As it rained this year on July 15, and as copious showers followed for several davs thereafter, some people were about; no believe in the popular superstition “m if it; rains on St. Swithin‘s Day it will rain for the next forty days. The ï¬ne weather during the present week, however, has convincwl the ha‘iymakcrs in this district thnL the mind saint who lived in the Lime (if King Alfred has lost his grip on the weather. A11 occasion- al shower is n (lcligrht and a blosï¬ng, hut a forty (lm's‘ ‘ziin is too much like a remindvr «if Noah’s flood. The Christian (him-dim) last week, under the Imazhng‘ “Playgrounds and Profaniby,“ expresses appreciation fi 1’ the oponim: 111» m" y‘aygrounds fur the )cci'eation of j-zngz' people, hm [minis wit: that “w :: ~'(]_V cicmenh is much in cvid those 1.1:! ’95. 04:0 It is not an uncommon thing at this season of the year for preachers to promise their congregations that if they will onlv come to church during the hot weather they will not have to listen to long: sermons. We are sat- isï¬ed that no apology is necessary on the part of the preachers. To pre- pare and deliver a sermon involves a large amount of energy, and is no easy task. Those, therefore, who simply sit and listen, and, if they feel inclined, fan themselves, have, surely, little to complain about. A recent number of Saturday Night states that Rev. W. B‘. Wilson has again been taken for another gentle‘ man. While sitting in an hotel in St. Pauls a few days ago, returning from a convention, he was greeted by another delegate from Nebraska as follows: “Mr. Bryan, we want you to give us a lecture sure. about New Year’s.†Mr. Wilson replied that he would be pleased to comply with the request, but told the stranger that he had evidently made a mistake, think- ing he was talking to the late Demo- cratic candidate. A few years ago when Mr. Wilson gained his notori- ety by being ordered by a policeman to “move on," it was generally thought at the time that the ofï¬cer, who was an Orangeman, mistook his prisoner for a Catholic priest. These mistakes remind one of the story told about a man who had been wrongly talmn for the Prince of“ Wales, the Duke of Argyle and, other notables, and meeting another; person the latter looked at him andl said, “Holy Moses, is that youâ€? i The Canadian Parliament in ex- pressing sympathy does not say, and does not mean, dismemberment or separation. They are only asking for Ireland that which we now enjoy in Canada, but which we did not get without a struggle. The ï¬rst article in The Weekly Sim this week written byA Bystander, treats of the struggle now going on between the Lords and the people of mgland. The writer claims that the Lords recently rendered them- selves useful by throwing out the bill favoring Home Rule for Ireland, passed by the Commons, thus “saving the United Kingdom from dismem~ berment.†A Bystander then points out the folly t?) of the Canadian Par- liament in expressing any sympathy for the Homerulers. He says :â€"â€"“It is worth remembering that the Can- adian Parliament, with its imperialist professions, has more than once voted sympathy with Home Rule, that is for the dismemberment of the United Kingdom,the heart of the Empire.â€: RICHMOND HILL. 01wu JULY “(251w ï¬ibml. HOME RULE NOT DISMEM- BERMENT. WHO NEXT ? 'l"mx proprietor of Pleasant View “and Holstein Cattle and Bwodor wf Improved Chester \Vhitc Hugs. LoL 25). 1st, 001'), Vaughan (’J‘hm'nhiH) has f0†‘lee Hume gr (1 young stuck. 'HIOX‘()U;,_. ml min and hog kept for service (m 1110 pn-nyisvs, D. Gr. GOODER H A M, afternoun., MAPLE BREAfl PLEASANT VIEW FARM The undersigned wiLl visit RICH- MOND HILL every WEDNESDAY WPEE BAKERY A Well-bred Collie Pup about six months old. \Yil‘lï¬ejlï¬lggap. Earl Grey, the Governor-General, who is now in England, has been LP“- ing the British press of the importance of the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, and The Daily Mailand other leading English journals are urging British tradesmen to take advnnmge of the Exhibition as a means of show- ing their war-es to the Canadian public. Tuesday's recaipts at Toronto cus- toms house reached $100,351. the largest ordinary day’s receipts in the house’s history. 3m I will say my last farewvll': I advise you. give up liquor, It will lend you down to hell; Evilv thoughts and bad companions And a v101ent temper shun. You‘ll be guilty of no action That can never be undone. The Toronto World published a poem which it was said was written by Wal- ter Blythe, who is now in Toronto Jail. awaiting execution for the murder of his wife. It is a. strange production, but one verse is worthy of quotation as evidence that the unfortunate man realizes the cause of his fearful crime. He says : As I sit and wait for Radcliffe 257o discount on all men's straw hats. Milliuery and millinery trimmings at half price. Atkinson &. Switzer. place is particularly referred to where the school grounds in a neighboring city were ordered to be closed after six o'clock until the board had time to consider the matter. It must be admitted with regret; that profanity is indulged in on many playgrounds. Some boys and young men seem to think that the one who talks the loud- est is the greatest hero of the party. To check a young man for misconduct is often an unpleasant task, yet preachers, teachers and all who pro- fess to be good citizens should never miss an opportunity to speak a word of warningâ€"even at the risk of pop- ularity. Our best friends are not those who close their eyes and their ears when they see us and hear us do things and say things that they know are unbecoming. Every man should endeavor to be his brother’s keeper, even if that brother does not thank him for the interest he shows on his behalf. White wine. cider, and malt vine- HTS, always in stock. Alklllsnn 65 rwitzer. CHEASLNORIVIAN, at Hull’s and, Gmingvr’s Grocery Stores. There are many way. of ï¬xing them. No two cases are alike. Dome and let us tell you “How†and “Why†and “If.†We advise free. He‘lth and appearance depend upon your teeth. Give the muttor careful thought? A MURDERER’S WARNING- PROPRIETOR. For Sale ASK FOR J. u. INNES‘. and SATURDAY Richmond Hill. P1 '< ,. .zl'i L ’1 o I On Ynngze St, Richmond Hill, 211) 8-1'0ome-d hnuse. with hard and soft water and a guru! garden. Apply to Good 8-1-00mm1 brick house, with fun-mute and every cunvenivnce. Pos- session given August 15. l), HILL, 4--lf 48-tf Early orders stflicited. For table or for canning. Apply tn MRS. HARRISON, 4-3 A car load of Thrvshing Con] has ar- rived. at Stiver- & Rumor 00:11 Sheds. (I. N. 0. Station. Also Belleville Rock Portland Cement at the Elevator. Apply to MISS NOBLE, Maple 0.1- to VVILTJAM COOK, Barrister, 33 Richmond St. West, Toronto. 48-tf VVest half lot 23. in 4th concession Vaughan. 4-4 For fï¬x-ther particulars apply on the premise-s. L. B. SUHELL, Lot No. 3, third (:nn. VVhitchurch (one. mile from Gnrmley station on the O. N. 0.), containing 89 acres. The farm is well watered, having thIee good wells, and a flowing spring all the year round. The land is in a good state of cultivation. Good large orchmd of apples, pears. cherries and small fruits. Largo frame house with excellent, cellar, two barns, stable and other outbuildings. Convenient to school, post ofï¬ce, church and store. 100 Acres. Brick House and Bank Burn. 5l-tf Fifteen IICI‘OS on 1% con. Vaughan. rear of lot 38, with bank ham 34x44, 1; acre gond bearing orchard. and JUIH- fortable 7~roomvd house, gnnd garden- ing soil. For fux'Lher particulars "Apply to CONDITIONS OF SALEâ€"Possession will be given on April 15L. 1910. Ten % of purchase money to be paid on acceptance 01 Tender, sulï¬de-mt of the balance to make One Thousand Dollars to be paid on April 15L, 1910, while the balance may be left; on Mortgage fur a term of years with interest at, the late oï¬Flve percent. per annum. The highest ‘01' any Lender not necessarily accepted. For any furlhel informatiun apply This is a. very desirable property. and is close to school, church. and post ofï¬ce, and only two miles distant from Maple Station. Sealed tenders, addressed to the unâ€" dersigned will he received up to and in- cluding Wednesday, August 4th.. 1909. for the purchase of the following VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY being the West half of lot, 27 in the Third Ooneession of the Township of Vaughan, containing ninety nine and three quarter acres, be the same more or less. Electors are called upon to examine the said List and if any omissions or any other errors are found thexein to take immediate proceedings to have 1the said ermrs cox-lected according to aw. A; J. HUME, Clerk of the said Municipality. pitted this 2lst day of July. 1909. County of York._ Notica is hereby giVen that I have transmitted (ii-delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections Ei ht and Nine of the Ontario “Voters’ ist Act†the copies required by said sections to he so transmitted or delivered of the List made pursuant to said Act of all per- sons appearing by the last Revised As- sessment Roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said muni- cipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly. and at Muni- cipal Elections; and that the said List was ï¬rst posted up at my ofï¬ce. at the Village of Richmond Hill on the 17th day of July. 1909, and remains there fuginspection. RICHMOND HILL VOTERS LIST, 1909 Tenders Wanted House to Rent Farm. for Sale Farm for Sale Municipwlity of the Village of Raspberries For Sale For Sale TO 1431'; Notice H. NIGHOLLS, Real Estate Agent, Richmond Hill. Apply. "\V'. H. PUGSLEY. H. U. BAILEY. 'Box 15, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Gm-mley P. O. Maple, 0n tr. Concord. 1, 1910 Weekly Mail, to January 1, 1910 The Daily Globe, one year York County The Daily Mail andhEm~ plre, one year (York County) The Daily Star, received. on Clay of publication The Daily 813%th receiv- ed day of publloation Family Herald and Weelr~ ly Star Subscriptions for weekly and. daily papers taken with “The Liberal†at $1 a year, at the following rates:-- Weekly Globe, to January 1, 1910 Weekly Mail, to January 1, 1910 The Daily Globe, one year York County The Daily Mail andhEm~ pire, one year (York County) The Daily Star, received. on day of publication The Daiiy Sï¬avmot receiv- ed. day of miblioatinn 3750. W30. 2.50 2.50 2.25 E50 §§§§§§§§6§¢§§§§¢¢§§§ 060660 O§6§¢§O¢§¢+¢§ v+9+§¢§§ OQOOO; O , v zlln lots of ï¬ve pounds or more. Berger 3 famous: :Imported English Paris Green, the kind y°u§ : usually pay up to 300. per pound for. This offer is good : zonly on presentation of this advertisement, and is void : gafter july 3Lst. 2 movoovoo+o¢o¢o+o+oo§o++o 9+9¢§§§¢§§6§§f¢§+9¢6 009’... and give better satisfaction all round â€" only the best materials used am construction. The equipment is throughout are such as we can thou biles as well as bicycles and our pla advertisement to the entire business: Parisï¬reen THE RUSSILL EARDWARE 7 7' ‘1 ' ' ' ‘ ' ' 4 best materials used and only skilled HYSLOP BROS., Limited High-Class Automobiles and Bicyclas TORONTO, ONT. $50 E’Vheeig far $.25 126 East King 313., Toronto HYSLOP BROS V the dcnmnd t‘nls year being ï¬ve :imes what it \ms ï¬ve years ago. \Ve have planned for il in two ways‘7by getting the very best lingâ€" lish whee} we can furpopulmselling,and ;aving to our customers all intermediate pro- ï¬ts by ï¬lling orders dz’rrtl />_y mail instead of through agents. In this way we can offer lcnals used and only skilled memzmics employed In equipment is right upto-dato and the machines as we can thoroughly recommend. “70 50]] automo- les and our plan is to make wheels serve as a good entire business. Sand for ill: rated folder. Bicycles are ' oming hack into popular favor, the dcnmnd t‘nls year being ï¬ve {imes what it was ï¬ve years The quality of the wheels is all right i909 C0.