A number of small maples have been recently broken and injured at the corner of Centre and Elizabeth streets. This is bad business. and the person or persons who did the act should feel ashamed of themselves. Most of our citizens ape proud of our beautiful trees. yet there are generally a. feW individuals in every community who take a. delight in robbing hirds’ nests, destroying pr-opeity and making nuis- ances of themselves. If they wish to be happy they should mat do such mean things, The Mineral Springs Sanitarium is attracting a lar e number of visitors this summer. he management of this institution under Dr. \Vood is most satisfactory. and interested par- ties may receive all necessary informaw tiun respecting the place from the seennetary, Mr. A. Tyemayne. _ Mrs. Andrew Miller and Mrs. David James left this week for Seattle to at- tend the International Epw. League Convention, and visit relatives on the Paciï¬c Coast, expecting to return in two months. The Garden Party held on the Par- sonage lawn on Wednesday evening of last. week was a. very pleasing and successful affair. Every [nu-t of the circuit was well representvd, and an enjoyable time was spent. The attend- ance was large. as may hejudged from the fact that $95.00 was taken during the evening, The Davenport Orches- tra gave some excellent music, and the Thornhill Quartette rendered valu- able assistance. Messrs. Francis Bros. have sold their store and business to Mr. E. Johnston of Aurora. The new proprietor will take possessiun about the ï¬rst; of Au- gust. We are pleased to learn that Francis Bros. are likely to remain in this plgqg. There are yet a number of desirable building lots available not far from the centre of the village. and it is expected that soon the hammer will he again heard, City people are continually enquiring for comfortable homes in thjg vicinity. Reeve Pugsle and Councillors San- deran and Trench spent Friday in the Ridges, on the Mai-kiln m side. the object being tn ï¬nd out, if watm-can be brought. to this village by gi-avitm tion for ï¬re protection and fur general purposes. The suppr of water is suf- ï¬cient, but whether the ulLitudo is above the roofs of our highest build- ings remains to be ascertained. Mr. Barber, County Engineer. was with them, and will make a report to the Council. $6,250. The newly- elected Bishop of Tor-onto will hold a Conï¬mmlinn in St. John‘s Church. Jefferson. 0n \Vednesday, 1h? 7th of July. at. 2.30 p. [1].. when a num- hm' will he presented fnx- the solemn and ancient. rite of ()unï¬rmutinn. All are cordially invited. Auctioneer Saigvon dispnspd of partS of lots 4 and 5. 4m con. \Vhitchurch- enntaiuing about, 170 acres, the prop“ arty belonging the estate of the late Jeremiah Mm-tsun. The sale mu" place at. Gounlgy, the puychgxser was At a meeting 0f Richmond Lodgo. A. F. & A. M.. last, Thursday evening, Mr. W. H. Legge was appgï¬nted dele- gate to the Grand Lndge, which meets in Lolldnn,und Mr. T. A. Lamun was ammintcd aim-mum... Those interesth shuuld attend the Tax Suh‘ of Lands. in the Lorne Hall. mth Tuesday. at, 10.30 mm. 'l‘hc‘se lands to he ofl‘ewd for sale for arrears of taxrs an: flescx-ibvd elsewhere in this paper. As usual, Dominion Day this year brings with it many celebrations. Richmond Hill will he quivt, but. there- will he “doings†at Testnn. Aurora. Bradford, Stouï¬'ville and other sur- rounding villages. Ice cx'Mm, h'lmmnde and other sow sunnhl} delicacies will he served at. Hu- Gnrdv-n Party at Funldvn Lodge m-xt, “de-sdn'V Mnniug. Gum] musiva pmgmmnw. Gnu-s open at 7 v'clnck. Dnn’t furgvt. the, Ghrden Party to he held undrr the :luspicvs of the \an- :m’s Guild of St. Mary’s Churle at Fouldon Ludgv. Elgin Mills, m-xt. “Wednesday mulling. the. 7th of July. Mr. \Vm. Jones is the ï¬rst to repm-t "(u-w wutatues." The Early Ruse sample. shown us this morning is quite large. These wm'o planted on the 18111 of May. Mr. '1‘, Newton was delegate from Camp Lord Elgin. S. O. 5., at, the annual meeting uf the Grand Caunp held in Town?» last, week. Fire practice next Munduy pvvnihg, fullmved by businvss l'neeting. Br sure and [w on hand at 7.30 when the m“ is called. ~ It. is ex pctvd the reports of thi‘ Entrance anminutmns and the RS. prmuut-inn Exmuinutimm will be given in our issue next. wrek. (21:2 gamma; Rxcammn HILL, Om, J cm 1, 1909 SEARCHING FOR. “WATER. Bert Mnrtvsbri, r r MORE MISCHIEF‘. Thornhill. The Ladies’ Aid of she Fisherville Presbyterian Church intend holding a strawberry festival on the church lawn on Saturday. July 3, 1909. Solos and recitatiuns hy Mrs. Dalziel, Mr. Geci Andersnn and others Tea sex ved frmu 6, tn 8 p.112, Mrs.- M. Badger, accompanied by her two sons, Noah and Charlie. spent Sunday with relations in this neigh- bnrhnod. Tomatoes, corn and peas, 3 cans for 240.; Essex brand pumpkin. 100 tin; Peacock brand cutsup. 10¢ tin; pork 65 beans with tomato sauce, 10c tin. At: kinson & Switzer. Mrs. Geo. Crook and family spent Sunday at the home of her father. ME. Wm. Kirby. _ Some of thé'farmers around this peighborhoud have commenced hay- ingj The eople of {hi} Jn-Féugllld to see aster Roy Crook around again afggr h_is_recent accident. Mr. John O’Bl-iéï¬wi;fui\;faple renewed nld acquaintance around here last Slyldayz _ William Mulloy and family of Edgely. and Mr. B. Mm'tson and fam- ily of Richmond Hill, spent; Sunday with Mrs. Mary Nixon. Shady Bunk Farm. Mr. F. Can-GAEBF'IEiB};1351}? LEE: day with relations around this ueigh~ borhood. Mr. Andy Caden had his new bm'n raised last Saturday evening, which will add greatly to the improvement of his little farm. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook. “Highland Farm." of this place, spent Sunday wig: Mr. J._ Maytag}: of Bond’s Lake. Mr. Wm. Clarke of this place visited with friends in Maple on Sunday_l_nst. “If ._ n I" n -â€" O A large number fl'mn thi§ place took in the Union S. 8. Picnic at Maple last Saturday. The entrance candidates from the uhlic school here were Miss Hattie 'ixon, Miss Emma McQum-rie. Miss Myrtle McQuari-iv, Master Elmer Orr zing quter Lester Walker. Mr. Geo. High of Tagéï¬to spent a couple of days last week visiting with friequ agingdrghis neighborhood: 7 ---v--\A .uuuuu \unu ucnsuuuluuuu. Miss Ethel Home and Miss Ethel Diceman of Teston were guests of Miss Bessie Thomas, “Spruce Lawn,†last Sunday g-veping: Snme of the friends from around here Look in the garden party at Tes- ton on the 23rd. 'Mrs. C. Plum-rand Mn§tor Norman have gone fur a two weeks’ visit “nth friends in Cnuksluwu. Mr. 'Uharlequudges spent Sunday with his uncle. Mr. J. Hunt of Carr- vine. M'iss Rwlnndsnn «of Tux-(mm \‘isitt-d fmm Saturday till Munduy with Miss Tenn Cumvrun. Promotion éxaminxtiuns wvre held in the Public schmol the last three days of the term. 1{PV. P. N. J'unés Lil-“umin left. (m Wednethv for their new change at Mann Run . Miss Robinson is baking :1 short huli- (lax _wi1,_}{ fg-iends in Musknkn. Mr. and Mrs. C. Stephensnn have mm‘ed into the buns:- lutely Occupied by_._I. McMahon and family. The uniun thlmth School picnic was held on the church grounds lust Saturday after-"mm and a very plwuh ant time was spvnt. A programme 9f races was currie-d out in which awry: nne was intuwsh-d. The- lmoth where im- ere-um and nhhvr rr-fn-shmeuts Were sold was wle pntnmizvd. Miss Nuhle nf T6131E6iï¬$0nt over Sunday with her friend Mia-s Myrtle Snjgf‘unL Mr. 0. I11 anpvr lefty \Munduy (u take! A pnsiï¬nn fur the summrl- in mm of the large electrical institutions in Lansing. Mich. H0 purposes wmrm ing the ï¬rst. uf Octnher to resume his studies in the S. P. 5., Tumntn. Mr. \Vrslvv Pnluwr has taken a positinn «m the stuff of the Canadian Spurn-man. and cnmnwuued duties nn Mnuduy. His Work wile tn solicit. subscriptions and advertiaonwuts. and to act. as rvpm-tu'. _ I ,V r- ..-.v........ ....,,.. Sohnnl. The \‘umlncy was cuuadevy (ha death nf the lute Principal. Mr. E. Simpson. 11A. Midland High School has t‘mu- teachers. M r. T. H. RPddiH‘, B.A.. Principal of Barrie Unllt-gint‘e Institute, and Mrs. Redditt. sailed on the 26th of June from Mnntreai m spend the holidays in England. Mr. and Mrs. \Vflllvf‘l‘ Eyvr and chil- dren left \Ve-dm-sdav morning to spend tw" or three days in Buffalo. Mr. “K A. Glass. B.A.. has been ap- pointe-fl Efincipal of Midland High Mr. AIPX.‘P-‘ltt(‘l'30n 19ft. Monday for a Week’s visit with friends at Part Hupo and Bowmanvillv. Miss FlUI‘HICP Lloyd and Miss Mnlml Lloyd of Aurora spent Saturday nftl‘b mum with Mrs. W. Hewisnu. Miss Mal-jury Atkinson has gonv tn spend A Week with hl'l' grandfather. Mr. Richard Alkinsnn. at, Bevin-min. Mr. BPl‘t \Vilvy .1an daughh-r. Tn- I'untn. ups-m. over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. \Viley. Mr. Gmu'ge Smin sant last week visiting frivnds in 'I‘m-nntv. RP". E. H. Trayo has gnm- h) Parry Sound fm' [Wu \VQ't‘krs’ holidays. Misws \Vinniï¬mi and Lillian Stung:- haw-gum- tn spmd trxn days in New \V.. L [Lu ,‘ ank‘Cit y. PERSON A LS. Hope. Maple. canny?! . 20 lbs. best: Redpath granulated sugar for $1.00; Twin block maple sugar. 100 block. Atkinson 66 Switzer. NICHOLSâ€"At Victoria Square, June 19. 1909. to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols, a daughter. DICKSONâ€"-At Headford. June 24. 1909. to Mr. and Mrs. E, Dickson, a daughter. DENNIEâ€"At Victoria Square. June 28, 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas." Dennie, a. daughter. The followinig‘loï¬iceri were installed by R.W. Bro. . A. Nieholls, in~Rich- mond Lodge. No. 23, A. F. & A.M.,‘last Thursday evening:â€" W.M., W. H. Legge. LEM†T. A. Lumon. Fruit jm‘s, pints, wine uarts, im- perial quarts, and half gal (ms, XXX white wine and Lam? Pumt cider vine- gar, 30c gal. Atkinson 5; Switzer. WOODWARD~At Elgin Mills, June 12, 1909. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. \Vood- ward. a son. A book on Rheumatism. by Dr. Shoop, of Racine, \Vis., tells some plain truths. and in a. plain and prac- tical way. Get, this booklet, and afiee trial treatment of Dr. Shoo ’s Rheu- matic Remedy for some dis eartened sufferer in your vicinity. Make a grateful and appreciative friend of some one who is discouraged because of the failures of others to help him. Help me to make this test, and I’ll certainly help your suffering friend. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. Girls over 15. 75 Yardsâ€"lab, Gladys Mwie; 2nd, Olive Darling: 3rd, Lizzie Benson. Hurdle Raceâ€"W. Vanderburgh. \thé'lharrow Raceâ€"«131:, Ll. Bram: unit}. Vy. Va‘nderlbfu-gh. Girls under 710.7716 Ym-dsâ€"lst, H. Benson: 2nd. V. Besmld; 31d, A. C()“’it‘. Buot. Race, 50 Yardsâ€"lat. LL Blace; 2nd. G..gI'MnC; 3rd. '1‘. \Vjigg. Rich and Curry, 40 Yardsâ€"1515. Ll. Bruce and \V. Vanda-burgh: 2nd.G. Slmm and V. Metculf; 3rd. 0. Cuwie and G. Grant. Buys†Race. 'nver'lz. 1007 Y'gn'dsâ€"lst, V. Metcalf; 2nd, G. Slum}; 3rd. A. Haréinxs The ï¬rst Union Excursion. over the C. N. 0. to Benn-rm" and picnic in Lakevicw Park,of the Presbyterian and Methodist Sabbath Schools was last night vuted :1 complete sucCess hy the 300 men, women and children who formed the company. The weather was ideal, the arrangements were satis’fnctm'y. and the day’s prugrnmme was carried out. without a hitch hf any kind to nmr the pleasure. Buth din- ner and ten were served on the gumndv, «Ind hours pf plengure were Swntun the Water in row boats and the gasolene launch. The happy thnugh tire-d cmwd reached hmne shortly after 9 p.m. It is expected the uxpt-nscs will be full , covered. ul- thl-ugh thin svhnlars 0 bath schouls ware giwn lickt-u flee, with the ex- ception (If the Bible Classes. The fol- lowing is a list of the prize winners in th: racing (mutt-gurâ€" Buys u‘hder 12. 100 andsâ€"lst. O. Cmvie; 2nd. G. Grant; 3111. “7. Van- dethggh. Lndii-s' Nail-Driving Cnntestâ€"lst. Mm. Amos \Vright: 2nd. Mrs. '1‘. 31:19:13. Girls nude-r I2. 50 Yardsâ€"lat, Ruby Den-ling: 2nd. L. Harding; 3rd. M. VVlighp. V W -hi. Tickets fur sale 0n the cars. or by tho Uummim-e. The Reeve. has pro- clninu-d 3 Civic Holiday, so it is hnped that many uf nur citizrns will a‘ccnm- pany the ï¬remvn on their annual Outing. Fun-v fur round trip frnm Sclmmlwrg Jlmctinn. Elgin Mills, Richmond Hill, and uth' points on Yunge St... $1.51); Children. 85 cents. Those wishing tn join the party in Tnmntn can get tickets fm- $1.00 at the wharf fmm the Cmumitu-e. No other trip in Canada affords as many attractions to be seen in one day. The Committee have made ar- rangements fm- every cunrenience for picnickel‘s. The» cars will stop for pus- sengers at. all slapping places between Burt Lukv and the City. Cm-s will lwn‘t- Schumherg Junction, "haw-Band Lukl‘. at (5 a.|n., and Rich- mond Hill at 1130 mm. I’nasvnm-x-s (:unvrywl m-or 'l‘m-num Railway line in tinw m lmwc tln- Yuugn- Sb. wharf hy simmer at 8 u‘q‘:luuk. Passengers will lt-aw tlw summer at, Port, Dul- lNHISiK‘, from which point the trip will he mmlr ()Vl'l' the St. Calharinus Rail- waygpussing thin-ugh bl“: fruit lIPlb, klmwn .15 NW Gnnlm of Canada, and by the. \Vhil-lpmvl, W'hirlpr-ol Rapids, and the many m-w pnwvr houses which have recently hem consh uctud. Queen Victnria Park. fl'Pl‘ tn the public, has every cmwvnience fur large picnic parties. Hut nr-d cold water free. The Richumnd Hill Fire Brigade have Inndu m-rnngl-uwnls fur their exam-«inn tn Uingnra Fulls an Friday. the Ulh l.f_:lglly. S. W., C. E. Hop er. J.W., R. p Chap., Rev. A.'P. Brace. Treas.. A. Moodie. Secy.. H. A. Nicholle. S. D., E. M. Bvrne. J. D., F. Helmkay. D. of 0.. G. B. Newbery. 8.8., G. Cowie. J.S., D. Rumble. I. G., G. Padget. Tyler. J. H. ï¬rydon. OFFICERS INSTALLED. UNION S- S. EXCURSION. T0 TH E FALLS. BIRTHS. V-Ve stand by what we sell. If it is not right We make it right. Also Fire Insurance Agent. ‘ At the New Store 'I' ï¬++++++++++++++¢H+¢+++++é+¢ {ï¬t-+4"!-H$+++++4v++++++4°++++-b +m++++++++~n +++++W If you want to save Dollars ' ‘ You can Find Them on our Shelves +¢+++++§++++Â¥++++§$ *é*+*+++$++$+++¢é+ï¬Ã©+++++¢+++$$¥¥§ Norman 3'. Glass “AGENT & OUTFETTER Come and see our line of . BOOTS AND 8789138, CLOTHING, Atkinson & Switzer GOOD GROCERIES WHOLESOME PROVISIONS CHOICE DELICACIES Nothing like it July I, 1909. It is the same thing YOU CAN’T GET ALONG WITHOUT ‘ GROCERIES. if you find what 90“ need and get it For less than you expected to pay. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Richmond Hill Hardware Store HARDW‘ARE swovzs, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, msmmme, sac. C. SOUL OUR PARIS GREEN IS DEATH TO THE POTATO BUG. Because eating is-a habit you acquired at a very early age and clings to you still. It is a good habit if properly controlled an d S'U PPLIED WITH AND GENTS FURNISHINGS. «wwwowowo‘ If you want to save your garden get poultry nPtting right away. It will pay for itself many times over. - The‘success of 0hr trade has encouraged us to get the better qualities with everything. We are never satisï¬ed unless you are satisfied too. We never even attempt to sell in- ferior goods for the sake of a. little extm proï¬t. Take for granted we have What; you want in the line of Poultrv Netting and at prises that are eftsy to pay. Poultry Netting THESE ARE WHAT YOU CAN GET AT MONEY- SAVING PRICE =$