Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Licmaed hmtioueers for the County of Yutk. 84.105 Lbbeudalto on shortes noticeaud a. tea.- snable rates Patronage solicited AT THE {JEERAL PRINTENG d; FUflLESHH‘éG HQUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. ‘1‘ . F . Ms M AH O N. License Auctioneer for theCounty of York re- s_>aef.fully soliclts your patronage and friendly influence sales abfqued on the shortest. notice and at e-xaonaberates P 0 address King Liegngdd tucbioueer [or the County of Y0 k G» Is 331'] on ovmsignz‘gant‘ general sales v v..u.w. mung: €559 Hort: rpvré'hpbly attended no at reasona'blt rages†Residence Unionville (SUCCESSOR TO DR. H. \V. ANDERSON) )ur. Ynnge :md Bloor Sts.. Toronto. “fill be in Richmond Hill every \Vednesday. Oiï¬ce, next door marth of Stand- ard Bank. xi K GJul-lmg; ï¬SQthKViSâ€"rookmgentfor the above VOL. XXXII. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Prepares pupils for Primary. Junior, Intermedgate examinauon at; Toronto '(htlnser-mtnry and ()nllfge Qf_DI_qsici Special collrse in “ijer’s†Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to beginners. 42-137 EEURSDAY NEQRNING . ISS JORA MCMAECN Pianiste Private Piano Lessons Pupils prepared for Examinations at the University of Toronto and the Toronto Conservatory of Music. J'. EARLE NEWTON Pianist » Pupil of W. II. Sherwood Private and Class Tuition in Piano Playing and Theory and '1‘ Saigeon, Maple FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 1 st. ELLIOTT ' ' / mn'p hkvmn (mm Ofï¬ce Hours-9 a. m. t6 5 p. m MISS MILLIE TRENCH This school is unquestionably one of Canada’s GreuLe-st, Must Success- ful and Best Colieges. Our gradu- ates rendily‘secure employment. Let. us educate you for Dusitions worth fl-mn $35 tr» $100 a mmlth. We know how. W'rite tn-duy for mag- niï¬cent catnlaglw. Con. VONGE AND Alaxnuozn STs. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. $1 per annum, in advance. “ 3W IS PUBLISHED EVERY DR. FULTON RISDON. 13(2):) ï¬rst, VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘horn hill. BUSINESS CAR Saigeon & McEwen. TORONTO. ONT. Teacher of Piano Emron & Paopnmron. J. ll PI entice. I). G. BLGUGH, RICHL! gyttzrizmi'y iHLIOND HILL igzxstal. Wm J K McEwen Weston DS. 99 Mouev to loan on land anucnanel mortgagesa lowast rates Aurora ofï¬ceâ€"Removed to the Void post omen baa door west. or the euuauce to the Oumno Bank Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the p :st (Hm-.6 '1‘ HERBEBTLENNOX G s-rv MORGAN Aurora. New LENNOX & MORGAN A G F Lawrence F J Dunb eu- Soï¬a 3. 9avz'dson THORNHILL Organs Replired mm Expert Work Guaranteed HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . Barristers, Solictors, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E., TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DENTON, K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. MULOCK BOULTBEF. Phone Main 311. BARRIS’I‘ER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tux-unto Ofï¬ce, 33 Richmond 7 St. \Vest‘, \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce, “Liberal’ Ofï¬ce, every Saturday afternoon. Richmono 1â€"1111 JAS. N EVVTON PIANO TUNING Batista: , Solicitors. Notaries, In. Home Life Building 00:. Adelaide 8: Victoria, Sts.. Toronto. Maple, Thursday afternnnu. Money to loan at Five Per Cent (5%). Denton, Dunn & Boultbee COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. M. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN NIIIJ] 4S A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept; at both places. RICHMOND HILL ÞHILL Lax-6155?; Umlcrtakersm & Embalmers, )en tral Y. M.C.A. Bldg. Toronto..- YOU R COU RSE in Shorthnnd or Business will bring you best NSUILS if taken at mu- old establisth and thoroughly reliable school. ‘Vintor Term begins Jun. 4th. Catalogue F1 99. British American BusggssmColl‘ege ., ,IY7Irn A Lawrence & Dunbar, REAL Esu-ATE, ETC. THORNHILL Commissioner, Cnnveyancer. etc‘ Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers and Solicitors. [. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1909 WRIGHT BROS. WILLIAM» COOK VOIOING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING COMMISSIONER IN THE Efltual. “In Essentials, Unity; [3 Sweet to Eat A Cand" Bowel Lawn Phone Maiu298 Pain can be easily and quickly stopp- ed. Pink Pain Tablesâ€"‘Dr‘. Shoop’sâ€"- Stup Headache, womanly pains, any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes, sure. Formula (m the 250 box. Ask your (11 nggist or doctor :Ihnut this formula â€"iL’s ï¬ne. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. CouncilmetatSutton’s HnteI,Schom- berg. 031 Satugday J une 26th.? Mémbers all ï¬résénï¬jï¬MvinntPs of las'I/‘mpqing r5211} an}! conï¬rmed. 7 There were many demonstrations in towns and cities uf Ontario on Blundny the 12th. In Toronto the principal speakers were Dr. Beanie Neshitt, Cnntmller Hmkin and trustee Levoe. Alliston was the central point for West, York. including VVvst; Toronto. and at Stnuifville thr- Iudges from Markham. Uninnviile, Brown’s Cm-nm-s, Beaver- tml. Unnningbnn. Uxhridge, Sunder- ];md and other places met; and farmed in pmcéssinn. Abnutï¬JMOattended the demonstration at Stm1ffville.and nearâ€" ly 20,000 at Alliston. The CouTxcil in Committee of the \Vhole on Bills approved and ordered a large number of accounts for gravel, regains t9 .culverts, etc.: to he pain. The fnllnwing resolutinm-Il were Curripd:~Resnlved that the following sheep claims he pnifl being a value of same; John J. Lynn $3.33, Nelson Prflctm- $6.00. Councillor Cal-15y {ï¬ggil adjourn- ment to meet, at McBride‘s Hotel on Saturday J a! y 3lst. A failing tiny nerveâ€"no larger than the ï¬nest silken threadâ€"takes from the Heart. its impulse. its power. its regularity. The Stomach also has its hidden. m‘ inside nerve. It was Dr. Shnnp who ï¬rst told us it was wrong tn drug at Weak or failing Stomach. Hs-m't, m- Kidnnys. His prescriptionâ€" Dr. Shonp‘s Restorativeâ€"is directed straight for the cause of these all- montsâ€"these weak and faltering in- side nerves. This. no doubt, clearly explains why the Restorative has of late grown sn rapidly in popularity. Drnggists say that, those who test, the Restorative oven for a few days soon become fully convinced of its wonder- ful merit. Anyway. don’t drug the nrgnn. Treating the cause of sickness is (he only sensible and successful way. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. That; A. B. Armstrong he paid the sum of $100.00 on account re Sun-vices as solicitor re East, Gwilliambul-y via. King. Lord Rï¬lmz-ts introduced a bill in the English House nfLm-ds demand- ing cumpulsnrv sex-vice in the army (11’ all mach (‘iLiZODS hotwe‘on the age: of 18 and 30 years. The bill was defeated. THat H. L. Dx-nytnn. K.C., he paid the sum of $100.00 being account in full fut- services as seni 1r Counsel re Eaft, Gwillinmhm_-y v. King: SI". IV. Glassâ€"Graham Furnster. Bessie Hagen-man, Annie Lever, Flossie VVideman, Evai Dennie. JP. IV.â€"Rr')v V’Videman. Sr. {ILâ€"VVilsnn Johnson. Ernest VVideman, Mvrtle Empringham. Edna. Wideurrm. Ella Cuber, Carl ‘Vinger. Ena Ground. Louis Ground. For the Fall term beginning August 16. the pupils of 8.8. NO. 7, will be classiï¬ed as fullmvs:â€" Jr. III.â€"Mul‘1‘av Sr})i£'h_,“il‘9ne va- snn. Percy Fax-mm; Percy Cober, Isid- or_VVi§]§man, Alfred Smith. Nothing in the Way of a Cough is quite so annoying as a tickling, tens- ing, wheezing, bronchial Cough. The quickest relief cvmes perhaps from a. prescription known to Druggisfs every- where as Dr. Shonp’s Cough Remedy. And besides, it, is Sn thoroughly harm- less that mothers give it with perfect safety even to the youngest babes. The minder leaves of a simple moun- tain shrub give to Dr. Shnop’s Cough Remedy its remarkable curative effect. It is truly a most (cm-Lain and trust- worthy prescription. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. Report S. S. No. 7.Markham. Sr. ILâ€"Edna Emprimflmm. Myrtle \Vidoman, Stella. Hoise and VPI‘ml Doust (equal). Elva Heise, Ewart John- son. AftyuejVipger. Jr. II.-â€"Lnuisn, Storm and Wesley Sider (Pquul), Gwendnline Pawsun. Beulah Stevens, Jnhn Cuber, Clifford Vanderhurg, Leslie Vanderhurg. Pt. II.â€"â€"â€"Irnnv Brmvnsherger. Sl'.’Pb. I.â€"â€"Lydi.-1‘Sider, Joseph Wide~ man, Mabel Cuber, Gal-mt Browns- bergor. JIV. Pt. Lâ€"Lilinn Smith, Mabel Best. Bruce Johnson, Susan Storm. Donald Forester, Peter Sider,_J_ns(:ph_ degr: n‘,L.,A 11v .. n. Tabletâ€" Waite} 'é'HiEï¬f‘IEJhZiii81m- son. Annie Heise, Sarah Winger, Fred Dnust. ' The above names appear in order (-‘f I‘DPHt obtained from June examma- tlons. in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in'all things, Charity.†N ews Notes. KING COUNCIL. A number from here attended a pic- nic at Lake Wilcox on Saturday. and despite the Wet weather a ï¬ne time was repgrted. A V 7 Rem-Dr. and Mrs. Carmichael left on Monday night for Newcastle, where they inten}! to remain for a few weeks flitting friends; Rev. Mr. Back of Eglinton will occflpy the pulpit; in St. Andrew’s chpirch 9n Sundav. Prints for blausvsand summerdressw nice matte-ms, in checks, dots, and stripes, 10 and 130. per yd. Atkinson & Switzer. Missv Mina. T:ste of Eversley is spending a week or two with friends here. ' Miss Jennie Gillies of Toronto who has been visiting her brother at this place returned home on Saturday even- ing accompanied hy her niece Miss Vera {mg-Negliegv Milsterr Archie Gillies. Miss Glad :isit- ed ‘last wetâ€"{lg with relatives here. Among the visitors we noticed on Sunday afternoon were MISS Isabel Baxter of Toronto at Alex. McMm-chy’s Mr. Charlie Ross at Roht. Rutherford’s, MI. Jack Archibald and Norman Mac- Murchy at, A. J. McCallum’s. Miss Myrtle McOlelum of Laskay at Will Boy's. DATES OF FAIRS. The Ontario Department) of Agriâ€" culture has issued a list nf the Fairs and Exhibitions to he held this Fall. but, the list. is not yet complete. The following are somu of those Fairs to he held at, an easy distance from Rich- mond Hill:â€" Ban'ie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 27. 29, 29 Bolton‘ , . .....Out.»l,5 Bradford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out. 19, 20 Gnnkstmvu . . . i . . i . . v . Oct. 5, (3' London . . . _ . . . . . . .. Sept. 10 to 18 Newnmrket . . . . . A . . Svpt. 29, 30, Oct. 1 Orillin». . _ . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . Sept. 23. 24 Schomberg . . . . . . . . . i . . , . Oct. 14, 15 Toronto . . . i . . . . . . Aug. 30 to Sept. 13 \Voodhridge , i . . . . . . . . . Ott. 12, 13 , _ H V“ .,“.v...,,~. .. ,3. $3.50 per yd. for $2.50., reg. $2.85 for $2.00. and reg. $2.50 for $1.95. These are neat patterns and great values, also good Canadian tweeds away below cost. Atkinson & Switzer. Miss I. \Valsnn and Miss J. Jackson of Maple spent Snnduy with Mr. and Mrs. H. Cook “Highland Farm†of thjg place: Mr. and Mrs. N. Mallny of Teston spend Sunday with her paxents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomas “Spruce Lawn†of this place. ~Miss M. McHolland visited with her aunt Mrs. A. McQHarrie last week. Rev. M 1'. Reycraft occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church here on Sunday last. His text w:ls“Om-Father which arc in Heaven,†found in Mutt. VI. 9. Mr. I). H. Dnncr of New Gnrmley suffered a heavy 1038 last, Saturday afternoon when seven of his valuable milk cows were killed by lightning. The cows were standing under :1. large elm when a bolt, shuttexed the tree killing the whole seven. Four other cows a short distance away were nn- injm-ed. Unfurti'mately for Mr. Doner there was no insurance on his herd of cows. MPn’s tips Teak and Dex-by styles, nicopattmns, including the new stripes and dots, ï¬nished with a FIonch scam, reg. 501:. each for 40¢, reg. 75C. for 550. reg. 25c. for 20¢. Atkinson & Switzer. Miss Annie Hoiles of this place visited with her aunt 3113. M. Badger and also Mrs. '1‘. Rumble of Maple on Friday I.»L Miss Hattie Nixon. “Shady'Bank Farm" visited with friends in Maple last Sunday. Miss Ethel Nixon “Frog Valley†and Miss £9101"an Nixon “Shady Bank Farm†visited with Miss Myrtle Crook “Grand View Farm" last Sunday. .v ‘._.“w_, . Heavy electrical storms passed over this vicinity on Saturday and Sunday last, and were highly appreciated by the farmers for the great improvement it will give fur-u more, bountifulharvést. lust. A hook on Rheumatism. by Dr. Slump. of Racine, \Vis., tells Same plain truths, and in a. plain and prac- tical way. Get this booklet, and a flee ‘ trial treatment; nf Dr. Shnnp’s Rheu-‘ matic Remedy for some disheartened sufferer in Your vicinity. Make a.) grateful and appreciative friend of. some one who is discnumged because I (If the failures of others to help him. Help me to make this test, and I’ll cvrtainly help your suffering friend.’ Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. I Gvnuine Scofch tweed suitipgs 1 Pn ! A.‘ .. KILLED BY LIGHTNING. Strange. Hope. â€"â€"â€"-I , . . . . Out. 4, 5 Out. 19, 20 Oct. 5, (3' Sept. 10 to 18 I . 29, 3‘), Oct. 11 . Sept. 23. 24‘ ,. Oct. 14, 15 30 to Sept. 13 ...O:tt.. 12, 13| Cassel's Magazine, per annum . $1.50 The Story Teller . . 1.7!) The Quivvr . . . . 1.50 Musical Home Journal . . ].:'-,l) The. Gigls’ Realm . . . . 1.5.0 Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to CASSELLS & COMPANY 42 Adelmde St. W. Toronto Dan’t risk even a pennyâ€"mud health. ï¬rst returns. ‘ And I mean just Exactly than ‘ I am the 0113 physician who saysto the Sick "X will,out of my own pocket, pay for your medi- cine if it fails to bring you help i" get? for 20 years Dr. Shoop‘s medicines have n used and rcpommended in every city and hamlet in America. They are positively smud- ard in every communityâ€"and everywhere. Then why pay the cash. and at your risk, for other unwarranted and uncertain medicines? Thousands upon thousands have in the past successfully used Dr. Shoop‘s Restormive. When the Stomach nerves. or the Heart or Kid- gey ngrves‘faflJhese §ick OI}?S kn w how quickly I I_...: .â€" “1nm 3.001: in Canadian P u b - ï¬shing Company Little Folks Chums The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. It is not necessary to send to foreign cou.1triesfor mag-m zines. Read the following:â€" nu: um uâ€"a mu, “Wm. - mu Dr. Shoop’s Restorative wle bnné {hem $330k 12) health again. But best of all, they pontz'oe- lg takenq money risk whatever. They know A__.A _ L»-1AL (nu- 4A tiiat when health fails to return. Dr.“ Shoop -will himself gladly pay the drug. gist for that lost.l ,And for that test a full 30 day treatment is lree Y granted. But. write me first for an order. ‘ This will save delay and disappointment. All drugglsts sell Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative and Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy. but all are, not an- thorized to give the 30 day test. 80 drop me a line please-4m I have appointed an honost and m- sponsible drug- gist in nlmost ovgry cmnm‘un- ity. everywhere, to Issue my no a help, no pay." medicine: to the, sick. Tell me also which book you need. The books below will surely open up new and helpful idens to those who are not well. Besidosyou are porfnct- ly free to consult me just as you would your home physician. My advice and the book below are yoursâ€"my: without cost. Perhapsa word or two from me will clear up some serious ailment. I have helped thousands upon thonsands by my private prescription or personal advice plan. My host ef- 0 fort is surely worthyoux-sunple request. So write now. while you have it fresh in mind. for tomorrow never comes. Dr. snoop. Box 12. Racine. Wis. All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. For' sale at the C. Station, or delivered village and vicinity:-â€"â€" STEAM COAL Bran and Victor Feed for cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American corn (old). CASSELLS’ NUT, STOVE, FU RNACE Also Tile. No. 1 0n Dyspepsia No. 2 On the Heart No. 3 0n the Kidneys Get ’Well First J. H. RAMER Dr. Sheep’s Restorative COAL. Best Scranton coal. For threshing engines. [Single Copies, 3 cts. Which Book sun I Send You? No. 4 For Women No. 5 For Men No. 6 On Rheumatism. health fails m Shoqp yin 3 in the surely Sr) wnyo fresh m 5|)