Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Jun 1909, p. 5

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“I‘he results of the Easter examinaâ€" tions at, the Osgondo Hall Law School werennnouncm on Saturday. Former studems of our High School passed as followmâ€"First your. A. Cameron Mc- Naughton, Grunt Gnan (honors); Sec~ und year, G. Slnrr McMahon. \Ve have rowivvd our supply of the 'L‘h-ln'utvd “Plymouth Binder Twine," rulinuwledm-d to be the best, in the market. Pricvs range from S}, cts. tn 1 cts. fnr “The Gold Medal." ()zu- Silver Shouf at. 99 cts. cnmpmes fin'ur- .Lly with any 650Jt. twine (If any Mm- umke. If yuu have not been lsing "Ph'umuth" hex-emfm-e do so A series 0f (zuspel meetings will he it‘ll] under a tent at Mr. M. \ViLty’s, ‘uucurd. beginning next Sunday. Cvnngvlist S. M. .10st uf Bx-nnmviue spvak on a number of impnx-lnnt uhjects. All are cm‘dinlly imiu‘tl tn ttend each service. For pmliculzu-s 90 small bills. 'Mrs. Graham received :L telegram :1 fu-w days ngn announcing the death of hm- htnther James Lymhurnvr in Buff- alo. N.Y.. just thru- Wevks uftm- the death of her hmtrhor Rnhert in Sparta. Mich. Mrs. Graham is the last survivâ€" ing member of a. large famfly. Two new PldPl‘S will he installed into wfiice in both Riclimnnd Hill and [‘hornhill Presbyterian Churches next fiunday. In the latter the elders-elect n'e Messrs. George Cnoper and Peter lluGi-e or, and in the former Mr. J. 3‘. Me air and Mr. Geo. 'anio. who ms elsewhere served in that capacity. Any persmx dpsimus of purchasing a 500d fun-m Shnuld attend the :tuctiun ale of the pI-nperty uf thelat‘eJeremiah Jortsnn. The farm will he offered at, hmnley Push Olfice on Monday. the 13th (of June. Fm. descriptiuu, terms. 10., see another page. ...1h)l‘d:1y evening :lftgr :1 hnsinvss LI 1p to the Pacific GU:st and other \vestm-n points. He was away nenfly three months, and shnrtenm] the Lime owing to his anxiety m see. his mother who has been very ill. Mr. David Boyle for many years outflow of the vaiucinl Musvum in 'l‘m-(mtn had the honorary dvgu-e uf Doctor of Lqu cunferrrd upnn him lust Suturduv hy the University of TH- rnnm. He is :\ m‘phew of Mr. David Boyle of this \ illuge. aw and be sure of having the best. ’l'ices liable tn advance. Leave ynur Idor with H. A‘ Nicholls (4f “The "annex-5’ Emporium." Mr. C. P. “Tiley. imveflerfm-Mickle- mfough, I\Iuld_rew & (30., arrived home Among the suucvssful cundidntvs whuse names have “won published in (h? ANS Exmuinutitns .u-t the Uni- versity armâ€"~Fir-st year, \V. I). Atkin- son and C. A. McCunnghy; socnnd yynr, Miss A. E. Alcombrzuzk and G. A curd frmu Mr. J'nsoph .‘EllirItf, scan of Rev. F. Elliott, \vhn has a st'ixiun an the Governman Farm at Jmflun Han-bur. states Lhuc the pmspfict tor pwwhvs. grapes und strawberries are \‘Ol'y bright for the Niagara district. Those interested in Yn‘ming a lodge of the Illdle-IxtluIILOI-del- of Oddfvllnws held another meeting in the Tempvr- ance Hull I:st Friday evening, but bxwe not yet organized. If M first, you don't succeed, try, try, try again. On Sunday, Juno 20th. I»: win] Sor- mons win lw pwaclwd in cm {nethfl- dist, Chm-ch ut. Twsttm at 10.30 and 7 "‘01an by Rev. J. H. Stnnohnusu, and Rev. l’elvr Umnphcll will :tddrvss tfht- Sabbath Sohoul at, 2.30 p.m'. L’ALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Tl": “Hum-H‘s Guild Of St. Mary's Church inn-ml giving u garden purty un July 7th on the gruunds nf Fnuldrn Lmig», Elgin Mins, which Mr. stm-s Newton has kindly lunncd fur the pur- pose. The Richmond Hill Fire R‘Igado hxu‘u dvcidrd [0 run their mmunl excursinn m‘vl‘ thv Sty. Catharine! and Niagara. ’om'nlwny on Saturday. the 10th of July. Thom‘hi‘ll Juniors defmted the York Millw hmmhull team (In Saturday Ivy 17 to 4. The formér were assistn-d by Gui-don Sloan and \Villiu Patton. Mr. A. E. ()nomhs. B.A.. Principal of the Nowmurket High Schoch Wm nidv in Richmnnd MW] at {he cumin-9;: Departmental Examinations. Rev. E. C. Um-rie (-nnducu-d thy sen vices at the funeral vi the late Mrs. Andrew Rnssv“. Vaughan Township. uu “’cdnusduy :tfternuun. A good musical pmgmnmw will he presented at. the gunk-n party gin-n by the Women‘s Guild on July 7th. at Foulden Lodge, Elgin Mills. Ice crcnm. lenmnude, nnd candy nn walk at, the gut-den party. July 7th. at, lfi-ulden Ludgv, Elgin MiHs. 11'. Miss A. E. Remunn. like gilt“; Rfcnmmn HILL. 0m, Just; ’GOS PEL MEETINGS. The nwmhers of St Andrew‘s Pros- byterian S. here intend hnlding their mutual gnrden putty on Friday, June 25. on the grounds of Alex. MM:- Mux‘chy. A fuuthull muvuzlment for a. cash prizv nf $15.00 will be given to the wimwrs. The committee are spur- ing ml pains in securing first-class talent fur the entertainment. Just an fwd, :L ( gmnitf‘. inuludin [fluttle plutw. cu R-Eninu & Switzx-r. The congregations of the Methodist Church. 'I‘hux-nhill Circuit, will hulda. gnu-den party in the Methodist parson- age lawn on “’ednesdny evening. June 221d. Every effort is being made to make the: evening an enjoyable one nnd the necminn a. grand success. One nf Toronto’s hest orchestras has been engung to furnish music during the evening. The ThcwnhillQuartette has also cnnsmlted to Lake a mum in the programme. Ten. will be Eerved fmm 5.30 to 7.30 p.11). Ice cream and every- thing sensmmhle will be puwided. Admission, 250.; children. 15c. The nwmbers and friends at" Testnn Mvtlimlist S. S. purpose holding their annual strawberry festival on \\ eclnes- dzly. June 23rd. Tea will he served from 5 to 8 p.ixi.. and a football tout-n.1- ment will commence at 6 o’clock sharp for a prize of $11. Entries for football to be umde by (5 p.m., June 22. In the evening an entertainment will be given by the Aurora Orchestra. and short addresses will be given hy lounl clergy- uien. Tickets. 256.: children. 15c. Dl'. Sho‘u‘p’sr Pfil ] full formula on 250. A. Sanderson. SARDEN PARTY A'l‘ THORNHILL Pains of women. head pains, or any pain stoppvd in 20 minutes sure, with IL. QL...,_J. h! I v. . .. . , After :7. lingering and painful illness. Mrs. Alcom’hmch wife of Mr. JUh'RISL Alcumhmck. died at noon on Tuesday. A couple of Weeks agu she was re- mmed tn the General Hospital. Tu- mnto, fur troutme'nt. On Monday of this week she sent Word to her hus~ hand (0 have everything ready for her return home \Vuduesday morning. This was not to be. however. She passed away at the Gcneml Hospital at, the time stated above. The new: came as a. great, shock to the family. although no hope had recently been held out. for her recovery. The funeral will take place from the family resi- dence, one mile south (\f Richmond Hill. to~unou~nw (Friday) mm-ning at. 10 u’cluck. Much sympathy is felt for the smrmving family in theirufliiction. tn the contractors. thP former heng (lune by Mr. Krlly, and the latter lry Mr. Frank Smith. The captains select.- mil fur the» raising cuntest. were “’alter Eyrr and Ruin-rt, Agar. The work was sharp and close. Mr. A2:ll“b side will- ning by n fvw points. Aunther enjuy- able feature of the aftm'nunn was the sumpmuus spread which was served on Lhe lawn hekwren the residence and the cedar hedge. The :tables Were so arranged that ahuut 90 were able to be seated at one time. Thr man with the camvra was present, and took a number of snap shuts. Nmrly 100 man and uhnut my many (If the fair sex alts-nded the 40mm .ruis~ ing of M r. Thus. 'l‘humsnrfm the. village of Hrudfm-d Tue-sduy qum-nmm. The m-Pn'vbm- was 5:813»). «and tin- hmvry twin-flaws wm-e put Lngvthvr and erected without, :1 ny serimu: lilifil‘IHp. Thu fine building is 80 x 45 fret. un high stone walls. giving t-xce-llonL sluhling flu- :lhnnt-SU bound 52' Cattle and 8 horses, with svveml hux Mulls. Also a large, Well-51m}:dea‘mntnbtlusv. Both the stone \vm-k and the frame Work are a ("reflit1 tn the contractors. thp fur-mm- huh... Mrs. J. H. Rrydon returned hmne Suunduy after spending the past two munths in anuntn. Miss Velma, Brydnn is also home for a far wee'ks' holidays after u wrimu {Hm-3e. confin- ing her to bed for the past five weeks. Mr. and Mrs. “I. B. Gardner and Master Dnuglns can": up from Town!» lust. .S‘ulurdmv Rm spend the. summer mnnths with file latter's parents. Mr. and M13. J. H. Brydun. at "Spruce {um-n." __;. _ .. .,....... u“; Mun-i0, whn had hem uttpndiug the Toronto Cunferrncv. sperm. 1!. day 61' twn at home this week. Miss Susie Stan-mp [Paws today for \Vinnipog. where she will remain :3 month with her sister MI 5. F. Chamber- 'hmhq. - Mr. and Mrs. D. L. vam'd of va- mm kc-t spent. Saturday «flex-noon and evening with Mr. T. F. McMahon and family. of Mr. Edward Dunlun ul‘ Bruntfnrd visited m'er Sunday with hismmt Mrs. Amus “fright. Mm. Cnnps-l- {rum Stuyner is spend- ing a. wwk with Mm. J. L. Hurt-is. STRA “'BERRY FESTI VAL. 89v. It. 'g‘rpnch of Sxxult Ste ANOTHER BANK BA RN 1i 3"! z'vod, :1 cmte of wheat White including bakers. scallops. flutes, cups and Snllck'rs. Atâ€" DIED IN TORONTO. H. Ram-rs, Turnnm. was the. Mids Lurin \Vright nn Sutur- PERSON ALS. Strange. Pink 'uin Tablets: Box. Sold by \V. All that is necessary to ensure the success of a picnic or garden party at this place is fine weather. This was favored the. people on Saturday lust when the Sabbath School held their annual picnic in Mr. Ellis’ orchard. There was it magnificent crowd, as may be judged from the fact that the reCe-ipts totalled something over $129. In the afternoon four football teams competed for a prize of $11, the Carr- ville team being the winners. A num- ber of races Were run. and a good tea was served by the ladies. In the even. ing Rev. A. P. Brace. B.D., presided at an enjoyable. entertainment provided by 60 members 01 the Alexa nder Choir, Toronto. Gnod congregations were present at the church the following day. Sunday. In the morning Rev. E. H. TOYe addressed the children,‘ and in the evening Rev. E. C. Currie ‘ preached to n. crowded house. The Heudfnrd congregation feel grateful to their many pat: nns for their assistance 1 at their anniversary. Fm; First Assistfifit. first year 8700. second year $750. Wrth an unnqu in- crgzlse of $25 until $800 be reached. For Secuml ASSismnt, first, year $450, sr-cond year $500, with annual increase of $25 until a maximum of $300 he reached, always provided that, the services of teacher or teachers are satisfactnry to the Board. teachers to sign agreeman to remain one year. The following resolution was also carried:â€" That in future the teachers in the High School he paid salaries according tn the following graded sealerâ€"Fm- Principul, first year SL050, with an- nuul increase of $50. until a. maximum of $1,200 he reached. BOARD OF EDUCATION. At the last, meeting of the Board of Education a resolution was passed re‘ questing that the High Schuol fees be paid the Principal during the first. week of each term. Everybody is Wanted to attend the Annual Garden Party of the Methodist «I: Victoria. Square on Saturday. the 19m inst. The afternoon sports will include. baseball matches. football tournament. and lawn howling. Good pii'zos will he given. Stmfl’vllle Band will furnish music afternoon and even- ing. Refreshments will ’he furnished at booths. in the evening an entertain- ment. will he given by first-Class artists, including the Orpheus Quarteth Miss Urquhart. Mr. T. Cuyler, Miss Foote and Miss March; Miss Lunau. accom- panist. 0n the followi‘ngdny, Sunday, special sermons will be preached by Rev. Richard Moi-ton who will also ad- dress a mass meeting of children in the afternoon. Mrs. J. M. \Vinkler will assist in the singing at all the ServiCES. A COldlnl invitation to all. Pain anywhere stopped in 20 minutes sux-e' with one uf Dr. Shaun‘s Pink Pnin Tahlt-ts. The formqu is on the 25 cent hnx. Ask your Doctor nr Drug- gisL about Vii-Es formula! Stops wom- anly pains. headache. pains anywhere. \Vrite- Dr. Slump, Racine. \Vis.. for freu trial to prove value. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. A numb}? {mm here attended the garden pzu [y at Henfltord last Saturday. fl. \_......-.umw la" M“ w. NThéVnew cement sidewa‘l‘k that is being put dnwn is a great improvement. to phv village. ,, _ ._»__“.,,..,... - .... whn is on his way to his farm at Our- stuirs. Alum stop ed nfi' for a few days’ visit wilh his imagine: Mrs. H. O. Bailey. Miss Myrtle Snigenn of Toronto 'is home bu spend the summer mnmhsj Mr. A. U. McNaughtnn is to be con- gratulate-d on passing successfully his H4319 yrar exmninntim Iim Law. I’rfiwlll‘wliimw are rinsing made by the friends of the Pres'hvtm-iun and the Mt‘lhndist Sabbath Schools in hold a union picnic in the village on Saturday 28th inst. Other schools on the circuit. have hevn invited to join. The munthlv meeting of the WILLS. mot, in (be vastly 01’ the church on \Ye-‘dugmlu y :unfl‘nnon. l The Cum-t nf Revision met an Tucs- :d:ty evening in the Council Chumher. 'Prescnt. Messrs. Pugsley, Sanderson. ,r Trench, Palmer and Hupppr. I Twu nppruls Were puma-"19d. one by , Mr. Jun; Bastard) and (he uther by Mr. 5 iv. A. “Tight, both gentlemen. com- ? plaining tbut. thvii- prnpc-rty was "8- ’sessed at tun high a. lignrv. Neither up eul was ullowul. I ’ ‘he {allowing alterations were made on the. rollâ€"I71 Jackson, ana‘ Lowery. ' A. Savage. E. Smart. J. Deudnmm I struck ()fl’" they having left. the village. yN. J. Glass assessed for the pro Pray l mu Ynngv sum-t, bite] occupied Iy A. ‘ G. Savage. James uwwn‘s lot, on Centre St. East. assessed m John Nixon be having bought, it. Mrs. Gnhy’s fields on Richmond Sh, changed from W. H. Pngsley to Isaac \ander. Mrs. E. A. Swimw'a name was inserted in ‘ lieu of MT. 5. A. E. S‘wi'mwr‘s dcceused. nnd Miss‘Muy Storey's name was i‘n-l ...._“J - -- if .. "nun. "no 1"- sertod in livu'of Mrsfhiargnrut Stun-9y, also dvcense-d. Mr. Becca was assessmi as tenant of Mr. Arm»: \Vright'a house on Yonge Sh‘reb. Muted hy Mr. secnndkd by Mr. T. m“ he now passed and .unvnded. ()nv-ri M r. mved hy Mr. J. H. Sandvrsnn. rnded by Mr. T. H. Trench that the he now passed as finally revised amended. Uni-rind. Cum-t. adjourn- Victoria Square. '- B'ITI‘W‘I’I @gngspnrt. Em. VILLAGE COUNCIL. Headford. W. H. Pvaswv, Chairman. A. J. HOME. Clank. Maple. ‘ay. {mp GENTS FURNISHINGS. \Ve stand by what we sell. If it is not right we make it right. Also Fire Insurance Agent. M the New Smre ~++++++++++++++++r+++++++++4-: +‘ Come and see our line of BOOTS AND SHOES, CliOTHING, Emman J. Glass AGENT & OUTFITTER i. Atkinson & Switzeri June 17, 1909. Boys' 3-piece Suits, in fancy tweeds and fine serges, from $4.50 up. A good supply of fine Braces, Ties, Belts, and other novelties, always in §tock. Men's and youths’ 3-piece Suits in browns and fancy tweeds, latest styles and good trimmirigs, from $8.50 up. I with our Suits. Fit, ease, gra comfort are well intermingled, book feel comfortable bacause worth. Sometimes when a. man gets a Suit of Clothes it feels uncomfortable because he believes it cost too much NOT RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Men’s and Richmond Hm Hardware Sim STOVES, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS; OUR PARIS GREEN IS DEATH T0 THE POTATO BUG. . SOUL HARDWARE intermingled, and mind and pocket- wo»+no+«»o WNOOO Q“ 960 ease, grace, elegance, ster and AND r. 7..-. If you want, to save your garden get poultry netting right away. It will pay for itself many times over. l. The success of our trade ‘has encouraged us to get the better qualities with everything. We are never satisfied unless you are satisfied too. We never even attempt to sell in- ferior goods for the sake of a. little extra profit. Take for granted we have what you want in the line of Poultx-v Netting and at plices that, are egsy to pay. .,. ul-H'i-Méw*i--§«§~~$+-§-++++~E-+++++ Poultry Netting you get your money’s L TINSMITHING, 8:6.

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