Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Jul 1909, p. 1

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AT THE "IBERAL PRMTiNG & PUSUSHING HOUSE REUH.\I(}NI)H{LL,ONT. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. VOL. XXXII 13":er \ l-szflBdl‘ (or the County of Y0 k G ) ) 1; 3 1i 1 u 1 :vuizarugut Gamers.) sales a. n 8:: pr.) uunlv Lttendedbo at, [eflsonubh ran; Hui-lance Uniuuville 'x m G mllmg. Newton Brook.a.geut for tho IL'JJ‘B Ux'vvvlcrss M (Mr. Yum; \i'iH he S migcon a: :VlcEweu. Means] \alszfi'meersforthe Countyof York. SLlpozeu~laanlah-n‘bes nnticemnd 3. rom- azufle rmtas Patronage solicited Tficanxe Auct‘ovmel fa: theCauuLy of York reâ€" ; lawfully 5011mm vour patronage and friendly iufl'mnne smles amended on the shortest notice mn'l as eaaouabemtes P 0 address King JD Prepares p1}pils for Primary. Junior, Intmmedgute (ixnminnLlou at Tomnm (Muse-n awry and (Jullvge of Music. Spoulal (:mu'se in “Myor’s” Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to beginners. 42-1V MISS NORA McMAHGN Pianiste Private Piano Lessons Pupils prepared for Exmninations at the University uf Toronto. and the Turnmn ()muscn‘uLm-y (sf Music. Pupil cf W. H. Sherwooc‘. Private and Glass Tuition in Playing and Thcnry FA TERH OPENS SEPT. lst. ELPIOTT WM ; l TORONTO. ONT. - Suigenu, Mune fit per annum, in advance. 'H'CEr‘m‘ r: '1' > In. H. \V. A-Xxnmcsux) Mr. Yong“ an! 153mm Stan. 'l‘urnnm. 'ill be in liiulnuund Hill ewry \Vl'lllll‘sdily. (kfiue, next dmn- north of Stand- ;ml Bunk. "Ifice Hours~ 9 m. m. to 5 p. m. ‘4 MISS MILLIE TRENCH Thxs sclllml ls unquestionably one uf Canada’s Greatest, Must, SUCCPSs‘â€" ful and Best Colleges. Our gmdu ates readily secure mnploymmlt. Let, us oducutv you far nusitinns worth from tn $100 a mnnlh. We know how. \Vrile Luduy fm' magâ€" nificent. catalogue. Con. Yon-o: AND ALEXANDER 5T5. w. J. ELLIOTT, l’rincl .F. McMAHUN. DR. FULTHN RISDDN Ehantist. VEFERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘horullill . BUSINESS CARDS. J“. EARLE NEWTON Pianist [‘3 PUISLISIIEIFEVEBY URSDAY MO RNlNG , RN R. CAMPBELL, RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano Emma «2 PROPRIETOB .I. ll I'M-Juice. I). G. BLOUGII, e'éicminnm {Hawk a nd ,ur.~ fiw v ,iw J K McEwen Wesfiou HHNV Lax~ets 5 Organs Impaired and Export Wu: Guaranteed .{oucv no loan (an laud ancuabcei lowehb “nus Aurora nfliceâ€"ltemfic}: to the old post ofhc; one door west of the enuunce to Mm Ontunu Iinnk )ém\nnm-‘.\nr om(:e~â€"'l‘hree fluors south of the 1: mt who? '1‘ HI’Ji‘I‘HiR'A LE G S'I‘V IIIOHGAN LENNQX & MORG PIANO TUNING Barristersfiolicitors. Notaries, &c. Home Life Building Cm. Advln & Victoria $518.. Tut-unto. B,-\n,msn‘.u, SULICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Toronto Office. 33 Richmund St. \Vest, \Vesloy Buildings. Richmond Hill Office, “Lilmrnl’ Office, every Sutuu’lay nftenmun. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST 19.. TORONTO, Canada. FRANK BENTON. K. C. liERBERT L. DUNN \V. M ULOCK BUULTBEF Danton, Dunn & Boult'bee Riohmono. Hill HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . anlv, Thursday afternan Money to loan at, Fix'e Per Cent (57;) COMMISSIONER, CONVEYAXCER, ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. REAL ESLL‘A'I'E. ETC. JAS. NEWTON DI. 'I‘EEFXV. NOTARY PUBLIC [SSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, IE 14(}IN IVIIIJI 1S Al RICHMOND HILL &THORNH11L G (4‘ merence J Dunbar Phone Main 311 in Shorthan or Business will bring you lu-st H‘snlts if 1:11:01) at our old mtzlhlishvd :lnd Lhumnghiy I‘E-Iiable school. \Vintm' Term begins Jun. 4th. Catalngue Flee. me 34 Dunbar, (Indurlakers 1% Emhainu-rs, Central Y.M.C.A. Bldg, Tmmni British Amehrican BusangssmCollege I‘V'I'n . H. A NICHOLLS Cnmmissiunm, (Junveyancm'. etc‘ Insurance, and Ron] Estate Issmw nf Marriage Licvnsvs. J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESLL‘A'I'E, ETC. THORNHILL :Lrge gafin 5‘. 9avia’son THORNHILL RICHMOND HILL, ONTM THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1.909 N O’I‘ARY PUBLIC :u'risnn's and Soul-Inn's. VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING Barristers, Snliclnrs. Etc. WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS. stock of Funeral Furnishing kept, at both places. COMMISSXOEEB IN THE YOUR £53131. ck umru In Emma’an Unity,- in NomEssentials, Liberty; in alltkings, Chmity.” C Sweet to Eat A Cut!" Bowel Laxative. COURSE G STV MORGAN u haw Phone Maix‘wfi mnrtgapwu Advlaide ,AN The M'gulm' muming of the township fathers was hs-ld (In Sutmdny, July 10. All the nwmlwrs were present. (hunnmnicntiuns “'1er received from Frvderiltk Davy. oditnr uf Central Cu- uudn (Hum-n, rv AsseSSIm-nt Act, from T. H. Lt-mmx, re “ppm! of Vander- Imrg map, frum D. R. Huntun, m- grunt In East tnwnlilw. 0n nmtinn 0f Mvsm-s. Pudgvt and Nigh. Hm zls‘St'SMH'S were paid $61)} («m-h fur equalizing tho nssu ssmenbs of Uninn Sc mu] 5H: inns in the township. In. (I . . The following gem-l “1 accounts were mdcl'vd to he pain]. \Ym. Piphvr, 5 days with engine m1 crusher (.0 $5 a (lay, $25; mil 70c . . . . . . . . . . . . t A . . . . . . . $ 25 70 A. H. (Hunk, H‘DHiliHLT hI-Idsru he- I,\\'('e'n luts 3i) :mdfl'fl, (:51). 5 8 75 F. Frishy. 16 12-h). scwm' pipe.. 14 40 J) l'iul'ringtnn, lumber, .. . ‘ ‘ . . . [4190' H. J. Cunningham. Operating gmdwr 63 hrs . , . . . . . . . . . ,.. 14 18 The follmving gmvel accounts were. pm;le : A. Ilnshel. 109 yds. :It 156 , . . . . . . $16 20 Jus. Fisher, 49 yds. at 251: . . . ‘ . , . 12 25 H. Hmdmnn, 77 yds. at 25(- . . . . . . 19 2.5 J. H. Niche-ll, 99 yds. at, 20. . . . R. N. Fairies, 60 yds. :IL 106. .. A. J. Revsur, 1.6de. at 10c. . . J. Uullins, 26 yds. :1Ll(lc.,..... Jncnh \Vm'l'nll, 160 yds at 250. Thus. Law, 50 yds. at 25c . .. . \Vm. Cnn-uthvrs \ms nppnintvd pmmd-kwpvr in livu of Ed. Brown, 1e- signvd, and Jun. Juhnsnn was appoint- 0d tn the same nflice in place of S.H.B. {amen resigned. Al'mut 60 nor-PS of land have lwen purchasvd south of Smlrlmn) .lunotinn by the Catholic Church Extension So- mety. on which will hp established a new mission college for Lhe training of young mun of ovm'v nutimmlity for mission \vmk. A ll'll‘OlUgli‘ill svmin- ary for the Province of (mm: i0 is like- wise includr-d in the plan. 'l‘l'w whole will entail an expenditure of 955071.000. ()n umtinn of Messrs. Nigh and Pud~ gut, lhv cunncil exprossed its approval «of tlw prupnsed nnn-Iulmonts tn the} AssossmentAct, such as will permit; of the assessment of imprnvenwnts at. f n lmvm- rate than land Valium, and 9m- pmvvring municipal councils Lodeter-l “1an the difference in such rat". and that thosnid [Ir-titinu be duly Sigm‘d‘ and forwarded to the clerk of tlw Mun- icipul Cummibu-v of the ngislalure. Mr. Padgvt was nppnintvd :1 cmn’r Ln put, in new culvert hetwwn lots 25 and 26. (mn. 3. A motion was u-n'rivd :mthm-ising the [)Hymvnb nf :1 grant to he vxpt-nd- or] on I’h-koring Lmvnline equal in amount to that WIth hy Pickering and Heavy anp was nppuintvd a cmu’r to supm \‘iSP uxpvnditure of sum». Council adjourned till August, 14th at, lp.m. Nothing in the way of :1 Cough is quite so unnnying us :l l‘iokling. tensâ€" ing. whel'zing. hrnnl'hiul Cough. The quickest relief «wmos [EPI‘thS from :L prescriptianknmvn to Druggists (Wm-y- \vhm-v as Dr. Slmnp’s Cough Renwdy. And hosides. it. is so thnrunghly harm- loss that motth give- it with pm'fnct safety (won tn the youngest ham-s. Thu tvndor Waves of gt simple mnun~ tnin Shrub give to Dr. Shunp’s Cnngh Renjvdy its H'mnrkuhlo curatin PfiPCt. It, is truly a moct (em-min and trmt- \vm'thy prescription. Sold by VV. A. Sanderson. A flailing,r tiny nerveâ€"no larger than thu line-st silken threadâ€"takes from the IIParb its impulse. its power. its regularity. Tho SlumaL-h :IlSu has its lllddt‘ll, nr inside rim-v9. It, was Dr. Slump whn first told us it was wrong to drug a. wvak or failing Stomach. Heart or Kidnnys. His prescription Dr. Shonp’s Rostorativeâ€"is directed straight, for the (211139 nf thpse all- mpntswthese walk and faltering inâ€" side nurvos. This, no doubt, clearly explains why Lhe Restnralive has of late grown sn rapidly in popularitv. Drnggists say that; those \Vlln test the Restm-ativo oven for a. few days snnn hecnme fully convinced of its wonder- ful merit. Anyway, don’t drug: the organ. Treating the nailse of sickness is the only sensible and successful way. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. The Ontario Dvpm-tment of Agri- culture has issued a list. «If the Fairs and Exhibitions to he held this Fall, hut, the list, is not yet. complete. The following are Smnv of those Fairs tn he held at. an easy distance from Rich- mund Hill:â€" Barrie . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Sept. 27. 28. 29 Bolton . ._ . . . . . . . .... Out. 4. 5 Bradford . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . Out. 15), 20 (Tonkstnwn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ort. 5, 6 London .. . . . .. .. . .. Sept. 10 to 18 Newmarkot. . . . . . . Sept. 29, 30, Oct. 1 Orilliu. . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . Supt. 23. 24 fichmnherg . . . . . . . . . ..,. Oct. 1-1, 15 Tux-(mm. . . \Vnndhl'idgo VAUGHAN COUNCIL. DATES OF FA] RS. H-puil ing bridge he Aug. 30 to Sept. . . . . . . 036. 1'2. . Oct. 19,20 . . . 4 . . . . Oct. 5, 6 . .. Sept. 10 to 18 Sept. 29. 30, Oct. 1 . . . . . . Supt. 23. 24 . Oct. 1-1, 15 6 00 2 60 2 (1'0 40 00 12 50 Mrs. A. Hamilton. of Elgin Mills. is apt-uding u fvw woe-ks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. \Vood. Mrs. S. Hitter, of Chicago, made a few shun. calls rm friends recently. Miss M. \Vhip, of Toronto, has been Llw guest of Mrs. .l. Granger. “"0 an‘ glad to know that Mrs. Nor- man Lim,uf1\]aple, who, with her two little daughters have been staying for some weeks with Mr. and M rs. A. Patterson, is regaining health and strength in hex- plvasant parental home. Mrs. Hm'atiu Day, of Kingsme. has lwon visiting Mrs. “’11:. Cook, of “The Elms.” Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bowen and chil- dren spent 1:st Mundny with Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Bmvvn. Miss Minnie (Ionk is spending her hulidnys with hvr sister, Mrs. F. Graham, Richmnml Hill. On account of the rain on Saturday, the annual Sunday School picnic, whir-h was tn have been held on the church and sclnml grounds. was pust- ponml until \Vodnosday. The weather was all that could lw desired, and a large number of friends gathered from all the sm-ruundiug neighborhood. Among those present were Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Muran and Rev. Mr. and MN. RaVcrafL of Maple; Miss Mabel Beatty and Miss C(mpm‘, of’l‘hm‘nhill. Miss Braattv assisted with very much interest in the games and races, which were held in the school yard. A wry interesting game, of football by two teams nf pickvd players ~was played on the home field on Mr. Thos. Cook’s grounds. A bountiful tea was served on the church la wt], and a most enjoy- ahle evening was spent by all. The winners in the races were: Buys 8 ymrs and lindenâ€"«‘Vilbert Bmvvn. Chesler Bmven, Ernest; Bowen. Girls 8 years and under.â€"Zoe Paulin, Mary Hunt, Lillian Cook. Boys 15 years and undenâ€"Hm‘nld Kirby, Byron Appleton, George Hunt. Girls 15 years and lindenâ€"Laura. Prentice, Minnie 000k, Agnes Patter- SUM. r v' 24 (a At [)rvsvnilfthe €)f;fyicé>mi‘suh‘gl‘d Mr. 1’. Ellis ML :1 salary of $600 le town nf Nurlh Toronto on Sui.- m‘dny [.‘HHit‘tI by-lnws m instnl smvngp disposal \mGs, and the uponing up Of parallvl lands both vast, and west, of Yunge snrwt. York County Council has givnn no- tice that at thv end of Nuvomhvr they will :llmlisll tho office of (Inunltyy‘MnAg: ‘ Young Indios’ 1:1ce.â€"â€"M:1ud Bowen. D'Iargnre-t Pu rgtice, Alice Appletgn. Buys” three legged race.~â€"lst, Russel Munknmn, Orville. Granger; 2nd, By- rnn Appleton, Lvslie Ba ker; 3rd, Geo. Hunt, \Vellingtnn Munkman. Bout racowGiI-ls 12 years and under. -â€"L:un-;I Prentice, Minnie Ucmk, Gussie Prpntice. Bout. raceâ€"Boys 12 years and under. -H:n-n1d Kirby, Geo. Hunt, Orville GltilFIgth‘. Gills” \valkingt-ace.â€"â€"Laum Prentice, Alice Applelnn, Gussie Prentice. Mount Pleasant. Mr. A. \Vehster, of Hnlihm-ton, made a short Visit to a few of his relatives here. Mr. ’I‘. \V. McLean and family, of Omouwe, spent a feW days at the par- ental home in Mount Pleasant. Tho muuh m-ede-d min sent by :I kinfl pruvidcnue «m the 10th inst. made a grvnt change on the growing crmp ne'cvssnry fm‘ Hw wants of mun and Leash. How dependent we are (m the Giver 01" NH gum}. Thv (flwvsv let'ltn'y is doing 2L rushing businosx this spasm] unva the, manage- ment of Mr. Mclndn. Bast tnpiuc: , 4 lbs. for 250. Ran- gmm rim», 6 lbs. for 2513. Atkinson 85 Switzvr. A hook on Rheumatism, by Dr. Shoop. of Racine, \Vis., tells some plain truths. and in a plain and prac- tical way. Got this booklet, and :1 f1 93 trial treatment of Dr. Shoop’s Rheu- matic Remedv for some disheartened sufferer in your vicinity. Make a grateful and appreciative friend of some one who is discouraged because of the failures of others to help him. Help me to make this test, and I’ll certainly help your sulfering fliend. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. Mrs. G. Argue and her daughter onllvd (m n few nf their relatives on \Vedm-sduv, H1914th inst. There was a picnic heldhy part of the McLean Ulnn on Dominion Day, (In the grounds adjoining the parental homo. nndvr the shade of the old apple tree, where they were W921 supplied with the good things to sustainlife, and whore the rising generation was well x-ogn-vsvntvd, who fully enjoyed the grand H-uninn. M‘rys. J. Denny and her family. of Ottawa. aw visiLing and enjoying the Gun] l-ofrvslfing lp-evzvs. Maurice Rosenberg: and his sister were at the home of tlwil' mother lww. News Notes. Carrville. Tel! Some M1 @ne It Is Free If It Fails. 'ill you do an act, of Humanity? Will you tell some sick friend of this, my remarkable ofi'er? _ Tell him or her, that you have learncdofa medxcino so certain than iLH maker (lure my to the sick. "It is absolutely and unconditionally free if it fails." And you. no doubt, “heady know of Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative and its popularity" For 20 years it has been the smndmd rom- edy for Stomach, Kidney and Heart, ailmrmls every whore in America. When the ' 'iuside“ or vontrolling nm'vos oi these vital organs. begin to fail, it is Dr. Shoop’u Restorative that has quickly \‘ihili'lrd. and strong (honed, and brought these nerves and organs back to health again. I do not 030 ‘ ye Stomach, nor stimulate me IIt-art or Kidneysâ€"for that, is all wrong. Dr. Shonp‘s Restorative 3005 direct, to ‘lhe (1111.96 of these ailments-{he failing, faltm-ing. inside or commng nerves. And herein lies um keynote to my 5111x2053. ‘ n ,3 \’\ hen tho». norfis are again made we“ and strong, then tlmtis the certain end of all such ckuoss. 1 u “N . w” the only phys ‘inn a 5.5107 Uni sufi'ering sick. ""ake my prescription for full 30 (ML ~ mul if it. fails to In-Ip you. the entire exp, 0 is mineâ€"not yours." m... "y. _, . Tlsz why should the sick take may chance on, any other medicine, whom makm‘ dare not back itjust as I do by this remarkable qfl'er? I also have a Rh'Exumatio ermody-nnd that remedy 18 covered by the sumo identical "No help. no pay" protective plan. Besides. you are free to_ consult me just as you would your home nhysivmn. My mivim and the bOOk‘bclow ul‘c yoursâ€"and \‘. ithout cost For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village and vicinity:-â€" Canadian P u b - fishing Company Perhaps a word ortwn {mm me will (lam up some serious ailment. I llnvu helped thmmmds upon thousands by my private prl‘s‘f‘l'intirm 0" personal advice plan. My best effort is surely woth your simple request. cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American corn (old). The monthly magazines of the above company Lover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription (11‘. low rates. Gussel’s Magazine, per annum The SLtvry Teller Th? Quiver . . Musical Hme Jon The Girls’ Rwllm Little Folks Chums . . o mu] ...._.._‘lâ€"n;_._»_. CASSELLS & COMPANY 42 Adelaxde St. VJ. Toronto STEAM COAL For threshing engines. NUT, STOVE, FURNACE Best Scranton coal. All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. Subscriptions taken 2:: THE LIBERAL Office, or rmy be sent to I'vAv-n JV So let me send you an order at once. Take the message 10 some sick friend, A postal will brim: the opponunity. . I will have an honest and trustworthy drugs- gist to whom you can conveniently go for the KO (lay test. But first. ask me for the order. for all drug zists me not authorized to give the 30 day test. So write me now and save all delay~n Roâ€" member tlmt tomorrow nnvcr comes. Address Dr‘ Simon. Box i2, Racine. Wis. Which Book 811111 I Send You? A150 file. CASSELLS’ It is not necessary to send to foreign cou.1tries {or man” zines. Read the foilowingzwâ€" No.1 On Dyspeps1a No. 2 On the Heart No. 3 On the Kidney: J. H. BAKER Bran and Victor Feed for Tomeit’is a quat satisfncfiiog that”! GOA L. [Single copies, 3 cts. No. 4 For Women No. b For Men No. 6 On Rheumatism. in the 71‘) :1” all .70

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