Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Jun 1909, p. 7

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\IIIAT DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS CURE mm INHERITED ILL-HEALTH. [ONCE MORE THE Charles Dnyon Sufl‘ered from Early Youth, but the Old Reliable Kidney Remedy Banished His Ills and Made Mim Strong. St. George, Mam, June 14.â€" (Special).â€"Yet another case in which ill-health inheritâ€"ed from parents has been vanquished by Dodd’s Kidney Pills is that of Mr. Charles Dayon, a. farmer well known in this neighborhood. n-i from an early age,” says Mr. Day- cn, who is now thirtyâ€"two years old. UM, "nu 1:: uva uuu .J u. , “I inherited my trouble from my parents. I was weak, nervou‘ and run down. I suffered from Back- ache and my muscles would cramp. I had a, heavy dragging sensation across the loins. I was always thirsty; I had great difficulty in collecting my thoughts, and my memory was failing me. .v J‘__, “I was altogether in a. bad way when I started to use Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, but they helped me al- most, from the first box. They gave me strength and helped me so much in every way that I am satis- fied a. little longer treatment will make me a, well man.” Mr. Dayon’s symptoms were the symptoms of Kidney Disease, and Dodd’s Kidney Pills cure every form of Kidney Disease no matter what stage it is in or how it is con- tracted. Prospectors Say They Know Where It is Buried. The startling story of the hidden treasure of King Lobengula, which in now agitating South Africa, is in the main probably quite correct. According to the Transvaal Lea- der, it consists of £3,000,000 in Brit- ish coined gold, besides bar gold and dust, quantities of diamonds, and ten waggon-loadsAof ivory. That the dusky chief of the Ma- ‘tabele was possessed of great wealth 'at. the time of his death is fairly Icertain. It was seen by many white people of repute, one of whom es- -imated the total value of the board as being certainly not less than the millions sterling. 1““ ,. ’lhus, two men, named Wilson nd Daniels, were preved later on 0 have appropriated one thousand overeigns betwen them, and were entenccd to fourteen years’ penal servitude. Another man, who es~ caped, carried off £1,200 in his sadâ€" Idleâ€"bags. But for the most part, the treaâ€" Isure was removed by Lobengula’s .orders before the British occupa- ‘tion, and it is known that it accom- panied the King in his wanderings 'up the Zambesi valley. What be- ‘ycame of it after his death, however, has always been a mystery. Very little of this was found at his capital, Buluwayo, when it was occupied by the Chartered Com- pany’s forces in November, 1893; but a. certain amount of coined gold was discovered and looted by the. LBechuanaland police, who were first lD. { This mystery, it is confidently ai- tfirmed, is now about to be cleared up, a party of prospectors from Johannesburg being actually on their way to the spot where they )say they know it to be buried. The lcost of their expedition is high, .some £5,000 in all, for the district where they are operating is a sav- lnge and desolate one. But if suc- lcess crowns their efforts, and they lure confident that it will, they mll lrecoup themselves a thousand times ‘overrâ€"Pearson’s Weekly. a bachelor, after. “Will you be my wife ’1‘" he asked. “No,” she replied. So he remained a bachelor, and lived happily ever 3,000,000 BURIED C OIN S. PROOF IS GIVEN ISSUE NO. 25â€"09 Superstition That It Will Bring You Luck. Or all the embelms for good for- tune the horse shoe stands among the first. Everybody knows it. is unlucky to passe horseshoe on the road without picking it up. It is a. luck emblem of the greatest power. We are indebted for this statement to old tales, centuries in age, that have descended from father to son, from mother to daughter, through the years. ...._.DV- It is necessary to not-ice how the horseshoe lies before picking it up. If the ends are away from one the sign is that, fortune will be within grasp; but by extravagance, careâ€" lessenss, or the operation of rogues, it may depart almost; as soon as it comes. A sign to take care is given, therefone. ‘I ' 1 1.. __ The right thing to do is to turn the horse shoe around, so that the ends are toward the finder, before picking it up. And in carrying, it home it is correct to hold it with the ends upward, or the earth will attract itself the promised fortune. When tne shOe is nailed up on door or window in its destined place the ends must be upward. or the whole luck emblem will be nulli- fied. Instead of keeping evil spirits away, the shoe, in the wrong position, will attract them! In stead of bringing good fortune, the luck of the house will be diverted. It is supposed that the element of electricity enters into the matter. From the shoe prOCeeds a current of beneficent rays that, with the ends upward, will spread over the house as a. protecting influence; with the ends downward the good rays are drawn into the all~receiv- ing, all giving earth, and with them many of the good influences that are about the place. A century ago it was very com- mon to see upon a. cowshed door the horseshoe that scared off witch- es who would milk the cows or dry them up. Nowadays they are not so common, yet here and there they are still seen. If allowed to roam over your house those few innocent-looking house flies may cause a real tragedy any day, as they are known to be the principal agents for the spread of those deadly diseases, typhoid fever, diphtheria and smallpox. “Say,” queried the ordinary policeman, “how did you get next to the fact that the chap you atâ€" rested was a. counterfeiter '2” HI Voverheard h_im making ‘queer’ remarks,” explalned the great de- bective. Through indiscretion in eating green fruit in summer many chil- dren become subject to cholera morbns caused by irritating acids that act violently on the lining of the intestines. Pains and danger- ous purgingsensue and the delicate system of thé child suffers under the drain. In such cases the safest and surest medicine is Dr. J. D. Kel- logg’s Dysentery Cordial. It will check the inflammation and save the child’s life. u......r_rV_V W.; “but some iwlives l'mow their husbands too well to trust them." ONE TEASPOONFUL o! Painkiller in hot water sweemued «811 euro almost. any 035. of flatulency and Sndizesuon. Avoid sub. nutmeg. than is but one ‘T;inkiller"â€"~ Perry Dnvis’â€"â€"2»5n. and 60c. “This is an age of trusts,” said Wedderley, as he glanced over the newspgper. “3:85,.” rejoined Mrg. The speed mania. never hits a boy very hard on his way to school. Hard and soft corms cannot with stand Holloway’s Corn Cure; it is effectual every time. Get a, bottle at once and be happy. HOW THE BASUTOS DECIDED The Basuto chiefs who recently visited England seemed fairly well civilized, but some quaint customs are still in vogue in Basutoland. When the South African War broke out, the Basutos wanted to help the British, because the Boers are their hereditary foes. According to timeâ€" honored traditions, their medicine- men flayed alive two oxenâ€"a. red- skinned beast to represent the Bri- tish, a white one for the Boers. It so happened that the white ox sur- vived its fellmv-martyr for a. few moments, and, therefore, it was held that the Boers must win the ,war. This obvious decree of Fate helped to induce the tribe to “sit tight.” Naturally, they did not} want to fight on the losing side,‘ and nothing could have persuaded them to help the hated Boers. FINDIN G A lIORSl-JSIIOE. HOW IT HAPPENED. They’re getting stylish, I’m afraid; Their hired girl Is now a “maid.” PUTTING ON AIRS. Summer is the hardest time for the human skin. Its delicate tiny pores, if worked under (be best conditions. would have a rough time because of the heat. How when they have lo work when impaired or damaged by sunburn and heat spots? No wonder one has rough patches, freckles, etc. Zam-Buk heals sick skins. W'hen a. atch of skin on face. neck. or arms is listered by the sun, apply Zam-Buk at once. It will cool and soothe beauiifully. and new skin will be quickly formed. When you are footsore. or have some chafed places, Zam-Buk will give you ease. When News has reached Trowbridge, England, of triplets born in that town who have lived to celebrate their sixtieth birthday. They are Mr. Aaron White, Mr. Moses Hem-y White, and Mrs. Miriam Lenorah Lewis. The three emigrated to Australia many years ago, and all in excellent. health. , One trial of Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator will convince you that it has no equal as a worm medicine. Buy a. bottle and see If it- does not please you. the mosquitoes raise lumps on you, ZaxmBuk will stop that terrible iiching and smarting. Keep Zam-Buk handy. use it freely. and this will be the happiest summer {on have ever spem. viewed from the skin ealth standpoint All druggists and stores. His Wifeâ€""Oh, I suppose a man’s judgment is fairly good at times, butâ€"” - Her Husbandâ€"“But what?” His Wifeâ€"“A woman’s instinct is always better.” Are you discouraged? In your doctor'l bill a. heavy financial load? Is your pain I. heavy phyaxcal burden? I know what these mean to delicate womenâ€"4 have been discouraged. mo: but learned how to cure m 'sell. want to relieve our bur- dens. h not and the pain on atop the doctor's b 7 I can do this tor you and will 11 you will assist me. All [on need do in to writ. for a tree oz 0 the romedy which has been placed 11 my hands to be given awai. Perhaps this one box will cure ouâ€"lt as done so (or others. It so. I a all be happy and you will be cured for 20 (the cost of a gestage stamr). Your letter. held confl- emlally. Wr to 10-day for my free treat- ment. HRS. F. CUBEAH. Windsor. Ont. The world owes us a living all right, but don’t expect that; the world is going to do any worrying if you fail to collect it. A Pill That Lightens Life. â€" To‘ the man who is a. victim of indiges- tion the transaction of business becomes an added misery. He canâ€" not; concentrate his mind upon his tasks and loss and vexation attend him. To such a. man Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills offer relief. A course of treatment, according to directions, will convince him of their great excellence. They are confidently recommended because they will do all that is claimed for them. SICK SKINS IN SUMMER. “I never saw such a storm in all my life.” “Pardon me, my friend; since you ‘saw’ the storm no doubt you can tell us Wham. color it was.” “Certainly. The wind blew and the storm rose, you ninny I” After making a. most careful study of the matter, U. S. Government scientists state definitely that the common house fly is the principal means of distributing typhoid fev er, diphtheria and smallpox. Wilâ€" son’s Fly Pads kill the flies and the disease germs, too. A Woman’s Sympathy HIGHER EDUCATION. Little Willieâ€"“Say, pa; what is the highqr education '1” Johnnyâ€"“The camel days without water.” “So can I if ma. woulc Parâ€"“The higher education, my son, is one that teaches young man that he must work in order to earn an honest living.” WE GIVE You A TIP! Buy the genuine. "The D. & L." Menthol Planers. Un- princg-Jad manufacturers are trying to take aqvqngago <)(_t_he “gut. sale 0! “Th “Jaundn ulnv W\-IA~M.~ v. .._V _,, D. A L." by putting uprrviviaubstitule. The genuLn. only made by Davis a: 1431;!1'3â€"11“ Co. TRIPLETS LIVE TO SIXTY As the Oil Rubs in, the Pain Rubs Outâ€"Applied to the seat of a. pain in any part of the body the skin absorbs the soothing liniment under brisk friction and the pati- ent obtains almost instant relief. The results of the use of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil have sur- prised many who were unacquaintr e0. with its qualities, and once known it will not be rejected. Try it A man doesn’t always right direction when he inclination. For Red, Weak. Weary,Wa&ery Eyes. Granulz‘iol. PSnk Eye and Eye scnim Murine doesn't smart: Suuxhos Eye Pain; is Compounded by Exper- ienced Physicians; Contains no InJurlnus or Prohibited Drug; Try Murhu (or your E‘s Troubles. You I'm like Murine. Try it n Bab ‘3 Eye: for Soaly Kyofidl. Drugghu sell In no 3,2 we. Murine Eye Remedy Co ( bingo, â€" - drrv-n. urn-kc? ‘ pun-u... A“ w.“ will lend you Intar‘hhffiy HER VIEWPOINT. Try Murine IT’S UP TO YOU {Fm-a. would let me.“ ’t always go in the when he follows his Eye Remedy. can go eight Freddy â€"â€" Ego-oh Fri. A lady who would have a, vote \Vould be a. lady voter, But if a castle has a moat It cannot be a, molor. THE GREAT NORTH COUNTRY If in a band I play the drums, I must be called a drummer; But if I chance to sell you plums Would I be called a plumber? Nimrod was a. mighty hunter, but. had be hunted in the “Toma.â€" gami” region he would have been a mightier one. Nimrod hunted for glory, but Temagamians hunt for game. Those Indians who made the first canoe of birch bark long ago, were our greatest benefactors. The children of these Indians know the canoe, and they know how to use it, and if you go to Temagami this summer they will paddle your canoe in their own superb way. They will be the best guides you ever had. Students who camp in summer along the Temagami lakes are able to do two years’ work in one. Finest of fishing and hunting. Good hotel accommodation. Easy 0? access by the Grand Trunk Rail- way System. Information and beau- tiful descriptive publication sent free on application to J. D. Mc- Donald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. “A woman, I notice, always lowâ€" ers her voice to ask her favor.” “Yes, and raises her‘voioe if she doesn’t get it.” A Safe Pill for Suffering Women. â€"â€"The secluded life of women which permits of little healthful exercise, is: a fruitful cause for the pains and lassitude that so many of them experienge. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills will correct irregularities of the digestive organs and restore health and vigor. The most delicate woman can use them with safety, because their action, while effec- tive, is mild and soothing. “Why did that Babylonian king institute the hanging gardens 1” “I presume because the king next door kept chickens.” No other fly killer compares with Wilson’s Fly Pads. Peak's Hair Grower Falling Hair: Has never failed to EEG”? .. “AMA-.. l'lnvm ’I‘rv I VOUR / moZBAULD’s mm“ A PERFECT CORN SALVE: SURE CURE-HNLED 25° E.HBau1a ale $11225 $25303}: UNREASONABLE Ill. â€" V ‘ â€" So many Institutions devoted t the higher Educ ' W cation select Be“ pianos? The fact that they use and prefer the Be“ is evidence of distinct merit! One ionom prolcssional advice in .cquixin an education, vhhnot Iollow_ pmksn'pnal may: in buy ing lpianm? o onlyApI-anoa “nth Ibo “W ZNOTHER @4er PRIZE CONTEST Announces a New Prize Contest mom: szzs THAN THE LAST The First Prize will again be a “PE ANNUITY of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS DASH ORANGE MEAT A Sscond Prlzo of One Hundred Dollars Gash Two Prlzas of Fifty Dollars Each Ten Prizes of Twenty Dollars Each Ten Prizes of Ten Dollars Each Twenty Prlzes of Five Dollars Each Ono Hundred Prize: of One Dollar Each Equal to One Dollar per Week Every Week during Li fetimo CONDITIONS are similar to the 1151 Conte that all Orange Nltlt Carton Bottoms must be t or bcfore November 30th, 1909. Full particnltn on private p0.“ card in ovary pack“. of Orange Hut 1! you enter chi! canton, annploto the blank space below wSLh your name and uddrau, can. it out uni mail It. to Orange Mast. Kingston, on: . It mu count oquxl (a van anon bolsoms. t 6"” nmo 6 Organ 0° Sendvior (free; Catalogqeilflo. 75. g Hair. It 051- Try it “13 be similar to the ‘15! Contest, except Carton Bottoms must be sent in on .. Dmn’od lavtnt canal: CANVAS GLOVES. Inllnfltd dong-d u yo. own homo um :- you «an All you again I- - uw [W machlno. We lupply H.000 dc! puny" numb nay tan-v.85“, an. we'll u'lun all about It TAREOX BROS. 27‘ Duflflll 3L. TORONTO. 0"- WOMEN MAKE MONEY! OP BUGGIEQ, equal to anythmz nelllug from 875 to $91), delivered FREIGHT PAID M. In, station {n (Inmdo [or 8443 to 970. Full guaran- tead. No such value over bemro nfioro in Cans. d1. Cumin ua hen. Other special “nosâ€"Hamel! and (have es” The clement Brown Trading 00.. Toronto. Ont» ANTEY WOMAN. liberal wagea, 1nd girl! V for dinin -ranm work, wages 815.00 p" 15mm. Apply "the Welland." st. Uuthurinu. may Limited. Head Uflina, London. ln‘hn ambushed 1854. u ital. me Thong-.311 Ponn sterling. Fur Agency as at unx'oprosontcd pointy Province of Ontario, uddmu National Pram:ch Plate Glam Insurance Co; J. H. mma'r, cw Agout. No. 1| Wellington Street East, Toronto. End for bonnet. “ Glua Insurance." Wanted. wflto and 511?};5‘4 can WM. GR! Dealer in W v: «mm ‘smu‘ "' CASE BGHBS MM @1339“ I8 TORONTO STREET, TOROHTO. DANA” Members Toronto Stock Exchange. Tudors Bank Building, 25 Broad Strut, TOBON TO. NEW YORK We are no a Ipaoialfiz'mz in WARREN GZOWSKI & CO. STGBKS AN BGNBS 10 United Empir 150 Western Oil an CoshsoWallaceburi Sugar, 20 Steriing Bank. 20 Trusts an Guarantee, 10 Bjrbgck Loan (fully paid 6 FQR SALE WRITEW m CATALOGUE Shamrock, 5000 Maple Mountain. oxflal Investment. 3000 Cobalt M 1285 Rothcchilds, 2000 Bailey Luckyboys, 260 Iiaileybury Silver ALEXANDfiR WARDEN, HERGN & 60.. 60M." necks bought mt] cold on communion Lana Distance Phonesâ€"Main 2370, MI“! 187). ASS INSURANCE mm mwa FOR SALE]. (Lab "suture: Pfllb mm Chmcb in Canals) WANTED. euéLpHpNtARm ‘ 1000 North Cobalt, 5000 Cobalt De:A ’ velopment, 1006 5000 Maple Mountain. 20 Cal: unent. 3000 Cobalt Majestic <childs, 2000 Bailey, zoo COBALT Wantedx Write ngeflor prim Dealer in Wool only, no 0norzelt.. Toronto. £0" 5: Mill on WOMEN“ MMo tawny and cabal; “sh prrmaaent lamina» 0 our chIllL Our lulu: clul (ooh cell on Its!“ in ever-I home. an qul kl, urud up and «meat was" com: inst. Exolusiu tor ritory (hen. Tu Ham: Sun-LY 00., Dept». 50. Toronto. Ont-V WM. GRAHA "JI, 16 King St. West. Toronto. Stocks. Write In (or information. WHY NOTYOU' link us'

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