School Books. Standard Novels, Souvenir Post Cards, Post Card Albums, Papetries, Rubber Balls, Etc., Etc. $+§ï¬fï¬%é+%+§++é+%+++++++4Â¥ Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, Programmes, &c., &c. We send I free on re- quest our catalogue of t h e b e s 1: books on outdoor life and recreation. FOREST AND STREAM PUB. 00. 346 Broadway, N ew York. Terms: $4 a. year, $2 for 51x months. Printing, Statonery, School Books. new depart- ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home and its smloundings. *M+++++++++~§~+++++++++++Ԥ'+ Exquisitoly printed or. fine coated paper. Pictures of well-knan People. of current events, of things wanti- ful and curious, About one thnusand. square inc-lies of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians us the great il- lustrated papers of London appeal to the English people. Non political. Absnlutely no axe to grind. Its aim solely to please and to inform. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ten cents a copy. One dollar a year. The Pic- toxial Publishing 00., 142 St. Pet-er Sb. Montreal. 21-†STREAIVI,’3 Offâ€"ECVnâ€"d us twenty-ï¬ve cents for four weeks trial tri . A P large illustrated weekly journal of shooting, ï¬shing, natural his- tory and yachting. A with E Rad for larg periences of angler ers and campers, c A&venture V Methodisb'Gnurch-â€"Servicos at 10.30 a. 111.. and 7 p. z . Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer mggï¬ng Thursday. avgï¬ng.‘ A WRichui-and L )(lgde, A F aid A M ~Meets Mon- day on or before full moon )ourtRicbmond , A 0 F â€" Meets fourth Fri- day Ivy Lolge. A O U Wâ€"-Meebs third Wednesday of each moush Camp E1 mu, S O S eMeets second and fourth Vbieclgoshy u A _ .fl. . . Church of Euglundâ€"-Services at 3p. m. 181;, 2nd and 4th Sunday. Third Sunday at. It B. m. Presbyzoriau Churchâ€"Services as n a. m., and 7 . m. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting ï¬duesduy evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter- nate Sundays abs 9.. m. anfi 10.30 ‘alm. » ‘0‘...†...._, R T of Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every month Public bemry and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturdav evenings. Enworbh Leagueâ€"Moots evorv Monday Junior Epwor'uh. League meets every M on- day afternoon std. THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE “CANADIAN PICTORIAL†(ï¬to The Liberal Office Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MORNING .500 EVENING- N. B.â€"Regiï¬tere}1 letters must; be handed in at least Fifteen Mlnutes earlier than the above mantioned hours for closing. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. Until further notion Mails will be closed at the chhmond Hill l’osz Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" Mail Oloses tor the South MORNING..... ' 830 GOOD STOCK OF POST OFFICE NOTICE Village Directory. EVENING; MORNING.. EVENING ..... .. ............... Morning Mail arrives b.15 Evenng Mail arrives 6.15 MONEY ORDERS periences of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht- 40%é'4'4'4‘4‘4- UNING .... .. ... $6.30 Mail Closes for Aurora-â€" t iFg;or 5 i you .31 we Wm terested in country life, ask your newsdealer for {FOREST AND M. TEEFY Postmaster If you like to read of the ex- .8.05 Ready Nov. 15, 1908, best ever sent out, beautiful covers in colors, ï¬ne portrait of Prof. Hicks in colors, all the old features and several new ones in the book. The best astronomical year book and the only one containmg the original “Hicks \Veather Forecasts.†By mail 350. on news stands 30c. One copy free with ’WORD AND VVORKH the best $1 Monthly in A men-ion. Dis- counts on almanacs in quantities. Agents wanted. WORD 8: WORKS PUBLISHING C0,, 2201 LO(-UST STREET, ST. LOUIS, Mo. Fonthill Nurseries (850 acres) 4-4m TORONTO. ONTARIO The right man will obtain a perma» nent situation with terrier reserved for him. Pay weekly. Free sample outï¬t, etc. \Vribe for particulars While business in some other lines may be dull, flamers were never more encouraged as regards fruit growing than at the present. season‘ High prices for all classes of fruit have been obtained the past; season. and there is. us a consequence, an increased demand for nursery stock. Our stoék is complete in every de- partment including a new list, of speqmlpies which we alone handle. STONE & WELLINGTON The RevJRL. R. HICKS for RICHMOND HILL and adjoining country to represent “CANADA’S ()LDEST AND GREATEST NURSERIES†Had: no scarce. but those wno wma Stinson k Co..I’orï¬and, Mnine,wifl receiva Free. fu|| information about work which they can do. and live at h0me,1hat will pay mem from $5 to $25 per day. Some have earner! over $5M" a day Either pex. ymmg or old. Camila} not requivmi. You are Slflrled frea Those who :1an at we: In nbsolumu am of uuufl limo l‘onunu. All i: new. FURNITURE, PAINTS, 8c OILS GEO. McDONALD, Richmond Hill ALMANACK FOR . 1909. A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED OUR STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE IN Wall Papers. Baiting and Borders TO MATCH IN NEW DESIGNS. See these before ‘buying elsewhere. STOCK UP-TOâ€"DA'I‘E IN EVERY RESPECT. ¢++++++++++++++++++++ . G. SAVAGE It éosts less by the job than any other paint made. - - 0 The full color card shows 48 handsome shades. S.. W. P. is VERY MODERATE PRICES. I't's colors are clear, bright and lasfing. It forms a tough, durable ï¬lm that wears and looks well for the longest time. 7 It’s made fror'n pure whité ‘N lead, pure zinc white, and pure linseed oil. ' It does not powder, flake off or crack. - RICHMOND HILL ‘AD‘ To PAINT IUILDINB. WITH OUTIIDI. AND INOIDI TIIE SIIEBWIN- WILLIAMS PAINT JACOB EYER 86 SON put up full measure, always. Going to Paint? +$+H$$°¥+H+¢+%H+H+ SOLD BY THE BANNER OFFICE, AURORA TICKETS for the Canadian West procured at 31â€"tf Can. Gov. Emplovment Agent, Richmond Hill, Ont. Take Motmpnlitan Electric Car at gal-Pb Toronto for Richmond Hill. Tickets for the West The undersigned will endeavor to place In‘nnigrants from the United Kingdom as farm laborers and do- mestic-sin this vicinity. Any per-sun requiring such help should notify me personally or by letter stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted, and the rate of wages offered. Every effort will be made [0 provide each applicant with help required. The Next Sitting 0f Diwsinn Court 101 No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. DlVESiN - BflUHT. THE LIBERAL OFFICE; RICHMOND HILL. Orders taken atâ€"â€" Our prices are reasonable and our goods wearable. Besides that, it is stylish, easy, comfortable, and has that strong, luxurious look that only harness rightly made ever bears. It’s a combination of good leather and best workmanship. You won‘t ï¬nd any harness better than ours anywhere. 0f the Finest Quaiity Farm Laborers. Saturday, Oct. RICHMOND HILL '30mmencing at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK T. F. MCMAHON, 2, 1909, For literathre flf-ilwli'-i~ï¬'formatinn about ï¬shing and holiday rates, write PASSENGER DEPT., TORONTO, ONT. Lake Simcoe, Sparrow Lake, Muskoka Lakes, Georgian Bay, Maganetawan, Pickerel. and French Rivers, Crossing Lake Musknka at. Bala Park and along the shore of Lake Joseph, skirting nearly 100 bodies of water he twpen Toronto and Sudbm-y. CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO. Tourist A N n Week-End Excu rsion‘ Tickets On Sale from Toronto: THEisiENIG" ROUTE T0 B ri tish CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO D. Hill 82 C0. Pineapples and Bananas Hill’s Home-made Hill’s Home-made wasn’t there I? iclnnon d Ilill If the merit A. J. HUME Now. while your earning power is good, why not convert pali of 3'! Into a Cash ReserVe ilxat will, later on, yield a competence for old age ? " You can easily do it by regularly deposiï¬ng a part of your BANK Grocers "aid Confectioners WHnLESALE AND RETAIL Build @325 A "Re-gerve' Now Eshblished 1873 It is became of the undeni- able :Illd‘CUllSiï¬tEflL high quality of the Bread that One Dollar and upwards opens an account, and with systemch saving and Compound Interest. the fund will rapidly accumulate. Begin (0-day. 7.2 TAILOR FOR THIS \VEEK. VVe could newr in a thousand years so“ the Bread We have under has stood the TEST for many years . . . E. M. Byrne, Manager BRANCHES ALSQWAT MAPLE. MARKHAM AND RICHMOND HILL BRANCH 6°++++ +4~§°++ Ten per cent cheaper, ten per cent better for Business Shorthand, and Mattie. Booklet Free. OF CANADA R. A. Farquharson, B. A, Prim. Cor. Yonge 8: Bloor Sts. STOUFFVILLE. Term of 1909. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL “ME élï¬ï¬ï¬gï¬Ã©g 8* ' $1.80 m WVWGE. W. H EW! 8 O N HOUSE PA IN TER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. +++%‘!-~§‘++’§"§"§"§~++é°++$+Ԥv ++%+‘!"i' FM+'P-§‘++Ԥ"§-+ Hellebare Insect Powder Pure-bred Bull Calves. 4L3!“ JOHN MCKENZIE ++++$++é~+~§~++é¢4ï¬Â¢~§ ~5~$++++é§ Tamworth Swine. The nndvrsigm‘d. recently employed with tlw Masseyâ€"Harris 00., has mkvn ! the Blacksmithng buxiness vacated by - Clift, 81-014.. and is prepared to attend I to all Mam-hes of the tx-ndel. WILLUWDALE .STUEK FARM. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. W. A. Sanderson Bugs, Worms & Caterpillars Pure PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Nothing for sale at present but Holstein Cattl AND . F. J. WOODWARD. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, LGIN MILLS HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY ‘ruggist â€"-GO TOâ€" Paris â€"FORâ€"â€"- RICHMOND HILL 77 Bunches Green