Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jul 1909, p. 5

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Early El‘l’f-‘ll {muse fur sulv. Apply '1‘. anper, Germ-estreet, west. Th9 \V. M. S. meets this nftvmnnn at the home of the‘ Misses Ellintt, J uffvrs'mu ' ' r ' Fruit jars. pints, wim- qum-ts. im- pm'ial quarts, and half gallons, XXX white wine and Long Point cider \‘iue- gar, 30c gal. Atkinson 85 Switzm'. At the amnual meeting of (he THISâ€" tH-s (If the Methodist Church held at Mr. Han-l-isnn’s Monday evening Mr. Isuzu: Omshy was appointed Treasurer in the place of Mr. Switzm', deceased. The rpsults nf Ihe- final examinations of the Normal Schools were aiwu in )‘l‘Sll'l'dil)"S dailies. Miss Hazel L. Smith is_:mmug thusv who uhtuilwd In the repnrt Inst week nf the enn- tests uf the Union S. S. picnic. at, Heaven-tun, first, prize was creditvd 110 Mrs. Amos VVl-ight and sec-mud to Mrs. '1‘. Mapes in the. nail-driving cuntest. These, ware two separate classvs, and no secund prizes were :an-(lvd. Each of the ulmve-numod ladies won filst prize in her class. ‘ Mrs. Brnwnls-n, Toronto, visited uvor Sundny with .Mrs. P. G. Smage. The house built some yours agn by Mr. J. 0. Steele (If “Steele’s Cm-m-Ijs” with one acre nf gruund has been sold to Mr. Jay H. Fnlsnn nf Ywik Mills. The deal was put through by Mr. H. A. Nichnlls, Real Estate Agent, of Rich- mond Hill. (E112 fib‘ihtml; Just uu-iw-d nllewr cm- 01' th- (celvlnwlml “Rnthhnrn Sun" Portland Umneut and the same will like Sold at Muse-prices. AH m-dH-s hde with 1.1. A.’Nichulls will have, prompt ultmniun. u Second Uluéé Prufessiuuul Certifi- uutes. '- Mr. L. Richardson nf aniv, who has been in business since 1865, is cir- culatinga printed letter to his many patruns, drawing their ultentiun to his brands of Binde‘r Twine, Paris Gl‘evnund Machine 021. Hu also re- minds his friends that; he is prepared to issue marriage licenses on shun-t no- (ice. ‘ Last Sunday was “Changing " Sun- day with Lhe Methodist ministers \th were transferred to new pastoratt's. Bath ministers remain annther year on the Richmond Hill Circuit. Last, Sunday mmning Rev. Mr. Miller preached hem, and a “patrintic” ser- mun vns preached in the evening by Rev. A. P. Brace. Mr. A. E. Combs. M.A.. who had been principal of the Newnnu'ket High Schuul for Lbc past ten years has been appointed to the principalship of the St. Untharines Cnllegiate Institute at an initial salary (if $1,600. Previous to going to Newmarket Mr. Connibs \vns principal of Richmond Hill High School The majority of cars on the line of the Metmpolitan Railway are now equipped with water tanks. This has heeudone in accordance with a new regulation of the Railway and Muni- ci-pal Board, which applies on Radial lines over bwvnty miles in length. The distance by rail between Toronto and Jackson’s Point; is 52 miles. - Every citizen] who can do so should accompany the, firemen on their ex- cursiun to Niagara, Falls. The sail across the: Lake and the trip through the fruit hell: by electric cat-s should be delightful. G0 and have an enjoyable outing and help the brigade. And those who cannot go, can assist in covering expenses by leaving a $ with. the treasurer. Mr. Savage. Remember the time, (5.30 mm. to-morrow. Elevpn candidates from Richmond Hill Public School wrote (m the. eu- tmnce examination. ,All were suc- cessful. eight securing hmmrs. and two uf these are equal im‘ the scholarship mvalded by Richmonfl Hill Board of Education to the candidate wriiing at, Richmond Hill Centre obtaining the highest; marks. The following- is the standing in order of marks obtained:â€" chnmrmnflxu‘. Own; J 17m: 8,_ 1909 Gladys Cuwie and Della Snules (equal), Agnes Boyle, Carrie Bredin. Max-y Vandal-burgh, Ernest Palmer, Ham-l Kerswell and VVilIin Nanghton. (equal), Olive Dan-ling, Eva Hopper. Norman Muckie. This makes 53 suc- cessful candidates frunl Mr. Lamon's dupartment during the past six yem s. 'The Garden Party held last evening on the lawn of NIP. James Newton. Elgin Mills. undel- the auspices of the Woman’s Guild nf St. Mary’s Church, was a very pleasing event. The beauti- ful grounds were illuminutvd with Chinese lanterns. Lhe scene heng one of indescribable loveliness. Ice cream and cake were served hy n competent cmnmittt’e. and the Candy Bounh and the Lemonade Well were W9“ patronâ€" ized. During the evening pinnn selec- tluns were given by Mrs. W'. 0. Savage, MissMillleTrvnch.MissNumMcMahon, Miss Laura Naughtnn and Miss IrPne ()usgrnve, and Vucal snl'vs by Miss Janet Mchnald, Miss Mary Trench And Miss Smart. HO! FOR THE FALLS. ENTRANCE CLASS. GARDEN PARTY. Mm. PHttCl’SUIL Mrs. Taylor and Miss Tuylm- are spending a few mnnths at their summer home at Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Kil~kpdt1-ick_an(l t-wu daughters are visiLiug with Mr. and Mrs. D. Gray. Miss Alma-Slimey elltmtnim‘d hm csmsin. Miss‘Minnie Svngfl' of Thum- llill, for. u few days misfit-8k. Miss Mvrtln Suigmul 1s spending :1 Week with Miss Nnrn McMnhun. Mr. and Mrs. J. \Vu'Osht-rne. Tux-un- to, \‘isitr‘d ut Levellamls, the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Duncan. Mr. T. M. Henry and Mr. Hunter Henry of Mm-rishurg wine guests of Dr. Lungsme for a few days. Misses Olive and Hazel'Switzer, ac- cmnpnnied hy Miss Jenn Boyle, are spending a fvw Walks at, their Grimshy PuL-k Unttnge. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. anle spent frnh) Fl'iditv till ’l‘ut-sduy with x-elativvs in \Vullnud. ’ Dr. I. J. Bin-hard of the Purkdale Collegiate Institute is visiting with his niece, Mrs. M. Vandvrhurgll. Mr. and Mrs. L. \Villiams and chil- dren nf Kingstnn spent; a fe‘V days with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hewisuu. Mr. Jnsvph Elliott of Jordan Hurbnr has he-en spmding a few days with his parents on the second of Markham. Mr. A. Powell‘nnd sister May, [son and dnughh-l-nf Mr. J. ineli, fm'nwr- ly (If this \illngv. nmv of Buffalo. SDHIC (war ‘iunduy “ith their friends at Mr. ,‘VPHIIHIU'S, Elgin Mills. » Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McDonduld and Miss Jenn McDunaM» spent m‘vr lhe huliday with Mr. H. Peach in Orilliu. Mr. Earle Newton loft Monday to tnkv a Nurse nf lectures at; the Sher- \VUUd Suhuul of Music at Chautauqua. \VnwmwsaIndependentâ€"Mr. F. \V. Harrison, B.A.. has been appointed a. meml’wr uf the Bound of Examiners at Brandon. Mrs. (Rm‘.) J. \V. Cameron. North Mm-ringtnn, spvnt from Saturder till \lemsduy calling on old friends in the village. Mrs. J. McKimmn and son \Vilhm-t nf Huileyhm-v, and Mr. and Mrs. \V. .VIcQtuuf 'Im'nnto have been \isit- ing with Mrs. Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. MacLPanand danglith Helen and Alice of Cm-nwull. and Mrs. H. McDonald and sun Jim Tm‘nntu. are spending thvir holidays with Mrs. B. McDan- nhl. Mr. ’\Vm. McDonald and Mr. Henry McDonald 2115” spent lusL Sun- duy at the HM hump. ‘ A tax sale of lands was held at the )nuncil Chamber on Tuvsday. by Mr. I). Sinclair. deputy-treasurer for York County. All the property in district N0. 2, advertised in THE LIBERAL, had been redeemed previous t0 the dnv of sale with the exception “fig; new, but 7. cm). 10. Markham, assessed to Robert; Reesm'; and 115 acres. Int, 10. con. 4, Vaughan, assessed to Martin Hem-n. The fm met lot was “knocked down” to Mr. B. Clark, the latter to Mr. P. G. Savage. The usual number of visitors spent. Dominion Dny here. Quite a number took in the sports at; TesLon. Snare of the prize money .came to our village. Miss Dell Saigeo‘n taking first, in girls’ race. and \V. Cousins first in 200 yards and third in potftto i-ace. The bovs of the village have formed a juvenile club for amusement, and recreation, and _have some unique methuds of raising funds to purchase books, games, etc. Master Earl Bryan is president, and the place of meeting is at Mr. H. G. Bailey’s home. Miss Term Cameron left on Saturday for a trip to Vancouver. B.C. She was accompanied by Mrs. Fullerton GthOl) of Richmond Hill, Mrs. J. Mul- lny and Miss Gladys of Teston, and Miss McMuxchy of King City. They will also Visit relatives and friends in Seattle and other places. Rev. J. \V. Moxv‘gan and family moved into the parsonage from Bramp- lust week. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Saigeon spent Suflday visitingmfrignds‘at Hope._ Mr. {1nd Ml’sz. Cousins we}-e in To- rnpjm fmm Sajyrdngill Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McLean on Sat- urday attended the ceremony of lay- ing the cox-mar stone of the new Mn- sonio Temple, at the owner of Annette and Azivl streets, West Toronto. The ceremony was followed by refresh- ments and short addresses. Mrs. Medcalfe of “Hawkestone’, who was visiting hex sister, Mrs. W. Camp, returned home on Friday last}. Miss Annie and Mr. Hugh Hall have gnne on an extended visited to New York. Mrs. John Francis and Master Gor- don are" rusticatjug at Atherley on Lake Simcoe. Mrs. Douglas. wife of Rev. \V.‘ H. Douglas of Huckwond, Hamilton con- ference. and Masts-1s Lennox and Ry- erson, are visiting at Lhe parsonage. Mrs. Douglas will remain with her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) E. T. Douglas, until the reLurn of l‘wr husband, who is attending the InLvrnnLinnul Epworth League (Junvenbiun at Seattle on the Pacific Coast. Rev. Mr. Gibson has returned from bigicmtagu ut_S}.nny L:x_ke. WM’r-égifir.) lulmsfand snn returned on Tut'sdny from visiting her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Spu_rks,_ Kingston. 7 VVVérlzeig‘wL ill) huv-ing ti; report the illness of Mrs. Shutex-, but, hope her indispusitinn will be of brief duration. PERSON A LS. TAX Tho rnhill. Maple. SALE. \Villiams and chil- spenl; a few days \V. Hewisuu. The following is a list of the names of the sucm‘ssful candidates who wrote at Richmond Hill. Maple, and Klein- hurg centres on Llie High Schuul En. trance Examination. Candidates uh- tnining 75% of tuggi‘t‘gute nmrks are uwurdpd‘hmmw. The certificates of the sm-cesaful candidates will be sent: immediately. The unsuccessful candi- dates will rvcceive their man-ks. “RICHMOND HILL. Agnes \Vinnifu-d Boyle, Currie L. Brcdin, Gladys Gowie (scholarship), Hazel Kerswell, Kathleen Murphy, \Villiam J. Naughton, Ernest Palmer, DellaOdettn Sonlos (scholarship); Della. Stephenson, Mary F. Vanda-burgh, Verna E. Warrington, Lillian VVzu-ring- l’on. Passedzm ' ' .thgte Baker. Gladys Ball, Willie Breakey. Violet Colman, Jimmie Cos» grove, Gertrude Cosgmve, Norman Urann, Olive F. Darling, Barbara Duff, Alan Francis, Charles Grain 9r, Flor. ence Gooderlmm, Enston arrison, Gordon Hicks, Wesley Hoover, Eva Hopper, Norman Muckie, Marie Mor- gun. Jno. McNuit-. Cecile Pearson, Duncan Read, Lillian E. Risebrough. Joseph Smith, Leonard Stephenson, Irene \anker. Gertrude Wilkinson, Lillian \Voud. Holmrs;- A book on Rheumatism, by Dr. Slump, of Racine, \Vis., tells some plain truths, and in a plain and prac- tical way. Get. this booklet, and afree Il'ifll'tl'f‘flhllk‘llt uf Dr. Shoup‘s Rheu- matic Remedy for some disheartened sufferer in your vicinity. Make a grateful and appreciative friend of some one who is discouraged because of the failures of uthers to help him. Help me [u make this test, and I’ll Passed:â€" George Bailey, Com Byam, Aubrey Hanna, Donald McNaughton, Emma MCQmu-rie. Elmer Orr, Sidney Smith. Ruby Byam promoted to V. class. Passedâ€"z Elwyn Arnold, Lilia E. Gee. Leonard Humphrey. Jun. McFuyden; Annie McDunough, Madeline Smith. Norman Black promuted to V. class. curtainly help your suffering friend. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. The Méthndlst Church’nf the Thorn- hill circuit on Sunday, 27th. concluded £1wfirs§ yezxy of pastorate of Rev: E. T. Douglas with two very special and inspirng services. At the But- tnnville appointment a most successful Sunday Schuol rally was held, while in the evening at Thornhill a large and highly appreciative audivnce listened with eagerness :md'delight’ to a. well conducted song service in charge of Mr. John Dnvidsnn. the popular leader of the choir. through whom the choir has reached its present position of efficiency and repute. Anum’g the ‘ lvctinns given were the fullmvingzâ€" “Lift Up Your Hands,” chorus byvthe chnir; Jerome’s “Rock of Ages" was beautifully rendered by Miss Mabel Gnoderhnm, soprano soloist: “Crossing the Barâ€"D'udlvy Buck’s amangement ()f itâ€"hv the qfiurtet, was excEptinn- ally Well given and was very impressâ€" ive; "Save Me, 0 God." was rendered as an 'altn solo and chorus in an ex- ceedingly fine manner, Mrs. Davidson’s clear, sweet alto voice captivating all. Preceding the singing of each selection the pastor quoted 01- read from the Scriptures with short expositions the portion of truth bearing directly upon the composition, dwelling more fully on Rev. xxi:23, after which Mr. John Davidson in his characteristic good style song as a base solo. “And the City Had No Need of the Sun.” The chanting of the Lord’s Prayer was an innovation well received by the peo- 915-. The chnir will have two \vreks’ holi- days. The congregation was respon- sible for the singing at both servich last Sunday. Arrangements are being made for n choir of married men and Women for next; Sunday evening, and many are looking forward to this ser- vice in the Methodist Church next Sunday with much interest). Tomatoes, corn and peas. 3 cans for 24s.; Essox brand 'pumpkin. lOc tin; Peacock brand cutsup. 100 tin: pork & beans with tomato sauce, 10c tin. At- kinson & Switzer. The sports held in this town on Do- minion Day, under the auspices of the lacrosse club, were well contested, and an enjoyable day was spent, fully 3.000 people attending the celebration. The 15 mile Marathnn. $50 cup donated by T. H. Lexnmx, M.P.P., was won by Mr. Hill of Gormley. time 1 lmur. 30 min- utes. The 5 mile bicycle road race was \v0n by Mr. Elgar] of Alirom,. The farmers’ foot race was won by Stewart of Aurora; the mile race by Harman of Aurora; and the 100 yard race by Parliament of Toronto. In the tug-0f- war \Vhitchurch township won from King. _ In“ the Baby Contest Mrs. Gen. Spence won L119 baby carnage donated bymShex-i‘thaviljv. “Two interesting football matches wexe played. The juveniles of Aurora defeated the Young Tm‘untx-s. and All Saints of Toronto afterwards defeated the Aurora. Junior-s. The football con- test was won by Newmarket. There were also several other contests. in- cluding threeâ€"legged race, vaulting with pole. rite. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION 1909. A clmcert was held in the Drill Shed in the evening when the prizes and mvdals \vm-e presented by the local mumbvr, Mr. T. H. Lennox. THORNHILL CHURCH NEWS. KLEINBD'RG. Aurora. MAPLE. .â€".4._. fW~PM+H°PH+°9+++M+ ‘&'§‘HW+++++§‘+'§'+++'§”H , x GREAT STOCK Men’s Suits, Odd Pants and Vestsé? '~§“§“§"§‘+¢+++++§é¢$+k+$+é+é+é++° +¢+++++é$~§~~§++++++++°§ul~+°§u§flié At the New Store \Ve stand by what we sell. If it is not right we make it right. Also Fire Insurance Agent. Atkinson 85 Switzer Come and see our line of July 8, 1909. Norman J. Glass AGENT & OUTFITTER Wash Vests with white ground Checks, Stripes and Figured patterns, sizes 34, 36, 39, 4o, 42, Reg. $2.00 for $1.50; reg. $1.75 for $1.40. Reduction Sale BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, Richmond Hill Hardware Store RICHMOND HILL, ONT. STOVES, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS. TINSMITHING. 86c. C. SOULES OUR PARIS GREEN IS DEATH TO THE POTATO BUG. HARD W ARE §+§0§§§§§<§§§§§ AND GENTS FURNISHINGS. ~*##- Ta ke for granted we have what, you want in the line of Poultry Netting and at priqes that are easy to pay. The success of our trade has encouraged us to get the better qualities with everything. \Ve are never satisfied unless you are satisfied too. We never even attempt to sell in- ferior- gouds for the sake of a. l'igtle extra profit. If you want; to save your garden get poultry netting right away. It will pay for itself many times over. Poultry Netting

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