Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Jul 1909, p. 8

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éé+++++++++++++++++++++$$Â¥ School Books. Standard Novels, Souvenir Post Cards, Post Card Albums, Papetries, ‘ Rubber Balls, Etc , Etc. Go to The Liberal Office for Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, Programmes, &c , &C %+‘¥+++°¥*9*+Â¥+++++~P+++++ +4"!- Printing, - Statonery, School Books. Exquisiter printed or. fine coated paper. Pictures of well-known people, of current events. of things beauti- ful and curious About one thousand. square inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great, il- lustrated papers of London appeal to the English people. Non political. Absolutely no axe to grind. Its aim solely to please and to inform. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ton cents a copy. Ono dollar a your. The Pic- torial Publishing 00., 142 St. Peter St. Montreal. 21-Lf mMethoulst'Guarch-«Services at 10.50 a. m., and 'i p. :11. Sunday School at 2.30. General pmyer 1:573:91;an Th}i/rsda.y.qvo_\-1ing.‘ ‘ Terms: $4 a year, $2 for six months. We send ’7 free on re- quest 0 u r catalogue of t h e b e s t .. _ books on outdoor hfé 'and recreation. FOREST AND STREAM PUB. (I). 346 Broadway, New York. W Richmond nudge, A F afid A M ~Meets Mon- dst on or before full mpog Church of Englandâ€"â€"Services at 3 p. m. 1st, 221'1a11d4t11 Sunday. Third Sunday m, It a m. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 11 a. m., and 7 ). [1). Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meet-mg eluesday evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter. name Suninys at 9 a. In. am} 10.30 Aalm. Camp Elam, S O S â€"Meets second and fouxth Viedues'lav H T of Tompemnce~Mcets first Wednesday Oi each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday of every munch » Public berary and Rea-ling Room-Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. luworth Leagueâ€"Meets evorv Monday Junior Epworth League meets everyMon- duy afternoon at 4. new depart- ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home and its surroundings. Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€"-Mcets Lbiri Wednesday of each mnuth THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE "Hoth Ricfimbhd: A O F â€"- Meets fourth Fri- (19y â€" eriences ofan lers, ]ears and campeé, or 0 terested in counh ask your newsdca “FOREST ‘ O STREAM," 0 us twenty-five for four weeks trial i large illustrated “O STREAM," or send us twenty-five cents for four weeks trial trip. A large illustrated Weekly journal of shooting, fishing, natural his- tory and yachting. A Sport “CANADIAN PICTORIAL” Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MOBNING EVENING . “600 N. B.â€"Registered letters must; be handed in m, lanes Fifteen Minutes curlier than the above n .ntioned hours 101' closmg. .800 Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Exchmond Bill Post Office as follows:- Mnil Closes for tha South POST OFFICE NOTICE GOOD STOCK OF OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P, M. EVENING Mail Closes for Auroraâ€"- MORNING.... EVENIN Village Directory. Mornng Mail arrives £3.15 Evenmg Mail arrives 8.15 MONEY ORDERS terested in country life, ask your newsdealer for “FOREST AND M. TEEFY Postmaster If you like to read of the ex- ,shoot- yacht- ing; or‘ if you‘ are in-i Randy Nov. 15, 1908, best ever sent out. lwautifnl cnvers in colum. fine pnrtrnit of Pruf. Hicks in colors, all the old featuresanrl several new (me-s in the book. The lwst astronomical year hook and the only one mmtuimng the Miginal “Hicks \Veutlm‘ Fnrecasts.” By mail 350. 011 news stands 300, Ono. copy free with W'ORI) ANT) WORK” the best $1 Monthly in Amvriml. Dis- counts on almanacs in quantities. Agents Wanted. WORD 8: WORKS PUBLISHING (10., anlhill Nurseries (850 acres) 4-3111 TORONTO. ONTARIO country The demand fm‘ Nursery Stack is increasing yearly, and if you becmne nu» of nur salesmen Vrvu will realize there is good money in the business fut-you. \Vrite at once. for particu- lars Pay weekly. Free outfit. The Rev.lRL. R. HICKS in RICHMOND HILL and adjoining STONE & WELLINGTON “CANADA’S ()LDEST AND GREATEST NURSERIES” 2201 LOLUST STREET, ST. LOUIS, Mo. field! are source. but those wno wrlle Srinson .& Co.,Portland, Mainemill receive free. full information about work which they can do. and live at lmme.tha¢ will pay them from $5 to $25 per day. Some have earned over 5.30 in a day Either sex. your": or old. (inpilnl not required, You are started free Thnse whn slur! at one! fie absolutelJ sure of snug limo fortuncn. All i: new. FURNITURE, PAINTS, 8c OILS P. G. SAVAG E GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill A14 NI ‘LN ACIX FOR 1909. A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED OUR STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE IN Wall Papers. Ceiling and Borders TO MATCH IN NEW DESIGNS. See these before buying elsewhere. STOCK AT VERY MODERATE PRICES. AT ONCE to rcpt-959, n l: ‘ The full color card shows 48 handsome shades. S.. W. P. is put up full measure, always. It’s colors are clear, bright and lasting. It 60sts less by the job than any other paint made. It forms a tough, durable film that wears and looks well for the longest time. It’s made fror'n pure white lead, pure zinc white, and pure linseed oil. It does not powder, flake off or crack. "ADI To FAINT IUDLEING. WOT" DUTIIDI “ND DNIIDI Tm: SflEflWlN-WILLIAMS PAINT RICHMOND HILL JACOB EYER & SON UP-TOâ€"DATE IN EVERY RESPECT. +4++++++++¢++++++++++ +++H++*+*++*NH++++ SOLD BY THE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA TICKETS fur the Canadian \Vest procured at 31-Lf (I'm. Gov. Employment Agent, Riclnnond Hill, Ont. Take Metropolitan Electric Car at North Toronto fur Richmond Hill. The undersigned will endeavor in place Immigrants frmn the Unitvd Kingdom as farm lnhurers and du- mestws in this vicinity. Any persnn requiring such help should notify me persunnlly (Ir by letter stating fully the kind 0f hclp required, when wanted, and the rate of wages offered. Every effan will he mud? {n provide each applicant with help required. T. F. MCMAHON, Tickeis for the West The Next Sitting of Divxsion Court fm N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Hnmn, DIVISION - BIIIIIIT. Our prices are reasonable and our goods wearable. Besides that, it is stylish, easy, comfortable, and has that strong, luxurious look that only harness rightly made ever bears. THE LIBERAL O FFICE, RICHMOND HtLL. It‘s a combination of good leather and best workmanship. Orders taken at- You won’t; find any harness better than ours anywhere. 0f the Fines? fiuaéiiy Farm Laborers. Saturday, Oct. 2, 1909, RICHMOND HILL ___()N_ Cnmmencmq at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK For literature and full information about; fishing and holiday mLes, write PASSENGER 0mm, Touoxro, ONT. Lake Simcoe, Sparrow Lake. Muskoka Lakes, Georgian Bay, Maganetawan. PickereL and French Rivers, Crossing Lake Musknka at. Baht Park and along the Show of Lake Joseph; skilting nearly 100 hudies of water be- tween Toronto and Sudhury. CANADIAN NORTHE RN ONTARIO. Tourist AND Week~End “M310 Excursion 1 Tickets D. Hm §2 C0. Pineapples and Bananas Hill’s Home-mafia British CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO Hill’s Home-made wasn’t there if the merit I} iclun on (1 11 ill On Sale from Toronto. THEVSGENIC ROUTE T0 A. J. HUME The Money You‘Save Saves You Grocers and Confectioners \VnnLESALE AND R ETAIL Ezlnblished I873 It is hum-men of 1 ho undvni‘ “Illl’ :md l-tnmistt'nt, high quality of Hu- BH'ml thnL from worryâ€"wantâ€"â€"dahâ€"-humiliation. A comforwablc Bank Account gives one an easy mind, SEW-confidence, and ihe power to take advantage of CVezy opportunity that comes to better one's position, glvcs Savings Depositors, whether ‘heir accounts be large or the most courteous service. Make a beginning at once wiih a Deposit of One Dollar or more, in our Savings Department. 73 TAILOR \Vv onnh‘l nm‘m in a, lhuusnml ymnr: Svll the Broad w«- have Inuit-1' FOR TH [S \V E ICK. has stunt] t'fiw TEST fur many years . . E. M. Byrne, Manager BRANCHES ALSO AT MAPLE. MARKHAM AND RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Ten per cent cheaper, ten per cvnt hotter for Business Shorthand, and Mattie. Bookle Free. OF CANADA R. A. Farquharson, B. A, Prim. Cor. Yonge & Bloor Sts. STOUFFVILLE. Term of 1909. HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL “ME Llfififfi‘fifig‘ $1.00 194 AWAHGE. +++++++++++++++++$++ +4.44%»? W. HEWISON +-%++++++++'§"§'++++%+>Z~§~++++++ Tamworth Swine. 44-3") WIUUWDME 8706K FARM. F. .5. WW} MES W. A. Sandersané Bugs, Worms & Caterpillars Hellebore Insect Powder I)ATR()N;\UE SHLXCI‘TED AND SATISFAC"‘IHN "IITARAN'I‘I‘IPJ1 Pure Pureâ€"bred But] Calves. 3m JOHN MCKENZIE. T F. J. WUUDWARD. Nothing for sale at present hnL Holstein Cattle AND HORSE-SEWING A Druggist RICHMOND H ILL â€"â€"GO TO»- Paris â€"FORâ€" 77 Branches Green SPECIAL? Y small, pmplnyrd has Inka :lmtvd by (,u Mite-ml

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