Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jul 1909, p. 8

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Church of England»Servicee at 3p. m. lat, 2nd and 4th Sunday. Third Sunday at. 11 a. m. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at. 11 a. 111., and :79. in. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting eduesday evening. Roman Catholic Church-Services on alter. note Sundays EH) 8.. m. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist Churchâ€"Services “10.30 a. m.. and 7 p. :11. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M â€"Meeta Mon- dtw on or betoro full moon Court Richmond , A 0 F -â€" Meets fourth Fri. day Ivy Lodge. A O U W~Meets third Wednesday of each month Camp Elglnfi 0 S -Meets second and lomth Wednesday R T of Temperanceâ€"Meets first Wednesday of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday of every month Public Library and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Eoworth Leagueâ€"Meets evcrv Monday Junior Epworbh League meeme every M on- day afternoon at 4. School Books. Standard Novels, Souvenir Post Cards, Post Card Albums, Papetries, Rubber Balls, Etc., Etc. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, Programmes, &c., &c. Exquisitel’y printed on fine coated paper. Pictures of well~known geople, of current events, of things cauti- fill and curious About, one thousand, square inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great il- lustrated papers of London appeal to the English people. Non political. Absulutvly no axe to grind. Its aim solely to please and to inform. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ten cents a copy. ()no dollar a year. The Pic- torial Publishing 00., 142 St. Peter St. Montreal. 2145f &+++++++++++++++++++++++§f +++++£§+éék+¢é§¥$¥é¥$¥é+++ Printing, Stamnery, School Books. THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE Morning Mail arrives {-5.15 Evening Mail arrives 6.15 MONEY ORDERS Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MOBNING .. EVENING 6.00 N. B.â€"-Registered letters must be handed in at least, Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY Postmaster “CANADIAN PICTDRIAL” Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Office as follows:â€" Mail Closes for the South MORNING ....8 30 m periences of angler ers and campers, c Advenfiure with 2 anti {2! Go to The Libera Office for t 0a STREAM,” or send us twentyâ€"five cents for four weeks trial trip. A E111 large illustrated weekly journal of shooting, fishing, natural hisâ€" tory and yachting. A new depart- ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home and its surrpundings. 7 Terms: $4 ayear, $2 for six months. We send 4V free on re- quest 0 u r catalogue of t h e b e s t books on outdoor life and recreation. FOREST AND STRFJXM PUB. CO. 346 Broadway, New York. POST OFFICE NOTICE GOOD STOCK OF MORNING .... ...... EVENING .. MORNING... EVENING Village Directory. Mnil Closes for Aurora.â€" &~%~§~£-~§‘+++ periences of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yachtâ€" terested in country life, ask your newsdcaler for “FOREST AND ing; or If you are in~ for RICHMOND HILL and adjoining country to represent ‘Vhile business in some other lines may he dull, farmers were never more encouraged as regards fruit growing than at the present semun. High prices for all classes of f1 uit have been obtained the past season. and there is. as a consequence. an increased demand fur mu-sm-y stock. _ FURNITURE, PAINTS, 8c OILS “CANADA’S ()LDEST AND GREATEST NURSERIES” Our stock lb cmnplete in every de- partmenb includmg a new list of spggmlties which we alone handle The right man will obtain a perma- nent silnatinn with tel-litm'v reserved for him. Pay weekly. Free sample outfit, etc. “him for particulars Fonthill Nurseries (85 4-4111 TORONTO. ONTARIO GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill STONE &' WELLINGTON Ready Nov. 15, 1908, best ever sent out, beautiful covers in colors, fine portrait of Prof. Hicks in colors, all the 01d featuresand several new ones in the bank. The best astronomical year book and the nnly one contaimng the) migilml “Hicks \Veather Forecasts." By mail 2350. (m news stands 30c. One copy free with \VORD AND ‘VORKS the best $1 in America. Disâ€" counts on almanacs in quantities. Agents wanted. The Rev.IRL. R. HICKS WORD & WORKS PUBLISHING C0., 201 LOLUST STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. cmnxml over 5' nm "rquv-v'h ue hbsululcn: OUR STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE IN Wall Papers. ceiling and Borders TO MATCH IN NEW DESIGNS. See these before buying elsewhere. GM] A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED AIJDIIXNACK FOR 1909. STOCK UP-TO-DA'I'E IN EVERY RESPECT. +é++é++++++++++++¢+++ AT VERY MODERATE PRICES. fields In scarce. hni (hone wno write Stu-son .t ()0. .Porlland, M aine.will rcc’civn free, full informnfion about work which they can dn, and live at hornc,llml will [my them {10m $5 to $2.“: per day. Some have '5‘ in a day Either sex, vmmg or old. Capital You arr, umrlcll free 'l‘lum: who Hurt at one: sun: oi snug; mm fortune; All i1 new. V It's made froin pure white ‘ lead, pure zinc white, and pure linseed oil. 3 It does not powder, flake off or crack. t The full color card shows 48 handsome shades. S.. W. P. is ‘ put up full measure, always. I't's colors are clear, bright and lasting. * .AII 7° PAINT IUILDINCI WW“ DUTIIDI RIB INCIDI It forms a tough, durable film that wears and looks well for the loggcst time. It Eosts less by the job than any other paint made. . » THE SIIERWIN- WILLIAMS PAINT JACOB EYER 83 SON RICHMOND HILL Going to Paint? %+%++&04~+$+*++++++++++ (850 acres) BOLD BY It’s a combination of good leather and best workmanship. Besides than, it is stylish, easy, comfortable, and has that strong, luxurious look that. only harness rightly made ever bears. Our prices are reasonable and our goods wearable. The Next Sitting of Divxsion Court fox No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. You won't find any harness better than ours anywhere. fit the Finesi Quality IVISEQN - mm. The undersigned will endeavor to place Immigrants from the United Kingdom as farm laborers and d0- mestics in this vicinity. Any person requiring such help should notify me personally or by letter stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted, and the rate of wages offered. Every effort, will he made to provide each applicant with help required. T. F. McMAl-ION, Take Mptrupolitan Electric Car at North Toronto for Richmond Hill. RI-Lf Tickeis for iheWest TICKETS for the Canadian ‘Vest procured at THE BANNER OFFICE, AURORA THE LIBERAL O FFIOE, RICHMOND HILL. Farm Laborers. Ol‘dCl'S taken atâ€" Saturday, Oct. 2, 1909, RICHMOND HILL Cnmmencinq at, 10 a. m. Cam. Gov. Emplovment Agent, Richmond Hill. Ont. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK Pineapples and Bananas Hill’s Home-made Hill’s Romeâ€"made D. WEE {$3 m CANADI AN NORTHE RTLNLI ONTARIO. Tourist AND: Excursion Tickets 1 On Sale from Toronto. THE SSENICWRQUII‘E To Lake Simcoe, Sparrow Lake, Muskoka Lakes, Georgian Bay, Maganetawan, Pickerel, and French Rivers, wasn’t there If the merit Crossing Lake Muskokn at, Bala, Park and along the shore of Lake Joseph, skirting nearly 100 bodies of water be- tween Toronto and $udbm‘y. For literature and full i'nformation about fishing and holidav rates. write PASSENGER DEPT., TORONTO, ONT. THE STANDARD BAN K Bichrnond Hill CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO British A. J. HUME Established 1873 GitTcéfébaind Confectioners VImLESALE AND RETAIL is a great conven§ence in handiing the famin funds. It is opened in :he names of two members of the family, and both may make deposiks or draw checks over (heir own individual signatures. It is hammer» of the undeniv able and consistent high quality of the Bread that This form of account is particulafly convenient for those who Eve some distance from town. You can open 6 Savings Account with One Dollar. Why nut do so at once ? '2‘). RICHMOND HILL BRANCH \Ve (:nuld never in 3; thousand yours sell the Bread wee have under has stood the TEST for many years . . . FOR THIS \VEEK. E. M. Byrne. Manager BRANCHES ALSO AT MAPLE. MARKHAM AND TAILOR [873 OF CANADA 7’ A Joint Account +++++ ++++¢ Ten per cent cheaper, ten per cent better for Business. Shorthand, and Mutric. Booklet Free. R. A. Farquharson, B. A, Prin. Cor. Yonge & Bloor Sts. STOUFI‘VILLE. Term of 1909. Tamworth Swine. 44-3111 +++++++++++§++¢+$++++++++¢ The undersigned, recently employed WiLh the Massey-Harris 00., has taken “10 Blacksmilhing business vuonted by Clift 13:05., and is prepared to attend to all hmm‘hos 0f the trade. WELLWELE 319% MW. '3' W. A. Sandersan HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. 4'4"?+++++~9+$+++fi++++~Â¥+++~§~Â¥+ GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ELGIN IvfiiILL W. HEWISON F. J. WEE WP; Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL 'flflE $1.00 IN AEBVANQE. PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Nvthing for sale at present but; Pureâ€"bred Bull Calves. 3m JOHN MCKENZIE F. J. W UUDWARD. Pure Hoisfiefin (Jamie AND E‘iellebege Insect Bugs, Worms & Caterpillars HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIr‘: Drug-gist ~GO T0â€" Paris â€"â€"FORâ€" RICHMOND HILL Haw der 77 Branchet $138611

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