Last Saturday’s Gluiw contained an account of two Canadians who had recently distinguis'nml themselves by being granted the (ll-give of F. T. A. (Fellow (if the Institute of Actuaries). Both young nwn are Toronto :Lr'tn- aries. Mr. J. M. Langstalf and Mini L. K. File. The fm-inm' will lie beta-1' : known here as Miles Langsiuï¬â€™, half: brother of Dr. R. L. Lungstui‘f of this 5 village. He has always shown wonâ€"i derfnl ability, having passed the en-‘ trance examination at, Richmond Hill when only 9 years of age, lining bend ‘ of the class. The Globe in win-ring to the ï¬nal examinations (if the British Institute of Actuaries says:â€" ..rn. Have you ox'amined mu- bm‘guins in Gmghams; reg. 140. per yd. fur 10m? Atkmson & watzvx'. While Miss Hurrism leaves regretted by all, yetl it is accompanied by heart.- felt Wishes for her success and useful- 11933 in her future sphere uf teaching. Miss W’inniu Simpson read a short and VPI‘y appropriate :uli"! rms to Miss Han-iâ€" son, thanking 1101' fur her continued interest in all that was good and use~ ful for the scholars, l‘vqrettiug her leaving, and wishing; her success and happiness in her future position, Miss Nellie Page at the, time pros:anin her on behalf of the school with a. hand- sume Signet ring. Miss Katie Chapman also presented her with n brooch and pin with her bvst w's‘hes. THE LANGSI‘AFF SCHOOL AND PICNIC. Wednesday. the 30th of June, 1909, brought to a close the, end of a century for the Lnngstnï¬ Public School, known ofï¬cially U.S.S. No. 2, V. and M. The teacher, Miss M. E. Harrisonâ€"the scholars with parents and friends as- sembled in Messrs. \Vright’s grove for a picnic, the largest company which has assembled for many years, heng also the occasion of Miss Harrison’s leaving the school after z» successful career of eight years, the people, show- ing their appreciation of her by their presence. Mr. L. Page, (:huiinmn of the Board of Trustees, assisted in the games and. races to the interest of all. ‘ Mr. John Langstuff the ung veteran Was present and could amuse, the many ‘ hy the relation of pranks played by} the school boys when he was a, young lad eighty years ago. The trugtees. should not fail to take advantage of this the centenary year to issue some historical epitome of the, school. teach- ers and trustees for the beneï¬t of the community. Have you secured one of Atkinson & Switzer’s cheap suits yet? If not you should do so at once and secure ï¬rst; choiCe. “The Institute ofrAcEï¬z-u'ies is t}: The World of Tuesday reports Rev. R. H. Steaey of Bell’s Corners as say- ing in a speech on the 12th of July that “a. few years ago they had the humiliating spectacle of seeing the Premier, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, crawl- ing out Bank street to where an Italian priest resided and asking what the policy of the civil govern- ment ought to be.†We presume he would ï¬nd it difï¬cult to prove the statement. Many of the papers took a fling at the American people in general. and The World went so far as to point out that the United States was one of the worst governed countries under the sun. Had the incident been true, Canadians would have had just reason to be indignant-not at the American people as a nation but at the hood- lums who would offer such an insult, But as it was not true those who got so excited over the incident must now think they should have made better inquiry. Many a man is apt often to ; . . . . . l Imagine insult when none is mtend- l Most of the Toronto newspapers have made themselves look ridiculous over what they imagine was an in- sult to the British flag, by a party of Americans celebrating the 4th of July in the City. The ï¬rst report was that those Americans were trail- ing a Union Jack in the mud after their tally-ho, but it is now accepted asa fact that the trailing flag had been tied in its humiliating position‘ by a. number of small boys. Police- men were asked to stop the Americans and-demand an explanation, but the ofï¬cers said they had no authority toin- te’ri‘ere. Mayor oliver was consulted, and his reply was that if the oï¬'ence was repeated he would have it stopped before a third insult was offered. SUCCESSFUL 7A NADIANS‘ R'ICHMOND HILL. Own. JULY 15,:1909 @112 ï¬ihmxl. THE FLAG INCIDENT. m'.( g» «a ’ - . mu %:Q 33%,; '1‘ : hls:1 .“w, , he i MUNN A; 00.. of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, cou- lin ‘ to act as Soliclmrs for Patents, Caveats. 'I‘mda ‘ M‘ s. Copyrights. for the United States, Canada. ‘ and, France. Germany. etc. Hand Book about. 1 Parents sent free. Thirtv-seven yem‘s‘experience. 1 Pnaenta obtained through MUNN & CO. arenotloed in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. the largest. best. and most. widely circulated scientiï¬c paper. $3.208. year Weekly. Splendid ongmvin s and Interesting In. formation. Speuimen copy of he Scientiï¬c Amer- lcun sent free. Address MUNN & 90.. SCIENTIFIC! AmIQAN 011303. 261 Broadway. New York. The proprietor of Pleasant View Herd Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Improved Chester \VhiLe Hogs. Lot; 2!), lst (Jon, Vaughan (Thm'nhill) has for sale some googl young stock. Thoroughbred bull and hog kept for sex-vice on the premises, D. G. GOODERHAM, Proprietor FR EEâ€"“A Test in Pronunciation.†in- structive and entertaining for the Whole family. Also 6’?) WEBSTER'S illustrated pamphlet. G. 8c C. MERRIAM CO., INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS. DICTIONARY SPRINGFIELD, MASS. 1-3m. (the highest award) was giveï¬ ï¬le In- ternational at the \Vor’d’s Fair, St. Louis. PLEASANT VIEW FARM afternoun. MAPLE BREAD WEDNESDAY and MAPLE BAKERY The undersigned will visit RICH- MOND 'HILL every BROADâ€"In Aurora, on Monday, July 12. 1909, Henl'y‘Broad, in his 84th year. largest and most influential body of its kind in the world. and its examina- tions, which are contested every year by severalhundred candidntes through- out the British Empire, are recognized as the most difï¬cult and severe test of actuarial attainments. This year these gentlemen possess the unique distinc- tion of being the only successful candi- dates in Canada. and the United States for the ï¬nal degree. Mr. Langstnff ‘has also specially distinguished him- self by obtaining first class honors in the examination, being the only Can- adian who has ever accomplished the feat. and in fact the ï¬rst candidate in any country forfoï¬rteen years who has been awarded a ï¬rst class certiï¬cate in the final examination. . . . Both these gentlemen are also Fellows of the Actuarial Society of America. there being only six other actuaiies in Canada and the United States who are Fellows by examination of both the British Institute and the American Society. It is a. matter of pride to Canadians that this country is holding her own in intellectual pursuits as well as In other ï¬elds of activity. THE GRAND PRIZE CHAS. NQRMAN, “T‘Aï¬n- at Hall’s and Gmingex-’s Grocery Stores. Fear of having a tooth extracted is unneoensary under our special trout- ment. We often remove four and ï¬ve at one ult- tingâ€"impossible if at- tended by pain. PROPRIETOR. ASK FOR DEATHS. SATURDAY SATURDAY, July 17~Auctinn sale of valuable farm lands in the township of York, part of lot 25. con. 3., the property belonging to the estate of the late Wm. Jackson. Sale at Cherry’s Hotel, at 2 p.113. J. T. Saigeon, Auct. SATURDAY, July 24â€"Aucti0n- sale of household furniture, house and lot, Etc-y at North Toronto, the property of Robert Bestard. Sale of Chattels at2 o’clock. Sale of house and lot at 4 o‘clock. .I. H., Prontico, AucL.. l R. S. 0., Cap. 129. Sec. 38, that all per- sons having any claim against the Estate of Joseph Albert Edward Switzer. late of the Village of Rich- mond Hill, in the County of York, Merchant, deceased. who died on the 18th of May, A.D. 1909, are, on or be- fore the 31st day of July, A.D. 1909, to send by mail (postage prepaid), or to deliver to Mrs. E. A. Switzma Rich- mond Hill, Executi-ix of the Estate of said deceased, full pmticulai-s of their claims and of the security (if any) held- by them, and that, after the said last mentioan date the Exocutrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the pal tios ontitlkd thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall Lhon have notice. and the Executrix will not he liable to any person of whose claim notice shall not have: have been reâ€" ceived at the time of such distribution. And notice is hereby further given that all persons indebted to the Estate must, pay the amounts owing by them forthwith, as the Estate must he Wound up. 2 Mine i9 ï¬a'adiims. Apply to MISS NOBLE, Maple Or to WILLIAM COOK, Barrister, $3 Ricluuond Sb‘ \Vest, Toronto. 48- tyf Dated this30th any of June, A.D. 1909. B. F. JUSTIN. Solicitor for Mrs. E. A. Switzer, 3 Executrix. West half lot 23. in 4th concession Vaughan. On Yonge St†Richmond Hill, an 8-1001de house, with hard and soft Wat-er and a. good garden. Apply to 48-tf W. H. PUGSLEY. 51-tf . S. 0., OH Fifteen acres on 1st cnn. Vaughan, rear of Int 38, with bank ham 34x44, §~ acre gnnd bearing orchard, and Jun)- fm-thle 7~r0umed house, good garden- ing soil. For further: particulars v Apply to ESTATE OF J. A. E. SVVITZER‘ NOTICE is hPH‘by givep pursuant to 3-4 100 Acres. Brick House and Bank Bzu‘n. 3-2 Near the Palmer Hnuse on Wednes- day. July 7, a Blztckthm'n Game. The ï¬nder will be suitably rewarded by leaving at THE LIBERAL OFFICE. 3â€"2 At Palmer’s barn raising. or between Savaee’s store and W. Palmer’s ham, a Masonic Charm on which is the Square and Compasses. The ï¬ndei will be suitably rewarded by leaving CONDITIONS OF SALEâ€"Possession will be given on April lst...1910. Ten % of purchase money to be paid on acceptance of Tender, sufï¬cient of the balance to make One Thousand Dollars to be paid on April 1st.. 1910, while the balance may be left on Mortgage for a term of years with interest at the rate ofmlfive pggcent. per annum. The highest hr ï¬f'i‘énder not necessarily accepted. For any further information apply H. U. BAILEY. This is a. very desirable property. and is close to schunl, church. and pnst ofï¬ce, and only two miles distant, from Maple Station. Sealed tenders, addressed to the Im- dersigued will he received up to and in- cluding Wednesday, Augu’st 4th.. 1909. f0! the purchase 0f the fnliuwing VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY being the West half of lot, 27in the Third Ooneession of the Township of Vaughan, containing ninety nine and three quarter acres, be the same nun-e or less. Farm for Sale Tenders Wanted S Auction Sales. For Sale For Sale H. A‘. NIGHOLLS, Real Estate Agent, . Richmond Hill. To Let THE LIBERAL OFFICE. liost Last Apply~ W. H. PUGSLE Y. Box 15, Maple, om. Concord. Farmer’s Advocate {I 1,1910 7 " MW- ‘Weekly Mail,to J ‘anuary Fe p“ ' o 1910 6/ 2:56“ The Daily Globe, one year York County gs The Daily Mail and E111» Q; ‘(v 4 pire, one year (York Ft“ 9% County) The Daily Star, received. £35, @913; on day of publicatioza N45 W The Daily Star, not receiym- r’ ed (lay of publication W) ' Famil Herald and “Teak - / a New Idea W'oman‘s. F‘t ‘ . Zine g50. Canadian. Pictorial W P“ €998. Subscriptions fox“ and daily papers; taken with. “like Mberal†at $1 a year, at the following EateShâ€" Weekly Globe, to January l†1, 1910 {5 0' Weekly Mail,to J ‘anuary e f†' 1910 {two The Daily Globe, one year York County %3 The Daily Mail and Em~ Q; ‘ {v pire, one year (York Facaég m U L C §§§§§+§O§O§+§O§§§§§§OOQOQOO§¢6¢¢¢~>¢¢O¢+ iIn lots of 25 pounds or more. No. .1 iquaï¬itg. §This offer is good only on presentation of this adver- itisement, and ls void after July 24. \Ve will save :you money lon your purchase ‘of paint and painting zmatcrial. owowoonoo+++m¢0+m§o no¢4¢§++u§+o+¢oow ¢N§6R A THE Wh ire L ea d, RUSSILL HARDWARE 126 EashKing St, Toronto per paund r¢¢¢¢+¢¢¢¢¢++§ 40 CO.