Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Jun 1909, p. 4

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The police authorities in Toronto have intimated that, so far as they are concerned, they will in future do What they can in enforcing the law against blackguardly players in la- crosse and other matches. It is to be hoped that good will follow this in- timation, Ema that other cities and towns will make up their minds to 'punish all kinds of ruflianism in the fields of'Sport. We see no good rea- son why police officers do not feel it theirrdnty to maintain order in a lacrosse field as they do in the pub- lic street. What was formerly a day’s programme of genuine sport, witnessed by ladies and gentlemen in the best sense of the word, is now-av days very frequentiv nothing.more than a. brutal exhibition of slugging and, roughness. No person should have'anf respect for the player who has to take an unfair advantage of an’opponent in order to win, and thos'e'wll'o lmlulge in brutality should be made to fleet the sting of the law. Wepknow that some peOple take the vietl‘rl'that the injured party should take theinitiative in the promotion .of thellsluggers. That has been tried and it has been unsuccessful. By all means let the officers of the law give us elem. manly sport‘ and not expect the prosecutions to be carried on by the victims. @7112 fiihna'l.‘ A writer in a recent number of the Christian Guardian. referring to the possibility or probability of the union of some of the ehurohes. raises a good point when he says that “if our brethren in the Presbyterian Church have any advantage over us, it would appear to be in the settled pastorate." By all means. whether union takes place or not, let the Methodists adopt‘ the settled pastorate. We believe it is a weak point in that great body to-day. Pastors are human the same as the members of their congrega- tions are. At present saperintend outs on Methodist circuits are sup- posed to remain in one place only four years at most. Is it not reason- able that the minister spends a goodly part of the term wondering and planning as to where his family and himself will be “sent” when he leaves his present pastorate? As long as a pastor and his flock are working to- gether in harmony surely it is better that their happy relations be allowed to remain, than to be disturbed by the severance of hand to hand friend- ships. We thoroughly believe that a settled pastorate- in the majority of cases is better for the congregation, and much pleasanter for the clergy- man and his family. Ridnuoun HILL. 0NT.. J mm 24. A very interesting time tool; place in this \‘ivinity lust walk. when Mr. \Vm. '1‘. Cook. “Pleusunt, Valley Fax-m" cull- ed his friends and m-igliIu-rs together to ussisL him in the raising nf his new bank bru‘u. 8‘) x 36. Mr. J. McLaughlin of Testron was (hr carpenterqu Mr. E. Glm‘er & Sun of Riclunund Hill [nude :1 vex-y satisfucmx-y coustruclion of the stone work. The h‘uvy timiwrs went mgothor liko clm kwm-k and Mr. C(mk. will have (mo ml the fins-st, burns in this neighluu-huvd whim cmnpleled. The captains Wen! Mr. 0. Nixon of this place and Mr. N. Mnlluy of TcsLnn. The lattvr with h the winners only i were first (0 sun-n lawn where n s: with unstiutud 5m cellent daintivs r prawn-ml by Mrs hundred ladies \\' grand “evasion. on R- how THE SETTLED PASTORATE. Tell son) «or. that T0 PUNISH SLUGGERS. Rheu :x Mn I cum 1‘ wit [1 l' were ptesvut Hope. . Malluy of Testun. is nhln hI-lpors were 12y a few poims, and mid the tables in the. men-abundant repasb 'plit‘s of Mama I) 0m: Rheum Hl fl e Sh ulant 1’9; the must, 9 had I) yout Ull “HE o ' wm hrlngthelr combined wsm West ' Far East Exhibition to '2 I TORONTO. mason JUNE 28. of Buffalo Bill's \‘Vild Â¥Vest and Pawnee Bill's Far East as noted in the above headlines. Varied and Wonderful will he the several spectacular scenes and the entire exhibition will take on all educational and historic character. which gives it an interest possessed lny no other tented exhibition. An oriental spectacle of gorgeous splendors will be interpreted by groups and delegations from the (“or East, introducing Rnssi's Musical Ele hants as the particular feature of tie Oriental scene. The Battle of Summit Springs, a Icprodnc- tion of the historic Indian conflictin which Buffalo Bill killed Chief Tall Bull. of the Dog Soldiers, will he the principal Wild Vest scene, participat- ed in by Col. W'm. F. Uody, the origin- al and only Buffalo Bill, who will re- enact his original part; The~Grent Train Hold-up by Indians will picture an early epoch in railroad building, and A Holiday at "T-E" Ranch will tzpify the pleasures and pastimes of t e plainsmen. The \Vorld’slipugh- riders. had in person at. every ,pet-fornI-. ance by Billfalo Bill. who, positin-ly appears. no matter what the weather, will embrace equestrian experts from the world’s equestrian nations. “'ild riding Bedouins from the sands of Sahara. and the reckless aboliginee from our own rolling prairies will ride side by side: both sides of the earth will be typified and the Saddleship of many nations will be brought into immediate comparison. Every item in the programme of the Wild \Vest and Far East is real and authentic. The cavalry charges. artillery drills. war dances, roughriding. and Oriental pageants are real and accurate in every detail. The tepees of the Indians are the real prairie homes of the. rednn-n; the trappings of the. ponies. the camp outfits, and every stick and stitch of the equipment is just what it is repre- sented to be. And thelcature of teat- ures will he the appearance in the saddle. at every erformance. of the real and genuine ulfalo Bill. the last of the. great scouts. ‘Arrangements have been made with the railroad I.f~ ficials to run special excursions and re‘ duced round-trip rates. so that every- body who so desires may take adran~ [age of their opportunity to visit this world-renowned exhibition. Men's fancy half hose in fancy plaids and stripes. 251: .mad 50c pm nwn's negligee shirts in stripes. checks and mm: figures. 75c. SOC. $1.00. $1.25 mscll. Atkinson & Switzer. ValuableFarmLands â€"IN THEâ€"- TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH The Executrix of the Estate of the late Jeremiah Mnrtsnn will nfl’er for sale by public auctinn. J. T. Snixzenn, Auctioneer, at the Post Ofiice. Gui-m- ley. at Two o‘clock in the afternunn, (in Monday. the 28th day of June 1909. all and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land situate. lying and being in the-Township of thitchu'rch in the County of York. being cmnpused of parts of Luts Nos. 4 and 5. in the 4th Concession of the said Township of \Vhitchnrch. containing by admeusm-e- ment 170 acres. he the same more m- less. The snid farm is conveniently located tn churches and SchOnlS. and is ahuut 1.)! miles distant from a grain market. at. Gormley 0n the C.N.R. The soil is a rich 1mm), well watered. with two wells nnd a never-failing spring, There is also a lutof cedar on said lands, as well as a good orchard. Then- is erected on the said lands an eight- rnmned dwelling, summer kitchen ulnl \vond-shed, large frame lnu-ns, stable and other outbuildings. An eventofunuauul interest topenpie in this vicinity will he Ihe engngwm-ut “f Rnffuln Bill's \Vild VVvst, and Pawn-L- Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill The property will he otfnred for sale sub‘ect, tn a reserve bid. The purchaser shah [my 10% uf his purchase money at the time Of sale to the vendor or hs-r solicitors. and on the ISL of March 1910 a further payment of at leust 15% (If the purchase money shall he made. at which time the sale is to he closed. The balance 0f the purchase numey may be secured by a, first mortgage (War the prmuisos. bemng interest at, 5?; half yearly. Further terms and conditions will he made knnwn at the time of ship. or up. (21) application In the vvndnr or her Sulicilms. M RS. CHAR LOTTE MORTSON, M RS. CHARLOTTE MORTSON, Exenuu'ix uf the Estate of the late Jeremiah Manan Vendor, Rir‘hmtmd Hill PINt Office. LA\\'RENCE & DU‘SBAR. (1'0 Vivturiat Street. Tnmntnl Sn-liciZm-s for Vcndnr. 49-4 NI SAIJE ()F E. N 02130 .\ film'- and Mr. VV. G. DH:an «if Victm-iu Smmre‘ wishes in cm-tii‘v unnuin THE LIB- ERAL that une Sum I’ntorlmngh whnm hp had in his employ fur ahuut. two months mystm-innnly disappeared 0n the morning til the 17th of me. 1909, between 6 and 7 o'clock. He had been on gnnd terms with his mupluym'. nnd Mr. Denniv knows no reason fill“ his gning iuvny. and he had drawn only two dollars nf his wages. Mr. Dannie. with mhr-rs, has searched the buildings and premises. and have found nu trace of the missing man. He wasahout 38 m- 40 years of age, uf a stoulish build, ulmut 5 ft. 7 III. in height. dark lnnustncht‘, and was dI-essvd in plain working cluihks._ ' V‘ W "' r‘ ' ‘1 'Mr. Dennw ur the undersigned W)" be pleased tn x-t-cv‘vc any iufm'nmtiml respecting the misdng mun. ‘_- .~.nvv's u 1‘ '6; A: SL-UAGUE, J. P. Victoria Square, Junt- 22, I909. Farmers and nthers intwpstrd are hereby informed that. a Pule- Bled Berkshire Hug is kept for spruce Am the premises of le undersiglmd m, a fee (If $2.00 V . GEO. REDDi'I‘T. 52-2 0n Ynnge St... Richnmnd Hi”. :nH S-rnomnd Imuse. with hard and 51va Water and a gtmd garden. I Apply tn I 4841 \V. H. PUGSLEY. . Fiftéc‘n acres 1m 1st, can. Vaughan, rear nf )nt 38, with hunk barn 34:44, a ncre gund lwnring m‘chmd. and .n-nl- fortuble 7-I-uunwd hnusv. gum} gm'dt-n- ing soil. For further particulars Apply tn H. A. NICHOLLS, Real Estate Agent. 51-” Richmond Hill. House and Int. Two :u‘res with shods and stable. situated Richmond street, Richmund Hill. SATURDAY. July Sâ€"Auvtinu sale of horses and cuttlp at the anh- LI-ut hotel yards, Maplc‘. (he pmprlty uf J. H. Brillingur. No reserve. Salt- at, l u'clnck p. m. Tel ms 3 mnnths. Saigeun 8; McEwen aucts. PROUD BARONâ€"Imp. Clydesdale. the px-uperty of \V. l’allett. Davisvillo. will tmvpl tn Concord, Edgeley, Muplf'. Richmm‘ld Hill. Thmnhill, -v-.-r.. , Lunsiugietc. Hume stable. Davis- \‘ille. Terms $12. RULAL HATTONâ€"Imp. Clydesdale. the property of l). G. Bluugh. King City, will travel through Nuhlvtnn. Maple. Elgin Mills, Oak Kid 95. “’hitu Ruse, Aurora. Home Stu 19. Hotel. King City. Terms $12. MARQUIS OF COW’ALâ€"lmp. Clydesdale, the property (If D. U. Steelv. Rich- mund Hill, will travel thruugh Head~ ford. Dullar, Patterson, Oak Ridges. Victoria Square. Home stable, Rich- mond Hill. Terms $14. LAmDMACQUEENâ€"Clydesdalostullinn. the pruperty of W. J. “'ells. Tem- urancenlle. will travel thrnugh Vhilchurch, Aurora, Pottngerillv. V9llm‘e, King Tp. Hume stable ’l‘empcrunceville. Terms $10. JUBILEE PERFORMERâ€"Hucklle stallion. thv property of Mr. Trailin- way, Newton Brook. will tl'il\'('l Lhrnugh Thnrnhill. Richmond Hill, Elgin lllills‘ Oak Ridges, King City. Maple. Fisher-ville. Home stable near Steele's Hotel. Terms $12. GOLDEN CONQUERORâ€"Clydesdale stun- inu. the propH-ty of J. E. Teesun. will stand at his nwn stable, Samuel Francis‘ Sunuvside Farm. lot 32, (sun. 1, Markham. Terms $10. THE PROVOSTâ€"ClydPSdulP stallion, tho property of T. ll. Lrggu, will (ran-l thruugh'l‘muperu ncei. ille. Elgiu M ills. Markham, \Vhitchurch. Aux-urn. King: City, &c. Hume- stnnd, lot I, own. 7, King. Terms $13. NINTH Crrumsâ€"Registm-rd trntting stulliun. the prnpvrty ni \Vui. Gnuhl, Richmond Hill, will travel through Aurum, Trnipt-rnm-m'illv, Cuncurd, 'l‘lmruhill. i-Lr. 'l'oxms $10. D().\UXIH.\'ClllEI-‘â€"T1ultingsinllinnlthe pinpvrly nf \V. H. Glass. King, will Slum! at King (‘il)'. 'l‘uvmluy, \Vpdâ€" In-s<l:u_\',alul Saturday nights. Terms SCO‘ LE3 LIV the p11 $KU‘ Pu hue-r travel ANDMAAR Y A N Man Missing. w I For Service Stallion Register. For Sale. Ply BA! ET CHIEFâ€"Imp. Ciydesdn‘m. petty uf Graham {:3 Renfu w 3edfurd Park. Home stable. 'Han. Rilzhumlul HilL \Vill thluugh ’l‘hm-nhiil. Dnflur. Violuria Snnnrv. Elgin Auction Sales. For Sale pvrty hf ‘ Bnmk, )l' the sen \R â€" Thu ‘L‘I‘XIIS To Let RlDE ’A‘R‘Y E. GRAHAM. 471 Church at., 'I‘nruntn. Clydvsdalc Richmund Hill. \Vlu ‘tlwway. his uwn 5 $10. stallinn. 1*)ng n uupaon. he-w 10. ! OOOQOQO¢9§§OOQ§NOOQQOQ§§O OOOQQOO§OOOOO§§§§OQ¢ O¢ 90000 ’ A Tthrm-mm-or of the Cunnty of York (under \Van-unt of T 1908) will proceed to so]! ut the Puhlic Hull, Puluwr’s Block. R nu 'l'lwsdny. the (it h day of July. HMS). ut the hum- uf 10.30 n.m., lands fm' :u roars of taxes unlvss the said arrears mud cusls are :m Dvsm iptinn Ass‘d (u Hum-«M Smith Munilmvzming. E. part I Axs‘d ln Hnwurd Smith } Manituwnning. E. p.111: Afin'd tn Hoht. Rt-est»r.0Turunh). “'05! part ) Drum ipl inn Ln Ass d m \\'m. Hutchinson. Fr. 1 Middle pal-L J 42' Ass'd t1: Martin Henri). Fr. } East part II Ass't to Mrs. Rtvgms, Fr. } East part; 3] Trensurm-‘s OH'iCP. Cu. Yurk, Toronto. May 27th.. 1909. O¢§¢OOQQOOOQOOOOOOQOOOOOOO O“”OO§O§OO§ pOOO¢§§¢OOOOOO IN THE ESTATE OF MARY TEDDER. DECEASED. York, max-He‘d \vmn died on m-ulmut the 1909, are require-d» or day of July, 1909. to Manny, Tristan. Em deceased. a full st claim. and thv nntul if any. hvld by thou: And take further Name ‘33 mm Pursuant to R.S.0. 1‘29 and ing Acts, Notice is hmt-hy gi :xll pal-tins having cluilus Hg; Estate of Many 'l‘L-ddm'. lat Village of Nashville, in the U In lots of five pounds or more Berger’s famous importtd English Paris Green, the kind you usually pay up to 30¢ per pound for. This offer is good only on presentation of this advertisement, and is void after July 3rd. Paris Grew Tax Sale Of Lands THE shville, in the County (u. 7i wmnzm. deceased, \vhx )uvt Khe Zdlh day of April irvdun m- hefm-v the SH 909. tn send to A‘mxnndol In. Evautnr of the sait full statement of tlwin RUSSELL HARDWARE ComprisingMunicipalities ofMarkham and Vaughan 126 East King St, Toronto ment M A R K II A M. Lnt. Cum. Quantity Tjnxos Fees Exponsvs Tutu! E‘fi ivvn that guinstr the LP of [hp lnllnty n] Lnt lh the HH‘I VAUGHAN. ll) that Cm). Quantity Times Fm-sK‘ExpenSL-s Txtul 2} acre $1ch DISTRICT NO. 2 :re in 12 [u- long ucre ii cres acre. A Quantity of Pinv Building '1 gund cmxditinu: â€"12posts 2-) ft 3n) Farm fer Sale pound HHS 81 YVILLI 141 IS :13 ft. long; {fan-ingm A quantity of gin-ts and AL Carrville Eli“. Pl half ‘mt 23, in For Sale 2 99 Id. St. “.3 62 3 ()0 . K. MACDONALD. ipply tn MISS N081 t (If thwmlwr 21%. nuk. Riuhnmntl HiH. n.m., the fullmving are SUIInUl' paid, \'iz.; 3 0’) 3 ()1) 3 00 0 Rent Tran», ()0. York G. K 1.11353 300 300 )OK. Bm-ristl-I , Turontn. 4th C0. In 10 HI 1m. J1

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