A4 SAFE WAY TO INVEST. @112 ï¬ihernl. RICHMOND HILL. Ohm. JUNE 17. 1909 ALL CANADIANS ARE LOYAL. pai Between 2nd concession Vaughan and Richmond Hill, or on Faierunds. May 24th. a Gold W’atch, No.12,634,522, \Valtham movement N0. 7, case No. 590082. Finder will be suitably res warded by leaving same at LIBERAL gï¬ce. Richmond Bill. or at Teston ~19- 2 MRS. CHARLOTTE MORTSON. Executrix of the Estate of the late Jeremiah )Iortsnu. Vendor, Richmond Hill Pnst Oflice. LA‘VRENCE & DUNBAR. 60 Victoria. Street. Toronto, ï¬glï¬icibors for Vendor. The Executrix of the Estate of the late Jeremiah Mortson will offer for sale by public auction. J. T. Saiqeon. Auctioneer. at the Post Ofï¬ce. Gonn- ley. at Two o'clock in the afternoon. on Monday. the 28th day of June 1909. all and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land situate, lying and being in the Township of \Vhitchurch in the County of York, being Composed of parts of Lots Nos. 4 and 5, in the 4th Concession of the said Township of \Vhitchurch. containing by admeasure- ment 170 acres, he the. some more or less. The said farm is Conveniently located to churches nnd schools. and 'is about-1.} miles distant from at grain market at Gormley on the C.N.R. The soil is :1 rich loam. Well watered. with two wells and a never-failing spring, There is also a lot of cedar on said lands, as well as a good orchard. There is erected on the. said lands an eight- roomed dwelling, summer kitchen and wood-shed, large frame bums, stable and other outbuildings. The. property will he offered for sale subject to :I. reserve bid. The. purchaser shall pay 10% of his purchase money at the time. of sale to the vendor or her Solicitors, and on the 1st. of March 1910 a further payment of at least 1579 of the purchase money shall be made. at which time the sale. is to 'he closed. The hulance of the purchase. money min be secured by a ï¬rst mortgage over the premises, bearing interest at 5% half yearly. I Further terms and conditions will he , made known at the time of sale. or up- on application to the vendor or her Solicitors. â€"â€"IN THEâ€" TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH ValuableFamiands year. Interment on Monday at, Gui-Haley RUSSELLâ€"At her late reside-non. Gnu-- ville. Vaughan township. on Sunday June 13. 1909. Letitia. wife ()fAudrew S. Russeil. in her 62nd year. Interment in Richmond HiHCn-metery, June 16. PERRYâ€"On Monday, June 14, 1909, at he!" home89'1 \Vest. Blum-Stn Tm'nnllv. Stelia ‘Vilki’e Blytima, wile nf S. A. Perry. Deceased was a sister of Mr. J. H. Brvdon of this place. ALCOMBRACKâ€"At theGeneml Ht ispi .nl1 Toronto. on Tuesday. June 15. 1009, Minerva Augusta. wifv of .iuhn G. Aloombrack, Richmnnd Hill, aged 64 years. The funeral will he held on Friday at 10 mm. from [be family residence. HILTSâ€"At the residence of his mm. D. Hilts. Newmal'ket. on Saturday. June 12. 1909. Godfrey Hilts, in his 79th UVRRIIâ€" At the Manse. Richmond Hill. on Tuesday. Jun? 15th. 1909. to Rev. E. C. and Mrs. Currie, a (laugh- tn. Mr. C. A. McCunaghy has taken an agency for this section of country at u very valuable work entithd “The Standmd Dictionary of Facts." It is divided into ten hooks. and treats nf History. Langun 9. Literature. Bi~ ogmphy. Geograp 3;. Travel. Art. Gov- ernnr-nt, Politics. Industry. Invention, Commerce, Science. Education. Nut- m'al History. Statistics and Miscrlluny. The volume is well bound. has own 900 pages, and contains a large amount of valuable information. imFrnper culvert under Ynnge street. A urge number of witnesses were ex- amined. Judgment was given far 3240 and costs. the culvert to he put in proper condition. The judge recknned the damages $20 an acre. three aores, for the Wars 1905. 1906, 1907 and 1908. A suit which has created consider- able interest nccupied three days by- fm'e Mr. Justice Lutcbfm'd inst wook. Ml. Mnses VandeI-buigh, owner of int 43. [st con. Vaughan. sued in the High Court. the townships of Vaughan and Markham, claiming damages for al- fl'ged flooding nf his innd_,_owing to an Deposits may be made in the near est Post Oflice Savings Bank or Money Order Oï¬ice. Any person interested is requested to ask his postmaster for a booklet giving full explanation. ~ in, with compound interest at, the rate of 4 percent. DICTIONARY OF FACTS. JUDGMENT FOR $210. Lost LEWIS DIOEMAN. nt of at least 15% of ney shall be made. at sale. is to be closed. the purchase money by: a. ï¬rst mortgage DEATHS. BIRTHS. Uo'y., b’edlul‘d Park. Home stable. PulmerHLUse, Richmond Hill. \Vill travel through Thm‘nhill. Dvllur, Cusbel, Victoria. Square, Elgin Mills. Terms $15. \Vm. Simpson, | Manager. Scorrrsn PRIDEâ€"Clydesdale stallion. the property of J. O. Tretbeway. Newton Brook, will be at: his own stable for the season. Terms $10. HANDMAAR â€" Thoroughbred stallinn. the property of J. O. Tretheway. Newton Brook. will be at; his own stable during the season. Terms $10. ‘ BRYAN BARoxâ€"â€"Standard-bred trot- ting stallion, owned by James A. Cbilds. will stand at; his own stable, at Eglintont Terms $15.‘ )GLENLIVET CHIEFâ€"Jmp. Clydesdu the property uf Graham &. Renfr: 903., Bgdf()1'dfal~k. Home stab MARQUIS OF COWALâ€"J mp. Clydesdale, the property of D. (J. Steele, Rich- mond Hill. will [rave-l through Head- fm‘d. Dullar, Patterson, Oak Ridges, Victoria Square. Home stable, Rich- _ mond Hill. Terms $14. ‘ LAIRDMACQUEENâ€"Clydesdulostallion. the pn-pvrty of W. J. \Vells, Tem~ peranceville, will travel through \Vhitchurch, Aurora, Foliage-ville. Vellore, King 'J‘p. Home stable Temperanceville. Terms $10. JUBILEE PERFORMERâ€"Hackney stallion, thv [H‘Upe-‘l‘ly of Mr. Tretlw- way, Newton Brook. will travel through ’l‘hm-nhill. Richmond Hill, Elgin Mills. 021k Ridges, King?I City. Maple. Fisherville. Home smhle near Steele’s Hotel. Terms $12. GOLDEN CONQUERORâ€"Clydesdaleslull- ion. the property of J. E. Teesonu‘ will stand at his own stahle, Samuel Francis‘ Sunnyside Farm, lot 32, con. 1, Markham. Terms $10. THE PROVOSTâ€"Clyd esdulo stallion, the property of T. H. Leggu, will travel trhl‘ough'l‘empi-rnncev ille, Elgi n Mills. Murkhdm. \Vhitchurch. Aurora. King City, &c. Home stand, lot 1. con. 7, King. Terms $13. MINTO CHIMESâ€"Registvred trutting stulliun. the property (A “’m. Gould, Richmond Bill, will travel through Aurnrn, Teuipemnceville. Conéord, Thurnhill, etc. Tex-ms $10. DomiconCHIEFâ€"Trottingstallinn.the pruperty of \V. H. Glass, King, will stand at King City, Tuesday, Wed. nesdnymndSaturduy nights. Terms min $10. PROUD BAROXâ€"lmp. Clydesdale, flu- pl'operly 19f \V. Pullelt. D:|\'is\ille~, will tmve-l tn Ufmcm-d, Edgelt-y, Muplv. Richmond Hill. Thmnhill, Lansing, etc. Home) stable, Dan's- \'llle. Terms $12. RULAL HATTON~Imp. ()lydesdnle, the pmpmty of I). G. Bluugh. KingCity, will ll‘:l\vl through Nubletnn, Maple, Elgin Mills, Oak Rirlgvs, “"hile Rose, Aurora. Hunqu Stable, Hotel. King Cily. Terms $12. 50~2 I’m-t Snndï¬eld into and through Luke Joseph, reach P-nrt, (‘Iuckhnrn in tinw for dimwr. Tmin lenw-s Gunum-d at 5.25 n.m.. stuppimg at. all the stations to Allundule. Fun- fares, &c., see hugs- bills. “’31. KEITH. The Annual Excursion of Nr-wmar- ket Agricultural Sm-iety will he lwld on \Vednvsdny, Jllllt‘ 23, to th» head uf M uwkokn Lake-s. Purt ()m-khurn, going by G‘ T. R. in Musknka \thl'f. thvnce hy steamer “Sag-mm" {humgh Hu- Lucks at. I’m-t; Culling intu Lake Rnssenu, then through the Cmml at. A Gï¬nd School. 46-“ Apply to MISS NOBLE. Napk‘ 01' to W'ILLIAM 000K, Bnnisu‘r. ï¬Richmond St. \Vest, Turuntu. tf W'est half lot 23. in 4th concessi Vaughan. A man's watch hm been fnund. The owner may have it by proving propel-t y, paying expenst‘s, and calling for it at THE LIBERAL OFFICE. House and Int. Twu acres with slwcls nnd stable, situated Richmnnd street, Richmond Hill. A ply tn- XIARY E. GRAHAM. . 51-4 471 Church St... Tm-nntn. 51-tf Fifteen: non-s rm 2nd cnn. Vaughan, part of lot 33. with bunk burn 34144, 5 acre gmle hearing orchuld, um] gum» fortuhle 74-00:de house, gnnd garden- mgismil. Fur further particulars __Apply tn House to Rent, Farm for Sale Stallion Register, To Muskoka. Watch Found house npposite the High For Sale. For Sale Apply to 3. P. GLASS. Kidmumd Hi} H. A". NfCHOLLS. Rwal Estate Agpm, Richmond Hill Newnmrkct, Sec' & ’Renfr'éié ésdule, THE ‘ LIBER 31â€"3113 A Quantity of Pine- Building Timber in good condition: â€"]2 pnsts 25ft. long; beams 23 ft. long: 9 stringers 42 ft. lung. A quantity of gin-ts and braces. AL Czu-I'ville Mill. G. KIRBY. 50-4 Descaiptinn L( Ass (1 to “fan. Hun-hinsnn. Fr. 1 Middle pzli'b ) '4‘ Ass‘d tn Martin Hen-n11. Fr. } East p.111; 1‘ Ass’t to Mrs. Rogers, Fr. } East part 3' Treasurer‘s Ofï¬ce. Co. York. Toma-no. May 27Lh.. 1909. :n n Munitmvuning. E. pen-r Ass‘d to Howard Smith Mnniu-wnning. E. [Lu-t Ass'd tn Rnht. Reesvr,0 TUI'UHKU. \Vesl part ES ubscrih 9, for ï¬rm igatinn Ass'rl tn Howard Smith The- Tronsurm' 0" 19118) will pl‘m'md tn rm ’l‘ugsdny, Hm 6th 'l'he Treasurer nf the Cnunty of York (under VVux'mnt 1908) will prm-wd to so“ at the Public H:IH,'P::hnel"s Bloc rm ’l‘uesdny, Hm 6th day nf July, i909. ilt. the hum' of 10.34) a lands fur m nuns of taxes unless the said art-vars and costs a:- and give better satisfaction a'l'l round. Th â€"only the best materials used and only construction. The equipment is right throughout are such as we can thorougth was as we“ as biCYdes and our plan is n advertisement to {hp mm", yum-H- n §§§§996004§§§§+§965906§§§6 9H6§6§6¢6§§¢ OV‘QO O†Specially low cut prices for 50 yard rolls. For Sale Tï¬E .. "y La†Lnol'ougnly rec as bicycles and our plan is to m It to the entire business. Send fm High-Class Automobiles and Bicyc- TORONTO, ON T. $50 Wheeis far $25 RUSSILL HARDWARE H Y5 L OP ComprisingMunicipalitics ofMarkham and Vaughan oultEy From 126 East King St., Toronto 7 10 gncre l 41 3 00 V A U G H A N. Lot Cm). Quantity Taxes Fecs&E L‘“ Lnf. Con. Quantity {AL 31 mp N emng MARKHAM. On Yonge St., Richmond Hi1 S-rnnmed huuse. with hard and Water and :1 good garden. Apply to 48-tf \V. H. PL’GS] '05., Lin: ENNYROYAL VJAFERSA HCl'e I] tre DISTRICT NO. acre “.0 1'9 lCI‘eS box. Add L‘UMXAX); 284 777 To List r VVm-mnt of D9cnmlmr 21st. :hner’s Black. Richmnnd Hill, 11- of M30 a.m.. the fullmving and costs are sooner paid, viz; 1x09 F8038: Expense 63 3 ()0 4 62 . K. MACDONALD. ’l‘x-cus., ()0. York. Immediate chmnnd Hiâ€. all wwwwoooooo‘ 'z'l inszeud 300 3 00 PIGS LE Y. )C xpenscs Turnâ€"1 nnc C0. snft 10 Total 599 £59